The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 26, 1943, Page 10, Image 10

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    The OREGON STATESMAN. Salem. Oregon. Friday Morning. March 23, 1S43
Tires ior the Tunisian Front
Civil Air Patrol Trains for W Servite
Germans See
SE Defenses "
. " I ' ' j ,' ". ?
' f : Bjr 'Tbm Associated' Press-" ' "
v" .The Cerman people are now bei
ing .shown newsreel "of "mod
era ' defense ' system?, of coastal
fortifications built-up by the nazi
army Pin, the "lait". two - years, "in
' -M
southeastern Europe.Mortifications
' - . -
' -s- ', - -Jr 1 -t -V
1 v "m.. w 'x. ' c ;" -: ' '
A .-( M .- -'&-
Another of Salem's defense and war service organizations, hquaaron
t 921-5 of the civil air patrol. The squadron hasa trained personnel
I of SO privates in addition to its heavy complement of commissioned
; and non-commissioned officers. The commander, Capt. Lee U.
S Eyerly, stands fourth from left in the front row.
Salem CAP Not Grounded
Three for One
" ' -
; . Li
Though Their Aircraft Are
" rnnsirfprable interest has been shown the Salem civil air
patrol squadron by CAP officials due to its growth and progress
i : : Ko 4ri sc vet all f.AP nlanps
til 11 cllliui, ICgUUlC v - J I '
located west of the Cascades are grounded. As there is nowsome
i talk of the civil air patrol being
taken oyer by the army air corps,
flying will probably be resumed
this, summer. Numerous promo
tions have already been earned
by the victory corps members. ;
" Commissioned officers of , the
Salem squadron include the fol
lowing members: - Capt; Lee U
Eyerly in command; Lt. Austin
Cater, second in command; Lt. E.
Thomas; Lt. George Cleary,! drill
master, under whose leadership
the squadron has attained one of
the best drill records -in the coun
try, considerinz the short time oft-
training; Lt. Elmer; Riney; Lt.
James Cannon; Lt. Ernest Gray;
Lt. R. . M. Moore; Flight Officer
Fannie Douglas;' Flight' Officer
RonaJd Sully; Lt. R. G. Severin,
intelligence and public relations
Non-commissioned officers are:
First Sgt. David Bates,! Flight Sgt.
Clark Purevein, Flight Sgt. Jack
Hogan, Sgt. Garth Stonehacker,
Sgt. Clyde Shreve, Sgt Tom Ter
rill, Sgt. Clarence Conrad, Sgt.
Jennie M. Reinhart, Sgt. Merle
Hairnsberger, Cpl. Utah Smith,
Cpl. Thomas Thoralson Cpl. Feme
Kelly, Cpl. Merle Cox j Cpl. ; Mary
Jane Osburn, Cpl. Evelyn Berger,
Cpl. Ted Mankirtz.
About 80 privates complete the
squadron. Besides military drill,
classes have been given in school
of I the soldier, military courtesy,
interior guard, meteorology, navi
g a t i o n, protective concealment,
civil defense and gasi protection.
Numerous classes remains to be
given before the ground course is
completed. j
A dance will be given by the
squadron some time in April to
which the public will i be invited.
School Board Offers j
Contracts, Increased j
Salary 20 Teachers
WOODBURN At I a recent
meetlnr of the Woodburn school j
board, all Woodbnrn j teachers j
were offered contracts calling
for Increases in salary. The
grade school teachers are to re
ceive a 25 per cent Increase,
while the high school teachers
will receive Increases of from
15 to 2t per cent. As yet.
contracts have
or rejected.
been accepted
pea wtui new neavj -snu . uw
Berliti radio said Wednesday night
asj reiorded 'by - tiie federal com
munications commission. , ,v- "
..J The? defense - lines extend" to
dreteland Thave 'been undercori--
structlon since toe defeat of the
Yugoslav's and Greeks;. !"New di-:
Viionis" equipped with newheayy
arms f have; nly. , recenuy-: Deen
transported; to these-'front, .said
'the broadcast; recorded by the
Associated Presao -3 : ncwsreei. snows uu-iann
defenses, i camouflaged gun- posi
tidns i and barbed wire entangle--
menti on "Crete, which" the nazis
won by aerial and sea attack, the !
broadcast added.
t ..
Bill Names Road
A; resolution (HJ.Res. 105) in
troduced Wednesday by Delegate
Dimohd of Alaska would officially
name! the new 1600-mile road to
Alaska the "Alaska highway."
,n 4
f 1 III! I II.
Among the tremendous quantities of supplies being unloaded by Americans for the jise of US troops
i and their allies on the Tunisian front are these rubber track tires on a dock at Oran, Algeria. Tracks,
tanks and other weapons of war whicharrive in sections
the docks. Associated Press TelemaU ; l
pot together
Since its completion the highway
has unofficially become know as
the "Alcar
cently drc
highway whijh
criticism from
on mm '-assembly line" on
who said it sounded too
much like "ashcan."
Oft. i
Jack Bachtell, 11, (above), of Mc
Gregor, la- sent his scout knife
to a group seeking long-bladed
weapons for soldiers in the Pa
' eiflc When word of his deed
, got around, admirers sent him
- ' three knives, one of which he
is shown examining. Associat
' ed Press Telemat.
Sflft Aftnrl Herd Sale
" 175 and 200 people attended the
sale held Tuesday afternoon at
t the C. A. Rockhkill and Son
farm when their herd of 25
head of dairy cows was auction
's ed. The owners were well sat
' fled with the returns with $155
being the highest price paid for
, one cow.
Legal Notice
' Notice is hereby given that Elis
abeth S. Swanson, by order of the
Circuit Court of the State of Ore
gon for Marion County, has been
' appointed administratrix of the es
tate of Edwin Leroy Swanson, de-
ceased. Any persons having claims
"against said estate are requested
10 present tnem with proper
vouchers to said administratis at
the office of her attorneys, 310
Pioneer Trust Building, Salem,
Oregon, within six months from
the date of this notice.
Dated, March 19, 1943
Administratrix of the es
tate of Edwin Leroy Swan
'Attorneys for the estate of Edwin
i Leroy Swanson, deceased.
! 310 Pioneer Trust Building Salem,
Oregon. t M 19-26 A. 2-9-16
that the undersigned, HOMER W.
.,2X3 AN, Executor of the Estate of
: filed in the Circuit Court of the
; State of Oregon, for Marion Coun
' ty, his Final Account, and that said
: .Court has by an order thereof, de
signated Tuesday, the twentieth
' day of April, AJX, 1943, at the hour
. f 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon of
said day at the Circuit Court room
in the Court House at Salem, Ore-
ten., as the time , and place for
s hearing objections to said Final
Account and the settlement of said
' ; Estate, at which said time and
place 'all persons objecting shall
j appear and show cause, if any
: there be, why said account should
net in all things be, allowed and
' a c proved, the said estate "settled
and closed, and the Executor dis
charged. . . .
" - Executor. oJt the Estate, of AL-
- BERT J. EG AN, Deceased.
LYBE J.'-PAG E ? - -
Salem, Oregon -.
Attorney for Estate. v.:
rirst Published. March 19, 1943.
Last Published, April 16, 1943.
. - -M 13-28-A 2-9-16
Mrs. Prather Goes
To Uncle's Funeral i
Prather, accompanied by her mo
ther, Mrs. Black, attended the fu
neral of Sam Bugbee, an uncle of
Mrs. Prather, in Portland Wednes- I
day. Mi'
Mr. and Mrs. C. Cobine and
children, were Sunday guests at I
the Ronald Smith home in Siletz.
Mrs. Blanch Rust and son, Fer
rel, of Salem, spent the weekend
with her mother, Mrs. Addie Har
mon. !
Robert and Margaret Wells of i
Portland, visited several days with
their sister, Mrs. Milo Graber.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Prather and i
M. and Mrs. L. S. Prather, were
Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Gail Prather. !
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bratton
and children, of Olympia, Wash.,
were weekend guests of her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Wells.
Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Tann and
Mr. and, Mrs. H. E. Prather were
visiting Sunday at ' Camp Adair I
and in Corvallis. i
Willa Dean and Betty Lou. Long
spent Sunday with their parents,
Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Long.
Friends of Miss Kathryn
Short have word she Is married
and now lives la Washington.
The name of the bridegroom
was not learned.
amhill Health Officers!
Take Tests for Malaria
Stolte, Yamhill county health doc
tor, assisted by Mrs. Nina Miller,
one of the county,; health nurses.
held a clinic at the school .Tues
day morning to determine the pre- !
valence - of malaria I germ carriers
in the j district Sixty-six blood
smears were taken and the same i
number; of scalene! 'examinations i
were made among the pre-school
age school students and adults. ,
i During the past two years sev
eral cases of malaria have devel
oped in 'the district anx! the coun- j
ty health officials are putting forth ''
every effort toward checking- the
disease.' "-.,"'
1 - i ? i - ' ....
Orecon Births Climb -
: PORTLAND, March 25 H&)
Births, in Oregon last month num
bered 1893, up 3U lrom a year
ago, the Oregon state'' board of
health -Ycported "..Wednesday. ;
r -iki W. -
r r
. . vv r-.-. .
Pacific States Crass Seefs,
8oz., 1 5c
Crebent Lawn Seed, 75c lb.
Giant Sweet Pea Seed, Assorted
Selectionj25c pkg.
Black Leaf 40, 1 ox., 35c
Vitamin BljPlant Tablets,
Vitalize your seeds, 10c tr 25c
Morecrop Tablets,! 1 0c
- j "
Napthelcne Flakes, worm and
insect destroyer, 5 lbs., 49c
Ail the seeds and flowers are tested for produc
tion results and are taken from the finest atocka
availabue. Uae sprays and Vitamin tablets to in
sure the finest for your garden results.
Cultivator, 15 c
Fork, for. easier weeding, 15c
Trowel, for transplanting, 15c
Pruning Shears, sturdy and well
made, 59c j
Long Handle Round Point
Shovel, $1.49
50-Foot Coupled Garden Hose,
$3.99 j
Garden Hoe, 98c
Garden Rake, 31. 19
Garden Hose j Washers, bulk,
5c dozen . i
Long Handle! Turf Edger, $1.89
Long Handle; Grass Hook,, 98c
These handy garden tools will make your gardening-more
fun ajid intake it - easier for you. All
tools of fine material and are easy to handle.
Inexpensive, yet; they make a world of difference
In work and garden: results.
- . -ji-v- " -:'."- ;-.- - j ' S
namet ware Is easf 4o cieanf and holds the neat well.' Prac-:
Ucal and Sturdy foii jill uses. Enamel ware fa mere sttln resist- y
ant and with reasonable care and good-cleaning, lasts longer ,,
than ordinary meUL This enamel ware is thickly coated and . ;
baa lota f wear and service In each piece.! Many ether pieces
now in stock at yonr favorite miu wfciwv ouw
Section, lower leTf h drug bidg.
lies! ftixingj Bowls j(4)
Good qiiiuty glass mixing , bowls, 4 in
nest, onl ... f s. - : 1 t- -.r '
6-Quari Windsor Kelile
PracticaFfor canning and cooking.-White
with red, trim. .
. tj j-1 . . .
Ilixina Bowls
Rkv Wiiei easv to mix batters and mix-
. , ;
tures. i i
Soan Dish (Plastic)
ParkH In an individual box. Assorted
colors. - -i.ii " ' r
Toilel Paper Holder (Plastic)
Complete with brackets, ready to in
stalL , jj j
18-In. Towel Bar v"tU
Have an extra towel rack fir conven
ience. !,?
Thm Norttiwese
Sporting Goods Automotive Supply
Dunkp Craig Wood
Golf Bails
60c Value, AH Pre
War Stock each
Here is your chance to buy these
finest of all Golf needs t low
eat price.
Lowest Tre Price
Dunlop Tires
Dunlop Ckampioiiship
Tennis Balls
A fine Pre War Ball for lots ot
wear and hard usage.
Hade accerding to regulation
tor weight and atae. (
Bate, SV
run for all and good exercise.
! Give Your Cor a Spring Cleaning
Pjirekot Top Dressing, 39c ft.
i Royal Ilaek tiro Dressing? 39c"PK
i - D Pont Liquid Speodywax. 69c ft. -
i Du Pont Dueo Paste Wax, 7-ox.,' 44 - -
i. Simonix Wax, 7-ox., 49c
I Simonix Paste Kleener, 12 -ox., 49c.
I Simonix Liquid Kleener. 20-ox., 44c
lohnson'g Car Nu, 59c Pt. .'
i Lockheed Brake Fluid. 12-ex., 56c
! : Lockkeed Brake Fluid. Quart, $1.35
i Reyal Brake Fluid, Pt., 49c :
: Dunloo Polish and Cleaner, Pt., 69c
4-Inch Rubber Blade Auto Fan, $2.95
Kunfy Kool Steering Wheel. Covers, 29 ,
Milage Vanity Mirror, 39c ;
.1 .
j . - - '
i . ' . ... : ' '
J Mda where yon caa always find eiaetly what yen
wta2tTtt. towtSS ZrlZL ry Fr Meyer Arte Sapaly tka
jrsOiy atocked. .' . "
Size '
Plus $1.06 Tax
6-25650-1 6j. $14.98, Plus $1.22 '
7.00-16, $16.43, Plus $1.46 Tax
52i-5-50-18, $10.01, Plus 94c tax
4.404.50-21, $8.90, Plug 80c T(
Our inventory is liiniited by Government Regulations, therefore we
have United sixe Srangee available at the ipreeent etocka. It we
haven't your sixe to I stock now, leave your order and we will eall
whea vnur tirs do arrive' as a constant supply 1s t coming in.
1, " AviUbl ;for Grade Certificate holders, acomplet stock of the
famous Gold Cup sOPassenger an xruca Jrre nw.i .
war Price. Tires and tubes eojd enly with
te persons holding; eueh.
a Rationing certificate
So Taxj
Sfmde ef Pre War Stock and all
re Pre War Rubber.!
trU Merer Ae tmlf U
Patribtis ; -I Autd Embloms f
V for Victory
J Remember Pearl Harbor
l Keep ;Em Flyn
l Attach to the license ilate of year automobile.
Z Void after March; 3t,
Re sa as sa as m as as m as a
O for
Wltk Ceapeia
-im t 5 '. V-'A1; AVf ;t . books for the children
CGel J M a-"diu like them,;
nobile" llSA - " !
' I 0f Void after March , '4.
iu wi wi
Auto Supply Section
Lower Lerel Drex
Dunlop Compression
Safety Tubes
! 6.00-16
$g.70 Plus 54c
1-255-50-17, $5.60,'
Taa: .
, rtue Me Taa
em e .
; 1
. : -'--
I Scrubs pans cleaner. Use
I for all pota and pans. ,
Veld aftfr March S. iMS.
Victory. r"
Pp' :