. ,'vr. f Th CHLGOII STATED JAIT. Scdxtu Onoa, WtdaMday Morning. March 21. !Si3 Classified Advertising Statesman ' f Classified Ads Call 9101 f Three taserttaas per line 25c Sis insertions per lln 40c One month per line Minimum charge 25c; S tL min imum 35c; 6 tL min. 45t No refunds. ' --:r Copy tor this pee accepted un til 6-30 the evening before publica tion for classtficaUoa Copy re ceived after this tiro wis) b run under th heading "Too Lata to Classify.- The Statesman assumes oo finan cial responsiDility for errors whlcb may appear in advertisements pub lished In its column and tn ease where this paper la at fault will reprint that part of an advertise ment tn wbicn the typographical mistake occurs The Statesman reserv.es the rtfht to reject questionable advertising It further reserves the right to place all advertising under the proper classification. , A "Blind" Adan ad containing a Statesman bos number for an ad dress is for the protection of the advertiser and must therefor be answered by letter. The Statesman Is not at liberty to divulge Infor mation as to the Identity of an advertiser using a 'Blind" ad. . Livestock and Poultry X MILK GOATS I for sale or trade, one fresh with nanny fcld. other due this week. Both young. 2273 Lee St., A. M. FOR SALK Cheap Muscovy" ducks. Xnq. Re 4, Box S6, Salem. , FOR SALE or TRADE, 10 cows. 2 to V yr old, most of trtem Just fresh. Guernseys and Jerseys. Heavy, pro ducers. Joe Burke, 270 Silverton Rd., Is mi., past fairgrounds. 2 DOZ. Hansen White Leghorn pul lets, ten months old. These are tops. Laying 85. 393 N. 23rd. ATTENTION M Will remove dead at worthless stock In a moment's notice! SALEM FER TILIZER St BY-PRODUCTS Ph. 6000 Collect, no other phone). FOR LOW COST meat buy Lee's day-old Leghorn cockrels, 3c each. Ph. 2-2861. Lee s Hatchery. FOR SALE Newhampshlre pullets, ready to lay. Ph. 22861. Lee Hatchery. DUMP . truck haul anything. Pb 8523, 960 N. Coml Loam, fertilizer. WANTED: COLORED fryers Ph 2-2861. Lee Hatchery. Help Wanted COUPLE wanted, light housework, no cooking, care of small children. Gardening and handy ma. Room, board, good wages Ph. 9510 after 10 A. M. Help Wanted Male Workers new employed la war pro duction shaald not apply and will not be considered for aapioyment by em ployers advertising in . tats section. Wanted atOnce Experienced Lubrication Man Come ready to go to work. Good Wages Inside Work W. L. Anderson, Inc. 160 Marion Phone 7703 EXPERIENCED MEAT cutter. Mod ern Salent market. Top salary. Ph. 5323. ' STEADY. Exp. dairy farm hand. Hi mi. SX. Sublimity, i Fred Hottmger, Stayton. EXPERI EN CED dozer bper. for clear ing land. A W. Crocker, Rt. 3. Bx. 88. Wood cutters to cut 200 cords ash. Good pay. A. W. Crocker. Rt. 5. Bx. 88. ' SINGLE man.- exper. dairyman, on grade A dairy. Ph. 6TF15. J. M. Nich ols. Rt 4. Box m. - S. P. WANTS. MEN Who have not their 41st birthday for student training as yardmen, brakemen and firemen. Apply locafS. P. Trainmaster or Agent. -or in person or by letter to Trainmaster, Room SOL Union -Station, Portland. MEN WANTED foe bop yard work. T5c nr.. 4 nilea West of Salem. WU vr llama St Thacker. Ph. 4799 or 31331. EXPERIENCED MILKER Schindler Bros. Dairy, South Salem. Help Wanted- Female GIRL OR WOMAN FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK AND CARE OF CHILD REN. $53.00 to start. Telephone B270. EXPERDtNCED WAITRESS, Marion Hotel. - - - - SOLDDTR'S wife for housework. Apartment furnished. Ph. 7498. HOUSEKEEPER for bachelor farmer ac aged mother. Mrs. John Harris, Rte. ; '4. Bx. JSI. Salem. S mi. So. on Jef ferson Rd. I EXPERIENCED Fl'l'l'ER ladies ready to wear. Box 2542. Statesman. , 1 WAITRESS WANTED. THE SPA. Salesmen Wanted i LADY to work towns around Salem. Sample - furnished. . no Investment. - men's as ladles' fast-celling apparel line. Write Kathryn sfoaetey. Gen. Del., Salem. . Situations Wanted I MIDDLE AGED lady wants hskpg. for 2 or adults. Consider place In country. Box 25M. Statesman. : EXPERIENCED NURSE able. Box 2343. Statesman. avail- 4 Orefio u&fetemau ADVERTISING i Western Advertising i ' Representatives George. D dose. Ino. San Francisco Los Angeles Seattle i Eastern Advertising; : ; Representatives "!! " Ward-Crtffna Company.' Ine. ' Chicago, Ne York. Detroit. : Boston.' Atlanta - entered at tfte Pestoflc at Salem. Orepo as .Second Class Matter, Pub lished evorv swnmc except Monday Baatness efftce. . SIS tout Commer cial Street. - Jr I V- "- . - SUBSCRIPTION RATES ' Mall Subscription Rates In Advance: Within Oregon: Dally and Sunday. Mo SO cents; f Mas $1 00; 1 year. $8 00 Elsewhere 60 cents eer" no or 91.99 for 1 ver tn advance. Per cooy cents P City Carrier. T3 ceota a month. . 99. u yar w advi Btiying? IS Money to Loan QUICK CASH LOANS CALL. WRITE or pbone 918 to Salem's oldest largest homo owned and noma managed (Mane; tnstltu Don Tout financial auairs arm o discussed and, loans made tt strictest privacy You will be elves every eon stderatton fen tn lepeytne i of rout loan or erenttn of jrtcakAs 1 to 12 MONTHS TO REPAY You can pay tai full any;' time to reduce th cost- h ONLY BORROWER SIGNS No endorser Loan mad oe furni ture or not SEE ROY R "SDVrVONS MGS Uc No M 152. GENERAL FINANCE CORPORATION 1 tto & 13s " :. 134 So. Commercial St Phone 916S First door south of Ladd I & Buab tank Convenient ground fJoof loration Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. 5TB FLOOR" GUARDIAN BUTLDrNG LICENSE N. M 15 CASH LOANS $30 to $300! AUTOMOBILE. FURNTTURE. LIVE STOCK and SIGNATURE. Calkins Finance .Co. 31 (3rd FI) Ph.: 444g 1st Nat'l. Bank Bldg.. Salem S-228- Lie. M-278 SAVE TIME, tires, gas. Apply for your loan by phone. Telephone 3191. ask for Miss Anderson. Personal Fin ance Co.. 512 State St- opposite County Court House. S-122. -M-fts.i Situations Wanted GENERAL OFFICE work, preferably mornings only. Can type & have some knowledge of bookkeeping. Please give full : particulars.. 2599 SUtesman. HIGH SCHOOL boy wants work aft er school & Sat. Write Box .2545. MARRIED -man with family wants Job on farm. Call at 435 Division af ter P.M- back basenu apt. WILL Care for children in my home daytimes. SOU S 20th. jj GARDEN PLOWING. discing. Ford tractor. Ph. 2-2504.. Ray Setter. For Sale Miscellaneous STRICTLY FORBIDDEN , is any newspaper mention of the famous manufacturer who makes the top-qua-, lity wall paper youll find in: Montgom ery Wards big "Nationally Known Quality. sample book. But hhh . you'll find the famous: nationally ad vertised trademark on the back of each paper in the book. Come in and see 'em, and be thrilled. BRIGG AND Stratton washing ma chine motor. 1895 S. 13th St. . Unfinished drop-leaf tables 37.50 GEVURTZ FURNITURE CQ. 275 N. Liberty j Phone 4615 NEW HAWTHORNE t DeLuxe bicy cle. Ph. 9189 after 4 pj m. j MARSHALL STRAW, plants. 22281. 1 PIECE of used carpet j4 ft. in. by 26 ft. in ; i . $9.50 GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 275 N. Liberty phone 4615 CHEST OF drawers, unpatnted. $7.73. Kitchen cabinets, book cases. Folsom Furn Mtg.. 1108 Broadway. , Ph. 4929. USED 9x12 rug . . .... 4 .. $20.00 GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 273 N. Liberty Phone 4615 POULTRY FERTILIZER $1.00 per yd. You haul it. Ph. 7281. Lee Hatchery. USED steel bed $5.95 GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 275 N. Liberty phone 4615 1000 sacks No. 1 and No. 2 Burbank seed potatoes R. B. i Lampkin. 900 Wynooski St.. NewbergJ Open Sundays UNFINISHED dressing table with 6 drawers .1 $14.50 GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO; 273 N. Liberty Phone 4615 SEE HOGG BROS, 260 Stale St for liberal trade in on your old furniture -Unfinished book cases $123 to $8.23 GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 275 N. Liberty Phone 4615 FERTILIZER. Ph 22691. Rt. , Bx 424 COOK STOVE with eofls $30. Ph. 3930 or 275 N. 14th after P. M. 2 BEDS & spring, wood heater, gas stove with oven. 2178 N. Church. NEW Maple bunk beds i... $29.75 GEVURTZ FURNTTURE CO. 275 N. Liberty ;Phone 4615 300 good grain sacks 4 13c each. In quire 1419 So. 12th after 4 JO P. M. 6 TONS field run spuds, 2 ic lb. mi. S.W of Redmond, J. Lamb. Help Wanted MEN AND WOMEN To Work For The UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD AT PORTLAND AND OUTLYING POINTS 1 WASHINGTON AND OREGON 1 Good Wages - f BOILERMAKERS MACHINISTS ! PIPEFITTERS BLACKSMITHS ; i ELECTRICIANS ALSO HELPERS AMD : APPRENTICES FOR ALL THE ABOVE CRAFTS ' j I REPORT TO UNION PACIFIC IN YOUR VTCINTY FOR FURTHER INFORMATION OR AT OUM Mechanical Employment Bureau PORTLAND. OREGON BR TTTi WfcEUil,'TaZVW f'- A'. MlllllPlllll' -vauR - Janice -JV : 1 i - "f. ' ailing f - -limding r Money to Loan : ONE VISIT ! LOANS TO PAY BILLS OR FOR i OTHER USEFUL PURPOSES Save time, gas and tires. Phone tn your application, for a loan. As soon as It is approved stop in and pick up your cash without delay. Only ion trip necessary 1 Loans. $25 to $309. made ta strict privacy without Involving em ployer, friends or relatives. $7.53 per month repays $75 tn 12 months. Special loans to employed women. single or married, on signature oniy wiwoui puier security, 1 PERSONAL ! FINANCE CO. 512 STATE ST. Opposite Court House S Telephone 3191 f State Licenses: S-122 M-163. t PRIVATE MONEY AUTO AND TRUCK. LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED to r due payments Money for new ox used oars 1 No delay nr red tap. You will retain possession of the vehicle 1 to 13 MONTHS TO PAY ! ROY H. SIMMONS 136 Sooth Commercial Street ' Phone 9169 jUe No M -133 MONEY TO LOAN j Wanted, real estate mortgages, loans, city or farm properties: loans mad as small -as $300. See us about refinan cing your present con bract or mort gage., i ; LEO N. CHILDS. INC. -344 Stat St, Phone 921 For Sale Miscellaneous: ONE RECpMAR Camera No. 33 6x carry case. Zeiss Ikon enlarger. Filters & accessories. One .32 Colt revolver, shell belt St holster. One size 40 tuxedo like new. One set pipe dies. Call 4954 or 1480 N. Winter, j Fuller Brushes. 1745 Grant Ph. 5391. TWO TONS of berry wire 3c lb. In quire 1410 So. 12th St. after 4 JO PJ4. Wanted Furniture 'CASH FOR used furniture hons hold goods R Forger Ph 7445 Miscellaneous TO GIVE AWAY Sawdust in bin at mill at Silver Creek Falls. Turn East at North Silver Creek bridge. A. M. Minden Lumber Co.,' 2990 Cherry AvePh. 3898. 1 Dental Plate Repair 1 1 TWO-HOUR SERVICE! IN MOS1 ! I CASES ! ! Bring or Mail Your Plates for Repsli I DR HARRY SEMLER.i DENTIST ! Adolph Bldg SUte 4c Com'L-Ph 33li Wanted Miscellaneous 5 Washing Machines j Needed j Portland shipyards urgently needs 5 used washing machines I for recondi tioning ships. Be patriotic. Give jus preference and chance I to purchase. Will pay fair price. Can furnish high est priority for new machines if avail. Also need 5 110-volt 16 or ,i H.D.C. Motors. Box 2517. Statesman. CARE FOR children, my home, 'by mo. Mrs. H. O. Zobel. Rt. 6. Box 315. WANTED to buy: Home made trac tor. Call Mr. Edwards, 5677. Monday. WANTED : Good used i wood circu lator. Pb. 5B62 before 12 A. M. or after P. M. WOOD, any kind, any amount from 5 cords up 1311 N. Liberty. Ph. 6985. WANTED "10" CLETRAC. Write O F. Schneider. Rt. 2, Bex 295B. Dal las. Oregon j I GOOD USED. Furniture, appliances, machinery, trailers or anything j of value. Glenn Woodry. the Auctioneer. See me at the Market, 1605 N. Sum mer or Phone 5110. i TOP PRICE for second; hand furni ture tc household goods; Ph. 2-4081 "WNTTO Buy . Usedcanerast" tenses McEwan Photo Shop 435 State 2nd hand bathtub. 41i ft. Ph. 6256. "USEDFURffTTURlt PnMS T GOOD TRUCK cheap for cash. Ph. 21101. Rt 6. Box 32TF. j ; j For Rent Rooms . CD. LOCATION. Accorn. 2. P. 21449. Furn., close tn. well heated. Ph. 6322 PLEASANT ROOM, private home. i Gentleman preferred. Pbone 9420. i Help Wanted IN - Inside Work CARMEN LABORERS SHEETMETAL WORKERS NEAREST : 1r- ROUNDHOUSE iissesi to UeeWUe- ea the air 1 "" . " . ..... ... ... . ... . ; ... ., . ..I . , l , " " Room and Board For Sale Real Estate - i 1 ROOM, board, laundry, $3040. two ! DANDY New Home. Sunset Ave., tn room, 450 S. Capitol St, with one-half acre. & large rooms, full ' basement. : furnace. Fireplace, hard- i l.m..i. wood floors. Unfinished attic. $4500.00. ; for Kent-Apartments Term. See Mr. Goodwin with . f HAWKINS & ROBERTS. INC. rTOB RENT Modern furnished apart- J , . ' RXALTORS jj. snent, large three rooms and bath. .-4, -,n-rLi'-n'r-r-'yrJ-y'- closT in. $35 J. Call Room 17. 180 t .SJfZ?'. 5cL J Nortt' Conmrcil or Phone S41X taatenHtsPhT tUXK ! FOR ! RENT Convenient one room T ' l1'1. r.lZCJ2rMH? apartment for middle aged woman. 175 u2Sheda. nIw.f1c' o 14th . rang & refrig, furnace, fireplace, - -u-'; -, --rl,-,r . , , . , large lot. $3300. - $35 9 large rooms. 2nd Door. Oil ; WIINtt ParrTYJOHN. REALTOR-; heat,, Venetian blinds. 713 S. 12th. "th - Phone 4M 4 RMS, furn. s. tx. ' j Ejchange--Real Estete ' For Rent Houses GROCERY STORE for aal or trad 1 for acreage- or house in Salem. 2303 STRICTLY MOD. unf. 4 nn. bung. N. 4th St after I P. M. i in court. Avail. Apr. L Adults.- P. 7027. f Vt " ;.' Z 0 NICE 4 nn, latebuilt. modern Horn 4 RM. MOD. Ph. 22161. evenings. NE- to trade on good 6 rm. home. What have! you? See Mr. Hardy with HAW- 2 BDRM. HOME. 1140 So. Liberty. KINS de ROBERTS. INC, REALTORS. Garden space. Adults. $25. Inq. -1655 ! r.. I ! For Sale Farms 4 RMS. FURN. Ph. 7567. )' ; -"1" - - W ih iwi" ' STOCK ranch. 300 A. 15 ml. W. Cor- , , L'r' -'- vallis. Good bldgs.; about SO A. cult. FURN. COTTAGE, adults. 760 S. 14th. fTSi Surcn 5 RMS partly furn. Bee. range, oil ' ! ' , - -Acreage RMS, 3 mi. East, h. St e. water. ' garden space. Inq. 2180 Myrtle Ave. j BARGAIN 9 ACRES 4fc miles from city ion Silverton road, all in cultiva- r n . t? tion, including fruit orchard, grain. r OF Kent r arms nice creek. 4 rm. house, barn, small chicken house, well, electricity. $2900. FARM FOR rent. Stocked, equipped. iRSj mat tor Ph. 223S3 or call at Rt. 2, Box 146. facluv.MLuPLrvlc. 1 153 South Hlgb Street, Phone 7490 For Rent r-! ! EXTRA CHOICE rearm cpAnp uu mn i t, jl LONE ACRE- COZT R. house, base.. W1SPACE. $430 mo. Lta. St furn elec. water system, plenty of .1 fruit. Nut trees; large poultry house. "sJrn,Jriw " k cow brn- Not far out. Priced right o.?? u; . $2750-some terms. Act quickly See , r . LOUS BECHTEL or MRS. NEED TRUCKS for rent. You driv. Mc- PA.f 3J S; ' Cune S, Lovell. phone 9600 HOW ABOUT -that place you want 3 ROOM House, partly furn, garage. .J. lZ,'1 VT crs chicken house, garden spot, well wat- n Tiiifii.f f1". i er. and Albert,. R.t. Box 335-B. U jeUU o acre e dark soil. Englewood Dist. T. L. Reedy. 25 Teas Ave. Ph. 2-1295. For Sale Real Estate j Suburban NORTH SALEM HOME ; 7 LARGE AIRY rooms, beautiful oak iMMrniATr pnQcrcsmv ' floors. Ule bathroom, pedestal bowl. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION built in tubs, etc. Corner lot with rrtVAT rinnrC ct. ... abundance of nut and shade trees. Its ha,?n,. Srt a buy at $4500. Call Mrs. L. H. Ellis at -5?" "L1 ftVIdrdl,ont LEO N. CHILDS, INC., REALTORS. KuaetyateV" 344 SUte Street. Phone 9261. .WBJ Unebef of I,Ti.T. ground. Price only $12609660 cash. BY OWNER $1600.00 3 room house, balance terms. See LEO N CHILDS shower, fumace. wired for Elec. range, ujci. REALTORS, 344 State Street, 1440 N. Church. Phone 2-1032 even- phone 9261. ings and Sunday. 3-bedroom house, livable but not Wanted Real Estate entirely finished, garage, woodshed, '- utility room, large lot. Automatic wa- w ttAve ricu mtvrnc sv-in sSoO8 whanI "1C 8t MDERN'HOMES3 F $9(K) $300.00 will Lhandle CITY OR suburban-also 5 to 10 acre I5i5L3b tracts. See LEO N. CHILDS. INC.. REALTORS. 344 SUte Street, Phone full cement basement, oil heat, range l!!!,,. , wiring, fireplace, kitchen with sunny WANTED: IMMEDIATELY Imp. $25.00 per mo. Shown by appt. only. Xlrb!: jJbJlSf- LOOK LOOK LOOK GirrrDv rLDr, If YOU have a house for sale or rA fi ow-rf ISf , small acreage, hurry & see LOUIS snSS? nLPE!? r22 P1' BECHTEL or MRS. NEED HAM, 341 i?? JTifn mh' Pif' SUte. Room 4. We have a large list of $10 down. $10 month. Ph. 3920. buyers, some have all cash. LIS1 YOUR PROPERTY TODAY WE CTT HAVE LOTS OF BUYERS & LOAN n..L J pVilA 2 . h , ON REAL ESTATE BUSINESS IS w. 'nd GOOD HAWKINS & ROBERTS. INC taKi wnte BOX Z55Z- SUtesman. REALTORS PH 410S i ATBTwnerTisool Business Opportunities 3 bdrm. hse.. frpl.. gar. Ph. 22578. '., 1 f : : 4 UNIT Apt. House, good location. $3250.006 room house, garage. 2 chick- only $4,000. Terms. Another Apt. House en houses. 1 acre land, fruits & berries, close in North. $15,000. See Mr. Hardy $44200.00 V acre. 5 -room house, yard with HAWKINS Sc ROBERTS. INC . attractively landseaped. REALTORS. $2750.00 5 room house, basement - and furnace. MONEY Making business for nurse P. H. BELL, REALTOR with some cash to invest. Box 2553. 212 Guardian Bldg. Phone 816$ Statesman. Business Directory Cards t. thb directory ran Paints and Lacquers n a monthly basis only. - M Rate: JL25 per Use per cotti&et line NASON paints Libersl month. terms R D Wood row. 394 N Church Anto Brakes Painting & Paperhanging Mike Panek 279 South Commercial experienced Reasonabl. Ph. 4325 Bttcriea "1 Printing ' WtLLARD batteries, all types R. D . Woodrow 394 Church Phone 9600 FOR STATIONERY, cards, pamphlets. programs books or any kind of prmt ing, call The SUtesman Printing De- BlCYCleS partment 219 S. Commercial. Tele- pbone 9101. BICYCLES New and reconditioned. ! Harry w Scott, 147 s WcL p. 43:6 Radio Serrice CanTaS PIERCE Radio Servtc. 80S N. Liberty NOTICE ; . Salem Tent St Awning Co. Iteal Estate Loans 729 N.. Liberty St. Ph. 4789 tL Still has a large stock of canvas. .Vin. . i. tJl all widths and weights. Awning stripe lo.ch"Af' Imf.JST n and waterproof duck. You need no A l4?,!ti JL a priority. - Zielinskl. 3990 Center. Ph. 2-2525. Chimney Sweep Septic Tanks Cleaned Narthneaa Chimney Sweep Pb. 4450 inspect,,, free. Kenneth HaaaeL a i resident of West Salem. 442 Edgewatee FlorUU St.jh. S743. Breithaupt'a 447 Court Pbone 919$ Transfer - 4 . -, . : . Tnnml IlimlAra U-DRIVE TRUCKS -FOR RENT rnnerai I'lreeiors Blankets fnm m S Ubrty Ph 9062 TerwOTlger Funeral Horn. P. 4929 FOR LOCAL OR DISTANT tranfer. " storage, burner oil. briquets Trucks t . . s Portland daily. Agent Pierce Aura Cliff ' Freight. Including Calif points ltnnr JU" Transfer Co Ph -SlaL THE APRON Shop S7 N. Big.! . " Yacnnm Cleaners ..: ; Hosiery ).- .-, . .f vtnce-s vac store. Pn. 4293. . Reel Silk Hosiery Mills. Ph. $7Wr : . , . Mrv K. Moseley. Oen.; DeU. Salem Vacuum QeanCT Service . Mattressea t FREE snspectlon tn your bom. As- ------ -- - ' thorized Hoover service. W service all CAPITOL BEDDING CO Pnon 4069 ctean" Hogg Broa Ph 9149 -. Painting - f f Well Prilling Painting .:: and Decorating. Ph. 7552. Mondar nlghta.- tdt. KOIN, iist OassmGd,-, .Oo a 1 A West St Soma, Rt 4. B 445 2-2290 Business Opportunities INCOME property dose In. excellent income & investment. S5Z50.0O. -E. - M LARS EN. REALTOR 153 South High St. Ph. 7490 CONTRACT truck business for sale or trad for good farm. Box 2350. SUtesman.: -;t .js. For Sale Wood IF MILL WOOD. 4 ft shuV fresh cut sawdust. Pn. ssez. WOOD ALL KINDS. PH. 9374. Wood Green. 412 N Slst St. Ph. 5370. Plywood cores ; St soda.! Ph. $509 Wood Sawing Charles F. Simon. 1311 N. Liberty Ph. 4685, Lost and Found LOST BY widow, brown coin purse, $19 and coins, Thurs. Reward. Ph. 4517. LOST In downtown area Monday, Between 4 and s o. nv. brown leather zipper coin purse containing $5. change ana stamps. Reward, rnon 4730. Personal r Rev. Opal Eagan, 525 Belmont SL, Psychologist. Psychic Vibration Read ing daily. FacU given you on all problems. Every Wed. 2-5 Teacup Readings. 9 PJ. Horn v Circle. For Sale Used Cars 1941 PONTIAC Six sedan. Good tires. Only $985.00. Box 2544. SUtesman 39 PLYMOUTH de luxe tudor. Bar gain. Fred Hottinger. SUyton. Ph. 1442 " lCHCPUphTaTl " FOR SALE: '38 Ford Del. Fordon ra dio, heater, tow mileage. $595.00. Take low priced car in trade. Ph. 3094 eve. , '41 CHRYSLER Conv. St '39 Pontlae Cpe. Will seU either. Rt. 4, Bx. 64E. Ph. 22231. No dealer. Wanted Used Cars Orval Pays TOP CASH PRICES For Used Cars ALL MAKES St MODELS OR VAL'S USED CARS Center at Church Ph. 4702 WEPAY TOPS! Get every dime your car is worth. Cash on the Barrel-Head "C" SHROCK SALEM'S oldest independent used car dealer. N.E. Corner Church St Chera. Ph. 7922 Cash in your Car FOR CASH '37 to '41 Model Cars and Pickup. Burgpyne Motor Co. 440. Center Phone 2153S '30 or 31 Model A Cpe. Pb. 7903. WILL BUY good Late model used car. Phone 2-1640. CASH for CARS. PICK-UPS. PANELS. TRUCKS HERRALL-OWENS 235 S. Com'L . Phone 3169 Motorcycles 1939 INDIAN Sport Scout and .1940 Indian Jr. Scout. Call 21335. Transportation RIDERS to Swan Island days with E Day. 475 Grove St. WANTED: Three riders Swan Island Gryd. ' shift. $5.00 wk. No . smoking or drinking in transit. R. A. Spence. 1704 N. 20th. RIDERS wanted. Pvt. car. Ore. Ship. Swing -r day, off. 1115 E. Rural. WANTED: Riders to Willamette Iron St Steel. Day shift. Ph. 21310. TRANSPORTATION to Buckler lob on Denver Ave, Portland. Phone 9691. 7:30-8 p m. WANTED: 2 riders Commercial yards, day shift. Ph. 9642. WILL pool car (94 Div). 1342 SaglnewsJ Legal Notice NOTICE OF STREET VACATION NOTICE is hereby given that the Common Council of the City of Salem, Oregon, by resolution duly and ' regularly adopted - and filed on the 15th day of March, 1943. has declared its intention to vacate, and has initiated proceed ings to vacate that . certain alley running in a Northerly and South erly direction through Block 4 of the Amended Flan of Capital Park Addition to the City of Salem, Marion County, Oregon; and The 19th day of April, 1943, at the hour of 730 o'clock P. M, In the Council Chambers of the. City HaU and in 'the said City of Sa lem, Oregon, have been fixed as the time and place for considera tion of such vacation and for hear ing any objections or remon strances thereto. Objections, if any, to such vacation, must be filed in writing with the undersigned prior to the .time herein fixed for hearing the same. ; ALFRED MUNDT, City Recorder ? ' City of Salem, Oregon. M 17-24-3 1-A 7-14. Stockholders to Meet STLYEKTON - The - annual meeting of; the stockholders of thee Cannery BuDdlng, IneW wfil be held at the chamber ml eeua- Monday at 1-M Lodges . SALEM LODGE No. 4. AT Jr AM. Tour, scar. za. as. as. degree -1:30 Paf. - Pacific Lodge No. 40 aV St AM. I. A. Degree, Wed. Marcn 24th, Tag P. at. x;--orjX pia 'Madame X' r In the Sooth. Pacific, grettnd crewmen :' repair a 'plane, which, judgina , f rem symbols; painted en: It has had plenty el battle experience. With traditional .Yankee ingennlty, grennd crews at this, advanced US bomber bas4 work miracles la repairing damaged and war-scarred Pisnes Aaaociaied Press TelenuvL . I . . . Yr. t . j j . ! Artillery School in Cathedral St. Mark's cathedral, Seattie, was dedicated recently to Its new war time mission when the army opened anti-aircraft artillery training; classes there.; Pictured Is a typical classroom scene. Every other pew In the great cathedral has been removed and tables placed' ' between the remaining jpews. The alta lis the lecture platform. The massive and beautiful stractnre, one' 4f the Paget Sound city's landmarks, will serve a dual purpose now since nen-denontinatienat services alse wui be held there aircraft cannon crowd the nave. Orekon Has -4594 Indians No w WASHlNGTONj DC, - March 23 s,t , Jr. i .. . (vP) .Oregon has 4594 Indians, a census table introduced In . the house showed Saturday. There are 300,000 in the United States. Montana leads the western states, with 16JB41, followed by Fashlngton, 11.394, Oregon, Utah, 3,611, Idaho, 3537; Wyoming, 2349, and Colorado," 360. Miss Manning Resigns SL Louis Miss Adaline Man ning': of - the Stj Louis jparish, wh has taught ' for seven con secutive years? in the El dredge school district, has resigned her position there to ' teach else where the' eotniug year. 57. Insect 58. -garment 59. let ft stand VERTICAL 1. enemy - 2. German resort tgBMfvta s aw ST , 1. nourish 5. Polynesian i. Cloth , ; ; . perform " j l 12. Persian poet ,13. Roman datf 14. bird aound i15.tnstituUony . 18. encounter in ;i i i ; ' S I , I . ' I' - I. . II . iM w "I" H"" U rr "T" T" j" "T i r" "T" 44 4S H 4T ' "l"" T" W , T" "jT u.. U. . Si "t T r "T" SV I I l: 1 11 VM I I 1 Answer to yesterday's puzzle. I , ! i r' - ,19. comfort f "it C A t U Nl SlAlRjAtlL E J R N lSt AHA sTi C. ac 5 J IP T A Hi "a h o . DOLO fts iTlw.AiY lTeCJ Ta t Aj mop' C A J N J P JP Q Ml E AS s (To lR U fTE T RjC ' ' L N T jQ R A n iqa r;"1a d o ieLa pTo hie i gNDSj A Q. A baZ D ' A Tlcb C Alft hi N "tJ E RIO S C AwMtTjE.Ri jplclHlstE 20. spotless -Z3;.iaverni----f & -24. fuel . Z ? .rr 25. trial - ffj ;M.gr-hapecfc f . 32. grate E 34. tmlUU ,f!-' 35. speed contfsi .36. extent 37. inclined plah4 .39. pronoun , ? 40. ruahed H 42, externa!1'? 44.kUled i -I 47. to dare i - 49. basic laAi. 54-kl3 55. metal , : r- Arsg4 tlate at aalatiea: 33 aalaaies. Dlst. by Xing Features Eradicate Inc. 19 woody plant:' Will Fly Again v every Sunday by the army. Anti TIN Photo. , i 4 - Spends Vacation jMILL CITY-L-Miss Martha Po- drabsky, who is attending the Ore gon School of Beauty Cultu.re, is spending a two; week's vacation at the home ! of he ier parents in Mill City, School Debates Set I EUGENE. Ore., March 23-(7P) The third annual Oregon high school debate tournament will be held her April 2 and- 3, Univer sity of Oregon 'officials announced Tuesday. ."- . ' - j , j :';- ! ' . St. Louis Graders Win '1ST. LOUIS-iThe St Louis grade school baseballers defeated Belle Pass! here recently by a score of 13 to .4. It was ; the second game of mJ 1 M I me season xor pb jouia. w MMMMMUn Puzzle 3. take food 4. play ! lLchildren 18. twisted 17. country estate 20. feminine name 2L falsifier . 1 22. otherwise 23. article 28. merit i 27. spring 29. huge 30. pain . 31. look askanct 33. French city 38. sullen expression 41. caper - 43. single units . 44. crust over : sore 43. knowledge 48. poker stike -47, cease " ; 48. melody - J 50. male name 51. useless icrsp 52. born t J 53. place 5. baked clay .entrance I 7. foot-like part , 8. pale -;. f . 9. high CArda 10. pine fruit . adjacent counuea.