if! PAGE EIGHT it 07X0011 STATESMAN. Cda.Orw Tuesday Morning. Kerch 15. 1S43 i - . Plan Series' : For Next . Year At a kickbff dinner held Mon day night mt the Marion , hotel, workers in the membership cam paign for the 1943-44 season' of the Salem Community Concert " series ; received; their final ' in structions for sellmg i member- : ship Gckets. Mrs. George ;R. K. Moorhead will, handle the drive, - which will "last .this week only. This annual concert series ris ; wnrktvl In - a . different manner - '. than . most.': A week's , drive; for ' membership Is conducted, and . no ..other ' tickets are ., s 04a : throughout ' the yean No, single V admissions are ' sold, except ." to " men in uniform, and those are . handled at the door on the nights of concerts, admittance -" therefore, is given only to mem : bers of the association, V or to friends who hold their tickets. ' This enables ' the f association ' members and the program com mittee each year to know exact ly the amount of money on hand, ' and what artists may be engaged for the coming season. Helenf?" Traubel, sensational dramatic soprano, singer of Wagnerian roles, has been en gaged as the featured attraction for the coming year, but at least three-other artist concerts will be . announced at the close of - the membership drive. Persons selling ten member - , ship tickets will receive the 11th free, and many, students each year; win their tickets in this way. - : :This year's attractions includ ; ed an array of famous names, Bidu " Sayao, soprano, Albert Spaulding, violinist, the opera "Marriage of Figaro" and Paul "- Robeson, bass-baritone. . Institute Is "Wednesday . The South Salem WCTU will hold an institute Wednesday in Leslie Methodist church. The af ternoon session will open at 2:30 with devotions by Rev. Dillon W. Mills, and a vocal sola by Mrs. Mills. A short business ses sion will be held. Mrs. W. A. Barkus, county president of the organization will report on coun ty work.- Mrs. AUce Thomas, state treasurer, will speak on state finances. Mrs. S. M. Laws will report on alcohol education. Mrs. C. W. Stacey will give a showing of film strips suitable for supplementing the health and character education program of the grade schools.' Miss Sharon Stripling will give a piano solo. Dinner will be served at 6. The evening session will open at 7:30 with devotions by Rev Frank Slannard. Mrs. A. W. Caswell will give a piano number and Mrs. Virgil Bursoh a vocal sold. Mrs. Gertrude Lobdell, city councilwoman will talk on city problems. Mrs. Alice Thomas will also speak on the evening program. Both sessions are open to the public. Birthday Party On Sunday A large group of friends and relatives gathered at the home f Mr. Jack Gortmaker on the River road Sunday night tocele- : brate his birthday. The occasion was also - the birthday of Mrs. . Walter Smith. Cards were played ? during the evening. Those. "bidden were Mr. and Mrs. Leo LepleyJ Mr. and Mrs. Everet Van Osdoll, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Smith, Mr, and Mrs. Hen ry Gortmaker, Mr. and Mrs. John Hendrickson, Mr., and Mrs. Em ery riendnckson. Mrs. Margarate Gortmaker, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gortmaker and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ray of Monmouth. The AA17W literature group A will meet on Wednesday night at the home of Mrs. George Ross- ' man at 910 North Capitol street to hear Miss Joy Hills talk about the prospects and problems of post war planning, and the books pertaining to the subject. Assist ing Mrs. Rossman will be Mrs. C C Endress. ' The PLE and F club met for their regular meeting Wednesday with Mrs. L. B. Hixson. 500 was -played. Mrs. : Charles Rumley was a special guest and was pre sen ted with a bridal gift by the ' group. Refreshments were serv group. Refreshm ents were served by the hostess, assisted by . . Mrs. Chester Hbcson. - Kathleen Brwer, ' former eoa- certmaster. of, the Philharmonic orchestra, daughter of Mr. and. Mrs. Fried Broer, is among the students., playing at the Julliard v school of music's Festival of Chamber music being held in the . museum of modern art in New York City this month. 'The Salem Central WCTU will hold a, meeting this afternoon at the hall at 2 o'clock. - , : Additional Society News On Page 12 -Rock, Slid or Slip? rASTEETII, aa Improved powder to t-e sprinkled on upper or lower plates, boJds false teeth more firmly in place. Co not slide, lip or reck. No gummy. rMwv. esstv taste or feeling.-. FAS- JLZfH Is alkaline (non-acid ). Does not our. Check "piste dor" denture trttth). Get FASTJEXTH at any drug ;;. , - - - - - ' ' - - ' J ' w - -7 X v FEATURED ARTISTr Helen I the Metropolitan opera company, who has been Chosen to head the list of commbhity concert artists for next year a "join ter series. Philharmonic's Sunday Concert Pleases Audience By MAXINE BUREN Edouard Hurlimahn led the in a concert of sparkling numbers on Sunday afternoon at the Salem high school. An exceptionally fine audience attended this, the orchestra's ; second heard Mary Elizabelih Kells, mezzo-soprano and Samuel War- ! sager, violinist, as soloists. The program openedjj with the ' Rossini "La Gazza Ladra" over- ' ture and followed with a con-! certo in A minor in three move- i ments, by Vivaldi with Mr. War- sager playing the violin solo.. i "Voice of Spring," eVer popu-i lar Strauss waltz apriropriately , chosen for the concert, set the; audience in a mood for the next - orchestra number, "Mardi Gras" from Grofe's Mississippi suite, : which was so well liked that it : " was repeated by popular request ' at the close of the concert. The' final orchestra number, was an- other lively composition, "An j American Fantasie" by Gross-; marl. f Mary Elizabeth Kells, former! - Salem, girl sang two f groups on ' her rich voice. "Tu j Lo Sai" (Torelli), "Still wie die nacht" (Bohm) j,"lmmer Leiser wirt; mein Sclummer" (Brahms) and; "Botschaft" (Brahms); rnade up the first group, with ,' an encore,; "Ave Maria" by Schubert's. Her final group . included Gretehaninof f s ."Over the Steppe," Maloy's "Kerry Dance," "Think on Me" by Malloy and the favorite, "Believe! Me If All Those Endearing jYoung' Charms." jj j Miss Kells, always ! good to look at and pleasing to hear, has gained maturity and depth of voice since she last appeared in Salem as a soloist. Jler volume too has become more! noticeable for she handled herf j voice well In the large auditorium. The afternoon audience was in a mood to enjoy the concert, and although it was made up of a large number of young folk, and many . adults not often seen at concerts, appreciation! was mark ed. The orchestral selection were in a lighter, j more lively vein! than on some occasions, which speaks well jtpr the good Judgment of those j making . the choice of selections, for these daytime programs should 'attraet listeners who otherwise do not attend concerts, and. iacauaiht , them with Salem's excellent tal ent j. , . Mr. and Mrs. EctlX iRief, of Portland, are parents of a baby girt,; Beverly Jo, born early Sun? day morning at the Immanuel hospitaL This is their first child. Mrs. I Riel will bef remembered as ; Marion i Ross. daughter Of ,f Mrs. G. E. Ross o Salem, C::S CF TIIE CHEATEST r0 ' f r C-rt VOU tAiJ u w w w CM ! BUY! Ton flrUwlK stiff er from sirnpleanetBl or who lose so much during monthly periods you ieel ttredJ weak, "aagtea cmt" due to low blood Iron try Ly ais plnkham's t sli ts one of too best and ijuickett homo way to kelp build p red blood to get more trn-tA--4n such esse. Oet Plnkham'a Tablets to tfsy follow label CUoKloaa. . SOCIETY MUSIC TfieDOlJE LA Traubel, dramatic sjpran of Salem Philharmonic orchestra Sunday afternoon program; and 1 CLUB CALENpAR TUESDAY Book-A-Month club with Mrs. Summer i club with John Carkin, North! street. 1:15 p. m Laurel Social Hour Mrs. Albert Beckmfn. Glen Creek road. 1 p. m. Red Cross meeting ! Etokta woman's flub, Mrs. Elmer McKee. 933 Iwith hip- . pins; street, 2 p. m. AAUW rsdio group! with -1 Mrs. Roy Burton, route .three. Phone 7008 lor transportAon. WEDNESDAT ! ' WSCS circle meetiyig at the enurcn. t Salem, writers club: with Mrs. Ora r. Mclntyre. 495 Cottage street. 1-J30. p. m. I Mrs. O. L. Scott. (1360 South Liberty, hostess to Neighbors of Woodcraft Thimble i club,; J JO no-host luncheon. ). County Parent-Teacher ;meet- ing, 10 a. m YWCAj THllRSD AT j Salem Women's council, VWCA a p. m. . - r Pleasant. Point Social club. with Mrs. Rue Drager. tM! North cottage street. Fidelis class, at first Baptist enurcn, z p. m. , I Engagement Revealed The -engagement pt Mijss Dor othy Krehbiel skid ijt. O. L. Paulsen was announce this weekend by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Krphbiel. They will be married on Marh 20 at the home of the bride elect's aunt, Mrs. Leona Taylojr. , Miss Krehbiel is a graduate of Sale mhigh school ind has been employed at Johnson's. Lt. Paulsen, son jof Ejev. ; and Mrs. William Paulsen qf Cedar Rapids, Iowa attended schools In the Iowa city and is now sta tioned at Camp Adair. Members of the jlSaleu Dea coness hospital auxiliary met Monday afternoon. Miss j Frances Clinton, home demonstration agent spoke on food. Devotions were led by Mrs. - W. A. Guef froy and reports ojf corhrnittees were given. Hostesses were Mrs. L. F. Heuperman,! Mrs; Jack Henningsen, Mrs. Christine ' Sim mons and Katie Holtzrichter. ' .ti. The Book and Thimble elab met on Thursday Tfuth Kirs. IJ. Brown on Gehlharj roadj. A gar den seed contest was prepared by Mrs. C. Schwartz and -Mrs. Florence Fox. Member of ; the group decided at the meeting to with the Red Cross, i QUICK IVELCOr.lE RELIEF! FOR UPSET STOMACH h 3 Ksstss it Eullf Tt3 Ksssj I2& FasMs STDAXT TASLrfs eoatata (km rmrf ss vndisats so mbmm esed fcy sectors to briae smick wslcom rcliai arost acid-iBdi9sstioa aatarass nwd by ssM slssink aaidiry aatia or riHy, XMlciau 4astiat mmf to toka. K battto; wnif. Imvm. ' SWivl blssssd rIif fraa mwrmm aeid nilar to. rr torn STUAat TJUiLlTS Mtort Mar. At all 4ia storaa aSow Qm aad tlM f ' fc - - 1 ? V1 y' iy Ji 'A v ?- V .:..''...'.-. .:--:v :.v..5( ' J - , lsK yv " i ' 1 - ' f iWedding Read at Home '. . ! ' The wedding ' of Miss Mary Magruder, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. F. A. Magruder, and Lt William Malotte Smith, con. of Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Smith was . solemnized at the home of.the . bride's parents in Corvallis at 8 o'cock Sunday night. . 3 White plum blossoms were fea tured in the decorations, before the fireplace where'; the - cere mony was read and in the living and dining rooms. Rev. Jesse Bunch performed the ceremony. The bride wore a dress of flesh colored marquisette, made with a fingertip length veil and a Mary Queen of Scots cap. Her bouquet was of white camelias and freesias. I 7 The bride's sister, Miss Mar garet Magruder, f was maid of honor. She wore a dress of blue marquisette and a cap of pink roses and her bouquet was of pink roses. r j Mr. Walter Holt of Pendleton was best man. Music was fur nished by a trio, harp, violin and piano, i'. ' .'-- Mrs. Magruder . wore a blue flowered chiffon print and a cor sage ef pink camelias. . Mrs. Smith was gowned in blue chif fon and. wore an orchid. A reception ' was given after the wedding. Mrs. Grant DuBach cut the Ices, Mrs. Olive Richard son poured and Mrs. S. R. G. Rodriguez cut the cake, at a ta - ble which" was' covered with a Venetian point lace 'cloth and centered with an arrangement of pink roses, white tulips and plum blossoms. Sorority sisters of the bride served. The bride is a graduate of Ore gon State college and a member of Kappa Alpha Theta. Lt Smith la a graduate of Oregon State college and a member of Phi Delta Theta. He recently re ceived his commission in the en gineers corps and is awaiting or ders. Among the out of town guests to attend the wedding were the bride's aunt, Mrs. D. L. Whitney, a cousin, Mrs. F. Fred Reddings of Baltimore, and an aunt of the groom, Mrs. W. C. Kruegel of Pullman, Wash. The latter is a house guest at the H. G. Smith home. Farewell Party Is Given , Farewells were said to Mrs. Harry Ashford, the former Ar dys Thomason on jFriday night at a party given by Miss Neomia Crouser and Mrs. Roy Orren at the former's home. Mrs. Ashford will leave today to jjoin her hus band in Sacramento, where he is training in the I signal corps. Guests included Mrs. Ashford, Mrs. Mae Wilder,! Miss Louise j Lucas, Miss Jerry i Keene, Miss Barbara Harmon, Miss Georgia Broyles, Miss Mary Lou Olson, Miss Peggy Kilkenny, Miss Alice Humphreys, Mrs. Orren and Miss Crouser. ', I . ' j Gardeners See Pictures The Little Garden club of Sa lem Heights met at the home of Mrs. F. J. Bradshaw Thursday. Mrs. A. A. . Taylor, club presi dent, presided at the business meeting. Miss Elizabeth Lord, district vice-president of. the Oregon Federation of Garden clubs, pre sented a collection of slides which have been taken in gar dens of Salem. She also showed a number of coast pictures. Mrs. H. J. Wenderoth was a special guest. i The Abrams Avenue elub had its regular Red Cross meeting Friday night at Mrs. Lyle D. . Shepherd's. Those present were Mrs. Robert Burton, Mrs. Rus sell Flawn, Mrs. Jasper Button, Mrs. J. W. Weekly, Miss Ruth Pillette, Mrs. W. B. Pillette, Miss Kay Pillette, Mrs. Peter Hoffer, jr; Miss Kay; Pillette assisted the hostess. Next meeting will be held at Mrs. Robert Burton's on March 26. Mr. and Mrs, Key Willongh- by of Corvallis, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Fehler, Dickey and Den ny of Vancouver, . Wash., and Mr." and Mrs. G. R. Burns (of -Portland - were.:. In Salem over . the weekend, staying with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Fehler. ! . i) - - ,:.! - - ;i I - ! Lucy Ann circle of the First . Methodist church will meet with Mrs. A. A. Lee, 1515. State street for a " 1:15 j salad " luncheon "on Wednesday, Assisting the hostess will be Mrs. O. W. Lipps, Mrs. J. H. HartselT and : Mrs. O. W. jewett. -vL-ii:if.V'iv'. r Hon To Relieve Bronchitis ! Creomulslon relieves promptly be cause it goes right to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm, and aid nature to soothe and heal raw. tender, in named bronchial mucous mem branes. Tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulslon with the un derstanding you must like the way it quickly allays the cough or you are to have your money back. - CREOMULSION for Coughs, Chest Co Lis, Bronchitis Ministers Wives : In Session Salem ministers' wives will meet Tuesday at the Old People's home, 1 1825 Center street, j for a business meeting presided over by Mrs. W. Harold Lyman. The hospitality ; committee includes Mesdaxnes J. Edgar Purdy, chair-' man, Weaver W.- Hess, - M. A . Q&fD fr - .15 i. ' rr 12 FOOT WIDTHS! SMARTEST STYLES! What could be easier to keep clean than a seam less one-piece floor. No dirt-hoarding seams here because you can get it any length and up to 12 ft. wide. What's more it's water-proof and stain-proof. See our complete assortment of smart new designs and colors I And, remember, only Armstrong makes a felt base floor covering that's 12 feet wide! GOLD SEAL 9x12 RUGS Look how small a sum will buy a top-quality genuine Gold Seal rug! You choose from an array of patterns of distinction styled by leading designers. The newest, the latest, the last word in patterns and colors; Like thous ands you'll find them economical and easy to keep clean. Ask about our larger sizes. r.lAQDLEIZEp LIHOLEUr.1 ON FELT DACCt G l V I I Cover wall to wall and give your rooms the smart subtle beauty of these delicately-grained mafbleized designs. Choose from an assortment of beautiful color that can't fade or wear off because they go clear through to the felt back. Bring in your room measurements for a free estimate. Ask about our installation service. save .c:j ;ccattec2 qugs 4 CAY, COLOHFUL PLAID RUG '-. Add a new note of color to your floors! This ? J, B2) iiy cheerful plaid is both washable and reversible. . t . - -And mo economic! 4t this low price! ' S4.4SSm ;OVAt: CHAIS! CSAlTZn ! RUG; - - Ideal with maple and bleached woods . . . ' 1 r ptj especially Colonial or. modern furnishings. mJmm)J Keversible, washable! and soft under foot. so'aM'sl - . Getzandaner,' Charles C Hay worth, T. W. Henderson and George H. Swift Greeting guests at the door will be' Mrs. B. F. Shoemaker, Mrs. J. Aiken Smith and Mrs. C A. Kells. Mrs., S. I Raynor Smith is arranging a . program which will feature musical num- bers by Dean Melvin H. Geist ' of - the school . of music at Wil lamette university," ;'".,- ' mn&y iyife ir n v,-. w A-jfVii -r z1 5 - . ' jit.- -, w. w..: - . ma.. esoww -x - ---- -1i-is"Tnrro T ff i' sTTTn tm ssw iT ai nw Fmti HeovMsf FH Bom Hoot Covering Model Syht to Brt&n Axf Why pay men? Save of WanU The Women's Society el Chris tian Service of the First Meth odist will meet ton Wednesday in the following circles: South Central, with Mrs j Paul Acton, 46 Hanson avenue, 1:15 dessert luncheon. West i 'Central," with Mrs. Frank Bennett, tS55 E street, !' 1J15 dessert luncheon. Yew Park circle, with Mrs.j Jen nie Moore, 940 Leslie street, ' 2 " p. mi Naomi ! circle, with f Mrs. T -. w ' SEE OUR WIDE ASSORTMENT OF NATIONAUY-KNOWN .1 ss n s st vs-s s e-z .niinirnn- m ' - 1 FLOOR COVERING 1 1 .' ininssiisi is: 5 s Cover a x!2 Room WaR to' . Won Bu;''j; ' ! 1 1 1 : I 1 ill -' 155 kl Liberty' St ! ! Q," C, Bellinger, 1:15 dessert luncheon. Lucy Ann Lee, - with Mrs. A. A. Lee, 1515 State street, 1:15 dessert luncheon. . i:'-- i: r:' ' V " .Ji-" " ' i Liberty Women will meet with Mrs. Annabell Kurth, Route 3, Box 537, on" Thursday for a "130 o'clock session. Hostesses assisting Mrs. Kurth will be Mrs. Elsie Carsten and Mrs. .Margaret Kurtn. . . MONTGOMERY WARD -i-'i - ri - '- -: ) 1 ;:,r it it v. Phone 3191 1, i 1