.'I i I ! . I ' . ; .: i . Thm OREGON STATESMAN. Satan. Oregon. Saturday Morning March 8. 1S13 pags inm laying? Sailing? Trading? Kefr GlassiSeMDQ Statesmen Classified Ads Call 9101 Three tiuwrtken per tta23c Sis Insertion per Mmm - 40ft On month per, UM $1-2 Minimum chart 15c; 1 tL min imum 35c; C U. caJa. ,44c No . refund. Coo Jar this til 8-38 tn (vcninc -before pabae tiun zor classification - copy re ceived antr um Um-MH m run "under th beodttwr To Late to Classify- . -. Tb Stilwmm linn ma Hnan clal tesponaiplnty far errors which may appear tn advrUseaaente pub bsbed In its columns and ta cases where ttua paper ta at taolt will reprint that part of aa advertise ment to wbKA tta typographical minta) occurs - . The Stoteams reacrvoa th right tu reject questionable advertising It further reserves to right to place all advertising under the orotic elassiticatiaa A "Blind" Ad aa ad containing a Statesman box aiunber (or an ad dressis for the protection or the advertiser and must therefore be answered by tetter The Statesman li not it liberty ta divulge infor mation as to the Ideality of aa advertiser using a BMMd ad. Livestock and Poultry BAY SADDLE pony. 3 yrs, for sale or trade. Mrs. Cecil Rice. 1003 S. Water St., Silverton. ATTENTION tl Will remove dead ft worthless stock In a moment's notice I SALEM FER TILIZER ft BY-PRODUCTS Ph. 9000 Collect. bo other ohoae). WANTED: COLORED fryers. Ph 9-3861. Lea Hatchery. Help Wanted WANTED IMMEDIATELY: Book keeper familiar with lumber. Ford Lumber Co., Lebanon. Call 17F1 or 1251 . . ' . - ACCOUNTING clerk. accountants ad field auditors. 8125 to $200 a snonth. needed by state uaemwoy sneat Cora. A do li cations to William Griffith, 101 Spalding Bldg, Portland. before March 12. Examinations soon. HOP YARD work. Transportation furnished. John J. Roberts Ac C?. Phone 9623 or 23032. UK-TP WIVTVn- UiJ or female grocery clerk, top pay. Saving Center, j-oriiana xvoaa. SERVICE STATION garage helper. aaale or female. 806 Edgewater. Help Wanted -Male Workers aew ompJayed la' war pro Swctto ahaaud aot apply ead win ol be ceasMered tor aspiayaseat by em ployers advertising is this see tie. MAN FOR small job. Ph. Tl. MARRIED MAN for general farm work. Small, furn.. mod. house. Good wages by the month. Call at 730 N. Liberty. Apt. 101. MAN FOR tire service work. r Apply Goodrich Silvertown lore. 193 S. Com'L HOP YARD HELP WANTED. 6 mil North of Salem. Fir Grove Ranch. Ph. 3712 or 2-2269. EXPERIENCED MILKER Sohindler Bros. Dairy, South Salem, MEN WANTED for hop yard work. Y3c hr., 4 miles West of Salem. Wil liams & Thacker. Ph. 6759 or 21331. Help Wanted Female WANTED LUMBER INVOICING AND BILLING CLERK. STENOGRAPHY DESIR ABLE, BUT NOT NEC ESSARY. PERMANENT JOB. WILLAMETTE VALLEY LUMBER COMPANY Dallas, Oregon ASSIST MANAGER 13-34 yra. High gins, fro to oned group of sort cities. vaaesd drawing mediately. SEE MISS PARKINSON, SENATOR HOTEL 1 A. M-f .. rj4) r. M. ' "Do yon have housca- difficulties? Good and laundry lna leagues tor vh forces ar war work or pre grown. Attend ante room JL a. Miller, SupC. Ore Fairvie Ijomc. Salem. Oregoa. car appocam or came to taw hem bet wet a and EXPERIENCED eian.'- piiyiif ian's V qasliftrarUxns Sta w A rm- - Aanlieaota tar . work hi Shf-teer Hospital for Crip pled Children, km aa fanrtlan! Ol MI Gpd : full maiiitenance. Catt GA1163- BEAUTY OPERATOR for Mltzl Gray hop at Lebanon. Ph. 1381. .Lel?"on: Also beauty operator for Salem Mltzl Gray Shop. Ph. 6033. - cOteflon0tate8taau eat and esut t n col- ohns csuldrea i ted. Writ Dr. w - a, ADVERTISING , Western Adverusing ' , Representatives - George D Ckiss, ta V Saa Francisco Los Angeles Seattle Eastern Advertising ). RepresenUtives ' Ward -Griffith Company. In. ' - Cbicaso. New - York. Detroit : . Boston AUanta Tntrrf at tit Postottce ft Saltm Oregon 0 Secoid CHas le Pb (ishiel tery avwm xc4 Mda Biunncsa offtc M South Commer cial Street. - " SUBSCRIPTION RATES Mall Subscription Rales U Advance: w!u?" Oregon? DaHv a cents. Mo $300. 1 yer. g-iwhSw jt'pL Si, YoS" for i yetr tn advsncs Per esy 5n.? a,earCvMaVora djacexit counties Money to (Loan SIMPLIFY YpURjSrAX PROBEEM! We have a 4aa that will . the March 15th tax i toad. Get up. . io s-sos acre a aetue row income . taxes ... or lor either purposes. ' Borrow On your ear. furniture or Just your signature Amounts and dates -of payments arranged to suit your convenience. Repay Quickly, it desired, or you . may take as long as a full year. Your inquiry hi invited. Come ta -.or phone today . .3. without obligation. CALKINS FI1 CE CO. 316 (3rd n.) : Ph. 4448 I 1 1st rjari Bak. Bldgl Salem : - S-228 Lie. ijM-278. QWCK CASH LOANS I CALL WHITE M ipnane lOlSSl vc Salem 'a easts larfast boat owned and homo- managed finance mstiru non Your financial affairs wiB o discussed and inane saade so stxtctesi oiivaey You will be gives every eon deration h the ronaytac of vour or erraattoa oa extensions 1 to 1 MONTHS I TO REPAY You caa pay in full any time u educe the cost ONLY BORKOWEH SIGNS No endorsers Loans made on furni lure or HOY H SlafafONS MGR. Lie No M 163 j x GENERAL FINANCE CORPORATION Lie No S 1M IS So Commercial St Phone slot rust door south ofi Ladd Bush hank Coavsaieat ground Quo location Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. STH FLOOR GOARDIAN BlTTLDrNG LICENSE Nii M 1S9 - SAVE TIME. tire, gas. Apply for your loan by phea Telephone 3191. ask for- Miss AstdersoaL Personal Ftn anc Co.. 612 Suite Sti opposite County Court 'House. S-122. ! M-165 Help Wanted Female BEAUTY OPERATORS at Marinello Beauty Shop. (25.00 wk. guaranteed salary prut commission. Situations Wanted STEADY farm wk. Exp. with tractor St farm machinery. Bx 3501, Statesman. MAN wants -Job driving shipyard bus. Inq. 5 mi. East of Brooks. 2nd hse. to left across Hayes ; bridge. GEN HOUSEWORK and cooking. 3 to 6 hrs daily Box 244. Statesman. WANTED Garden l plowing. Ford iractor. Phone 2-2904. Ray Satter. For Sale -Miscellaneous FRUIT TREES Leading varieties fruit and nut trees and shrubbery. Top grafted Royal Anne cherry trees. Gooseberry plants. "Ital ian prunes. 2 yrs. old. Grapes. Fil bert tree. 343 Marion St.. N. of Bu- sick s Market. i 'raitfandiNiamry Ph. S-1636 A- 4- Mathis. Prop. BATH tub. fixture 835.00. Ph. 6106. -; FERTILIZER. Pit. 22691. Rt. 6, Bx 424 DWEBS PR1WIG tnattressesVVo"x springs, coil springs, 3 pc. walnut bedroom set. like new. Best buys at DuFram's Used Furniture. 2380 Fair grounds Rd. Ph. S762. DINNER 'SET. breakfast set. Mon arch elec. stove, one bed complete, and other articles. Ph. 3073. 1 home-made tractor. 1 disc. 1 18-in. plow, 1 sect taw spring tooth. $100 cash. Ph. 2-2169. j $200 Ladles sUver ! muskrat fur coat sias 16. aacrific $100 cash. Ph. 4389. VOSS WASHER. A-l coad, sokttag bed. coil sawtoas. 1 battirm. etec beat er. Ph. 444. M) M.j Ssmncf. APPLES 6Sc adi tap. Bring box. Open evenings and Sundays. Four BTks. North of Viaduct oa Partlaad Rd. Waahiag saarhhaej radio. Ph.944S. FOR SALE: Partly need apiaaet, aa vasal good ed jaaaoa. ooail. ly rebuilt, pas c . j Baby grand $389. We still have aew.! tCianballs. Jaquith Music Co.! 181 So. High Help Wanted 1 ROCKHXLL " 1 1 si li ass lug atiaoborry plaataH. MIVaadjbtnt. 1 ml. West MEN AND WOMEN To Work For The UNI0H PACIFIC RAILROAD - i i i AT TORTLAND LAND OUTLYING POINTS WASHINGTON AND OREGON 7 Goocl WagesInside Work 'BOILERMAKERS MACTPOSTS PIPEFITTERS BIJICKSSITTHS ALSO' HELPERS AND APPRENTICES REPORT TO UNION PACIFIC IN YOUR V1CINTY FOR FURTHER INFORMATION I OR AT OUR Mechanical Employment Bureau s' PORTLAND. OREGON BR 7771 ! j ; . 1 . i i wC7fMaavMMX . f GOOH.SCKAM- ) V 0 ) VVV JBf?I??V -"to. - fCST 5LPWe wTTWTMePrSWES -1 U vOOVEMOTA U-Jl f t J aWJ iVk 7 's. ClTTT ' Si j6 PfAPPEARS TS- "ifjl I POMTER OUir ) vVJly . - vV-vt V-v J 0a L 1 . .t - ' ' - i.-i . . - - Money i to Loan PRIVATE MONEY ACTTO AND TRUCK LOANS CONTRACTS KEtTMANCEO to r. duce payments , Money for new -or used can No delay r red tap Too retain pua iiaim of at vucm 1 to IS MONTHS TO PA ROY SIMMONS siat Lfct fa slim Loans ! Wanted ' WANTED: Private loan oa Labish beaver dam. Box 2489. Statesman. . 'WANTED PRIVATE MONEY TO LOAN on good Sal --m Teal es tate. Will pay 8, interest. W. U GRAKENHORST s CO. REALTORS j For Sale Miscellaneous CHOPPED OATS A vetch hay. about 3 tons. Close in. easy to get to. Ph. 31 or CKO. BICYCLE, radio, pair rabbet overalls.- 2178 N Church. trNPAINTED Chests of Drawers S7.TS Kitcben cabinet buUt-ins. ward robes, desks. Folsom Furniture Mfg. tlMBroadway Ph. 92t. v; i Fuller Brushes. 1745 Grant. Ph. S39L VACUUM Cleaners. Bags. Brushes. Belts for all make. Complete rebuild ing, etc Vtoces Vac. Store. 332 Port land Rd Phone 6292. . j. HOSPITAL BED at radio. 331 j N. rth. BELCREST Lots overlooking lake. S12S each. Telephone 3842. Salem. ere orvn nBfic Ma 1 St tntr aberal trade to on your old furniture OR TRADE: Guns and ammunition Do Madison. SM tl. High. No. 2 White Rose Seed potatoes $3 00 cwt. Ph. 2-233. i i Wan led Furni t ure See Russ Bright before selling fur niture 8c appliances. Will pay highest cash price 1 BRIGHT FtTRNTTURE ' 453 Court SL f Ph. 111 CASH FOR used rummire ai aoM goods R Forger Ph 7448 Wanted Miscellaneous Poultry . & Eggs Wanted WE SELL FEEDS Northwest Poultry St Dairy ! 1589 N. Front Phone 7007 "Hoetrack" garde tractor. Ph.2-1333 GOOD trash burner. Ph. 4T33. i WANTED: Small; elec. refrigerator or ice box, also floor lamp. Box 73, Statesman i TOP PRICE for second hand furni ture ac household goods. Ph. 2-4081. SPOT CASH for b.h uirnirur. ap poanees. stoves or what have vu7 Call the F N Woodry Auction and Furniture Mkt.. 1618 N Summer St.. Salem Ph 5110 WANT TO Buy. : Used cameras- & lenses McEwan Photo Shop 435 State Wanted: Good used furniture -P 7311 USED FURNITURE Ph 8189 j USED FURNITURE Ph. ill Miscellaneous " Dental -Plate Repair! ; TWO HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES i Bring or Man Your Plates for Repeu DR HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adoloh Bldg State ; Com! Ph 3311 EDUCATIONAL I. Piano lessons by exper. teacher. 50c 1 hr. periods. 1111 2nd St.. W. Salem. AUTO repairing, i motor reboring. welding, reasonable prices. Stanley's Garage. 3250 Portland Road. Ph. 7110. For Rent- Rooms NICE SLEEPING RM. 966 Center; SINGLE OR double room. 915 N. 18th. TWO RMS. Pri. ent., running water a rtsu ctose in. Ph. .5625 after sen. hrs. SLEEP. BOOM. 800 Marion. i For Rent Apartments MOO. 3 rass. furn. Garage. Adah. 881 N. Cottage St. FURN. 'APT, 819. 171 Ceater. S RM. APT. Lady; 198 Ceater. For Rent- Houses 8 stMX, 8138. TS RatcUff Dr. Help Wanted IN CARMEN LABORERS SHEETMETAL WORKERS ELECTRICIANS j '.' ; ' FOR ALL THE ABOVE CRAFTS NEAREST . ROUNDHOUSE Listen to "BUndl" on th air For Rent Houses 6 ROOM modern I except basement teqirre 1288 Fir. 8238.? ---jH SM. TJNFURN.. 1 1a ml. East of Fairgr. Jnq. Hollywood Service Station. SMALL bouse with garden spot. 1 2-izbo, or zza nouywooa aw, - FOR RENT: 6 rm. house. North, very clean, wd. lura, wd. or gas range. Ph. 4291. '.' J 4 RM. modern house. acre, in city. 80S Edgewater SL W. Salem. Ph. 7133, SL W. Salem, rnished 1 roorr LOVELY furnished 1 room house, automatic heat. Creek front 794 North Suanmer it 4 P.M. Tharsday. COZY, modern cottage, partly furn. 2 miles from city r jiter; Oarden space. 2 persons, $25. Ph. 19067 or 9152. . j For Rent-4-Farmt T ACRES, house, electricity, orchard. Truck garden soU. Optioa to buy; 7 mi. North of Salem. 1311 N. Liberty. Ph. 6685. For Rent FOR RENT: 18 acres of Fuggl Hops located between Donald and Wood burn. Oregon. Yard in good condition. Terms to suit lessee. Address inquiries to Box 20, Woodburh. ;Oregon. FLOOR SANDER for rent gomery Ward. j j Mont- TRUCKS for rent. You drive. Me dina dr LoveO. pbon Wanted to Rent 6 RM. MOD. home1. Permanent ex cellent references. Ph. 727. ARMY OFFICER and wife wish furn. apt or furn. house. Can furnish ref erences. Box 3900. Statesman. WANTED to rent, about 3 Rm. un fura. hse near South i Salem. Adults only. Room for garde) and chickens. Statesman, Box 3483.1 For Sale Real Estate FOR SALE 8 room home, large : lot basement furnace, fruit trees. This place is an exceptional buy. Immediate possession. Close to Richmond school. This place is below value. See it today I W. H. GRABENHORST Ac CO. REALTORS 134 S Liberty St. I i Ph. 4131 ATTRACTIVE BUYS IN HOMES To Close aa Estate rooms on corner! lot. house old with Uttle repairs can be made quite comfortable Price 81150. Well located corner.- lot with two 4 room bouses. Price .for both 82800, part terms. In South Salem and vacant. 6 room house, basement, furnace, fireplace, garageVPJace needs repairs but priced accordingly for short time. $1908. See LEO N. CHIT .US. INC, REAL TORS. 344 State Street. Phone 8261. INCOME PROPERTY This property Is close in and has two large houses and one small house, mostly furnished. Income $140 per month, and five vacant rooms not rented. Just the place to invest some money and a place to live and have a good income. Price: $5500. W. H. GRABENHORST ac CO. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. ' Ph. 4131 8S250. Modern 4 bed" rm. suburban home, hardwood fir., ; basement, fur nace, fireplace, toilqt Sc lavatory on 1st fir., bath rm. up ; stairs; on bus line in excellent condition. MELVTN JOHNSON. REALTOR 725 Court St. j !" Phone 3723 N. 18th ST. HOME East front, paved i St Near Engle wood school, 4 rooms, fireplace, ga rage $2800: $1000 dn. $13.57 per mo. W. H.o GRABENHORST & CO. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. j . . Ph. 4131 4 LOTS at Gervais with good poul try house. 128x20. Water 6c elec. Clear. Ev Roseberry, 498 N 21st, Salem. Business Cards tn this directory nra on a monthly lb 81 aiy. Kate: $L25 per! 11b per Anto Brakes Mike Paaek 278 Saatb Csananrcisl Batteries WILLARD batteries, all typos & " D Woodrow 34 Chare. Phono 88 Bicycles BICYCLES New and reeondtdoned Harry W Scott 141 SL "oaa'ct P 45;S Canvas NOTICE Salem Tent ft 1 Awsing Co. Ta N. Liberty St ! Ph. 4788 Still has a targe ; stock of eaavws. all widths and weighta. Awnhag strip waterproof duck.- You need no Chimneyi Sweep Sweep Ph 4498 t ? Florists 44t 8199 Forseral DireetcM-a 928 Gifts - n THE APRON 78 ft 1 f Hosiery Seal Silk Hoatery fins. Pa. 678 Mrs. K Moseley. Can. Del, Salem Blaltreasea CAPTTOL BEDDING CO Phone 6868 Monday Bight, 78. B.OLN. - For Sale Real Estate ' 1979 MADISON ST. Cecal 4-t. home with oak firs, fire place, two bedrooms, garage, saved St Price 83208: $1525 -down.- bL an ri per too. W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO. REALTORS - 134 S. liberty St . . ' - t 41tt SMS. tally mod. 88000. . 8 mis, semi-modem. 82100. ma, S bedraau bsaat 8373. F. H. Weir 9 Center Realtor Ph. 8411 $2750.00. Cozy 3 room cottage with 1 acre ground. 5 room house, basement furnace ft garage.- A inactive yard. 84758 . P. H. BELL. REALTOR . 212 . Guardian Bldg. Phone 8188 FOR SALE 8 r. Eng. style home, 3 bedrooms, full cement basement furaac. fire place. On Fairartount Hill. Price 84500. Possession in a few days. W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St Ph. 4131 7 RM. HSE, strictly mod, S bath rms, full basem , oil furnace, auto, sprinkling system, new paint and root 50x100 lot, dbL garage. 1090 J. Win- xer. -n. aoza. located. Move right to. $2350. 1 A, 4 r. hse. Close hi. View scop. Good garden soil. $1700. H. P. GRANT 929 Court Ph. 8744 FOR SALE or TRADE: 8 A. to Hum bolt County. Calif, 2 A. in cult, 4 rm. hse, new barn, aew hen hse, elec. pump; for property near Dallas r Salem. Mrs. Olive J. Colby, Rt 1. Box 18, RtekreaB. Or. 4 RM. house and garden plot Im mediate possession. 1140 S. 22. Ino. 2107 Center. VERY CHOICE view tracts, rood soU. city water installed acres or more, laesi ior victory garaens - ana future home. Easiest terms. Ph. 841X LIS! YOUR PROPERTY TODAY WE HAVE LOTS OF BUYERS ft LOAN ON REAL ESTATE BUSINESS IS GOOD HAWKINS ft ROBERTS. INC. REALTORS PH 4108. Exchange Real Estate FOR SALE OR- EXCHANGE OR RENT FOR GARDENING 14 large lots near 24th and Center Streets. Price for all $2508. easy terms or exchange for residence or acreage not xar out. wui pay or assume dif ference. LEO N. CHILDS, INC, REAL TORS, 344 State Street Phone 8281. FOR SALE or TRADE, 6 room house for small acreage. Phone 6106. GOOD 6 rm. mod. house, close in. Close to shipyard. ExcelL trans. Want 50 to 100 acre farm stocked ft equip ped, near Salem Will assume. Owner. 291 SJC. 8th Ave, Portland. EIGHT 3 rm. cabins and 6 rm. hse.. near Taft. Trade for Salem property or farm R. West 715 S. 12th St. For Sale Farms BEST FARM BUY IN VALLEY 40 acres with good house, barn, and outbuildings l',i acre old filberts variety of berries and fruit about 3 acres timber paved highway price $6800. Ask Mrs. L. H. Ellis for appoint ment. LEO N. CHILDS, INC., REAL TORS, 344 State Street. Phone 9261. 10 A. under cult., 2 a. mint, 6 a. beaverdarn, 2 a. alfalfa. Mod. 5 rm. home wired for elec. ranee. Good onion hse. 2 mi. E. of Brooks. Ph. 22979. Burr. FOR SALE 20 Acres located on main Pacific highway south of Salem, 16 acres prunes, some timber. A fine building site, well Priced to sell $1600. W. H. GRABENHORST St CO. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Acreage A with 3 rm. mod. hse. Rt 8. BOX S94H. 10 A, fair hse. Sc barn. Electricity. a ml. East. Terms. Bx 2486, Statesman Directory Paints and Lacquers Complete line NASON paints Liberal terms h u wooarow. 394 N Church Painting & Pa per hanging Painting and Decorating. Ph. 7552. Experienced Reasonable Ph 4329 Printing FOR STATIONERY, cards, pamphlets. programs doom or any kind or print tog. call Th Statesman Printing De partment sis s tnmmercin Teie ohon 8161 Roof Repairing TARRING. Kennedy. Ph. 8056. Radio Service PTERCE Radio Service. 805 N. Liberty Real Estate Loans My charge for making a loan Is the lowest. Also buy contracts. . B. C. Zielinskl. 3890 Center. Ph. 2-2529. Septic Tanks Cleaned Inspection free. Kenneth Hamel. a resident of West Salem, 842 Edgewater St Ph. 8745. Transfer U -DRIVE TRUCK'S FOR RENT Blankets furn 197 S Liberty Ph 9062 FOR LOCAL OR DISTANT tranfer storage, burner oil. briquets trucks to Portland daily Agent Pierce Auto freight, including cam points uirmer Transfer Co Ph Jlai. Vacuum Cleaner Service FREE Insnecttoh tn vour bom. Au too ri zed Hoover service We service all makes cleaners Hogg Bros. Ph 9149 Well Drilling R A West ft Sons. Rt 8. B 448 2-229 Acreage' 2'4 ACRES 1 R rtllt fetecli Ictty feottM! need f repair Several large bearing ! walnut trees. Price $1238 'cash. f W. 2L. GRABENHORST ft CO. - REALTORS iritTTIH 134 S. Liberty St - pit m ".; ri nm W11AJW UUJI tortabi bu adiags nd th. best f rch schools.' bus service, for only $3906. td'aignei'l? hM been appointed etty ttmihfSeMrs "LeSces8! thpircut CoUrt Of the State leo n. i CHrLDsJiNC, REALTORS I Oregon f pri Marion Courity, Ad- 344 stat street Phone 826L aBHaaaaaasSss 8 A, 8 r. hse. Good black land.ir-ln AotmneA a 8Vr K11 aBfallflawi ... 4 A. Old Bldg. hot much good. 84008 LVaamT wgar8aJd jesUte are herjeby no- Cloee to. $638. F. H. Weir 485 Center Realtor Ph. 8411 f' -'J ONE-HALF ACRE With 4 x. home, basement. 'rserf system.1 near school' and paved IRd.iti 'J,.Ky w7 th. a. 4 U t, 4 miles out Price $1850 $508 down,iw month from the da of the $28 per mo. immediate posses-t first publication of this. notice. : SIw! k. crabenhorst ft coj ,1 Dated i first published the .! realtors I sixth day of February, 1945. 1M S. Liberty St .Ph. Hi j j . Wanted- Real Estate WANTED I WANTED!! . I t Farms - Acreage - Houses. What have you for sale, rent or trade? We have the buyers, some with spot cash, others from $258 up. See or write Louis Bechtel or Mrs. Needham. i 341 State. Room 4. v wamihj co ouy tn best hoaa t south for $3000 cash. Box 2502. States-4 So If you have wnall place for sale. ! JJ S1 let us snow, D. A. FISH 477 SOLD my Acreage for Cash-WanM to buy for cash mod. home, 3 bedrms Like large lot or two lot. See my agent Mrs. Needham, . 341 Stat Sti a WANT to buy modern 8 rm. home; North of State St. Make money. . self direct to me. Ph. 5763 between 8-4 fun WK NEED houses and acreage to.; sell. List your homes with us. j Business Opportunities FOR QUICK sale on account of UK ness: Apt. hse.-4 apts, 12 rooms, busi ness prop, with good Income. Furni ture if desired. See owner at Coral. For Sale Wood UTAH lump coal .tn 100 Tb. cks. Oregon Fuel Co. 1116 N. Capitol PLENTY of sawdust. Ph. 6832; WOOD ALL KINDS. PH. S378. All kinds of wood. $16.00 up. Ph. 3439 18- MILL wood. 4 ft slab, dry 2nd growth, 12 or .a inch Ph. 8862. oodGraen 412 NSlstSt 'rB378 Plywood cores ft ends Ph 8509 Wood Sawing Charles F. Simon. 1311 N. Ph. 6665. Liberty. For Sale Used Car CHEV. li ton truck, short 715 N. Capitol. vjrh af1 FOR SALE: 1938 Ford four idoor DeLuxe. five good tires. Mrs. A. M; Dunlavy, fourth house south of Post Office in Brooks. Oregon. "29 Mod. A Tudor. Good tires. new patnt. Cheap. 1578 Franklin. W. Salem 32 BUICK 7-0 passenger car. i $200. Good cond. 642 Edgewater, W. Salem. '40 FORD Spl. Dlx. T. cond. $795.00. 2266 Mission. Sdn A-l Automobiles '38 Chev. 4 Dr. Sedan. Good tire. A-l cond. Low mileage. 328 Gaines St Wanted Used Cars Cash in your Car FOR CASH TT to '41 Model Cars and Pickup. Burfoyne Motor Co. 448 Center PhonelSlSSt WE PAY TOPS! Get every dime your car Is worth. Cash on the Barrel-Head "C" SCHROCK I s SALEM'S oldest independent used est NX Coraor Church ft Cham. Ph." 7SX8 HERRALL-OWENS Buys ft Sells Cash for yoar car. 239 S. Com'L Phi 8188 I CI iiu. vb ami. 1 WTLL BUY good late model ear.- Phoa 8-lSvS. J Lost and Found LOST la down tow area Monday, bet eta 4 and 4 p. m, brown team zipper cote pairs containing $3. changa sad atarapa. Reward. Phone 8730. t Transportation WANTED: Transportation with pri vat party daily except Sunday to Commercial Iron Works. Portia, day shift Ph. 3958 after T p. an. WANTED: Rid to Com'L Iron Works. swing shift 434 So. lth. TRANSPORTATION to Buckler job. oa Denver Ave, Portland. Phono sesfc t Personal SPTJSrTUAL Psychology Stud to re opens at 829 Bebnoat St Tells post st was. Present as it as. Future- a H win be. Home circle Frt 8 P. M.iReod tags dairy. On price to an. Ren Ool Legal Notice CALL FOK BIDS Sealed bids will be received by the Board' of Education of School District No. Z4, Marion County, Oregon, up to SK) o'clock pn. on Tuesdar. March t. IMS. foC fur nishing athletic equipment for the various schools for the District, . Saedfication blanks and: bis forms may be obtained fror and bids shall be fUed with thj Dis. trict Clerk at 480 North HlgH Street, Salem. Oregon. C. C. WARD, District derk. T2-U-o. Xegal Notice j NOTICE TO CKIXJITOES th Circuit CH of Um 8Ut W Otero fwtiM C88(f : ... 1 !?. i t . ' siariM . - - .1 In the Matter th Estate of v. Alice Kaiser EckeHen. Deceased. Notice is Hereby Given that the 1 ministratox with the Will annexed. H the Estate of Alice Kaiser Eck J"" "1 ,- isxaia uavuiz uiuui titied to ? present the : same duly v.erifieq as required by law, to the 1 nnM-iMl l 4K nfflM Uf tm.,l kstMV4 maMvu i waj v v,. o oi ;R. Hendricks, Ledd and Bush ftanlr TVlAm ' Silam HrMnti with. j j.utjti!Jtar fcLttf.nur.il, Adrriinistra tor with the Will annexed; of ,the Estate of Alice Kaiser Eckerlen. de ceased.! ri5-lS-zC(-2t-M6. Grciiigors "News FALLS CITY The local grange will celebrate 4ts anrdversary Mon day night, March 8, with fa dinner io be served at 7 o'clock. All grangersi arad their families are Urged to attend. A program di- rected bjr thej lecturer, Mrs. Neva oUand.4 will, be presented, lot lowed by a social hour. tred j. Cla rit Diea! 'Friday, Silverton Bills h. SIL.VEltTON' ITPLLSTred J. Rllvertnn Tltlla Wldav aftei bml JHe wa bora In Lennox. Iowa. February 14. 1177. Funeral arrangemenU: are be- tng made y Larson and Son, the rlte' tentatiYeiy set lor Hon. day. awaiting word from rela- Survivors iaclade two sons, R F. Clarli of Woodbarn and J. B. Clark of Maleshoe. Texas, and tw daoghters, Mrs. Tolly Cnm- mlnri bf SOverton Hills and Mrs. jNellie Strickland of Okla- City. Okla, ICarl Brown Builds Addition to Garage Tff.nRfF.TVEiTCar! Ml Rrnwn has built a small addition to his garage. He is in charge of the farm machinery repair school We. ! 1 , I Beni ;ThbrnberTy, who; was s ill tor many-months, now Is able to he up . i - i ' t Recenti guests of the AUyn Nu 80m family I were Mr. nd "Mrs. V. BJ Walked and faniUy, from t'ortlandi also 5Mr. and Mrs. A., J. ftasmussen. of Labish Center, Mr. S m m . v m 1 fl. . ana Mrs. narry nresster pt oaicm, MisSjMarjoriei Bresslerlof Port land and Mrs. Selmaj Gasney, Portland. ; Case Continued SILVXRTON--The case of WU liam jE. JKilgore, charged by his son. Claud, with an attempt to commit a felony, has been con tinued until March . 9 by defend- ant's i at i i . . j Crossword Puzzle 7 " 7 7" l 'i m i.i.i VVVi mm mm mmm , i mmmm mmmmm 1MLL II . "i i ml 1" r ?r f f 4S " I 44 41 j ( 4T" "f" TF " 1 1 I ' III 1 I I HORIZONTAL I. steep, as flax 4. rugged, i i? mountain! - Pr I 48V8COOP OUt 48. eternity (; 49. b4emlh j 60. national park SLcoior VERTICAL . a tatter ; t.hol 12. Swiss rrrer 13. attract t 14. fish eggs ! 15. leveling ; : 17. glow ' 19. noises ir 20. head - 'r ' zl.mattfial ;! 23. loiter . . 26. paddles. 27. conifers ,, 28. pronoun !l zi.wTohg: prefix 30. gasps - :f gl.exunct bird 32. because - '17 : 33. tridea-'if- ; 3S. choose " js 37. skin, mouths 38. sacred Vessels 29. rU giant. -49. tttwork ! 42.porridg ! ' 4&saluUUof ' Answer to yesterday's puszl. SlWlAlSlMi lAiqict 1TIAIP m a r T cj ai jJn a t C E TC 3. Of, AH AT C Z M A RlCjt N Ubrl S T)U M J C6Tu C H iW X fiTjS A8PcAjR lATp" E H C AL N) a5c A A A m L 'NJ U Awe D TT A M t H D ATT Tj Tc SI DC ME SlClt! OlKlr.! jclNlTlrja Arrvag USB of salaUoa: 34 aalsate. Dtat by Kmg Faaturs gyadicat. lac Mickey Mouco Qub Notes Hello again, This will be the last week that I will " be reporting : to you be cause the army just called and said that they want me. (Just when we . were getting to know each other.); . . , ' - Last week Miriam Sheilengerger sang Tve Heard That Song Be fore" and I might add she did do a swell job of it Bob Hagehdorn surprised everyone when he went out on the stage and sang "The Caisson Song? : Thanks goes to Bob for doing his ' part in top fashion, . t '. The medley that Mary Barton played on : the organ was really entertaining. ' I think that it gay us all a bird's eye view of her talent i . Ramona Spence and the !Tn Little Soldiers' were both good. Oh well, isnt she always? ' Verne Esch, who has, been suf fering from a cold for th last two weeks, finally got well enough to lead ; the kids in 'America." which ended the show. . Again may I thank one and all for their ' cooperation and I will be seeing you after the war. J ' ' ! '! . : :; . : Jerry Anderson,. Milton Yeoman Dies in Stay ton STAYTON Milton W. Yeoman died Thursday at his home In Stayton. He had spent nearly all his life in and around this city. - Yeoman was born March 1, 1886. He married Lena Snodgrass. Of their eight children, six survive. Survivors Include the widow. Lena; two daughters, Mrs. Norman Wells, Scio, and Mrs. Birden Corey of Portland; four sons, Ralph of Independence, Earl of Lebanon, Kenneth and Glenn of Stayton; two sisters; Mrs.; Alice Luhnman of Seattle and Mrs. Frances Bevier of Albany; ten grandchildren and one great grandson, 1 Funeral services will be held Sunday at the Weddle Funeral home at 2 p. m. The Rev. Willard Buckner will officiate.' Interment will 'be in Lone Oak cemetery. Firemen Stnirry From Blaze to Blaze; Come Through in Time STL VintTON Silverton fire- had - a busy day Friday when fire broke In the Ylviaa Morley house. 511 First street, and at almost the same time, a blaze . started la the machine shed at the W. J. Haberiy resi dence near Woldo Hills. But they came throng li with flying elors. ' I The fine fire at the ' Morleys was welt started when firemen were called, but the blase was confined to the three upper ( room, badly beared, while th rest of th hows was saved.: Haberty fared better. Only th roof of bis shed was tnjnred. Ton Late to Qassiff' FOR SALE: Good 6 rm. home, base ment, furn, 4c. $3859- Near sch. ft bus. Owner. 1138 N. Com. . ' 5-3 t. ancient j ascetics 9. self-esttem 10. electriaed particl: 11. golf mound 16. submerses 18. ugly crones 20. linen j era pings 21. stupors; 22. elevate j - 23. narrow streak . 24. river In) Europ 25. chair 17. agreements 2. auditory - organ 3. merchant 4. straightea f 5. hurries a. unit ef work T. tellurium: ynt' 30. bundl 31. sailor . 35. fairy 34. fuel 36.mor recent 27. rods 39. theater! eat 40. male sheep 4L feminine nam - 41. pt ace I' 43. pedal digit 44. conjunction 47. boo