The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 06, 1943, Page 5, Image 5

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    Tho- OSEGON STATESMAN. Salem, Oregon, Saturday Morning. March S, 1943
ILaDaBaall FJews EIBn85M
- Marriage licenses lned Mar
riage license granted in Van
couver, Wash, this week included
the following: William Daugherty,
Camp Adair, and Marjorie Fisher,
Corvallis; Robert "McFarlane, sta
tion Av and Clara Sheker, 2115
State street, both of Salem Carl
Robnett and Linnie Watson, both
of Corvallis; Forest Houchin, 838
Highland, and Nora Ayres : Van
couver, Wash.; Lewis Doney and
Marie Smith, both of Indepen
dence; Theodore Clary, Sheridan,
and Ruth Bacon, Portland; Orville
Bridge and Kathryn Camp, both
ef Hubbard; Walter; Bid well and
LaVerne : Stutz, both of Albany,
route two. 5
Men wanted, hop yard work, 75c
' tuv-4 mi. west of Salem. Williams
tc Thacker. Ph. 6759 or 21331.
Teamsters Notice. Regular meet
ing Monday, Mar. 8 th, 8 p. m,
Labor Temple, Salem Important
announcements will be made. Be
sure to attend. Lew Harkins, secy.
Clark Named Director A Wil
lamette university faculty com
tnittee this week named Herman
Clark, professor of physical
science, to direct the summer ses
sion at Willamette in 1943. The
committee comprised Dean Ches
. ter F. Luther, Dr. Robert M. Gat
ke, Dr. Cecil R. Monk and Prof.
j T. -Brown.
. Flowering plums, cherries, peach
es, hawthorn e, magnolia. Knight
Pearcy nursery, 575 S. Liberty.
Open Sunday 10 till 4.
Rose bushes, 25c and 45c Weep
ing willow, 50c up. Fruit trees,
berry bushes. Knight Pearcy
nursery, 375 S. Liberty. - Open
Sunday 10 till 4.
Dance at Armory Sat. night.
Siga Stolen A 20 by 4-foot
metal sign valued at $80, belong
ing to Abrams and Ellis realtors,
was taken from 21st and Center
streets Tuesday, according to a
report received by city police who
said a neighbor woman had seen
at man haul It away tn a truck.
Hear Frank M. Walker Sunday
afternoon at 3:00 to 3:30 on "The
Radio Bible School" over KSLM.
Moose Benefit Dance, 12th Sc Les
lie Sts., Sat eve. Roberts Old
Time orchestra. Public invited.
Bar Meets Report of the legis
lative committee, presented by
Walter Winslow, its chairman and
members of the state association's
committee, featured the Friday
noon luncheon meeting of the
Marion County Bar association.
LuU florist Ph. 9592. 1276 N. Lib.
A Card Gone Clarence Col
lins, 2645 Maple avenue,' told city
police that his A gasoline card
was taken from the glove com
partment of his car between Feb
ruary 15 and 18 while it was
parked in the downtown area.
You can still buy a Johns-Man-ville
Roof, nothing down, 12 mo.
to pay. Ma this Bros., 164 S. Coml
Dance at Armory Sat. night.
Fenders Damaged Fenders on
both cars were damaged when a
car driven by Donald O. Walters,
1080 Garnet street, was hit while
turning into a driveway at 13th
nd D streets by Kenneth Greene,
1454 Gregson street
Bonney .
Mrs. Elizabeth Bonney, at the
home of her daughter, Mrs. O. S.
Richardson in Portland, Wednes
day, March 3, at the age of 73
years. Mother of Mrs. Richardson,
Mrs. J. L Seism of Silverton, Mrs.
H- M. Sheppard of Salem, Mrs.
Weston Howard of Keno, Ore.,
Earl Bonney of Salem and Dan
Bonney 6f Jacksonville, Ore. Also
survived by 10 grandchildren and
tour great grandchildren. Services
will be held fram Clough-Barrick
chapel Tuesday, March 9, at 3
p. m. Interment in City Vie w
Mrs. Anna Wagner. Cross, at her
home, 1287 Cbemeketa street,
Thursday, March 4. Survived by
brother, Ernest Wagner of Stock
ton, Calif.; daughter, Mrs. Veda C
Byrd of Salem; five grandchildren
and two great grandchildren.
Services will be held from the res
idence Saturday, March 6, at 10:30
a jo. Rev. George H. Swift will of
ficiate, direction Clough-Barrick
company. Please omit flowers.
Simons rV.;.-;
William Edgar Simons, late res
ident of 512 South 12th atreet of
Salem, Thursday, March 4, in Cal
ifornia. Survived by wife,. Mrs.
Adella Simons of Salem; one
. Hoar
and Hardin
'"E 133 SUIT
- Thursday maximum; tempera
ture 62, minimum 23 .Friday
river feet. Weather; data re
stricted by army request.
Let Said Sale of a Hot 49 x 163
feet, outside the south- limits of
Silverton, to Kenneth; V. Hinckley
and Elizabeth Hincklfy for $80
hat been approved by jthe Marion
county: court 1 j .
For home loans see j Salem Fed
eral, 130 South Libertyl
Making Inaprovesnenl Reports
from Salem General hospital in
dicate that Mrs. Walter Keyes is
making satisfactory recovery after
undergoing a major operation.
Bail ding Permit Issued George
Meier has been granted a permit
by the city building inspector to
erect; a garage at; 1509 North
Fifth street, $90. j
Dance at Armory Sat. night
Name Filed Certificate of as
sumed business name for bis Per
fection Bowling Alleys was filed
Friday in the office jofj the Marion
county clerk by JoelfH. Coe.
! i
Falrview Boy Musing Norman
Piatt, 16, was reported missing
from Fairview home! since 6:30
a. m. Friday, according to city
police. ' j
Dr. Bonsall
Coming Here
Dr. Edward H. Bonsall, Amer
ica's popular youth leader, will be
in Salem Wednesday j and young
people and leaders of youth will
have the privilege of meeting and
hearing this noted leader. "Bon-
i t
nie, as ho is known to thousands
of young people, is former direc
tor of youth work for the churches
of Pennsylvania and Is cow dean
of men and professor j of Bible at
Parsons college, j Fairfield. Iowa.
He is also a world . traveler.
v Dr. Bonsall comes to Salem un
der the direction of jthe Oregon
Christian Youth) council and has
chosen as his theme, fHow Youth
Can Build Today for j a Christian
World." He will spjeak to the
students of Willamette university
at chapel hour at 11:30 a. m. on
Wednesday and will discuss youth
problems at a meeting of youth
workers at Schneider! coffee shop
at 12 o'clock. Anyone wishing to
attend this noon meeting may
make reservations with Miss Gert
rude Hynes at; the Presbyterian
church. j
In the afterhoon, Dr. Bonsall
will devote his time! to anyone
desiring personal interviews with
him and at night a mass meeting
of young people and 'leaders will
be held at 7:30 oclodk at Waller
hall. i j '
Rev. Netcman to Speak
Rev. Victor
copal chaplain
S. Newman, Epis
at Camp Adair and
formerly rector of the Episcopal
church at Klamath Falls, win
speak at the j 11 o'clock service
at the holy Eucharist in Saint
Paul's Episcopal church. The
choir will sing King All Glori
ous" by Barnby.
daughter, Miss Arvilla Simons of
Portland; three sons, Pfc. John T.
Simons of Australia, Pfc. Edgar A.
Simons of Alaska, Pvt. Lyman E.
Simons of Alaska; and two sisters,
Misses Mildred L. and Maude I.
Simons of Salem. Services will be
held from the Clough-Barrick
chapel Monday, March 9, at 10:30
ajn. Interment in City View cem
etery with Rev.j H. C. Stover of
ficiating. I
Monroe Nelson, aged 77, late
resident of 2586 Lee street, ; Sa
lam, at a local hospital March 5.
Funeral announcements later by
the Terwilliger-Edwards Funeral
Petersen '
Mrs. Amanda Peterson, at the
residence, route one, Aumsville,
Friday, March 8. Survived by
husband, Victor O. Peterson;
two, daughters, Missi Minnie Pet
erson of Aumsville sind Mrs. Alice
Edwards of Turner; lone son, Carl
R. Halsey, One brother, P. A.
Peterson, making hisj home in1 Sil
ver. Dale, Wasli, and two other
brothers, Robert and Carl Peter
son, and sister, Hilda Johnson,
living m Sweden, j Four grand
children also! survive. Announce
ment of services to be made later
by Clough-Barrick
SUN., MAR. 7 -1 7:30
Tho Prophecy That Smashed
iho Dictator's Dream ' of
What Docs;
Corner of
Music Director
The .-, chair and Congregational
singing at the special evange
listic services at f he Church of
the Nasarese Is Wader the di
rection mt Prof, j K. J. Lush
(above), lTf. Lh has direct
ed eheirs la Chleage and other
eastern cities. For several years
he has been oa j the teaching
staff Northwest Naxarene
college at Nampa, Idaho. Mrs.
Lush, who is associated with
him in his work here in Sa
lem, is als a soloist. There will
be special musical features at
every service during this week
at 7:36 p. as. Evangelist C. R
Fugett of Ashland. Ky., the
preacher for the series, wUl
give his life story, "From the
Gambling Table to the Pulpit,"
Monday might
Lutherans io Open
Salem Service
(Renter Sunday
In harmony with the general
setup of the service commission
of the Lutheran churches of
America in providing such cen
ters throughest the country, a
Lutheran service center for -Salem
win be formally pened
Sunday afternoon at 3 'clock.
Representatives from the army
and the community have been
asked to take part te this dedi
catory service. The center will
be in the social rooms of the
American Lutheran church, 343
North Church atreet. ketweeo
Chemeketa sad Center.
The ehlef object of this center
will be to provide Lutheran men
la the service, and such others
who will care to avail them
selves of It with j a quiet place
for lounging, reading, writing,
playing games and meeting
friends. Due to local conditions
the undertaktaf will he of a
modest nature. It is a cooper
ative venture of local Lutheran
churches. j
For the present, the center
will be open only on weekends
with one of the local Lutheran
pastors in charge.; If found ad
visable arrangements will be
made later to open also during
the other days of thefweek. Re
ports are that these centers have
proved very successful j la other;
parts of the nation.
IPudDdDB ffllBBon?aD
Elmer H. Barkus vs. City of Sa
lem and others; demurrer.
Ruth Hagen vs. Hiram A. Ha4
gen; decree modified to provide
that defendant is to provide $52 a
month for support of two minor
children. I j
Frank L. Edwards vs. F. Vir4
ginia Edwards; satisfaction of
judgment. j
Oscar Lee, as executor of Thom
as Sorteberg estate, vs. A- E. Tor
geson and others; affidavit of Os
car Lee to effect that he has sold
and signed to Lester Rue the cer
tificate of sale of real property de
scribed in decree and execution by
circuit court. j
State vs. Henry; I. Morrow; orf
der dismissing ,' indictment on
charge of non support and releas
ing bail, based on motion of dis
trict attorney on ground of insuf
ficient evidence. :
Arley V. Turnidge vs. Irene T.
South, alias Irene T. Turnidge;
complaint to annul allegedly void
marriage, declares that when mar
riage ceremony was performed
July 15, 1941, in Nevada, plaintiff
believed his former wife, Doris
Turnidge. had secured a final de
cree of divorce from him, but that
he has since learned it was only
an interlocutory decree, j
Edith Shaffer vs. Gordon Little,
alias D. XL Stone; order for dis
missal on motion of plaintiff, mat
ter having been settled and com
promised, j :
William Martin vs. William
Peerenboom; reply containing gen
eral deniaL i ;
Jack E. Woolridge vs. Dorothy
L. Woolridge; complaint for di
vorce, charging cruel and inhu
man treatment; married Septem
ber 5, 1934. j
Federal National Mortgage aS-
Empiro j
- Don't Miss It! t
tho Battle of
Hood and Church
Rev. Williams
Talks Again v
On Savins
, W. Irvin Williams,.- pastor . of
the First Presbyterian church,
will continue his series of ser
mons taken from the faithful say
ings of Paul this Sunday morn
ing. His sermon subject will be
"About Sinners and Salvation.'
. The choral choir, under the -direction
of Virginia Ward Elliott,
will sing the anthem, "I Will
Magnify Thee" by MasenthaL and
Agnes Drummond will sing the
offertory solo, "Howl Lovely Arc
the Dwellings' by Liddle.
The youth council,; with Evelyn
Kearns as president, will hold
the concluding meeting of the
fiscal year Sunday afternoon at
5:15 o'clock with Gertrude Hynes,
director of religious education.
Christian Endeavor j groups and
the girls' chorus rehearsal will
For the night service at 7:30
o'clock, Mr. Williams will speak
on the topic, "The Banishment of
Fear." The sermon, which is
broadcast over KSLM, will be fol
lowed at 8:30 o'clock by the
dramatization, "Cabin in the
Hills," wherein the cast the West
minster Players, Visit an old
philosopher in his cabin in the
Boy Scouts will meet in - the
club room Monday at 7:30 p. m.
under the leadership of Scout
master Don Doughton.
The Thursday night service will
begin at 7:15 and concluding at
8 o'clock this coming week in
order to accommodate members
of the congregation who nave
tickets to the community concert
At this meeting Mr. Williams will
continue his discussion of the ten
commandments and their appli
cation today.
Musical Worship
Service Planned
A worship service of music is
planned for the- Sunday morning
service of the Knight Memorial
Congregational church. The choir
is under the direction of Mrs.
Richard Smart The chorus choir
will be accompanied by organ and
piano, Mrs. Lewis : Mitchell, or
ganist, and Mrs.; Fern Allison,
The program Includes the pro
cessional hymn, "Bring, O Morn,
Thy Music"; anthem, "Hear Thou
Our Prayer" (Hamblin); trio, I
Shall Not Pass Again This Way"
( Effing er), by Mrs.' Roy Harland,
Mrs. William Dashney and Mrs.
Richard Smart; anthem, "Hear
Us, O Father" (RoSewig; solo,
"O Dry Those Tears" (DelRiego),
Richard Smart; anthem, "How
Long Wilt Thou Forget Me"
(Pflueger) ; organ and piano duet
"The Lost Chord'V (Sullivan); ad
dress, "Facing the Music."
sociation vs. Wesley G. Goodrich
and Betty B. Goodrich; complaint
for foreclosure of mortgage.
John Hughes estate; orders di
recting payment of certain claims
and expenses and charges of ad
ministration and fixing executors'
and attorney's fees
Lars G. Momerak estate; re
ceipts totaling $59.97 paid state as
inheritance tax.
Anna M. Shank guardianship;
final account of Florence E. Buck
les approved as corrected and
estate closed.
Abbie Eckhout estate; report by
T. C. Gorman, executor, of sale of
real property to John Fikan for
Hal D. Patton estate; supple
mental account of Edith Louise
Patton, executrix,,; shows payments
of $4082.34 In note payment by
Lillian E. McCully estate and of
$1082.34 to Luella M. Charlton.
Adrian McCarthy; drunken
driving; 30 days in county jail and
$150 and costs, with sentence sus
pended on payment of fine and
costs; operator's license revoked
for one year.
Gordon Sayre Little; waived
preliminary hearing on four for
gery charges and was bound over
to grand jury, i :
Clarence E. Wolf; violation of
basic rule; $10 and costs; fine sus
pended and costs paid. '
Deane Curtis, legal, marine en
gineer, 245 Meyers street, and
Merle E. Murphx. legal,: cook.
route five, both of Salem.
H. R. McAllister, 20, laborer,
Bellevue hotel, and Alma Carlson,
19, 555 North Liberty street, both
of Salem. j j
B. I. Plummer,' legal, retired,
1067 South 13th ( street, and.Lula
Eugenia Herman,' legal, domes
tic 1765 South Capitol street, both
of Salem. j
Rudi Arthur Faas, 20, US army,
Camp Adair, and; Norma J. Gas
tiger, 20, Monmouth.
Wmiam H. Karsten; violation
basic rule, $3 fine.
Clarence L. Gosser; reckless
driving, $50 fine.
Cliff Buel Baity; violation basic
rule, $10 fine. !i
Kenneth Godkin; illegal ravers
turn, .$l fine.
Ray McKibben; violation basic
rule, $5-batt, mnjHi
J William : P. Schotthoef er;V de
fective muffler, $2.S0 balL i
Mabel Phelps; Varancyv! (50
' fine and- 20 days in JaiL 1 . .
- Mjlas C Helms, Jefferson; vio
lation basic rule, $7.50 bail.
Methodists Set
Culminating Methodism's week
of dedication, nearly ' 8,000,000
members of that denomination
will face war-time : emergency
needs of the church Sunday by
making ' personal rededication of
"self, service ' and substance In
42,000 churches across the coun
try. :
i Led by its board of bishops, the
Salem Methodist church will re
ceive its' dedication offering ' on
Sunday morning through 0 u t
America. The denomination is
asked for $1,000,000 in cash over
and above its regular gifts for
world service. This, an offering
of dedication to aid refugee chil
dren, Methodist chaplains in
their work t home and at - the
front and to reenforce. and sta
bilize some very needy, parishes
in South America, China, and in
the home land which have greatly
suffered because of the war.
' Dr. J. C. Harrison will preach
the serman on "Waymarks for
Doubtful Feet", Dean Melvin H.
Geist will lead the choir in sing
ing "At Thy Feet" by Bach, and
Corydon Blodgett will be the solo
ist singing "The Twenty Third
Psalm" by Malotte. '
: At the night service which is
held in the Carrier parlor at 7:45
o'clock, Dr. Harrison will preach
a sermon on "The Art of: No
ticing" and Mary Margaret Live
say will sing "The Living God"
by OUara.
Navy Reserve
Class Opened
Applicants at Willamette uni
versity for the reopening. V-7
class of the US naval reserve for
junior and senior engineering stu
dents will be interviewed by En
sign S. A. Anderson in the uni
versity gymnasium Monday and
Tuesday. Complete physical ex
aminations will be made avail
able, according to a bulletin re-
received by Dean Chester F. Lu
ther, campus armed forces repre
sentative. Students eligible are "juniors
and seniors studying . engineering
or pursuing courses leading to
degrees in physics, mathematics,
electronics or naval architecture.'
Vision requirements for the classi
fication have been modified sub
stantially, according to the bulle
tin. Conference will be available
both days from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.
Dr. Dowd to Talk
On Alcohol Sunday
A lecture on the subject of
alcohol is scheduled to be given
to the Calvary Baptist Sunday
school Sunday morning at 9:45
o'clock by Dr. H. A. Dowd, a
local physician and teacher in the
Calvary Sunday school. Follow
ing this lecture, which is open
to the public, the classes will
discuss a temperance lesson.
At the morning worship service
of the church the pastor, Rev.
Edward L. Allen, will give a com
munion meditation in commemo
ration of the Lord's supper. "The
King of Love My Shepherd Is,'
by Shelley, will be sung by the
choir, under the direction of Wen
dell Johnson. The next timely
question to be considered by the
pastor at the 7:30 o'clock service
will center around "The Back
slider." Special music will be
given by a guest soloist from
Camp Adair and a vocal duet
will be sung by Mrs. Dale Taylor
and Mrs. Edward L. Allen.
Crowds Turn Out
To Hear Madsen;
Series Continues
A record crowd has been turn
ing out to the special series be
ing conducted by Col. Harold-Mad-
sen of the Salvation Army, Adj.
Ed Hill of the Salem corps re
Col. Madsen will continue these
meetings every night through this
week and will speak three times
Sunday, at 10 o'clock, at 11 o'
clock and at 7:30 o'clock. He will
be in Albany Monday night and
will return Tuesday afternoon to
address the Marion County Holi
ness association to be held at the
Nazarene church. Tuesday night
will be the last meeting of the
series. He will continue to Med
ford. The public is invited ,to the ser
vices which start at 7:45 o'clock
week nights and 7:30 o'clock Sun
day. .1
Work Accidents
Take Five Lives
Five fatalities In Oregon due to
industrial accidents were report
ed in fiie week ended March 4
to tho state industrial accident
commission. ,
The victims; war Emmett
Charles Hutton, Portland, ship
yard worker; Perry H. Weaver,
Bandon, farm laborer; Robert Lee
VanFossen, Myrtle Point, logger;
B. K. Breazeale, Portland, paint
er, and Sam Brinkerhoff, Beaver
City, Utah, shipyard worker, ,
Industrial accidents reported to
tho commission during the week
totaled 1040.:! -
' Sunday
"Back Home Hour"
a 30 - 100 p. M.
"Spiritual Interlude"
' . S.-0S to A. M.
First Erangelkal Church
Marlon Ac Summer St. i
Rev. J. Kenneth Wishait
Sunday will mark the closing day
of the revival campaign at the
Free Methodist church jwtth
Evangelist E I m e r McKay
(abave) preaching three times.
At 11 a. m. his subject will be
"Idol Worship." At 2:31 p. m.
Rev. McKay will deliver bis
sermon lecture m "Balldbig 'or
the Ceming Stern." The j clos
ing service will be held at 7:39
p. m.
Two Evangelists
Slated to Appear
Before County Group
Twe pre-sainent evangelists
will be the speakers at the rega
lar meeting ef the Marion
Cennty Helinesa asseriatkni ta
be held at the Naxarene church
n Tuesday. At the 19t and
the 7:$t a'cleck sessteasj the
Rev. C. B. Fnaett ef Achfand.
Ky will speak. At thej tiX9
'dock meeting, CoL Hareld
Madsen ef San Franeiscaj will
preach. Rev. .Lowell Gjilger,
pastor af the - Salem vTesleyair
Methodist, Is president ef this
interdenomlnatienal organiza
tion aad will preside at ail the
Rev. V. L. MH eabeler. j pastor.
If at t. S:M and IS ajn. Benedic
tion after the S J nun. Weekday
masses at s.m.
H. 8. Fulton, pastor. Sunday school
IS s.m. Morning servic 11 o'clock. Ev
ening service 7 JO. Prayer erviee Wad
Desday at 7:45 pjn. j
wmi. GOSPEL - (
1st and Arthur streets. Sunday school
S:4S ajn. Morning service 11 lo'clock.
ChUdren's church 7:1 p.m. Sfrening
D. Lester Fields, pastor. Sunday
school 10 ajn. Mornina servic 11
o'clock. Sermon subject, "Ha Made It
Arain." Youth fellowship S p.m. Even
ttuc service 7:3a o'clock. Sermon sub
ject, "The Limitations of God.'
" - i
Sunday school 10:49 s.m. Ladles Aid
Thursday. Mrs. Den a Harwen, airs,
flaraldson. Mrs. Nellie Ashland and
daughter, hostesses. Luther 1 league.
7 :30 p.m. Confirmants. Saturday, 10
a.m. Special meetings Tuesday apd
Wednesday. S Djn. and Thursday af
teraoon and night. Rev. O. P.X Sta-
vaas. Vancouver. Wash., and jRev. M
A. Thompson, speakinc.
. 1
Sunday school 10 a.m. Mornihf serv
ice 11 o'clock. CE at T p.m.'SEveningJ
service 7:4S o clock. Prayer! servic
Thursday, 8 p. m. Homecoming . serv
ice March 14. 1
Sunday school 10 ajn. Mom frig serv
ice 103 o'clock. Mrs. B. H. . Hashes
Supt. j
Sunday school 10 a.m. Mornint serv
ice 11 o'clock. Sermon subject, "The
Happiest Person in the World" Junior
CE. 4 pjn. Evening service 7 o'clock.
2nd and Garfield streets. Morning
Valley Churches
Monitor. Oluf Asper, pastor. Sunday
school 10 a.m. Morninc service 11
o'clock. Mrs. Oscar Satrum, hostess to
Ladies -Aid. Wednesday, S pint. Rev.
and Mrs. O P. Stavaas. Madagascar
missionaries, speaking.
Third and Gerth streets. Xidell A.
Kelsey. pastor. Sunday school t:30
ajn. Morning servic lOdOi o'clock.
Sermon subject. -Hands of Prayer."
Youth fellowship meets at 1:30 pjn.
Evening servic tiM o'clock.! Sermon
subject. Tor giving Thoughts." Sun
day school board meeting Monday
night. IM o'clock, at H. C White
bom. Choir practice dally after school
at parsonage. Observance of world day
of prayer at First Congregational
church. March IX 05 ajn. Duncheon.
Afternoon under leadership i of Miss
Gertrude Boyd Crane of PaCifia uni
versity. . ; , . ! j ! , Ij.;
Rev. Robert D. Bennett, pastor. Sun
day school 10 ajn. Morning servic ?11
o'clock. Prayer servic Thursday at
pjn- ' s t ::
Mill City. W. S. Crockett pastor.
Sunday school It ajn. Morning serv
ice U o'clock. Sermon subject. "Th
Inner Purpose of Thomas." Christian
Endeavor. JC pjn. EveniMseryice
TdO o'cioek. Sermon subject. TTh Call
of the Cross." . . j ,
MU1 City Aaron Wolfe. DO, pastor.
Stmdav school 1 ajn. Morntng serv
ic 11 o'clock. Christian Endeavor. :Si30
P m, Evening servic 7:30 o'clock. Ser
mon subject. "Bxpositloa jog ttrd
Psalm -.'
Rev. Knotls to Make
w . -I ".i I . ' ' I.
Im portant i Disclosure
Td Leslie Methodists I
1 1 r ' M
. A very special service Is plan
ned for Leslie Methodist church
Sttlay mvrning. Thef riiiutb; is
observing the j week of dedicatJoni
Dr jT. Edgar Purdy, superintendent
for the Salem district, will pring
a I special rnessage on "Dynamic
Ioye." The ; choir win! sing The
Silent Sea," with obligato tuhg by
Mri Don' Jtfdson. Wesley Ritchie
wil sing fTh4 Holy Cfty.? j j
j iev. j osepnr isjioits, pie pastor,
has: an important announcement
td ; nake to the congregation.
Red Cross 'Cast Set
; 1 i - , . : !
J Sunday, an NBC broadcast from
1Q3$ to 10.30! a.m. will present a
dramatirafion! of labor's partici
pation in
Red Cross I war
kinder the title of
bor for Victory.1
Ghuich Services in Salem
Ferry and 13th streets. Kne at.' jonn
son. pastori Sunday school t:4S a.m.
Morning servic 11 o'clock. Evangelist
nimn uuUrd. aoeakins. Sermon sub
ject. "Getting Started Out of Egypt."
Evening servic 1 ciock. awn
subject. "The World's Last Saturday
Night." Meetings every Slight Stilus
ft'Hock exceot Monday and Saturday.
EvanceUUsti Glenn Millard and wife
and jrils
eets. H. B
niTBsi o mmisT
i Pnttor. and ShiDDinc streets. I H. R.
Thornhul. pastor. Sunday school 10
Aon. Morning servic 11 o'clock, j Ev
ening servic 730 o ciock, xoung peo
ple's meetlnt : pjn. J." R. Atkinson
f -Eugen will be the speaker Sunday
morning ana mgnx. (
i Marion, and Libertv streets. Irvine A.
Fox, DO, pastor. Sunday school S:43
ajn. Morning servic 11 o'clock.! Com-
Sermon subject. "CondiOons 4 True
Spirituality," Evening servic i 70
'clock. Sermon subject. -Our Refuge
and Strent1h.,,iroung people and adult
Bible class.! S 30 pan. Wednesday any
er meeting T 3 pjn. ? I
i'East Stat and Klma street. Sunday
School t:4S a JUi Leon Larnbert, Supt.
( Ka3FevtU aenool. sunaay acnoot :
a Dmmm. Davis. Swot. Si
aaviH coixsos aaMca (
Brush CoUaa scfaoot. Rev. Karl Ba
ker, pastor. Sunday -school ajn.
Mark Buel!
supt. Morning acroce ib.w
I .
rsstsg . J. F.
North Cottace and D (tti
Olthoff, DD, pastor. Sunday school 0:48
ajn. Moratag servic 11 o'clock. Ser
mon suhiect. ."Th Tears of a Soul-
Winner.-! Evening service T30 Vclock.
Sermon subject. Trie WMomi sreast.
Prayer meetina Wednesday at TtS pjn.
rOCRSQU ARE gospel! ' j !
19th and Breytnan streets, B T. W.
HendersonJ ThB, pastor. Bundayf school
SS ajn Moraine servic 11 O'clock,
vening ieervjee 730 o'clock. Sermon
sunject, Trnensu uwbj. R.-.
Tuesday. I'M, inspirational
" State and 18th streets. F. I
ALC) l
1. r. H. trheuer.
BO, pastor. Sunday school mua ajn.
Morning servic 11 o'clock. Sermon
subject, "fcov and the Cross."' Ash
Wednesday services IM pun. Dorcas
society Wednesday. S pjn. ,
Fifth and Gaines streets.! C. H.
Steinmannw f pastor. Sunday school 10
ajn. Morhing service 11 o'clock. Even
ing servic IM o'clock, starting evan
gelistic meetings March 10 at 1 3 pjn.
Stat and Church streets. J.fCJ Har
rison. pastor. Sunday school : ajn.
mjl . n. .-. - - - -
o'clock. Sermon subject. "Waymarks
for Doubtful Feet." Evening: service
1 .'olnir Kemnn ub4ct. tThe Art
of Noticing." Intermediate fellowship.
5 p.m. Youth fellowship, uw pjnv um
versny vespers, pjn.
Highland avenue and Church street.
Herman uH. Macy. pastor, saunaay
school 10! (a.m. Morning service 11
o'clock. Youth groups at S:30 p.m. Ev
enlng service 7 JO o'clock. Prayer imeet
ing Thursday at 7:30 pjn. J
' i ' 1 I
17th street and Nebraska 1 avenue.
Rev. Chester O. Goodman, pastbn Sun
day school :45 ajn. Morningg service
11 o'clock; ICE 9M pjn Evening serv
ice 730 ofciocs pastor ;Wiu present a
slid lecture on -Missions uiiuuni
Prayer meeting Thursday, 7:4Sf p.m.
Marion and Summer streetsj Rev. J.
Kenneth I! jWishart. pastor, i bunaay
school :4$ ajn. Morning set vice 11
o'clock. Sermon subject.. iRich
Through "Grace." Youth groups M
pjn. Evening, servic 7:30 o'clock. Ser-
Bible hour Thursday at 7 JO D m.
17th and Court .street. W. H. Lv
man. pastor. Sunday school S.-4 a.m.
Morning servic 1020. Corrtm union.
Sermon subject, "The? Vision Splen
did." Christian Endeavor J p. ra.
Evening service IM. Special service for
those in th armed forces. Sermon sub
ject. "In th Servic of cod and
Country.? Servic .Thursday, M p.m.
South Commercial and Myr streets,
Joseph Knotts. pastor.' Sunday school
:45 -a. Morning seik! 11 (o'clock.
Guest preacher. Dr. J Edgai purdy,
preaching ' on- "Dynamic Love Even
ine service IM o'clock. Sermon sub
ject. -If We Plow.- Prayer j meeting
Thursday ias p.m. ,, . 4 , j ; : j '
SlSi North Commercial street. Rev.
J. C. Wilson, pastor. Sunday school
S pjn. Servic S pjn. Evening servic
7:30 o'clock. Tuesday,; Thursday and
Saturday.; 7 30. pjn. j , ' j ; ,j ; .
40 North Cottag street. Don Wall,
bishop. Sunday school 10 sm. followed
by fast Sunday services. Sacrament
meeting f, pjn. MIA Tuesday, JM pjn,
REFORMED 'f;i j i
CapMoL and Marion streets. X. A.
LKielsmeier, pastor. Sunday school 10
ajn. aaoraung set sic li o ciacK. ser
mon subject. "Preaching Christ Cruci
fied. Conslstor meets at 1 pjn. Wom
en's guild at S pjn. - - ; i ,
You Are Cardially
Evangelist C. BY Fugett
: Stirring Gospel Preacher from Old Kentucky
cnuncn of
Large Choir Directed by Prof. IL J. Lush
Lots of Special and Concreirational Sinking
Serrices Daily at, 7:30
Tuesday to Friday
Moflday Evening: Trdm the
n..l i. T3-...
of poverty, surrounded by drunkenness and gambling he naj
become a nationally known preacher. :.
' Park and Pint streets. Russell Ur
era. pastor. Sunday school ; ajn.
Morninr servic 11 o'clock. Evening
service 730 o'clock. .
Fisk and 'Main streets. O. Leonard
Jones, pastor. Sunday scnoot t:45 a.m.
Horalnf servic 11 o'clock. Semnom
subject, "The Privcleg of Self, Giv
ing." .....
North Church street. M. J. K. l"uhr,
pastor. Sunday school IS a.m.
Jersey street O. C. Olson, pastor.
Sunday school 10 ajn. Morning
ice. 11 o'clock. Guest speaker. Rev.
John Quanbeck of Minneapolis. Minn.
Bible study Thursday at 2 pjn.
Second and B streets. M. J. K. luhr,
pastor. Sunday school 10 a.m. Morning
servic 11 o'clock. Sermon subject,
"Behold the Lamb of God." Evening
service T:19 o'clock. Luther league in
charge. Bible study at the church
Wednesday night. .
4 South S2nd street. Rev. F. W.
Coff. Sunday school 0:13 ajn. Morning
servic at 11. evening services. 1:43
o'clock. Prayer meeting Wednesday,
7:44 pjn. YPX Friday. 7:44 pjn.
Church and Chemeketa streets. Rev.
George H. Swift, rector. Communion
in chapel, 7:30 ajn. Church school.
t:44 ajn. Sermon 11 asn. Sermon by
Chaplain Victor f4ewman of Camp
Adair. Instruction class 7 pjn. Rec
tor's study. Ash Wednesday services
March 10, 7 and 10 a.m. ,
334 State street. Olive Stevens. MsD. '
'. Morning service. 10:44 o'clock.
subject, rxoux auta at for
given . .
Center and 13th streets. Rev. Weaver
W. Hess, pastor. Sunday school t :4
a -m. Morning set vice 11 o'clock. Ser-
Oy ssvangelis c B. a-ugett. Aan
Kjr. Music director. Prof. J. 3
Lush of Tacoma, Wash. Evening aerv-
ic IM o'clock. Sermon by Rev. c B.
Fugett, Special servic each night this
week at 730 o'clock. Tuesday through
Friday at 10:30 ajn.
ISth and Ferry streets. Howard C.
Stover, pastor. Sunday school 10
Morning service 11 o'clock. Sermon
subject. "Facing, the Music." Young
people at 7 pjn, '
1 ' i.
S4S North Commercial street. Rev.
afexin Roberts, pastor. Servic. S:S
pjn. aTveBin aciDica 1 :30 o'clock. Mrs.
Scott g JCugenc will b th night
Mission and 13th streets. A. S. Hen
derson, paster. Sunday school 10 a.m.
Morning service U o'clock. Sermon
subject. The Elements of Christian
ity. Christian Endeavor. 1 pjn. Ev
ening servic p'clock. Sermon sub
ject. "Untried Armor.",
340 North Front street. Elder T. O.
Sapp, pastor. Bible study S pjn. Wor
ship. S pjn. Subject, "Th Pouring Out
of the Seventh ViaL"
Strain, pastor. Sunday school 9:43 ajn-.
Morning servic 11 o'clock. Sermon
subject, "Beyond Statistics." Children's
church at 11. Christian Endeavor, M
pjn. Evening servic 7:30 o'clock. Ser
mon subject, "The Chance That Was
1.T .V. oriHt.. .... T
S. Raynor Smith, pastor. Sunday school
9:43 ajn. Morning service 10:53. Ser
mon subject. "Dedicated Lives." Ev
ening servic 7:30 o'clock. Seminar
group study, led by Bev. Ray Short.
Intermediate league S:30 pjn. .Youth
fellowship 0:30 pjn.
Mill and 14th streets. Lowell Gil ter,
pastor. Sunday school. 10 a.m. Morn
ing service 11 o'clock. WYPS at 6:44
o'clock. Evening service 7:30 o'clock.
Prayer meeting Wednesday at S p.m.
Market and Capitol streets. Sev. W.
L. McGlasson, pastor, Sunday school
0:44 ajn. Morning service 11 o'clock.
Evening evangelistic service at 1 :
o'clock. Prayer meeting Wednesday at
7:30 p. m.
Chemeketa and Liberty streets. Sun
day school 11 a.m. Morning service 11
o'clock. Evening service S o'clock. Ser
mon subject, "Man." m
North 17th and Chemeketa at Vets.
Charles Asher, pastor. Sunday srhool
10 ajn. Mornin gservice 11 o'clock.
Chemeketa and Winter streets. W.
Irvin Williams, pastor. Church school
t:44 ajn. Morning servic 10 3 o'clock.
Sermon subject, "About Sinners and
Salvation." Evening service 7:30
o'clcock. Sermon subject. "Th Banish
ment of Fear." Boy Scouts, - Monday,
7:30 pjn Midweek servic Thursday,
7:14 pjn,
South Commercial and Washington
Streets. Dillon W. Mills, pastor. Sunday
school 10 ajn. Morning service 11
o'clock. Evening service 0:30 o'clock.
Christian Endeavor presenting a mis
sionary program. Prayer meeting
Thursday, 7 JO pjn.
Hasel and Academy streets. Warren
C. Hal, pastor. Sunday school 10 a.m.
Morning seisio 11 o'clock. Evening
servic TH o'clock. Servic Wednes
day at 7 JO pjn. . i
South Liberty and East Miller,
streets, Edward L Allen, pastor. Sun
day school 9:44 a. nv Morning servic
a t 1 1 Ji o'clock. Sermon subject.
"A Commuaion Meditation." Baptist
youth fellowship 0:30 p.m. Evening
service -7 JO o'clock. Sermon subject,
"The Backslider.- Wednesday. 7:30.
prayer servic. followed by choir re
hearsal. free Methodist
Market and North Winter Streets.
1. R. Stewart, pastor. Sunday school
9:44 ajn. Morning service 11 o'clock.
Sermon subject. "Idol Worship." 2:3
pjn.. "Building for the Coming Storm.
Evening servic 7 JO. Evangelist McKay
speaking at all services. Prayer meet
ing Wednesday at 7 JO p.m. -
Invited to Hear'
Ttr"3rTrT?rTT? Center St.
' .- m
T i
lUltollLlZtkiU at nth
P. M. Until March 14th
at 10:30 A. M.
Gamblina; Table to the Pulpit."
nini In m little mmmtiiin hdmO