The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 05, 1943, Page 8, Image 8

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t X ' I
thm f 32EGOII STATESMAN Sectasw Oroaojs, TA&xj lorclng. Hatch 5, 1513
i -
War Area
Produce Needs
To help insure an ". adequate
supply of fresh vegetables this
season, tor Oregon's most critical
war areas, Portland, Corvallia,
and MedfordV" three vegetable
"growers economic' coofc rences
tiaye been arranged by the extea-
; sion service of Oregon State col
lege at the request t the state
USDA war board. The conferen
ces will be held at the chamber
"of commerce in Portland Friday,
March 5; at Corvallis Tuesday,
March 9, and in Medford Wed
nesday, March IS.
"The purpose of these confer
ences will be to estimate the de
mand for market vegetables in
1943, and to plan ways and means
for getting the acreage needed to
supply demands In those areas,"
says W. L. Teutsch, assistant di
rector of extension.
"The market garden situation
in these three regions is greatly
affected by increased popula
tions, caused by the Influx of de
fense workers and armed forces,
by the possibility of inadequate
shipments of supplies from out-of-state
sources, and by the ra
tioning of all canned and dehy
drated vegetables. While an in
crease in the number of home
gardens win be an offsetting fac
tor, difficulties will include
shortages of fertilizers j insecti
cides, labor and transportation."
leading market gardeners in
the areas are being iarited to at
tend the conferences and help
work out a production program
that will avoid serious vegetable
shortages this season.
No More Poppy Seed,
McKennon Reveals
Under recently enacted federal,
opium poppy control legislation,
it is unlawful to grow opium pop
pies for the production of poppy
seed and such activity will not be
licensed, according to informa
tion received by Fraak McKen
non, ehief of the plant division of
the state department of agricul-
ture, from the Seattle office oil
the bureau of narcotics.
.This gives definite!. answer to
queries from O r e g on residents
about the growing of opium pop
pies solely for poppy seed for
sale to bakeries and similar pla
ces. .The bureau Of narcotics
points out that licensing only of
opium peppy 'production to sup
ply medical and scientific needs
for narcotic drugs U authorized
under the act; and that, further,
it Is not now' anticipated that any
licenses win be issued as there is
no immediate prospective need
of the growth of opium popples
for even that purpose.
-.' 4-
Union Oil Dealer
Session Held Here
The yearly advertising meeting
of Union Oil company employes
and dealers was held on Thursday
night at the Marion j hotel con
ducted by P. H. Schnell, area man
ager. "War service" as the chief
source of revenue for oil dealers
was emphasized. A feature of the
nmmm was a DroEiuu w bu-
- ! .
ing service station products.
hrnarirast from KALE as one of
mmv sent over the air to similar
meetings up and down the Pacific
coast. ' !
E. C. Purvine is resident man
ager of the Union Oil company.
Without Painful Backache
Maajr auflerera reliera nagctac baekaena
quickly, oaca taay diacfwvr that taa real
cauaa f their fcawb auqr ba tired kidney,
Tha kidaa art Nature1 feeJaf way t tak
!as tha imam aeida aod waM oat af tha
blood. They help moai jjeopl. pa about 3
pints a day. I
When dlaardar W kidney faaetioa nmito
poiaonoua aaatatr to mmam ia ytm blood, it
imyciiin njini tmt n aii iWaitw wiiw.
Je paiaa. lorn of pep and cwqar, gettiac
niefata, aaiiia, poSuesa fnadcr tha cyea,
headaches and ousneai. Frequent or acanty
p tagra with amartiag aad burning aome
tinea aaowa tbero ia aomethiaa; wrong with
your kidney or bladder, j
Don't wait! Aak yoar drngfiat for Doaa'a
Pill, used aurnr ifulty by tuition for ovar
40 yeaxa. Tbey civo nappy relief and will beta
tha 15 mile of kidney tube flash out poiaoa
ua waata iroat your Mood. Get Cgaa PiUa.
Specials Friday-Saturday-Sunday, March 1,5-6-7
in Cream Cottage
Seeso Cheese
Full creaw. wuvwuw
350 'a. 190 a,'
'SBBaaaaalBBaBBWBaaBaalaaBBaaB 0aanOaasaOOaBaBnOaaSSanaa
tlincc Ileal Lard
Brandy flavor. Snow-white.,
fl7c lb. 3 550
Item! Pichles
Jut right. Large dills.
3L30 At. j 3 1 1O0
HeUb Pep
Bsaa IFlahes
Large extras.
Dolled Oats
rnun jzins !
We,.est:tst fon place
your order while stocks
are available. ! 't-
Qzsxh a . . 03c
Fids ; . , :S9c
W(L.. 1.19
cl Izzi Ilcr-s are very EIFOIlTiUIT.
Lei C3 help yea.
A3 Grocer Prices Good Friday-Saturday -Sunday
7:C3 P. M.
- v
' We ateserve
IThe Klght.
1 me East OeneraJ Uospiial m Center (Street
L, , m.v
Famous Soaps at Lowest Prices
I0c Swettthearr Sojp, 3 bin 21c , ;
10c Woodbury Economy ack Spsp, 4 for-23a v-.
Oe Jorcan'i Soap, Economy Packaga, 4 bar 19c
10c' Lux FaciarSoap, 3 for 20s
35c Prida Washing Powdar. ..
28 ox., 15c
1 0c Swan Soap,1 3 f or 29c
Mild fragrant soaps - for
the bath or for facial use.
Hard milled and all tht
brands that you like best f
Stock up now at these low i
trud afayar Ora
Lbdprfp Acpirin TcbloSc
train atrjrln in a iU proof box. Jj2 30'
' ! ! : - I-: 'I I
Calci Dalra Tablats $1 9
FuH eC Tttasalas far health aai rigor. Cbocolata flayors.
Vi Dalra Emulsion; 1 6 ox., $ 1 .69
. Vltamlaa ami D. Na fUhjr odor er taste,!
Vitamins B Complex, $3.39
Bottia of 100 capaulea, ' ! ;
' N ! ;
50 Carevim Baby Food, 1 lb. 39c
X prepared baby food for ths smaller child.
j . ; . : j " I
Lederle Products are the finest products fa
the vitamin field today. Buy products that
you can depend upon.
Frmd Ma fur Drmf Sacriot
25a Fred Moycr Cc!cm!no Lotion,
25c Fred Meyer Zinc Oxide, 1 ox. lie
5c Shoo Lccos, 2 Pa!r 5c
50c Marrow Oil Shampoo, 29c
50c Gramatcn Day Rum, 13c
35c Chappel! Cold Croam, 5c
75c Antisepiic Sol'n 32 ., 33c
Worthy Uifch Hazel 4 pz., 6c
Clear Complexion
Medicated Cream
i 49c 19c
a mildly medicated cream that
laaraa tha skin sort and amooth.
U for akin arupuona.
Frmd Sfrrar Ora Smctimm
; Fill'bcz?''
ftsa Tnni
Slii for
Another Docd
For Burns and Cuts
Soothlas.! aatisapUa i
t tha akla and if-
ftctad araas.
$1 Tryco Ointment, 79c ;
tf WW9 . . L aTV 'M - Ska' j
upjonns inc vrxioe, zoc
. - if. -. i
50c Kip Burn Ointment 4S
50c D.D.D. Cresm, 39e f
60c DeanV jOinjment, 49s
25c Borofax 23c
75c Vick's Yaps tub, 59s
30c Mentfcolahim, 27c
Mild alatmants for all first aid
Si 4-
Ponf your Victory Garden Nowl
Lilly Gcrdcn end Rower Soods
ir II. a
All kinds of fm I Tkg. '
flww a dajjig f fU
aad jrdaa
asads bow la atsek. aCak yoor
aalactioai bow I -
Hand C a r 4 mm Cultrvatars,
Forks or Trewels 1 5s
12 for 25s
Vktwrv riant lafSs, f
Crow oaa f tbasa plaata 4r
! ran.. . . .
A AH in Won Cards Tools.
stasht sarden tools la oaa. '
victory gardens are aav
. n as
- UL -"i-l ""a
sontlal this ysar.
'sarod of fresh
tanas -aad savo.
Ora Sat
25c Apox Moth Cako
50c Apex Moth Crystals,
i 45c ' - i
50s Apex Moth Mist; 394
75c Expo!! Hmz&, t t4
;..69c- .. k
25c Expello Moth Cako 21 s
Oaard your wootana aad clothiar
i atota SastrBcuos). : ..
f --' '
. - - - '. r
- Each.4
" r;r"
, . - .
r1 Every j
'" Pay 'I
Cleansers and Polishers
Vindex Class Cleaners 29c
50c F. M. Cleaning Fluid ci 39c
Cfearex Class Cleaner, 6 ox., I5e
60c Energine Ill4,,,lfc1 16 ox. 49c
$1.50 Old English VakJfffl 98c
50c Aero Wax. Liaiiid, Qr.f 45c
75c Johnson Wax 1 lb.t 59e
50c Spangles
rtr i ik aoi
farriaain -t . I
1 ;j
arm I
For tha Smile of Beauty a
M-T-F Nvlon
Mad with tht finest of all bristies
Nylon. Gives lots of wear and aarvica.. ; .
Have two, one for morning-, pne for night. 1
My-To-Fino Crist, a Pruc!ife21c i
Prophylactic Masso Crush, 23c j
Prophylactic Dcndod Tfchrush 47c
Popsodont Tufted Toothbrush 47c
Wdsfs No. 25 toioitemEfe I
West Mirccb Tuft 'fHc
Tck NylonJbriMo 2vc
Tolc Nylon Toothbrush, dcubto, SSc
Aaaortad Btyloa aad shapas la any of taaso vary fias toothbrahaa.
Q.t a brash -that -wni nn um swan n a !. v. m inaa
teata loos wan earaa tor aaa aaaiiay. uot a
that will soak yaw
ICy-To-Flaa araah.
rad Sf7ar Ora S
For AtMtss
w RUes Iicfclaf
wnwayt Balol
Known for Its fast
r E2c Lovcrh
r.acaih IVarh
ASwoetoas Sao
Kaaa your braath
awaat Jk ytsasaat
B5s Proi Meyor Cano4iof
attd Oil, 4 ox., 1?s
$15 Aksefcifto jr., f is
70sSloaas Ualmoats. 51s
35c lallarsl faew Unimeat,
$1 Soreraas Uaimoar, Its
15s Hanillas Wissra OH,
29s ::;.'-';-':;s.
ato aaaT
60s Murrno lys Wash, 49s
6 CollryitNN Eyo Waoii,
-;49s :
COs Lavoptls lys Wash, I Sc
fOs lys Mo lyolWaoh, 4fc
50s Hobssit's Eyo Waoh, 11c
50s HofctsVs lys Drops lie
50c Norwich Ocstol, 47s
. Brmg Sartiwa ' ' '
50 Frow Msyer Aafiseptis
-: Solatistt, i a-ox.V29s
50s LattsrhM AatUepHs So
iutioa, 7 os 39s
75s Pspsodsfit Antiaeprts
Sofation, 14 ox., 59s ;
75s S. T. 17 SoL, 5 ox . 99s
s50s Zoalto SwlHtioa, 47
douche poom
75s Voraxsproi, f or total-
silas Hyfistio, av 71s
$UM.D. Dowchs Fowsor,
T5sTaksrs Powslsr. 9s
75s Tay Dssoho Powior, 49s
$1 f. aetata) Doacha PowWv
Offer Available-Only Limited Time!
larhara ComM
Dry Skin Cream
$25 Value -$si
limits. Tims Oaly i-ULO rias Tax
for a yar-
Valrat of Koaas Dry -Skin
foot akia of yotar aasooth
- - irad Sfayar. Jtt Saariaa
Dubarry Face Powdar
Dshkit Sixs Dukarry Fees tit. $1
Oaharry Fotiodstion Lotiosi JS
-flao ooamoties aro an attrihoto to al
FrW Sfajr Oraa; S.
Tha New Washable Card Kcnilworth Bridga
. Cards that aro waabaalo
with plain soaa and wa- .llrT
Ur. Aponga UghtJy and1
aratoh dirt go!
Hrveffis Rscubr, 45s - -'Coatvwts
Finechls 459s ,
Qb Rsro, 50s T
Dvrotons, washahls,-sjiiffs
i : deck 75c'.
Darotono, doshts oock, $1.10
i--'isaortoS hacks aad colors. - .-
y ;- ifraj afayw Craw Sirffi 1 ..'-,
rriees Goad Irtday Thra Monday
I f.'ew Feorai Cat oil Soles Tx of 10 Now AfIes to AH .
Tonsttits, Fstfxfliss. ctc Ixcladed la tat Tax Law cad .
V.TJ Co Adisd to tie CetcH Pries ct tit Cieci Staii.
j; Vtarninspivc You yigor and Pep!
Prod Meyer
a . if 5 1
Ccriivicd.D Comnbit
$4.00 Valuo $
f r I B
;1 aSM
i.L y
! Contains Vitamins Bl, B2, CS, and
all tit other important tssentials.
Helpi you to have more pep, Tirol
and better dixeitlon.
1.00 Fred Mayor Certified Vitamin A Capsslss.
; sonit or i CP, uy , r -.,
!i Bands rosUtsnco ayatnst 00140 and la m tToat aid m
supolyiac Tttamlaa that aid ta rood oyaaixht. ,
$130 Prod Mayor Csrtiflsd ItaLhvt Uvsr Oil
i1- Cattralts.'- tT..' I '"T :. --..-'
fitalna to hand atroae fcoaaa aad aoaad taath. .
U.S0 Fred Meyer Certintd CI Calcium Phosphate
i, wUh-Yioatsrol, E9s! ;1 H .
Sottlo of 100 CapsulM. Contains Vltamlaa A and D.
$1X0 Frsd Mtyer Yesst sad. Irea Ts&lsrs, 47s
189 tab!t o yosjtt arith adJsd Iron. ....
-...-J :-t ;""' rraSafayar m SaHaa '
- ; s t .. .
n r" r
Vrvz Uvdldlxts
. - , . -
FcsIingHTircd and Worn Out?
s - r
t " " . -
1 1 i i
2SS Ta!L td -70
lYfiV1-Vaf to build up your
i .HKnut your rait-