'3 ; j . . 1- li'lH 4 r- I.I: ft pi Gervais Principal Quits Teachers Fail to Apply - For Posts; Pupils v :' f Busy WitlrWarr ! GERVAIS Louis J. Uhrham mer, who .has been principal and teacher of shop at the high school foe the past six rears, has declined the rotter of ther-school .board, to . ; teach : another i year.? Mr. .- Weiss? ?J English teacher, did not applyrfor " the position next -year. Mrs-Allen 1 1 home economics -and -coach, Mrs. I: Saalfeld, commercial teacher,: and ' Mr; Glenn, history and coach, h?ye h been ' elected , for? next year applications , are on file i for? the' positions at this time. r -r At the 'student body meettac; held at the hiitfr sehe last;, week, Dean Booster , was' ' pre- sented a $15 clock In apprecla-; tion f his winnlnr. the" state" ratorical" contest sponsored 1T the Farmers Union at its state' "convention held at Dallas. the last of" February. Jack t. John mad ethe presentation ' " Enrollment at the high school has. been reduced from 123" to 103 due to removals of some students to other districts, enlistments ; in the service and . attractive wages " in 'defense plants. ' ' ' The date for closing the high " school is set for May 14. Gradiia tion exercises will be held May f 12. The pupils, are making up two weeks by holding classes one hour ' longer each day for the remainder of the term. .... " ."';--.T.' i .The cast for the student body " play. "Everybody's Craiy Now," has been selected by Mrs. Allen and Mr. Weiss, and practice will begin Immediately. The cast Includes five girls and five boys who are: Virginia Kelso, who plays the part of June; Dean Booster, Greg; Elinor Brown, Ada; Elmer Jorgensen, Basil; Eldora McCall, an; Dan Ma gel, Stan; Rosalie Keene, Hat tie; Lloyd Ferschweiler, Hiram; Lois Puckett, Gynsia and Jack St. John, Lee. TURNER At a patriotic as sembly in the-Turner high school, observance of the birthday anni versaries of fourjgreat Americans, Thomas Edison, Abraham Lin coln, George Washington and Hen ry Longfellow, were celebrated with an appropriate program of readings, skits, patriotic numbers and musical selections. Both high school and grade school students were featured on the program, and negro spirituals presented by the Methodist youth fellowship choir under the direction of Rev. Paul Jaquith. The admittance of Ore gon into the union also was com memorated at the patriotic assem bly. A number of parents and friends were" guests for the after noon. LABISH CENTER In line with the government's plea for tin cans,' pupils will be around to collect them again in a few weeks, con tinuing with their scrap drive. Betty Lou Boehm, first grade, returned to school Monday after ant absence of some time caused by illness. The fourth grade is studying Holland. They have just complet ed .studying the life of George Washington and Abraham Lincoln in English class. Labish Center pupils have re ceived posters on how to do their part for the war and what their stamps will bay for ' the boys In the service. Raymond Vance, who was ab sent for four days last week, came back to school on. Monday. JEFFERSON : The Jefferson high school held an assembly Fri day, February 26. The purpose of tie assembly was to make the ihole. student body members of the victory corps. Grand Island Youth Organize 4H Calf Qub - GRAND ISLAND A 4H lf elub was organised Monday Jlght at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Worth Wiley with George Douglas leader. Rex Warren, county agent, was present to as sist In formation of the elub. ; Officers elected' were: . Bryon Seoffiins, president: LeRoy Pal mer, vice president; Deloris Flnnicum, secretary. Other members of the club Include' Randolph Seogglns, Ronald Fln- , nlcum. and Donny Wiley. . , Vdlley Births JEFFERSON Mr. and Mrs. Oiaf Gilsrud became the parents of an f pound, 12 ounce daughter February 23, at their home in Jef . ferson. This is their third child and third daughter, She has been nam ed Shirley Ann. The family re cently moved to Jefferson and are livin gin the Stewart house xm . Church street. Mr. Gilsrud is em ployed in Portland. O INSTANT COOK1NO . o whole wheat; O FLAKID CttEAL V, NEW IN TARTc! KSV IH TEXTURE- V -PiinAiijUiiT nnniiET - 29 N. Liberty St. . . Salem PAGE TEN Blindf olded US Airman Led Away by i s.5. T " -J" Z y"1 1 --"" 1' S ... t r-t ? ,1 - " -.- I " J Radioed from London to' New York February. 25, this photo reprints a picture published, in an axis magasine purporting to show an American army air force officer being led blindfolded from his plane by two Japanese gendarmes near Tokyo. The Japs asserted this flier j was one. of the Americans captured when US planes raided Tokyo In April, 1942. UN Soundphoto. City Council Votes Building JEFFERSON At the meeting of the city council Tuesday night, all members were presejnt except Jake Meng, who is in ! Portland, and W. C. Chilton. After j some dis cussion, on motion it wis decided to erect a building ; t bouse the fire equipment and ; tools. The building will be 18 by $0 feet, of cement tile covered with corru gated iron. T. O. Kester will be in charge of the work. Bids are to be up for collecting and disposing of garbage on clean-up day. Miss Myrtle Myers hai received Word from Portland that her sis ter, Mrs. Maud Wied has been moved from the hospital to the home of her sister, Mrs.' Lola Wil liams. Mrs. Wied is recovering fro man attack of spinal menin gitis, j Mrs. Harold Boies (Lois Miller) left-Tuesday for Camp Crowder, Ma, where 'she will visit her hus band, Harold Boies, who is sta tioned there. Mrsl Boies; is a niece of Mrs. Paul McKee of Jefferson, Mr. and. Mrs, William Skelton and son, Ned, have returned from Portland, where they; Visited Mr7 Skel ton's sister, Mrs. Emma Lud- wick. Stephens Visit Parents Sunday FAIRVIEW Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Stephens and family of Wil lamina were Sunday guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stephens. Eino Selala arrived Tuesday to make a brief visit with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. j Kusti Setala. He met Lawrence j Hickerson of Hopewell and Jesse Lien of Un ion vale; the three were mechan ics at Pearl Harbor. Jessie Lien is brother of' Mrs." Chester Stephens.' Word has reached relatives here that Kelly Pa ola : has been re leased from army training at Fres no, Calif. ' ! -Miss Dorothy Stoutenburg is employed at the Deaconess hospi tal in Salem. i j Mrs. Oscar Taskinen and Mrs. Kusti Setala visited their daugh ters in Portland last week. Ellen Setala is employed in a shipyard. W. V. Appleman of Portland has been a guest tot several days at the home of his sonj-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs!. W. J. Mar ley, and spent som etlme working on his farm in the Unionvale dis trict1 . 7 I ' Neighborhood Leaders Learn Garden Lore ; HAYES ViLLE Neighborhood leaders, met at the school Tuesday night to receive literature on vic tory gardens vhich Will be passed out to local gardeners. W. G. Nib ler of the county agriculture de partment conducted the meeting. Neighborhood leaders present were Mrs. A. ! J. Baltzer, Mrs. A. StetUer, Mrs. ( Ronald HaU,V?Irs. Robing Day, Mrs. Milton Dierks, Mrs. Dewey Davis, Mrs. W. Grif fin, Oscar Noran, D. Ijanzen, Geo. Strozut, G. L. Hamann. j r- . a- 1 Salem, Oracon. Friday. Morning, March 5. 1943 l 2' v.: A Triple Birthday Event Held Sunday in Dallas NORTH DAT J. AS Mr. and Mrs. Oswald Janzen and two sons and Mr. and Mrs. Sol H. Warken tine and family attended a triple birthday celebration in Dallas Sunday afternoon. The honored were Mrs. Arthur Classen, Mrs. Arnold Hiebert and Mrs. Peter H. Quiring, whose anniversaries oc curred on Friday, Saturday and Sunday respectively. Mrs. Quiring is the mother of two other wom en. There were about 30 people present. Refreshments were serv ed. Mr. and Mrs. Frank N. Ediger and children Howard and Judith, of Portland, spent the past week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John S. Ediger. Farewell Parties Honor Uselman, Entering Seryice MT. ANGEL Peter Uselman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Usel man, who will leave Saturday for the service, was the honor guest sii two parties arranged for his pleasure." On Monday night, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Dieker were hosts at a dinner-dance in his honor at their country home. Guests included Adeline Usel man, Miss Margaret Frank, ! Miss Evelyn Froemel, Miss Mary Kirsch, Miss Dorothy Dieker, Ray Efudo, Steven Sprauer, Herald and Ralph Dieker. After dinner the entire party attended the Farm ers Union dance held at the Am erican Legion hall. The following night, Mr. and Mrs. Val Eberle entertained for Uselman with a party at their home. Bidden were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Brenden, Mr. and Mrs. Bab Uselman, Miss Adeline Usel man, Miss Helen Froemel, Miss Hilda Eberle, Art Gooley, Joseph Eberle, Clem Eberle, Neil Skpnetz ni. . ' After late refreshments were served, ' Uselman was presented with a soldier's kit as a gift from those present. Legion, Auxiliary View Program i GRAND ISLAND Thirty members of "the Dayton post of the American Legion and auxil iary attended the regular business meeting, and social hour held Tuesday night at the local school. The program, given by local tal ent, was wider the direction of Mrs. Dale Fowler and Mrs. .Worth Wiley and included: Piano solo, Myrtle Rockhill; reading, Freeman Finnicum ;dialogue, "Visiting" by Marcena Fowler and Sharon Fin nicum; reading, Mrs. Louis WilL Refreshments were served fol-; lowing the- business meeting. Men's Better Clothes Cost Less at r? v I Bay ! Bonds vL J 0U (3D Q 9 S i jap. Miss Jackson Becomes Clerk I . .- r SlLVERTON Elsie Jackson has been appointed assistant clerk of the junior court to replace Charlotte Brokke, who has moved to Portland. Dona Hove, acting judge, heard cases this week to include riding on sidewalk and no licenses, Don ald Hackstead, fined 23 cents; Earl Hartman, riding on sidewalk, 15 cents; Donald Buel, riding on side walk, 15 cents; Ralph Bailer, rid ing j abreast and reckless driving, 30 jcentsi Raymond Cowan, rid ing! on sidewalk, 13 cents; Bill Jackson, reckless driving, no hand signal, riding on sidewalk, riding on wrong side of street, fined 60 cents which he promised to pay nejU week. Failing ; to answer summons were Jerry McDonald, Royal Denison, Bill Duncan, Mon te Colby, Norman Barkhurst, Har land Oster, John Evens, Ralph Wijckam, Betty Jewell, Lloyd Gearhart, Loney Coover, Don Lewis and John Kaufman. The junior court-is .backed by. a city ordinance which gives power to Itheir action. Mrs. Simpson Suffers With Flu SMITHFIELD Mrs. Zula Simpson is recovering from a se vere case of influenza. She be came ill on Thursday and the relatKes and neighbors have been assisting in caring for her during thy? time, among them, Mrs. Mar tini Johnson, Mrs. Ross Simpson and Mrs. Allyn Philips. Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Smith and faipnily, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Inman of Walkers Corner, motored to Portland Sun day to visit Mrs. Rosetta Groce, who is Smith's mother. On their return trip they called on Mr. and Mrs. Perry Smith and daugh ter. CleoBelle, in McMinnville. Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Wall and4 Mr: and Mrs. H. W. Wall attended the Beacon Bible school banquet for faculty and board members Thursday night at , the Grace Mnnonite church in Dallas. There were about 30 people present in cluding the pastors of the three Meiuionite churches of Dallas. Mr. and Mrs. David Giesbrecht and children, Elsie, Edward and Arjne of Dallas, motored to Bow er$ville to visit Mr. Sand Mrs. Hen ry Wuerch Sunday -afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. William Janzen and son, Marvin ,6f Dallas, were Sunday afternoon visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Rei mer. - - ': j ' f ...Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Campbell of Hopewell called on Mrs. Zula Simpson ' Saturday , night. ? The Honey I Save Walk upstairs and you too will .i see how easy ! it is to ; Save $5 lo $10 On'loe weel "smartly styled, ex pertly tailored SulU and -iTepeeats. Cheleest fabrlea, design and . colors. All sixes S4 U 4S. - V - w f ' Upstairs Clothes Shop -442 Stat St. Eoi Induction OOPURNrrAnother,.-: delega tion wJJUeave Saturday foy.induc-: .tlQ$J lata, the ni?4: tel f ornj by train, jeayjUjg;.o:za a jo. Tney 9rt$l trim -Wobnn J3vinr Meart Adams Alberlr HW3 Weyman,- Byron' Xiee .Roswell,: Johnr-Oyilfc Guesnel, vCQrge. Melvin . Jung wirtk. Harley .-.Willard Branigax Richard Blainft Oukadon-;wal- lace Boyd Yates. From Hubbard.. James Edward.. Budreau, LeRoy Albert Vredenberg, Gil b e t Charles Whitney, ; Virgil Robert Lowrie. From Gervais, IrvinfJun- lor. Cutsforth. From Aurora, Low-, ell Tyler Sayre. ' .From Mt. , A igel, Edwin John Bell, Merle -Eugene Tomminger, Alcuin.Leb -May, Peter Johq i.TJs-. selman," Albert Joseph . Boschler. From :vertoh, w Charles Alva Casey, John ; Alfred -Seeley. From St.. Paul, Donald eter Bernard. From Brooks Richard Frank Hol-oubak.- From Salem, George DelT bertj. -Garner.' From Chemawa, Francis Cassimere.; - Wallace Boyd Yates is to be act ing Pcorporal of the group, Four of the jnen, Abrams, Holoubak, Whitney and Lowrie, are befeg inducted ahead of their regular time at their own request. Three men, originally in the same group, are being inducted into the navy. They are: Leo Hen ry Grosjaques, Kenneth Raymond Harmon, LeeRoy Cummings. These men were all in the group that went to Portland last Satur day for physical examinations; those listed here all passed. Those feeing taken into the army will go to the indduction center at Fort Lewis; navy men will report at navy induction centers designated by! the navy. The next delegation to go to Portland for physical examinations will leave here next Monday, March 8. Qub to Meet SWEGLE Friday night Swegle Community club will meet at; the school. A good program has been planned which includes a short amateur play. A special in- I yitation is given to new families or the community. r i; . rr . i 1 m Snowflake Sodas D D D D Sperry Whealhearis ; Package Cameo Cleanser ... j. . 3 for Darnell's Pare Vanilla Grandma's Holassos Vlns 22-lb. cans 35c 2-D Bathroom Tissue 3 r.r Diamond Wax Searchlighl tlalches Jei-Oil Shoe Polish S Self Polishing Liouid Wax Pints Quarts 6Sc .i - ! I ; D Diver Bice Extra Vashbnrns Pearl Darley Van Camp s Tendercni S&t 2 19c Ilaxine Toilet Soap Lava Hand Soap IlnBora Grannlaled U1U5S wiul Uil Arge or 4 D "nily llice Bread Trcco Ilargarine Palsl-eli Cheese Feed Dice Dell Fclale Chips D b ' - - . L --' D RATIONED ITEMS GERBER S BABY FOODS 4-es. cans (1 pelnt per ran) Jlfe Del Mente Cream Style CORN. U (14 peinU ser can) lSl Del Monte Early Garden PEAS, tm (1 pefnta per can) ;1S GstEEN BEANS, 2 i (14 jpolnts per can) 14 DUNDEE APRICOTS,. XH can (M Mbit per eav) Z44 lllnt Man NOODLE SOUP MIX (4 prfnU"per pfcr. Jt5 Washburn's NATY BEANS, 1-fb. XUiiKaf pelnU per lb.) ui IVashborn's Greea SPLIT PEAS, 1-Ib. pelnt per lb.) Iti tVsshbam's LARGE LENTILS, -Ib. j (I pefaita per lb.) 15 FlAT-K-Pak FROSTED PEAS. 12-ex. (II polnU per pkr.) 25ft Capitol and Market Sis-; Dayton Exceeds 050pp. BondsSold; i1 Session Set fr& i? . DAYTON: - Dayton went over the; top for February war :;. bond sales, the chairman Harry Sher man, reported Wednesday ine: More than 15000 Were sold.' "r Ji (X'' Comptoii bf McMinhville. ! r j. - - l m county war dodqj saxes chairman,'. 'expressed ;:: the." belief Tuesday that Dayton exceeded its qota by a larger rnargin, thartoryr county -center. - ! - ShermV'sllMgcampaigs was thenubeVi6.;H haa;ieCrelaj: fives ;on Ihe service at 18 different pointk. r j Those' .purchasing V war bonds bought them - in ; proportion to, reiauves and inends in the ser- : XpAYTON i b'ayfon post of ihe American ' Ceffion 'apd auxiliary were Tuesday guests, of Mr. .and Mrs. .Dale Fowler and. Mr.-.' and Mrs; Worth Wiley: at the Grand Island school -' with ;30 members s After a 'short business meeting a program was'iivenconsistinff of a reading by-Mrs. Louis Will; sev eral piano', sbios, iMfcs Myrtl Rockbill;'readihg;Fre(ernan Finni- cum; dialogue, Marcena Fowler and Sharon FiMicum..", , ; .-'c The next meeting will be the annual birthday session. This year marks the, 25th - anniversary. Spe cially impressive "services will be held 'March 18 at the Dayton Le gion . hall. ' DAYTON ' Twenty members of the Dayton Woman's Civic club , attended the March meeting held Tuesday- afternoon at the club rooms. Mrs. Ray Johnson and Miss Lena Stilwell were appointed a committee to manage the Dayton observation post during March. Louis Gross, agriculture instruc tor of the 'Dayton union high school, talked on the subject of Victory Gardens, recommending a plot 100 feet square or like amount for average family. He offered suggestions : for varieties of vege tables, amount and kinds of fer tilizers, also important irrigation facts for amateur gardeners. The grade students under -direction of their teachers, gave a mu sic and singing program. The County Federation confer ence to be held in April was dis cussed. " ' Refreshments were -served by Mrs. Harry! Sherman, the hostess. : Election of officers and the 1 o'clock spring 1 luncheon will be features of the Amil meeting. " i Nabisco 2-lb. cartons 28-oz. Paper 125-ft. Rolls Lge. Boxes Ctn. of 6 Mb, Pkg Fancy; 3-)b. Ctns. igB Medim .1 :.-:v t 7 c Soap Gia.t is Klngsfords, pkg. fj1. Amerleaa, Swiss Ptmente 5-ex. pkr.. 2 i r 'f, - 5c i .irr-J -5imm . Death : ktruck in. llineDxsasz Rescue workers Qatherv fcjUut the '.: near Bear ! Creek, Mont4 where! plesion and eavein.-At teast five of the men were known dead, an4 ai heavy, concentration bf fumes In the .mine left little hope that ahy of thej others wooldf be foufid alfve. More than 50 rescue work ers were evercome by the funiesv Assoclsted Press Telemat. Russell House Catches Jirej ' In Washroom MISSION BOTTOM f A neafr tragedy was prevented fy quick thinking when the C. C Russei house caught fire in the wash room Monday while Mrs Russell was (doing he family wash. The blaze was extinguished wjth smajl i! S JfTTCr-'i'l e''-i BEII PADEfS GnOCEHY Cr IIADKET - j M44 Stote GnilPEFRUIT AriM.. d.390 0DAIIGES t i lncy Sunkist Doz. v9 fbrao'nfsETS:.-!.:,!.:..; jliEll ;ads. . . .L . ..Head E 7 0 1p Fealnring 0. S. jCovernneni Ilea! Cbeiee ROASTS 1 STEAKS OYSTERS FISH Tor Meatf To Eat We Can't Be Beat" 1 -i MEAT DEPARTMENT ClJbSED ALL DAY SUNDAY I- !' TQiArdini J t4 r a . Jt ! WArru rieua i 19c H 1 f 5 E-lb. sk. CjUIm VKK VR KEQVLAa , . Open Crenlnss and Sundays - f I" entrance te the Smith coal minf 72 miners were trapped by an 'ex damage when Mr. Russell cut th partition Into the bath. i -f Mrs. Fred Viesko is spending a week in the Salem General hose pital with a severe 'cold and sort throat, Viesko and Van O. Keb ley are in Salt Lake, Utah. ' Mrs. Jessie Jones of Salem, for merly ". of Mission Bottom, also 1 in the Salem General hospital suffering' from rheumatism ' and has been critically ill. 1 INSTANT COOKING OWliOLg WHEAT If .-"if.?1? c"SAt 's HEW IH TAMTE ftQf5 WIN TEXTURE St . . . Salem D D 0 D D FISOEn'S DLEIID noun no. iu tK. S5c Lonoii Quart 215c mm Ta-Ganon m - . D D: n 25c U i . i . - Salem, Oregon ."V- r-. D- Entrance Next Beer f Ouelle Cafe LZZI v CD 3 -CZD CZD CZ3 .1 an "I f If