The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 26, 1943, Page 9, Image 9

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    Tt CrJXtOIT STATESMAN. Cclexa, Oxfsoxu Friday I-Ioralac;. Febrocry. 3, XS43
pags mns:
Guests Visit
At Pioneer
Dinners Given ,
Carl Black of Vancouver, visited
at the home of his-parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Roy Black Sunday. '
Miss Marguerite Allen of Eu
gene visited at the Frank Dorn
hecker home Saturday night.
Orland Wood was an overnight
fuest of Jimmy Coy Friday. ;
, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Smith of
Dallas were supper guests at the
home of Mrs. Smith's parents, Mr.
nd Mrs. Philip Treiss Sunday.
Mrs. M. . W. Prindle and daugh
ter of Dallas visited at the Ralph
Weaver home Sunday.
Carol Coy had as her guest Sun
day Lois Wood.
Mrs. Carol Sallng of Portland
visited at the home of her parents.
Mr. and Mrs. John Keller from
Saturday until Monday.
Mrs. Charley Aukerman of
Portland visited friends in Pioneer
fivtr iYimt w1rrt Un AnVrmn
lived here for some time.
John Keller. Jr.. has returned
A a m . n a w a m -
10 oa.wsn st oeno. ue siayea (
home longer than he had plan
ned because his 'daughter, Doro- ;
thy. underwent an emergency
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Brown and
Leonard had as their guests for
dinner Sunday Mr. and Mrs.
George Van Cleave and children,
Kenneth, Georgene and Sherman
of Salem, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford
Brown and children. Rose Ann,
Darrel, Allyn and-Mary Dell of
Wreni" Mr. , and Mrs. Gordon
Brown and son. Marvin, of Al
bany, Mr- and Mrs. Walter Kreger
' and son, Freddie, of Jefferson.
Mr. and Mrs. Willis Keller
and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Welde
man have moved to Silctx where
the men are legging. Mr. and
Mrs. Keller were dinner guests
at the home of his parents. Mr.
and Mrs. Tom Keller. Sunday
and' Mr. and Mrs, Weideman
were overnight guests , at the
Tom Keller home Saturday.
, Mrs. Weideman la a daughter of
the Keller, .
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dornhecker
and Ruth and Robert were dinner
guests at the Clarence Dornheck
er home in Falls City Friday night
Later, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dorn
hecker land Mrs. Clarence Dorn
hecker attended the Ninety and
Nine men's meeting at the. Falls
City Christian church. An interest
ing program was enjoyed which
was put on by tome of the mem
bers of the Bible school of Eugene.
Moreliead Funeral
Held, Sweet Home
, . . i .. - .. . . i
LEBANON Emma Charlntta
Morehead died Monday at the
nome of her daughter. Mrs. Minnie
Preston, and was buried in the
Gilliland cemetery Wednesday af
ternoon arter services conducted
by Elder George : Simons in the
Howe Funeral Home chapel in
Sweet Home.
Besides Mrs. Preston. Mrs.
Morehead leaves ; - three other
daughters and three sons: Mrs.
Delznonte Galbreath of La Grande,
Mrs. Nell Morse of Portland and
Mrs. Jane , Wright of Seattle;
James Morhead of Sweet Home
and Lester and Herbert More
head of La Grande.
Mrs. Morehead, who was bora in
Ohio in 1865 moved to Kansas
while young and there was mar
ried in 1883 to Richard Morehead,
County Agriculture- .
Experts Talk Crops
To Swegle Leaders
SWEGLE The community and
who preceded her in death !n 1935.
The family came here in 1889. ,
A sister, Mrs. J. R. Springer and
two brothers, C E. and -J. M.
Galbreath of Sweet Home, sur
vive. She had 12 grandchildren
and seven great grandchildren.
neighborhood leaders of Swegle
district met for their third session
at the school last week. This meet
ing was la the interest of victory
gardens. Amos Bierly and N. J.
Hansen were sent from the office
of the Marion county agent to ex
plain the literature ready now for
Time to plant, crops which grow
best in different soils, yields ex
pected under normal conditions,
and the omount of seed needed for
a given space ere only a few of
the - points given in the new
pamphlets. , -
Present for the meeting ' were
community leaders, Mrs. Earl
Huckstepp and John S. Marshall;
neighborhood leaders, Mr. and
Mrs. J. P.. Thrasher, Carl Hoff
man, Mrs.; Mary Swingle, Mrs.
Albert Werner, Mrs. William Mo
Kinney, Mrs. B. ; Garrison, .Mrs.
Menno Dalke Mrs." Albert Wer
ner and Mrs. Carl. Runner.'
Soldier Drowns
EL PASO, Tex, Feb. 15 -()
Pvt. Charles Lyons of Camp
White, Ore, was found drowned
Thursday in the El Paso army
navy YMCA swimming pooL De
tails were ,not immediately avail
able. - ...
Births Set Record
record total of 8527 babies were
born here during 1842, the city
health department . disclosed on
Thursday. The previous high was
8055 in 194L
Girl Reserves Meet
PORTLAND, Teb. 25-(aVGIrl
Reserves from the Portland area,
which includes Salem, will gather
here Saturday for their annual
mid-winter training conference. ;
Frank Kieper a
Tm . " 1 T 'mm L
neporteci oeuer
TALBOT Frank Kieper, who
has. been quite ill the past week
Is reported in proved. " r
Mrs. Edna Reeves left Wednes
day morning for Portland where
she will visit her sister, Mrs. Ha
zel Sloan, and family for several
days. ;
- Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Belknap
were weekend guests of Mr. and
'-Mrs. James Carpenter at Mon
roe. . ' ' '-" .'
Mrs. Ernest Freeman, Mrs. D.
E. Blinston, Mrs. Richard King,
Mrs. E. B. Henningsen and Mrs,
Delmer Davidson are serving on
the food rationing board at the
Talhit vtwtl this weelr.
Miss Ida Belknap, who is em
ployed by the public utility com
mission in Salem, is spending a
week's vacation with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Belknap.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cole and
family spent Sunday visiting their
. a a v a
iSon-m-iaw ana aaugnxer, jvir. ana
Mrs. Robert Edwards, at their
Portland home.
1500 Receive Ration
Books by Wednesday
In Woodburn
WCbBURW More than 1500
persons received ration books two
at the Lincoln school up to Wed
nesday night Registration "will be
continued Friday night; there will
be no registration after 8 p.m.
Friday. .-'
The ration board is busy this
week mailing out fuel oil coupons,
good until September SO.
The office in the city hall now
Is open continously each day from
10 a.m. to 3 p.m. - , .
Fresh Spring Chinook
and Steelhead Salmon
Columbia River Smelt
Fillet of Sole
Fillet of Red Snapper
Fillet of Soup Fla Shark
Ling Cod - Black Cod
Oysters - Clams
Pickled and Smoked Fish :
Dressed Foul try -
Monarch Canned Goods
216 N. Commercial
Phone 4124 -
There9 $ No Rationing On These Nutritious Foods I
Fred Meyer
Dl uo Close Rico
2 ,s" W
Minnesota Wild llict, 9 45c
A-l Chini 0rmta Rice 1 5c
MJB Whit Ric, 1 lb. 12c
MJD Brown Rice, 1 lb. 12c
Old Mill K,hn,Bn,n Rict 23c
Grandma Molasses
No. 2Vi, 33c
Brer Rabbit Molasses
12-oz., 17c
A host of rice dishes are yours for tha
making! Get these today!
Fri Maymr Grmcmry Mtctimn
mm ' ' ' ''' M V ' ?r J i. -
'44 s',V'" ' 'V "...
- -v
Mivl '
j My-Te-Fine
Nu-Vita Popped
Wheat or Rice
4-ox. T7c 3 for
Soda Crackers
2 1b. Cc
Oar Ccualry
is in Us
, - ... "K-; r
Creole:! Hear
cl Peril
Tks Very
, Leas! Yon and
I Can Do
"' is io
Increase Onr
Weekly or. ...
Pay Allolmenl
Ilore War Bonds
2oro Cigars al a Special ThrUly Prico
BSee 9al PeirSedos lM S(0)(S
M (or
Box of 50c Only $2X1 " '
Made of Choice Domestic Tobaccos, Sore to. Pleas
$1X3 FcalliGrueiglil Briar Fipss Assorted Shapes
Full Quart. Feund ,
TOBACCO Pocket Slse -
Se Fred Meyer
Pips Cleaners S C
24 to Pksr. - S for 10c
-1 5c Desk Ilalcbes
Carton of 100 Lights
2 fer
Leather Tobacco Ponch Zipper Top,
Heavy Glass Ash Trays
1UC I'lUUei For Pipe or Cigarette.
ly 500
3 for 250
Tender, Lucious Cake That Melts in Your Mouth 1
Takes No Sugar!
Junket Rennet ,
Pkg. V
A delicious (Usatrt that's a eineh
to prepare, and it takta no uug
: r. Treat th family tonight!
Crmn 5.
usP II MJkli :'iii I
13C Vi-.s J
White or Whole
Wheat Dread
Btjr-T-JPlM Wbost Germ Bread,
14-U. loaf. 14e
Fraah, flavoraome bread that
are full of nourishment!
Now You Can Whip Cream!
i -Um Jutt m
Fmw Drop!"
French's Black Pepper, pure and punger, 4-ox., 7c
Vale Flour, for better baking, 49-lb. sack, $1.59
My-Te-Fine Corn or Gloss Starch, 1 -lb. pkg., 7c; 2 for 13c
Gravy Mastergives zest to gravies and sauces, I'a-oz., 15c
Durkee's Famous Dressing, tempting flavor, 4-ox., 15c
Babbitt's Lye, cleans sluggish drains, No. 1 can, 10c
Crapenuts Wheat Meal, full-flavored, 16-oz., 12c
Swans down Cake Flour, for perfect cakes, 44-ox 23 e
H O Quick Oats, rich in Vitamin B, Urge, 21c
Calnnei Baking Powder, famous double-action, 25 oz.
Dan-Dee Dog Food, clean and nutritious, 2 lbs. 17c
Ball Mason Class Top. Fruit Jars, Quarts, 93c
- . . : f - Frmt Mmym Cremry Smttimm
Buy Fresh Coffee with No. 25 Stamp .
Fifth Avenue Coffee
Drip or Regular Crind
lbs. TP S7c
Save Every Time
Buy My-Te-Fine
Serves 10 to 12
Smooth, even-textured caka made with tha finest cake flour, fresh em, and Fifth Ave
nua butter. Topped with pineapple icing. A two-layer round aarvea 10 to 12 generous
portions. -
Dirasil flings 13c ea. Cinncmon Dread, 12c If.
A real breakfast treat, poured with honey,
topped with sliced toasted brazil nuts. ,
Rolled with cinnamon and utr. A delteioua trat
with mny mX mp-eim.uj gooa toutH! tnit
rlcty Into your omsIs with dtftiraot areds.
Crmr0 mm
tn Ufm Bmktrf SHmm.
Cresccnf Cream
, VV,VP - BCneufeVP
Z-OUnCO OC A really .fficlent Ls. f 1
bottle v::: - w 3 1 c
A few drops makca any crtara Whisks dirt from clothes in
whip! Try it today! JUtfl
Grmemry Smrtimm
I Purex
l My-Te-Fine Coffee, 25c lb.
Th. best eoffs. kon farther! Buy ffMh
Fifth Avenu. or My-Te-F1n CofTeaa for th.
: host daily cup! And mors cups to ttas pound.
Stamp No. 25 Good Through March 21
Frmd MmtT Crerjr Stlmn
Crown Flour
49 $1.89
Crown Cake Flour, 5 35c
frmd Mmjrmr Crtmry Sttimn
Dog Food
Dog biscuits row i
pat la aura to Mka,
ao4 tb.r aap
dJJiy s
Cracarjr Sttimm
W 4 -VI n
fUlsf CttEAL
.mmmf.tFm n.
' j?' A -
CrMf7 InMm
Start the Day with a Hearty Breakfast L
t Fisher's
Pcncclto & Waffle
44b. 25c
Maoleine, 1 oz., 17c
Sea Island Cranulstad Sucsr,
2 lbs.. 14c
Sea Island Granulated Sugar,
5 lbs., 33c
Ssrvs ths family a steaming; stack of delicious pancakes and syrup
for breakfast tomorrow and watch th. smiles!
AM Crwoj SaatteM -
Stamp No. 11 Cood for 1 Lbs. Sugar Thru March 15
I . trill f
Tasty With Cheoso!
i m ii -
Elmsdalo -
Clothes Line
50-ft. JOc
length 4y
Makes Windows Shina
Freshness Counts in Lunchbox Sandwiches I
'Cui'UliQ War Paper
: 2CDfootT!flc
Flav-r Scnidvieti Dogs
1CD to
Nothing- plsasss a worker mors than fresh, moist
sandwiches la his lunch box! Bs stirs ths sand
wiches yoa send are kept fresh by wrapping- them
la was paper. Or uso ths handy sandwich bays If
yon prefer. . ,
! Fr4 ttmrmr Ciaiiy S.
Hi-Ho Crackers
Grand with cheese, mjj TJ "
felly, or any spread aT L
for partias and
itmcbes. - - -
Grmcmry Mmctimmt
Allswcct Margarine
Ths- o a as icsi
spread for bread
and -for cooking;
" Cra ry Sertie
Botria lOw
Claaaa wlasowa, Blr
rera. tc, with aJ
oet BvettorU tfraf
a ea sad wise nrt
.'; Crmrf gaatan
Aids Household Cleaning
x.f. 4c
lintl soreelats,
atal. slaaa aurfaeaa.
thaaa eMae Uka
I -.akaa
Crmmtrf SmmHrnmy
J u cco
Nov that all Canned Frail and Vegetable
Juices have been "frozen" by the Govern
ment why not use nore Cilrns Frnil?
Our special prices are given below to help you solre
this problem.
Size 126's
A Dozen
. Any Size or Special Lol
Per Half Case -
Only $2.75
For a Large Case
Extra Large Bunches of
California Carrels
Dull: Orcrjcn Carrels
4ss9 pounds for 250
5. California Cobtanc
vraij- w v rer i found
Large Califoroia - . "
IIA7EL 0DIii:22S.
Size 126's
U Dozen
Size 288's
4 dasea G