The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 21, 1943, Page 7, Image 7

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    Thm OREGON STATESMAN, Salem. Oregon, Sunday Morning. February 21, 1943
Girl Reserves';
. The Girl Reserves of Parrish
8th grade roll call by squad and
proceeded to organize their mili
tary corps at their meeting on -Monday
after school. A report
was heard from Sally" Terril con
cerning their caps Squads then
had individual meetings where .
they elected their cadet com-;
tnanders. ' . They are: Barbara
Bates of the child care squad,'
Sharon " Hoxie of the ; errand -squad,
Lorraine .Poindexter , of
the salvage ; squad, and .Margie
Scandling of. the office squad.
The squads " will be ready on
Monday to begin their work in
the -: city, further notifications ,
can be found in this newspaper.
A motion' was made to have an
"induction party" this will be
announced later. ,
Leslie 8th grade, club at their
meeting on Tuesday made plans
to have a pop corn sale at their
school in order to earn money
for helping with the furniture
for the clubroom. Peggy Bur-j
roughs, Marilyn Hill and Norma
Loewen were appointed as a
committee to make arrangements
with ASB for a date. The next
meeting will be Tuesday right
after schopl at the YWCA to pop
corn for the sale and to make
final plans.
The seventh grade club of Par
rish made final plans for their
party which was held Friday
evening at the YWCA. It was
a "patriotic party" and games
and r refreshments were planned
The Leslie 9th grade club met
at the YWCA for a potluck sup
per on Wednesday. At this meet
ing the girls made a studio couch
cover; the committee in charge
of selecting material was Ada
Mae Teel and Joan Schuabauer.
It was decided that each girl
would this week solicit ; her
neighborhood for coat . hangers
for the USO.
On Thursday the 9th grade
Girl Reserve club, at their meet
ing held a discussion concern
ing their costume party, which
is to be held-Monday, Feb. 22 at,
7:30; their "theme is "colonial
and decorations are to ; be red,'
white, and blue. Admission to
the party, which is a climax to
the refugee clothes" project will
be some contribution of clothes .
or soap. Committees appointed
were: games, Beverly Kenney,
chairman; Betty Causey, Mary
Riemann, Joyce Scott; Peggy
Sears; food, Shirley Luidahl,
chairman, Mary Kowitz,(June
Davis, Rita O'Brian, Shirley
Ruell, Lois Hammer; decoration,
Betty Twedt, chairman, Harold
fne Lamb, Eloise Johnson, Eloise
Jonas, Patsy Nickens, and Patsy
Pearson; invitations, Shirley
Kinnane, Dorothy 1 Bergsvik. It ,
was voted to have a candy sale
in . the near future. The next
meeting will be immediately aft
er school at 2 pjn.
The Girl Reserves of the School
for the Blind had a social time
and fudge party at their last
club meeting. There was a dis
cussion concerning the confer
ence at Portland and Athel Mc
Allister, president and Kathleen
Lane secretary-treasurer were
chosen as delegates.
The Chemawa Girl Reserves
will have a recognition service
on February 23; Miss Harris, the
adviser, and the club officers are
in charge. Their delegates to
the conference are Audry O'Con
ner, president and Luella Wilson,
council member.
Delbert Anderson, who ap
peared recently as guest soloist
in the Crescendo club series at
the high school, sang before the
Woman's Musical club in Van
couver, BC, on February 10 and
this week was guest soloist for
the Wena tehee Musical club.
Mrs. Kenneth Sherman,- the
former Marjorie tVanDe Walk
er, who has spent some time
with her mother,- Mrs. Gladys
Van De Walker, has left for
Santa Ana to be with her hus
band, stationed there.
Mrs. Frank A. Sanders and
sons, Duane and Garold, are
spending the weekend with Mrs.
Sander's parents, Mr. and Mrs. -George
TURNER The February sil
ver tea and t program ; of : the
Methodist Women's society of
Christian Service - was held on
Friday afternoon at the home .
of Mrs. F. C. Gunning, with Mrs. .
Earl Prather and Mrs. Ii M.
Small, assisting hostesses. ( The"
devotions were conducted by
Mrs. L. M. Small, president.
Mrs. M. A. HOI and Laura Noyes
of Salem gave readings; group
singing of favorite hymns was ;
participated in with Mrs. Lau
rence Edwards, piano accomV
panist. Mrs. Gunning . was in
charge of a Bible contest In
compliment to Mrs. Margaret
Riches, a surprise shower was
given in her honor during the
A vase with pussywillows and
red carnations was used on the
tea table, with refreshments ser
ved to Mrs. Margaret f Riches
and Gladys,' Mrs. Laura" Noyes
of Salem, Mrs. NNema Poitras,
Mrs. Ethel Edwards, Lonnie and
Lorene, Mrs. Mollie Spiers, Mrs.
Joe Holt, Mrs. M. A. Hill, Mrs.
Anna Smith, Mrs. Stella Miller,
Mrs. Anna Windom, Mrs. Mar
garet Orr, Mrs. Nora Robertson,
Mrs. Vida RusselL Mrs. Hester
Crume, the hostesses, Mrs. Nel
lie Gunning, Mrs. Louise Small
and Mrs. Grace Prather.
I i
t 1
f -
i MISS GWEN McLEOD, daughter of 'Mr. land -Mrs.
Tom McLeod, announced her' engagement February " 8 to
Mr. John Clark, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. V, Clark of
Portland. Miss McLeod is a senior at Salem high school
and Mr. Clark, who attended school here, is now em
ployed in Portland. (Kennell-Ellis.
Grand Ball Planned
For Salem Armory
Monday Night
j Plans for the grand ball to be held at the Salem Armory
on the night of Washington's birthday are progressing, and
truckloads of mulberry velour and silver material are being
brought into town, to decorate the room. The ball : is being
given to raise money for athletic equipment for Camp Adair
and is being sponsored by a group of civic minded Salem men,
and members of the legislature.
For interest of the hundreds
of prospective onlookers who do
not care to dance, the committee
has arranged a floor show which
will include entertainers from
Camp Adair and James Nolan,
Irish tenor from KGW. A mili
tary orchestra will furnish mu
sic for' dancing. The ball will be
formal, but many couples have
indicated their intention to at
tend in informal or semi-formal
dress, the committee chairman
stated. Invitations may be pro
cured from members of the leg
islature. The auxiliary to the American
Legion will serve refreshments
during the dance.
Plan Memorial .
For Member
- "
Members of the Woman's as
sociation of the First Presbyter
ian church and friends of Mrs.
George Pearce will meet at the
church on Wednesday afternoon
at 3 o'clock to hear a memorial
service for her. Anyone inter
ested is invited to attend.
Mrs. W. E. Kirk, Mr. Paul
Wallace, Mrs. Homer V. Carpen
ter and Mrs. W. Irvin Williams
will speak, and Miss Nancy Wal
lace will sing.
The Woman's association ex
ecutive board will meet "at 12:30
preceding the memorial service,
and the association business,
meeting will be held at 2 o'clock.
Ton! Christine, first child f
Mr. and Mrs. O. T. "Tony"
Painter of Salem, was born Sat
urday morning at the Deaconess
hospital. She is the granddaugh
ter of Mrs. Edith Painter of Sa
lem and is to meet her father
sometime this spring when he
returns to his home here follow
ing a voyage on a Victory ship.
Mrs. Max Moon and yoanx-
son are in Salem after several
months absence spent with her
parents. She will remain in
definitely. - i - -
TUllcum elob will dance Tues
. day night at he VFW hall, with
Dr. and Mrs. Leslie Burdett en- -
WOODBURN Miss Margaret
Halter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Gottfried Halter of Woodburn,
. and. Warren Lee Sybrandt were
- married Saturday morning in St
Luke's church, with' the Rev. V. .
' Moffenbeier officiating.
-The bride, given in marriage
by her father, was dressed in '
; white.
sThe bride's sister. Miss Emma
Halter, was bridesmaid and Clif
':, ford Robinson of Portland was
.best man.
Mrs. E. S. Donnelly played the
organ' and Miss Ernestine Nath
man sang.
, Following a few days trip to ,
the coast the young couple plan
to make their home on a farm
between Woodburn and Mt. An
gel.. s . .
PREVGLE Pleasant Paint So
cial club met Thursday viih Mrs.
L W, Potter for a 1 o'clock .
luncheon Thirteen members :
were present and a guest, , Mrs.
Clara Norton. The next meeting,
in two weeks, will be with Mrs. .
E. S. Coates, Mrs. Clifford Janes
assisting. ...
The grand march, to be led
by Governor and Mrs. Snell, will ;
commence at 9:30 o'clock, and
will include state and military j
dignitaries and their wives.
The patrons and patronesses
include Governor and Mrs. Snell,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Farrell,
jr., Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Scott.
Sen. and Mrs. W. H. Steiwer,
Rep. and Mrs. William McAllis
ter, Mr. and Mrs. George Alex
ander, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene
Marsh, Mr. and Mrs. Roy S.
Keene, Mr. and Mrs. Robert H.
Baldock, Col. and Mrs. Elmer
V. Wooten, Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam L. Phillips.
Salem Rebekah lodge will en
tertain on Monday night with a
card, . bingo and table tennis
party. This is for Ihe benefit of
the Camp Adair day room fund
and all Odd Fellows, Rebekah
and their friends are invited to
. 1 rr- r,i i
etiicuu. lucre win dc reiresn- j
ments and prizes. Mrs. Robert i
Henderson is in charge of ar
rangements. WCTU county s institute met
February 16, Mrs. W. A. Barkus,
presiding. Assisting on the pro
gram were the Mesdames Lena
Lisle, Nellie Gunning, V. Ber
son, Mason Bishop, Dora Stacey,
G. Ed Ross, N. Trillinger, Olive
Goodrich and the state presi
dent, Mrs. Ruth Tooze. A club
luncheon was served to about 50
at noon.
Rojal Neighbors of America
will meet at Fraternal temple at ;
8 , o clock on Monday to hear the
state supervisor, Mrs. May Lo-.
gan of Portland, speak. ;
Navy Mothers will meet on
Tuesday at the YWCA at 7:30
o'clock. Each will be asked to
tell her experience ; as navy
JEFFERSON Mrs. Earl Phelps
entertained members of the
Womans Society i of t Christian
' Service of the Methodist church
at her home on Second street,
Wednesday afternoon. :
Mrs. George C. Mason was in
charge of the devotions; and the
president, .Mrs. C. Jd Thurston
outlined the work for the year.
The following officers were .
? installed by Mrs. Edward Terry J
of Albany, former pastor's wife:
president, Mrs. C J. Thurston:
vice president, Mrs. J. G. Fon
taine; secretary of local work,
Mrs. George Mason; secretary of
missionary work; ' Miss Addie
Libby; recording secretary, Mrs.
Earl Lynes; treasurer, -Mrs.. CM.
Smith. Refreshments -w'ere serv
ed by the hostess, : assisted by
Mrs. Earl Lynes. Nine members
and guest -Mrs. Edward Terry ;
.of Albany were present, f-,-
Dryden; daughter of D. M. Dry
. den of Woodburn, bride-elect
s of ..Joseph Frank I of Mt- Angel,
was honored with a shower Sun
day afternoon at the home of
her father. ; j
Hostesses were Misses Katie
; Ortwerth, Louise Rieger, Rose
Frank, Margaret Frank and Mrs.
r Anton Penka. - .
The wedding will take place
. February 2 i in St. Mary's church
; in ML Angel. c .
jlSCftEWH'S; '.. : ; v
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