The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 21, 1943, Page 6, Image 6

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    f 'T-
Th OSEGOIf STATESMAN, Solera, Oregon, Sunday Moning. February 21. 1343
Open House
Plan for
Pre-lenten open house is be
ins planned by the Catholic
Daughter of America for Thurs
day at the Woman's club be
tween the hours of 8 and 10
The program 'of music will in
clude numbers by the following:
Miss Isadore Grimes, organist at
Sanctuary of Our Sorrowful
Mother in Portland; Mrs. Monica
Rodakowski. soloist; Mr. Wayne
Meusey, organist at St. Vincent
de Paul church; and Mrs. Edna
McKay. There will also be a
string ensemble from Sacred
Heart academy.
Committees include Mrs.
Mrs. James Mahula and Mrs.
J. M. Herberger for refresh
ments, with Mrs. Gene . Van
denynde in charge of the din
ing room. Receiving guests at
the door will be Mrs. T. J. Bra
beck, state regent, and Mrs. T E.
Kenyon, grand regent of court,
capitol city. They will be as
sisted by officers of the court
Mrs. Napoleon Rocque will be in
charge of the guest book.
OSC mothers, with Mrs. Doug- -.
las McKay. 2 pm.
Chapter AB of PKO will meet'
7:45 p. in. with Mrs. L J. Sparks,
1043 North lth. street ;
Navy Mother. 1:30. at YWCA.
Alpha Mu Delphian. 9:30 un.
YWCA.- "
AAUW sponsors- radio talk,
KOAC'I p. m. - - - ,
Past Regents club.-Chemeketa
chapter. - mo tort luncheon with
Mrs. B .C. Smith. 114a Center
street. 1 P av .--
Daughters of "St. Elizabeth
ruild' with Mrs. R. D. Paris,
1 190 South HigH street, covered
dish luncheon. 1 p. ra.
Business and "Professional
Woman's club, -dinner meeting
at Golden Pheasant. ttM p. m.
Nebraska auKihary. - covered
dish luncheon with Mrs. Clara
McDerby. 2819 Trade street.
Ladies Bed Cross sewing club
of Keiaer, meets at school audi
torium. Woman's Club
In Session ,",v
Salem Woman's club will meet
next Saturday for the regular
session at 2:30 o'clock and the
executive board at 2 o'clock. Mr.
Frank Bennett, city superin
tendent of schools, will speak.
Arranging the music will be
Mrs. Charles "Jahnson, program
chairman. Members are being
urged to assist with red cross
sewing which is being carried
n in the local Red Cross rooms
now instead of in homes. Con
tributions of athletic equipment
for - soldiers and books for the
victory book campaign is also
being sponsored j the group.
Camp -Firs- Girls-
i The Okizu Camp Fire girls
.- held a meeting on Monday and
ach explained the insignia of
' the organization. Members pres
. ent were Virginia Blevins, Lor
i raine Welling. Betty Jean Gar
rett, Ardith Miller, Penny Ga
mer, Shirley Clark. Pat Milton,
Dorothy CaspeiL Ruthanna Mor
. gan, Gloria , McDonough and
Beverly White.
- Ohampimay Camp Fire group
met at the home of Ruth Clique
Wednesday. -.Refreshments were
served. Mrs. -Zumwalt told about
the birthday honors. The group
played two -games.
Otiyokwah Camp Fire group
met at the home of their guar
dian, Mrs. F. S.; Kuhns. The
president, Bonnie Bell Stewart
presided and plans were made
to have tea lor the", mothers,
February 27. - ' '
Okiciyapi Cam p Fire group
held- their regular meeting
; Thursday to discuss plans for an
outdoor -supper at their next
meeting. After refreshments the .
group played games outdoors."
Patricia Boyer, acting scribe.
Waditaka .group of the Camp
Tire girls, met at the home of
their guardian, Mrs. J. M. Man
ning. A council fire was held
snd a number of girls received
their beads.
Alpha Phi Alpha, mothers
club will meet at the chapter
v house on Tuesday at 2 o'clock.
The speaker will be Mrs. Esther
Little, general .secretary of the
YWCA. in Salem.
Ily Desideniial Liaiilily Prcled
lie If Ily Dcg Biles A Cbild?
'Oregon's Largest
Salea'Nrnd ilcrshflald
123 IL Coxnmerdsl Calexa - Dial J3 '
ENGAGED Miss Lurlene Hastings, daughter of Mr. ,
and MrsJ Guy F. Hastings, who announced her engagement
to Mr. Robert Lindstedt, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Lind
stedt, at d party held last week. Miss Hastings is a student
at Salem high school and Mr. Lindstadt is in the navy. No
date was set far the wedding. (McEwan photo).
Tea Will
Town and Gown will meet at '
Lausanne hall Thursday at 2:30
o'clock with Mrs. E. S. Oliver
presiding.. State Supreme Court
Justice Arthur Hay. will speak
and Miss ( Frances Virginie Mel
ton will play a group of piano
Pouring at the tea hour will
be Mrs. George Rossman and
Mrs. James Brand. Miss Alice
Crary Brown is the hostess
chairman,1 and with assisting
hostesses Mrs. Frank Power,
Mrs. M. E. Peck and Mrs. J. C
Harrison will greet the guests
at the door.
Decorations of spring flowers
will be arrange! by Mrs. Miller
Hayden. and Mrs. William Phil
lips will decorate the tea .table.
Head of the serving committee
is Mrs. David Eason, who will be
assisted by the Mesdames Lloyd
Bell, L, O. Clement, M. C. Find
ley, . Homer V. Carpenter,' Dean
Goodman, R. C Hunter," Frank
James,. D. A. Kenney, Abner
Kline and E. O. Welling.- -
(Life at Willamette,
Over at our school there is
1 an entity called the social calen
dar that shapes more lives and
causes more Joy and pain than
any other sirgle item, extra
curricularly s p e a k I n g. The
schedule is drawn up each sem
. ester by organization representa
tives working with Dean Dahl
and the result is mimeographed
and distributed upon campus
bulletin board!, thus to control
our social activities, for every
event must be calendared.
This semester's calendar had
been organized, we thought, un
til this i week a regular fruit-basket-upset
took place. Fresh
man Glee, of course, has already
been set back to March 20 and
now May weekend has been
. postponed from May 1 to May 8.
But the most drastic change was
the change in date of the inter
sorority; formal from a tentative
date in 1 April to March 5, only
two .weeks from now. It's for
a very good reason, though; a
large group of men in reserves
and some draftees are to be
called to active duty March 15,
and how can we have a formal
dance without men? But its
suddeness puts the affair prac-
ucauy-in our laps and makes
the next two weeks a hazardous
open season on men!
v The intersorority formal, by
the way. has been classified as
" a semi-formal dance, which on
our campus means long dresses
for the, girls but ordinary suits
; for the men. Theme chosen for
the party is "A Young Man's
Fancy" you know the rest of
Upstate Agency
Spinsters ; "
To Dance
'Friday . X
i ' "
The Salem Spinsters will give
an informal dance on Friday
night at the chamber of com
merce to raise funds to furnish
a room at the fairgrounds. Hours
are from 8:30 to 11:30 o'clock,
and the public is invited to at
tend the affair.
Patrons and patronesses will
be Mr. and Mrs. James Walton,
Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Stadter jr,
Mr. and Mrs. Carl G. Collins,
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hamil
ton and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne
The committees for the in
formal affair include: orchestra,
Stella McKay, building. Jane
McLaughlin; tickets, Pat Tracy;
publicity, Sybil Spears and Bar
bara Viesko; patrons and patron
esses Marjorie HilL
The Spinsters have charge of "
the USO . canteen this morning
with their working hours to
1 o'clock.
The group will meet on Mon
day night at the home of Mrs.
James Houck (Nancy Dutton)
on Summer street.
beyond the books)
the verse, and many girls are
planning to wear their spring
or summer formals. The smart
ones who must have new dresses
are making crisp cotton formals
of pique, dimity, gingham or
organdy. They are suprisingly
inexpensive to make, and your
escort will be justly proud of
your clever fingers.
Those days we had this week
that felt like spring saw many
a colorful suit blossom on our
campus. It's always a relief to
return to jackets after weary
months of coats and raincoats.
Raincoats these days by the way,
are still being worn because
they're light, and with the
sleeves pushed up they are very
comfortable and will be worn
long into spring, rain or no.
But back to suits. Catching our
eye first is Betty Provpsfs sport
plaid of vibrant colors, wine,
white and blue. Those plaids
are nice if carefully chosen for
your figure; Betty is tall and
dark and just right for her
Low Weekly or Monthly
444 State Street
Phone 552S
Salem SArniea - Esrena
I Free Exaninaiicn
Salem Man
Weds: in
At an informal, double-ring
r ceremony performed . February
2, at her home. Miss "Woltha
i Louise; Whitmire, the daughter
: of Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Whitmore,
- Temple, Texas, became the bride
of Master Sgt. Cecil P. Bartruff,
the son of Mrs. C P. Bartruff,
: Sflverton highway. . Dr., Mi'Huel
MarYosip, pastor ct First Pres
byterian church, , pe&oxmed Jhe
nuptials. The wedding march
was played by Miss Inez Whit
mire, who also accompanied Mrs.
. Ben T. Brown, soloist
The bride, given in marriage '
by her father, wore a street
- length dress of dusty pink wool
with matching accessories. Miss
Elizabeth Whitmire, the bride's
sister and only attendant, wore
navy blue with white accessories.
Sgt. E. R. Carpenter served as
best man for the groom. .
At the reception immediately
following the ceremony Mrs.
Jack Tulloeh, Bolton, Mrs. O. H.
LudwickMrs. P. T. Whitmire
snd Ruth Tullock served as host-
esses. When the couple left for
their short wedding trip the
bride wore a suit of beige gabar-'
dine with brown accessories.
Mrs. Bartruff is employed in
the ordnance department - at
Camp Hood while her husband Is
a radio instructor in the com
munications department He at
tended. Salem high school and
the Oregon Institute ' of Tech
nology In Portland before .enlist
ing.' . . - . - -
Neighbors Plan
Installation of officers of
Neighbors of Woodcraft wflT
take place April 8, with public
ceremonies planned. Officers to ;
be installed were elected at the'
last meeting. .1'.
Officers are guardian neighbor, .
Russell Winchcomb; past' guar '
dian neighbor, Patricia Scott; ad
visor, Gladys Edwards; magician,
Qrvfll Rose; attendant, Rallie
Lynch; banker, Eva Craven; cap
tain of guards, Mina Olmsted;
flag bearer, Lottie Townsend;
outer sentinel Alts Scott; inner
sentinel, Agnes Havre; managers,
Otley Scott Eliza Darling, and
Evelyn Visnaw; correspondent
Irene Hansell; senior guardian,
Evelyn Visnaw; recommended
for clerk, - Jennie Winchomb;
recommended for physician,
Marion Mayo and recommended
forestalling officer, Eva Cra
ven. Informal Dance
Is -Planned
The Junior Woman's club is
planning another dance, the sec
ond benefit affair this year, to
be given on March 13 at the
Marion hotel. This dance is to
be informal, and will carry the
theme of St Patrick's day.
Mrs. Joseph V. Tompkins will
take charge of the dance, re
placing the former chairman,
Mrs. Daniel Olen, who is leav
ing soon. The dance is being
given to raise funds for the
Junior Woman's club's share as
assisting hostess to delegates at
tending the convention of the
Oregon State Federation of.
Women's dub which will con-'
vene in Salem In the late spring.
-choice. Jan Johnson compliment
ed a gold wool suit with a sage
green sweater of just the right
shade and the result very much
complimented Jan. And for all
around duration-ability we no
minate Betty Burkhart's brown
and white shepherd's check suit
good with ankelets and golfers
for school or pumps and hat for
Csaal Wave $tM Complete
Pern Ofl
I Posh Wave A ftp
Open Thura. Eva.
by Appnintment -Phone
t9S First National Bank Bids.'
Uorlxers Ilccd
If you're one of the many :
who work for victory v
you know how important
good vision can be Insure
your health by being prop
erly fitted with glasses,. -
What day can do
VThcrt they're doing cborrl If
Three Salem women, recently
enrolled by the local WAAC re
cruiting station, will leave Sun
day from Portland for the WAAC
training center at Ft Des Moines,
'Iowa. They are Mrs. Alma XN
Lucas, 2015 State i street; Miss
Olive McAninch, route 6; and
Mrs. Florence Whitney, Wahing-
' ton - hoteL : . . j
Mrs. Lucas has been doing
WAAC recruiting Sere the last
three weeks. Her , husband, Bruce
Lucas, I is in ' navy aviation ord
nance and is stationed in Vir
ginia. Miss McAninch is a form-'
er postal clerk and. has been
living' with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. William H. McAninch,
route 6. Mrs. Whitney has been
employed as a waitress.
Miss Dorothy Stokx, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Stokx
of Gervais, joinefd the Waves
r- t-- JZTr-'!nlast October and
f-- V ; :JL e f t Seattle on
.V Tuesday of last
" C k weeK or xiioom-
r jington, Indiana, '
) ; ffor four months
- . -of training. She
t , J entered "as store
I .keeper. While
J waiting her . call
DoroUir stokx Miss Stokx" was
employed in the personnel de
partment of the' Boeing Aircraft
. corporation, Jn Seattle.
Mrs. Alvin H. Boyd (Betty
Severin) left Saturday to begin V
training with the WAVES. She
' is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
G. ; R : Severin. Mr.' Boyd is
. with the US army In Australia,
' where he ' Is attending officers v
candidate schooL
Shower Honors
- Miss Yung j
'2 Miss Dorothy Dalton and Miss
' Nyla Phmips gave a miscellane-
ousshower, the first of the week;
at the home of the, latter for
. Miss Helen Yung, bride-elect
- ;r The gift' table was decorated'
with a large red heart bearing
; the names of the couple Smaller
hearts held the names of the
Those bidden were: Miss Del
la Merk, Miss Doris Boley, Miss
Romona Lenenberg, Miss Flo
rence Lewis, Miss Vivian BelL
Miss Donna Sha f er, Miss Leans
Tingelstad, Miss Marjorie Peter
son, Miss Jannice Lemmon, Miss
Irene Coker, Miss Josephine
Winkinwerder, Mrs. Stuart Mc
Gilchrist Mrs. Dalton, Mrs.
Yung, Mrs. Phillips, Mrs. Brant
ner, Miss Dorothy Dalton, Miss
Nyla Phillips and Miss Yung. -:
The Woman's Catholic order
of Foresters will meet at the
home of Mrs. Ella Voves, 655
North Cottage street , on Tues
day night for a covered dish
supper. A social hour will follow
the business meeting.
Tuesday at X 'clock AAUW
will sponsor' the second in a
series of talks on international
relations broadcast from KOAC,
Corvallis, Mr. George Hamik,
born in Hungary and educated
in Europe, and Mrs. Leo Gue
roitsch, formerly, of Russia, will
Chadwkk Chapter Order of
Rainbow for girls will meet
Tuesday for an informal busi
ness meeting to be followed by
refreshments and dancing.
5SA i
"The Moccaround"
Sturdy Bur Pretty
Lower Heel
You ?et style-right beauty
and . comfort plus, In each
pair of , these . low heeled
shoes! Trim and , smart,
they've) a practical outlook
on durability and will last
for months of . hard wear.
Economy priced too!
Rich Deep Taxi Calfskin
Stout Soles
Older Girls
Confer in : : .
March .
: Plans are being completed for
the 30th , Oregon ; Older Girl's
conference to be held in Oregon
City from March 5 to 7. Mrs.
Martha Ferguson McKeown of
Hood 4 River, ; formerly dean of
Women at v Multnomah college
in Portland, has been appointed
new director, and Miss Muriel
White, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Gilbert White, Salem, who Is now
dean of girls at West TJnn.hlgh
school, has been appointed as
sistant director. Dr. Edward H.
B o n s a 1 L international youth
leader, dean of men at Parsons
college, Fairfield, Iowa, will be
the principal speaker .this year.
The 30th Older Girls conference ;
is being held In the same place
as the first Older Girls con
ference, Oregon City. There will
be a visit to the historic Mc
Loughlin House - and a tea ; at
the Barclay - House, a pageant 1
given by the girls of the West
Linn high school 'and staged in
the Oregon City high auditorium.
Several of the conferences have
been held in Salem, the last
' was four years ago.
Virginia Pierson, of Portland,
conference president announces
that the theme win be "Candles
in the Wind. Beginning - with
registration on Friday afternoon, :
the conference win end Sunday
afternoon in ; the Presbyterian
. church, where all general ses
sions will be held, -'i ;
1 In addition to Miss Pierson as
president conference officers are
Eleanor Todd of Willamette
university, vice president; and
Barbara Phillips, Pacific univer
sity, secretary. -
' Mrs. George Rhoten a past
president of the conference, is
a member of the board which
directs the conference in an ad
visory capacity.
Mothers Will .
Hear Speaker
Mrs.' Douglas McKay will en
tertain the Oregon State mothers
a her home at 393 Jerris ave
nue on Monday, at 2 o'clock.
Dean Ava Milam, head of the
home economics department of
Oregon State college, will be the
speaker. ; ; v
Mothers of students at OSC,
or prospective students are wel
come to attend the meeting. Mrs.
W. H. Wood will head the tea
Jimmy Burke
Is Four
- Washington's birthday party
wfll also be the birthday of little
Jimmy Burke who will be 4
years old that day. Mrs. Donald
Burke Is inviting guests to the
party which will follow the pat
riotic theme in decorations. A
special guest will be Jimmy's
grandmother, Mrs. Edward
Burke of Portland.
Guests will be Kathy Heltzel,
Al King, Phil Goulet Douglas
Hamilton, Nancy and Jean Lid
beck, Susan Todd and Lundy
Jones; and the Mesdames
Charles Heltzel, Terrence King,
Homers L. Goulet jr, Clarence
Haimlton, William Lidbeck,
George Todd and Malcolm Lun
dy. Ties
Crescendo Club to
The Salem high school Crescendo clubs final concert in
1 the winter series will be given in the auditorium on Thursday
nijght Delbert Moore, a former-Salem man, is conductor of
1 the orchestra and Merlyn Doleman will be soloist with the
group. - ' ' " '
Among the numbers of special interest is the "Evening
r V ' I
Pelbert Moore
Prayer" from Hurnpeiuncks
"Hansel and GreteL" The con
cert to be presented, was tran
scribed for stringed orchestra by
Arthur Hamilton and contains
some of the loveliest music from
this favorite opera, Another
number, the "America" by Ern
est Williams, is a tone poem
Couple : Wed in
New York ; .y
.Miss Margaret Ruth Brande-
berry; 23, of 2930 Northeast 31
Avenue, Portland, and Robert
Edward S pence, 23, USNH for
merly of Salem, secured a mar
riage license at the Municipal
Building in New York, February
15. ' .
The bride is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Brandeberry.
Mr. Spence was born In Salem,
the son of Mr. and Mrs. Cassius
Spence. 'He graduated from the
Midshipmen's School at Colum
bia University Wednesday -with
the largest group ever to be
commissioned ensigns at one
Following the graduation ex
ercises, the couple were married
in the Little Church Around the
Corner in New York. The Rev.
Dr. Randolph Ray, rector of the
church, performed the ceremony.
Birthday Is
Mrs. Byron Cooley entertained
on Wednesday afternoon at, her
home on 22nd street honoring
her son, Ross, on his fourth
birthday. A red, white and blue
color scheme was used.
- Guests were Phyllis Kay Mor
' ris, Sue Ann and Judy Barker,
Gary Colley, Rodney, Kathleen
and Gloria Schmidt John and
Chris Wood and Deane Cooley
and the Mesdames Leslie Morris,
Kenneth Barker, E. W. Cooley,
John Schmidt, jr., E. M. Rulif
son, WiHard Gritton and Glen
Bafflie. ;
For The Average
American Womeii
y. ' ' a
: - fljE (BANT;
The Depccrhnent of Acrriculture issued stertisucs on the
"Average American Woman" and she Is under five feet
four inches in height! 1 V
Warner's have designed corielettes for this little woman
for 11 yearsand here is one of their newest without
much elastic of course, (under government ordexsj but an
excellent foundatian unrW
Jv You may have it for an average short, a hip-heavy short.
05-cp to 0512-50
Sponsor Program
built around two Indian themes
and the hymn "America.11 The
dreamy India n melody, the
march of the pioneers and the
hymn . intermingle, with the
march reoccuring through the
Th 4tStaTi9 im fhm full nm
gram. .
Overture to j ih "Maniac of
Figaro' , .iii i Mozart
CoDcerto tor Bora in E JTat
. i i Allecro-Mozsrt
Mr. Doleman
Xveninf Prarer for "Hansel and
Gretel ,. Humprdtnck
Air for the O String Bach-Wllhelm
Gavotte from Sixth Violin SonaU
. , U Bach
The Stringed orchestra
Andante from the "Symphony
No. TKhalkowaky
Tales from the Vienna Wood
On the Trail, from the Grand Can
yon Suit . Ferd Grofa
Piano interlude by Don Kebergall
Pop! Goes the Weasel CailUet
Them. In Jerusalem
Fugeu. Music Box
Minuet. In Jazz
America, Tone-Poem
Ernest Williams
Helena nubinsfein's
For the first tim s cake make-sp
Meaded ia two texrores, one for
dry skin to guard against dry
ess, im lot normal or oil skis
to givo yon a soft, mat finish. .
This exdting new "all -la -
- maka-ap created hj Helena
i Bshinrtcia artea yoor skia that
soft, smooch, BswViss fiiiisk Goes
qaickly with a asoisttaod
sponge, is so long-lasting, stays
fresk hoars withomt
3 exquisite hades: PescUIs
Maaresque, Rico Tan. Town &.
Coantry FILMPACT, 75.
Capilal Dreg Stcro
Car. 8Ute A Ltbertr Th. 3113
' ' ' I i