PRECIOUS OIL, GASOLINE LOSTTheosands of gOleM of gaseWandfnel oil w Pittsburgh, Pa, when IS Unk curs and thre freight ears en two grains were derailed Pennsylvania tint. i , , .. i - : " st A rescuer (upper center) tried unsuccessfully to reach occupants of a bombing -plane irhlch crashed Into Seattle's Frye Packing; plant building Thursday, while ethers In foreground rushed te his aid. All 11 plane occupants and sereral workmen lost their lives in the UWSenEenmneSSonummmmsm . crash, explosion and fire. A shattered portion of the plane shows in center. At right pigs released from pens by the crash wander atop the building, AP Photo. -'"" ;''T';:-x"':''fc jSv '':---:K-v;-::::-:'-"v--':S- " " '-; fr--V l, j: J I c a Mil v . " v. if.-t" -i,r,-t v - - -'-. " 6: 4 ''- ' , V ' J . wM THE BURMA FATRO LSritbh Infantrymen hold weapons hlth as they cross a river dw In a reeonnalssance patrol Inside Burma. They are port of increasing forces pressln Japs. 4 ' - I ' - ,:' jl '' ; x ' - ' " " 1 " : , - - f ' ' -A' '""U,ti 1 v-:.S :".::.: ' " ' .. "a . : , - ' ' -5 : i - , , Xm ' , - v 1 v PROTESTS-, mbert Donal (above). British stas;e and screen actor, arrives at House of Com mons in London to protest open ns; of England's theaters on Sundays. f .;":r': .. i ( 4 3 X if r -f ," i : . r?r CHANCINC BLOOD INTO POWDER Bottles of blood donated to Red Cross are frosen by dry 1ce In process; that chances blood Into powder for shipment to war fronts. Tkis, Uborstory Is In Philadelphia. SHE'S PROUD Mrs., Robert B. Clark thtr has-, band's newly-won Navy Cross aboard a destroyer In P" Har bor. IX Clark. TJANJU was awarded medal for Mmmandlac a patrol plant that fought off elgbWsp Zeros. BACKSTAGE Ch. Brynwood Ivan, spaniel owned by 55i Tramtstf Sendderf Greenwleh. Conn, rets prettied np i E?S!5iS& rTestmlnster Kennel club doff show to xor nnappc vutiM9U 8qnart Garden. New York. w SAFE CARB Mha Kafbo Vsndenberr. tt (above), was named most oaf ely dressed wo snan war worker in the Los An geles area dorms drive against accidents. mmemm iwwwwyw-WiWjlu um''...'pll!lWM J"'i. . - ... - ' - U--V'-" -v. .... - - i - -1' " . i , ' ' " " .,', : . . .: ' . :'.-.: :::'' t t --x i .; ... -: -. - . I - c , : SminmKianaMiaa. Mi m iminl I . ..... .1 . m , it j - ; - i' 1 1 a n r LLLUiljJiJliinAiLuuti lol mi "iViinWifir r jyftt'-Vr'-"1""1 ' ' n w RIFLE SFLINT A P P L I E D White dad Army Medical Corps men training near Wenalan- cet.N.II,spply a rl3e splint to a undcd-nisn lying on a stretcher ta the : .v.:-.X'. . -i,-'. ' tit -.-j,. BOMB-CHASINC VICA R The Rev. J-N. Sykes. i English vicar, comforts some -children and a mother who were bombed oat of their homes. When bombs fall tho' vicar pedals hi bike to stricken areas to help out. - ' f. : n a p 1 1 AS C OT-TLli rets! to lift ffCl..Alf U Lai ; dtsoldroVo!t the RAF. An orderly hoUs.Wa SON VISITS LORD HALIFAX ct Charleo. Wood. MJ. fright) visiU his father. Lord Halifax, ta Waafctoa--fca. D. C C8 KOt VtXtXi was ki2ea la. Cjo war and another, gichard. .tu vtszZti tzl Lzl fcsti to tr;stitt2l R E S P I T B I II : HUNT F0 R A X I S SHIPS Tret taoicrn CrlUsh destroyers refoel to Algiers harbor after long boars of ....1 t Mi.V r..Hr