The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 12, 1943, Page 9, Image 9

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    'Zz - thm OrXGOIl STATESMRlf. ikdea. Oregon. Trifor Horning, FeHrucry 12. 1S13
Valley Church Events Are Set; 1: ; .
Silveirton Schedules Spraker Series; .
Missionary at Mill CityTurner Groups Busy
! SILVKRTON The Rev. O: Leonard Jones is announcing meetings for the Methodist church"
- lor the -coming week to jnclude the Boy Scou t meeting there on Monday night with J. E. Story
as scout master, and the official board meeting at 7:30 o'clock at the church. '
'."" .''.Announcement is also being made of a series of public meetings to begin February 23 at the
xjagene xieia
auditorium i' under
the sponstirship of the United
Christian lien's league. The topic
- vill be Home Defense, -with aach
4ecture to t followed by a Xorum.
President George Herbert Smith
. of Willamette university will open
the series (with the theme tTEob-j
' Jems Confronting Our Touth. Dean
TJ. . G. Dubach of" Oregon. State
" coHege' wiH speak about the En
' emies of Youth,"! and President
-verson of Lin Geld colloge will
talk on "Home Besponsibilitles.'
' . At Trinity church Ihe Rev. Os
car fHanson of : Minneopolis . will
'speak, at "9 o'clock on Tebruary
; 15. On February " II the' Mission
-circle of Tr in ty. church will meet
at a place' to be announced later.
- Hostess committee at Immanuel
:. church at the Sunday noon lunch
' - eon is composed of Mrs. Bert Rue,
Mrs. O. G. JSOertson, Mrs., H. Fun -i
rue And Mrs. C J. Towe. ,
- , Plans sire being made- ior ithe
-.annual -,. Trinity r Dorcas iaociety
birthday 'party, at -for February
28 at Trinity church. The program
-wiU be arrangecTby -seasons, wkb
the presidents -of the two groups,
Mrs. Silas Torvend of the After
nooners and Mrs. Ludvig Meyer
?f; the .Nightimers, making' the
' arrangements. - "
MILL CITY A group "of young
. "people of ; the Church -offChrist
- met in the church basement Weir
nesday;fera parry under the sup
ervision of "Mr, and " Mrs. E Glen
Sheltoh. Games were played and
refreshments served; ? ? VC
Last Smday dedication ;
service was held at the Church I
af Christ ta dedicate the organ 1
which was presented ta the;
eherch kr Mr. u4 Mrs. E.
Drapela. The ycvac yeaole gave
a' number to asm and K. C. ;
Raade nn Uk - dedicatory
prsyec A coBseerstien service
was held far Eracst Muler, eld-
- " er, ehasea as eaanefl adviser far
the Christian lSndeaTer young -people.
' ' . '
The Home Builders class of the
- Church f Christ Jmet Friday at
: the borne of Mrs. T?.' S.' Crockett.
The class is -sewing for fhe-emer-
,'. gency hospital. Mrs; '- "Florence
Gaudy -and Mrs. McKinney were
( hostesses There were. 22 present
; Rev. Forrest Travaffle, a' Ftbst
by terian"TnJssionary - who return
od fronvThailand. about . the; time
of the outbreak of the war, after.
Constance Roscoe
Dies of Pneumonia
WOODBURN j Constance Jean
Roscoevf .21 -months-old -daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Edward, Koscoe of
Woodburn, -cued Sunday in a hos
pital ; in Salem. . Pneumonia was
the! cause of death." Shehad :been
kept under an oxygen lent for two
days. In .mil unsuccessful effort to
saver her 'life. -
The , family moved here from
Minnesota-six -months ago. In ad
dithm-to her parents, she is sur
vived by grandparents, Mr. "and
Mrs. FJias Sorenson of Woodburn,
and Mr. and Mrs. Emil Sparring
of Flood wood, Minn.'""''
Funeral ' services were held
Thursday at 2 pjn. from the Ringo
chapel with Rev; H. S. Fulton of
ficiating. Burial was in the Belle
Passi cemetery, .
having lived there for three and
a half years, spoke at .the Presby
terian ehurch Frklaymight, Me
also , showed pictures taken during
his stay there. He hopes to return
after the war to continue his
mission : work. rouowing n e
meeting art the -church, rmemben
of the Friendship class served re
freshments at tha Herbert Schroe
der bccne.i: . ;i ; .
TURNER The business
meeting af the Methodist WSCS
will., be held oa Friday after
bmb at the home f the seere
Ury, Mrs. Vlda Raasell, with all
members urged ta attend. This
Is. the . first . basiness meeting -slaeethe
ehaoge in the program
from abort .sessions prevleasfy
k e 1 d preeedhir t h e -aocUl
sooathly teas. The . prestdeot,
Mrs. L. M. SmaR, is aat of town
and wftt a sosaMa ta bo ores-
esit. r ; .r 'i-V'
Rev. Paul 'Jaquith. was -host Jon
Tuesday at the Methodist parson
age with a o'clock supper for
members of the Youth Fellowship
society 'group. Playing games and
rehearsing choir numbers for the
Sunday worship service were di
versions. .Communion will be ob
served Sunday. Those in, attend
ance were Carlene and Alice Xee
Ixjcken, Pearl Bower. Jo Tanner
Beverly and Bonnie Webb, Mar
garet Ann Prather, Lee Gwinn of
Salem and Paul Jaquith. .
The .JMethodist Women's Society
of Christian Service itas postpon
ed its .regular silver, tea and -program
from the first Friday in the
month io the -third JTriday lafter
noon. Jt will be held at the home
af Mrs. F. C. Cunning, with Mrs.
Earl Prather -assisting hostess. The
change was made - due to so. much
illness and the inclement weather.
Sunday services st the Evangel
ical wDk include the Sunday
school, With Mr. John Kihs sup
erintendent, in charg e. At 1 1
o'clock, .Rev. iraui HPetticord, dis
trict -superintendent, will preach,
and hold ihe communion service.
A basket dinner win "be" ienjoyed
at the noon hour. In the afternoon
the third quarterly conference will
be held. 4 '
' 'The "Woman's Missionary soci
ety of the Evangeucal church held
its meeting Wednesday afternoon
at the home of Mrs. X T. Jones.
The president, Mrs Don Davis,
presided.' Mrs. John Kohs was in
charge of the devotions, "using as
her ' theme, "Fellowship of
Prayer." : Scripture verses were
given in answer to roll call. The
lesson study; Missionary Ventures
in China,, was ; given : by , Miss
Anna Klampe, Mrs. A.-Wilson and
Mrs. "Lee " Gremvf The literary
secretary -distributed certificates
to members completing the read
ing' course during: the past Tear.
Mrs. E. M. - Ackerman joined the
society. : Members, will save all
Lincoln pennies during the
month; the . proceeds go toward
maintenance of dormitories at the
mission field at Beverly.Xy. Dur
ing the t social boor, reijrearnments
were served. by-h hostess, as
sisted y Mrs. I. M. Ackerman. .
MIDDLE GRO VE-.Mrs. Lottie
Lnsea :asd aasnice Jlsaer - were
hostess for ths January, meeting
of the Woman's Mission groups.
Mrs. Olson, was Resented with a
life membership .'certificate' s
special honor soul reeognitioa was
made of the 71si birthday anni
versary of Mrs. Mary Heradon,
who . received a corsage from the
hostesses. The theme of . the day
wasvSelf Denial." Member are
asked to bring Lincoln pennies to
the February meeting.
Oliver Heads
Drive to Start
; DALLAS The board of direc-
Itors of the Polk county Red" Cross
'chapter selected : A. V. Oliver of
'Rickreall as general chairman lor
- the combined war fund and roll
call drive - ot the American Red
Cross at a meeting-held Monday
night in Dallas with Dr. A. B.
Starbuck, qhapter president An
drew Campbell of Perry dale and
. W. Frank Crawford of Zena were
named to work with Mr. Oliver in
organizing the county for the drive
which is scheduled to start March
This year every person contrib
, uting $1 or more to Red Cross will
receive a membership. The goal
, for the county is 'approximately
$10,000 ' which compares with
$7500 raised , last year in separate
roll call and. war fund campaigns.
The general demands of the Am
erican Red Cross have increased
rapidly within, the period with
American forces scattered over the
entire world and with fighting in
progress on many fronts and cer
tainty "of rapidly mounting casual
ty lists by spring.
The campaign committee will
visit all parts of the county prior
to March l; selecting working
groups to canvass all homes and
setting approximate quotas for
each community. It is planned to
secure . enough workers to make
individual districts small tor rap
id work when the drive starts. No
difficulty is anticipated in reach
ing the 1943 goals.
Mill City OES
Aids Red Cross
MILL. CITT. Uariljn diap
, ter 145, Order -of the Eastern Star,
met Monday night in regular ses
sion. The : initiatory degree i was
conferred upon Blanche Graf e,
who is a teacher in . the Gates
school. ' During the business meet
ing the chapter voted to make a
small contribution to the Red
Cross every ' month, for kit bags
for the soldiers. It was also voted
to give $20 to the Red Cross drive
which will get under way in the
near fature. "'';-V -4 :
The committee in charge of the
covered dish supper which pre
ceded the meeting included Mrs.
W. J. Robinson. Mrs. W. W. Ma
son and Mrs. Frank Smith.
Prather Pledges Frat .
TURNER Stan Prather, stu
dent from Turner at Oregon State
college, recently has been initiat
ed into the Phi Delta Theta fra
ternity. He played on the Phi Del
ta team ' in tte Inter - fraternity
basketball games and has earned a
place on the rook squad. Prather
is a .freshman majoring in phar--macy.-
, .
Scio Starts I
Clas$ Scriesn
- - - .
SCIO Homemaking classes are
instructed by Miss Chindgren at
the Scio high school each Thurs
day afternoon. .Two . more of a
series of five afternoon sessions of
four hours are to be held after
this ; week. Miss Chindgren an-
Rudolph Wesely is reported im
proved after recent examination
in Portland. He is to return soon
for examination and further treat
ment. Scio Masonic lodge is scheduled
for : a monthly communication
February 18.
Mrs. Dave Horsburgh and
daughter, Miss Gladys, pioneer
farmers and stockgrowers a few
miles south of Scio, were in this
city on business and visiting
friends Tuesday.
Mrs. Fred Bilyeu is at her
home in South Scio, having come
this week from Corvallis, ' where
Bilyeu is custodian of Harding
grade school building. He was ex
pected here for this weekend.
Mrs. Fred Morter is home from
a visit with relatives and friends
in the family's former home in
southern California.
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Kukacka and
Mr. and Mrs. John Peck a of Scio,
were in Albany Monday on busi
ness. ;'-'.'''
TDinner i Wednesday . night pre
ceded regular, business meeting of
Scio Pythian Sisters, who enter
tained, their husbands at refresh
ment hour. .
Scio branch of Czech-American
national alliance held an all-day
meeting at ZCBJ hall last Sunday
with refreshments served at the
noon hour. The local Sokol society
had a meeting Sunday night at the
same . hall. '.... .
IDr. A. G. Prill is reported re
covering from a bronchial disor
der of two weeks standing.
Equipment for a ' recreation
room for soldiers at Camp Adair
is still being collected by Scio
: Relatives remembering Mrs.
Rex Bilyeu (Carolyn Flanagan)
on her recent birthday included
Rudy Young and family, Joe Shin
dler and family and Mr. and Mrs.
G. 11 Flanagan, jr., and Rex Bilyeu
and their son, Ronald. The dinner
party was held at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. G. I. Flanagan's parents.
Bierijr Starts Qub
; PRINGLE Amos W. Bierly,
Marion county S4H club leader, met
with the boys and their parents at
the Pringle school Wednesday and
started the organization of an an
imal elub. Membership cards were
filled out but it was decided 1 to
hold the election of officers at the
next meeting.-. Mr.. Bartruff will
have charge of the local club.
Moving pictures of well .bred
4H CIuK Girls
. .MIDDLE GROVE The girls 4H
cooking club held a tea Friday,
February S, at - the home of their
leader, Mrs. Leona .Keppenger,
with the following toothers . ' and
friends present: Mra.3oselind JPOe,
Mrs. Blmkhom,-Mrs. Gracie Ku
enzi,. Mrs. Thelma Scharf, Mrs
Winnie Snyder,' Mrs. -Helen Hil
fiker, Mrs. Herberger, and Miss
Janice Scharf. , ;.
Members of the dub are Janice
Bevens, Doris BurnsDorene Dud
ley, Joan Scharf, Joyce Kuenzi,
Patsy Keppenger, f Hazel Munson
and Arlyne Hilfiker. i :; r;; ' : :
Mrs. Eda Rood of liyssa, sister
of Mrs. Anna Wirshing, is here in
definitely at the home of Doctor
and Mrs. Roy Scofiekl. ij ';
Friday night, February It, is
the date -f the next Community
club ' -meeting, when . Dr. David
Bennett' Hill will" show, pictures
in -color,, of his trip through- New
Mexico,; sound pictures of "Cole
Brothers circus? ; and fHuntmg
Wild Animals in Africa.' Refresh
ments of sandwiches and coffee
will be served by the men, who
also are providing the program.
Mrs. Mary Heradon, Mrs. Kate
Scharf, Mrs. Esther Van Laanen
and Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Scharf
went to McMinnville Wednesday
where the birthdays of Mrs. Hern
don and Mrs. Van Laanen were
observed at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Erling Thompson, Mrs. W. H.
Scharf remained for a visit with
the Thompsons and later with the
William ODonnells in Portland.
Crawf ordsville Alan
Suffers: Shock, Dies
LEBANON T. B. Carry, 77,
resident of Crawfordsville died at
the Lebanon hospital Monday. He
lived alone and had been suffer
ing' from what he thought was
rheumatism. Sunday night he ap
plied medicated oil to his legs;
covered them with cloths and put
his legs in the oven. Then he fell
asleep. He was awakened when his
bandages and clothing caught fire.
He ran from the house calling for
help and neighbors i- had, him
brought to the Lebanon General
hospital, where it was found that
while his burns were not extensive
but his general condition was bad.
-The only ; known relatives are
two nephews who are said to be
in a Salem hospital. The body is
at the Howe- Funeral .home and
notice of the funeral will be giv
en out there.
How Many Wear .
: With lita Worry
Eat. talk, laugh or sneete without
tear of insecure false teeth dropping,
dipping or wabbitng. FASTEETH holds
plates firmer ami mora comfortably.
This pleasant powder has no rummy,
gooey, pasty tasta or feeling. Doesn't
ennse jHraaea. It's alkalis incm acirtl.
Checks "plate odor 4denture tareatirt.
- ' h 'Jh h ft ni)
2- y
mm .ar
CWaios AH Off I
,", 'i dal Forms for Fit
ang tscomt Tax
FSUcf In with
' ' Fropar Infarmattoa
- at Examples.
Clear, : Concise,
, , Acurahf Infomta-
Incoma tax is more important this year than ever before. In order id
avoid costly mistakes and errors this book has been created for ths
general public. It has all the information you will need to file your tax
returns. Examples are fined and it is printed in easy-to-read type.
Detailed in every way accurate, and complete explanations of the Victory
Tax. A valuable aid for man or woman. ,
i no; llzrilivcsVs LovocJ Tiro Prices
I '! ( U
I I 'I It I ill III I I I I I I I I l I i I ! i
mimf, MSB
far a
Our Caiitag Frica
6.C0-16, $12.49, Includins Tax.
5J5-5.50-17. $11.95, Inclne?;
Tax, $
5J5-5.501I, $10.75, Inclvdmf
Tax, $11U04
4.75-5.00-1 1, $.t5, Inclastmg
Tax, $10.75
4.40-4.50-21, $S.49, IncMin
Tax, $10.70 '
Frad afayar axahi praraanta tiras at tha west's lowast prieaa. With a sartificata.
Doaloy top quality eerd processed with racUtmed rubbr. Insures a strong
carcass. Although bam to rlgtd WPB specincatkMis. tba Ehmlay War Tlra in
bodias all to spaciaUlsad tachnlqiM and knowledsa that Kara always mads
Dunlop Quality ao atstaBdiag. Wvt soaxlmuia aarvioa, Danlap War Tlraa should
Taa para tad at neaaasaaBdad air praaaura and at tba apaada not to axcecd S3
snUas par hour, tha top apaad as dtreetd natloawid. Tk caarastaa la thaw: Seh
Dualoy War Tlra sold by Frad Mayar, Inc., la mada af all racjalmad jabber as
raqwlrad by U. K. OorvarsJaiantal War Ttana Rarutattona. Wa It an It our raapoa
atbility to a warranty that tba. tlra Is fraa from defscta la workmanship and
saatartal a ad snay arpactad ta grrc aattafactory aerrica amdar Gorammcntal
Wartiaaa Regmlatiana. Ala aval labia for Orada I Cartiricata holdara, a eompleU
stock of tba taaaous Geld Cup Paaaangar and Track Pro-War Tiras at Pra-War
Priecat ...
Cotton Rclinrs, for all maka;t of cars, $2.49 .
; T2biof oa : -
First Quality Eastern lllote-r Oil
10 Quarls '
fre-War Classes With
V, Metal Top
Haff Fntt Claaa
Jelly GIC5203
The certified Tax Book with ail
the official forms) filled in. -
vauaata la eltbsr
agamt ay TJ typa..
gtaaaaa for Ily
snaklnr tima. Kx
MHwt for a war '
Wrkaia brack kit
For Smoother I roning
Juto Ironing
Dccrd Pcd
TIN All S4 i
' sf fs"l aaMsPSafvsl
8aayy iraabaa kaard pad. aaac
iroaiaar aad tastar iraataa wttk a
Pcrfcblo Closofs
- '3.09 '
Practical for the Servicatnan
.Sarviae Mans -
Caftoh Ccgs
rood aolid pad anaka
aarf aca. TTtrsaly padddad. tMa
ami ataaa tfca bardaat wi
Easy to Mail to Servtctwnao
Sarvice Man's
D Lux Swin Kit-
SfSalrM 4fca Prab-
Aayaaw Gaa Sat
emaaaster Ctaaets
S TaaaTlsat to Caa
far ska Small
Crawdad Haaaa
it Oath as Caa Ilaag
Ssratskt ta Stam
Mas st aa-cmiel aia
tiiala am atorataatr
Clma aaaair ths ataas
af aiaay aaiaa wktr
spaas Is aaadaa tar aaaaa
aloeata. aar aat
aas sa tieai for
tysas a etotbteg.
Hostess Sot
rtmmad m.
Carof o Sot
dishes for aary
injf sausea or
Jatiiea izs. Saaart
r Xrt Li.'' I I -Baantaj
Draw strtaar iltnli
M h aaaortad '
ataa kattaas ta
awtOi shirts.! trao
Victory Gerdon
; Supplies
(Ml KUt. .
..aadS mm-
For tha
asde aad for
use. A practi
cal carafe
with glass, aoth rtmaad
fill Thai Hall Enply
Slamp Doolz
And Gci An:ihcr Bend
thlaaa ,
-i :. - aaaa as taraas. ..
ri aaadlas, buttons - - I ' i " ' 1 , ;
Haaae ta asaa aiaa ' t'W ' '
tN asaarOy trlss la . 1 M' Tl
1 r Slaay far Mat Tk7- 1 XtSir
V Pacific
ndl -
3Cis V
ajaa -
Pccftot OcZs
Stop Ladder
Coo&io Jar I
With the Ftfrcfcasa
1 Gal.
Well PcL-it
Zl::M , At.
s Strens; sswrdy
ladder far -
i . jlety aa?
: to ekaaaa from
A arand combination and a real valua. If essotone
is tha moat economical paint to uaa for it is pasta
farm and is thinned wttk water to snake perfect
smooth paint for any room in.your boma. Tba
ladder ia a yalae far It la mada of strong wood
fat wait constructed. Briahtaa up those dull
mi and . atained walla with , this really - fine
paint. It dries in a few hoars, - leaving- cheerful
dean walls. Easy ta apply and easy to mix.
:'..!. -aata mmf Stmt mm -
r V 3 Pot Clacnsr' i
T1' -i
1 o
sv ""V --V
? v&
OatorfW af . gey
caoki ar for any
aaaae. arfact In th
anas ar
hlteban. . . AMI to
tNa chom mt jrmir
Fun for AM the Family
Gs RuRsiTiy Sot
Far Sat .
w Caaaaaa
r Martxalds
J . an aarvaa
- . . S ms saaas.
itaftr ih
aat vita aQ taa ta
S Caaterbary Bells
a Haapdra
as a-eara
Auio Supplies
Polithing Chamois $1.39
Hoso TypajWash Mop 39c
Dan lop Auto Polish and
Cleaner, 69c Pt.
Duhfop Dust-Cloth 25c
Oufoshyne Colored Wax,
44c can .
Simooix Wax, 49c can
Simonix Liquid ICIeajnar,
: 20 ox. can, 49c pt.
Johnson's Car Nu 59c Pf.
Du Pont Pro Tele, protects
' your hands, 33c jar
Complete stocks of Auto Cieaaara dk Waxes
taaa found In tha Fred ateyar Auto SudsIv
- Sectloaa Gat your auoalisa at the Oae-atep
, , Shopprn Centers to sara tLras, tins traak
4afa f apply
LHly Orcnd Socds
Xaraa aaasetion af seed for itarden or flower ar
daa. Prom tba finest avaUabla stock. Start yeur
garden now and choose tha finest In seeds.
Pacific States Lawn Seeds
Laam sa4 that Is
" '' '
i k y:-
' V Mas
I f tawt la
I !;. Wt.
I !i s swasa.
a; a
wilt eorwr 100 aa.. -ar.
St. er si anas. nn
a taailr aiaa hmklns
te ataat iU
M-F Lawn Saaal
Clwarln Ftaca. T Kra
One. SVa, R4 T
Wstta , Cleratr
far sales crowla. Bardjr
r ra mm.
' , Crcscant Lawn "Sard
M maples Beat. Ska,
Omv saeay
JVfaw'MaTL. Is"! "
saUtmdl t only thai
r swaKYnxl erPWSaVarsl . .
a Talvtt
i V.; ;
M Dmil .- .
Diist Cloih
Made af aoa-erit I I'
aJaal materials
these pot els
are a aacesatty ta I
any homa
TalS after Tsbruary 15, If it
S!i3vcl $l.3
DI:3, $1.20
It Um for Jiraltor me aatomobn
-r :'. ' . "W WI wUtdBaT VVI sWrj aW. rW
L . e- a. - - aJ L a. -. . -1
Auto nd Housewares Section
Lower Lerel , Drug Eldj.
I I my
Vai4 After Feb. IS. 191 J