t l' i , Mid - Willamette Valley. I Reports From PAGE EIGHT Silverton High Groups Elect Renwick Student Body;- Head; Norma Isaacson Will Lead Girls SILVERTON Electing officers I lor the various high school or ganizations and classes has been occupying the students' extra-cur riculum time . during the past week; - ' Don Ben wick was elected stu dent body president, with his sup porting officers to include Bob McCullough, vice president; Mar ion Lee, secretary; Billie Hannan, treasurer.' Class elections resulted in senior class: Bruce Dickman, pfesident; Ken Blust, vice president; Ifadine Smith, secretary; Dorothy-Bloch, treasurer. Junior class: Calvin Hildebrandt, - president; Arthur Zahler, .vice president; ."Vincent Jorgenson, secretary; Coralee Con rad, treasurer. Sophomores: Tom Hartley, president; Harold Dick man, vice president: -Judy Aim, -secretary; Shirley Smith, treas urer. Freshman: Ralph t Bailer, president; Ronald Herrigstad, vice president; Alf Hanson, secretary; Ruth David, treasurer. ' The Girls league chose Norma Isaacson as its leader for the com ing year, with Pauline Herrigstad, vice president; Diana Doyle, sec retary: Ruth Zahler, treasurer. The Girls Athletic association will be-headed by Marion Bailer, pre sident; Violet Walen, vice" presi dent; : Pearl Tolmsoff, secretary. and Shirley Smith, treasurer. ... - The Future Farmers f America ' will" have Burt Burr as president; J -Don Renwick as vice president; Milton Fuhx. secretary-treasurer. ' . Irma Kuenzi will bead the TNT club with Joan Leonard as vice president; Norma Fmlay as see- . retary; Louise Ryan -as treasurer. "This group announced .its new members to indude Diana Doyle, Jeanne Eger, Betty Towe. Norma 1 . . M n . - . . - m m . W ssaacson ana rauune. nerigsiaa. In the ROH club, Joy Water- s son., will bead off as president for the 9ar, with Betty Lee Rabins as vice president; Charlotte John son as secretary; Leola Huddle- ; aton as treasurer and Joyce Le Rud as custodian. The FFA boys are announcing that February J7 basJbeen select ed as their annual banquet date wtth complete plans to be 'an nounced later. L- ' y" i Hortschs Arc Visitor MT. ANGEL Mr. and lars. Al ?- Hortsch and two children, Donny and David, of Portland, and Mrs. Joseph Hortsch of Woodburn, visited at the Joseph Faulhaber home Tuesday. ;- Valley Births McALPINE Mr. and Mm Wri ter W inn are announcing the birth of a daughter on Sunday, February 7. This is their first girl, but the young Miss has three brothers. , ? ; .' SCIO Janet Kay is the name of the new daughter born to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Posvar of Scio at m Lebanon hospital February : A son was born in Portland February 4, 1943, to Ulr. and Mrs. Owen Goward. He is the first boy and has two sisters. The Coward family occupied the Joe Oupor residence in Scio until recently. SILVERTON Mr. and Mrs. : A. Garrett of Bremerton are re porting the birth of a daughter and Mr. and Mrs. William Dahlschied of Silverton, a son, at the Silver ton hospital Wednesday. CLOVERDALE Word has been received here by friends of Mr. and Mrs. John Mickie, Tajunga, Calif., and formerly of this com munity, that they are the parents .of a second son, born January 5. SERVE FOR VAniETY Columbia River Smelt Columbia River i Spring Chinook Fresh Sturgeon Fresh Crabs & Oysters All A Tails sle Fresh and Smoked Fish . Dressed find Drawn ' : Poultry Monarch Canned Goods Saleas Tiir Can". Days Thur, FrL Fb. 18th & 19th. Prepare your cans for pick up by school I children. - MARKET 216 N. Commercial ; Phone 4424 The Statesman's Community Correspondent Salem Oregon. Tridar Mossing. February 12. 1943 Sheep Farmers Fight Cold P : McALPIN -. Mrs. Mary Ellen Goffin , has been in Salem .;. the past week for medical-, treatment During her absence, Terence' Mc Cormlck, - who m'akes Jus. Junne with bis grandmother, is staying with his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs.' Clarence Golfinr : , The "sheep school which Is be ing held at McAlpin school each Tuesday . night is proving very interesting and "worth while. Air. Priddy of Centerview" is the In structor. This .is a 30-hour course and anyone interested is invited to attend. . ' . - .Farmer , ia - Xbu . vicinity are having trouble saving their lambs daring the extreme-weather. Quite a loss af ewes Is reported In some flecks ' also. Michael Morley, 10-months-old son -of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Mor ley, is quite ill at his home. Mrs. Morley is teacher at the Shaw public school, and has dismissed school for a few days in order to help rare for her small son. Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Humphreys have .received word that their son-in-law, .Russel Gray, is con valescing rapidly after a major operation at the Toledo hospital. Colds and sore throats are pre valent in this community. Nearly every iamily has had one or more victims. MeAleia pupils will have a Lin cola Day program and Valentine party Ian Friday. Taking part ia the pregrasn will be Shirley Deer rier, Violet Lang, Arleae Terry, Alice ; Jean Fisher, Terence Mc Connlek, Ha re Id Lang, John Eriksen, Myrtle Lang, Martha Laur, Lawrence Fisher and Fred Lang. ) -Miss Besate -Gregersen ef Silvertan ts the ieaeaer. Miss Shcllon. Vigils MILL CITY Miss Doiis Shel- ton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Glen She! ton, who is employed by the county health department in Albany, visited with ber parents in Mill City last weekend. Miss Shelton was accompanied by Glen Hoff, Albany. eg. 217e KINSO . Lg. 22e Reg. lte LIFEBUOY SO AT 1 for tie srarr . s n. sse 1 10. zte 1 ssoas THMas! LUX a assaun Lg. : cass to i 22 e 1 . SJUrr ; t. Reg. . H w ffissAwrr s2e '"It WZ- lAMIIIll OV 1 I W If flllr II V 2 lte ami w aw"" x v Oranges is 2 (S GRAPEFRUIT iZ 7 .or 280 PRUIISS 4-Lb. CeHo. SHI C I WnTu-i Prabe floar Coffee Stamp No. 25 V'l" 'd Gill. . Both Good Now C?-Ib. pkg. iLP 1 Frying i Fryinr I i BABBITS XEIilHEIIS I 430 lb. Red lb. Mock V nr" '' iChichenlegs P3 - Snow white. -:3 t.130 - 290 ! JH2EL Bacon Squares : &P0 . 20 ;' Libby'a Challenge Creamed ! Elince Ileal Collarjo Ct22S3 i:';i90-fe ;;,": ;4s0;,b;: 1 ATT rtfiinnn r!!TZ!TTrTmTT"TT L WE CLOSE j 7:00 P. AL V DAILY j ! . S:0 r. M. : 8ATUSDAY 1 X ague Cast e Gemml SaaaiUi CeaOer StreeT . School Board Authorizes ; Gym Purchases y SILVERTON . Because of the illness of -one of its members, W, R. Tomison, the" Sihrerton school board took care of only routine business at its regular February meeting held Wednesday might and presided over by. Carl Hande, Jr. The election of one new school board member to replace the late Glenn Price, and the election of school teachers had been planned as part of the business. Thes mat ters will be ' taken care of , at i special meeting to be held as soon as .Mr. Tomison is able to attend At the Wednesday night meet ing, purchase of materials needed for the new physical fitness pro gram as well as the nursing pro gram were authorized. Authoriza tion was also given to holding vo cational classes in the Byberg plant. The board voted to give some of its duplicate copies of books to the soldiers and these will be called for by the Boy Scouts. . .- Discussion of teachers' pay was held briefly but no action will be taken on this until after the legis lature has taken action. Ada Birdie Case Dies in Albany ALBANY Following a linger bug illness, Miss Ada Birdie Case, 62, died in the Albany General hospital Monday night, February 8. Funeral services were held from the Fisher Funeral Home at 2 o'clock Thursday with the Rev Henry Albers in charge. Burial will be in Riverside cemetery. Born at Biggs, Calif, on 'March 24, 1880, Mist. Case came to Ore gon with her parents in 1889, lo cating in Linn county. She was a member of the Baptist 'church. Surviving are four brothers. Fred end Charles of Albany. Frank of Newport -and Arthur of Tucson, Ariz. ELLOGG PEPr Resj.aic 3 for Post Bran Flakes Reg.Uc 230 pkgs. We Reserve .. mm m a ' l f;fCV1 Te Limit m IDC IUZDI 4uanuues 250 iv. - . - Louis Hennies Are Party Hosts For Camp Adair Men -, CLOVERDALE Overnight guests Saturday at the scountry borne of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hen nies were two soldiers from Camp Adair, Pfc. ' James Keenan and Pfc Frank Arcadia;-. On Sunday the Hennies gave a dinner Tor the two. Those present - were ' Mrs. Mary BalL Mr. and Mrs.f Walter Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Karl Wip per and son, Jerrold. : - c Rose 'Drager, Portland, spent the weekend -with her mother, Mrs. Caroline Drager.' I : The two small - daaghten eg Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hennies, Evelyn and Celeste, Juvve. had almost naere than their share ef troubles daring the last twe . weeks, both having measles and ehlckenpex - at the same time. I 'litUe girls are getting mX nicely. i " Wesley Goodlander has been ill at his home during the past week. He suffered from influ enza. j ' Sam Drager also was sick last week and missed going to work for a few days. j Wavras Attend JRite MT. ANGEL Barry Wavra of Brawley, CaliL, and John Wav ra of Long Beach, Califs arrived here Wednesday afternoon to at tend the funeral services for their father, John A. Wavra, -which were held Irom J3L. Mary's chuch Thursday morning. .. mum lin UZfflS Juki Packed fat Individ ucd Boxoa SELECT NOW and get your choice of this wonderful variety of beautiful favorites! OLYMPIAD ROTAL RED BEAUTY GOLDEN GLEAM ROSLYN J, HADLEY , : HOOSIER BEAUTY DUCHESS OF ATHOL DUQUESA DE PEKERANDA Z.A.VICTORIA . . MARGARET McGREDY v ROWENA THOM. ; MRS. G. A. VAN ROSSUM IOATCIA HILL . PINX BEAUTY " CLIMBING PAULS SCARLETT Allof the above-named roses at 28c oa. Hundrada mors dozens of varieties aV I' - - - ' ' " 430a-or3for 1.15 . SSt ca- or.3 ioir 1-49 ; ; l.CpM32S: 1.25 ea. or 3 for 335 1.56 ca. or 3 for 3J95 .Also a big assortment of ether plants, bulbs, lawn seeds and gardening tools. Make Wards year faeadeaariers far all rear gardenia- SALEM TCI CAir DAYS, -TIIUSS. AIID FEL, i IT3.'13 AIID 13 . rrrjare Tsar! Cans ior rici-Lp by School CtEiren Labish Center Students Busy Witli Drives ; ; LABISH CENTER The school was closed for several days be cause of the snow. It opened on Wednesday with only 12 pupils present, Those present were Ther esa. Rosa. "Roy PearsalL "Ro Jean Boehm, Albert Haslebacher, Bet ty Lou Boehm, . Raymond Haselr bacher. Irene . Bibby, Juanita Mat Burr, Barbara Jean.Russ, and the lower grade teacher. Mrs. Barnick. : Labish' Center school student are buying war bonds and stamps with the 'Upper tpde Toom hav ing ab"eady,4airchased $230 worth. Three of the boys received a piece of the battleship .."Oregon," for buying a bond. They are Jbn Wil son, Alan Haselbacher and Albert Haselbacher. -Juanita Mae Burr is secretary of the Buy-The-Stamp club for the lower grade -room. Several of them 'also received pieces of the battleship "Oregon." 'The school received nearly-40 from its scrap drive. It purchased playground equipment with a por tion - of the money .and plans to use ; ihe remainder lor , health scales and an Oregon map. v - This week .each pupil in the 1" dJ e "March of Dimes' to help fight in fantile paralysis. The lower room collected $2. The ejghth grade has . been put ting products on the Oregon maps made this year.7 The art classes in the upper grades bave been using coping saws and have been mak ing many useful things. The school pictures came .Monday and -pupils enjoyed' exchanging them with other members of the school. A valentine party is r being planned for February .12 and the students are having a patriotic program' in honor of George Washington's and Abraham Lin coln's birthdays. The primary : grades have or- 'DBKJ-- Llimdrcix 0111a FieU-Grown ganized a victory health dub, be lieving that to' keep well and strong is to help win; the war. Irene Bibby is the president and Gloria Peake is the secretary. . ' As an English project, the low er grades have been writing let ters to several men in the service. Last week, they received a letter from Pvt.- Harvey .Hanson, who is in French Morocco, hnlrig the class for the letters., r m)xf "Li- in. i 5. "V; : i. ---flw-..Yf-" i. (g ujy jj yy' ": - " . ' .... I . . --v.-- ' .'.-- - - . I 1 mi want 1aire tbf 01 Jd to rsxse a Salem "Tin Can" Days vlT P . ' Thur Fri, Feb. 18th U 19th. 1" ' " Prepare your cans for pick- I up' by (school children. T ' " Buy Wards chicks '. . and you buy the best for your -money. Wards 24tar ducks are all from bred-up vigorous ilocks, blood-tested for pullor ura, culled and banded. Every chick is hatched to Wards own requirements in a top-grade hatchery. All chicks are warranted true to name and, breed . every ccder is guaranteed 9p alive in 1.4 days . or Wards makes jgood. This year . . try Wards chicks . . . and youH agree. ..they gtvetyou the" most for your money. But remember ... dont wait. To be absolutely sure of getting chicks, at Wards (or. anywhere) place your order immediately. OUT ALL YOUQ POULTRY CQ XZ I PI" 23 T ''AT VJAtl DC Yes, you can get all the equipment you need to raise and maintain a vigorous; healthy flock, at Wards for less. Buy your chicks and equipment at one place Wards. Pay out of flock income on Wards monthly payment plan! v vr ;vv-nX-- :-yt- Anny Showing Set SPRING VALLEY Army pic tures and entertainment are to be presented 'by Captain Robert Clark of the fourth fighter com mand, at the coming Spring .Val ley community club meeting, to be held at the school Friday night, February 19 at 8 o'clock. Other comroimities are invited to view The pictures, which are of general interest. ''';'vr-?:;':'r,i'. (P y (5 Repair Class Conliiiuea TURNER Continuing in 'Us second week at the Webb garage, farmers enrolled in the farm ma chinery class are row repairing five tractors under the instruction of M. T."Webb, hired by the gov ernment to assist in this commun ity in getting farm machinery re-, paired. Classes are held three nights a week for three hours duration. D ; 50 Li y 100 As Hatched WHITE LEGHORNS Rhode Island Reds, 15.48 per !: Barred Hacks, 13.40 per 1SS; New Hampshire Keds.lS.00 per 100. ,9 ' ' t