The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 12, 1943, Page 6, Image 6

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The CISOII CTATTCIiJin. XUXtm, - Oregon, TxUxr 2eaa2aTs.mirar 22. IS 13
Wide VotU Vtt Analyst far The Sjtatesnaa
" in i i . . .
, f
Siuxlents Buy -Car;
Drive Dily.
To Higlr School
; NOKTH HOWELL Proof that
the desire lor high school educa
tion -was strong enough to over
come tlie lade of transportation
facilities In use dnTingthe last
few years, live local atadests I
Prune Jauuster Cmxrchiirs -war xeview in parliament wasl have nnrchased s tar and made
strikingly notable lor ats tone. It .breathed av calm -confidence in I arrangements for gasoline ration
ultimate complete factory, f victory in Europe, perhaps, sooner J to drive to and from Sihrerton
nign acnool. Tney mcnide wayne
Louvre, Louise- McDonald, Paul
ine RassrHonald Wood and-Doris
Stuchlick. S e vt a 1 other high
school students ride to and from
faign school with Ernest Hedding,
"who is employed in -the mm.
: Mr, and Mrs. Ted Marx and
two children, who' nave been
living n ear TUt. Angel, .hare
moved ' to Portland, where Mr.
Marx has accepted a position
to the office of the lno Fbc
man corporation. Marx has been
teacbinr in Bit Angel , College
for the last few years and was
also coach f high school and
eollcre athletics , 1 . ;
C a r o 1 in Baldwin of Seattle
spent, the weekend f with . her
parents, Mr. 1 land Mrs. 'Thomas
Bump. On Monday., Mrs. Bump
and Mrs. Baldwin drove to Eugene
to visit "Mr. and TEtrs. Scott Rev
enger and son. Tammy.
In Two Raids.
than is generally expected.
- This time the sturdy British war leader nad something more
i to promise than blood, sweat and
tears. He was promising action,
aggressive, effective and quick ac
tion to smash "the foe everywhere.
He could not and did not promise
victory in IMS. "Yet he Jeft no
doubt that in lus .'own mind and
that of President Boosevelt, and in
the Judgment of the Anglo-Ameri
can staff which .assembled at Cas
ablanca, planned -events of :,. the
next nine months will see the axis
in Europe tottering toward its
fall, not in Russia alone but every
Tbe zoaed af that Chorchill
address caught almerf as much
attrnlawi a 3d specific revels
He told f a aaerged An-
air mad
sadae western aseaU-
teeUr. Be
brighter progress repett n fhe
tr-beal menace. Jle afforded the
first real glimpse -of the aver
whelming allied aMnaarteal odds
piling np tn Africa and the Wear
and Middle East ta sweep the
axis . oat of Tunisia and hi-
vuk thc aUtlerleed eowtlnea of
Europe. He dramatically reaf
firmed Britain's pledge not to
halt her aUout war effort an til
Japan, too, savcenaobed.
- Yet most of an it was his buoy
ant confidence that the end is in
sight, even if dimly and distantly
yet, and the solemn commit
'Secretary ef Nayy Knox is pie
Aw ed upon his recent arrival at
learl Tiarher following a 12,-
: flty-mile flying tear f the Pa
- elfie battle area, during which
he twice experienced Japanese
air raids, aneeaaEspirlta-SaaXt
Island and anee on Gaadalcs-
was not
with fhe accuracy f the
Japs high level bombing Be
visited all Pacific areas except
AastraBa and New Zealand. Tie
was aceenipsnled hy
Chester W. Ntmirs,
ia chief of iheaeifie Beet, and
conferred also with Adas. Wil
liam F. Balsey, ceaanauaier of
aQied ferees in the south Paci
fic Of fieial fJS Navy photo by
Jeff High Letters
Aifirded Seniors
'Plan Graduation
r JEFFERSON The Jefferson
high school held ah award assem
bly. February 5. The boys were
awarded their football letters,
those receiving them being Cap
tain Gordon Turnidge, Gary Bar
ns, Jim Henderson, Royal Bart,
Robert Bruce, Jack Skelton, Dale
Fish, Billy Henderson, Jack
Knight, Don Cole, Austis Bays
and Thomas Gee.
Cards were passed to those who
had .received them for scholastic
work and the souvenirs of Oregon
were distributed to the students
who had purchased bonds btween
December 18 and Jan ua r y 30.
After .the assembly the Juniors
and seniors held class .meetings.
The seniors decided to Wear caps
and gowns; their class motto,
The higher we rise, the broader
the view." Oass color Is blue and
gold; flower, is the Talisman rose.
The play that the seniors select-
Bontsaris Vis it ;
Relatives in South;
Journey to Mexico
FAIR VIEW Mrs. Toivo Bant-
aafi and son, Richard, and
John Thiem have returned home
from a very enjoyable - trip to
visit relatives at various Califor
nia cities. At San Diego they j
visited Mrs. Bantsarfs brother,
Ferrel MCKhmey, who is in fhe
United States army training. He j
had gained 38 pounds. Mrs. Thiem
brousht sifts from old Mexico.
roeni ne voicea 10 aia Russia ana 11, and Mrt v. lurrTTfnmv
-1J . t A A I
mm ner now, inai must nave 1 joined their daughter, Mrs. Bazrt-
sari, in the vacation. The group
caught the ears of bis listeners.
His new declaration of faith in
found residents of Los Angeles
allied victory was unusual even Experiencing shortage of butter,
for a man whose resolution has
never wavered.' It has a meaning
afl ffcS own.
It is easy to see why the Casa
blanca decision to merge all allied
forces in French Africa under the
supreme : command xsi -General
Eisenhower was not disclosed un
til Churchill could reveal ft to
parliament. British traditions fall
by that elevation of a non-Brit-
eggs and meat, but chicken and
fish were used for substitutes.
They enjoyed the fresh fruit on I
Mr. and .Mrs. Earl McKinney .
of Corvalhs were Sunday guests
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
JCusti Setala.
Mr. and Mrs. John Allison en
tertained at dinner Mr. and Mrs.
Dick Sitton of Pleasantdale and
Mr. and Mrs. John Fuaua of I
reasons, as what Churchill termed
isher, even though French Africa
f the outset has been set , off, rairview at me Wednes-
iutjycu us weu ss jnuixary dav niht
Mrs. Knight is recovering satis
factorily at her home from her
recent operation.
Mrs. J. W. Versteeg, teacher of
the Tairviow school,? tnd Mrs.
Henry Knoche, primary teacher
of Unionvale, attended .the teach
er's meeting held Friday night
at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Mearl Snyder at McMinnville.
The March meeting will be held
with Mrs. Mildred "Trent at Mc
the "American sphere."
Seasoned British veterans, men
of high rank and proven skill, are
grouped under Eisenhower. Alex
ander, who becomes second in
command, is such. Yet French
sensitivity in Africa obviously
necessitated the choice of an
American far ..supreme command
of the western Mediterranean sec
ed as.
'His: Name Waa Aunt Nel-
At the junior iClass meeting, it She' the Tods !
nt.. A1AA - 1 l I
hour May 32. This is to . raise
money "for the class iund.
An all-day clinic was held at
the school Thursday. Fuel oil
registration will be held Febrn-j
ary and 17 at the Jeffer
son mgh school. The hours will bej
from JdO to 830 p. m. The foods
registration will be from Febru
ary 21 to 38. Puel oil application
blanks may be obtained from the
MOT, A I J.A, Ore Feb. l-UPi
Mr. mud Mrs. Marlin Pox. Mo-
lalla, disclosed today that the
Americaa Jersey Cattle clnbhas
iaeted their elaht-year-ahl
SybU Xvendar lAr Mm the na-
tieas top Jersey arodaeer re
gardless of age.
The cow, rtvost -only ordinary
herd care and saUked twice dai
ly, produced 17312 pounds of
ft.78 per cent aallk, or L0343
T7 .
The Ideal Valentine
. The meaning they convey . in express
ing Cupid's message cannot he told in
any other tvay
Orchids, gardenias, roses, etc.
Colorful and dainty in colonial holders.,
Hoses, daffodils, carnations, acacia, narcis
axLS, freesias.
Azalea, tulips, cyclamen, begonias jq d
malacoides. :
ZZ'.Z2 Il0V0ll!:3 large tkc&m. .
-Oregon-Grown Roses, 2 S each
2221 H0T8SZ
Flcrsl sSecticn -
Lower Xoval ,
Fred Ilsyer
"' aV OMU r.v
Telephone 3082
It Elver Road
Eelzer Dist '
Thcn 21147.
Try this Fina G)mbinaHonfor Cold Weather!
4 mmmm tej
Prcd Moycr
Fred Meyer
16 ox. bollfo
C. , ,
" Cotflsj
smooth soft hands and to
avwoid chapping and Tougunoas
naaoach tina hands or face art
exposed to wind or water.
Cortlo of ICO
TOO-: j Ch ,
2Si?0r?-0i! trIH,Md S for tha relief of aches
fLff" At the Jirst jin of a cold csa these Tine Remedies to
voxiLbat more serious results. s
For Dry Skin
Hemove fatide This "Easy
: - .. Way
TX1E1 on.
Bright Colorful Lips
' ' Fred
Valno Meyr
- Certified '
: Halibut liver Oil
, "Each oapsuU BotUa
containa net of- .-"
Umm that MX 10 ' W
ualta of .Vitamla Asad SS units
t YUamuip. . . .
'. '"'i Xr
.Jtemova Cuticle -easily and
quickly with Trim OiL You
will be amazed with the re
. suits. ' r::v . ,
' Dt ug Section
Trateet Tour Nail Polish
SEiiL coaT .
$2.25 jar Carfcara Ca.W
Vawet aMel . , protective dear polish to
t n r TFrTri i"" sBun ' rm in smooth on over your nsdl-pol-Ury
Slim VrOCm ' ih or to ue as a base for nail
. tyf -M PiiM ' 1 enamel . . - Defense workers
K t v protect your nails with Seal
-k Tax; Cote for lovelier hands.
Taka adeantaga of rfa Vakio Drag Seetioa
stow. Stay two or tbxmm Joas Xor
.oconomy. Then smooth 'ion this
luxurious 'Croam to your dry or
snapped akin and protect your
toua (compilation. MUa A
J L3
is C9c
lasting with High Xastro '
Ormg titU$m
Vimms for Vitality!
iiah roLi
Many select shades to -choose
from in this fine long lasting
nail polish. Tip your linger- "
tips with beauty- ' ' -:rug
Imall Six .
. j 39c -
Taw-ea Crtaas'loat, 9s
Taagae "Dry Rawga, 45
Hodiom warn rod, a elaar ahada
of Rod or Theatrical Rod, Brn
hant Rod, tfcarlet or JTaturaL
sy of these colore sure perfect
wad leave the j hps soft ond
smooth. . -
Mike Your Smile Brighter
. m TU1T
1 (z
Vitamins and Miacrelc
tax a -! Qe Bvl .69
Tflf Wxabs.
50e Fred Msyer Covgh
j. Syrup, 2Ie-
:j3oothing and assy to, take
Cough ayrup. : ;
4 1-25 Ooowmlaio!, SI. 12
50c Res T3 mol, 47c
Vunm Vitamins and caiinerals
wrovido the lisximom af aadi
Vitamins la the -Daily .Pitt. Can
ho taken by children or'-adttlte
to glv added pep and onorgy.
Limitad Time Only!
Daggott aad Ramsdsll ,
Cold Cream or
Cleansing Croam
" Vi-lb. Jsr tun
Ref.SlX0 OVC
Onhr once each year do you have
the 'Opportunity to oavoon those
two fanwwie ereeme. Xatrht mtkd
Slurry and wasy to ose.
Orf fMe
25c Norwich Y Wild
ChrryVl9i - ; if,
60c ftaai Cough Syrup. $1 e
send cough syrup that oaoe
Vte throat tnd relievo eousna.
ciiisi lies
If you 3iave at eold
take preoantlons to
prevent Jt from be
coming more oerlows.
Buy yoar TomonioS
where . yon -know
they' are fresh and
.potent. -If your -cold
liprriiiiae snore so
vero, Ihon m your
' Xoctor.
SOcFrad Meyer Analrtsie
Balm. 27c
75c Vick's Vapo Rub. 59e
30c MenHiolatum. 27e -35Fred
Meyer Noes
Drops. 21c
25cMisref Drops. J3
rserwlch Aqaeee, iSeJuHe,
60c Aawsdsla, 49a .
Now you can have
tho new and ia
. proved i yibrea
heavier, sturdier
bristles. "SO Tufts
of Dupant-Finest
eynthetlc Bristles.
-Hard -or medium
textaiea. Boaled In
Glaae containers.
Want to Pfeass-a Servi
Man?-; : I
. OEEP..:COT:jPaiIsS
$1X3 ttdra Hcf lVctcr CsKIa, Z7it
75c-sVmcnd Crcqni, S?d
I3c Wcrrow C3 !:cn:pso, 6 cz., 32c
10c Ccrpot Tcclrs, 2a
25c Carter's LiKIe Liver Fills, 19c
$15 Desk Lnaps 2s
35c VVoodburs 'Sfccnpcb; S?c
10c Shelf Paper, folded, Ea
10c Armcnd Lfpsticliac
10c Double Sec! Adhesive Tcpe i 1c
$153 D'Oriay Pcrfje, $195
15c Tea Strainers, 6c
$1XD Duvelle Cologne, 50c . .
10c P.'M. rnoreI;03,'Cemps
20c Lady Es-her Cc!d Cream, ICae.
5c Strilfcit Dish Clof f cr 5sr
1 5c Div West's 'ijooi IsJe. 2 if cr ; 9c
50c Kclos Tpoisovdei
$1 P.M. Ccd Uvcrtin. 16 c,C?c
( Amity
Service Billfold -
Arsay w- Navy tn- 0 . W-fm
sigaia in this Baa Vi.SlJ
Xaxity illfatd.
Tranvporont Identification wing,
aoeret currency pocket, eota
poeket, stamp jockot, calendar.
, 4135 Valaw
Lydia JE. Pinkhams
' Compound
03" tattle
f 3 : :
r S
I 1
ii .
r 4
ateaoaooaaiDCC jjaxaaooi
ederele Products for Purity and Frcsnnessi
1 1 11 iir jntr f- ibuuRHiikiiriiui
V I UT W I I e Ll 1 1 1 Us W H
nintin."! luncc $r1.i59
D. These Vitamins provide -f AaafA ' " all
for Bone Building and MDlI, ! . . : . .
Strong Sound Teeth. Children need this Vitamin est port
of their daily Health Requirements. ;
Vitamin A Crpsulci, Bcttla of TOO
Xaeh capeule eontaine not lees than 53,000 $ ft
in i
unite of Vitamin A. 3Eepoelally good "when
A la the eoureo of Vitamms ortUoariiy found la -Green j
VegeUbioa. j '
A Vitamin DCorap!sx, Cot. of 1C0
Vitamin B is tno wnoie wram or irrwr ww -311
yeast Vitamlau Defieieney f thai Vitamin .mS J
may cause Poor appetite. . !
Vi Delta Capsuled Ooxf 52 ;
Just slip the end at 'thla waponle sd wrnoose ftf '
ant Contains vatasun a. ana vwiao uao io- r kj a.
luirement of Vitamin XX. - . f .
iedarla Cod Liver Oil. 16 os., $1.59
CallicI Delta, bciib cf 50, 6a
$1.50 Old tIk
75c Fred IIei:;CInlT:ni
:1 llaillciv ' : '
ITisdex Cka ncaacr, 2 cz., 22s
Tcny Se, 23iv 42c; G2s -
IDs Swca Ess?, 2 tsrs JCs
ICc Iv fir )22zi 'c :t
I lb: af cls-iV Hscr TTcS irs f
Make "your houso rlnmlnv mii rLo j n
lessen work and 77, ?
your favorite Fred Meyer rug .Section.
i ii i i i a i I,- - ,
75c Value .
WiA Co? c(w 1
I limit 1 JJ I
tlastnr all poushhif or clean. I
tnr. Void After l .braarv 11
' .Via! .
Corn cr CcIIous
Vr f'o-eaa
i-. ' '- ssssp a er a aT :
cr Pet cn Lcllcn
Practical ad easy to neo Oorn I
re canoue itemover. Xifts tvo
aiiwwn wi i wott iia Sv- nw ..a
Corn or Callouse out painlesai. J
-ort danger ef infeetira.
- uo sn-.r n-n
Coiaslete One Eton Shoir- rv.
New Tederal Eetail Sales Tax ef 10 New Ar-liea to in taI
: 11 - ; m V'Bcck ciaaas.
C3 ; Cry
s With Coupon Linip 1 1
.Strong 'Bobbie Joins ' to Jiold hair J
in place. "Void after February .19. .
ast3. !
3 OCc