Tbm OHEGON STATESMAN. Salem. Oregon. Friday .locoing. February 12. 18X3 1 " t rr ibd was iviienn Where They Are What They Are Doing Mr. and Mrs. I. C McLeod were notified on Thursday that their son, George McLeod, hat been ad vanced to first lieutenant Mc Leod, formerly dean of the Wil lamette college of law, is stationed with the army air corps at God man field, Tort Knox, Ky.' ' Pfc. Allen Morris Zirkelmeck came Sunday afternoon from Fort -Lewis where he has been stationed since last July to the home of his -parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Thorn' , as of Salem. His wife, Lillian, who resides in Portland, accompanied him.--Word was received from an 'other son, Lenord Orval Thomas, engineer in the navy at Pearl Harbor."1 - ' After receiving his rating as meter machinist's mate second class in ' Chteac, Clarence J. MuaiMD, formerly of Salem, was sent " to ' the sab-chaser training school in Miami, Flor ida, where he recently complet ed advance training and now Is waiting to be assigned to his ship. He was married . to the former Frances Harlan, also ef Salem, en December 1, In Miami, where they are making their borne for the present. Darrell Dowain Lewis, 18, who enlisted in the marine corps Tues day, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jasper D. Lewis, 678 North Cot tage street. He graduated from Salem high school last June, at tended Willamette university and -is the first Salem man accepted by the marines through the new se lective service system. Cadet Kenneth C. El wood, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ellis E. Elwood, route two, box 54, has completed his primary flying training at the flying training detachment at Ox nard, Calif. Elwood, who is now training at Gardiner field, Taft, Calif., received the go Id star award at Oxnard for a perfect flying record. Second Lt William L. Phillips, jr., 195 West LeFelle street, Salem, has reported for duty at . Camp Roberts, Calif. Cpl. John W. Creech, son of Mr. and, Mrs. J. W. Creech, 180 South 14 th street, has ben promoted to second : lieutenant after, complet ing the officer candidate course at Fort Benning, Ga. Lt Creech, -.who entered the armed forces, on '.July 15, 1942, is a graduate of Salem high school and the Uni .versity of. Oregon, v Three Salem men. received third class petty effleer ratings on Febraary 5 when they grad uated - from the navy ' traming school at Navy pier, Great Lakes, 111. They are: Leroy Ern est Barker, son f E.S. Barker, roate seven, box 196, aviation machinist 1 mate third class; Daryl Leroy Col well, n of C C Colwell, rote seven,: box 499, aviation machinist mate, third class; and Eugene Johns, sen of Mr. John M. Johnson, 838 Cade street, avia tion machinist's mate, - third ' Bruce W. Carkin. navy motor machinist second class stationed at Treasure island, will return to duty Saturday after spending' a week in Salem at his home. ; Pfc. Raymond E. Lane, who en listed in the marine corps in Sep tember, 1942, Is visiting his moth er, Mrs. Ida Lane, 795 North 20th street while on leave from the San Diego marine base. Pfc Lane is an instructor in the parachute section of the marine corps. Latest Salem man to? report at the j Farragut, Ida., - naval train ing i station is Leonard William Roth, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Roth, route six. Harold E. Dalke, stationed at the US naval hospital in Seattle, Wash., visited in Salem with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas uaike, during the weekend. He was transferred from San Diego when he finished the medical corps training offered there. I An other son in the family, Herbert Dalke, is in civil service at Pearl 1W UVE ' Tech. Sgt Noel E. Simpson, recently transferred from Fort Warren, Wyo., to Vancouver Bar racks, Wash., visited his wife in Salem and his mother, Mrs. N. E. Simpson of route six, during; last weekend when he made his first trip home since his induction last September. Robert K. Smith, 410 Sooth 24th street has graduated from primary flying school at Fort Stockton, Texas. His parents are Mr. and Mrs. Giles G. Smith. I Flight Officer Robert C. Van AusdelLson of Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Van Ausdell, 338 Oak street, has been: assigned to a medium bombardment group as pilot at the Columbia army, air' base. He earned his gold bars last month after completing primary train ing at Curtis field, CalifL, basic instruction at Ellington field, Tex, and ; advanced, training at Albu querque, NM. f PORTLAND, Feb. ll.-iP-Mar- shal Dana, jr., son of the Oregon Journal's editorial '! page editor, returned home Wednesday night from Guadalcanal to recuperate from a left arm wound 'suffered in a battle with a Japanese plane. .Young Dana, a gun crew mem- be aboard one of the first two American vessels to attack the is land, said the pilot that nicked him was shot down. f ' LYONS Levi Garrison receiv ed word last week that his son, Pvt Alvin Garrison, had: arrived safely in 1 Africa. He had been stationed in West Virginia when last heard from. SCIO Sgt Paul ; Sweeney re- i cently passed an examination at a i California' army base and is to be assigned to Fort Benning, Ga for officers' training, at the success ful conclusion of which ho will i become a second lieutenant CLOVERDALE Jack Schiff er- er, oldest son of Mrs. J. W. Schif- f erer, left for Portland Saturday to enter army duty in the air corps. His first training will be at Fresno, Calif. He has spent the last two months at his mother's home and has been driving the Turner high school bus. He was graduated from Turner high in 1940. Vernon Hedges, also a graduate ; of Turner high, now with the air corps at Douglas, Ariz., writes that he was graduated with the rank of lieutenant His brother, Chester Hedges, is a sergeant in the army. UNIONVALE O r in Stouten- burg, who is with the army in Africa, is well and enjoys the hunting there, according to letters received a few days ago by his sisters, Mrs. Clark Noble and Mrs. Art Launer. He is a former Union- Vale boy. 0 Off All q Merchandise As Advertised. While II Lash (Except Floor, which has already been redoced to rock bottom prices.) f western Food MarkeS 137 So. Commercial Phone 7311 s i Letter ft Yean l . ... Walk Upnairslia Jee's Jk. And See How Easy Ii Is io x2 m $1 ci1 to I On IC3 Ylczl Snpcr:Fine Qnalily liis " Topcoats : Smart styles, durable fabrics, expertly tailored by highest paid union workmen. Single and double breasted models. ' Sizes 34 to 48 in regulars, shorts, longs and stouts. Large .. assortment of colors and designs f to choose from. Sdls Dcgnlarly Priced; $25 Io $53 JOE'S UPSTAmS PIUCES : 1753 r $2253 - $25 - $39 ::J'-".:;5.-arf!!9' . Tc;ccab Qcgclorly Prised $23 io $37.59 . JOB'S DPSTAmS PIUCES Sport Coats, Slacks, Dress Pants and Hats. Only the fine" quality at money-saving. prices. Low-upstairs rent, little overhead' costs, 35 years clothing buying; experience and my motto of volume sales and small profits make these great savings possible. - - - r ' ' - ' ' :0(t"aiay nijll Till 9 b'CIcdr . i m S!nl3 Si. JOE'S Upstairs Clothes Shop 442 State St. Salem, Ore, 21243 Dear 8ir& - Civilian men's clothing is not rationed yet and may not be for some time to come. My advice to you is, don't buy any new wool clothing unless it is abso lutely necessary. Buy U. S. War Bonds in stead. It's the best safest investment in the world and will pay more in many ways than just cash dividends. Buy all you can! Help bring this war to a victorious and speedy end for bur allied nations, and bring our men and boys back home to a normal, peaceful, free and happy life. If you must have new clothes, you will be well Said to walk upstairs to oe's Clothes Shop, where low rent and minor over bead costs enable me to save you $5 to $10 on super-fine quality 100 Wool Suits and Topcoats. In a large se lection of patterns, colors nd smart styles. Ready-to-wear and fitted to your in dividual shape, or: custom tailored by highest paid un ion workmen and made to your- individual measure. Hundreds of fine virgin wool materials to choose from at prices that will please your pocketbook. - r - Very Sincerely Yemrs, -. Joe's Upstairs" Clothes Shop. Walk Up One Short Flight Entrance Next Door To Quelle Cafe Thomas Funeral Held in Salem; " Ferguson Dies t. Funeral services will be held from the Clough-Barrick chapel, Salem,'Friday afternoon at 2 pjn. for Samuel Thomas, of route one. Jefferson, who passed away Son day., Rev. James Aiken : Smith will officiate! Concluding services will be in Belcrest Memorial Park. He was born December 12, 1851, af Utica, NT, and at the age of 18, with bis parents, went ' to Illinois and later to Nebraska. In 187S he was married to Sarah Whitesel at Minden. Neb. The family came Tto Jefferson In 1807, and located on a farm three miles northeast of Jefferson, where he had since resided. M"r;' s Surviving are three daughters, Miss Flora and Miss Laura Tho mas of Jefferson, and Mrs. Mabel Thompson of Vallejo, Calif, one son A. L. Thomas of Indepen dence; one brother, Parker Tho mas of Decatur, HL, ; two sisters Mrs. ' Fred Florey of Hannibal, M&, and Mrs. Anna Fowling of Decatur,' EL, also six grandchild ren and seven great ' grandchildren. Fergosoa Drops Dead Jefferson residents were sad" dened to learn of the sudden death of Clarence A. Ferguson, who dropped dead while on his " way to the; shipyard, , Wednesday in Portland. If e is well known here, having operated a barber shop while residing in Jefferson. He is survived by his widow, Mrs, Fer guson, and two daughters, Mrs. A. W. Thompson, and Mrs. Carl Leech, all of Portland. Funeral was held Friday, February 12. in Portland. 0m j Elciropolilon's icials ; for Friday;; Salnrday and 1 si' A- Here are only a few of oar many Valentine specials, so come ana snop early and remember, ion Always uet ISetter Values at the Metropolitan. A 1 Fancy - . ' .'.... In Shell 15 Sheet A' liayon Crepe Short-Sleeved Blouse With pockets tRtfl 9Qi W stud sets, r CtP white and col- w S ore. Sizes 32-42. vi m-i... nl..i. luuw c 1, 2, 3-Star For All Branches Vf-W Men's r;. Sizes 36-46 Kiddies' Our Fine Quality of Service Weight " is your, most practical and flattering gift for I Stars and Stripes !t-tmB 35.flf. c fT. -Aft1 oo.- Reg. 19c io s ee' your favorite Valentine. I To Red and White. Test Mark Give These Good-Looking dims ILighi Elpbes 2,3, It, r- atotii- Ma wwry- Close-Out Children's 11 Assorted Styles V to compliment her own feminine charm. All tai- I 52-52 I 1 A-'Mi. " I l.a nw w ngure oo trimness in fine ravon. "8- ffaMe Eloflfes Q o-t IP ft- ST -49 SeaLettes . lib ulll in , Assorted Sizes 'Hi "VI AS t. BATH SALTS COLOGNE BUBBLE BATH BATH OIL 32-Oz. o 13S-14S Nov Commercial St. D o O The Store of Better Values"