TACZ tin: 1 and 'Uppzoired for - fSM ' ' :' 1 """"S 1 . 1 . t Thm OSJXJOnjSTATECMAIt Cdam, Orwyoa, TiHaj lZarvlrrj. February 12. IT S3 CImUM Adrertlaia Statesman Classified Ads 0019101 Three Insertions per 1lneJZSe Six Inserttona per firm 7, 40c OM DflDtb per Tine ,;.. 133 Ttltolmum chars 25c; 1 a. Bain , Iffluot SSe; R fL bub, CSe. refunds. --": 7- YBe don lor classification Copy re ceived -after this Urn arts a run under th hearting "To Late to Classify. : - - Th Statesman eW res ponsi Dili ty tor bim aaaaar la ad Ushea to tea wIiumi and In wtofi tfeta paper at vault will n-essst that part onsen; mistake occurs The Statesmen reserve the right to reject quw tamable advertising It further reserves th light to plac .aU evartisiei; em Amr the prop' cJaaaeheaUon. A "Blind" Ad an ad cuiitMaswg a Statesman toi umhr for an ad dress a tor toe orotocwon of the aJiailsm and must 4herfor ba aaswixed y tottor. Th Stotosmaa Is wet at Bberty to aar- Meaw; a w Lirntock and Poultry WANTED: sea. mcx CXLXMNG saddle horse. weH Batona. 873 a., 7 yea, reasonably priced. Mia. Jatoa rafenar. Ph. a7. rait SALE: 4 yr.xud saddle nart. genOa. Can tm Sat D. f. Bx. 49a. HeByw. TDr N H. $b. live t. Coma -ntogs. Et 7. Box 423. ewe frrov chL an. . ATTENTKWH Will remove dead at worthies otock .' tn m momenfa notice f SALEM F7ER- TILIZER Sc by-products, ra. Collect, no other phone). Help Wanted M en ana women ; TO WORK FOR IHX UNION PACIFIC HAILEOAD AT PORTLAND AND . outlyinc points m ; WASMTNGTpN AND OREGON , Good Wages Inside Work BOILERMAKERS MACHINISTS t PIFEFITTERiS BLACKSMITHS ELECTRICIANS CARMEN LABORERS "A" Sheetmetal Workers alelaars aatd Apprentices for All the Above Crafts Report to nearest UNION PACOTC ROUND-HOUSE In your vicinity lor further Information or a our mk CHANICAL. EMPLOYMENT BUREAU, Portland, Oreton. BX 7771. TURKEY PICKING, Friday. 12 m Northwest Pouitry. COOK. References. Apply mornings, Salem General Hospital. W ANTED r Male and female attend ants at Oregon State Hospital. Call in Help Wanted Male Week era bow employed to war pa decttea shaald not apply aad wilt wet be considered tat eaaptayaaent by em ployers advertising to this sectioa. Railroad Brakexnen Applications wffi ba token from mar ried man in good physical condition. 21 to 40 years of aga, 4a team vain service and if will complete training will be sold for training period: that Is essential work drean defense stam : noint- - - Men with previous experience an train service will ba eonatuertd ap to tn vesrs of are. CALL or WRITE to ASSESTNAT 3TUPT. Union . Pacific Railroad 2923 N. Larrabee. Portland, Or, - or La Grande. Or. MARRIED MAN to work on dairy. h. 7F1S. J. M. Nichols. Rt. t. Bx, 141. Help Wrat Good horn for young woman with feaby. 1311 N. Liberty St. Ph. 0885. w)RSAJUE On S jt. adSaeey m wr Sana. uin axavwrh. fat. , Pa. sm. EXPERIENCED Waitress, full time. Also ex per. dinner vtrl. Also exper. '- waitress for part atma. Karion Hotel. EXPERIENCED - ALTERATION -J.ADY. Must be competent ' at both men s and women) a work. Sea Kellogg at Montgomery ward. for trow. ' : ?- NURSES Aids, haepnal maids,. 1 diet , Icttehen maM. lauatUy hslpir. Good 5 wages. . i a. State Tunarculseis elai .pital. --... -" - WAlTKESS ' WANTED. Th Spa. V STENO-Ss vanaral aCBoa work. Ex- . pertanca atai fad tttit mk esentiJ. SMato- aga. eatperience. auattrleetiene ant aslair expected. ADVE3lTlSXNOV ' Wexiera Advertisiss -Hapi uwaij tali yarn Csarga D Cleaa, na. i -; San tPranesKo Lear 4hngcles. SaatUa ' Eastmi Advertising ' Bepresenlatives . .. Vre-GrtrTtta Coennaitv. Inc. : Chicago. Naw.York. Datrait. jtuania : ; Saterad at lw Pastaffira at Sotna - Orepoa aa Second 'Close aurrrr. dPwb l?lied every asorwno rreent. Monday Bwaiaase officm. . South f oinnsai cial traati ..... i ' ' Man Subscription Rstas rn Advance: 'Within Oregon: Daily and Sunday. Ma cants: Mos tioo. 1 year. S 00 :isewhara 89 cents per mo or $720 or 1 rear tn advance. Par copy $ cants. Pv Citv Carrier. 75 cents a month. T3.v-0 a year tn advance to tJavlun wad adjacent counties. Money to Loan QUICK CASH LOANS CAXJ WKXTS ar phana 491CS) xaiatn-a Mrt torcast worm pom anamgad caaaes Your fiasMCtai aifaJra snstttu wtU be nd loam tmda to Von artil a to to -roarina at or -rranttn d axtamlmw, -I to 1 atOdTKS TO SXPAT Tea csji pay la taa duc tha cost - tiAM U OK1.T sn ROT H SIMMONS. MGJt ' General hnance corporation .Ue No S 1S 134 So.- Coounertriai -St Pboaa'CISi rirst door aouta of Udd naak CoaTaniatrt crouod xtoof : Auto Loans U7illamettc Credit Co. sru. noon guardian Binumva , UCDCSJC N. MUt SAVX TXMK. Urea. ffas. Apply for your loan by pnoam. tmwm zisi ask for Miss Anderson. Pasaanal Fin ance Co.. SIX State St appaaiia County court House. hus, - For Sale Miscellaneous NIABLT NIW fuH ilu bad -with box spring Sc atti ill $400 Nearly , new -wsJmtt bad dc chesC Simmons mitn craaa ox spnac aV saattress . , SS92I tjsed SimiaoBs twin bed, pi wig 3So Sc mattress Uaed Hoapatoit range . SSB.7S Used S sc. aiesimt dinetta art tM JO tnCovrtSt. Pnon 7SI1 Per Beicrest properties see W. C gcrawger. 141 r7. Coral. Ph. -4731 Hit. 3a. 45g Ceaart. TRAILXat Hi wilt-wa. anetal ax aunntusittioav potatoes gauOP twt rPn. BJBC. RANG, Tatrig, wash. bdrwi. aet, dav. Mt , chair set. braakf. set. 71 . OeaaT. - COOK STOVE, day bed. g batch, chairs. 1 Tocfcer. mach s J am. table. 1933 rrankhn W, Salem. 1943 Model Globe Slicer. $320. $150 sad. 310 no. no Interest. Box 247. Statesman. FRUIT TREKS Leading varieties fruit Sc nut trees and shrubbery . Toa grafted ttoyal Ann enerry, xmmfs. an una i ,bi. (oose barry plairta. Prtotland Nursery. A. J. MatMs. North of Bwtck"s Mk t Ph. J1630 IMS Dodge Cpe. Ph. 909Z. 243 "D" St. 3 POECK dining suite. 3 si Rifle beds. sprrngs and mattrasses. Ph. 2-2243. Upright Mctnmnd , Ph. 4769 rrRNTTURC for 4 Rms. includinr stoves and atoctric edeanex. 102 N. 20th. 4 pe waht. Isdrro. aoMe. double coll earing, toner-ear. mattress $113.50. $ pc. handmada dming suite SSOjOC Desks and dressers. Du ham Ocd furn. 2300 rairgrounda Bd4 Ph. 5782. Becking atave, 3UH SaVaple Ave. VNPATNTED - Chests of . Drawers $7.73. Kitchen cabinet huut-as. wsrd rabes. desks;. Fwlsom Fm-nHto-e Mfg liaBBraadway. Ph. 83S. ruller Brushes. 1745' Grant Ph. 5394. SEE HOGG BROS.. 260 State St tot Jibaui Wad tn on your old furniruie VACUUM Cleaners. Bags. Brushes. Baits. AU makes for complete rebuild ing, etc. Vince Vac. Store. 3320 Port- tana eta. HOSPITAL BED dc radio. 2310 N. 4th. 1M1 Pontiac 6 motor, 1937 Pontiac $-4 dr. sdn body, 1941 Chev. Sp. DeL. Inaj S41 Center. DEPENDABLE WRINGER service all makes of washers. Barter get your rolls while - available. See Ed Ellis, your wasriei man. Nelson Bros. P. 4149. Wanted Furniture CASH POR used faraitaee St boas R Forgey Pa 748. Wnled-Miscellaneous .WE WANT Magazines every kiad specially westerns, love stories, mov ies, pocketbooks. Will pay cash far western .books, good condition. Maga stoe JSxohange. 143 N. High. SPOT CASH tor hJi. lumlture. ap piiaaxres, stoves r what have vouT caii sua r i. woodry wrniture Mkt lata N. Salem. w SI TO Auction and Summer St - WANTED: Ta contract construction ot grade reads for logging; operation la Lewis County. Washington. Contractor must have sufficient iMjidjaiisnt 4o da tba work. ftpeuaTiitimia win be xur oeabaal eayaa advice that you are in terested in contracting such a Job. Box 2454. Statesman. WANTED -Garden tractor. Prefer Vaughn. - Give price 3c details first latter. , L. Jt. Bonn. Rt. 2. Box 259C. WILL PAY liberally for rm. and hrd. for couple and day care for child. Box 2498 Statesman. Poultry & Eggs Wanted Northwest Poultry at Dairy 1508 N. Front Phone 10M WANT TO atoy, Used cameras a. Pbato aboai 439 asta USED T URN IT URC Ytl i SIM RATH OS. small condition not 1m poranrL 494 S. 17th. Ph. 7577. Miscellaneous j Dental -Plate Repair 'two-hour scmncs n o$t t . - w: .. vCASES Bring or Mail Your 'Pistes for "ftvpaii DR. HARHY SEbXLSac. OSMT1ST Adotoh BVaa tata a Caml 33tj Waatad: Goon aard turnrlu ra, f $511 arts AUTO: repatrtos, anoter "reharmg.' ' --I Ontlins; MMMhk nvieea SunWi I Mr . iii H. atauaar. I SOS .Rarinaar. 1 1 11 1 1 1 ! ' " " ermrmmm u tarMfl sta. 3u tiiA. rm - at a awstMB a 11 45 a JB0D S9S W. Oarisaaroial ' Phono $41 , ' T . ; - ' " f lJataai aa TftlandW eat Ota air Slaaday sftslvts. ?dM. mOOL y!Jr&& t JLA r - 1 IHEV7 WHEKSOIV- ITS JUSTRAUTTLE I P" : ' ' ...... : I I ""t SSSsiy ; r VVTTM MV - c v:. - T THE J T' . IT VjDUlO & RJN TO - ,T, ' v ; .. "fS "5 -0T. ' '" "A Money to Loan CASH LOANS $30 to $300 AUTOMOBILE, IV RN ITUftE. UVE- TOCK aad SIGNATVaaE. Calkins Finance Co. - . au f3sa n t tat StoTI Sank Bldg. 8-39$ Lie. M.-278 PRIVATE MONEY AUTO AND TRUCK LOANS CONTRACTS artNAWCJLD ta uaed ears Ns Obbtv sa lad Tame. will retaia possess Ion of th vehicle , 1 to 1$ MONTHS. TO PAT - ROY H. SIMMONS $3$ Soam ph gaes Lie ftto M I3 to lean aai C el 4ANSM3X$ - 3319L nga Loans Wanted WANTED 'PRIVATE MONEY" TO LOAN on good Salem real ea- Will aar- interest. W. a. GBABENHORST , at CO. x i: . BEALTORS Far Rent Rooms SLEEPING Room. Private Br aata. Close to General As State Hos pstehu U0 Canter. Ph. 5214. WARM F or Rent Apartments S Turn. ' 1 room apt. 180 Union For Rent -Houses S H, furnace, $40. ITS S. Liberty. assMod. awh. buaahtoaty . turn. C H. SANDERS 331 N. JSigh - 683$ 1 $50.00. rnra. Ph. 31212. For Rent Farms ngPROVED 38 acre farm for rent ar Salem. Oregon. rtOQJOQ cash rent. Mrs. Sim Tallett. M. S. Idaho. Tails. sue. - v . For Rest TRUCKS tar Yaw diiva. Me- Cune St, LovelL S600. Wanted to Rent WANTED To rant wrieato cava re not gar out Write P.O. Box 373, Sa lem. Ore. - For Sale Real Estate te possession. $ R. farnace. Hdw. flrs wirad ear Rg, dsrepl. Lr. aut treas, ctese to. Ct and- Sch. at doer. North. $300. Same terms. Willsatette Baal Estate. ITS S. Liberty. Ph. T113. BEAUTIFUL Home in large rootaav air wndl $5508.00. ' On M. uca. cood urabto rooms aawtv 3 am. - doUbst larre earner lot. aarase dc $4D0OJIS. X; P. SL. BBi- avEALBVJlt 213 Guardian Bldg. NEW 8 rm. Jkowae. ttreakfaat nook. grlassed . to porctv amfaaahed apatefrs. Coaapletety turn. 8Bec. ators, rrfrtg er hosier, -etc sh West Salem. $3500. $2900 cash, hal verms. Snsj. B. O. Wrtoht. S30 N. Mat. POR SALE or Bant 3 t amfly house at m S. 14th. 4 rooms neat and clean reated for $22.50. Wffl sell far $1950. See Mrs, Ellis wkh LEO N. CHXLDS. INC.. REALTOBS. 34 State Street. Phone 3201. LIST YOUR PROPERTY TODAY WE HAVE LOTS OF BUYERS St LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. BUSINESS IS GOOD HAWKINS t ROBERTS. INC. REALTORS PH 4M8 30 acre 4 miles Salem. Liberty dis trict. Easy tanas. Ph. S158 or $538. MODERN HOUSE. 1113 Rural Ave. Business tat tats aUreetery ran aaoathly basis anty. SL2S per Hit ax Bate: Auto CraL.es Mike Panek S7S South Cotmnereial Batterii WXLLARO bsttertaa. S typea. B. O Wood row 394 cnHTCh. Phone agoo. Bicycl BICYCLES New and rooonditiomad. Harry W Scott. 117 S. Cam'cL P.4S.8 ' Chimney Sweep . Northaea Chimney Sweep - Ph. 4458 Florists Funeral Directors Tarwflltgar Vunsial Cifu THX APftON n m. dngh- nsiery RmI Silk Hosiery MffisPh. 789 Mrs. K MasaUy. . Pen. Pal, frlaltrcsBrs CAPrrOL SEOOIN9 CO Phoaa S3t Uafurn. asilsiis aat, 1 large raosna. a pc. aathh, as ar wood. 18 3 rm. man. AAbal d. Prtoe muiusa nnnfri mins ia -1 . . . For Sale Real Estate TODAY'S BEST 4 Large Corner Lot. $190080. eSraalaaa, S Bsa, $4000.00. .,: r. ,. ..:fr.: a d Jtaaa. Ease. 83 730 JO. ' S Bedrm. Larga Lot. Uarth. 33050 JM. 3 Rm. Pull ar. girasilsca. ladw. 43a uafiaisard Hp . - BEE rtXCaT L'lffllMMW FOB THESE sfcnTB ftdAMY 187 S. EDSta STRICTLY BL. I in leal' asAuaS i :Z: ??vr' nongTs. p. 8088. 3 no, bsa. am a T B S58 S. 128b, 0WMBR LEAVING ; " Mk. to baa, iiear achooL Can aa shown j any time. Sea Louis Bechtel ar Maj Naadnam, SM tate SU Room . Acreage 4 A. 31i ml from Courthouse. 4 rm. house tn bad corxlition. Lights, poultry . house, good -wan. good soil. $1250. ' MELVIN JOHNSON. REALTOR Btt Court St. ' -, --u.Ph. STU SUtTOXBAN HOME S acin bsautaxdly toarin sped lawn. : shiraba, treea, te-8V room coloaial I home. NoetosuK tike at. for th price asked $15,880. Cad Mrs. Ellis for ap- j pointroent. LEO N. CHHJDS, DfC, REALTORS. 344 Stata street. Phone JL 4 rm. house, elac. avatar system. th aad phimMag. smalt chick en heaae. eSoea to bus and aoaooL tm- med. Posa, waiy .gsaao.aa, E. M. LAXSam. REALTOR Exclusive listings Parses! Servic 153 So. High St. Pkaaas 7498 Wanted Real Estate HAVE Maajr baueis far awrious tames of homes. Your listing means a ready sal. - - i; Bara buyer Bar 2 to 13 acres with SEX RICH L. RETMANN 187. S. High Phoaa $203 -. RENT ar BUY inodara S i or $ rm. house from owner, write or call r. Beck. 2170 Trade. HIWAY frontaee on 96E. north of town. Ph. 4928. ' li Resort Property CD. $ RM. hse c S 3-rm. cabins I near Taft Trada for gd. Salem prop- arty or acreage, box 2444 Statesman. Business Oppcrt unities GREEN ha. Sviajr aaartora in city limits. Jars. nari. aw 4eJaraon. For Sale Wood MILLi' vf OODt. ft. atiab. dry 2nd growth. T2 ar 18 Ph. SBC2. DRY and aafJl 18 In. and 34 in, Mock Pat. Wood Gc 438 M. XI St 1 Ph. 5370. Plywood Ptt. 8905 WtMpd Sawing Charles P. Simon. 1311 at. Liberty. Ph. 8883. j; , Transportation HAVE Room far 4 riders Swan Island shipyard, day shift. Phone ; 8782. TRANSPORTATION to Buckler Job on Denver Ave. Portland. Phone 5881. 7:30-8 p. m. Have room for 9 riders- to Swan Island shipyards, day shift. Ph. $782. Lost and Found LOST: Pair -ladies shoes on Coml. St. Wad. are. Ph. 982$. LOST: Boy WaMham wrist watch at Salem High school. uuerai Re ward. Ph. $083. SPRINGER Spaniel dog. Ban ton Co. hoaaaa. Return to 2889 N. 38th. Directory Psunts and La4Mjfners Camateto Bnr tiASON ttoto. Liberal at o wooaraw. N- Church Painting & PapeThanglpg Painting and. DacarathW. 1 Ph. YS52. Experienced Ph. 8325 Print iatg ItR STATION ERT. eenJs. paanphUts. I Brammi books or any kind of oriat- toS. eacB Ta tsaasaaai Painting Ba- nadia Segrriee RAY MOORES-937 Cwart. Piv SSIL Roof RepairirLg TARRING. . Kennedy. : Pit; 9058. . Septic Tanks Cleaned Sentie Tanks and cesspools eleanet. Free Inspection. Gene Fit. Phona 8745: 843 Edgawater. W. Salem. -Transfer O-ORIVX TRUCKS FOR SMaaketa rurn. 197 S Liberty. RENT' Ph. 803 rOR LOCAL OR DISTANT tranter. storage, burner oil. briquets Trucks to Portland dally. Agnt Ptosee Auto freight. Including niif paint Transfer Co Ph. "31 i. i ' r Vacuum Oeaner SerricB thoriaad 111 mil aaie lea. Wa service all Atars Bras, rh vw For Sale Used Cars picicups-Piacups 1941 Chevrolet Ccape, A-l radio. . 1941 Qipnrrolet Sedan, a dandy cwoo" . ' , 1941 Pljaonth San: Radio perf rxl, iiTe new. -19411 Pontiac Streamline pkssracr, a "honrj. 1938 CheTrolet Sedan. Good ruber, radio,' dia- 1937. PljmfMith Sedan, 11935 Cberrolet Piclop. far amaUarnO PlvmnntU Cl.n 1935 Chevrolet Standard 1934 Ford Sedatl. RnRS 1933 Plyraoulb Sedan, 1929 Ford Sedan. A-l rubber. Runs perfect. 1929 Ford Coupe, 16 inch rubber, $65.00. NASH USED CAR LOT ' 240 Center Street, Salem, Oregon - . ' Bank Terms Trades j j Phone 3734 - Open tlU B :00 p. m. WE WANT MORE- GOOD USED CARS 1941 PLYMOUTH SPECIAL DELUXE $ IS41 FORD SUPER BUXTXK d DOOR 1941 CHEV. PASS.7 CLUB COUPE. . an tha aaarkct. .. LM1 PLYMOUTH TUDOR" SFDAN 3941 STUDEBAKER CHAMPION 3 rou n raa .tn taaa wish saas litOe beauty. . 1988 MXMUURY $ PASS. COUPE." Radio. Did W any aVras OB ""Taay, and ... a jenect motor. . .. 1941 CHEV. MASTER DELUXE 4 DOOR 1938 CHEV. S DOOR SEDAN, t new 1938 FORD CONVERTIBLE COUPE. ymcag (r seel anax way wui gat HEADQUARTERS FOB THE BURGOYNE 448 CENTER ST SAM'S OPPOSITE DOWN TOWN 40 Nash 4-dr. Sedan Radio, heater Ac werdrivr. 40 Studebaker 4-dr. Sdn. With overdrive. . 38 Chev. 2door Sedan Radio, 07 HU. fVnM ; -v,'"rr Radios twator. 35 Ford 2n3oor SAM'S MOTOR 488 Charoekato St. 16 Years Selliiig Only the Best Used Cars 41-Packard 6 Sedan Orsrtaal 8 Ton Graara aatot. Heater. Snort Lito. Good Tires. Perfect aa every respect. l41Chrvsler 6 Sedan staler. - yasdio. overanve. rnaa Brive. 38otor Sc Tires perfect. Orig- wal Mareaa sainr. 37-Terraplane Sedan Heater. Radio. Hill Holder, unginei Black paint. Motor Sc. Tires very good. 1937-Chev. Coiipe: New Gun Metal paint. Motor, Tires very good. 37-Hudson-TerMplane Custom a Dsn-. X tec. a piy lira. Motor perfect. - TERMS Sc TRADES. WILL BUY TOR CASK OOOB USED CARS. STATE MOTORS, INC. Ph. -eats 840 3. an ac ifUDSON-PACKAXD DEALERS ESTATE 1941 Chevrolet Conv. f CBtpe" audio St low mileaf. I BU3TJ3C SCBMf. ' Aasho.-dc .Cfcaator. ... 1 2931 TBUICK REDAN. MOT S PASS. COUPE. 1899 FORD SEDAN. 1938 YDRD SEDAN. 1838 CHEVROLET 8 79R. T5B. 1938 PLYMOUTH S BR. aTD. The sbov cars ara dhuuay aa . : the showroom Bear. See ns for casn for your ear . - Oito J. Wilson estate' OTTOLWILSON ! For Sale Used Cars Ysjconditioncd. " 1 -1 ram mw1 Sedan real good. ffOod. , good rabber. DR. SEDAN. He iter. Radio, Law raHcaga SKBAll. 4 an ' tire. Th Ctodi. SHatir . You want ileal a claaaor car. PASS. COUPE". Overdrive. Pima tiger. ..j - SEDAN. Fia canditiaa aad Bras. Newly refinistaad aa tayal hlue. "Th sportiest Jobj in sown.' It your I you. ; : BEST LN TRANSPORTATION. , ' MOTOR CO. PHONE S-tX38 SALEM. ORE. CITY FXRK DEPARTMENT 37 Ford 4-dr. Sedan Radiol heater. -38 Boiek Conv. Co-ape ; ; atodto, aaaer. p ; -38 Fly. 2-dr. Sedan . sVaBB laBtCBe 37 Ply. 4-dr, Sedan Heater, t" 35 Ford Coupe Badia. haater.! CO. Phone 7317 1934 Chevrolet four door sedan, ex cellent shape. 1520 North 20th. '34 PLY. GO i tires. 4-dr. sed. Call - eve, after .. 7UO02. ; 37 PLYMOUTH Cpe. Good tires, re cently everoauiea. 539 stosemom, w. Salem. 1840 Buick 4-dr. sedan. $895.00. Center SL, after 3 p. m. 2128 Wanted llsed Cars TO BUY OR SELL YOtlB CAR. s Otdnst Indeiendoat Used Car rvffsirr. Church Sc -Cham acta Sta. Ph SS33 HERIUUOWENS - " Bays Si Sells WILL PAY CASH tar a U ar 41 Sedan, Ph. 3M. Sad X2gal Notice Df THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OP OREGON FOR MARION COUNTY Probata XJepartaoent In 2h natter of the Estate I Mysta Hendricks, deceased. KOTXCX TO CUVITtMtS NOTICE isi hereto ' att tha woaenSeued. tor aa crder tf the Circuit Court 1 2Irion Caan- ty.. State t C-eaon, duly ansae and etrtered n tha 23rd. star ot Koesnber, IW2, was duly ap- pointed executor tf the estate ayll Uyata Headricaat, diet eastii AH persons stavias S4ainst tb estate are sotiXied to preaent the suae, duly verified as resnalretS 4y law, Sa Ska i Trust -Cmpanj, Salesn, Oirson. I witbis six aaonths froxt the date ol tnts tsetace. ta-wit, January 15tb,j W3. Pioneer Trust CoBipaay, By TDWAXD O; STADTER, .Trust Officer. Otto K. Paul us, Salem, Oregon. -Attorney for she EsUte. . J 15-22-25; F 5-12. Wanted Used Cars DONT SELL YOUR QM However, if you find it necessary to sell, don't make the mistake of others. SEE OR CALL US BEFORE SELLING. GOOD CARS ARE WORTH A GOOD PRICE. SALEM AUTOMOBILE CO. 4UAUTX Marta Orval Pays TOP GASH PRICES . - For Used Cars ALL MAOES St MODELS GKVAUS USED CARS Canter at Church Ph. 8703 IS, Dies in fiction I Taat itf rVl 'laasV.I I.8B8 CNS OF tha aation's you7tret Marinas, Pvt. Martnan Gibba 7C PoriSL, M, who was only 18 when ba aBliated la tha laArtaag eight dsyg after Pearl Htfbor.fea Jnm tctned la action, acoordlna; to bis - aaother. Tnan tlw twy orned, ha -fihbea litUa- about als eJ LUBBOCK, Te-Cff!r-Av tly- tag school vrivate saw paper Wow oil , his . sauadron bulletin board. lie cave cfaaae, xlnaUy ran it down. It was a jaaiice orderkif; bisn to report lor kitchen police duty. Crossword Puzzle $5 44 32. 24 2S Hi 138- at 42 4S . 47 ixosxxontajl; . t.FaU ' Who is tJt-okf matter tm Irvti' ""Latent SJceyy .. JTaTIdw-? , 12. Bfaa's name - 12. Farwier TJ. S. rir cfcarrataai U.lataml tFY.) tS.Whmt import mnt ruty aaaf tkm 8i art wes a Jr.E. ItUmonr' 17. What g tie cprttJ af Tvtosit t .TS. Olfactory arraB f. Itadian town - - - XI Brwtlea ' 2J.WMt farmer raiaa papaf residence rs saw a amtrewnr - CS. 'Waste aiiawamce -. rr.Pcsu 28. Negatrve reply 29. Swiss river SO. xYenrli rHrer 31. Speck ' 32. xists . -JS.WhMt A mericta rener or- ' ieted Burgoynt t Jtratoga Oct. 7. 1777? - 34. Yield . . , 3S.NuUia8 . . . j , . . 37. Arrivea 3S. River-islands " ; , 39. Ice mass 0.Middle . 42. Bragged - 45. High mountain 46. wiaa'Fench riser 48. SUkworm 19. Expire 50. DitUrs . , 5L Color - virriCAi. - 1. Varnish part XTypenXwood , 2. Artist ' . - ' ' 4. Who was V. 5. Supreme Court Chief Justice fram y 3. Rant -: 6. Past , " '. ' '? ' 4 JCowaasoiat.sbr.),;,, , ;i " Wsuited---TJsed Cars Heme et i- ' SERVICE . - PLYMOVTaT USED CABS ... Phoaa 4873 Salera Oregon WANTED USED CARS i TRUCKS WftX PAY CASH. VA1XEY MOTOR CO. r ' Turned Back Japs TXrT DO THAT! Rememfcev, you an Marine : Tbuj shout td . Serrt. Theodora CorsweU of Xhs U. S. Maxinea when he saw three ot his buddies ffvtna; rround dur- ; tag; an engarnrent with the Jcps at GtadaJeaaal. And then, aa th Japs rushed In, OogawUl bay-' oneted an officer and yanked av amiwirt sword from tha Jap's acaabard. W7alrBnf; It around his ' Bead, Cferswett red a : sracwiaa ' ftal oountrT-ctuLrre, roatiag; Uveas. Lodges MULTNOMAH Chapter No. 1 RA W. regular meeting Friday, Feb. U. at 7 Ad IO 17 '6 39 'A. 48 w 51 S. Give tfttie ta .Jugoslavian coin , 10. Yourth caliph 11. Foot-Tike part M. Garment is; EifOnari . ' . SO. AnHCtons 21. Dy .-V"T 22.ub out . 2S.XtraKsn grods 4. PosKive pole ; 33. Short Icttera . ',, 27. Matches 30. 1$ f importance ..' Jl.Wha ia th Creek gad Jut el - atgrtcHlture r 33, Net . 34. Raccoon , If. What Canatian peninsula ia moted lor mild mmd rugged. htmutjf 27. Hints 39. Sharp tooth 40.1nsane 41. Hebrew priest " 42. Genrnm title '. 'I 43. Betora . 44. Aoanvpliahad - 47. Exclamation Answer to yesterday's puzzle, a-a ' ' . ' Average 8js 1 al stloa : t"'i Dist by King rpPm ryfllr E b ttM.f Tl II ' ...Mill i m MX IT CATA: lAl-l j" 1 Ai r (. t 's Ul q 1 C U L C j atr poL)gcAT)s clr !h cIuUIpIsIcic' jTptr 'cjaIm' : 4v Hi r 1 A L : ' Til" n (T Jii.