! a 'it Fiiriaimcial Comics Farm1 PAGE . FOURTEEN Th OSTGOTi STATESMAN. Solan Ongoo. Friday Mornlntj. February 12. 1S43 "Markets; n ii iS r. A i- A . -. i Si & ) It It s 4 sit -4 Heavy Trading Holds Market " Many Commitments Trimmed, but "V Average Steady . NEW YORK, Feb. 1 l.HP)-The stock market Thursday gave a relatively good account of itself notwithstanding wide-scale trim ming of commitments in prepar ation for Friday's holiday on .which the country's major secur ities and commodities exchange 'will recess. Large blocks of low-priced util ities and motors again enlivened the proceedings and made the five-hour volume one of the lar gest for more than a year. Many . new two-year highs also were in "evidence."' ; -" The Associated Press average of 60 stocks was unchanged at 44. 5, the top mark since January 14, 1941, established - Wednesday. It was another broad : market, 879 individual stocks being traded. Of Uimv. 389 were lin and 490 down t or unchanged. Transfers! totaled 1,408,170 shares compared with 1,495,420 the day before which was the biggest figure since December 31, 1941. Issues recording" peaks for 1942 43 or longer some eventually backed away included United Corp., Commonwealth & South ern, Consolidated Edison, North American, Electric Power & Light' American. Water Works, Columbia Gas, Studebaker, Graham-Paige, Chrysler, General Mo tors, J. I. Case, Aviation Corp., Deere, Du Pont and Texas Co. American Telephone was up 1 and lesser plus signs were re tained by Radio Corp., Johns Manville, Goodrich and US Gyp sum. Postal Telegraph Preferred jumped a point in the wake of bouse approval of the communi cations merger bill but ended with a net gain of . Western Union was down 4. Lyons Families Entertain Guests; Relatives Visit LYONS Mrs. Helen Carlton of Portland visited several days last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Naue. Mrs. George Nydigger of Mc Cully mountain underwent an ap pendectomy in Salem last week. She is reported .improving nicely. Mrs. Paul Frye and two chil dren of Henckley, Minn., arrived in Lyons Wednesday morning at the home of her sister, Mrs. Os car Naue. She came here f rom. Ne vada where she had been visiting her husband who is in the army there. Mrs. Naue had not seen her sister since she was about two years old. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Crabtree spent the weekend in Corvallis . and attended the Oregon State game while there. They were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Moore. Ed Spa went to Portland Tues day afternoon where he attended the funeral services for his sister-in-law, Mrs. Harry Spa, who pass ed away suddenly at her home there. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Corbett of Tillamook spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs! Clyde Bressler and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Allen. They were all dinner guests at the Allen home Sunday. Mrs. Corbett is a sister of Mrs. Bressler and aunt of Mr. Allen. Miss Fannie Wilson, who has been quite sick, is reported as im proved. She is at the home of her sister, Mrs. Pat Lyons. Mrs. Kathern Lyons, who is teaching near Silverton, spent Sat urday and Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Smith. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Shields of Salem also were guests at the Smith home Sunday. Mrs. Shields remained for a few days''- visit. Mrs. Lyon and Mrs. Shields are sisters of Mrs. Smith. Stocks (and Bonds Compiled by The Associated Press February H STOCK AVERAGES 30 IS 15 60 Indus Rails - Util Stks Thursday 64.2 113 ,30.0 44.5 Previous day Week ago Month ago ..OA 3 .63.1 .60.9 .52 5 19.6 19.5 18.S 26.3 19.7 14.4 29 9 44.3 29.3 43.8 28.1 42.2 25.7 36.7 30.0 44 5 Tear ago 1S42-43 high . OAS 1043-43 low 4 0 New IS42-43 high. 21.1 32.0 BOND AVERAGES 20 16 16 10 - Kails Indus Util Torn ': Thursday 68.4 104.7 10i.l Sis Prevloua day 68 3 104.6 100.8 ; 56.2 -n Wee ago 67.8 104.6 100.6 56.1 , Month ago 66 0 104.0 99.7 53.6 Year ago 63 S 103.1 99.8 44.6 1941-43 high 68.4 104.7 101.1 57.1 i J943-43 low 59.4 103.6 93.6 01 -WW 1S42-43 ItighS. - bns. ciiAN...LAr.i Dr.X.lXm,N D Dr.G.ChasgN. CHINESE Herbalist , 241 North Liberty s -rrstefrs PorUaad General Eectrw ( o.,- OXXice open Saturday only t a. m to 1 p. m.; to I p. nv t .aation. Blood pressure and t-sts are free. , of charge i . 1 t'nee 1917. . I. I .v.J I .. '. . " ...... " "Strictly Private" M air corps . y1fi ' UzJif r : PEAK VWSB- VELL I AM NCW A CCRE4 YMA WTC TD THE WBANTR-. BIT to&s bout the tM rS. Salem Market ' Th prices below supplied by m U cal erocer are Indicatrve Of the dally market price paid to growers by Sa lem buyers but are not guaranteed by The Statesman: Calif rhubarb, lb. , JS Red cabbage. Ib. Jl Broccoli, case .00 Green onions, dor. bun. , .70 Turnips, doz. bun. . 1.10 Mustard gTeens, doz. bun. , SO Calif, cabbage, lb. ; - .07i Chinese cabbage, doz. bun. 3.10 Endive, doz. bun. , . 1-S0 Artichokes, doi. , Si Brussel sprouts, lb. ., , J1 Radishes, dox. bun. 0 CarrobK doz. ba. ' .70 Spinach, crate 3 00 Curly kale, crate 100 Celery, doz bun. , 1-65 Parsnips, lb. , OS Onions 1-57 GRAIN. BAY AND iCDI (Baylag Price) Oats, No. 1 . Feed barley, ton 36.00 35.00 22.00 Clover hay. ton - Oat and vetch hay Wheat 22.00 1.00 1.05 BUTTER, EGGS AND POULTRY ABdietea's Baylag Price (Subject to change without notice.) BDTTEKFAT Premium -M No. 1 -3 No. 2 SO BUTTER PRINT A Jl'.i SUM 52' B Quarters Quotations at Produce Exchange PORTLAND, Ore., Feb. 11 (AP) Dressed turkeys selling prices: Coun try dressed hens 34-35c; others un changed. Butter: extras S; standards 47,: prime firsts 4T,i; firsts 46.. Butterfat: 52-52 'i Eggs: Large extras 48: standards 42, medium extr.s 42; standards 38; small extras 30. standards 28. Cheese: Triplets 27. loaf 27,i. Portland Produce PORTLAND, Ore., Feb. 11 (AP) Butter prints, A grade 51 'c lb. in parchment wrappers. 52',jC in cartons; B grade 51c in parchment wrappers, 52c in cartons. Butterfat first quality, maximum of .6 of 1 per cent acidity, delivered in Portland, 52-52'ie lb.; premium qual ity, maximum of .35 of 1 per cent acidity, 53-53aC lb.; valley routes and country points 2c less than first or 50 'ic; second quality at Portland 2c under first or 5O-50'ic Cheese selling price to Portland re tailers: Tillamook triplets 31c lb.; loaf 32c lb.; triplets to wholesalers 29c lb.; loaf 30c fob Tillamook. Eggs nominal price to retailers: A large 40c; B large 41c; A medium 40c; B medium 38c; A small 32c. Live poultry buying prices: No. 1 grade Leghorn broilers. to 2 lbs. 28c: colored fryers, under 2, lbs. 28c; do 3t to 4 lbs., 29c; colored roasters, over 4 lbs. 29c; Leghorn hens, under 2 lbs. 20c; over 3fc lbs. 22c; colored hens. 4 to 5 lbs. 24ic: over 5 lbs. 22 'Ac; No. 2 grade hens 5 less; No. 3 grade 10c less; roosters 10c lb. Dressed turkeys selling prices: Country dressed hens 34-35e; packers' stocks, hens No. 1. 3fl',ic cash-carry; large toms, over 20 lbs., 34c cash carry. Rabbits Average country killed 37-40c. Onions green, 1.10 doz. bunches: Oregon dry 1.74: Idaho large 1.80; Yakima 1.74 50-lb. bag. Potatoes New. Florida. 3.25-3.30 per 50-lb. box. Potatoes, old cash and carry price: Klamath 3.17: Malin. fancy 3.17 cen tal; Yakima 2.72; Deschutes 3.12 cen tal: local 2.25 cental. Country meats Selling price to re tailers: Country killed hogs, best butchers. 120-149 lbs. 24c; vealers. fancy 23c lb.; good, heavy 16-18c lb.: fanner cutter cows (new ceiling) 16ic lb.: bulls new ceiling) 17ic lb.; lambs 27c R.: ewes, good, 15c lb.; ewes, poor 10c lb. Wool 1943 contracts. Oregon ranch, nominal 34-37c lb.; cross breads 40-42c. , Mohair 1942, 12-month, 45c lb. .' Hops Seed stock. 1942 crop, 1J6 lb.; seedless 1.50-1.60 lb.: contracts, seed less. 10c lb.: seed. 65c lb. Bay buying price on cars: Alfalfa. No. 1. 35 00; No. 2. 32-00-35.00 ton; oat vetch 30.00 ton. valley points; timothy (valley) 30.00: do eastern Oregon 35.00 ton; clover 30.00 ton. Portland Grain PORTLAND, Ore.. Feb. 11 (AP) Wheat futures unquoted. Cash grain: No. 1 flax X.734. Cash wheat (bid): Soft white 1.24; soft white excluding Rex 1.26; white club ISO; westers red 1.26. ' Hard red winter: Ordinary 1J6; 10 per cent 1 -29; 11 per cent LSI; 12 per cent 1.33. Hard white Baart: 10 per cent IS7; II per cent 1.39: 12 per cent 1.41. Today's car receipts: Wheat 10. bar ley 1. flour 4, corn 6. oats 2, hay 1, raillfeed 4. Portland Livestock - PORTLAND. Ore Feb. 11 (AP) (USDA) Cattle: Salable 100, total ISO; calves 25 and 35; market active, fully steady: medium-good fed steers 14.00 15.00; cutter-common steers 8.50-11 SO; light j dairy heifers 8.23-50: : medium good fed heifers 13.73: . cutter -canner eowf, -5 001 iry type cows salable 9.50; medium-rood beef cows quotable 10.00-12.00 and above: medium-good bulls 1130-13.00; odd head to 13.40; good-choice vealers 15.00-50: select 16.50. - -v. ., Hogs: Salable 200, total 400; market active, mostly 25 higher than Tues day: good-choice 180-225 lb. 15.25 to mm41s 1' AfWl 1 1 M.4 . t4A lights 14.75-155: good 400-560 lb. sows mostly 14-25: good-choice 120-125 lb. feeder pig 15.00; 57 lbs. up to 15.75. By Quinn Hall ; 1 1 1 0SRT Of "THE AIR BREAK Am R30M rS A LOT OP WBAmpy i mx wss Quotations EGGS Extra large Medium Standards Pullets Cracks S3 S3 SO JO POULTRY Colored fry Colored hens White Leghorn fry White Leghorn hens 26 to 28 S3 SI as Marlon Creamery's Batag Prices. (Subject to change without notice) EGGS Large A '. . JB Large B -W Medium A . , SO Medium B - - St Pullets SO Checks S3 POULTRY Colored hens S3 Leghorn fryers Leghorn hens S It and 20 Sc less No 2 poultry Colored fryers, under 2l lbs. S3 Colored fryers. 2, to 4 lbs SO Colored fryers, over 4 lbs. ., SO LivESTora Buying prices for No. t stock, based on conditions and sales reported Spring, lambs 14.00 to 14.50 Ewes 5.00 to 7.00 Hogs top, 160-225 lbs. 15.00 Sows 12.50 to 13.50 Top veal, 215-400 lbs. 14.00 to 14.50 Dairy type cows 6.00 to 8.50 Beef type cows , 800 to 10.00 Bulls ID 00 to 11.50 Heifers Dressed veal ... 9.50 to 1050 S3 Portland Sheep: Salable 50, total 100; market steady; medium-good fed lambs 14.23; good-choice grades salable 15.25 and above; common light lambs 10.50; good 75 lb feeders 12.25: good slaugh ter ewes, salable 7.50-8.00. , Wool in Boston BOSTON. Feb. 11 (AP) (USDA) Purchase of a large clip of Idaho wool running bulk to three-eighths and one quarter blood, in grade, was made to- aay lor spring delivery at a grease price of 41k cents. Some additional contracting of eight months Texas wool was reported at fob grease prices of u cents Berry Storage Facilities Short, Rainage Foresees A shortage of storage facilities in the northwest for the 1943 ber ry crop was foreseen this week by John Ramage, head of the North Marion Fruit company at Wood burn- It may be necessary to ship tne barreled fruit to the midwest, Ramage believes. Outlook for a canned berry Dack is very dim, the fruit dealer be lieves, except for that taken on government order. The bulk must be processed in barrels. The fruit company handled over 3000 bar rels last year and expects 'more during the coming season. Ramage foresaw a good year. The unprecedented demand will presage high price and a fair profit unless unforeseen circum stances arise. The high water seems to have done little, if any, damage. : . Prominent Granger Buried at Jefferson ANKENY F. B. Simpson, whose funeral was held at Jeffer son this week, was a member of Ankeny - grange, having : joined with bis wife, Nellie B. Simpson, as a charter member in 1914. v. He also had taken all seven de grees of the grange, receiving the seventh when the national grange met at Portland about 25 years ago. : ' - "".j;-i: f , . Mr. Simpson's father was also a granger during the pioneer days of Oregon. ; -,4 Walter Wulff returned recent ly from Portland after visiting his brother, Gus Wulff and fam ily. The - brothers had not seen each other for 15 years. ; T7a:r!cd! Xldkzte. Filicris end Kcl llzzb Highest Cash Prices . Ilcrm lll:rf:h Pucliin j Co . 461 North Front Street Telephone 7 63 J Legislation jj Aids Grains I CHICAGO. Feb. 1V-VP)-A fa vorable interpretation of legisla tive developments in Washington, where two bills designed to in crease agricultural prices ap peared to be progressing, gave the grain market a firm tone Thurs day, t ii . Wheat was the early market leader, advancing about Vk cent shortly after the opening, but rye had recorded the major upturn at the close. Corn came in lor more attention than recently, making wider gains than the bread cer eal. .v j; "r-i-r- At the close . wheat was ii higher. May $1.40-, July $1.-397A-4. ,! The early upturn in wheat, supported by covering of previ ous short sellers and local pro fessional buying, ran Into resist ance at $1.40 for the May con tract. This had been a stopping point on ; other upturns. ; Grain men said commission houses ap parently had considerable 'May wheat to sell at that level. Registered Cow Sold A registered Jersey cow has been purchased by Fred E. Perin, route six, Salem, from Lewis Jud son of Salem. - The animal is Twilch Tilly, 1083866. J .THANK VtXL rM COBBY, I TMAF8AIOX COL.-6VSALsrr PtatAgg f VK ? Pf?AKINS LJRJTr4Arr4 THT 1 lMJUDGBD YOU. TOOT rS TWB Tj EXCUSE AAE. T" HMAA. X $EE UHo HUM. f' pOUBUB TAUC n MMANPgg. fcjsj NAME c5STHE PMONS.Jl: VEgV COCOf , "Gi ' ' '" '22 J tf l S'o.6CrVr (SURE'VvTU- 1 TlOOK, ) i AAERlT S-'Jl I T WELL. VfZSS. ff ? ) I I C WE TKM?ED Y S 'r "lA ? HOW DIP- OLD JK ACROSS YrVHOfe ALWAS . Y JFPRTY T NtXI xJ LADVY THS (ISIVWQ SOU If WILLIE 1 fjmxEY X ( ) P)Wl ' fEMEXZ GET ) ' ZJ STREET? Y COOKIES BROW 1 (( ) ' " vacomes) 3frW 7Js2y S&S r tC rr- wi m THIMBLE THEATRE fJ 6ZE,MSZS.Y WAMTcTO TO HAVE Of2 COS$r PtETC NEWOUTfTUMOW J 5WO.IIM S5 I v a c?t. mm ' LITTLE AKOTE ROOKET 1 1 n V ' - 1 ' - 7 . ' :i - f H'X 1 L., '"MyMXU Cxl I INCOME aTOrnoi V Jvsify, WS. N STWHJE3 .tssoal US. ' SLJ- - TV KW-SjC ' JZSi '-ji r1- n"rf '"1- .nil L laSBSSBSS. TBtfiSllfr- , r.t 1 - j ' . ' . ! " -. . - ....... .:- . . ' - . - " . .... , . - . . .... A, ; - - War Ends for Them Near Tripoli I.:- i Italian aad Germaai soldiers, taken priaener by allied forces Bear Tripoli, march toward the rear. The prisoners have been separated, placing the Italians la front and Germans behind. This Is aa official British photo, sent by radio from Cairo to the USw Associated -. Press Telemat. s, .:v-: n'':.J '-'y V'y--'-; ':-r: "O'r i f "' :'. ' ;;. . I .ll v- A i l 1 wt?v z , . ' GlMOYOF ALLOWIfta MRS. -RAMCeiO BUy ME 53CK CXPCMSrVB TK2ta9 X VJA& AFRAID HS? FttUUGSiirl REFUSED, GUXtXY? vt K1MO 1 3 Ukrf ' FT MIGHT HURT HESH Of WHEM USDA Board Sets Vegetable Prices Minimum 1943 prices for snap beans, tomatoes and sweet corn were announced this week by R. B. Taylor, chairman of the Ore gon USDA war boardV Minimum 'price for tomatoes for processing is $25 per ton . to the grower, field run, delivered at the plant Bean prices are: snap beans. green, ones, sieve size, ones, twos and threes, $132 per ton; twos. sieve size, fours, $112 per. ton; threes, sieve five, ,$82 per ton. Snap beans, wax, ones, one to five sieve size, have been set at $115 and twos, sieve size over five, $65 per ton. Sweet corn is set at $23 per ton, field rim, delivered at the proces sing plant. The processor, may contract on his own grade but the price must average $23 per ton. . Hop Standardization Talked by Growers Feasibility of establishing grades and standards on hops was dis cussed among 30 growers Wednes day afternoon at a meeting called by Donald HOI o fthe Oregon State college extension service. Hill asked for . suggestions about hop standardization, informing grow ers that a series of like meetings will be held in California. - ; : Growers are doubtful yet as to K5HE UKEAVJOM.AH SANTA tHTT M CIAU5 - ALWY3 AIAIW KWtUy r UtAk- WAPPy' SHE TDtD ME yE5TEJ?OAy MOTUZSZ THAT 5HOPPIM ' WTTM VWJ WA6 Jf BOUGHT LOTSA RiM.lTCEAJWrXDJ'rnP TtXJTHAr GUZWttfl EZAUT1FUL this year's crop, due to flood dam age, but report that .some wire has" been secured through the Red Cross, and more Is expected to aid in repairs. nnnnn r V,. . Get The Cash You ' Need Through A Personal Loan : No red tape ... . no de lay ... when you need money, call 8168 for in formation on how to get a dignified personal ': - 'loan..: ' - You'll bo sarprlsed at how easy It Is to get a loan . how simple to repay It. Stale Finance Co. 212-222 Gaardlan Bldg. Corner Liberty State Telephone S168 Ut. S-213 M-222 Wo ate always la the snarket to any for CASH Seal Estate Mortgages aad contracts. Mer chandise Dlscesat Paper aa4 Notes. - VfTMATd rXFTrTRTWr IM 7E T AMNK COAT lYFrlliUTEVLMIF I MORTEN5E t6 ACyowN 24 STEP. L I TX5NT UKE'TO CEE HER V STRUTTING LIKE A PEACOCK iTd WPQZSS THAT IfTTtE 0?PHAM