The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 06, 1943, Page 6, Image 6

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Tli OSEGON STATESMAN. Salem.' Oregon. Saturday Morning. February 8. 1S43
Sorority initiation week at
Willamette university will be
climaxed " tonight by f ontnel
ceremonies and banquets honor
ing the new members. Initia
tion services are scheduled for
.4 o'clock at the chapter houses
followed by formal banquets.
Dancing at the houses will com
plete the evening.
To be honored as new mem
bers of Alpha Phi Alpha are the
Misses Jean Carkin, Billy
Grimm, Billie McLeod, Virginia
Loop Erma Huber, Phyllis Neal
-and Gladys Crawford. Decora
tions for the dinner which will
be held at the chapter house will
scheme. Miss Ruth Burgoyne is
in general charge of the affair
assisted by the Misses Laura
Jean Bates, Patricia Carter,
Gladys Crawford, Shirley Black
man and Margaret Hoover. Com
mittee for the dance includes the
Misses J.-net Blake, Billie Mc
Leod, Bernice Weir and Billy
Beta Chi members ' will honor
the Misses Marianne Owen, Hel
en Craven, Jean Webb-Brown,
Beverly Nordean, Myra .Madsen,
Mary McKay and Myrtle Meier.
The banquet will be held at the"
Quelle with Mrs. Ralph Barnes
acting as toastmistress. Special
guests will be Mrs. Joseph A.
Davidson, Mrs. Murco Ringalda
and Mrs. Ralph Purvine.
Miss Patricia Short is manag
ing the dinner, assisted by Miss
Betty Andrews on the program,
Miss Emma Lou East on place
cards, and Miss Louise Cutler on
decorations. Spring flowers and
the Valentine motif will furnish
the decorations. Dancing at the
he use is being arranged by Miss
Sybil Spears, assisted by the
Misses Lois Phillips, Marjorie
Maulding, Betty Jean Smith and
Mary Jean McKay.
Delta Phi sorority will honor
mothers of members as well as
initiates at their formal banquet
at the Quelle. Miss Betty Sackett
will preside, with toasts to be
given by Mrs. Frank James, Miss
Catherine Thomas and Miss Bet
ty Randall. Miss Marcia Fry
will play a violin solo and Miss
Shirlee Morgan will sing, ac
companied by Miss Louise Wris
ley. The latter member heads
the decoration committee which
has planned Valentine decora
tions. New members being honored
are the Misses Phyllis Haight,
Miriam Day, Hazel Hoffmaster,
Margie Noll, Janice Patterson,
Donna Upjohn, Bonnie Dickson,
Jeanette Mack, Lucille Peirs
torff, Betty Randall, Margaret
Hughlett, Jane Fmdley, Lguise
Stuyts, Jean Fries and Apn
Strothers. .
Mothers and guests attending
will be Mrs., M. B. Findley, Mrs.
Deana Roy Mack, Mrs. Daniel
Schultze, Miss Lorena Jack, Mrs.
E. S. Strother, Mrs. D. H. Up
john, Mrs. Emil Fries, Mrs.
James McClellan, Mrs. Robert
Lantz, Mrs. Donald N. Matthews,.
Mrs. F. C. Ewing, Mrs. Hubbell
Young, Mrs. A. A. Dickson, Mrs.
Frank Patterson, Mrs. R. S.
Keene, Mrs. H. W. Hughlett,
Mrs. J. H. Randall, Mrs. L. B.
McClendon, Miss Bernice Orwig,
Mrs -Frank James, Mrs. George
C. Todd, Mrs. R. D. Woodrow
and Mrs. G. Herbert Smith.
Miss Dorothy Estes is planning
the dance to follow at the house.
LYONS The meeting- of the
Women's Society of Christian
Service was held at the home of
Mrs. Carl Reid Tuesday after
noon. Mrs. Douglas Gavette,
president, was in -charge of the
meeting and Mrs. Rudolph Bra
der led the devotions. Plans
were made for the pie social
which is to be held at the com
munity hall February 22. A do
nation to the infantile paralysis
fund will be given at the next
meeting, held at the home of
Mrs. Oral Toland. Present 'for
the afternoon were Mrs. Joe
Weitman, Mrs. Daisy Johnston,
Mrs. Paul Johnston, Mrs. George
Huffman,, Mrs. Douglas Gavette,
Mrs. Oral Toland, Mrs. Rudolph
Brader, Mrs. Paul Smith, Mrs.
Wallace Powers, Rev. and Mrs.
Roorkv Mrs. Ray Nye, and Mrs.
Reid. .
SWEGLE Mrs. Eskel E.
Brand tand Mrs. Carl Runner
were hostesses to the Swegle
Women's club at the Brandt
home on East Garden Road
Tuesday : afternoon. A dessert
luncheon was served at 1 o'clock :
to 15 members and one guest,
Mrs. Charles Johnson.
Blocks for a Red Cross quilt
have been finished by this group '
and the . quilt will be finished
to send in soon. At the sicial
hour Valentines were exchanged.
Present were Mrsu William Hen
sell,! Mrs. E. E. Brandt, Mrs.
Charles Bottorf f, - Mrs. ; Marion
West, Mrs. Dillion Jones, Mrs.
Walter Biggerstaff, Mrs. L. Q.
.Bulla, Mrs.' Homer. J. Conklin,
Mrs. William Benner, Mrs. Wal
ter Swingle, Mrs. - Carl Runner,
Mrs Menno Dalke., Mrs.' John
Swanson, Mrs. William Hartley
and Mrs. Ralph Becker.
TURNER Mr. and Mrs. J. EJ
Whitehead, jr, were hosts at
their home for an attractive din
ner party with covers placed for
the following guests: Mrs. Hallie
Endicott and Mrs. Anna Smith
cf Turner, Miss .Lorraine Vick"
and Miss Dessie McClay of Sa-.
lem. - . --
- -
DAR with Mr. Russell Catlin.
1309 Cheroeketa street.
Royal Neighbors of America,
Fraternal ; temple, p. m.
VFW auxiliary, Veterans hall,
p. m.
Hollywood Lions auxiliary, lun
' cheon at the Lions' den.
Richmond PTA. 7:30 p. m.
Delta Phi Mothers, chapter
house, 2 p. m.
Chapter AB of PEO, 7:45 p. m.
with Mm. Albert A. Siewert, 388
North Winter street.
Spinsters with Miss Phyllis
Fisher. 1370 State street.
Salem Council of Church women,
YWCA 2 p. m.
Juntos guild. St. Paul's Episco
pal church. 12 o'clock luncheon
at parish house.
Beta Chi Mothers club, sco
ter house at 2:30 p. m.
Members Have
Birthday greetings marked the
January meeting of the Nebras
ka auxiliary this week at the
home of Mrs. Leonard Gilkey,
with Mrs. Stephen Mapes assis
tant hostess. Honored were Mrs.
Clara McDerby, a charter mem
ber who celebrated her 83rd
birthday on January 24 and Mrs.
Earl Hall. It was announced that
the February meeting will be
at the home of Mrs. John F.
Shipp, 1595 Saginaw street on
February 24.
Present were the Mesdames
Clara McDerby, Stephen Mapes,
L. E. Daganhardt, L. H. Webb,
Art Swanson, Dora Santon, Hazel
Lucas, C. Hall, G. Hall, Joe
Howard, E. Ideen, Sylvan Mauer,
Lottie Tombs, G. Thompson, R.
Randall, B. M. Randall, G. Hoe
vet, J. Van Houdenos, Ella Rolf
son, E. N. DeHut, Edna Gilkey
and Lucille Carver.
Surprise Patty
Is Given
Mrs. Henry Piening was sur
prised Thursday night at a birth
day party arranged for her by
her husband. Guests came to
dinner and a informal evening
was enjoyed. Pink and white
was the theme for candles and
birthday cake, with carnations
for flowers.
Present were Miss Agnes Bayn,
Mrs. J. ht. McMahan and Arline
of Huston, Tex., Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Nye and Janet and the
Pienings's granddaughter, Miss
Joanne Swallow.
The Riverdale Ladies club will
meet February 10 at the home
of Mrs. C. L. Newton, to resume
Red Cross work.
MILL CITY The Woman's
club held its annual guest day
dinner Tuesday, followed by a
program which was open to the
public. Dinner was served to
about 60 members and guests.
The program was opened by a
welcome from Mrs. Edwin J.
Rupp, president of the club, who
: introduced Mrs. Walter Kropp,
civilian war service director for
Linn county. Mrs. Kropp intro
duced her traveling companions,
Zed Waller, assistant co-ordina-ton
for Linn county and Chief
Howard E. Rice, Seattle, of the
US coast guard. Chief Rice, main
speaker for the evening had as
his subject, "Wake Up America."
Mrs. Kropp showed several reels
of color films of a world tour
taken by her husband and her-,
self in 1939.
Committees in charge of ar
rangements for the dinner were:
Mrs. W. W. Mason and Mrs.
Frank Potter, general committee;
Mrs. Edwin J. Rupp and Mrs. C.
M. Cline, decoration, and Mrs.
Charles Porter and Mrs. S. Jep
sen, coffee.
The t Missionary society of the
Presbyterian church was enter
tained at the home of Mrs. Frank
Smith,! Wednesday afternoon
with Mrs. Clayton Baltimore as
sisting hostess. Thirteen mem
bers were present.
During the business meeting it
was announced that a study class
on stewardship would be held
each Wednesday following . the
teacher's meeting at the church.
Devotions were led by Mrs. John
Swan and pertained to the study
of prayer. Mrs. Lee Morris was
in charge of the program for the
afternoon and used as her topic
Refreshments were served at
the tea hour by the hostesses.
' ' i - i - - . - - i
thur Rasmussen entertained at a
birthday dinner in honor of her
mother. ; Mrs, F. A. Lewis, : last
Sunday. Guests were . Mr, and
Mrs. Ernie Pallin, Donna Jean
and Norman of Tillamook, Mr.
and Mrs. F. EL Hammel of Salem,
and Miss Arlene Rasmussen of
..Coryalli&i Norman Pallin ; will
spend about a month with the
Rasmussens. - -
1 -"
" I
The ME
Party :
Mrs. Charles Heltzel was
hostess on Friday, at a birthday
party for her , four - year old
daughter, Kathy. Valentine dec
orations were used.
Young guests were Linda Har
rell, Phil and Gary Goulet, Ann
and Jim Heltzel, Sandra and
Suzanne Jochimsen, Sally Jo
Joseph, Jimmy Burke, Joan
Barnes, Roxanna Brown, Tommy
and Kathy Heltzel.
Mothers invited to the party
were Mrs. Robert Herrall, Mrs.
Homer Goulet, jr., Mrs. John
Heltzel, Mrs. Herman Jochim
sen, Mrs. Robert Joseph, Mrs.
Donald Burke and Mrs. George
Barnes. Others present were the
honor guests grandmothers, Mrs.
James Heltzel and Mrs. W. W.
Gabriel, and Mrs. W. B. Barrett.
Wedding Is
A wedding of interest is that
of Miss Margaret Rannells and
Sgt. Arnold Finscth, which took
place at the Knight Memorial
church on Sunday, January 24,
at 3 o'clock. Rev. R. C. Stover
The bride and groom were at
tended by Sgt. and Mrs. Haakon
Lostheim. After the ceremony,
a small reception was held at
the home of the bride's uncle
and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. L. W.
Wilkerson. The couple will live
in Salem.
Mrs. Finseth is a graduate of
Salem schools and has been em
ployed as a bookkeeper in Sa
lem. Sgt Finseth, son of Mrs.
O. Finseth of Santa Monica, was
educated in Minnesota. His
mother came up for the wedding.
KCKT Members
At Meeting
Mrs. D. A. Saunders enter
tained the KCKT club Thursday
with Miss Maxine Clark assist
ing at the tea hour. Special
guests were Mrs. L. Fleenor and
Mrs. E. G. Eagleson, the latter
from Canada. Table decorations
was a potted cineraria as a
centerpiece, with red carnations
used about the rooms.
Present were the Mesdames
Ray Clark, Fred Barker, E. J.
Donnell, A. A. Graber, Hattie
Given, Nellie Knox, Harry Rowe,
Ralph Thompson. Roy Wassam,
Jess Walling and Miss Maxine
SILVERTON Mothers of ser
vice men were honored Wednes
day afternoon by members of the
Altar society of St. Paul's Cath
olic church. Mrs. L. B. Schar
bach presided as president, and
Mrs. Edward Lambert was host
ess. Honor guests included Mrs.
John Abel, Mrs. N. M. Angele,
Mrs. Joseph Ehli, Mrs. Edward
Gerlitz, Mrs. R. L. Hook, Mrs.
Joseph Maurer, Mrs. J. H. Mc
Cullough, Mrs. Tom Martin, Mrs.
L. B. Scharbach, Mrs. Joseph
Schneider, Mrs. George Winkler,
Mrs. Ben Zehlner and Mrs. Otto
During the brief business
meeting, apron materials were
distributed and plans made for
sewing these. They will be sold
at some later date as yet Un
decided upon.
JEFFERSON At the regular
meeting of Mt. Jefferson Re
bekah lodge Tuesday night, the
following officers were installed,
with Lillian Smith, district dep
uty president, installing officer.
She was assisted by Dist Dep.
Marshal Bertha Curl, Dist. Dep.
Warden Patty Barnes and Dist.
Dep. Secy. Neva Kester. Those
present installed were Keithel
Smith, noble grand; i Nettie
Hawk, vice grand; Bertha Curl,
financial secretary; Ada Wells,
treasurer; appointive officers:
Patty Barnes, RSNG; Stella Hart.
LSNG; Maud Epley. RSVG; Ida
Hartley, LSVG; Hattie Goin,
warden; Neva Kester, chaplain;
Bessie Porter, inside ' guardian;
Ezra "Hart, outside guardian. A
covered dish lucheon was served
at the close of lodge. ; -
MT. ANGEL The ' St. 7 Ann's
card ' party, postponed several
weeks because of -the bad wea-
ther, was held at the school audi
torium Wednesday night and was
well attended. V Nineteen tables
of cards, 1J of 500 and eight of
-bridge, were in play. ; -
Mrs. Ed Hammer was j chair
man of the committee In charge
of arrangements and the lunch
which was served immediately
- after the card playing.
Bride-Elect ;
Given Gift v
At Party
Mrs. Dorothy McDowell, 755
Ferry street, whose marriage to
Mr. Monro Cheek Is planned for
February 14, was honored by a
group of friends at an informal
party in Chresto cottage on the
Willamette r campus Thursday
night. A coffee table from the
-group was presented to her by
Mrs. Eva Arnett
Decorations followed the red
and white . Valentine theme. '
Committees were: Mrs. Avn
Had and Mrs. Faye Humphreys,
receiving; Mrs. W. W.'Kerns,and
Mrs. Will Bane, games; Mrs. E.
J. Reasor, music; Mrs. E. . W.
Cooley and , Mrs. Dean Scho
maker, pouring; Mrs. Ruby Ep
ley, Mrs. Cliff Bowen, Mrs. Al
Wagner, Mrs. Alice Noth and
Mrs. Paul Schmidt, refresh
rmts. " r
Attending the party were Mrs.
Murrell Tvipp, Mrs. George Bow
en, Mrs. Clifton Cass, Mrs. Viv
ian Foster, Mrs. Harry Hunt,
Mrs. B. F. Shomaker, Mrs. Leslie
Carlson, Mrs. Nellie Harrison,
Mrs. Francis Tubbs, Mrs. D. J.
Sears, Mrs.' Walter Gardner, Mrs.
John Schmidt, jr., Mrs. Dudley
Strain, Mrs. S. Smith. Mrs. John
Rautenkranz, Mrs. Charles Wil
liams, Mrs. E. C. Case, Mrs. Ethel
Hunter, Mrs. Mary Dunn, Mrs.
Oren McDowell, jr., Mrs. Fred
Pugh, Mrs. A. G. Flint, Mrs. By
ron Cooley, Mrs. George Heck
art, Mrs. Mel vin .Johnson, Mrs.
Chester Lee, , Mrs. Daniel Mor
timer, Mrs. Sarah McDowell,
Mrs. S. J. Yates, Mrs. Lloyd Rob
inson, Mrs. Willard Gritton, Mrs.
Jean Rulifson, Mrs. .Howard Cole,
Mrs. D. Simpson, Mrs.' Z. Sharp
nack, Mrs. Cora Tichenor of
Portland, Miss Helen -Rose Lee,
Miss Betty Pugh, Miss Agnes
Gritton and Miss Connie Clif
ford. New Officers .
At Luncheon .
The newly-elected officers of
Delta Tau Gamma of Willamette
university met for luncheon in
the chafing dish room at Laus
anne hall Friday to discuss plans
for the coming semester.
Those present were: Lue Ibach,
Mary Helen Wilson, Rosalie
Hoover, Doris Doughton, Helen
Thomas, Velora Williams, Peg
Gabriel and Doris Lee Anderson.
Today's Menu
Thin slices of ham will give
meat flavor today for dinner.
and eandied yams will make a
good . accompaniment. .
Cubed lettuce
Cheese-cream dressing
Ham slices with raisin sauce
Candied yams
Green beans
Fresh applesauce fruit squares
Banana salad
Boiled tongue
Baked onions
Scalloped potatoes
Lemon chiffon pie
Citrus special salad
Tomotoe dixie
Baked potatoe
Olives pickles
Rice pudding with spiced cream
cup shortening
cup sugar
V cup molasses
1 teaspoon cinnamon
xk, teaspoon cloves
Y4 teaspoon nutmeg
4 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 egg, beaten
M cup raisins or chopped dried
3 cup sour milk or buttermilk
2 cups flour . '
1 teaspoon soda
Vz teaspoon baking : powder ,
Cream shortening and sugar.
Add rest of ingredients and beat
2 minutes. Pour into shallow pan
lined with waxed paper and bake!
25 minutes in moderate oven!
about 350 degrees.
(Meat Extender !
4 tablespoons fat !
2 tablespoons chopped onionTf
v pound chopped meat 'Jn
1 tablespoon , chopped parsley? I
teaspoon salt .
V teaspoon paprika
H teaspoon celery salt j
li cups tomatoes . j
H teaspoon sugar . !
' Heat in fat in frying pan. Add
onions and meat and cook 5 min
utes. Pour in rest of ingredients
and simmer 15 minutes. Stir se'vj
eral times. Thicken, by adding 2
tablespoons flour mixed with 2
tablespoons of butter, and cook 3
minutes. . f '
1 cup cubed oranges 4
- cup cubed tangerine v !
!4 cup cubed grapefruit ' r j
1 tablespoon lemon juice j
- 4 tablespoons French dressing
1 cup cottage cheese; seasoned
, Mix and chill fruits, juice and
dressing. Pile onto crisp lettuce
and. surround with cheese. j
dae to a celd ...let a little time-tested
VapoRub n1 f7? fl T r
in your mouth V I) WLL) fine I W VAfORUB
Honored at
jMr. Vass was honored on his
birthday Sunday, by Mrs. Vass
at their, home on South Com
mercial street.
;j The diner table was covered
with a white damask cloth and
centered witli an ; arrangement
of Mexican' orange and red roses
in crystal bowL Red tapers
in crystal . holders flanked the
I The traditional birthday cake
had an arrangement of pink and
green miniature rose candle
li: Fabrics by Millers
A. A
f 1 r-i :
For coats and suits, this hound's-tooth jcheck comes in
very soft pliant textures ideal for all-purpose spring
wear I 54 inch width. In color combinations such as
in plain shades of aren,-brown, red and blues!
i ft
! 1
Here's our greatest display of prints for the season
ahead! Belvedere prints in everything from polka
dots to large spaced prints in the newest manner. :
Choose a colorful frock from these and fashion it
with your own hands ... have something new ...
something different r These come with a linen j finish
in spun rayon. ,
-&r" ' j ' '
' v : nQ rX" l' '
-N't! J :
I ii I cGu
- U. -V. " ,1 . ,
holders with pink lighted can
dles, In large V. r
About the room were hang-
ing baskets of Ivy and potted
ferns. :
Covers were placed for Mr.
and Mrs. Amos yass, Mrs. Roxie
Trask and Mr.
Mv .vwuau
of Lyons.
: Announcement
of the birth of
a 'daughter, Carol Ann, to Mr.
and Mrs. Moody Benner is being
mede today. - The t child, r born
January 19,' is the granddaughter
' of Mr. and Mrs. ! Joe . Benner
of Salem and Mr. j and Mrs. ' J.
C. Hartley of Jefferson. ;!
As colorful as a garden in bloom! As gloriously designed as only the
masters of pattern and design can execute! A wealth of soft, lovely
fabrics in spring's brand new smartness that' will charm and delight
you! Here is your whole FABRIC-BY-THE-YARD wardrobes wait
ing you at Miller's.
ing's n
.'1' . -
Fund to Honor
MlQQ Ft1P?C!
Vmi: IsllVtt
Members - of Willamette unl-
; wrRwv. ehanter of Mu Phi En-
, gilon, national music honorary
... M ..h1,rh n
Clara En ess student scholarship
loan fund In memory of the late
piano instructor and founder of
the local chapter, according to.
an announcement by VLs Jean"
Jackson, president.
Plans for the fund were made
at a meeting Monday night, when
it was also decided to dedicate
to Miss Eness a memorial plaque
- Patterns
Here are just a few of the
faille, one of Beld- -i"", J
e w e s t fabrics for .. ,
spring, is here in a delight
ful choice of new spring
shades which include TWI- -LIGHT
GREEN . . . NEW RED . . .
. . . . BLACK . . . WHITE!
39 inch ; width, ' a supple,
easy to handle fabric for
home sewing. .
J. Yd.
Herringbone - weave in deeply napped , fabric
especially suitable for spring coats and suits.
A 54 inch material in all-the newest shades:
. . . BROWN
YouH love these new hand-screen prints, as
sketched below by Vogue! In colorings that
perk up your gloomiest moments. A riot of
colors embracing all the new and lively shades
for the season I 39-inch
Fashions by the yard will give you variety combined
with economy I It fits right in- with the "Do-It-Your-eelf"
program you've adopted for the duration.
And, by making your fabric selections at
. Miller's, you are assured of quality and au-
thoritative fashion you've dlwtrys prized.
..V So, plan right now, today, to have
more clothes at less cost! Let
Miller's help you with-your plans.
Specialists in fabrics, patterns
and all dress-making ' find-'.
fags. Make it with .
"Vogue." the patterns J
that really give you
smart ..Styling! ...
to be placed in the Mu Phi room
of the university music hall.
Maintenance of the fund will be
made possible by proceeds from
concerts sponsored by the or
ganization and through contribu
tions from alumnae and friends.
' Mrs. Douglas Chambers and
her.: six-weeks-old son, David,
left Wednesday by train for To
man, Wisconsin, where they will
Join Lt Chambers, no stationed
at Camp McCoy. Mrs. Chambers
has been in' Salem as guests of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Phil
Aspinwall, and - Lt Chambers'
parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. F.
by Vogue
new ones listed below
' .
ji Yd.
m I.