The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 06, 1943, Page 5, Image 5

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    Th OUTGO!! STATCMAIT, Cclam. Oregon ZaZuzsLxr lZoniaq, Tahruarf 9, 1813 j.;
Lc rial PJevs Briefs
Tainting Displayed at YMCA
C J. Fulton, well known artist
of Eugene, has loaned a - croup
of 13 paintings to the YMCA here
for display in the lobby. Most
of the canvasses are of scenes in
Oregon, with such titles as: DePoe
Bay, Boat at Newport, Freifihtine
on the John Day, Mt. Washington,
Ferry on Willamette, Red Bridge,
Outside Surf, Springfield from
Victoria Heights, St Regis Moun
tains, Montana, Red Rocks, Horses
at Evening and Deborgeer, Mon
tana. ' :
Dance tonite, Veterans hall. tiO
Hood St.
: , Committees Called All com-,
mittees on the Lincoln day dinner
have been called by Chairman C
A. Lewis to a meeting : Monday
night at 7:30 o'clock at the eapi
tol building to complete plans for
the - event. Sponsored ; by the
Marion county republican central
committee in cooperation with the
Oregon Republican club. Pro Am
erica and the Young Republican
federation, the dinner, is to be
held at the Marion hotel next
Thursday night.
. Motorist Hits Boy Richard C.
Schroeder, Salem route four,
while driving his car Thursday at
6:30 p. m. hit Donald Welliver,
11, 1295 Leslie street, near Leslie
on 12th street. Schroeder told
city police that he was driving
about 25 miles per hour and that
be did not see the boy, who dodged
out from behind a parked -car.
First aid men treated the boy for
minor Injuries.
Unusual records in point of time''
and efficiency in typewriting are
being made in the Typewriter
Dept. of the Capitol Business Col
lege. An expert instructor is in
charce. -
Glee Manager Elected Reid
ghelton of Salem was elected
manager of Freshman Glee at
Willamette university, set for Feb
ruary 27. Other officers chosen i
in the freshmen class vote were
Paul Jacquith, Newberg, presi
dent; Wilma Froman, Ashland,
vice president; Janice Patterson,
Salem, .secretary; Jeanne Midch,
Sergeant at arms; and Bill Egan,
Brooks, treasurer.
Edwardson Jailed Peter Lee
Edwardson, charged with operat
ing a motor vehicle after his li
cense had been revoked, was
booked in at the county jail Fri
day afternoon, brought here from
Oregon City by a deputy from
Sheriff A. C. Bark's office after
bis arrest in Clackamas county on
warrant out of Salem justice
juooseiseneiu uance, aioose riau,
2th & Leslie, Sat, eve. Music by
Roberts Grange Old-Time Orch.
Two Die ea Job Two industrial
fatalities were reported in Oregon
In the week ending February 4.
They involved Charles F. Chand
ler, Sutherlin logger, and Ralph
Johnson, Eugene sand and gravel
bunkennan. There were 725 ac
cidents reported to the industrial
accident commission.
Oren K. Walker, 59, late resi
dent of route one, Aumsville, at a
local hospital Wednesday, Febru
ary 3.' Survived by brothers, Lee
walker of Emporia, Kani Leo
Walker of Boulder, Colo., Fred
Walker of Witchita, Kan, Henry
.Walker of Kansas City, Kans
firyan Walker. Colorado; two sis
ters in Colorado. Announcement
f services to be made later by
Terwilliger - Edwards Fu n e r a 1
At residence, -Wednesday, Feb
ruary 3, Herman 8. Gile, heme
an Liberty roadrurvivea by wife.
Hay Gile, and son Schuyler of
Salem; nephew; Robert C GBo of
Roseburg, and 'vueee. Mrs. It T.
Uneyd of Toronto, Canada. Ser
vices will be held at 1 p. m. Sat
urday from the- Rose Law n chapeL
lev. Edward R. -Allen and Rev;
frank Stannard will officiate, with
concluding services m YJelerest
Bfemorial paxkv
- Lon D. Kelly, ia Roseburg, Feb
ruary 2v Father of Ernest Kelly
a Spokane; Mrs. Ollie Woods of
Baker, Mrs. Lola Wiggins, TUry an
pee Kelly, all of Roseburg. Grave
Side- services will be-held Satur
day, February 6, at 11 as m. In
Belcrest Memorial park with Kev.
sjv. H. Lyman officiating. Direc
tion Clougfc-Barrick company.
Dirks : .. . ' - , .m
Henry David Dirks, at the age
of 83, passed away at his home
In Pratunt, February 4, Survived
by wife, Lydia; daughter, Lena
Broscha of Madison. Wis. j one son.
Ervan Dirks in the US army in
Alaska; one sister, Mary Yergen
iif Salem: two", brothers. J. W.
pirks and John D. Dirks of
Mouodridge, Kans. Funeral an
pouncement later by Terwilliger
2dwards Funeral home.
Mrs. Annie Todhunter, late resi-
Lent of 680 North Summer, at a
ocai- hospital, February 5. Sur
vived by husband. Marshall W.
srvwrhn-,-- rlanvhtMr. Mrs. Hazel
XL Austin of Salem; one son, Ray
t. Todhunter of Spokane, Wash.;
two sisters, Mrs. Tannic CasteUo,
rnmft sn. ndllri.llary Mun-
C&L Chatfield, Minn. Services
trill be held from dougn-mrncx
Chapel Monday,. February at
1:23 p. m., with Tiev. Irvia V7fl-
lianms officiating . mienneai m
elcres Memorial parr.
Penitentiary Instate Esca:
James Edward Shouse, 42, es
caped from the Oregon state pen
itentiary annex sometime Friday
morning, according to state police.
He was received, from Douglas
county a year ago in December to
serve a term of five years for lar
ceny. :
Dance every Saturday night.
Armory. Everyone invited.
j Masie Students ia . Costume
Students of many of the Salem
music teachers; costumed to cor
respond with their selections, pre
sented a musical program at the
monthly meeting of the Federated
Music dubs of Salem last night
in the YMCA lobby.
For homo loans see Salem Fed
eral. 130 South Liberty.
Fall Injures Knee Mrs. Tillie
Oberfield, 1337 North Winter
street, fell at 1026 North Commer
cial street at 2:30 p. m. Friday,
suffering a possible fracture of the
right knee. City first aid men took
her to Salem Deaconess hospital.
-11 Mb t'8 $nuu e a-tt
Dance every Saturday night,
Armory. Everyone invited.
Johnson Selected Chairman
President Monroe Cheek, of the
Salem Lions club, has named
Ralph Johnson to prepare the pro
gram for presentation at the West
Salem Lions club in the Legion
hall Wednesday.
No Road Bos in ess No road
business occupied the Marion
county court Friday morning, al
though the session was designated
as the regular road day meeting.
Bicycle Stolen Harold Mc
Cauley, 15, has -reported theft of
his black and white bicycle from
its parking place in front of the
YMCA building.
Lutz florist. Ph. 9592. 1278 N. Lib.
Marriage Licenses Granted
Arnold Homer of Los Angeles and
Imogene Smith of Salem were is
sued marriage licenses recently at
Vancouver, Wash.
Permits Granted Log hauling
permits have been . granted by
Marion county court to R. N. Geil
and Wilson Brothers.
Fine fire Extinguished City
firemen were called to 920 E
street at 1:55 p. m. Friday to put
out a flue fire.
circuit court
Dorothy M. Roberts vs. A. Col
letti and. Karl E. McClure; reply
by plaintiff denies that car owned
by -decedent, Ramon Clarence
Roberts was parked on hard-surfaced
portion of highway when ac
cident which resulted in his death
State industrial accident com
mission vs. Otto W. Russell; or
der for dismissal, on motion of at
torney for plaintiff.
Florence Johnson vs. H. E. John
son; order restraining both plain
tiff and defendant from removing
from their present place of resi
dence in Marion county the five
minor children of the parties.
Vern L. Ostrander and Jose
phine Ostrander vs. Don C Smith
and Alice H. Smith; demurrer.
Oregon liquor control commis
sion vs. Ray C. Smith, F. F. Mo-
x, T. H -Strong, D. M. Lay and
R. C WoWodruff, doing business
es Medo-Land Creamery Co., and
Great American Indemnity com
pany; complaint to collect $957.92,
said , to be total of privilege tax
balances due, together with in
terest, M0 penalty and costs and
-Hazel Meyers vs. Robert Poin
dexter and others; order allows
plaintiff to withdraw specified ex
Robert Rubeck estate; order ap-
pointmg Tlsrence'Mildred Rubeck,
widow. -Administratrix of estate
tentatively 'valued at $150- Percy
Cupper. Lorna Kinfwell and Dorothy-Pope
appointed appraisers.
Laura Faulkner . guardianship;
Ljrdia Grant apeintecr administra
trix. Naney A. Hart estate; WlUiam
E. ! Skeltoo named appraiser to
serve in place of Charles McKee
with Paul Smith and Earl Lynes.
Miriam Jane Dixon guardian
ship; third annual accounting by
Martha- Jean Adams shows re
ceipts totaling . $788 and disburse
ments of $70.
Roy Burton estate; appraised by
William S. Walton, Roy Nelson
and Thomas H. Galloway at $87,-
525; order for monthly allowance
of i $250 to Caroline- A. Burton,
widow and executrix.
' Cecil A-: Dobbs; no vehicle 11
cense; continued to May 1 for sen
Virgil M. Harner; non support;
preliminary hearing held and case
taken under advisement.
Robert L Holden; no PUC per
mit; $10 and costs; fine suspended
and costs paid.
Howard Hale Smith, SI. 'US
navy,; McMinnvOle,; and Velda
BennetC.18. 2080 North Commer
cial street. Salem.
" Warren Sybrandt: 11, farmer,
and llaxsaret Halter, 18, both of
Wcodhuxn. t
Merle Tandy, 1$, papermlll
worker. Washougal. ." Wash, and
Rosemary Whiteaaan, 18,. student.
William R. 'Whitty, 24. VS army.
Salem, and Dorothy Peck, U,
saleslady, Newberg.
CE to lead
i Four Speakers listed
; At Christian Church ;
S wander to Talk
An event of unusual signifi
cance will mark the Sunday wor
ship service at the First Christian
church at 7:30 pn. Each year
this service is sponsored entirely
by the young, people of the church,
as a part of their observance of
the anniversary of Christian En
deavor, the world youth organiza
tion. A special 'feature of the
service Sunday will be a 15 min
ute orchestral prelude.' by the
Parrish junior high- orchestra,
under the direction of Leslie Car
son, beginning at 7:15 pjn.
David Teeter of Willamette
university will represent the older
young people : In directing the
worship service, which will be
centered about the theme "Tomor
row's Challenge to Youth." Four
speakers, representing the high
school and the crusader Christian
Endeavor groups, are: Del von
Long, Janice Adams, Chris Ko-
witz. Jr. and Eddie Jackman.
Special music will be given by
a duet composed of Norma J ean
Conklin and Blossom Bates. Ber
nice Caolinger will sing "Still,
Still With Thee" by Baines. The
choir will be made up entirely of
youths. Immediately following the
service, the young people of the
church will be guests at a social
hour planned by the youth of the
Court street Christian church.
- At the morning hour of worship.
Dr. C F. S wander, state secretary
of the Christian churches in Ore
gon, will be the guest speaker.
Rev. Dudley Strain, the pastor of
the church, is in Chicago, attend
ing the annual meeting of the
international council of religious
education, where he is serving as
a member of the commission on
the Christian family.
15-Year Term Given
Johnson, 30, ex-convict convicted
of assault with intent to kill Pete
Palumbis. hotel proprietor, was
sentenced by Circuit Judge Char
les W. Redding Friday to 15 years
in state prison.
rwil.. To awl . Iln T Mill
OrvUIe Wsstlias. Broota. a tfausMer.
Judy Msriene. reorusiy srmmu
General hospltaL
McClaacarjr To lfr.Bd Mn.Hmr
ui....vra nuit. two. &alm.
dauahter. Linda Ireae. Janusry 29 at
Salem General noprti. . ,
McASWer-To Mr. and Mrs. LwU
David. McAUUter. Aumrriile, a son.
rterrn Linn. reBTHsnr 1 at Salem
General hospital. .
umms. x o bit. mm w. izcizZrzl.
Archie LoaS. Monmouth, a aoa. CaMocy
Huey Long. January 30K at Salem Gen
eral hospitaL ... .
MbUem To Jar. aad Mrs. Raymond
Louann. February I at Salem General
hospital. ...
.. t Mr na Mra Chandler
p. Brown. 277 West Wuluntton street.
a son. Wtluam cnanaier. uuv
at Salem General hospltaL
Stttner To Mr. and Mrs. Homer
m.An KHffW ma North ltth -street.
a son. John Clayton. January It at
Xmel To Mr. and Mn. afdvln Al
bert Tuel. 3SS0 River TiamA, m -am,
Michael James. January It at Salem
Desconess hospital. .
rreres id r. mim .
Philip rreres. Stayton. m man. .
mu Juiuxrv is at Salem Dea
coness hospital. - m
Bemaaa To Mr. and Mrs. Goorfe
Henry Hemann. 1455 Mill otrosU
son. jonn iawmmt ai j
Sahem Deaconess nospttaL
rery To Mr. aad Mrs. OiarUo
. .i k i M'm.m- AmiwllW a aaar. atm
Francis. January 14 at Salem General
Vsi To Mr. and Mrs. Herman JBroy
Val. Salem.' a dauflhteT. Xveiya Carta,
January 11 at Salem Dsoconoss hos
pital. ..
Caveness McCall. SSayten. a. OMfbtT.
Marsaret Ann. Jannary IT at Salem
it twirls Rasprau. .
m -w t mmA tin Aria Pufh.
VXi.. r - S"a Arnold;
January IS at Salem General heegttal.
nn jt jar. ana bets nwuw mi
m m 1 mm . m rfMMhttf.
Sheriey May. Jaauary 14 at Salem
General nosoKai. - . .
Lnan-t Vr. and Mrs, Kbcrt
MUton Lahman, SOS Mm
son. UWNDC MS, assary
ItHn Ueaarai ussuiaii.
fnihlu . raMti
a oaaBtcr. Mary Ann. January St at
Oaav-Ts -Sir. mm Mrs. J
laba. -raMte tawr. aeasss
Jessy. January is
- -asv tf aira Wssvsal
Hirsns. SOB South ISttt sUt. aMaswrh
tee. Kaney Given, January 9 at Ba-
Barr TO Mz. -and Mrs. ClliAwd -La-Boy
TJerr. TXS Norttt Cottaso street.
oaaenvcr. r-eewy sw axHaw- aa
Mem oenerai uesansi.' - , - -
- - Wm CHaka
L. standam. 1TJ Kerth -CXmrch street.
a nausnter. siisms ascna. j
at Salem General hospital.
Xanrorth Pordy. Stayton. aMfnter,
Judith Asm. January IS at Satan De-
ius rortune. a. dauchter. January SI
at Buncalow Matamity home.
Msnasll Te Mr. and airs, tonnn
Marshall. 1M Gerth avenue. West Sa
lem. . daughter. Kathleen Chrtstaruv
January SS at Salem General hospital.
cutanea To Sir. ndd Mrs. Glen
Wesley Gtberson. 1T0 Fairmount ave
nue, a. daughter. Virginia ray. Janu
ary at Micm usocni noapiu.
Prahen. MMesuaouuv daughter. San-
mm - - I
on uc, January at ei snaro uum u
hospital. .
Swaet To Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Sweet.
Jr.. route six. Salem, a -son. Dannie
MlhaeL January XI at Salem General
hospital, r - .. j i
Barton To . Mr. and Mm. Joseph.
Thomas Burton, SM West Washmgtoa
street. Salem, a son, John Thaaaas.
January SS at Salem General hiisoslsl.
takarOTo Mr. and Mrs. Char las
Hi board. Indepennenee, a sea, Ttonslr
Duane. Jamiary. XS at Salem General
Lewis Engwald LincU Portland;
violation basic rule, JfLM bafl.
Carl Preston Thoroaa, Washing
ton. TX:; vagrancy, 19 days in jail.
Other Z. Lee; violation basic
rule, $10 fine.
Doyle Gale Sa tier; violation bas
ic rule, $5 fine. - - '
r George F. Vick; violation dimout
ordinance, $19 fine.
Pauline Hopkins disorderly
conduct, $59 fine and 20 days in
Grace Pecker; disardatiy con
duct, $20 fine and 20 days in jaJL
JE. G. Povey; reckless driving,
$30 fine. 13 days in jail and li
cense suspended. 1 , -
Salvation Army Serves
Soldiers in Australia
' : " . - ' --:.. - . -" V "
, Since the first US troops reached Australia, thousands of
American boys have been served at Sal vation" Army Red Shield
clubs, enjoying all privileges including canteens, writing facil
ities with free writing paper, sewing and pressing service, infor
mation bureaus and' recreational
equipment, it was revealed here
Friday by Adj. Edward T. HilL
Salem corps officer. i
The - Salvation Army aas ; offi
cial recognition : by military, and
air- force authorities to perform"
welfare in base camps and with
troops in the field, he said. There
are over 160 Salvation Army offi
cers and accredited welfare repre
sentatives serving at such points
and with field forces in Australia
and -overseas."
At many Australian camps, Sal-
vation Army , officers have made
arrangements for cleaning - and
pressing clothes, altering new
uniforms Issued, sewing 04 chev
rons, services offered every, man
"from the colonel- downf Xme
US army officer was so impressed
with such services he invited
Salvationists to attend with the
official party at the saluting base
during ceremonial parade.;
All Australian clubs ;are in
charge of Salvation Army offi
cers who sre always available
for counsel, including devotional
services for men of all faiths.
Thousands have, attended, Adj.
HOI said. -
US troops have also extensively
used The Salvation Army leave
hostels in Australian .capitals,
where beds and meals are pro
vided at cost, along with "lounge
and recreation rooms, writing
materials, libraries, chiropodists.
and manr other facilities: avail
able without charge.
Snell Backs
Scout Week
Gov. Earl Snell is lending his
support to Boy Scout week, Feb
ruary 6 to 12, celebrating the 33rd
anniversary of Scouting in; Amer
ica, i
"This organization through the
years," said Gov. SneU, "has been
building the manly virtues and
the qualities of kindly, good citi
zenship that contribute much to
ward a greater America.S Just
now they have been aiding bonds
and stamp sales, salvaging metal
and wastepaper. spreading; Infor
mation to combat fifth columnists,
contributing to civilian defense,
all in addition to their usual ac
tivities and service.
"Tens of thousands- of former
scouts sre now rendering service
to their country. They are better
men in war -and will be j better
men in an earlier peace by reason
of the Boy Scout training.';
Early Income Tax
Aid Recommended
Iasssse taxpayers who need
aautstanee la snaking out their
leiauna-arere sulilaed Friday by
laa Lynch, deaaty collector of
Internal rwerroe, it call it hU
office la the Besief flee bulldinr
early. BSore a lirtsnoe eaa be
glren those who eosee ia "ahead
f the rash," Lynch pointed oat,
and they seed not make their
first pa j nut Before the dead
line March 15. I
The eolloctor's office, staffed
by f oar psrssni. is epea daily
from t a. so. to f 9. laclad
lag sooa boars aad ataraays
bat sot Mi
Rev. Virgil Speece
To Be Speaker
The First Svssgellcal church is
to have a guest speaker tor both;
trriam Sunday. Tae siev. tit-
ga T. gpeecey pastor of fee Ku
sot EvaneeUcal cbrreh, U ths
guest of the local Woraenav MIs-
OBasrcsety. eX which Mrs. 1
L. Thornton is the pitsfo.i.t.
Svanrelical furrches through-
out tiie nation tut Canada are
Mfft-rtnaT &UQ017 St A dtf I
prayer - for missions. -The theme
for the- ar is- "Baildmg the
girtevtaim Throurh lmtxJ The
day of prayer Jsfcfi end)ol '
week of aetf denial. TLB- orxer-.
ings will bnfld -a, fimd of ?$100,OW
with which the church wttl enlarge-
her missionary operations
and merease nrissionary pexson
m1 MMtnirt new churches, tn
nronrisinc locations. - rehabilitate
and- reconstruct home and com
munity Ufa and reuuonstups.
Rev. Wishart, the local pasTor,
wm preach In the-Eugene Evan
gelical church on Sunday. ;
EvanselisU PI"1 1
3 Simday Services
Revival aervices still are ill pro-i
gres at to TDgrim Holiness.
chapel where Rev. Orval c; Kel
ler and ev. -Eddie Cobb, evange-
lkstsv are preaching and singing.
the old-fashioned gospel every
night at 730. ji
Sunday, mere will be three ser
vices, 11 am, 3 p. m and 730
p. m. when Ihe closing message
wm be .given by Kev. Keller.
- . - : ' 'j
Christian Church CE
Starts Chcll:nze Series
Sunday at p. nx, the Crusader
Christian Endeavor group of First
Christian church Is benning the
first discussion of a ' series on
"Christianity---Its Modern Chal
lenge". The guest speaker.. C O.
Goodman, pastor of the United
Brathren church, who will -spealt
on "Judaism as a Background tor
Christianitr. Hargaret Ewins, m
Willamette student, will lead the
Methodists Ask
To Services
Special guests. Sunday- at the
First Methodist church will be the
three, fraternities of Willamette
university. Representing them
wilt be Dick. Stacer, president of
Alpha Psi Delta, and Dr. Robert
E. Lantz, faculty adviser; Bob Per
ry, president . of Kappa - Gamma
Rho, anoV Deans Walter Erickson
arid Melvin H. Geist, advisers;
John Martin, Sigma Tau presi
dent, and Dr. E. S. Oliver and Dr.
Robert M. Gatke, advisers.
Two scout troops .will also at
tend in a body, troop five of the
Blind school., Chester ' Simpson,
scoutmaster, and troop 13 of First
church, Arthur Tamka, scoutmas
ter. Dr. Harrison will preach the
sermon on "A Gambler's Throw
for the Soul of the World." Dean
Melvin H. Geist will lead the choir
in singing two anthems with Prof.
T. S. Roberts at the organ.
At 7:43 pjn. Dr. A. J. Walton of
New York will lead in the closing
session of the four-day Bible con
ference. : v' -
Call Rev. Nielsen
To Duties March 5
' The First CJongregatlonai
church of Salem has called Rev.
David Nielsen of Spring Valley,
MhuL, who recently visited la
this 'city, to serve as Its pastor.
Rev. Nielsen as s yeaag man
of 35 years of age, sad his fam
ily consists of his wife sad a
nine-months-old child.
He Is a gndnste of Maealester
college of St. PaaL Man aad
of Andover-Newtoa Theoloaical
school, Nowtea, Mass.
Mrs. Niossea is also a gradoate
of Maealester college -sad holds
a master's degreo la reltgioas
edaeatlea from Andover-Newtoa.
Rev; Nielsea accepted the call
by telegrasa Weo!neaday amora
iag aad expects to- assamo the
pastorate Maxell S, preaching hbi
first sersaoa March 1.
Dr. Giersbach Slated
Again hy Churcli
Dr. Walter C Giersbach' again
will be guest speaker at the 11
o.clock service on Sunday at the
First Congregational church. His
subject will be "The Greatest
Sentence in Religion. Cory don
Blodgett will bo soloist.
At 9:45 ajn. the Sunday, school
will hold its session and at :30
pan. the young. people will meet
with Jade Glasse as leader. At
2 o'clock Wednesday the Women's
union will hold a; business session
followed by a program conducted
by the missionary group. Mrs.
Leon Brown will review the book,
"The Robe and Mrs. Richards
will lead the devotions.
Grants, Pass Castor
To Address Methodists
Tho Rev. E. J. Ascbenbrenner.
castor of the- Methodist church
at Grants Pass, will jeech this
Sunday morning at 11 o'clock ia
Leslie- Methodist church. Rev.
Aaelsenbrasmer is one of the
younger ministers, a gxaduata of
WlLlamettensniversitjr, and has re
xsss closed-a successful ministry
at Lakeview.
He has hesat aeviinjrthaRible
rxiaference ceoducted this week
end ia Salesa by Dr. A. J. Wal
ton of New York.
vtjix oosnx
lSl4S SJB.
11 efedoek. Cnildresrs
o'clock. Tueedar. rTTlc
war workers. Wednesday. T3 pjn,
BlMo study, rrfday. THJ pa, young
people. ' .
Service at S30 sjo. Sunday acboel
ureay, cenfinnatkisi rliss,
MfTosteW Mrs. Banuo, Mrs. Ooorf e
mmm m .1 fA9am.fT
aw, v. afotYenbeatr. psstw. Sun-
nicUon after too S30 aja.
day iiiioii sT
sat CaxaeUOireeiB.
11 o'clock.
swtBfwarf aw
SuTHtayachool 10 am. 7'
w ii:-i.wk. eraaasi anbioet. The
Good Skapnerd.- Junior Christian Tn
deovorTTpjn. Xvening oervtoe 1M
Young and Oaten atreetaJJay.V M.
Aooott. naasor. -Sunday acnool I sum.
mtcU young nsopss. M pjn. Kv
lSTitfrlioS'Stck. Wodaesday
jsrayer service 73 -m.
rmant AS CAB
H. a. rultan. nastor. Sunday oehoel
M aJn. atarntng servsee 11
Dtnnar at rtoaa tolls a sd ay
meeUng. I Mam.
a cuav mo mgni
MfH.-wimi raiA?f
nwiv - - - uS -ojsl Mrs. B- R.
unaay aiww i un. biotiuh,
lee 11 o'clock. ChrtsUan rtoaver con-
Christ Ymmg people T ajns-venlag
I . OJe A.LaMO,W. aSartaaasaaSaV WuTSlW 0r
asswlAsi Thnrcrisv. at. ffa ITk-.
Religion Scliool
Draws Many
i Major Jenks, Adair,
- To Speak Tuesday
On Servicemen
The Salem school of religion
and fellowship had a successful
opening last Tuesday night in the
First Methodist! church, with 147
at the fellowship dinner and over
-200 in attendance at the classes
and adult forum. The following
churches ; were f represented: St.
Paul's Episcopal, Jason Lee Meth
odist,. United Brethren, Nazarene,
South Salem Friends, Court Street
Christian, ' Calvary Baptist. First
Evangelical, First Christian, First
Presbyterian and First Methodist
, The adult forum had 80 in at
tendance from all 'walks ; of life
In Salem, lawyers, doctors, edu
cators, business -men, housewives
and ministers. J It was led . by
Frank Bennett on "The Home in
Total War." j
The high mark of the whole
class period was the spirit of fel
lowship, denominational lines be
ing forgotten, as neighbors and
friends living and working in Sa
lem discussed together the prob
lems confronting the home and
the church. li
Next Tuesday! night the. school
and fellowship win be held in
the First Evangelical church, 518
North Summer street, beginning
at 7:30 p. m.
The forum will be led by Maj.
Loren T.'Jenks, assistant division
chaplain of the j 104th infantry,
Camp Adair,- the subject being
The Church and Her 1 Service
Men." An invitation is extended
to all ministers,; : laymen and to
the public in-general. ' N
Holiness Group
Lists 3 Speakers
. The Marion County Holiness
association will hold its monthly
all day meeting Tuesday at the
Pilgrim Holiness church. A dif
ferent minister twin preach at
each of the three sessions. At
10:30 a. m. the Rev. Oscar Brown,
pastor of the Rosedale Friends,
will apeak. The Rev. Lowell Gil
ger, pastor of the Salem Wesleyan
Methodist rhurrh. will preach at
the 230 p. m. session. Theapeaker
for the 7:30 p. m. meeting; will be
the Rev. Orvffle Keller.- district
superintendent of the Pilgrim Hil
iness church. As the host church
is not equipped for serving lunch,
the usual noon routine' will not
prevail, but any who wish to bring
their own lunch and stay through
the sessions are welcome to do sa
Portland Salvation
Army Secretary
To Speak Sunday
Maj. Paul Bodine, divisional
young people's- secretary for the
Oregon and south Idmno division
of the Salvation ; Army activities,
will be in Salem Sunday and
Monday to conduct special ser
vices at the Salvation Army Sun
day morning and night.
This will be his first visit to
Salem since coming into the Port
land office. Maj. and. Mrs. Ran
Gifford recently left the office
of division secretary and took
charge of the big USO unit in
El Paso, Texas. Maj. and Mrs.
Bodine- were moved to Portland
from a Francisco to take over
the office left vacant by the Gif
fords. VaEoy Churchca
Man! tee. Sundays -sdM
Morntaa ean s: s 11 oClocav
irmiirpaX asasmawrra
Vnhna. nanlel J. tinruk.
Sunday actrool W SJn. Segnniki eiass
rloa S a'elaek. SsiBIUSl OUblOCt.
a Good Thing hi a Wrong Way." Wed-
sHssir- oae
salkm auciati coesafmrrrr
ana uoorr roao.
sauh - crratMemrv a-rsMtf
Thlrdand Gorth atreeta. Kldell A.
Keatr. nastor. Sondor acnool S OJn
suteet. The Motive oC tbo lawt Sup-
Illlii-Jll. AM M. IV.
ening oorvsco 13 o'ciocK.
CHuaca or Carassv1-- '-:X-
'n, nu. tmr a n
ice 11 o'clock. Stnnea anboct. "The
Deep Pessraninstion of Ufa."- Chrio
ttan BnUeevor -et SflO "OJn. Evening
serrlco. 1 JS o'clock. Sermon subject.
"A lirpoaeiul Uis."
rauBTTsaiAJf . . - J'
- Mill CUT. Aaron Wolfe. DO. pastor.
Sunday osheol 1 sun, Marntne; aervice
U o'clock. Sermon eublort, "Praise the
Lord and Pass the Ammunition.
Christian Endeavor. 4:30 pjn. Kvctung
service t30 efeloek. ; , ' . .. j -
rscmANa svanscucai. '
aobert D. Bennett, paetor. Sunday
school it asa. Morning service 11
o'clock Sermon aubect. "A Place of
Prayer." Prayer service Thursday. S
Jersey street. Sunday school It ajn.
UimIim ailf i 11 t'rlnrk Slee. H o.
lo and Kev. John HJebneland ere-j
gness sneaaers. a.vening oervscst ie
o'clock ky snort sosusis. . ,
mrtrraooisT - r -
Main -and T&k sheets. O. teonard
Jones, pastor. Snnrtsyocbool t:4 ojn.
Xernina service 11 o'clock. Sormon
sb)ort..!"ire'liafceth My Feet Like
Hinds reet." Evening aervice S o'clock.
YouUi adult tellowsnip, . Mv. Grace
t Aeeondnl B altsnrts K. JT. St. Tuhr.
pastor. Sunday school It onv Morning
rvico - o'clock- i&mmoa autofcet.
"Spiritual ! Growth." t venlns , service
TJ5 o'clock. Luther league in charge
with Missi Norma Xsaaksoa, director.
as i slue- 11 o'clock. Ssisaia i Jooajset. I
-Wnata ahasdonaveoea
afadrona aenos
Knoch Ziuissarmsn. osvise. anamaoy
school ! ojo. Morwinsaervteo- M
oVocku Saiaaon snaeet. Young Men
To Resume
"Singing Christians has been
chosen by Rev. W. Irvia Williams
of the First Presbyterian . church
as "his sermon topic Sunday ' morn
ing. '; The : session of the church
voted to resume,' Sunday '. night
sanctuary services commencing at
7:30 this Sunday. The pastor's
message will be broadcast as pre
viously, coming on the air at 8
o'clock over KSLM, followed by
the Westminster Church of the Air
at 8.-30 o'clock..
The Westminster Players will
present the dramatisation from
the church, so that those who care
to may see as weU as hear the pro
gram as it goes on the air. Jean
Sevillier will continue his class on
radio script dramatics at 5 o'clock
in the club room and in time Pres
byterian young people wfll be tak
ing an active part in the radio
casts. Sunday's dramatization is
entitled, "The Master Race.
This Sunday Rev. Williams will
Church Services in Salem
Market and Capitol streets. Rev. Wil
liam L. McGlasson. pastor. Sunday
school S:9 ajn. Morning . service 11
o'clock. Kev. O. C Keller, evangelist.
3 p.m. and 7 J3Q p.m., messages by Rev.
Keller. . - .'
433 Ferry street. 2 to 4 pjn.. reb-
ruary 7 ana February 14. debate be
tween F. O. Sapp and Elder King on
"Christ, the Son." at Lighthouse Mis
sion, 445 Ferry street.
Marion and Summer streets. Rev. J.
Kenneth Wiahart. pastor. Sunday
school. 0:45 a.m. Morning service 11
o clock, junior cnurcn in cnurcn par
lor. Rev. V. T. Speece from Eugene
Evangelical church- will be- guest
speaker. Youth groups ti30 psa. Ev
ening service 7:30 octock. Sermon sub
ject. Rev. Speece will be the speaker.
Bible hour Thursday, 7M pja.
Chemeketa and Liberty streets. Sun
day school 11 aon. Services 11 a.m. and
S pjn. sermon subject, -spmt"
15th and Mill streets. Lowell Gilger.
pastor. Sunday-school 10 ajn. Morning
service 11 o'clock. WYPS t:49 p.m. Ev
ening service 7:38 o'clock. Midweek
prayer service Wednesday. 8 P-m.
Capitol and Marion " streets.' E. A.
Kielsmeier. pastor. Sunday school 10
ajn. Morning service- 11 o'clock. Ser
mon subject.. "Building Our House."
Consistory meets at 1 pjn. and Worn
en's guud at S pjn.
South Liberty and East Miller street.
Edward L. Allen, pastor. Sunday school
:49 ajn. InstaUatkm of officers, com
munion -and reeeption of new mem
bers. Evening - service--. 730 'clock.
Sermon subject. "A Transforming Vis
ion." Week night service- Wednesday.
1i3Q pjn.. followed by choir rehearsal
at S:4S pjn.- , - . .
rrasT msthobist
State and Church streets. J: C. Har
rison, nastor. Bandar school t:4S ajn.
Morning service 103 o'clock. Talk to
the fraternities at Willamette and to
the bov scoots. Eveninsr service 7s45
o'clock. Closing seasion of the Metho
dist Bible conference. Intermediate
feuowshtn. S o'clock. Youth fellowship.
M o'clock. University vespers. M
rrasT congregational
Cottage and Marion streets. Guest
speaker, or. waiter c cansoacn. nun
day school t:4 sum. Morning service
11 - o'clock. Sermon -object. "The
I" i a-liMl Sent oca ta SteUcian.- Ertn
Ing seiU.e aao o'clock.. Young peo
ple s meeung.
First and Park streets. Rusaell Myers,
nastor. Simdar achoal B:4S am. Morn
ing service 11 o'clock. Seiinou sub
ject. "More Than These." Evening ser
vice 7 0 o'clock. Young people are la
charge of Sunday night s
S41 State street. Adjutant and Mrs.
Edward T. Hill, pastors. Sunday school
10 ajn. Morning service- 11 o'clock.
Evening serviee Tat o'clock. -Young
people 4 pjn. Major Paul Bodine. di
visional young people's secretary, of
Portland, wil conduct aervices Sunday,
ros-uary t. ,
Market and North Winter streets
J. B. Stewart, pastor. Sunday school
anal an ouojeci. naitsiirirarmsi m y
Fattn. Not by Works;" Svenistg serv
loo 7JS0 : oeloek. gu-oi . onblsct.
"Qoonchlng the SplrH." YP meeUng
:4 pjn. Prayer -xaeeth
DM -t.-t Ta 11 tmm r
Strahs. poster. Bunaoy school MI-sjo.
later, tte. C. F. Swonder. state eecre
tary of the ChriaUan chnrskas In- Ore-
'a Challenge to Youth." t JO,
t. B.
ThornnUL pastor. Sunday ochaol 10
ajn. Moraing aervtco-n o'clock.
a-eoe ze 7 at O'clock, your
pjn. '
44S Ferry street. O. M. TBada. pastor,
auaalaa aihssl IS en. MainUut aarr-
ieo 11 OS o'clock. Evening sen He SJ0
o'clock. Evangelist Wilbur King and
Rev. Sapp, speaking. "Tat paav wed
need sy. prayer service. 73t pjn. Sat
urday. avangeHstkr service. .
tth and Cainea streets, C. H. Sosia
nam, pastor. Sunday school It aJn.
Morning service 11 o'clock. New era
sers racetvea. jcvensng. aemca t :aa.
. MM M
naasf aas ttst
- Marion and Liberty streets. -Irrinf
A. Fox. DD. pastor. Sunday achool :4S
ajn. Marnoaa stum ll o-etock. ser
men aubiect. "Mantisstatsono of the
Spirit."' Corooi union and reception of
new members.- Evenlmr aervice 7:30
o'clock. Oermon aubjoet. "Divtoe- Pre-
vidence. sso pn young people ana
ann Euoie nruoy,
Brush CoUeve schooL Rev. Cart Ba
ker, pastor. Sunday school S:43 ajn.
Morntng sei stce -!: ernes.
rouacoaNssi -BatANcat
. Bast State and WOatm streets. Sunday
school li ajn. Leon Lambert,, Supi.
HayesvUle" achool. Simdsy - school
S:U aja. Dewey Dovia, aupt.
ltth and -Ferry .streets. Howard C
Stover, cantor. Sunday achool It em.
Moraing oervtce 11 O'clock. Sormon
subject. The Beugton mt Abraham
Uncoin." Young people- at 7 pjv
mtST PRESBlTERiajf '
Chomeketa and Winter streets. W.
Krvin -wuuems. -pastor. San day school
:4S -O-n. Sermon subject. Singing
Cnrtrnans." SOS pj, C-rssUoa Endea
vor. Cpi. Donald Douris. speaker. Ev-
Back Home Hcrar
9 - i 7. M. .;
- . .1 A,lertwda"'
sas to er? a. M.
- - KSLM - ,
First Eriurtllcai'CasarcIi.
Itartoa ot Sumwv-r-St.
Rev. J. Kenneth Wishart
" pool
us-sa xa-ssa n
speak on the topic "The Boy Pow
er of a Nation," a Boy Scout ser
mon commemorating the 33rjl an
niversary of scouting in this coun
try. Scout troop eight cubs and
the, explorer unit will be present
in uniform to aid the service in
honoring CpL Donald Douris, for
mer Boy Scout leader and youth
director of the church, now home
on . furlough from Galena Field,
Wash. CpL Douris will speak at
the night service, and will also
speak at a joint meeting of the
three Christian Endeavor groups
at 8:30 p.m. using the topic, "Prob
lems .Confronting a Christian in
the-Armed Service.'
The senior choir, under the di
rection of Virginia Ward Elliott,
will be present at the night serv
ice and by request will sing ' the
Latvian spiritual, "My God and I."
Qty Salaries Raised
LEBANON, Feb. 5-(P)-The city
council has raised salaries of full
time city employes approximately
14 per cent, re reactive to January
1. Police were granted increases
of $20 a month. 1
ening service 7 JO o'clock. Sermon sub
ject, "The Boy Power of a Nation."
Monday, 730 pjn Boy Scouts. Thuts
day, 730 pjn midweek service.
315'.i North Commercial street. Rev.
J. C. Wilson, pastor. Sunday school 2
pjn Service 3 p.m. Saturday night.
Feb. 6. H. Hansen, preaching. Evening
service iw o ctock. evangeitsuc. serv
ices Tuesday and Thursday, 7 30 p.m.
South Commercial and Washington
Streets. Dillon W. Mills, pastor. Sunday
school It a.m. Morning service 11
o'clock. Charles Hsworth will f preach.
Evening aervice 0:30 o'clock, vesper ,
service. Preyer meeting Thursday, 730,
Mission and 12th streets. A. S. An
derson, pastor. Sunday school 10 ajn.
Morning service 11 o clock. Sermon
subject. "The Elements of Christian
ity. Christian Endeavor at 130 p.m.
Evening service 730 o'clock.
Ferry and 13th streets. Eric M. John
son, nastor. Sunday school t:4S a.m.
Morning service ll o'clock. Evening
service 7:4 o'clock. Sermon subject.
Escape for - Thy Life. Wednesday.
7:45 p.m., special fellowship service
with D slims i church. Pastor Clifford
liandis. preaching.
17th- street and Nebraska avenue.
Rev. Chester O. Goodman, pastor.
Sunday school t:4S ajn. Morning serv
ice 11 o'clock. Sermon subject. Sin Is
Handed Down." CE t30 pjn. Evening
service 730 o'clock.
Center and 13th streets. Ret. Weaver
W. Hess, pastor. 6undsy school t:45
s.m. Morning aervice sermon subject.
"Prepare -Ye the Way of the Lord.'1
S30 pn young people's hour. Even
ing service 730- o'clock. Sermon sub
ject, "The Curse of False Profession."
Wednesday. 7 30 pjn prayer service.
Bghhsnd and Church streets. Her-
U , w nimtw MhA.l
10 ajn. Morning service 11 o'clock.
Christian Endeavor meetings at 030
pjn. Evening oervtce 730 o'clock. Mid
week fellowship meeting Thursday.
S4S North Church street. M. A. Get
zendanez. DO, pastor. Morning' service
11 O'clock. Sermon subject. "The Mao
Who Said He Would But Wouldn't."
Evening service 730 o'clock. Sermon
subject, rsu Paul to Prison."
Nortn Cotsace and O streets. J. F.
Olthoff. Da. pastor. Sunday achool 8:4
gja. Morning service 11. o'clock. Ser
mon sboject, "Awaktl Awake I" Ev
ening service 7:30 oVlock. Sermon sub
ject. -The Divine B-timate of a Lost
BouL" Midweek service Wednesday at
7:45 pjn.
17th and Court streets. W. H. Ly
man, pastor. Sunday achool t:4S ajn.
Morning' service 1030 o'clock. Sermon
subject. "At the Table of the- Lord."
Christian Endeavor meetings 030 pjn.
Evening service 730 o'clock. Sermon
subject. "The Freedom of Slavery."
Wil-k aaeviea Thursdav. 730 OJn.
State street and ISth. F. H. Theuer.
pastor. Sunday acheoi 0 :45 ajn. Morn
ing service 11 O'clock. Church council.
730 pan. Dorcas society Wednesday.
S pjn. Casuth-maUon class Saturday.
S a-m.
caoesny streets, warren
C Hate.
-. Sunday school IS ajn.
if nm tear vie 11 o'clock. Stimsti
subject. "A Uvtng Sacrtflco." Ceva
nyakn sue-leu foUowtng. Xvoning
gi vice TOO- O'clock. Sermon subject,
"Tbo Poet of Creation.- Midweek oerv
ice WsSnssnsy. 7 30 pjn.
a- Myers street.
Susssf oensel
r 11 eelaek.
Evenina service
73t o'clock. aVrsa-ro subject, "Christ
or Baal. WhtrhT" prayer s-ostiag
Thusaday Ot 730 pjn.
rouaaatraac bjmtil
ltth and Blaywusn atreets. Rev. T.
W. Monsnraoa. ThB. pastor. Sunday
sohooi Sftt jn. Morning service 11
o'clock. Evening aervice 7. -45 o'clock.
030 yjn. young people. Tuesday. 730'
pjn Or. Xkmasr Bende-ootv of- Tscoma.
pros ah Ing. Thursday, 730 pjau, chotr
rehearsai, -,
4S Berth Commercial street. Rev.
te, pastor. Bervloe 13
subject. "Reformatio-..
aervice- 730 o'clock. Sermon
subject. "World Peace."
' Church and Chemeketa streets. Rev.'
George Herbert Swift, rector. Sunday
School sum. Moruag service 1
knlv mnmrnlai In rha chaneL li ajlt
holy eucharist and sermon.
North Winter and Jefferson streets.
S. Bayer Smith, pastor. Sunday school
0.-45 ajn. Morning aervice II o'clock.
Sermon onoject, "Awareness of Ood."
wlth Dr. A. J. Walton of New York
City, guest preacher. Evening aervice
730 o clock with Miss Edna Bolder,
missionary front India, speaker. Inter
mediate fellowship. 030 - pun. Youth
fellowship 030 pjn. .
17th and -Chemeketa streets. Charles
Asher. pastor. Sunday scnooi is a.m.
Morning aervice 11 o'clock. Evening
sen ice discontinued until further no-
DL CHAN . . . LAT.2 I
D.rT Xm J n Dr.G.ChaN J.
C.l12 Eerhallsts -
T,l TKortk Liierty I
Upstates PerOsnd Oeoeral Elctrte.
Co.. CuOcty mpca Saturday y
10 a. m -to If. mi S o 7 p. -1
Consultation. Liood pmsure and,
H Pi attired since 1317. 1
OMS akjau Marn-xc ses
Boa-aow euOtect.