The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 02, 1943, Page 8, Image 8

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Miss Thomas :
T. f RpH
" At a service -rad by " Rev.
J.Kenrieth Wishart at 8 o'clock
!n the First Evangelical church.
Miss Ruthyn Thomas became the
bride of Lt Henry J. Reed. The
. m i a
bride . is the daugnter 01 -xvir,
and Mrs. P. F. Thomas and the
groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
M. F. Reed of Miami Beach,
Fia ; -
The bride was given in mar
riage by her father. She wore
a " white wool suit and pink
accessories, and a corsage of
orchids and pink sweet peas.
Miss Irene Witchman, attired
In blue and wearing brown
accessories, was maid of honor.
Her corsage was gardenias.
Lt. J. Scott- attended the
croom as best man.
- Mrs. Thomas wore an all black
costume and a corsage of : gar-'
. denias 1 and the bride's grand
mother, ' Mrs. Gertie Cox wore
gray, wiui tuiMc
sweet peas.
- Following the ceremony, a
' reception was held at the home
? of the bride's parents on States
t man street. Mrs. Henry Unruh
. cut the cake and Miss Lillian
Hoffman and Miss Ernestine
4 Loveland assisted in serving.
Mrs. Reed attended Sacred
' Heart academy and graduated
-from Salem high school. She is
a well known musician in Salem,
having played in the first violin
section of the Salem Philhar
monic orchestra for 10 years..
For the past two years she has
been assistant secretary to sec
retary of State Earl Snell and
is serving is serving as secretary
to Senator H. H. Chingren dur
ing legislature.
Lt. Reed attended schools in
Miami and graduated from a
Georgia military academy before
going into the army. He is now
stationed at Camp Adair.
Yomarco class, with Mrs. B. r.
Williams. East Center street.
1:15 dessert luncheon.
North Salem WCTU with Mrs.
W. W. Chadwick, 2 p. m
Salem Central WCTU at hall.
American War Mothers, all
day meeting, sewing in forenoon,
business meeting at 2 p. m.;
VSO center.
Missouri auxiliary, with Mrs.
T. E. Mix. 1960 North Church
street. No-host luncheon.
Laurel Social Hour club, with
Mrs. E -W. -Emmetl. Glen Qreelt
road, route one, at 2 p. m.
Pythian Sisters, regular meet
ing. 8 p. m.
Nebraska auxiliary, with Mrs.
Leonard Gilkey, 657 South Lib
erty street, 12:30 covered dish
Sons of Union Veterans and
auxiliary, woman's clubhouse, 8
p. m.
DAR. YWCA, 2 p. m.
104th Division wives, luncheon.
Golden Pheasant, 1 p. m.
PEP Teachers club. 5:30 p. m.
at Quelle.
Ladies circle. Knight Memorial
church, with Miss Florence Hicks,
345 South 21st street.
Fruitland Woman's circle, at
the church all day. Covered dish
luncheon- at noon.
Pringle-Pleasant Point social
club with Mrs. Frank Clark.
KCKT club with Mrs. . A.
Saunders, 1175 E'street. 2 p. m.
Women of" 96th, luncheon at
Golden Pheasant, 1 p. m.
For full-time service these
? busy days you . need; a , trim
shirtwaister. . The front button
i Ing of Pattern . 4229 by Anne
Adams Is convenient as well as
slenderizing,. far It lets you in
land out in a jiffy. The inset
I waistband and soft bodice flat-
s ter! The collar may match or
f contrast.
' Pattern 4229 Is available In
women's sizes 34, 38, 38, 40, 42,
f 44, 46 and. 481 Size 36 takes 3
: cards 39 inch fabric.-
- Send SIXTEEN CENTS in coins for
i this Anne Adams pattern. - Write
. plainly SIZE. NAME. ADDRESS and
Our Spring Pattern Book la ready I
;-lt contains a FREE dickey pattern;.
special salvage design: smart, easy
lo-sew Spring outfits for the entire
family. Send TEN, CENTS for your
copy now I ; .
Send your order to The' Oregon
Statesman. Pattern Department, Sa-.
; Jem, Ore. - - - -.--.-.-
' i 1
I b o
Wedding at
At a ceremony read Sunday;
afternoon in the fireplace room)
of the First Presbyterian church, L
Miss Vera Lindenau became the'
1 bride of -Corporal GeorgeH.i
Kellogg. She is the daughter of
Mr. land Mrs. Albert Lindenau
and Corporal Kellogg is the son
of Mr, Frank R. ellogg and Mrs.
Alice Henry. -
Rev. W. Irvin Williams per
formed the ceremony.
Preceding the rites Mrs. How
ard Pugh sang, accompanied by
Mrs. Frank R. Kellogg, !
Mr. Lindenau gave his daugh
ter in marriage. - She wore a
frock of winter white wool
ornamented with small buttons
and fashioned with a high neck
line. Her accessories were black,
. she; wore a small black hat.
Orchids were in the bride's cor
sage. Miss Bernice Elgin was maid
of honor.
Mr.. Roger Kellogg was best
man and ushers were Mr. How
ard Pugh and Mr. Stuart Brown.
A reception in the parlors of
the church followed the cere
mony. Mrs. Nora Thompson cut the
bride's cake and presiding at the
urn was Mrs. Frank R. Kellogg.
Miss Ruth Kellogg. Mrs. Howard
Pugh and Mrs. Roger Kellogg
Their wedding trip will take
them t Arcadia, California,
where they will live.
The bride is a graduate of Sa
lem schools and attended Wil
lamette university, where she
was a member of Beta Chi soror
ity. She has been with the secre
tary of state's office. Corporal
Kellogg was graduated from Sa
lem schools and is now in service
at Camp Santa Anita.
Book Review
Planned The AAUW literary section A
will meet on Wednesday at 8 o'
clock with Mrs. Russell Beutler,
525 North 24th street. Miss Doris
Neptune is assistant hostess. -
Mrs. Raymond Walsh will re
view, "Nobody's Children" by
Rose Kusznaul.
TALBOT Mrs. Robert Ed
wards of Fruitland, and Mrs. Al
Gurgurich were guests of honor
at a shower Saturday afternoon
at ' Mrs. Arthur Cole's home,
which was given by the Talbot
Women's club. Mrs. Gflbert Bel
knap and Mrs. Lawrence F inlay
were in charge of games and
Present were the honored
guosts, Mrs. Irwin Lenaberg, of
Portland, Miss Esther Lenaberg
of Salem, Mrs. Elmo Brown,
Mrs. Ralph Dent and Mrs. Frank
Pack of Prospect, Mrs. W. E. Do
ty, Mrs. George Potts, Jr., Mrs.
Edna Reeves, Mrs. G. W. Potts,
Sr., Mrs. Lawrence Finlay, Mrs.
D. E. Blinston, Mrs. John Fin
lay, Mrs. Gilbert Belknap, Mrs.
Nelson Gilmour, Mrs. Paul
France, Miss Lois Gilmour, Miss
Ida Belknap, Miss Bernice Bur
sell, Mrs. N. S. Nave, Mrs. Jane
Garlick, Mrs. Roy Crosby, Mrs.
Chester Myers, Mrs. C. O. Bur
sell, Mrs. Marian Johnson, Mrs.
Ernest Freeman, Mrs. Fred Jor
genson, Mrs. Keith Allen, Mrs.
Delmer Davidson, Mrs. Ole Jor
genson, Mrs. Addie Davidson,
Mrs. Albert Cole, Miss Gaynell
- Pet IN GLE Another card
party in the series of benefit
partieslanned by the finance
committee of the Pringle
W omens club was held at the
Homer Ramey home Saturday
. night. Tables of , pinochle and
500 were in play. Those attend
ing were Mr. and Mrs. George
.Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Clark, Mrs. Elise Fabry, Mrs.
Mabel Fabry, Mrs. Ed. Kottek,
Mr. and Mrs. Emil Seiffert Mr.
and Mrs. Dale Fitzgerald, Helen
. and Hazel Ramey and the host.
The next party , will be held
February 6 at the home of Mrs.
E. Thomas. -
W. H. Fuson have received word
of the marriage of their son, Pvt
Desmond Fuson to Miss Nadine
Hall of Seattle.
The wedding took place in the
chapel at Ft. Lewis. ChaDlain
Eymann performed the cere
ceremony after which the couple
left " for Seattle. Pvt. Fuson i
now at Camp Pickett, Va and
.Mrs. Fuson will leave shortly to
be near him.
PRINGLE The" remlar meet-
- ing of the Pringle Woman's club
. will be held at the clubhouse
- Wednesday with Mrs. Ida Trone
and Mrs. Fred Ramey hostesses.
An aU day quilting bee is plan-
.. ned end .members are urged to
-ome. early. . ; i
Alma Lucas
What they can do
What they're doing about It
STAYTON Miss Alma lone
Lucas, daughter of Mrs. Bill Wil
liamson of Stayton, has enlist
ed in the WAAC, having been
sworn in in Portland. After a
brief training period, Mrs. Lucas
expects to be assigned to a re
cruiting activity.
A graduate of Stayton high
school with the class of 1939
where she was always known as
"Paddy" Mechan, she attended
business college in Portland for
several months and later was
employed at the Paris Woolen
mills in Stayton. Her husband,
Bruce Lucas, has completed his
basic training in naval ordnance
and is now assigned to instruc
tion duties at Dehlgren, Virginia.
Mrs. Lucas is the second Stay
ton woman to become a WAAC,
the first being Catherine Brand,
now in Virginia.
Salem recruits in the WAAC
who were sworn in at the Port
land station last week include
Mrs. Florence Whitney, 653
North High street; Miss Olive
McAninch, route 6, Salem. They
are awaiting mobilization orders.
Feb. 1. Doris E. Van Eaton of
Salem, Ore., has begun training
in the women's army auxiliary
She was immediately assign
ed to a receiving center com
pany for a week's elementary
military training. Here she is
issued clothing and equipment,
instructed in rudiments of drill,
and given army classification
tests. These tests will help de
termine the job she will fill in
the WAAC.
She is the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Myron Van Eaton.
Circles Meet
At Parsonage
The parsonage of the First
Baptist church was the scene of
the regular monthly meeting of
the Ann Judson Circle Friday
A special guest and speaker
was Mrs. Ruth Tooze of Port
land. A short business session was
held with President Mrs. Marion
Curry directing), the meeting.
Mrs. McCallum had charge of
devotions ' and Lucille Starkey
was in charge of the program.
Mrs. Joe Teel assisted Mrs. Star
key on the program.
Hostesses for the evening
were Mrs. Robert Nixon, Mrs.
Gus Lindstrand and Mrs. Ir
ving A. Fox.
Five University of O r e ft n
women Salem were recently
initiated into University chapters
of national, sororities,; after hav
ing completed the last term as
pledgery and having received a
grade point of 2.00 or better.
Women from Salem .were Bar
bara BelL Alpha Phi, Elaine
Wilson, Alpha Chi Omega; Doro
thy Vandeneynde, 5 Pi Beta Phi;
Janice Nelson, Kappa Kappa
Gamma; and Dorothy Ann Mott,
Kappa Alpha Theta.
- : - :- .. .;
ZEN A Mrs. Worth W. Henry
will entertain with a 1:30, no
hostess luncheon at her Zen a
home, Thursday, with members
of the Spring Valley Home
Missionary society as her guests.
Luncheon will preceed Red Cross
work. " , ; .
f:r Excess Stcrr.cch
Acid Distress!
faM STUART TABLETS aaatala fa vary
tmndimmta o ba lati by aocto to bzimq
aca, mnmmmJHmt izoaa acid-idi?tioa
dtetnaa, cur fey mmem at ck tdity
aftar Mtiay driakla. Palicloaa tasttaf
ytetek. Ma feottlai itrtaa. Foe vnt.
Jarful, hi mi tmlimi from ncn add MfUf
ta, try iuow STUART TABLETS ifaot
alT. "At mil dim mtmt 28a, tOc aaa1 1L30
Read at
Studio -:
Miss Edith Heise, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Winfield Heise be
came the bride of Mr. Stuart
McGil christ, son of Mr, and Mrs.
Gordon McGilchrist at' a cere
mony read by Rev. W. Irvin Wil
liams on Saturday night The
wedding was held at the Roberts
Tapers were lit by Miss Bar
bara Spalding and: Miss Vivian
BelL Miss Beth Siewert, accom
panied at the organ by Prof. T. S.
Roberts, sang "I Love YOU
Truly.' - ' !
- The bride was given in mar
riage by her fatherV She wore
a gown of white faille, with fit
ted bodice and sweetheart neck
line. There was a train'anda
finger tip veil which fell from a
halo of seed pearls. Her bouquet
was of gardenias and bouvardia.
- Attending the bride was Miss
Beverly McGilchrist, in light
blue organdy, carrying a. bouquet
of pink roses and bouvardia;
Best man was Mr. " Don Bar
rick and ushers were Mr. Earl
Cassellius and Mr. Keoth Spald
ing. Mrs. Heise wore black crepe
and Mrs. McGilchrist wore black
lace. Each had a gardenia and
rosebud corsage. f j "
A reception was held follow
ing the ceremony. Miss Zona
Allen cut the cake, Mrs. Wayne
Henry poured and the Misses
Vivian Bell, Sharon Burnett,
Helen Yung and Barbara Spald
ing served. Brothers of the bride.
Mr. Wesley Heise and Mr. Lynn
B. Heise passed the guest book.
Miss Florence Lewis was in
charge of the gift room. ;
Mr. and Mrs. McGilchrist will
return to Salem after a short trip
and will live here. For going
away the bride wore a wine chif
fon velvet dress and black fur
coat, with which she wore black
accessories. !
Will Meet
Circle meeting of the Presby
terian church will be-held Wed
nesday as follows:
Circle I Leader, Mrs. Claude
Murphy, meets with Mrs. E. A.
Kenney, 1580 Center street;
luncheon, 1:15 o'clock.
Circle 2 Leader, Mrs. Abner
Kline, meets with Mrs. George
Allen, 1010 North 21st street;
luncheon, 1 o'clock.
Circle 3 Leaders, Mrs. E. A.
Collier, meets with Mrs. Grace
Johnson, 1661 Chemeketa street;
dessert lunch,4! o'clock.
Circle 4 Leader, Mrs. Max
O. Burent meets with Mrs. J.' F.
Ulrich, 345 North 12th street;
luncheon, 1:15 o'clock.
Circle 5 Leader, Mrs. L. ;M.
Purvine, meets at the church;
no-host lunch, 1:15 o'clock. I
Circle 6 Leader, Mrs. Wil
liam Hartley, meets with Mrs.
C. A. Sprague, 425 North 14th
street, 2 o'clock.
Circle 7 Leader, Mrs. L. j M.
Ramage, meets at the church;
no-host lunch, 1:15 o'clock. ;i
Circle 8 Leader, Mrs. W. R.
Dallas, meets with Mrs. W.iW.
Rosebraugh, 4 9 0 East Miller
street; luncheon, 1 o'clock. ;
Birthday Party :
Is Given '
Mrs. Saul Janz was hostess at
a party for her son Phillip on
his 14th birthday Sunday after
noon. Following luncheon, a line
party was held.
The luncheon table was cen
tered with Valentine and birth
day decorations and favors. Cov
ers were placed for Donna Lock
head, Laura Lee Thomas, Bar
bara King, Wilma Davis, Tad
Shinkle, Lewis Lor en z, Webbie
Ross, Blir McCabe, Billy Paul
son, Cyril Hull, Richard Park
er, Daryl Peters and Philip Janz.
- The Woman's auxiliary and St.
Paul's guild of St Paul's Episco
pal church will meet with Mrs.
George Swift at the rectory '.on
Wednesday.: A 1 'clock no-host
luncheon will be served. ."The
-group 'will hear Mrs. John Her-
rick t a 1 k . on "Importance of
study of our South American
Neighbors, v" ' j
.Mrs. -Vernon ..Drye (Anita
Wagner), of Seattle, is visiting
at the home of her parents,' Mr.
and Mrs. Charles E. Wagner,
while her husband Is at radio
technician's school in Chicago.
She plans to join him on comple
tion of his course. Mr. Drye is
a radio technician, second class.
. in the navy. - I
Top Prices VHryQriA
LigHl halves and pieces cr antcr
halves and pieces.
Fred Elcycr
, -
Oregon. Tuesday Morning. February . 13
Suits With Simple, Direct Lines
Left, plaid Jacket, plain aklrt; ceater, maa-taJlored suit of worsted fabric; right, off-duty suit "with
fitted Jacket . - ' v "
Today the far-sighted thing to do about a spring wardrobe U also the patrioUctog.soyou'll be wise
to choose a suit that is dedicated to aU occasions. Suits with simple, straight lines have a quick change
personality that responds to the clever use of accessories, and provides the perfect foil for beguillngly
feminine accents, whether it be a tailored bow or fluffy-ruffled jabot The casual suit for 1943 con
sists of a plaid jacket and plain skirt, as shown In the photograph at the left above. The brief jacket
and slim skirt adds Inches to your height and emphasizes the slimness of your, -figure. The man-tsl
lored suit of worsted fabric, center, has a brief jacket with patch pockets and a two-button front clos
ing. The skirt has an Inverted box pleat that Is released high enough on the skirt to provide plenty of
freedom for walking. The third suit is casual enough for daytime, yet pleasantly feminine for off-duty
hours. It has dressmaker touches. The jacket Is fitted with a four-button closing and slit pocketa,
The blouse worn with it has a stiff tailored bow to set off the dark color of the suit material,.
Today's Menu
This is the day of the week
when a meat substitute becomes
main dish for dinner.
Cabbage relish salad
Vegetable Souffle with
creamed mushrooms
Bran muffins
Raisin pie
f (Idea for Leftovers)
2 tablespoons chopped green
cup diced celery
2 tablespoons chopped onions
cup water
1 cup cooked corn
cup cooked carrots or green
1 tablespoon chopped parsley
1 cup bread cubes (leftovers)
cup milk
2 tablespoons butter, melted
2 egg yolks
cup grated cheese
2 egg whites, beaten
Simmer, covered, for 10 min
uets pepper, celery and onions.
Add to water, vegetables, bread
and milk. Let stand 5 minutes.
Add rest of ingredients and bake
50 minutes in unbuttered baking
dish, set in pan of hot water.
Moderate oven.
Workers Held Up
Sunday school held its regular
session Sunday morning though
attendance was small.
With a few exceptions, most
of the people in the community
who worked elsewhere, were un
able to. reach their work for
several days and neighbors who
did get out secured and delivered
mail f o each other until the
side roads were opened. -
And AIs Reliev Distress of
'Periodic' Female Weakness I -
Xf you want to bond up rad blood
corpuaclea to promote a mora rafraabad
and rigorous uoodstream. moreatraoctli
and vitality try this flna blood-Iron
tonlo Lytlla B. Plnkham'a Compound
'TABLETS (wltn added Iron. Takaa aa
directed Plnkbam's Tablets ara one of
the best unt quickest noma ways to get
nraetoua Iron Into the blood.
Plnkbam'a Tableta ara alao famoua
to reneve diatraae of f emala functional
monUiljr dlaturbancee. Tnls la became
Of their soothing affect on okz or
wouur's most noonairr ossaks. Taken
rarularly they help build up rasiatanoa
acalnat aucb eymptoma. " - t .
Pot eara PUUcbam'a TmUeta nava
been - tnue belpUuc tnauaaiMla , upon
tnouaanda of women. Just try tbem
youraeU for 30 daya. See If you. too,
don't benefit. Follow label direcUons,
Tcp Prices
Food BIdg.
- 1 1 1 i , , . . -. ; . -
( V , , i.
.'. .y.: .; :
- -
Visitors at
Snyder has as guests at her home
her mother Mrs. G. H. Frost
and her sister Mrs.! R. R. Hol
comb and small daughter, Mary
of Castle Rock. Mrs. Holcomb
will go to Medford next week
for a visit with her husband -who
is stationed with the . army at
Camp Whito.
Tops lor 1943
Carnival Is Friday
PRINGLE The much post
poned carnival that the 4H clubs
of Pringle ' school will be held
Friday, February 5, at 7:30 p.m.
weather permitting. The ehild
ren have - planned games and
refreshments and will have
booths selling various items.
Every ene Is invited.
Is Told
Leone Spaulding, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Valter Spaulding,
Saturday night annaunced her
engagement to Mr. James A,
Bennison, son of Mri end Mrs,
O. E. Bennison of Portland, at
a dinner given at the Eugene ho
teL . ' - ., ' ' '
Tiny swords, bearing the
names of the couple revealed
the" news to the guests.' No date
was set for the wedding.
' .Guests at the dinner Jncluded
Mrs. Spaulding, Mr. and . Mrs.
Bennison and Mrs. Roy Simmons
of Salem. .
' , Both are students at the Uni
versity of Oregon. Miss Spaul
ding, a spohomore, is a member
of Pi Beta Phi and of the Salem
, Junior Hostess League. Mr. Beni
nison. a iunior. is a member of
Phi : Delta Theta, . prominent In
campus activities ana a memoer
of Scabbard and Blade, military
honorary on the campus.
The Disabled American Vet
erans auxiliary will have an all
day sew for -; the Red Cross,
today at the home of Mrs. Car
roll Long, 2515, Hazel Avenue.
There will be a no-host lunch
at noon.
Mrs. Lorwence Marqulss left by
train from Portland on Monday
night; to Join her husband a
chief specialist hi the navy,
stationed in Miami, Florida.
For the III, Small
Boxes of Flotcers
A tenant for your empty apart
ment . . . a better job for you
... ' m customer for what you
hare to-sell. . . all of these
and many more are at your fin
gertip aa near as the nearest
'phor Call today to insert
your ad In : this community's
most-read newspaper, and reach
the person you want!