.fix OSEGON STATESMAN. Salexn Oregon, Tuesday Morning, February 2, 1213 PAGE ELEVEN Tes Classified Advertising Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Three Insertions per Una 25c Six Insertions per line .. 40c One month per tine -81.25 Minimum charge 25c; 3 tL min imum 35c; 0 tL rotn. 45c No refunds. Copy' for this page accepted un til 30 the evening be for pubbea tion for classtflcaUon Copy re ceived alter this time will be run under the beading "Too Late to Classify." The Statesman assumes bo Bnan elal responsioUity lor errors srruch may appear tn advertisements pub lished in its columns and in cases where this paper Is at fault will reprint that part of an advertise ment in whicn the typographical mistake occurs The Statesman reserves the right to reject questionable advertising It further reserves the right to place all advertising under the proper classifies Uoo. A "Blind" Ad an ad containing a Statesman box number for an ad dressis for the protection of the advertiser and must therefore be answered by letter. The Statesman Is not at liberty to divulge Infor mation mm to the Identity Of an advertiser using a 'Blind ad. Livestock and Poultry WANTED Someone to " board cow an shares. Phone Mil. FOR SALE: New Hampshire pullets ready to lay. Ph. 2-2861. Lee's Hatcnery , 2,i MO. old Christie New Hamp, pullets for sale very reas. Ph. 22425, Rt. X Bx. 739. 4 mi. from Liberty . on Skyline Kd. Help Wanted M 1 nr en ana women TO WORK FOR THK UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD AT PORTLAND AND OUTLYING POINTS IN WASHINGTON AND OREGON Good Wages Inside Work BOILERMAKERS - MACHINISTS . PIPEFITTERS BLACKSMITHS ELECTRICIANS CARMEN LABORERS Also Helpers and Apprentices for All the Above Crafts Employment Bureau 1007 N. Knott St Portland. Oregon Phone BR 7771 COOK. References. Apply mornings. fsaiejpi uenerai Hospital. NURSEMAIDS, lwoman"- kitchen helper. 3 hospital maids. 1 watchman. Good wages. Oregon State Tuberculosis Hospital. . . Help Wanted Male Workers new employed In war pro doe tion should not apply- and will not eonsteeree ror employment ay em' players advertising as . thfe seetdoav , WE HAVE an opening- for a real estate or insurance man. Apply at A Drams & EUis, inc., 411 Masonic Temple. WANTED: Man for farm work, good wages, house. 1637 N. Capitol. Help Wanted Female GIRL tor hswk. S95 N. Liberty. WOMAN to care for 2 children Mon. thru Fri. P-M. Ph. 7064 after 8 P.M. AGED LADY needs competent house keeper, ref. req Box 2442, Statesman. Salesmen Wanted LARGE MANUFACTURING concern needs dependable salesman to take charge of territory. Earnings based on commission. 1400 to S800 Der month easily possible. We manufacture main tenance products vital to national de fense. Sell factories, army camps, pub lic utilities, warehouses, etc. Write Dept. B435, The Madison Paint Co., Cleveland, Ohio. For Sale --Miscellaneous Maytag Washing . Machines For Rent AT HOGG BROS. Exclusive Dealers for Maytag Washers 260 State St. Phone 91 i9 FOR . SALE Good 2 wheel trailer. good rubber.--B3S Breys Ave., saietn. MAN'S BICY CLE Excellent condi tion, equipped with knee action, elee. venerator, gearshift and other acces sories. Call at C70 S. 18th after 4 p.m. Westinghouse Elee. range, late style. very , good cond. Mohair davenport & chair like new. Other misc. turn. Ph. 2827 Sun. or eves. Fresh apple Juice rwithout preser vative . Puritan Cider Wks W. Salem. yrh. J426. - v TRAILER house, built-in. Cheap If taken at once. 2310 N. 4th. -DEPENDABLE WRINGER all makes of washers. Better get your rolls while available. See Ed Ellis, your washer man. Nelson Bros, P. 4140. c&e Ortfiou0tattmau Western Advertising - . . ' . " Representatives - George D Close, Ine. San Francisco Los Angeles Seattle Eastern Advertising . -""Representatives Warri-Ortfftth (Vitiiuiit tn Chicago, New York. Detroit. . AUUU Entered et tne Poatofftce el fafem, Orepon es Second Clot Matter. Pub lished -every morning except Monday. Busxnet oice. lis South Commer cial Street. ' SUBSCRIPTION RATES Man Subscription Rates tn Advance: Within Oregon: Daily and Sunday. Mo CO cents; Mos $3.00: 1 year. $8 00. Elsewhere 60 cents per me or St 20 for I year n advance. Per copy 8 cents. ' By City Carrier. 79 cents a month. 13 00 year In advance tn Marion and adjacent counties. - ' - arid - Appgiiog' Results! !; Thafs. Gl Money to Loan OTHCK CASH LOANS ' CALL. WRITE or phone 191881 to siMni kmsm largest norne ewnw and borne managed ; Cutanea tnstltu Uon Your financial affaire, will be discussed and loans made tn strictest privacy You will be riven every con si deration tn the repaym of rou oan or creatine of extensions - 1 to 12 MONTHS TO REPAY : Tots csa pay ta fun any time to reduce the cost ONLY BORROWER SIONS " No SEE " BOt H STMMONa MGR Ue. No M LSI , GENERAL FINANCE CORPORATION ' -'Ue No S IM" 134 So. OommerctaJ St Phone tin first door - south - of Ladd at Bush beak Coneemeot ground uoar ! Auto Loans .Willamette Credit Co. STH FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING LICENSE N. M I SAVE TIME, tires, gas. Apply for your loan by phone. Telephone 3it. ask for Miss Anderson. Personal Fin ance Co.. S12 State SL, opposite County Court House. , s-izz. M-it. For Sale Miscellaneoua USED FURNITURE OV ALL KINDS. Always a big stock at sensible prices. xo nuy or seu cau at tne F. N. Woodry Auction Mkt. 1410 N Summer St Ph. 6110 Small air-tight heater, new. 3904. TJNPATNTED Chests of Drawers $7 75 Kitchen cabinet built -ins. wardrobes, desks. Folsom Furniture Mfg.. 1106 Broadway. SEE HOGO BROS, 260 State St for Uberal trade tn on your old furniture Wanted Furniture FTJRN ' and household appliances bought and sold. DuFrains Used ur niture. 2360 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 5762. CASH FOR used furniture & house nold goods R rot-gey Ph -7440 Wanted Miscellaneous WANT Good 120 bass accordian. Ph 2-2496 Mrs 3 J. Ma this, Rt. 2, Box 338 Lang-Batch eior trash burner. Ph 6250 EMPLOYED couple desire room Be board and care for 3 year old child in closi-m private home. 1586 Franklin W. Salem. CASH FOR your old Hoover sweeper regardless of condition. (Jail tioover man at Hogg Bros. RADIOS, small condition not im portant. 404 S. 17th. Ph. 7577. WANT TO Buy. Used cameras & lenses McEwtn Photo Shop 433 state SPOT CASH for hit lurnlture. ap pliances. stoves or what have youf Cau the r N wooury Auction ana Furniture Mict.. 1610 N. Summer SC. Salem Ph 5110 USED FURN6TURE Ph 8110 Wanted: Good used furniture. P. 7311 .USED FURNITURE Ph 1B5 Miscellaneous ' Dental Plate Repair . TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Bring or Mall Your Plates for Re pelt DR HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolph BIdg State Com!. Ph 3311 For Rent Rooms Lg. rra. Board if desired. Ph. 4406 ATTRACT dnstrs. bedrm. next to bath. Close in. Ladies. Ph. 8521. Steam ht.. prt bath. 2005 N. CapitoL For Rent Rooms FURN. Sin. rms. Close in. Reas. 4ZS N. winter, fti. gszz. Room . and Board Rm..-bd. if desired. 1467 Court. ELDERLY lady or man ec wife to room dc board. Ph. 633S. BETTER BRD arm 7K8 Com'! St For Rent Apartments NICELY FURN. aDt- 3 rra.. Dh. in stalled, light, army., clean, oil circ, lights, ht. wt.: adults only; bus line. Cor.. 510 Judaem-S. High. 1 blk. N. McKiniey school.. Ph. 288. 2 RM. turn. Hot w. Elee. washer. Gar. 2580 Lee. Ph. 3046. 2 RMS. Kitchenette. Bath. Steam heat. 2005 N. CapitoL ONE RM. fum. ant. Lhrhts. water. $1.50 wk. 1290 Oak. Ph. 5276. 2 RM. turn. Hot w. Elee washer. Gar. 250 Lee. Ph. 3946. 9. RMS. upstairs. Lifhts and water turn. Ph.; 7217.. For Rent Houses $16 Upstairs, unfurn. 2 large rooms, 3 piece bath. Call 5838. RM. mod. house. N.E Fun Bunt . furnace, fireplace, hd wd. floors, ga rage. Inq. 1296 N. 16th. 1mm. poss. $50 JW. Furn. country home. Ph. 21212. T RM. Partlv Furnished. S40 O. E. RAX. 1255 State. Ph. 6761. NEW J-RM. furn. at 2483 N. Church. $20.00. A J. Flint. Ph. 3820. $30- 6 rm. furnished apt. lifhts and water. Available Saturday. $25 4 rm. unfurn. house. Klngwood Heights. t fao 4 rm. unfurn. bouse. P. H. BELL. Realtor 212-222 Guardian Bldg. Ph. $168. Forr-Rent TRUCKS tor rent. You drive, lie Cune er LovelL phone 6608. MODERN COTTAGES. 14 a us Junction.. Auto Court.. So. Commercial PJ11 VwAJLPSegl iyM k j I Hill r I CX3? F Money to Loan DEBT FREE IN '43! : . Add up your old year bms. . . If they total $300 er less, ' you can get the money from -us to pay them all Then ; repay ua small monthly , . amounts which will help you get out of ebt before the year ends. tn view of gasoline ra- . tloning. rfs much more convenient when - you bave Just one place to pay. 1 Money advanced for ered- ' It -worthy purposes of afl kinds. . . , 'CALKINS FINANCE CO. 276 tSrd Fl) Ph. 4440 1st Rat'l Bank Bldg. Salem 8-226 Lie M-378 PRIVATE MONEY inrft a run trews trmim CONTRACTS REFINANCED te re trace payments ssor rv me : new - ot used ears No delay .- red tape You wui retain possess ton or tne veuKie 1 to IS MONTHS- TO PAY ROY H. SIMMONS 136 South Commercial Street Phone 6168 Ue No M -153 MONEY TO LOAN Wanted, real estate mortgages, mans, erty or farm properties; loan made as small as S300. See us about refinan cing your present contract or mort- gage. LEO N. CHTT.DS. INC. 344 State St. . Phone 6261 Loans Wanted WANTED PRIVATE MONEY TO LOAN on good Salem real es tate. Will pay 6 interest. W. H. GRABENHORST 4c CO. -REALTORS For Sal3 Real Estate EXTRAORDINARY VALUES IN LOW PRICED HOMES 1. 4 rooms and nook, oak floors in living room, extra large lot with oak trees, paved street, and bus servi price reduced from $2500 to $1850. 2. 4 rooms, corner lot, garage a buy at $1260. 3. Larger house on North 18th $1260. 4. 4 rooms and nook; partially fur nished: on attractice place for $2250. SEE Mrs. Ellis with LEO N. CHDLDS, INC.. REALTORS. 344 State Street, rnont vzoa. AT A BARGAIN Creek lot. 00x122. lee. 2 storv hse with basem. Call at 595 N. 14th. P. 5977 $1750 Vi cash. 4 room, nlast. house. good cond.. small lot. SIBOO S300 down. 5 room nLast house. gooa cona. ansae. $2750 $400 down. 2 B R. home, base ment and furnace. S2900 S950 down. 2 B.R. home, base ment and furnace. Do you want a Kood bur in a 3 B R home? Base. & furnace, excel, dist. Price $3900 C. H SANDERS 231 N. High 5838 5 R. mod. hse.. nicely located in N. Salem. Can be handled for $350 down. r. moo. use. szioo. S500 down will handle. F. H. Weir 463 Center St Realtor Ph. 9411 usf youb : proPEmTttutwi HAVE LOTS OF BUYERS & LOAN ON REAL ESTATE BUSINESS IS GOOD HAWKINS & ROBERTS. INC. REALTORS PH 4108. House St jot 66x165. 251 v N. Cottage. IM-EDIATEJPOSSESSiaiT-i.Verv at tractive mod. 5 rm. house and 1 tee. rm. (finished) upstairs, Dbl. gar., fish porta, ven. Dimas. nawa. firs., autom. ht. 1230 Columbia. Ph. 6012. BROOKS METHODIST Mmnu for sale. Submit bids & terms of proposed pymts. to J. Edgar Purdy. Dist. Supt. Box 786, Salem, before Feb. 12. 1943. IT$2000 ''''''''' ''' 5 room bunnlnn' 2 hlrnAm lun. be shown anytime. See Louis Bechtel or mrs. Meeanam, 341 state st Room 4. INCOME PROPERTIES 2 houses on large lot located 560 N. 14th St Good investment $3800. 1504 Broadway. 2 houses, corner lot $4500. 2000 Market St. 3 houses. 4 vrs. old. excellent investment, $10,000. E. M. LARS EN, REALTOR Exclusive listings Personal service 153 South High St Phone 7490. Business Cards Id this directory run en monthly basis only. Rate: S1JS5 per line per month. Auto Brakes Mike Panes: 179 South CowunercUl Batteries WTLLAHD batteries, all types. R. D wonuvw r uiurcn. raone wouo. Bicych BICYCLES New and reconditioned. Harry W Scott. 147 S. Com'cL P. 45.S Brushes ruOer Brushes 1749 Grant Ph, $381 Chimney Sweep Northness Chimney Sweep Ph. 4460 FTorisU Brelthsaprs 647 Court Phone 9183 Funeral Directors TerwUliger Funeral Bom. Ph. 6928 Gifu THE APRON Shop. 679 N. High. Hosiery Reel Silk Hosierv Mills Ph. S76S Mrs. K. Moaeley. Gen. t DeL. Salem Mattresses CAPTTOL BEDDING CO Pboae Wanted Real Estate- HAVE CALL for a good place about 100 acres priced about $7000 and worth it. Suitable for cattle. D. A FISH. 477 Court St. Ph. 6324. Acreage 1 4 rm. toilet, earase.' t r. plastered hse. Bath. chicken bse place for cow. 4 mi. .out. Paved road. 1 block to store, bus. schL Price $2,200.00 Own er. 2061 McCoy Ave. Ph. 8837. -TO RENT: Hse barn, small chicken bee, 25 acres. S mi. south Independ ence. Ph. 759$ or Inq. 529 N. list, Salem 7V ACRES only 4 miles out, 2 acres gooseberries, 4 acre youngberries, 21 cherry trees and several large wainuts with good set of old buildings at $3506 and will take north Salem home to $2000 on this. - " O. E. RAE. The Realtor. 1256 State. TEN ACRES and good 4 room plast ered bouse. 6 miles from Salem, for $1800. a. A. FISH. 477 Court St. For Sale Wood DRY and green mill wood. 16 in. and X4 m. biocJt wood. Ph. 8629. PLANER ENDS, mill wood. 4 ft. siao. ni. Bsta. ALL KINDS. tlOJW up. Ph. 2439. Wood Craen. 412 N. 21st St Ph. ST70 Plywood cores es ends. Ph. 8506 .Wood Sa wins; Charles F. Simon. 1311 N. Liberty ra. ser. 660 N ComL. Phone 3523. Lost and Found LOST, SAT. German shepherd dogii yr. ota, answers name 'cmcrc n. 43. LOST Billfold with valuable papers and money. W. H. McAlvin. 545 N. Church. Reward. LOST: Half grown Persian torn cat uuKii pet rn. 3070. LOST: Small pocket knife, nsme F. F. Rahn, Scio. Oreg. on handle. Re ward, oiu a. winter, saiem. LOST: Sunday A.M., one car chain (heavy service) Can identify (broken side snap). Please contact Mr. Clark at tne Statesman office. LOST Tile chain, lost on Court or commercial streets Thursday morn lng. Finder please call Statesman, 910L For Sale Used Cars 39 8-Pass. V-8. Can between 10-1 at 7B5 N. 18U1. , Wanted Used Cars Orval Pays TOP CASH PRICES t Fo;Used Carsi ALL MAKES & MODELS ORVAL'S USED CARS Center at Church Ph. 4702 "C" SHROCK TO BUY OR SELL YOUR CAR. Salem's Oldest Independent Used Car Dealer. Church St Chemeketa Sts. Ph. 7922 WANTED: Cheap truck for cash. nuxrea xeuer, miles 00. on Ugy. Personal I will not be responsible for debts wincr wan my own. c Kisteen. MIDDLE AGED lady wants to meet a congenial middle aged man. Box ra, aiaiesman. Directory Magazine Subscriptions Mrs. Paul H. Hauser. 829 Saginaw. ru. f 0x0. Paints and Lacquers terms. R D Woodrow, N- Church Painting & Paperhanging Painting Decorating. Phone 7553. ! Brperteraeed Reasonable Ph 4323 "Bud Frye, Rt 6. B 337F. Ph. 1114$ Printing FOR STATIONERY, cards, pamphlets, programs books or any kind of print ing, call The Statesman Printing De partment 219 S. Commercial. Tele phone 9101. i Radio Service . RAY MOORE'S 467 Court. Ph. 9611. Roof Repairing TARRING. Kennedy. Ph. $056. Transfer D-DRTVK TRUCKS FOB RENT Blankets furn. 197 S Liberty Ph. 9063 storage, burner oil. brtouets Trucks- to Portland daily. Agent Pierce- Auto ratm including uanx. pouita. unnr Transfer Co Ph. llaL Vacuum Qeaner Service FREE tnsnectton in rour noma. Au thorized Boover service We service ell makes cleaners Hogg Bros. Ph. 9149 Well Drilling A West , St 6. B 448 2-2290 Listen to -Bleodle" oa the air Monday slghtm. Trosky Talks G)mebackTry CUETVELAND, Feb. 1A Hal Trosky,; the Cleveland v Indians' slugging: tt baseman, who re tired from baseball late in the 1841 season because of iniraine headache condition, may attempt a comeback this year. I Vice-president Roger ' Pekln paogh said Monday , that he had talked with Trosky a lew days ago. "He seemed to be in better men tal spirits than ever before," Pekinpaugh ; said, and i added: "When he admitted he was con sidering a comeback I told him he was welcome to join us in spring training." - Oakland Club Eyes South for Training - OAKLAND, Calif- Feb. l.-n -The Oakland Acorns are con sidering breaking with tradition and doing their spring 'training this year in Southern California, Vic Devmcenzi, owner of the Coast league baseball club, said Monday night J ; He explained in an Interview that the club was unable to get accommodations at Napa, th Acorn's usual spring camp site. and that tentative invitations had been received from FuHerton and Ontario. Webfoots Wallop Trotters, 51-46 EUGENE, Ore., Feb. l-JPy-The University of Oregon gave every man on the basketball squad a workout Monday night in defeat ing the Harlem Globetrotters, 51- 46, in an exhibition game. Oregon led from the start, and had a 26-15 halftime advantage. Forward Roger Wiley led Ore gon's 13, players with eight points Linfield Defeats Badgers, 49-26 FOREST GROVE, Feb. 1.-UPV- Linfield college defeated Pacific university 49-28 here Saturday night in a northwest conference basketball game. - Forward . Don Hansen paced the winners with 19 points. PACIFIC f2s"l (491 LDTtTELD Gettel (16) T (19) Hansen Schlegel (3) Dicker (t) r t7 Verment C (5) Frazier G (7) Partkxw Ma this (S) McLain (0) G (0) Nelson Subs: Linfield Miller 10, Bartlett 1. jTrjansporlation mrs Rintvif-r. tA vanMann Mn. yara. inzormatioa about- work there Phone 2-1509.. TP A MpnpT a TrnM Dku. k - uwv.Ka juy on Denver Ave.. Portland. Phone 8681. Business Opportnnities KOM.B lffti 1 1 ti .it i North Summer stret nr will nrliann wr x.uenc. Q. E. RAE. The Realtor. 1253 State. DRTTrZ STTtRTT. mrA tn..rmtw. uvidf nuiran in wmmrr v im Everything complete. 63500. -- n.w lun, lij l.oun at. Legal Notice NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING Notice is hereby given that the undersigned Executor has filed his Final Account in the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Marion County, in Probate, and that Wednesday, the 24th day of Feb ruary, 1843, at ten o'clock A.M. at the courtroom of said court in the courthouse in Salem, Oregon, nas been set as the time and nlace for hearing objections to said Fi nal Account and final settlement of said estate. First publication. January 26th. 1943; last publication, February 23rd, 1943. J. PERRY BATES, Executor, Estate of Emma H. Smith, Deceased. J 26-F 2-9-16-23. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed Executrix of the Last Will and Testament of Anna Kaylor Conk- lin, deceased, by the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Marion County, In Probate, and has qual ified. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby no tified to present the same, duly verified as by law required, to the undersigned at the office of age and Page, ! Attorneys, 210 Pioneer Trust Building, Salem, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated, January 26th, 1943; last publication," February 23d, 1943. GRACE J. CONKLIN, Exec utrix Estate of Anna Kaylor Conklin, Deceased. J 26-F 2-9-16-23. 7:Xt. KOXK. SAMMy RETURNS tc nGMr Mis wa back. Tib TUB "CAfSorie Ready for Job wmf&sapmwVwimi nrwj .r Rath Cowan (above),1 Associated Press correspondent, clad la full soldierly regalia, waits her tarn to board an army trans port with a force of WAACs bound for north Africa from US emberkjOion point. Arrival of the force' la north Africa was reported recently la from Correspondent a dispatch Cowan. Associated Press Telemai. BARNEY GOOGLE AND SNUFFY SMITH byimjlXBcck 7& Pacifle Lodge No. SO AJ. et AM. r. C. Der-ree Wed. Feb. Srd. TJO p. at. pr"wK ft , It (rruws eiiaa-Tssous au, sutsowarS' Itf ww t tewreo swei '' wawrerV 'J -: -j r ; ; . By Jick Sprds tASoeeo AaAds caused SAMMTb QUrf-rMe teiAia-a rcw MonirAs ago fsofrte. Its AU- Ser AGAiA AMO Reo-tb3o Mill Gty Rally Nips Aumsville Five, 32-27 MILL, CITY A last period ral ly netted Mill .City Timberwolf basketballers a 32-27 vicUwy over Aumsville Friday night in Aums ville. Rogers and Lelack paced the winners scorine with . nine and eight points respectively. It was a South' Marion County league game. MILL CITY (32) ) AUMS VILLI Hoye (6) F (6) Rebo Downing (1) G (S) Gulispie LaLack (8 C (7) More Duffy (2) O (2) Hilton Rogers (9) - 'O (4) KUlinger uos: Mil vtry Stewart Z. Brass neia z. Toman s. seferee Saaueld.. General Nominated WASHINGTON, Feb. President Roosevelt Monday nominated Littleton W. T. Wal ler, jr., a reserve colonel in the marine corps, to be a brigadier general. A Washingtonian, he would be the first reserve officer ever raised to general rank in the corps. Cross Word IT " - TT lITr"IlI,,"ZIlII 41 44 45 4 4 ST" " 5T" 54 T" "" 5$ . . 5eT" "T" 57" 5A TT d w 1 1 m" b HORIZONTAL 1. map d. pilfer 11. not so fast ' 12. fastened 14. toward 15. bringing . forth 17. Southern ? - SUte (abbr.) .18. employ - - 20. paradise 21. stretch over: 23. at no time 25. half an em . (PL) 27. insect . 28. Russian ; : rulers 29: gains . 31. tellurium (sym.) - ,32. metal fastener 34. rodents 38. paid notice -38. Ice crystals : 40. break'waters ' ,43. Scotch river 45. fish 48. New England ...... ,, CUte , 47. Japanese ' box set 4. delete 51. large cask 52. not In scale 53. landscape 58. International "language 57. Ur 59. closer 61. plunders Answer to yesterday's puzzle, ftTT M 18 A C RT 1 AlSlS A O Ji E Jft Ci L I Mgo ff C R R AN a n" R Tlst"p CRtS afoTT sit 'essf A A Rf S aAR T OpTo IXiG jf I N; isjw A H esn k ode(r E y E. an l id o aIs sit oo l ,ppk h "E? ; PAR al l. e l.o gIrIaIm A R. p E A s. eJ""Ta UR a QlEiS. NlETSi js"EAT Asersse time el selatleet t9V sfustates. Dial. Ty Xtag Features Syadirate. Inc. sincj Hopeless? Not Camp Wilson ABILENE, Tex, Feb. 1 -)-Camp Wilson, Atlas-like Hardin- Simmons athlete, was told two years ago he'd never walk again. Now he's not only back on his feet,' but 1 Expects to enter the army when Uncle San calls the col lege reserves. 2. Is entered in the district Golden Gloves tournament where he won his first boat with a knockout In 1 ardnate, IS see- I ends; 3. Was third among the na tion's rushing backs last foot ball season with 991 yards. It was a different storr two years ago. Camp was told he'd be a cripple for life, would never walk again and doctors even con sidered amputation. His woes began when he and a football teammate were mow ing a field, working In their bare feet. The friend accident ally mowed into Wilson's left heel, catting It to the bone. It required more than four hours for physicians to pull the leader Into place with twenty- eight stitches. i More than a year later he start ed putting weight i on the foot Soon he was hobbling in house socks. - Last year he again participat- ed in athletics Now he's ready to take on the Japs or nazis. Topflight Punch Parties Planned NEW YORK, Feb. l.-UP)-Beau Jack, lightweight champion of the world in the eyes of the New York state boxing commission. and Unbeaten Ray Robinson fur- nish the high spots on this week's national boxing program, tangling with two' veterans in 10 rounders Friday night. Both step up a division with Jack meeting Fritzie Zivic, for mer welterweight champion from Pittsburgh, at Madison Square ' Garden and Robinson clashing with Jake La Motta, New York middleweight whom he easily out pointed last October, in Detroit. The slim New York negro will be after his 41st consecutive pro victory. Jefferson Hoopsters Humble Turner Club JEFFERSON Coach Pat Beal's Jefferson high hoopsters won themselves a South Marion Coun ty B league basketball game at Turner Friday night, 30-25. Cen ter Turnidge and Forward Bruce, with 11 and nine points respect ively, led the victors. Metcalfe and Peterson scored eight each for Turner. It- took an overtime period for the Jefferson Bees to down Tur ner, 17-15. JEFFERSON (JS) Bruce (9) ". F Henderson (8) T (25) TURNER (6) McNeal (0) Bishop (6) Metcalfe (S) Peterson . (0) Ensor 2. Referee- Turnidge (11) C Wed die (4 O Barina(O) G Sub: Turner Younc Ball. Puzzle 62. carrying weapons ; , VERTICAL 1. fthuU 2. exclamation . 3. reverential fear .. ; 4. inverting 5. stepped -t 6. football play 7. a number 8. ova -O.argentum -(aym.) 10. The East . 11. dwarf ... - 13. Italian poet ;18.Kharp ; , ' V . 19. male name -; 2& father r- 24. ages . .. -" 28. stutterer - : 30. portico , 33. packers . 35. narrow " opening 36. en trances f-: . 37. disavowal 39. song-bird " 41. habituated 42. Spanish titie 44. comparative - ending 48. Noru-ay capital ' ,. "50. Siberian river 54. small bed 55. sweet potato 58. mythical . maid 60. concernirt J r