Tha OniGOII STATESI.IA1I. Soleaj Oregon, 7tdsesday Kcrslag; fcnssry 27. !.3 Tested Classified Advertlsiag Sfrt-fuman Classified ! -rids . CaZ 9101 Three insertions per Une, JtSe Six Insertion per 40c On month per 133 Minimum charge 25c; 2 tL min imum S5e; tL min. 45c No refunds. rw tn tttta bam 41 s -'iA MMini h4nrs aubHea Uon for classifJcatton Cobv re eetvad after this time will be nffl under the beadlac . "Tee Late ft Classify- . Tbe Statesman asm ems no- nnan-t etal responsibility for errors which may appear la adverUsetneots pub lished m its. columns and in eaaea where thie paper la at faoft arm reprint that part of an advertiee ment to whxJi tbe typographical mistake oeeara - The Sta teaman iiaenrM tbe right to reject questionable sdverttstng. B further - reserves tbe right to place all advertising under tbe proper classification. - A "Blind" Ad aa ad eentsloJng a Statesman box ouaaber far an ad dreaa is tot tbe protection of the advertiser and must therefore be answered by letter. Tbe Stateeman ts not at liberty to divulge, latere aaattos aa to tbe Identity ec en Livestock and Pooltry ' SALE OR TRADE a wJIS goats. Wilt .trade for 2 raobita. 2272 Lee- h FOR SALE: 9 ewes At bock, 2 doe rabbits. G. af. Schuett. Bte. 4, Boat 499. Salem, Help Wanted Men and Women TO 'WORK FOR THK UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD AT PORTLAND AND OUTLYING POINTS IN WASHINGTON AND OREGON Good Wages Inside Work BOILERMAKERS MACHmiSTS PIPEFITTERS BLACKSMITHS ELECTRICIANS CARMEN LABORERS Also Helpers and Apprentices for AU the Above Crafte Employment Bureau 10071. Knott Sfc - Portland. Oregon , Phone BR T771 NURSE-AIDS, 1 woman kitchen helper. 2 hospital maids. 1 watchman. Good wages. Oregon State Tuberculosis Hospital. . Help WantedMale . Work art now smeievae to war ere dacUoa sbeald not apply and will sat be eeasteered far employment ay ploy era advertising tn- tbls COMPANION for sick man. from 8 JO a. m. to 5:30 p. m. Call at 24Vs SUte St.. mornings. Railroad Brakemen A ppb cations will be taken from married men in good physical condi tion. 21 to 40 years of age, to learn train service and if will complete train in will be rjaid for training: period: this is essential work from defense standpoint. Men with previous experience In train service will be considered up to 60 years of age. CALL or WRITE to ASSISTANT SUPT. Union Pacific Railroad SS29 N. Larrabee. Portland. Ore, or La Grande. Ore. Help Wanted Female WAITRESS Chinese Tea Garden. AGED LADY needs competent house keeper, reference required. Box 2442. Statesman. . Situations Wanted FORMER SALEM resident wishes position. IS years cost accounting and office manage ment. Permanent. Address S. Kirk. 1283 Oak 9U Eugene. INCOME TAX returns made for sal aried persons; evenings, Saturdays. Sundays. 2230 Mission, Ph. fill. For Sal; Miscellaneous Maytag Washing Machines For Rent AT HOGG BROS. Exclusive Dealers for Maytag Washers - 260 SUte SI Phone 014S j - 2 BEDS, springs, mattresses, set S chairs. 2 end Ubles, 4 feather mattress, HP electric motor, 22 repeater, 2 pistols, antique dishes (milk glass, hen, etc), electric fan. eotne tools, rakes, bees, child's pedal car. Packard 2 life time electric razor. White Rotary sew ing macft. I960 Broadway. -"- OLr NEWPAPEBS'W, For Innumerable household uses The paper shortage has been ticked so you can use 'cm again for starting Urea. .10c a bundle. Statesman office ADVERTISING ' Western Advertising Representatives . - George D Cloae. bte. San Franctaco Lea Aegtflee Seattle Eastern Advertising . Representatives . . Ward-Griffith Company, too. - Chicago. News York. Detroit. , Boston. AUanU . ' .. Ottered at the Postofice at Satrm. Oreoon as Second Ctau Uatttr. Pnb ttsaed every morning except Montlav. Bastaese oice. Hi Soastb Comater rial Ctreet, r - . , . SUBSCRIPTION RATES f.. Man Subscription Rates tn Advance: Within Oregon: Daily and Sunday. M fO cents; Mae ti.00; 1 year. Plo. Elsewhere 60 cents per mo or 17 20 tor 1 veer la advance. Per copy S eentsJ By City earner is cents a montn. t9 ta a year ta advance la Martoa and aUieaa aotinHea and Jippgoed - ior Results li .Money to Loan QUICK CASH LOANS CALX. WRITS or phone l U. SaUwoa Mul sareast atoms ewne and home snanaaed finance mstttu uon Your financial affairs will bt discussed and loans made as strictest privacy Yoe wtU be ajtven every con atderauon in ma repayma oc lean or erenons. ol eatensioaa 1 to U MONTHS TO XPAT - ; Yen can . pay : ta. tuO any time ta reduce the cost - ; ' ONLY BOKKOWTR SIGNS Re endorsers Loans made oi ROT B SIMMONS MGK Ue. No U 111 GENERAL FINANCE CORPORATION ! Lie No t ill 1M So. Commercial St Pbone 9161 first door south of Ladd V Bush ooos. location j Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. STB IXOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING ; : LICENSE M. M U . , I lniM RV PHOMI Save time Urea, gas Make an ar- pnMiM4fl kv nkiiiu aa ta S30A - OA atgnature. furoJture. auta. Prompt, private. Senaibte snonthly paymenta. Phone Nettie - Anderson. Mgr Salem 3191. Personal Finance Company. SIS State Street -at High St. Ground floor. BliaH Bids. SUte Jcenses S-123, M ICS. For Side Miscellaneous Good davenport As chair set, 1 ta bles. almost new 38 aL water tank. mo waller su. aner a p. m. GIRL'S ciothea. ace S-10. outgrown. excellent condition. Pn. UNPATNTTD Chests of Drawers S7.T9. Kitchen cabinet built-lns. wardrobes, desks. Pelsom rumiture Mfgv U08 Broadway. BOB SLED. Ph. 2704. S32S SUte. GRAIN Hammer mill with fan. with or witnout 3-nhaae S h o. motor. Cham pion platform acalea. Steel kettle. CS Si. ateu-top u .1 . W I SL Ph. 33 V- Pbrd block. Standard bore, not cracked. Pn, S674. 2210 Chemeketa. FOR BELCREST ptopeitiea see W. G. Kriecer. 147 N. Com L. Fix. Fb. 473S. NEW TRAILER House, completely equipped, tzoo cash. Fn. x-a . tr Trailer bouse, builtina. Cheap If taken at once. 413 Fine St. VICTORY Bargain shop. 227 S. Win ter. Selling out all used ciommg. etc cheap. SES HOGG BROS, 200 State St for liberal trade tn on your old furniture TradeMiscellaneous TRADE ONLY 80 rnds. .25-.20. 20 rnds. JO-JO fpr 2X L. R. or 23 Hornet. B. J. HerralL 235 S. ComX Ph. J1W Wauled F urn i I ore TOP PRICES PAID FOR FURNI TURE, radios, tools, etc. b. 2-40SL CASH FOR used fmrntture nold roods R Forgey Pb 1440 Wanted Miscellaneous REFINED. . well educated woman would like to ahare home and expenses with woman of like Qualities.- Change Feb., 1st, Write Boa 2443 Statesman. CASH FOR your old Hoover sweeper regardless of condition. Call Hoover man at Hogg Bros. WANTED: Protestant family to keep 0 year old boy by month and send to kindergarten school. Give rates. Write SUtesman. Box 2439. RADIOS, small condition not im portant. 404 S. 17th. Ph. 7577. WANT TO Boy. Used cameras & mesa McBwan Photo Shop 435 SUte SPOT CASH for hJi larnlture. ap pliances. stoves or what have vouT Call the F N. Woodry Auction and Furniture Mlrt. 1410 N Summer St Salem. Ph 5110 USED FURNITDRE Ph 8110 Wanted: Good used furniture P. 7511 usro ruRNrruRE Ph tia Miscellaneous Dental Plate Repair -TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Bring or Mall Your Plates for Repair DR. HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolph Bldg SUU Com! Ph 3311 For Rent Rooms Km. pri. bath. St. ht. 2003 N. Capitol HEXTED Sleeping rooms. 1208 Court. Sleeping rm. , nr capitol. Ph. 44SC. i Room and Board GOOD 1144 Center. Ph." 0630. BETTER BRD 4k rm 74ft S Com I 8t For Rent Apartments t at S rm SS ap 1310 S 13tb For RenlH oases MOD. rORN. BSE. Ph. T34. flS UpsUirs, unfurn ; 2 large rooms. 3 piece bath. $50 Well furn. 3 BJL, ex. dist. $35 1 B.R. furnished home. hwd. flrs base furnace. C H. Sanders. 231 N. Higb. 9 RM. newly rura4 mod. home. W. E. Salem, fgjg- J S50.00. Furn. country home. Ph. 21212. UNFURN. Ige S family bouse. 7490. ' For Rent TRUCKS for rent. You drive. Mc Cune 4k Levefl. pbone 96QQ. MODERN COTTAGES. ' $4" 4k" UP Junction Aufea Court, So. Commercial : Wanted to Rent WANTED: 2 bedroom.' an furn. bowea. Adults, not chlklren. 2441, SUUa- : S ( p:f; W0:M Sloney to Loan DEBT FREE '. m 43! Add up your old year bills. If they total $300 or less, you caa get tbe money from us to pay " them: all. -Then r repay ue small monthly amounts whicb win help -too out of bt before tbe year ends. ' In view of gasoline ra tioning, it's much more - convenient when too have Just one place to pay. Money advanced for cred it -worthy pur poses of all kinds. ; CALKINS FINANCE CO. S10 (3rd r Ph. 444$ 1st Natl Bank BJdg4 Salem S-22S Lie. M-27I PRIVATE MONEY AUTO AND rHUCX LOANS CONTRACTS. REFINANCED te re duce payments. Money for new er used cars No delay t red Upe Too wui retatn peeieaston ex tae ventcie 1 to 1 MONTHS TO fAY ROY H. SIMMONS 13$ South ConamercUl Street ' S1SS , - Ue Ne M 12 MONEY TO LOAN Wanted, real estate mortgages, loons, city ox farm properties: loans made as small as 1300. See as about refinan cing your present contract or mert- LEO M. CHTLDS. INC - 144 State St, . .Pbone S2SI Loans Wanted - WANTED PRIVATE MONEY TO LOAN on good Salem real es tate, wul pay interest. W. H. GRA BENHORST & CO. REALTORS For Sale Real Estate T TODAY'S SPECIAL! $1250 cash buys $ room bouse. Just renovated. St. Imp. in. House would rent tor zu. $1500 $300 down, s room bouse, trallv located. Plenty of abade. $2750 $400 down. 2 BJR. home, base ment and furnace. $2900 $950 down. 2 B.R. home, ment and furnace. C. H. Sandera. X31 N. Hieh. 8 A. GOOD cult. land. Richard MH ler. Rt. 7. Box 425. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 3 blocks from capitol building, north; 0 rooms, basement.' furnace. Can't equal it for $4200 and $500 will handle It. See Mrs. L. H. Ellis with LEO N. CHTLDS. Inc.. REALTORS, 244 State Street. Phone 8261. LIST YOUR PROPERTY TODAY WE HAVE LOTS OF BUYERS dt LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. BUSINESS IS GOOD HAWKINS 4V ROBERTS. INC.. REALTORS PH. 4100. . OVERLOOKING SALEM 1 Do you want a good buy m a 2 BJL home? Base, and furnace, exeL dist. Price $3900. C H. Sanders. 231 N. High. 5S3S. $3400 $500 down. Nice 2 bedroom home on Fairmount Hill. $5100 $1000 down, vtrictly mod. I rooms, recreation room, f place in base ment, or third bedroom, oil furnace. New and nice. Immediate possession. $5500 Dandy 2 bedroom strictly mod. home, (S yrs. old) excellent condition, lovely lot. 90x170. C H. Sanders. 231 N. High. 583S, For Sale Farm 50 ACRES. 11 mi. north, fair build ings, no elect. Good buy, $4000-$1000 dn. C h. senders. Z31 N. uign. a&3o. 30 ACRE farm. 22 A. cult- baL tim ber and pasture. 2 good small houses. $6000. Rt. 7. Box 41S E. 1ft ml. West Middle Grove school. Acreage 11 A. EAST at city limits, an tiled. nice mod. 3 bedroom borne, full base ment, furnace. 2 car gar.. S9500. t. M. LAKSfN 153 South High St. Ph. 7490. SALEM'S BEST BUY! $6300 43000 down 1 A. oak trees. new borne, large spacious rooms. strictly modern. C H. Sanders. 231 N. High. 5838. Business Cards ta this directory ran n a monthly basis only. Sate: SL25 per line per month. Auto Brakes hOke Panek 275 South Commercial Batteries WTLLARD batteries, all trace R. D Woodrow 294 Church. Phone 8600 Bieyeh BICYCLES New and lecondltloned. Harry W Scott. N7 & Cont'd. P.4J.S Brushes filler Brushes 17a Gnat Ph. $391 Chimney Sweep Nortfanees Chimney Sweep Ph. 4450 Florists fsrektbaupr 447 Court Pbone 9H Funeral Directors Terwtlllger Funeral Home. Pb, Gifts THE APRON Shop: r W. High. Hosiery Real Silk Hosiery MHU. Ph. 6769 airs. k. Moaeiey, cea. uet. Slattxesses CAPrrOL BXDDJNO CO Pbone 4041 Wanted Real Estate WANTED for cash, the best appx, 100 A. farm near Salem. Customer waiting. See L. L. Thornton wlttt j. -r. uiricn co zuz rearce auaa. WANTED We have a waiting list of purchas era for some good S or room houses. Cash deals. See L. L. Thornton with j. r. uincn co. xta rsarre avag- buyer Call us for an appointment If you nave pro per ij wr his. a. v rOHKNER. 1853 N. CapttoL Pa. 303L DosineM Opportunities WANTED to buy for cash, the best income property - to be had in Salem, for from 10 to 15 thousand dollars. Customer waiting. See L. L. Thornton with J. jr. Ulricn Co, 202 Peerce Bldg;, For Sal -Wood " DRY and green tain wood. 1 to. and at sv mocs weoa.rn. wai . , - PLANER ' ENDS, null wood,; 4 ft. sian. ru. ss&z. ALL KINDS. $10.00 up. Pb. 3439. MIX WITH your dry 14 be. slab and mill $19 delivered 2 cd toad approx. Ph SS22 or 4217. Wood Graen. 412 H. 21st St, Ph. S37Q Plywood Ph. ssas Wood Sawing Chas. r Simon, 1311 N. Lfberty Ph. 6S5. i N Coml . Pbone 2522. For Sale Used Cars "32 PONTIAC epe new rings, license; rood S ply tires oris:, finish. See E. G. Weathers. Rt. 2. Box 128H. Ph. 21252. WILLYS CPE . $165. Gd. tires, paint. Motor eecond. 157s JTankltn. W. Salem. 34 CHEVROLET Deluxe, cood ditkm. Good rubber. C. V. Kepley Box 35. Brooks, Oregon. Wanted Used Cars C SHROCK TO BUY OR SELL YOUR CAB. Salem's Oldest Independent Used Car Dealer. Church 4k Cbeanefeete 6ts PI Personal Psychologist, adviser. "Foiuieily Mrs. Martin." Appta. token 772. N. Winter. Transportation TRANSPORTATION to Buckler Job en Denver Ave, Portland. Phone S6S1. Ii-a p. m. Legal Notice NOTICE OF ATTOTSTMEST f Notice is hereby gdven that the undersigned has been duly ap pointed by the Circuit Court of the State of Oreeron. County of Marion, Probate Department, as the JSxecutriz of the last wul and testament and codicil and estate of Ana B. Thompson, deceased. and that she had duly Qualified as such Executrix: all persons hav ing claims s&ainst the estate of said decedent are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified, to me at the office of Ronald C. Glover, my attorney. 205 Oregon Buildine. Salem.' Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. ' S Dated at Salem, -Oregon, this 27th day of January, 1943. LOU THOMPSON, Executrix of the estate of Ana B. Thompson, deceased. Ronald C. Glover, Attorney for Executrix, Salem, Oregon. J 27-F 3-10-17-24 Directory Magazine Subscriptions Mrs. Paul H. Hauser. 929 Saginaw. Ph. 7828. j Paints and Lacquers Complete line NASON patnta. Liberal terms. R D Woodrow. 394 N. Church Painting & Paperhanging Painting! Decorating. Pbone 7552.! Experienced Reasonable Ph. 4323- "Budr Frye. St 4 B XZTT. Ph. 21144 Printing fiailimnt - SIS S. CoaBineretal. Tele- aim. . ' , .i Radio Service i RAY MOORES--4s7 Court. Pb.9U. Roof Repairing TARRING. Pb. aosa. Transfer O-DRTVE TRUCKS . FOR RENT Blankets form. 197 S Liberty Pb 9062 FOR LOCAL OR DISTANT tranfer. storage. burner oil. briquets nwka to Portland dairy, v Agent ; Pierce Auto Freight, including Calif poinU Larmer Transfer Co Ph. 2UL 1 Vacuum Cleaner Service FREE Inspection hi your borne. Au thorized Hoover service We service ell makes- rleanri - Hogg Bros Pb 9149 Well Drilling R A West & Sons, KLX B 441 Usteai U "Blesjdle u the air Ueaday algbta, I! riv , U bate V Lost and Found. : LOST JffANTlfl'HI It 'If nn V; rntfa or Hazel Are. Reward. Ph. 8494 or $722. 'LOST: Sunday A.MV one ear chain (heavy Service) Can Identifv f broken side snap). Please contact Mr. Clark at to btatesman office.. LOST; The chain on city atreeta. LOST: Black water SpanieL Near Capitol 4V Center. 431 N. CapitoL Re- " LOST 'Tb e chain, lost on Court ec commerciai streets Thursday mora- mg. Finder please call Statesman. 910L FOUND: Stray borse. Robert H. ahj ova . ui. mirm. , i Lodges Pacific Lodfe No. 59 AJ. 4s A.M. k. A Degree, Wed, it 27th, 7:30 P. at - - COIIlLSSIONER'S COURT . The foUowina is the official punlication of the record of claims before the Marion coun ty cotnmissioners court for the January term, 1 9 43, with the amount allowed, bin continu ed, etc auxoniing to. Vbm rec ords in the offico of the county clerk. V - : Offloe AecL: Paul Griebenow, deputy, SI37.I0; C A. Lewis, do, 110.85; Alma Acker- man,- do,' tW5; Anabel Uoon, do, Grace TT. Babcock, do, 83.- 85; Ray Lick, do, M.10; Ernest Denny, do, ML10; Gordon . Tow er, do, 13935. Clerk's Offlee Aect.: H. C Matson, deputy, 13L3S; A. M. Roethlin. do, 15840; AL M. FresnaU. do, 100; G. M. Six. do, 122.85; Melba Hodge, do, 10X35; Olga Hughes, do, 101.10; Janice Adams," do, 38.72. Co. Court A Aett.: H. C. Matt son, clerk, 25; Ralph A. Girod, commissioner, 107.33. Court nonse Aect: J. H. Kirsch, janitor, 95. 84; i John Chainot, janitor, 79.09; W. A. Gritton, janitor, 88.48; Wm. H. Moriarty, janitor, 8734; Ruth Hutchins, elevator operator, 52.- 08; Anne Hoffert, elevator oper ator,' 52.08. DUL Atty". Office Aect,: T. Harold Tomlinson, dep uty,! 173.60; Kathleen Warrick, stenographer, 74.10. Health Offi cers AecL: W. J. Stone, M. XX, health officer, 88.60; L G; Lermon, sanitarian, 625; Erma Plett, nurse, 112.10; Merwyn Darby, nurse, 128.10; Melba - Conrad, clerk, 7935. 8 ale am Constable Aect.: A. M. Presnau, aecy, 15. Salem Jastlee Court Aect.: Alma Johnson, steoxk, 98.10. Javenlle Court AccL: -Nona White,- proba tion officer, 142.79. Peor Aect.: Mrs. -Elizabeth Krause,-relief, 15 Recorder's Offlee: Frances Matt- son, clerk, 9735; Josephine Fred- rickfon, clerk, 102.72; Wikje Win slow,' photostat, 88.10; Charlotte Apple, clerk, 98.10. Bgistration as ElccUon: G. E. White, clerk. 88.35. School Snpfs. Office: Cora E. Reid, deputy, 105.10; J. W. Kennedy, supervisor, 105.10; Ada Epeneter, sec., 95.85. Sheriffs Of fice Aect.: Kenneth II Randall, deputy, 15839; B. R. Smith, dep uty,! 144.79; Denver Young, dep uty, i 144.79; W. E. Smith, deputy, 116.79; T. J. Bra bee, chief dep uty, 15839; A. M. Dalrymple, deputy, 120.79; H. - Domogalla, cashier, 140.10; H. M. Perry, clerk, 126.10; Louann Hassing, book keeper, 126.10; Claire Hammang, clerk, 117.10; Myrtle Evans, clerk. 1 12.10. Treasurer's Office AecL: Alfred Domogalla, deputy, 117.10. Dog License Fund Aect.: Paul Mamach, enforcement officer. 127.67; Janice Adams, clerk, 50. County Property AecL: H. Wil liam Thielsen, property agent,' 104.60; Mary Ross Baillie, sten ographer, 64,10; Chas. J. Zerzan, prof, services, 145.10. Ceanty En gineer's Office Aect.: N. C Hubbs, engineer. 174.59; Virginia Hubbs, clerk, 97.73. Indigent Soldier Re lief:? Ira O. Pflcfaer, com, relief R. V. Wagner, 20. Mlscellaneotis Aceta.: H. R. Crawford, bonds, 1.050; J. P. ' Asp in wall, labor, 15L45. Labor: Lee E. Brant, 11.- 04;' F. A. Dutton, 70.85; J. J, Hol lettL 9734; James Nightingale, 15935; B. LwBeaL 144.15; L. Beck- ner, 1 49.48 r O. D. Binegar, 144. 60;; J. H. Booster, 1530; J. : A. Burns.'ZS.lO; Wm. P. Coker, 107; Harvey Girod. 129.71; Bertrand Iversen, 162.60; Emft , Johnson, 7138; Laurel Lamb, 12835; Car roll Madsen, 5530; W. R. Massey, 136.40; S. Nelson, 17.70; E. L. Ro gers, 14430; Nick Schab, 66.71; Lee A. Wells, 17934; Dan Scharf, 15434; Edward Schmitt, 12733; Hugh .Webb, 132.64; Clyde Wood ruff, 129.71; Raymond C. Clan- ianj 5833; (X L Burson, 10.95; J. L. Lang, 439;' Arthur Drake, 125.68; I W Webber. -138.85; Ol iver Johnson, 14438; Joe Wright, 81.02; Robert J. Brantner, 3830; Clarence TC Stride, . 2934; . M. J. Mcrmick, 122.10; F. A. Cho- 738. KODL lassmea Ue) quette, 90.42; : Roy Hackenbere, 8L89; Ora Leary, 7737; E. J. Ri chards, 154.85; H. 0. Bevier, 115. 86; Arthur Blackburn. 11137 A. A. Richards, 13945;' Robert Wilson,. 439; Theodore Kuenzi, 162.02; Anton Feskena, 14235 Lloyd Jarman, 132.70; Greg Robl, 93.78; Jos. A. Robl, 14235; : John Nag, 24131; A. B. Wilson. 22231 J. C Curautt, 116.17; OJ A. Olson, 11237; K. Thorpe, 116.87; Charles Cobine, 13933; Gilbert Snyder, IT736; Tom Bowden, 124.79; Roy LaFollett, 12132; Abrams it El lis, Inc, bonds, 220; Geo. E. Allen Hdwe axe, shovels, etc. 6930 Ballou & Wright, batteries, lamp, etc, 2130; Bearings f & Motor Parts, elements, etc, 1438; j Bea ver Island Fruit Acres, cleaning drift, 9; B 8c C Lumber Co, lum ber, 2,45; Bosler Electric, ; fuse, 4; JJrandfield Lamber; Co, nails, etcX 17.74; Bureau of Labor,! in spection fees, "1330; A. C Burk, mileage, 13435; E. H. Burrell, condenser, etc, 3.63; Capital City Bindery, tax rolls, etc, 29732 Capital Journal, publication, 42. 40; Capital Press, envelopes, etc, 18.75; Christian Jones; Print Co, complaints, etc, 34.45; City of Portland, lv)spitallzatiofL 299 Colyear Motor Sales Co, master stat, 1.14; Cooke's Stationery. scale binder. 5.45; Hi R. Craw- ford, p. U, postage, -44; Walter J. Downs, glass, 4.13; Fennaughty Machinery Co, crawler; pins, 38. 82; Blanche Barrett Ferguson, re porters . fees, 2930;- Gilmore Oil Co, -2236; Gilmore Oil Cow fs oline,: 389.45; Howard Cooper Corp, starting valve, 230; Inter state Tractor & Equips couplings. etc, 6439; T. Jaskoskl , Son, forms, 3935; Ira J o r g e n s e n, chains, bearings, etc, 24.75; Kraps Ac Long Printers, postcards, etc, 16935; James H. Maden Co, gas kets, etc, 234; T. C Mason, re pair radiator, X50; L.!D. McFar land Co, trucking, 60; DougJas McKay Chev. Co, push rod pin. etc, 6.45; A. B. McLauchlaQ Co, repairs, shaft & coupll 11.66; Mt Angel Lumber Co., lumber, 187. 50; Needham's Book Store, dater posts, etc, 2130; Newcomb's Tire Shop, tire repairs, 5; Northern Life Ins. Co, insurance, 38.75; Lee Oiunart, petty cash, 8.76; Oregon State Agri. College, i appropria tions, 3745; Pacific TeLi & TeL ;Co, telephone, 164.60; Physicians r& Surgeons, dues, 39; Portland Gen era! FJec Co, light, 14033; Rahn McWhorter Paper Co,' twine, etc. 6.10; Salem Deaconess Hospital, hospitalization, 90; Salem Con crete Pipe Co, pipe, 48.60; Salem Steel & Supply Co, oxygen, 434; Salem Supply Co, hose caps, 19.- 12; Salem Water Comm, water. 1231; Sanitary Service Co, gar bage removal, 2.50; Shell Oil; Co, gasoline, 3331; Homer H. Smith Ins. Agency, bonds,- 240; Stand ard, Oil Cot of Cal, dieseLv 58.66; Statesman Pub. Co, publications, 3635; E. G. Syr on 8c Son, lumber, 3730; A." J. Taylor, refund. 11. 25; L. R. Tweedie, diesel, 10137; Union Abstract Co, list of own ers, 2; Valley Motor Co, bearings, plates, etc, 1532; Webbs' Garage, welding pitch, 135; Wm. Wen genroth, flares, etc, 1,40; Willam ette Valley Trans, chemicals, pho tos, etc,- 1430; Woodbury, jCo, huts, etc, 9.40; R. D. Woodrow, plugs, etc, 55.11. Assessor Of flee: Ernest Denny, mileage, 1 54.- 50; Commercial Book Store, scale rule, ,75; Ray Lick, mileage,; 532; Nicholson & Wiper Inc, boncL.15; Statesman Pub. Co,! envelopes, etc, 50. Circuit Court AecL: Clark County, cert copy, j 30; Hotel Marion, meals, 8.05; j County of Multnomah, cert, copies, 5; H. L. Stiff Furniture Co, table, etc. 12930; The Spa, meals, 13.70 Clerk's Offlee AecL: M. F. FerrelL 4 vertical registers, 110; Unruh Knapp, file backs, 24.85. Ceanty Coroner's AecL: L. E. Barrick, telephone, 1.03; B,F. Giesy, M. D, exam. Raymond Olson, 5; H. A. Gueffroy, M. D, exam. Jalmer M. Elfberg, 5; W. L. Lidberck.lL D, autopsy, 10. County Court V Comm. Aect.: Assn. ) of Oregon Counties, durs, 141; Grant Mur phy, travel exp, 2L Court HeasM AecL: Blake MoffittS 8c Towne. towels, ; 2139; Graber Brothers, faucet handle strainer, 130; Han sen & LHjexjuist Inc,' lumber, .- 71; John H. Kirsch, ! developing records, 17.50; H. C Mattson, pho to records, 1030; Lee Ohmart, photo records, ?; Otis Elevator CoLi elev. maint, 830; Fucker Scott Co, brooms, chamois, j etc. 1338; Remholdt & Lewis, Vene tian blinds, 18.40; A. M. Roethlin. photo records, 7; Salem Hardware Co, lamps, tubes, etc, 49.42; G. M. Six,' photo records, 7j C A. fVib- bert, repair lights, fuses, V 435. DmL Attnys. AecL: Joseph r Bee man, M. D, mileage, 8.80; M. B. Hayden, meals, tc 9.10; M. B. Hayden, stamps, 530, H. Harold Tomlinson, mileage, 35. IXealth Office AecL: Bertelson 8c. Son, blanks, - 2335; H. R, Crawford, P. M, postage, 25; Hendrie Labor atories, lab service, 27.08; Marion Co. Dept. of Health, medical serv ices, etc, 21933. Herd Inspectlea AecL:x John M. Hanrahan, inspec- .dvemsinq tion," 175.47; Dr. Fred W. Lange, uispection,t 15134; A.'l W. Sim mons, inspection, 174.57, Indem aity Claims: William A. Albright, indemnity, ,1635; John A William Unruh, mdemnity, 7.50. Insaue Examinations: Dr. Marian Mayo, insane exams, - 5; Dr. Ralph E. Purvin. .insane exams, 25; Dr, L A, Steeves, insane t exam, . 5. Ceanty Jail AecL: A. C. Burk, board of prisoners, 206.65 ; Lov inger Disinfectant Co, disinfec tant, etc, 125; Bed Cross .Phar macy, aspirin, etc, 139; The Sa lem CUnic, services, 3, Salem Constable AecL: Earl Adams, civ- H traveT exp, 13230 Salens Jus tice Court AecL: Sybil C Catlin 6s .Bollin Page,-rent, 40; A A. Graber, jury panel, 130; Mrs. A. M; PresnaU, do 130. Outside Justice Ceurt AecL: Walter H. Bell, fees, 15.65; Jno. P. Hunt 8c Son, bond, 10; W. C. Miller, fees, 12; American Surety Co, bond, 10. Juvenile Court AecL: ' Nona White, stajnpg, 2.45. aUttonln Beard AccU H. J. Rowe, rent, 2230. Keeerdera Offlee Aect: The Stayton' Mail, printing, 335; Woodburn Independent, xeceipts, 437. sUglstratleu Eleetlea Aect: Gladys M. Barry, clerk, 22. Scalp Bounty Aect: M. A. Gil bert, bounty,; L S h e 1 Supt's. Aect: Agnes . C Booth, stamps. 25; Agnes C Booth, travel, exp. 2235; Hawkins & Roberta, rent, 55; J. W. Kennedy, mileage, 18.- 65. Sealer mt Weights Meas ures: Dept af AaTleulture, sealer. 62. Sheriffs Offlee Aect: T. J. Brabec, pymt for check reg, .60; A. C Burk, postage, 60; A. C Burk, travel exp, 89.75; , Western Union, tieegrams, 15.13; Clare Brabec, clerk, 22.62; T. J. Brabec, do, 23.10; Harold Domogalla, clerk, 2130; Howard Perry, clerk, 17.70; Iouann Hassing, clerk,. 17. 70; Claire Hammang, do. 17.70; Myrtle Evans, do, 17.70; Patricia Meeker, do, 5637; Inez Moore, do, T. TresMurers Office AecL: H. R. Crawford, postmaster, stamps, 25; Salem Ins. - Agents Assn, insur ance, 6530; The Stayton MaiL envelopes,, 435. County Property: D. E. Cooper 8c Son, replace switch, 9; J. E. Hosmer, roof mat 8e labor, 20; City of Stayton, clean lot, 4; G. J. Moisan, clean lots, 14.02; Statesman Pub. Co, pub lications. 8439. - Photostat Aect: Capital Drug Store, ointment, .45; Photostat Corp, developer, etc. 21537; Salem Laundry Co, laun dry, 131; First NafL Bank of . -. A - . i V $ . i 1 1 Terror reigns agsiu . . i Sidney Blackmer and Rickey Valline In the "Panther's Claw." "The Panther's CUw,w aew shewing at tha State theatre. Is co-featured with another horror picture, "The Mad Monster," with Johnny Downs. Cross i Word a 5 Id 9 21 21 23 25 'A 5 3o 4 IS 34T 57 3. 41 41 45 - 45 Si 4 2 HORIZONTAL L class : 43. privations 45. eternity : J 46. sensed 47. roster SO. went in 52. steamer ' 53. direction . (abbr.1 54. uncommon 63. resource - 6.bebur ; 10. behold 12. decorat 13: quake 15. skin mouth 16. stalk 17. Scottish ' . explorer ' : ' IS. experimented 20. containers I Answer to yesterday's puzzle. IL fourth caliph 23. before long ' 24. tatter 23. Insect 28. having aa '.edgav 22. sun god 39. got the '' better of I 32fhateful 34. because J 23. city in New York 37. tear 38. prefix: before 39. Japanese coin 40. Those In, oQce 4L escape p. aMiiki i sW i i," v;a;m a G)g vWcfrjs Q'zi In' f ilAlg io Arerage tlate af aelauea: 22 adaates. DUL by-KUag reaturas gyadicatv tae. Portland Stayton Br, bond, 18. 75; Ladd 8c Bush Salem Br. US Na Bank PUd, bond, 18.75; J. P. AspinwalL 1943 car licenses, 29; State Public Welfare Com., aid to lie Welfare Com, old age assist ance, 8606; State Public Welfare Com , aid to blind. 252.60. Dog Li cense Aect: Elliott Printing House, dog licenses, 31.50; Paul Marnach, mileage, 5335; A. IL Bressler, sheep killed, 31; C C Cannon, do, 40; Olen Cannoy, do, 100; Gilbert E. Haury, do, 10; Hayes Labish aFrms, do, 6; Hen ny Brothers, do, 12; E. V. King, do. 6; Adolph , Kittilson, do, 6; Mrs. Clyde Kunze, do, 10; A. J. Mader, do, 10; LucUe Schultz, turkeys killed, 9; Henry C. Staf ford,; sheep killed, 6; Claude Steu sloff, do, 20; Mervln Tegland, do, 18; Fannie K. Wain, do, 14; A. J. Van Cleave, do, 26. Sliscellaneoas: H. R. Crawford, P. M, postage, 4533; State Public Welfare Com, gen. assist, 5139.19; Lee Ohmart Petty Cash, victory tax refund, 242; , Don Perry, gravel, 4730; Elmer Ferguson, do, 32; C. B. Henjum, do, 40330; John Nag, do, 183.60; A. B. Wilson, do, 17630; Oregon Gravel Co, do, 902; J, P. AspinwalL victory tax refund, 6.40; Lee E. Brant do, 4.90; F. A. Dutton. do, 130; J. J. Hollett, do, 130; James Nightingale, do, 6.- an. n v n.i -i - m .a. r i ner, do, 430; O. D. Binegar, do, 6.40; J. A. Burns, do, 330; Wm. P. Croker, 230; Harvey Girod, do, 430; Bertrand Iversen, do, 6.40; Emil Johnson, do, 430; Laurel Lamb, do, 430; Carroll Madsen, do, 230; W. R. Massey, do, 330; S. Nelson, do, 30; E. L. Rogers, do, 6.40; Nick Schab, do, 6.40; Lee A. Wells, do, 6.40; Dan Scharf, do, 6.40; Edward Schmitt do, 3. 90; Hugh Webb. do. 4.90; Clyde Woodruff, do, 430; Arthur Drake, do, 330; L. W. Webber, do, 4.90; Oliver Johnson, do, 6.40; Joe Wright do, 130; M. J. McCor mick, do, 430; F. A. Choquette, do, 1.90; Roy Hackenberg, do, 1. 90; Ora Leary. do, 130; E. J. Ri chards, do, 430; H. O. Bevier, do. 230; Arthur Blackburn, do, 2.90; A. A. Richards, do 4.90; John Nag, do, 10.49; A. B. Wilson, do, 8.49; J.C Curnutt do, 230; G. A. Olson, do, 30; K. Thorpe, do, 2.- 90; Charles Cobine, do, 430; Gil bert Snyder, do, 4.90; Tom Bow den, do, 430; Roy LaFollett, do, 430; State Ind. Aec Com, insur ance, 34833.! Puzzle II 4 H 'A 24 17 31 15 37 4-7 4d 'A 51 VERTICAL 1. head covering 2. bustle 3. forays 4. woody plant 6. half an em .regard highly 7. east off 8. total 9. man's nickname 10. thin 1L native metals 14. haul 18. long step 19. calm 20. Arabian Jtide 2L father 22. dregs 24. fort ifl rations . 27. humble 28. demolish 29. vipers 2L lacerated ; 33. prayers heroine 23. confined . 4Lservice charges 42. soUtary 43. sly gUnce 41 gtxSe of 48. brother 4S. golf mound 49. branch cf - leamlr-j 6L suflx C2.cau nets p1- m - M r 777X777, I 8 PiTJNl