PAGS-EH. Officers of Order Are Crowned Hannah Rosa Court, Order of ; the Amaranth, held " installation : cf officers; on Wednesday night at Masonic temple. Mrs." Maud Presnall, retiring; royal matron : was uncrowned and given a bou ' 1 quet by :. the organization . and with the royal .patron, Mr. Irv- ing De France, received the ; jewels of the office. . i .Mrs. Myrtle Walker, new royal v ( matron was Installed and crown ' I cd, and Mr. James Manning was ! installed as royal patron. Mrs. ' : Charlotte Clark,1 grand ' royal matron-elect - officiated.' Other officers were installed. " Mrs. - Frances Hurlbert, past : supreme royal matron, gave a -' talk on the history of the Order of the Amaranth' and origin. She . told of the foundation of the or J der, when Queen Christina in ' the .16th. : century favored one s court member each year with ' elaborate ' ceremony. The cus , torn was later organized into the u Order of the Amaranth, an aux : iliary to the Masonic lodge, she said. .- ', ' A reception on the fifth floor of the temple followed the in ; stallation ceremony. In charge were Mrs. J. Burton Crary and j Mrs. Robert Crawford. i Dinnertime - 1 Birds Hungry Animals and birds In this vicinity are feeling the pangs ; ! hanger these days and per i tens are reminded to feed i them. While the squirrel, with t bis much publicised fore hand edness, may' have stored up plenty of food for the winter, : his storehouse may be under - the snow. It was noted Friday, r the squirrels are in the trees in Willson park, evidently i afraid to venture Into the deep now. They are subsisting on 1 whatever the tree provides la i nourishment, which Is ample -, in some eases but not enough If the tree includes no moss I berries or cones. The birds are finding some . : odd berries on snow covered bushes, but from their eager- aess to eat food put out for ; them, the berries are not suf- ; ficient to keep their stomachs comfortably fulL CLUB CALENDAR TCESDAV Salem council of church wom en. YWCA, t p. m. Daughters of Elizabeth, with Mrs. Prince Byrd. 1183 Chemek ta street. 1 p.. m.. covered dish ! luncheon. Women of the McCormick class, upstairs fireplace room of first Methodist church, 1:30 p.m. WEDNESDAY 5 Nebraska auxiliary, covered , dish luncheon. 12:30, with Mrs. Leonard Gilkey, 657 South Lib ert ystreet.. Pattern -, The minimum of fabric and 'i sewing time will be required to -i make this 'Anne. Adams jumper, Pattern 4222. It's in just two pattern parts, plus, straps. The y back is buttoned for convenience In dressing and flatspread iron ing. M&ke : the long or short-i-' sleeved blouse in contrast. v j j . Pattern!; 4222 is available in i' children's sizes 2, 3, 4, 5,: 8, 8. . V Ske , jumper, takes VM". yards ;I 39-inch; blouse, 1 yard 35-inch. ' Send SIXTEEN CENTS In coin's for . this Anne Adams pattern. Write 1 plainly SIZE. NAME, ADDRESS and ! STYLE NUMBER. .... Our Spring Pattern Book la ready I -It -contains a I KLC aicaey ptinrn; ' a special salvage design: smart, easy ; te-ew Spring outfits for the entire, ; family. Send TEN CENTS lor your copy now! " " " m ' ' ' 1 . Send vour order tb The Oregon , : Statesman. Pattern Department, , Sa- Jem. Orav - - ' - . ,. . 'nun Believe misery fast externally. Rub on IS , J" LJV Vapo VapoRuo 4222 )' YfK(f3 pA- ulMT -. -flB-l.'ji Women in Art -. , 'About am American i- Painter - By .Wi W. MERCHER CHICAGO, Jan. 23-(P)-Geor-gia O'Keefe, who many critics call the greatest woman painter alive, was carefully hanging pic tures of her retrospective exhi bition : at the Art Institute of Chicago. ". ; , ; i' , "May I see you for a moment? a newspaper, writer asked as he came skidding across the polish ed floor. "Of course," said Miss O'Keefe. "Just look around." And there, indeed, was the heart and soul of Georgia O'Keefe, neatly suspended from the walls. The exhibition which opened this week is an artistic event of the first magnitude. Not only is it the largest restrospective showing of Miss O'Keefe's Work, but it is the first ever hung in a public museum. It tells her story from when timidly she broke away from her formal art education and began to paint as . she' wished until today, when critics bow low before her im maculate work. Almost all ' her famous paint ings are there, "American Ra diator' Building," "Black Cross, New Mexico," "Cow's Skull, Red, White and Blue," the well known Jack-In-the-pulpit series and others 61 in all. First in the chronology comes "Blue Lines, a quivering piece of abstraction done with the Japanese brush. This was in the roll of draw Ings that Alfred Siteglitz, the master photographer who was to ' become Georgia O'Keefe's Woman's Club Postponed The Salem' Women's club has cancelled the regular meeting which was . scheduled for this afternoon at the Woman's club house. The annual husbands and guests' dinner which was to have been planned this after noon and given next Wednesday has also been postponed until further planning may be done. FORMER 21 soc ; Announcement comes from north Sacramento, California, of the ' engagement and , coming marriage of Miss Marjorie Mil ler to Lt James T. McDonald of Bridgeport, Conn. Miss. Miller is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Miller, now of north Sacramento, but' form erly of Salem. She attended Sa lem high school, before going to California to live. She is the granddaughter of the late U. D. Claggett and has many friends and relatives here. r . Lt -' McDonald, whose : parents are Mr. and Mrs. John McDon ald, is a ' navigator in . the air corps, stationed at Blythe, Cali fornia. Dinner Party on Birthday U " :: . . A dinner pertyl was given at the home of Miss Imogene Vittone honoring Miss Frances Hoyt on her birthday. . . Guests were Miss Jean De lapp, Miss June Vittone and hostess, -Miss Imogane Vittone."- The White Shrine ef Jerusalem met-oh Monday night at Masonic temple, with Miss Edna McEl haney, new worthy high priest ess, in 'charge. A social hour followed the meeting. INDEPENDENCE The Kill Kare bridge club met Friday night at the country home of Mr, and Mrs. Harrison Brant. High . scores i in s the : play of contract - went- to Mrs. Brant and Frank Cooper. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Williams, Salem : Mr. and Mrs. Glen. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. G rover Mattison, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cooper, Mr. and Mrs. James Robbie, Mr. and Mrs. C O.- Sloper, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Addison, and Mr. and Mrs. -Brant - - i AMITY Bliss Jeanne Van nice and Ensign M. S. Sander- .man were married in Annapolis, Maryland ' January 5 - and are now at Key West, Fla. Mrs. San derman ,is the daughter Of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn E. Vannice of Amity ind spent her girlhood here, She is a graduate of Amity high - school and later attended LanCeld college. She was em ployed in Portland indefense work for some time. Ae S0C1ETT HUSK husband, saw in 1918 and cried "Finallv a -woman on Darer! It was the same roll of drawings, exhibited by Stiegutz. that es tablished her independence i as an artist. ! Although Miss O'Keefe would not generally advise art for a career (The chances are you can't make a living at it") " she has become one of the most financially smccessful artists of her time. Once she sold a panel of five lilies for 525,000. iiza beth Arden paid $10,000 for an other of her paintings. "I'm loved." Miss O'Keefe con ceded, "but I suspect I'm hated in the same proportion." Many people love (or hate) Georgia O'Keefe most for what she calls her "big flower things," pictures of flowers magnified greatly he yond their normal size. r Miss O'Keefe is 55, small, dark-skinned, dark haired. She looks as interesting as her pic tures. She besan to paint when she was 10, copying pansies and roses. She dutifully studied art in New York and Chicago and for a time worked as a commercial artist here. Then suddenly she destroyed all her student work and stopped painting for several years. Miss O'Keefe explains her ar tistic reawakening quite simply. "One day," she says, "I found myself saying to myself I can't live where I want to I can't go where I want to I can't do wha I . want to I can't even say what I want to I decided I was a very stupid fool not to at least paint as I wanted to. Footwear 518 ' Smart "footnotes" in crochetl Both slipper styles are simple to make of rug cotton or two strands of knitting worsted, with soles of rags. The moccasin 'has a froth of loopstitches; the scuff uses contrast. Pattern 518 con tains 'directions for slippers and soles . in small, : medium; large sizes; stitches; materials requir ed. ' v, , v : - Send ELEVEN CENTS hi coins ior this pattern to The .Oregon Statesman, .Needlecraft Dept. .Salem,! Ore. Write, plainly PAT TERN t NUMBER, your NAME and ADDRESS. - Today's . Menu ; ''.&. v 1 1, ' f:.'! ; . On. today's menu we will have , waffles as the main dish and serve , with" ;. them . apricot : or strawberry jam and a nice green vegetable. Sunday's dinner will include a veal roast. ' - TODAY. Orange salad : with pineapple Sour-cream waffles and jam n Fresh steamed spinach; poached ' , - . ' egg s, . . . : - Chocolate icebox : pudding ' v SUNDAY - - Vegetable salad bowl ' ; T Rolled veal roast' , Browned potatoes ' Buttered carrots and frozen peas -. - Steamed apple pudding - " MONDAY - Banana nut rolls " - " French dressing Hot veal sandwiches gravy , : Hash browned potatoes i OIlLGOri STATCCXIAIXr Ccdam. Luncheon . Meeting ' Held ' Mrs. W. 'A. Barkus entertain ed members of the Marion county WCTU' at Schneider's coffee shop - on Thursday at . a luncheon. . During the meeting; new " directors were chosen and : plans made for the county In stitute. . Also., a . rnembersip tea to be given , In. February, was arranged. , - , ,.',; 'Present- were Mrs, Minnie Hughlet, Mrs. Mark Ellis, Mrs. Mildred Gillette, Mrs. J. T. Bfl- leter, Mrs. J. J. Nunn, Mrs. J g. Prescott and. Mrs. Lena M. Lisle. Canned fruit cookies SOUR CREAM WAFFLES .WITH NUTS. ! 2 cups flour 'r -v " 1 teaspoon baking powder teaspoon soda r Vx teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon sugar -' . 2 egg yolks . cup sour cream Vt cup broken nuts ; (walnuts or filberts) .. ; ' : 2 egg whites, beaten Mix together - flour, " baking powder, soda, salt, sugar, yolks and cream. Beat a minute or until smooth. - Fohiih rest of in- gredients. r Bake until crisp on hot greased waffle iron. Butter milkor sour milk can be used, in which case add 3 tablespoons melted fat. - STEAMED APPLE PUDDING ' - cup suet 1 cup raisins 2V4 cups flour 1 teaspoon baking soda 'z teaspoon nutmeg 1 teaspoon cinnamon 4a teaspoon cloves Vz teaspoon salt IV2 cup grated sour apple 1 cup pure molasses " 1 egg, beaten Chop suet very fine and toss together with the raisins. Mix and sift dry ingredients and add them, and the apple. Stir in the molasses and when well com bined, add the egg. Fill 1 quart greased casserole, set it in a pan of t-t water and bake in a slow oven of 325 degrees for l3i hours. ' Serve hot with top milk. Serves 6. By MAXINE BUREN Such things as weather cer tainly bring out the best and worst in human beings. The cheery smile and com' ment on the temp erature "from the man cleaning off s i d e walks around his store made life well worth living for pass ersby v e n though fingers Naxui buren were numb from cold. Men and women, trudging down the middle of the street, found great fun in lending well padded shoulders to help push a car out, stuck at the curb.' And the driver good-naturedly ac cepted the' snowballs . thrown at him by. his benefactors as he droye away.4 " u Then- there was the man who showed hnr colors when' he drove down the hill and made all cars coming up ; turn into ; the soft snow. . He could have 'gotten down . the hill, far soft snow easily, but they hacK'to - back- 'clear down and start over. " M ' And then there was the case of the generous householder and -the unappreciative' recipient. . The householder, : seeing a: car ... stuck at his curb, loaned him la - iiiover, saying The could put it . v on me porcn wnw - juwsnecu . when finished. Later the car was' gone " and -so was the -shovel. The householder drove around the neighborhood looking ior, auto and; shovel, and found it later in front Of a house where -snow "was neatly -scrapped off with the truant shoveL The borrower had 'not; bothered to return the shovel' and even in vited its theft by leaving it in the front yard. ' ::.; - Then ; there :was the - school teacher who, because schools were closed - on .Friday, asked her landlady If she might shovel snow, "because I have always ; wanted to." Needless to say1, she.- got her wish. And there was the driver who stopped to put- on his chains In the only two tracks in the road. Cars stopped to. wait for him, . had difficulty starting - again, but he drove glibly on without . stopping to help them in their trouble. . - - ' ' - And yet, the woman who tele phoned The Statesman and com-: -plimented the carrier boy on his delivery of the paper even if It ' ". had to be on foot, made up for -' many of the complaints. And, in- ciden tall most of those who asked about i tardy papers the first day were pleasant and only Inquired because they thought they might be expected to' make their own deliveries. -: ., uu it I 3V Oregon Saturday Morning January 23. 1S13 Chturcli School Opens Tuesday Curriculum, : Faculty Are Announced ; ' Valley ' Invited J : The Salem all-church school oi religion and fellowship is well un der way. in plans, carefully -made, and; with' teachers and leaders chosen. It opens in the First Meth odist church Tuesday, Febru ary 2. with a fellowship dinner at 6:30 pin, afld with classes to J begin at 70 pjn. ; 1 vv y k - ? ; Though f the! school is guaran teed . to the comrminity by eight churches, ;it Is hoped that a wide participation .from the entire cen tral Willamette valley will be ex perienced! because j of. its 'actual value in seeking a larger cooper ation in the teaching of the Bible and in a deepening of the religious consciousness of the people in meeting present day urgent , needs. The curriculum and faculty of the school and" leadership training conference follows: I nursery and beginners! department, text: "Un derstanding Children. byL. . J. Sherrill, ;teacher, Miss Virginia Nance, instructor in week day re ligious education in Salem public schools. Primary department, text; "Teaching .Primaries' in . the Church School's by, E. L. Smither, teacher, ; jMiss I Gertrude ; Hynes, director of religious 1 education at the . First Presbyterian;; church In Salem. Junior i department,: text. "Teaching Junior Boys and Girls' by M. -M. EaMn, teacher, Miss Leora Strong, ; director of week day religious education in Salem public schools. 4 Intermediate; j department,' text. "Teaching Intermediates' by Lu die Desjardin, teacher, Mrs. Ken neth Wishart, Evangelical church, Salem. High school department, text, "Understanding Youth" by Roy Burkhart, teacher, Miss Maude Durfee, Calvary ; Baptist church, Salemj Young adult de partment,1 text,; '"Young Adults in the Church," International coun cil bulletin 415, teacher, Prof. Herman Clark, Willamette uni versity, Salem.! Adult forums, general theme, "The Church i Ministering in Camp Ccanmunity. ;There will be six presentations under this gen era! theme, each directed by a different resource leader, and each followed ! by ait open discussion from the group. A complete out line of subjects and resource lead ers for these six adult sessions will be given to the press soon. Presbyterians Ask Dr. Millar Back j Dr. James Millar . of j Portland again will occupy the pulpit of the First Presbyterian church Sunday morning. Dr. Millar, a fre quent guest in this church, is field secretary for the board of Chris tian education in Oregon and Washington. For his message he has chosen to speak on the topic, "A Philosophy For Our Democra cy. The; senior choir will sing two familiar anthems, "My - Faith Looks Up to Thee" by Schnecker and "Must Jesus Bear the - Cross Alone" by. Haven. "Wagons Westward" is the title Of the dramatization to be given over KSLM at 8:30 pjh. by the Westminster church of; the air. This is a story of missionary zeal and the capture of a covered wa gon train across 1 the (trackless waste of! the southwest. ' Pastors Pulpits Sunday . Rev. H. C.; Stover of Knight Memorial , Congregational church will occupy the pulpit, of -Englef wood United Brethren in Christ church .r and Rev.f Chester . O. Goodman of.! the Engl e wood church will preach' in Knight Me morial church Sunday morning in an' exchange of pulpitsj arranged by the two ministers as a gesture of iellowsnip ana mutual mveresu Jellied ! Salad T?r : TAfritr : ' 1 VA : ft i - Jellied gaUd and a fruitroU wilI of a menu: for . Br,T4jrn. this? week; V . : ' JELLIED VEGETABLE SALAD - 1 : pacxage lemon geiaun : , : 1 1 cups boiling water t-i- lUblespoori . lemon juice . . " X cup-chopped cabbage. '.. . H cup 'diced cooked g r e eri C'' ; beans . - ,.''- cup chopped pimientos -( J (optional) , . . , i cup grated raw carrots - y teaspoon salt Va teaspoon pepper 1 , 1 tablespoon, mayonnaise . .Dissolve . gelatine - in : water. Cool , and let thicken slightly, stir in rest i of ingredients and chill until salad stiffens.' - , FKUIT KOLX. a cups flour:,. 4 teaspoons baking powder : 4 teaspoon salt.-. , 5 tablespoons fat . l.egg, beaten . . : cup milk 1 ' ; - .3 tablespoons butter.. , - ; t cup raisins cup chopped dried ; pri- : ' cots" - f. ' ! V J- " teaspoon mace . ,. .. ; Vt cup honey Or maple syrup Mixf together : flour, baking nAwder and salt Cut in fat with knife. Add .; : egg and milk. Pat fjout soft dough until thin. Spread with r e s t ;of ingredients - and 'quickly roll up. Fit into greased or waxed paper lined pan. Bake 30 'minutes in moderate oven. Pic: Southard Guest Speaker For Baptists Pfc. Ross M. Southard, jr, of Camp Adair has been invited as guest speaker at the Calvary Bap tist church next Sunday night at the ' 7:30 o'clock service.; Pcf, Southard formerly lived in Okla homa City, OkhW end is a mem ber of the Calvary Tabernacle of that dryv Mrs. Souttiard' ir mak ing her home in Salem, Calvary senior youth are as sisting with the church service. The lively gospel song service will be conducted by Wendell Johnson, the choirmaster "of ; the church. Herbert Raimussen,' Jr," willr read the scripture lesson, and Wesley Swinford will offer the ' prayer, Announcements will be in charge of Eileen Clark who will also ex tend a . welcome to the -visitors present, , The ushering wul be done by the members of the youth group. The hymn' anthem "Lead Kindly Light by Dykes, will be sung bf the choir. Following the .service. the senior young people will go to the pastor's home for a fellowship hour. ';-;;:-: r: f ,x " The pastor, Rev. Edward L. Al len, will preach at the morning 11 o'clock service : using for his theme, "The Hour Strikes For Us.1 The anthem, "Bless the Lord, O My Soul," Ippolitov Ivanov. will be sung by the choir. Nazarenes Postpone Mortgage Burning i The special homecoming and mortgage burning service plan ned by members of the Church of the Nazarene . for , Sunday, has been postponed because of incle ment weather, Rev. Weaver W. Hess announces. The service will be held at a later date. The building now housing the congregation was purchased in the year 1931 and remodeled five years ago at a cost of $16,000. Ac cording to the statement of Rev Hess, the cooperative and sacrifi cial giving on the part of the membership has made possible the payment of $7,000 during the past year taking care of these ob ligations far in advance of the maturity dates. ' , Crusaders Plan Reversed Adoption , A unique program reversing the usual order of adoption has been planned by the . Crusaders of the First Christian church for their Christian Endeavor meeting Sun day at 6:15 pjn. Each member,' . is adopting , 1 shut-in or special friend. Bernice Caplinger is in charge of the wor ship service planned for the occa sion. This is the third in a unit of stu dies planned by this group of col lege students and older young peo ple. Rev. Dudley Strain will give descriptions of each shut-in. IMMANVEL LCTHERAV Morning service 8:30 o'clock. Sunday school 10:45 a.m. Ladies Aid Thursday, z p.m. : wun jars, ustronv Mrs. Kan lo. Mrs. George Olson. Confirmants meet Saturday. 10 a.m. Special meet' ings start Tuesday. S pjn- continue Wednesday and Thursday afternoons and nights. Rev. Stavaas of Vancouver, wsn., iDie studies; Kev. Thompson. nena. speaicing. CHRISTIAN Sunday school 10 a.m. Morning irrv ice 11 o'clock. Sermon subject. "The Why of Brotherly Love." Junior church 11 a.m Christian Endeavor, 4 pjn. evening service I :u e ciocsu . FOUKSOUAKK GOSPEL East Lancoln street. Rev. Max T, Gu lick, pastor. Sunday school :45 ajn. Morning service , ii o cioca. so pjn. Crusader meeting. 7:30 p.m.. evangel latic service by Miss vonitta McCarthy from Loa Aneeles Bible college. Thurs day, pjn., prayer service., . . i FULL- GOSPEL First antf Arthur streets. Lora Sor- ensen. pastor. Sunday school f :4S ajn. Morning service 11 o'clock. Children's church 7:13 pjn. 'Evening service 7 :43 'o'clock.- Tuesday. 7:45 ajn., services ior defense workers. Wednesday 7:45 pjn. Bible study, mday. 7:43 pjn young people. " . ' . .-; '. FKEB MXTHODIST : ' 1 Young and Catch streets. Rev. v. M. Abbott, pastor. Sunday school t:49 a.m. Morning service 11 o'clock. Young people, 1:45 pjn. Evening service 739 o'clock. Praver service Wednesday. i-M pjn. -. : t CHSISTIAN SCIENCE " : t 2nd and Garfield streets. Sunday school; 11 ajn. j CHUKCH OI GOD ' - H. S. Fulton, pastor. Sunday school 19 a.m. Morning service it o ciock. v aninr servic 7 JO o'clock. : Midweek service Wednesday,. 7 :4S pjn. .. : t ST. LUKE'S CATHOLIC '' t Rev. Philip crowney. assistant pas tor. Sunday masses at 7, 10 and 10 sum. Benediction after tJM ajn. mass. Week day masse at 730 ajn.. , Silvcrtdn Churches CALVARY LUTHERAN - r ; t. ) Jersey street. O. C. Otaon. pastor, Sunday school 10 ajn. Olga Johnson. Supt. Morning service 11 o'clock. Ser mon subject. "Prayer and the Spirit ual Life. Evening service T clock. Luther league. .-a,; . v, p x . TRINITY -' ' "''A- '" ; M J. K. FuhT" pastor, a ana a sTreers. Sunriav sehool IS ' msn. Oriet Moen. Supt. Morning service It o'dock. Ser-J man suojecr. --vjjre spau ."YT thority." Evening service 7:13 o'clock. Luther league. Sermon subject, ."His Grace la Sufficient." t CHURCH Of CHRIST - ' ' " ' ; ' ' Park and run sireeia. niweit ers, pastor. Sunday scnooi s:a ajn. James Johnson. Supt. Morning serv ice 11 o'clock. Sermon subject. TTbe Presumption of the Carpenter's Son." Evening service 7d o'clock. , Sermon subject.. "What " Doe It Mean to Be Saved?' r;y;.: ' f j. METHODIST " . ' " ;, mrut Fislt streets, O. Leonard Jones, pastor. Sunday school S:4S ajn. Fred Baicer, supi. wnf o'clock. Sermon .subject, "The Faith ful God." j IMMANTJEL , t - u4h riitnh street. M. J. K. FUhr, pastor. Sunday school 10 a jn. Hannah Woodburn Churches Veterans Say Cr ew Declined AKRON, O, Jan. 22-(P-The Beacon Journal in a copyrighted story: quotes six Guadalcanal vet-f erana as declaring that the civilian crew of a., merchant ship. . two miles off the .island declined to land 'urgently needed supplies on Sunday before because of union regulations. : The men had worked two hours Saturday afternoon, "then laid off unui juonoay morxunB uu auuis marines had to take Over the Sun day operations, the Beacon Jour nal said it was informed,' adding that 1 1ts story - was : cleared - for publication ' by the office of cen sorship. rv--V;-;- .' The newspaper said a navy pilot ! ' who survived the aircraft carrier, Wasp termed the merchant ship -incident the "worst scandal - mm ' assasi . a. 1 I of the ; war." xne - puox ueciarea the crew would hot unload, the supplies because of CIO national maritime - union ; rules against working on Sunday, the Beacon Journal .added.?- - ; Revi Tan-Ditter, Rliili8ters, Chbnis Are Scheduled The Sunday ; services at First Evangelical church will feature the Rev; Meyer Tan-Ditter, con verted .Jew, and director of the Portland Hebrew mission. He is speaking at 11 ajn. upon a prophe tic .theme. His wife will accom pany; him. Rev.- J, Kenneth Wis hart,! pastor of the church will be speaking In Portland at the Wil lamette Boulevard, Evangelical church. , -i. .- i At 7:45 pjn., a male chorus com prised Of the ministers of the Oregon-Washington conference of the Evangelical church' will present a sacred i concert. A number of the men will speak briefly. .The chorus is under the direction of the Rev. Wilmef N. Brown, formerly choir director and youth leader of the Salem Evangelical church. The ministers will be singing in Dallas, j Albany and Eugene on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday respectively. They ; will be heard oh The Back Home Hour,, sta tion KSLM, Sunday at 9:30 pjn. Iceland Has Ceilings . - REYKJAVIK, Iceland, Jan. 22. -P)rIcelands new government, whose main object is to cheek in- Ctiurch Services in Calvary baptist v. South Liberty and East Miller streets Edward L. Allen, pastor. Sunday school s;43 a.m. Morning service 11 o clock, Sermon subject. "The Hour Strikes for Us." ao p.m.. BYPU. 7:15 pjn adult prayer i group. Evening" service 7 J0 o'clock. Pfc. Rosa M. Southard, jr.. Camp Adair, guest speaker. Wednes day, )7 30 p.m.. midweek service. FIRST CHRISTIAN i High j and - Center streets, Dudley Strain, pastoi . Sunday school :4S a.m Morning service 11 o'clock. Sermon subject. "On the Spot." 11 a.m., chil dren's church. "Christ Ministers to Others," Mrs. C. E. Lee. Evening serv ice i 7 30 o clock. Sermon subject, "Words." S30 p.m.. Christian Endeav or. Midweek service 730 pjn. Thurs CHRISTIAN AND MISSIONARY ' ' ALLIANCE" lji -..' ."' 5th and Gaines streets. C. H. Stein- mann. pastor. Sunday school 10 a.m. MoVnlna service 11 o'clock. - Newly elected officers': will be inducted. Ev ening service 7:45 o clock. ENGLEWOOD UNITED BRETHREN IN CHRIST 1 17th land - Nebraska avenue. - Rev Chester O. Goodman, pastor. Sunday school 9:45 ajn. Morning service 11 o'clock.; Sermon by Rev. H. C Stover, pastor ox Knight Memorial tjongrega- tional church. Christian Endeavor 630 p.m. Evening service 730 o clock. Ser mon (subject. "Help In Trouble." Mid week service Thursday, 7:45 pjn. BETHEL BAPTIST i "I t North Cottaee at D street. J. F. Ol- thoff. DD. pastor. Sunday school 0:45 a.m. Morning service 11- o'clock. Ser mon : subject, "When we would See Jesus." t Evening service - 7 30 o'clock. Sermon subject, "Paul s ' Prayers," Youth hour, C30 p.m. Prayer meeting weanesaay . at i :o pjn. ; - - FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST , SCIENTIST , , '. .. -j Chemeketa and Liberty streets. Sun day school 11 ajn. Morning service 11 o clock. Sermon subject,; Truth. Ev ening service S o'clock. - : . i TRUTH CENTER 33S Stat street. Olive Stevens. MsD., istor. Morning service ig:a o clock Hxnon, subject, "The Twelve Diaci- Pies. . I- - vi,;; f PENTECOSTAL MISSION ' I S15s North Commercial street Rev. C. and Daisy Wilson, pastors. Sun day school 2 p.m. Devotional service S njn. Evangeusue ' service 7SW pjn, Saturday. January S3. Rev. M. Hansen at .930 p.m. .Tuesday, Thursday, prayer meetings. pjn. j CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP - " ' " ! 7ta DAY- PENTECOSTAL ' ' vlOM HichUnd street. Clarence Coff- man, pastor. Friday night prayer serv ice, tjo 'Clock. jabbauv scnooi, 1 pjn. Saturday. Evangelistic , service S " pjn. saturaay. j; , . FOURS OU ARE GOSPEL i , - '- t ltth and Breyman streets. Rev. T, '. Hendersea. - ThB, pastor. - Sunday scnooi ajn,' Mornrng service II o'clock.; Evening service 7:30 o'clock. Sermon subject, "The New. Birth." f 30 a.m.. young people. Tuesday, 7:45 p.m, inspirational service. Thursday. . 7 30 pjn choir rehearsal. ' . : . , . BETHANY EVANGELICAL. AND ; 'r ! REFORMED l y -,1 Capitol and. Marion streets. E. A. Rlelsmeier. pastor. Sunday school 10 a.m. I Morning servicei 11 o'clock. Serf mon )subject. -a-uuki surprise." r.. . , AMERICAN LUTHERAN -'' ".: 1 343 North Church street. M. A. Get- xendaner. DD. pastor. Sunday school 0:45 ajn. Morning service 11 o'clock. Sermon subject. "The Kindness of J sus.1 Evening service 7 30 o'clock. Ser mon subject, "The Sacramenta." FIRST PRESBYTERIAN t Chemeketa and Winter streets. W Irvin Williams, pastor. Church school 0:45 ajn. Morning service 1035 o'clock. Sermon subject. - "A' Philosophy for Our i Democracy." - Dr. James Millar. field secretary, board of Christian ed ucation. Christian Endeavor C:1S p m. Monday, is? pjn.. asoy licouta. Tues day.' 4 pjn. junior hour. Thursday, 730 p.m., midweek service. .. . , CrOURT STREETS' CHRISTIAN 17m and court streets.. W. H. Ly man, pastor. Sunday school 0:45 a.m. Morning service 10:50 o clock. Sermon subject. "The Joy of Stewardship" Christian Endeavor S30 pjn. Evening service 7:30 o'clock. Sermon subject by guest apeaaer, ay joaca. irtoisn evon gelist. Midweek service Thursday, 730 KNIGHT MEMORIAL ' . ,r V 1 CONGREGATIONAL -n, ISth and Ferry streets. - Howard C Stover, pastor. Sunday school. 10 a.m. flatlon. Thursday established cefl- Ing prices for all consumer goods ana oraereu price rcuuvuwa u food and other, vital necessities. Service Canceled . .Jason Lee Methodist church has canceled all services for this Sun dar except the youth fellowship.' at- 6:30 - p. nv. Rev. S.- Raynor Smith - announced Friday. . Tb change was made because ct weather conditions. . Valley Churches SUMMIT METHODIST " ' V . On .Orchard Heights road near Pop corn school. Rid ell A. Kelsey, pastor. Sunday -school 10 ajn. Morning sery ice 11:45 o'clock. Sermon . subject, -Christianity for the 20th Century."' WEST SALEM METHODIST t ; Third and Gerth streets. Ridell A. Kelsey. pastor. Sunday school S :30 .III. JWllllllj v.v-M. Sermon- subject, "Christianity for the 20th Century." Youta ieltowship. AS pjn. Evening service 7:30 o'clock. In stallation of olficers of the youta fel lowship group. - t CHUKCH Or CHRIST MiU City. V. S. Crockett, pastor. Sun day school 10 a.m. Morning servic 11 o'clock Sermon subject, "A Sleep ing Church and World Criaia." Bro therhood dinner, noon. Evening service 7:30 o'clock. Christian Endeavor 20 pjn. Sermonr subject. "The Providence of Cod." fTtUITLAND EVANGELICAL Robert D. Bennett, pastor. Sunday school 10 ajn. Mo morning service. All invited to attend concert by minis terial chorus of the Oregon-Washing ton conferenoa at SaJem Jr irst cnurcn. Midweek prayer service Thursday at S pjn. . ' ; ., - PRESBYTEKIAN ''" " Mill City. Aaron Wolfe, DD. Sunday school 10 ajn. Morning service at 11 o'clock. Christian Endeavor J30 pjn. Evening service 7 -JO o'clock. PRESBYTERIAN . , Gervais. Jamea Aiken Smith, pastor. Sunday school 10 a.m. Morning service 11 o'clock. Sessnon subject. "The Chris tian on the Witness Stand. Christian Endeavor 730.. At the night service. young people will practice Jar a pro gram to be presented Sunday morn ing. January 31. It will be national Presbyterian Young Peoples day. BRUSH COLLEGE BRANCH '" Brush Colleee school. Rev. Earl Be - ker, pastor. Sunday school 8:45 a.iC Mark Buell. Supt. Morning servict 10:45 o'clock. Young people's, 3:30 p.m. NIDAROS LUTHERAN ' Monitor. Oluf Asper, pastor. Sunday7; school 10 ajn. - Morning - service 11 o'clock. Dedicatory - service for hymn board presented by Helge Jacobson. FOUR CORNERS BRANCH East State and Elm a streets. Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Leon Lambert. Supt. HAYESVILLE BRANCH HayesvUle school. Sunday school 1:45 ajn. Dewey Davis, Supt. , CALVARY PRESBYTERIAN Independence. Rev. - Irvin WiUiaans. pastor. Sunday school. 10 a.m. Morning service 0 :. o'clock. Sefmon - subject. Christ for the Present Crisis." Re v. James Aiken Smith, visiting minister. SALEM HEIGHTS COMMUNITY Madrona avenue . and Liberty, road. Enoch -. Zimmerman, - pastor. Sunday school '10 a.m.. C. T. Skelton, Supt. Morning service . 11 o'clock. Sermon subject. "The Man Born Blind." Morning service 11 . o'clock by Rev. Chester O. Goodman, pastor of the Englewood United Brethren Church. Young people at 7 P-m. r FIRST BAPTIST - ' ! ' - Corner Marion and Liberty streets. Irving. A. . Fox, DD. pastor. ... Sunday school 0 :45 a.m Morning service 1 1 o'clock. Sermon, subject. "Ministries of the . Spirit Since Pentecost." - Evening service 730 b'cloc. Sermon subject. "The Parable of the Wise and Fool ish Builders." Negro . chorus from Camp Adair. 030 p.m., young people. 030: p.m.. adult Bible study. . . : FIRST EVANGELICAL Corner Marion and Summer streets. Rev. J. Kenneth Wishart. pastor. Sun day school 0:45 ajn. Morning service 11 -o'clock. Rev. -Meyer Tan-Ditter,. superintendent of the Hebrew mission in Portland, speaker. Youth groups, 030 p.m. Evening service 730 o'clock. Male chorus of the Oregon-Washington conference, will give a sacred concert,-Prayer hour at 730 p.m. Thurs day. .'; . . . ; . LESLIE METHODIST .- . , South Commercial at Myers street. Joseph Knotts. pastor. Sunday school 0:45 a.m. Morning service 11 o'clock. Sermon subject. "Paul the Determ inate.'! - Evening- service 730 - o'clock. Sermon subject. "Courage Tested." Prayer meeting- Thursday, 730 pjn. Christ Lutheran ialo - State street at 10th. F. H. Theuer. BD. pastor. Sunday school 10 a.m. Morning service 11 o'clock. Sermon subject. "A tan over Whom Jesus Marvelled " Brotherhood, Wednesday, 730 p rru Confirmation class. Saturday, S ajn. FIRST METHODIST s - State and Church streets. Dr. J. C. Harrison, pastor. Sunday school 0:45 -m. Morning service. - 1 0 :SO o'clock Sermon subject. ;A6eonate Springs 'i Action." Evening service 7:45 o'cloek Sennon. -subject, y "Hands to the Plough.' Intermediate feiinwhin . a P" Youth fellowship, 030 pjn. Uni versity .vespers, 030 p.m. - . . - JASON LEE METHODIST North Winter .and JttmrmM- t- SRaynor Smith, pastor. Sunday school -"45 ajn. Morning service 11 o'clock. Sermon subject, "Let s Fight I" Even Yl. J-30,00- Sermon sub- iect. "indU". with Miss Edna Holder, missionary from IndU.' the speaker! Youth fellowship 030 p.m. Intermedi ate league 130 pjn. -- CHTJRCHOF THE NAZARENE " th. t Weaver W. Hess, pastor. Sundav phmi m- - Morning service 11 aviwv !!T mg and mortgage burning service. Guest speaker. Dr. E. E. Martin; dis trict sUDerintendent a -in Und. will apeak. Evening service 7 SO rti fjmer. Ptor. from, Portland. Wednesday, 730 pjn mid week prayer service. FIRST aPnUTUAUST 24S North Cmmi,i . . . . ' ' riT1- ?nday school 10 ajn. Morning service. 11 -o'clock tvi. tog sertvee ?.-45 o'clock. Prayer meet! ing Thursday, 75 pjn. - m9t"- f50J!LG-ANIZED MATTER DAY , ' w i- a, a 17th Ind rhawMVek . ajn. Morning service 11 o'clock. Even. Stici! ,U!COnUnud W furS AJNT PAUL'S EPISCOPAL ,Hrbr Sl". pastor SundVy scnooi :45 ajn. JimiA. i .- . . SlJL?0,?-"", holyommunTon S tne chapel. 11 o'clock, nomine btim ZZ"SJ"ti churcnTf! ;-Sin3i--j ribklcrs " First Evangelical Church " Suzday - 7:G II Marion aV Summer St.