The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 21, 1943, Page 3, Image 3

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State Of ficers
At Grange Meet
Chemawa Is Host
At County Session; :
Program Given
VICTOR POINT Marion coun
ty Pomona grange met at Keizer
Wednesday with Chemawa grange
being host. Special guests were
Morton - Tompkins, Mrs. Blanche
Pickering and Elmer McClure,
state grangemaster, lecturer and
overseer, respectively, and Mr. and
Mrs. Clarence Carter, the former
a member, of the state grange leg
islative committee.
Memorial services were held at
'the morning session for Mrs. My-
sta Hendricks of Salem and Mrs.
Andrew Fery of Stayton. Com
xnittee reports were given by Vera
Scott, county home economics
chairman, and W. M. Tate, agri
culture chairman, on their respect
ive work.
Chemawa grange women served
a chicken dinner at noon. The aft
ernoon session was devoted to
talks by state officers present and
by Mrs. Jackson of the Chemawa
- The dramatic club of the jChe
mawa Indian school presented a
play. Mrs. Carl Weigel was direc
tor. W. E. Savage of Chemawa was
guest lecturer during the program.
Daughters Visit
Families in Turner
TURNER En route home from
San Francisco the last of the week,
Mrs. Helen Harrison will visit
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George
Brower in Turner before return
ing to her McMinnville home.
She has been in San Francisco
with her husband. Warrant Of
ficer C. H. Harrison, who left
on January 20 for sea duty.
Miss Edna Collins of Roseburg
surprised her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Ed Collins, when she arrived
for a several days visit. Miss
Collins earned the trip for being
the clerk selling the most mer
chandise in her department at
the Roseburg J. C. Penney Store.
Mrs. Frank Parr returned home
from Portland Saturday where
she had spent several days. Ac
companying her here for the
weekend were Mr. and Mrs. Rus
sell Denyer and Pauline, who
spent me ume wiui nis parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Ulwin E. Denyer,
and at the Parr home.
Mrs. Merrifield Visits
Brother at lnion Hill
UNION HILL Mrs. Christie
Merrifield of Redmond is visiting
for a few days at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Heater.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Matheny
are staying at their- home here
for a few days before returning
to their work near Dallas.
Mrs. Henry Peters and Mrs.
Edwin Peters were in Salem on
business on Monday of this week.
Mrs. Fred Casteel, who has been
In Portland for several weeks,
undergoing medical treatment has
recovered sufficiently to return
to her home here.
Harley Scott and Edwin Peters,
who are working in the logging
operations near Reedsport, came
home over the weekend return
ing to their work again on Sun
day. They reported nice weather
where they have been working.
Mrs. Henry Peters will enter
tain the members of the Union
Hill Womans club for all day
meeting at her home on Thursday.
Red Cross sewing will be worked
on at the meeting.
Fire Destroys Brooks
Residence Mondav
SMlTllt'IELD Fire com
.pletely destroyed the residence.
of Mr. and Mrs. William Brooks
Monday. The blase broke ont
, from an overheated fireplace
and despite efforts of the Dallas
fire department and friends
. and neighbors, only a few pieces
ef bedding and some clothing
were saved. The Brooks resi
dence Is the former Wade Ar
, till property.
Surrounding buildinri remain-
. ed intact and the loss is partially
. covered by famrann. It is re
Two of the children are stay
; in with neighbors, Mr. and
Mrs. William Reddekopp, to be
acir teatt L Mr. and Mrs.
.Brooks and the other child are
staying at the Jim Adams home
' in Monmonth temporarily.
Movies Scheduled
club meeting will be held Thurs
day night at the school auditorium
with a program , put on by .the
Portland regional office, 4th
Fighter command, with motion
pictures being the , main feature.
Sandwiches and coffee will be
sold to raise money to defray
expences on the alert post. -
Ritner Breaks Arm "
- PEDEE--F. C. Ritner of Salem,
who has a logging camp on the
North Santiam, broke his arm
when he fell from a Jog.
Mr. and : Mrs. ; Glen Kerber of
Ophir, Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Rui
ter, Fritz Kerber and Grace Gage
attended the dance at Crystal
Gardens Saturday.- .
MM -Willamette Valley :N
Reports From
Guest Artist
At Service
JEFFERSON Following the
morning worship services and a
covered dish dinner Sunday at
the Evangelical church, a sacred
request musical program was pre
sented, .featuring Abe Doerksen,
of Salem, who played the electric
guitar, accompanied at the piano
by Rev. Robert Bennett.
Election of church and Sunday
school j officers for the coming
year resulted as follows: class
leader, John Kins; assistant class
leader, Don Davis; church trea
surer. Miss Helen Kihs; trustee
to serve three years, Miss Anna
Klampe; pianist, Lawrence Reh-
feld; Sunday school superintend
ent, Mrs. John Kihs; assistant
superintendent, Miss Helen Kihs;
secretary, Lawrence Rehfeld; trea
surer, Don Davis.
Martha Jane Hutchings return
ed to school this week following
a weeks absence, because of In
fection in her right foot, caused
by running a nail in her foot
Archie DowelL who is. employed
at the Boeing Aircraft plant in
Seattle, Wash, spent the weekend
visiting at the home of his mother
and uncle, Mrs. Alice Sowell and
Homer West.
Word has been received here
from Sweet Home, that E. B.
Edmond, who moved from -here
last summer, dropped a piece of
pole on his foot while at work,
causing a fracture. His foot is In
a cast, bu' he can get about some
with aid of crutches.
George Blankenbaker, son of
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Blankenbaker
of the Dever community west of
Jefferson is leaving this week
for officers training school at Ft,
Leonard, Mo. He is with the engi
neer corps. Blankenbaker is a
senior at Oregon State college,
received his commission as second
lieutenant. Following church ser
vices Sunday night at the Christ-
ian church, members of the
Christian Endeavor gave him a
farewell party, and presented him
with a Testament Refreshments
were served by the C. E. members.
Mrs. Bert McConnell and son,
Gregory, of Sacramento, Calif., are
guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Gilbert Zimmerman. Mrs.
McConnell is a sister of Mrs.
Rev. Pike Is Guest
Speaker Two Weeks
Pike will conduct the church
services beginning at 11 a.m. next
Sunday and also the Sunday after.
It is necessary that the pastor,
Rev. Gordon E. Jaffee, be away
for two weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Layahe and
their daughter. Marge, were vi
sitors at the FJmer Wood home
Sunday. The Layahe's live in
Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Russ have
as their guests this week, Mrs.
Russes' nieces, Jo Ann, Sharon
Blanche and Georgia Dow.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Burr believe
someone having used all of his
gas coupons was attempting to
steal gas from their car. Early
Sunday morning the Burrs heard
a noise in their onionhouse and
saw that the door was opened.
After turning on the lights, the
prowler fled, but didn't get any
gas as their tank happened to
be almost empty. Nothing else
was missing.
Funeral Services Held
For Mrs. Redmond
AUMSVILLE Funeral services
for Mrs. Rose Redmond, born in
Ohio June 11, 1863, and who died
here at her home January 15,
were held at the Christain church
Monday with Rev. Ralph Put
nam of Corbett conducting the
Mrs. Wendell Weddle sang. Pall
bearers were Gilbert Donkey Ger-
ben Donker, Edward Wallace. Lee
rlighberger, O. E. Roberts, Mel
vin Gfldow. .
Concluding services took place
at the' Mission Lee cemetery in
Salem, in charge of the Weddle
Funeral Home of Stayton.
Austin's Eye Injured
AUMSVILLE Mr. Austin liv
ing on the old Lewis place, re
ceived a serious injury to an eye
Monday while working at cutting
wood. ; A . steel sliver flew! into
his eye .and was imbedded in the
eye ban. He was taken to a Salem
hospital and will have to remain
there several days.
Range Explodes
DAYTON A serious kitchen
range explosion: octared at the
home of Mrs.' Lucy Kirkland in
Dayton when she started the fire
Monday morning and immediate
ly returned to another room in
the house. '
The range-was completely de
molished. The water pipes were
f r o z en, Mrs.- Kirkland believes,
causing the explosion. Mrs. Kirk
land. was not aware of the -pipes
being frozen until she heard the
terrific explosion.,.' - ; i
The Statesman's Community Correspondents
Salem, Oregon. Thursday
Carrier Cowpens Launched
i Kir.
X 'J- , j
X ' U i ;
v-criV -in -
-S j ' ,;'
f rJ
The Cowpens, fourth aircraft carrier launched In 20 weeks at the New
York Shipbuilding corporation yards at Camden, NJ, slides down
the ways. Named for the battle of Cowpens In the Revolutionary
war, the ship was launched on the 162nd anniversary ef the battle.
- Associated Press Telemat "
Turner Church
Events, Elect Leaders
TURNER New officers and standing committees for the
year were the important business transacted at the first meet
ing of the Christian Sisterhood in the new year. Mrs. Grace
Leep will head the group as president; Mrs. Florence Parr, vice
president; and Mrs. Mary Stand
ley, secretary treasurer. Stand
ing committees include: social.
Nadine Ellis, Mrs. B. L. Hicks,
Mrs. Rosa Capeli, Mrs. Stoe Far
rell and Mrs. Anna Windom;
work, Mrs. Florence Parr, Mrs.
Ellison Whittaker and Mrs.
George Good; flower, Mrs. E. J.
Gilstrap, Mrs. George Brower and
Mrs. Mary Standley.
The Sisterhood will meet the
afternoons of the first three
Thursdays In the month In the
church parlors dispensing with
the fourth Thursday for the
missionary society meeting. At
present the group are sewing -on
woolen skirts for the Red
Cross, and quilting for a Sis
terhood member. In the near
future a chaplain from Camp
Adair with 25 soldiers will con
duct the morning worship ser
vices at the Christian church,
and the Sisterhood will serve
dinner to them and the con
gregation, with Mrs. E. J. Gil
strap, Mrs. Homer Haggard and
Mrs. George Good, appointed
on the menu committee.
The Missionary society of the
Turner Christian church met for
an afternoon study on "American
Missions" led by Nadine Ellis. The
identities of the mystery sisters
were revealed, and during the
social hour, refreshments were
served by the hostesses, Mrs. M.
B. Madden and Mrs. George Good.
Two visitors and 17 members at
tended the meeting.
.A 14-voice young peoples' choir
made its initial appearance Sun
day morning at the Turner Meth
odist church, under the direction
of Rev. Paul Jaquith, featuring
Negro spirituals, as a part of the
special installation service, seat
ing new officers of the youth fel
lowship society. Mrs. Walter
Jaquith of Newberg was organist
and Mrs. Gene Poitras, soloist
The Youth Fellowship meetings
on Sunday at 7:30 p.m. have a
membership of 16. Officers in
clude Pearl Hogsed, president;
Donna Fredrickson, vice presi-
West Salem Legion,
Auxiliary Resume
Meetings Tonight
WEST SALEM The Kingwood
post of the American Legion and
the auxiliary will hold their first
meeting since the flood Thursday,
January 22, at the Legion hall.
After ; the business j meetings,
Gladys White and Elsie Long will
have charge' of the social hour.
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Landry have
moved into the house on Gerth
street recently vacated by Mr. and
Mrs. John Annings. -
Three Reported Dl
j MARION-iH erman DeLangh
and Jim Wilson have been ."con
fined at their homes the - past
week with severe colds. ; L "
J. L. Cal&van also - has been
very ill at his home. He was taken
ill quite suddenly.
Dinner Given ; . .,
i MONMOUTH Mrs. R. P. Ma
thany entertained aV dinner Fri
day night for Mrs. J. E. Winegar,
Mrs. . G. 1L RusselL . MraT ; Ethel
Moreland, Miss Cora' Smith, Mrs.
J. S. Fuller and Mrs. Hooer
Wflm - " - - i '
Morning, January 21 1943
i '
Groups Plan
dent; secretary and treasurer,
Alice Lee Locken; commissioners,
Lois Fredrickson, Jo Tanner, Bev
erly and Bonnie Webb.
Newly elected officers of. the
Methodist Sunday school include
Joe Holt superintendent and Mrs.
Wilma Dierks, chorus leader.
The executive board of the
Methodist Women's society of
Christian Service met at the
home of Mrs. W. R. Hogsed and
outlined plajis for-4be new year's
work. Beginning at 9:30 ajn.
Saturday a cooked food sale
will be held at the Chapman
Mercantile store, with the com
mittee comprised of Mrs. Stella
Miller, Mrs. Earl Prather and
Mrs. N. W. Hutchens.
. The pre-Easter bazaar held for
the past several years was dis
pensed with in favor of a Christ
mas bazaar, with members to start
needlework now. The monthly
business meetings will be held
from now on in the various homes
on the third Friday afternoon in
the month, instead of preceding
the silver tea and program, as has
been done in the past year.
Cafe Operator
circuit court jury acquitted Mrs.
Beulah Krager, Dundee, one of
14 Yamhill county tavern and
cafe operators accused of selling
liquor to a minor, late Monday.
Her case was the second to come
to trial. In the first Cecil H.
Wright Newberg, also was ac
quitted. Perrydale Residents
Entertain Friends
PERRYDALE The all day
Farmers Union meeting held here
Wednesday at the school audi
torium was well attended.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Kester were
in Salem Wednesday on business.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark OTDell were
hosts to a group of McMinnville
friends Saturday, the occasion be
ing Mrs. OTktll's birthday.'
Mr. and-Mrs. Joe Stride werda
and daughters of Portland spent
Thursday and Friday t here at the
home of his parents and other
relatives. '
: Jeanette Van ' Staavern and
Magdalena Strickwerda spent the
weekend here with their respec
tive parents. "
-' Mrs. 'George Woods of Dallas,
bat until recently of this com-
inanity, went to Portland Tues
day of this week and was to
Bdergo a major operation on
- her eyes.- Mrs.: Woods, eyesight
. has failed rapidly the - last few
months and the operation Is ae
. cessary to regain the sight of
'one eye and perhaps both.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Strickwerda
are settled now in the house in
Perrydale formerly lived ' fa by
John , Jolly. The house ; theyL had
lived in north of town is being
remodeled by George Van Often.
He will live there.
Suffers Stroke
1 SALEM HEIGHTS A resident
of Salem Heights district for sev
eral years, Ela Wheeldon, suffer
ed ' a paralytic stroke partially
aff acting facial muscles, friends
niiiess Drops
Off. Unionvale
UNIONVALEf-There were only
1 students absent Monday from
the entire eight grades of the
Unionvale school which is much
Improvement over ; a weelc : ago.
! The ! local thermometers regis
tered around 10 degrees above
tero Monday morning the lowest
in a number of years. Some pumps
and many water pipes were fro
en and a i few ? burst. Unfor
tunately the electric current went
Off at 1139 pjn. as electric clocks
Stopped at that time Sunday night
and did not function again until
almost j 6 ajn. Monday. Lack of
electricity is given as the 'prob
able cause of some of the damage
by freezing.
; Three truck loads of fat steers
belonging to U. S. Alderman were
taken Sunday to the Portland
inarket'by Howard Baker, Fran
cis Kilgore and Lloyd Zentner.
Dave Launer, Dayton . Union
high school student of this dis
trict; -Is confined to bed because
of mumps. !
j 'Mrs. Martin Braat accompanied
by Mrs, Fred Withee, was a week
end guest of her son-in-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon
Estelle, at the Salmon River cut
off. j Private Milton C. Jones of Ark
ansas, who is here on a ten day
furlough, and Mrs. Jones of
McMinnville were Sunday night
guests of his brother-in-law and
sister, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Launer.
Sidney Jones of Whiteson, Ken
neth Montgomery and Miss Thel
ma Williams of Amity were Fri
day night guests at the same
home, j j
; Sidney Jones has returned to
stay with Mr. and ' Mrs. Launer
and will work in the same de
fense iron works plant in Portland
with Mr. Launer while awaiting
his draft call.
Good Morning
Better Get Up
TACOMA -VP)- Fr swing
shifters, hoot owls and milk
men sans alarm clocks or well
trained wives or roosters, Ta
comai has a new "call service"
inaugurated by a local business
, schoot
The service, baaed on hotel or
Pullman porter theories, has Its
busiest time between 5:30 and
S o'clock in the morning, V, D.
Patterson, manager, said.
The ' operator keeps ringing
' the telephone until she receives
a foggy answer, responds with
a' cheery "Good morning, its
blank : o'clock," and hangs up.
She doesn't try to talk the cus
tomer into it he's on his
honor to stay on.
Good Will Club.
Buys Service Plaque
club met Friday at the home of
Mrs. Jim Houk. The women voted
to buy a plaque and have names
of all boys of this community who
are in 'service inscribed on it. It
will be hung in the school, either
in the 'hall with the trophys of
the school or in the auditorium.
A letter of thanks was read
from the captain of the company
for which this club with Ballston
and Bethel furnished a day room.
The women of these clubs furn
ished cakes, cookies and nuts for
the boys who use the day room
at Christmas. Besides furnishing
the day room completely, the ci
tizens have given a full army
truck load of miscellaneous furni
ture, each article labeled with the
doner's name and going into va
rious rooms as it is needed. The
need : is great for any ' kind of
sturdy furniture and anyone hav
ing an I article to give may leave
it at Houk's store or with Mrs.
Bob MitchelL
Bakers Give Party
On Son's Birthday
UNIONVALE Mr. and Mrs.
Howard Baker entertained at their
ho(me Saturday afternoon with a
birthday surprise party compli
menting their son, John J. Baker,
on his, tenth;, birthday anniversary.
'. Inddor games ''were played. .A
decorated birthday cake featured
the refreshments served by Mrs.
Baker assisted by Mrs. Lloyd
Zentner. Gifts, were - presented ,
' Attending were: Evelyn Allen,
Leonard, " Bobby, Clarence, Rich
ard, . Howard . and Imogene Baker,
Wanda fSeiger; Ray. Hibbs, -N orris
Jones,) ! Carol Sus Launer, Billie
Michael, Mary Elaine Parsons,
Betty j and Buddie Strawn, Clyde
Ship,; i Mrs. 1 Maude Spencer and
Mrs. Gertrude Parsons. . . v
-!(! . - - ' .
Carnival Postponed
PREVGLE Due to weather
conditions the , carnival planned
by the 4H clubs of the Pringle
school will not be held this Fri
day night bat will be postponed
one week to Friday, January 29.
All friends of the school are In
vited t attend, i There wfil be
refreshments will be
Wflcox Talks
Flood Control
: .' .,. 1 :.- '.V
; ' - : . -".-I - )
Santiam, Willamette
Dams Are Discussed
' By Farmers Union h j
MARION Practically . aH j offi
cers were present at the Friday
night meeting of Marion Farm4
erj Union. Mrs." C H. Wilcox
acted as song leader and ! Mrs;
Glenn Smith pianist. j
Warren Gray ; reported on , the
county convention which was held,
at Liberty. He also stated j sales
of oil for December for the Farm-i
ers Union cooperation oil sta
tion at Mt. AngeL t I
There were ' reports from the
committees followed by a talk by
C. H. ; Wilcox on the great j need
of flood '.control dams j on the
Santiam and ; Willamette rivers;
Mrs. Warren had as her subject
"The Glorified Farmers. ; - i
Mrs. Walter Glascow Is chair
man of the refreshment commit
tee for next meeting. : .?
, The program and sale for the
raising , of funds for the Camp
Adair room furnishings wasisparf
sely attended due to cold weather.
The ' Ladies auxiliary. ' of the
Marion Farmers Union local meets
Thursday. They will be joined
by their husbands who ; will do
inside painting and improving of
the grounds.
Influenza Cases j
Reported, Pioneer;
; PIONEER Tom Keller Polk
county bridge foreman, has been
ill due to a severe case of influ
enza. Keller has been off Work the
past three or four days, but plans
to return to work this .week.
Mrs. Ed Norman and daughter
of Crawfordsville were overnight
guests at the Archie Brown home
Saturday. Mrs. Norman is a sister
of Mr. Brown.
There were seven children out
of school Monday due to influenza,
including Leonard Brown, Shirley
Keller, Jimmy and Carol Coy.
Mr. and Mrs. John Keller, jri,
called at the John Keller ; home
Saturday afternoon. Keller has
been bedfast since Friday due to
rheumatism. He remains about
the same.
John Keller returned home from
Madras where he has been doing
government construction work.
Keller was called home due to the
illness of his daughters who have
been having a severe attack of in
fluenza. A doctor was called from
Dallas for both Shirley and Phil
lis. . V
Miss Fern Knight of Dufur was
an overnight guest at Roy Black
home Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Willis Keller of
Dallas and Mr. and Mrs.. Henry
Weideman of Salt Creek were sup
per guests at the Tom Keller home
Sunday. -1;
Mr. and Mrs. Merle Prindel
were dinner guests at the Ralph
Xacked with
- ' At Your Grocer
" '--f ' -- - '
, : i V;,-..- : - - .,
Ratzlffs Move
To Rickreall
Manage Ranch
SMITHFIEI.D "Mr. and Mrs.
David Giesbrecht helped their
children, Mr. ) and Mrs. Henry
Ratzlaff of Salt Creekj move to
their new location on the Robert
Pence residence just east of Rick
realL Ratzlaff j will manage about
400 acres of gram and hay farm
ing for Mrs. Will Fern, who re
cently purchased the ranch. Ratz
laff has been - employed as a
trucker for the Fern lumber mill
south of Dallas recently. -'Mr.
and Mrs. Gay V. Rempel
and family, together with Mr. and
Mrs. Peter Schrag and .daughter
Verna of near! Monmouth, motor
ed to Sheridan Sunday to visit
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Schrag and
family. ; .
v Hardin Smith and Mike John
son hauled a load of sheep for
jtheir neighbor, A. S. Brown, to
Salem Monday and on their re
tarn brought , back .,a tractor for
Smith. - '.
Allyn Philips has recently pur
chased a tractor from a firm in
McMinnville who delivered it on
Friday. - .- j.
Mrs. C Wj Reynolds of Cor
vallis called on her sister, Mrs.
Zula Simpsonj Friday. -
Mr. and Mrs. - Earl . Johnson
and children, Jlmmie and Mary
Lou of Portland, called on Mr.
and Mrs. George Beyerle, Sun
day, and the group went to Cor
vallls where they visited with
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Beyerie.
Sgt Max Smith of Camp Adair
and Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Friesen
and family of, Dallas were dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Peter
Reimer on Sunday. '-:
Pioneer Sewing Qub
Appoints Committee
PIONEER The Pioneer Sewing
club met at the school for it's
first meeting of the year. Mem
bers enjoyed a one o'clock lunch
eon. In the afternoon a business
was held with the new president,
Mrs. Andrew .Blodgett, in charge.
The club voted to meet the, second
Thursday of j each month or if
necessary to meet twice a month
if there was work to do.
Mrs. Andrew Theiss "and Mrs.
Frank Dornhecker were appointed
to take charge of the Red Cross
work for the club. Mrs. Robert
Kent, a new resident of the com
munity. Joined. '.".' ,
Those attending the meeting
were Mrs. Mark Blodgett, Mrs.
Robert KentJ Mrs. "Roy Black,
Mrs. Tom Keller, Mrs. Ralph Wea
ver and son Wayne, Mrs. Earl
Wood, Mrs. Gladys and son Ray
mond, Mrs. , Andrew ' Theiss and
son Douglas, Mrs. Archie Brown
and Mrs. Frank Dornhecker.
Weaver home Sunday. Mr. Prin
del was on a two days furlough
from Washington where he is sta
tioned. ; ..
!.. . - t
Master Breach Is chock full of
old fashioned bread goodness
Flavor, Texture, and Fresnnesa-r
It's popular because of its good-
Officers Sworn
In at Buena Vista;
Committees Told
BUENA VISTANew officers
were sworn in and took over their
duties Friday night at the Farm
ers Union meeting. John Drazdoff,
president: Vic Bride, vice cresi-
dent and Violet Thurston, secre
tary, took office.
The president ' appointed the
following committees: kitchen,
Mrs. John Kosanke: oroeram. Mrs.
Cecil Hultman; membership, E.D.
Long, P. A. Wells; marketing,
Orville Wells, Jonas Graber..
Delegates chosen to' attend the
convention are John Drazdoff. Ben
Griffith and Jonas Graber.
A chill supper is planned for
the first meeting In February.
Robert Wells. Jr- came Mondav
from Portland to visit his sister,
Mrs. Muo Graber. - f
Miss Alice Prather of McMinn-
vile was down Sunday to celebrato
her birthday anniversary at the
home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. I 5. Prather.
Ekman Caught
In Blizzard
8ILVERTO N The worst
snowstrom Into which he had
ever ventured according to Er- ,
nest Ekman. local mortician,
was that Tuesday when he was
returning from an ambulance
trip which had taken him to En
nmclaw. Wash. Mrs. Sophia
Blackerby, longtime resident ef
Silverton, who had been ill at a
8alem hospital for the past three
months, was taken to the home ,
of her daughter, Mrs. Richard
.Bruce. '.
On the return trip, the blis
sard was so severe at Olympia,'
Mr. Ekman and Mrs. Ekman,
who accompanied him, report
ed, that they thought of leaving
the ambulance there and return
ing by public transportation.
There were nine Inches of snow
on the ground and more In the
air, they said. They were able
to purchase chains for their am-,
balance and continued their
trip homeward. : i
Silverton Teacher
Principal at Sandy
SILVERTON F loyd Light,
who came here last summer as
assistant superintendent to Su
perintendent - H. W. Adams, Is
moving on again, as Information
haa reached here that he has
been named principal , of the
Sandy Union high school, effect
ive July 1, to succeed George
D. Orr. . ' t
r The Silverton school board
has acted en on teachers' ap
plications for, Silverton as yet
for the coming year. They will
take this up In their February
meeting. .