The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 08, 1943, Page 10, Image 10

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    Music Hall
The students of the Willamette
university college music will
appear in recital this afternoon
at 3 o'clock. The public is in
vited to the redtaV and admis
sion is free. '
Piano A. D 1620 MsDwn
rtaaa Eunice Maasea . J . ,
flute: Concerto No. , T . . yfg
, Second . Movement: Andante Ma
Hon Troppo.
Voice: Dedication j
- Wane
" PureeU
Fasting 5y
ianA! -Prffludft in G - Baca
..... . -r. f amine - ve;ui -
-Voice! Splrte pur -Sptrete-JDoneody
Violin: Summer Nisht . franklin
- ? pizzicato Serenade - rranalin
"Vloim ctafl . .
Voice: UMcUtemi Mortre-Monteverdo
." Che laro Serno Euri4ice Gluck
. -Beth. Siewwrt : ' 1 , r
piano : Humoreeque JtachmsiUnqfl
. Yvomf UflMt ::!-;- '::.-;;
Voice ! Recitative : M : .
Arte: It wiU an yow
(Elijah) -". Mendelssohn
.Michael Carolan
' -. VloUn: Concert In A. Minor
. . : VtvaldUNatcnes
i Accompanists are Gladys Crawford,
Barbara Diefendorf, and Earlin
Cleason. . - . "
; ; Bridge Club" at
Mrs. Wheeler JEL rjnglish was
hostess to members of her bridge
club on Wednesday night at her
s home on Chemeketa street. .... A
late luncheon : was served ; f ol-;
lowing several hours of bridge.
.Mrs. Wayne Page was a special
; guest. .'
. , Members of the group are Mrs,
i - Kenneth Manning, Mrs. George
; Scales, Mrs. Thorne H. Ham
, y - mond, Mrs. ; Keith Hall, Mrs. ;
Harold Busick, Irs. William
i : Dashney," Mrs. Wilson Siegmund,
; Mrs. Edward Stadter, jr, and
!. Mrs. Wheeler, English.
f. Mrs. .Scott to. ; . .
Be Speaker "
Mrs! J. Vinton Scott has been
! ;. asked to " be the speaker at . the
, meeting .of the Salem" Heights
w o m a n's - club,- scheduled ' for,
. this afternoon at 2 o'clock in
the hall.; ; -f -''r.;
) : Mrs.: Scott who lived for "many
i years' in the "orient, wil?- talk on
I ; the myths' and legends of China.
T , Mrs. Keith Hall has returned
i to Salem c following a holiday
? visit with ' her . husband : who is
stationed 1st Camp Roberts. 'En
route home she visited Lt Colo
' nel and Mrs. William H. Ham
; mond r in San Francisco.
- The Florence Vail . MlssleBaiy
f, society - of the Calvary Baptist
church will meet this afternoon
at 2 o'clock in the 'church.
The perfect little casual dress
for the office, the campus or your
.volunteer war job this Anne
Adams newcomer. It's" Pattern
4264 and in smart shirtwaister
style, with a 'jaunty front but
toning and an inset belt A very
ftew feature is the front skirt
garnering; inside pockets are op
tional. . vV .. -. 1
Pattern 4264 is available In
misses sires 12, 14, 16, 18, 20.
Size 16 takes' 2 yards 84 inch.
' Pattern
' . 'iSend SIXTEEN CENTS in eoina
- for thia Anne Adams pattern. Write
rlatnlr SIZE. NAME. ATJDRXSS and
An. BfiatMi PilWa RmW mjt
' cover the American Fashloa Scene.
feimpie. fabric rinf decicna -for
, outfits in , every size. Scrap-bag
. lashions; war work styles; accessor
I lea. Pattern Book, ten cents. i
4. Send -your order to -The Orefon
i Statesman. Pattern Department. So
; lent. Ore, ..
Is rdn CsSmi el CCmr
1.3-d ia EL Plnzham's Vegetable Cora
pound is made CJpeciaiiy for iKtmrt
to TtUere periodic pain with weak,
nerrous. tlue fw'Ir ss due to funo
tlontl monttJr disturbances. Taken
reuUr!y Fintehsm's Compound
fct -s tulli resistance against
r 1 f r.:. Tc-ow libel Crec
XIzza. benefitedl
i -.
Give Grease
:' -To, Girls
The .Camp Fire girls of Salem
.will Open their monthly crease
collecting activities on Saturday.
' theonly official. drive in aTw,
- it was decided at a meeting of
the Camp Fire Guardians asso
; elation held Tuesday night . at
the First Presbyterian church.
The city has been divided in
' to seven school districts, each
I under ithe t supervision , of cer
tain camp fire groups. The
. work of collecting grease is to
be done by the girls one Sat
urday each month, but will be
: under ? the ! supervision of the
guardians. !
Girls will call on homes to
. day and Saturday, explaining
: their plans and making arrange
' menta for later collections, Mrs.
Sidney; King, - and ; Mrs. Paul
' Morse, co-chairmen stated.
Girls from Sacred Heart "Aca
demy, Leslie and Parrish junior
' high schools will collect from
"t h e . g r a d e ' school districts In
which they' live. .;
Mrs. Dunbar at '
Dallas Club
DALLAS The .Dallas Wom
en's club had as its guest speak-'
--,.er for the January meeting on
' .Tuesday, Mrs. Sadie Orr Dunbar
V who talked on "Woman's Part in
the War" Effort,' an interesting
discussion of woman's responsi
bihty - in winning victory.
Vv:s Mrs, S, Kreason gave a re
sume of the work of the Tjadies
, in Gray" at Camp 'Adair.
Music 'was given, by the Dal
las " high school sextet, accom
1 panied by their instructor, Mary ,;
Hope Martin. . - ; '-f
Hostesses for the day were
"Mrs." John Meeker,' Mrs. Arattel
Shreeve, Mrs. .William C. Ret
zer, Mrs. Joe Vine, Mrs. William
Blackley, and Mrs. Mark Blod- '
' gett .
.' Mrs. Dunbar was honored at
a covered dish luncheon given
by the . club's executive board -preceding
the meeting.
Hi-Y; Mothers
Make! Curtains
The Hi-Y Mowers club met on
Tuesday at the home of thepres
, ident, Mrs.' Floyd Utter for the
- regular monthly business session.
- The 'committee, appointed to co
operate with .the YMCA in fur
nishing a room at Camp Adair,
reported; that furnishings have
been 'sent and that a group of .
. the Hi-Y mothers bought mater
ial and made 12 pair of curtains v
under the supervision of Mrs. C.
; A. Kells.
The next meeting will be held
at the home of Mrs. F. A. Smith
on February 2.
Prices Effective Friday - Salnrday Hcgjay
Dundee Brand
Dcd Beans 5S2 31170
Tana Flakes N' 360
Tvislee Ho odies A. 1 5 0
Campbell's i
Tomaio Soup 2,210
Bernaden Mason, complete Doz. 25c
fMAl Wheatsworth
LCrCul 20-Oz. Pkg.
Mt, Hood "
Mechanic Soap
AJbers Instant
AUUlUltd 8-Oz. Pkg.
Lb. Pkg. 22c
Onisin Bran
Grcclicrs nt.
Ukolo Bye WAr
Sail - 8-Lb. pkr.
Elg Prices
V 7
r o
fiii sic. ;
'..; . ... .
FEtOAT . - -' .-"-x .
? Meenns' of four WSCS fTOUpa,
First Methodist church. Carries
' room, all day.
- BsiClewood Woman's club. With
. : Mrs. E A. . Collier. 1069 South
High street. S p. m.
Salem Woman's club. S o'cleek
-i ozecutiveK board mctuaf, se
" dub meetins. ? -
TTJESDAT '' fc:-s"r-:i-
, - Macleay All club with Mrs. V.
..JM. Masee. 1p.m. f. !-r-r
. Woman's union of First Coa
arecational church, bueineos
sneetuif S . nu. fouowed by
Presbyterian Missionary society
Presyterian Missionary society
at church. Board meetins t P-m
business meetins S p. m. ,
; FruiUand Woman's
church. If n.
irele, at
Make Your Own
A drab chair "can be turned
. into a colorful decoration: that
transforms a room just by the
addition of a gay new slip-cover
that you made' yourself!.. You'll
find covers , here for different
styles of chairs ' and sofas.' In
structions 437 contain step-by-step
directions and all Informa
tion for making slip" covers.
Send ELEVEN CENTS in coins
for instructions to The Oregon
Statesman, Needlecraft - Dept,
Salem, Ore. Write plainly PAT
Flagstaff, guaranteed to be the same
flour as Castle.
49 lb..
Red, White and Blue or Pfl "Sfffk
Kitchen Queen, 49 Ib.. ZplLnd &
49 Ib..
Fisher Blend
49 .
Gold Medal
49 Ib
49 Ilx...
Golden West
Lb.. !
Moraine Star
Lb :
Jit. Angel, Grade A
'Miss Maerz
To" Marry
j - .. . J
Miss Inex Maerx, sister of Mrs.
Forrest IX .Van Swearing-en jot
Salem, has told of her engage
ment to Lt Gustave A. Grai
flus of Tort lewis. She will leave
on January 15, and will be mar
ried in Tacoma at the home of
another, sister on January 23. -
Lt, Graffius is the son of Mrs.
Gustave Graffius of Petersburg,
Pa. , . ;' ' - '";..'! .
Mrs. Clara Starr ef
ville is a visitor at the home of
her sister-in-law, Mrs. C P.
- Bishop this weekVv::
-. - S1LVERTON Mr. - and Mrs.
W. L. McGinnis have returned
from a Christmas vacation spent
In Los Angeles. -
New Legislators
Plan for Action
Harris Ellsworth and Lowell
Stockman, new Oregon represent
stives, who took their seats in
congress for the first time Thurs
day, said they will concentrate on
vigorous prosecution of the war
and elimination of unnecessary
non-war, spending. -
Ellsworth said he nlsn wmiM
bid for federal development of
Oregon's mineral and forest re
sources in the Interests of the war
effort and post-war "reconstruc
tion, -v j--- .- - .
Stockman said "he was particu
larly interested In. farm policies
and that he , favored curtailment
of federal bureacracy which he
contended is retarding the war
program. '- - '
Today's Menu
. Oysters will make up the day's
mam dish, which will go extra
well with a tart fruit salad.
Grapefruit-pineapple salad
r Oyster shortcake " :
Hot biscuits;.
Buttered broccoli :-'
; Apple cobbler . .
1 cup flour r '1 . . . ;
2 teaspoons baking powder
. W teaspoon salt ;f v
3 tablespoons shortening
H cup milk "
Mix together flour, , baking I
powder and salt Cut in shorten
ing and slowly add the milk.
When a soft dough' forms, di
vide in halves and . shape each
Into a cake about inch thick. !
Bake 10 or 12 minutes until j
brown in a moderate oven, on
an un greased pan. Split and add
the filling. Replace top and cov
er with rest of filling.
2 tablespoons butter
S tablespoons flour
H teaspoon salt ,
H teaspoon paprika v -
teaspoon chopped parsley
Speck celery seed
1 cu p milk
cup. small oysters
. Melt butter and add flour, and
seasonings." When blended pour
in milk and cook slowly until
creamy sauce forms. ' Stir con
stantly. Add oysters and simmer
five minutes. Stir several itmes.
Yes, Ue Deliver
or Hills Bros.
"a7 "57
137 So.
; : Cca'l.
- '
San Diegans Scan -:
SHcs, Elics Gold
SAN DIEGO, Calif, Jan. 7-ff)
Possibly Can Diegans are watch
mi the sttes too Intently.
..Police reported Thursday that
27 bars of cold, stolen from a den
tist's office, were, found on a
downtown street where they had
lain undetected for. three days.' -
. Defective Mort Geer said tne
cold was stolen by gang , of
' ''! ..
-x - v x x w'wv a r" T-e "e - j-1".-.!-. aaw arar . i r
American Made . '
17x36-In. Reg 2.79. NOW m n
Colorful . American made H Ar3
high loop pile rags, in blue, - '
rose or green. Washable and ; color
fast . . . a charming addition to any .
- ..:--.. ;-.-.-.'. , -' -V-
28x40-In. Reg. 4.59. NOW C?
Attractive high loop pile . , . mlZmZ0
washable ard colorfast
1 !'
1 P ! p. "II
youths who tossed the, bars . from
an 'automobile,' unaware of their
value, estimated by police at 3v j.
Bids on Notes Called
The - treasury asked bids Thurs
day on $600,000,00a : of 81-day
treasury notes - to mature April
14, 1943. Bids wm .be received at
tA " :tirt .'. hanks' -and
branches up to S pjn Eastern
war lime, iniurj
war J.1HK, 'ui . - .., - t
,-.- t . .vvjw,, hiuuicu i
cotton liriters. ultrarviotet.rav" treoted o'rvl
- . -. - - ; . f : ii .ukvu. - will
pieces ore covered-with duroble, heavy, drill1 ticking. - The two -pillows
ore full ;17x24-inch size, ond : filled with; lQp flgffy chicken
feothers . ; . covered, in colorful ort ticking that's .."dust jte.' A real yolue !
9x11 -Inch Size
Xtsstt J W svaUaMc.) " ' '
Heavy composition treods :
. In black or. maroon. ; Easy ,
to clean . . long wearing.
Klines Laboratory.
Site Sought Here
Search Is being made by the
Salem chamber of commerce
a building which could be used by
the bureau of mines of the. Inter
ior department for an electric
laboratory, a-ccordinar to an-
MivMmnt -i Thursdav ' by - the
chamber's znanager, Clay C Coch-
Sen. Rufus C Holman nae wirea
rwwpiopie moacrn oesgn moce of fine, selected
.)wodj ond f iniin irjch crfe mople toni. '
; : Lorge 42-inch vanity hos" fcur-roomy "drqweri
5'eT vision irroifn$;$epcte" ond hos
; O flc)d. looking mopie-toned
" - ra tomfwf qnd. long
ttiese four: piece;; Fouridation i spring unit has
Ouralin Foil Base Vcriago
Smooth, extra heavy felt base
yordege, offered in exclusive
Seryiston designs .ij . the finest
in styles ond colors. Mode to
give you extra wear 'and service.
Also available in 6-foot widths.
See Our Full Line of
Broadlooras Ask Us
fe- IK-.,...; -.. fx;
Cochran, asking If such a bull :
ing could be found in CalerO.
Tuesday the senator will dlscucj
with the bureau cf raises Cie pes
sibility of locating proposed
tohnntirv in this state. Becaus
Sen. Holman believes that scarcity
f materials will cUS6 tile CVfiili
ability of a laboratory site to be
come a major issue m wesuoq
nf tnis azrencr. he asked if the
Salom urmnrv or tame other larrs
structure could be used for thai
purpose. ,' . . .
I. . - 1
Wryice ore" yours wi th ''.
niicu win ivAjo Tened
triir.lcr .,tA du .
eq. yd.
High Grade
for Estimates:
: ' '
' 4