The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 02, 1943, Page 6, Image 6

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    s. Li
.oVa .aT M -a
: Jrloistetter-: :
Baker Yows "
Are Taken ::
On Christmas eve the marriage "
: of Miss Margaret Baker, "daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Baker,
. and; Mr. Gordon Hans Hofstet-'
. ter, son of Mr. and Mrs. ' Hahs
Rev. Kenneth Wishart of fici-.
. ated at the First Evangelical
church. The tapers were lighted "
' by. Miss Inez Hilfiker and Miss
f Vivian Bell.
; Preceding the ceremony Miss
Jean Alice Carkin sang and was
: man, who also played the wed
. ding march.' : : J
' -The bride wore a white cut.
: velvet gown, -fashioned with
shirred bodice' and-,V, neckline,
Y j. t.... J mil . . v
juiis wccvca tuia m. iiui SRiru tier
finger-tip length veil fell from a
crown of carnations and she car
ried a bouquet of carnations and
an orchid. i
Miss v Mary Jane Taylor, at
tendant, wore pastel pink net of
the same design as the bride's
dress and carried a bouquet of
pink carnations surrounding an
orchid. The bridesmaids were
Miss Hilda Schutz, Miss Beverly
. Hofstetter, Miss Geraldine Keene
and Mrs. Chester Nichols, jr. The
flower girl was Peggy. Kuan Bar
byte,- ..;. v -.
Serving as best man was Mr.
Grovet Homstetter. Ushers were
Mr. Rodney Hofstetter, Mr. Jack
Mudd and Mr. Vernon Sheldon.
For her daughter's wedding,
Mrs. : Baker wore a black silk
gown and a corsage of pink roses
and gardenias. Mrs. Hofstetter
wore a gown of blue crepe and
a corsage of roses and gerdenias.
A reception at the Hofstetter.
- home on - Hood street followed
the ceremony. Mrs. Conrad Eg
gler cut the bride's cake and Mrs.
Norville Gleason presided at the
urn. Assisting with the serving
were Miss Beverly v Hofstetter
and Miss Inez Hilfiker. -
When the couple left for their
wedding - trip ; the bride wore a
. yellow wool dressmaker suit and
brown accessories. Her corsage
: was of orchids.
' Mrs. Hofstetter is a graduate
or saiem mgn scnooi ana took
: business training in Portland.
Sne Is now connected witn uur
ly's dairy. : Mr. Hofstetter also
graduated from Salem . high
school and is now a sophomore
in dairying at Oregon State col
lege. He is a member of the
Delta Tau Delta fraternity.
There's iust time to stitch ud
-these gay, well-fitting aprons
lot Christmas gifts if you order
theAnne. Adams Pattern, 4265,
TODAY! Strawberry appliques
add color; ruffling or ric-rac are
cptionaL ' . ' ; '
, Pattern 4265 Is available in
sizes small (32-34), medium
(35-38), large (40-42), extra
large (44-48). Small size, view
B takes 2?s yards 35 inch; 1
yards ruffling; view A, 24 yards ,
25 inch; IVa yards ric-rac
Send SIXTEEN CENTS to ,eolno
ior this Anne Adams pa"-J1"1
rlainlv SIZE, NAME. ADDRESS and v
I.TT.VE KUMEia. ' - --v.
Buy ur Winter Pattern Boo and
over the American Fashion Scene,
iimrle, abrie-savine" designs for
outfits in every sixe. Scrap-baa
JiUhions: war work styles: accessor- ,
its. Pattern Book. t"Sr.nt'.'
- Snd your order to The Orefou -Statesman.
Pattern Department. So
lent, Ore.
'-, tATimoAT "H 'l'Ptr. "1v..";
SAR with Mrs. S. A. Baldwin,
480 North- 24th street. 3 p. m..
TUESDAY : ' ''' ' '
Yornarco class with Mrs. H. J.
Ostlind. 360. East LefeUe street.
' 1:15 dessert luncheon.
- Laurel Social Hour club, with
Mrs. Jennie Willis, 660 Union
street,' 3 p. m - -
AAITW radio, group with Mrs.
Guy Hickok, 1289 North' Slst
. street., 1:43 p. m. -
South section Women's union.
First Congregational church, 2:30
p. m. with- Mrs. May Christenson,
465 South Winter street.
North section Women's union.
First Congregational church. 2 :00
r. nt.- with Mrs. W. -1. JStaley,
663 Court street.
. Fmitiand Women's circle at
church. 2 p. m. --
Pringle Pleasant Point social -club,
with Mrs. Homer Harrison,
1220 Center street.' ?
Dinner Guests
Hear News
Announcement of the engage
ment of Miss Elda Herr to
Adolph Linden of Los Angeles
was told at a dinner for which
Miss Herr's mother, t Mrs. Elvin
Herr, was hostess at her home in
Central Howell Thursday.
Small cards placed on the ta
ble for each guest revealed the
news. No date was set for the
Miss Herr is a member of the
Swegle ', school faculty and Mr.
Linden is a student at the Los
Angeles Bible institute. j
Covers were placed at the din
ner for Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Herr
and sons, Clifford and Loren,
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Riensche,
Pauline Riensche, Miss Ruth
Riensche, Miss Gene Riensche,
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Riensche and
son, Phtilip, Roy Herr, Clarence
Herr, William Roth, sr., and
Mrs. Hjrr.
Engagement Told
On phone
News of the engagement of
Lt Junior Manning Nelson, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore G.
Nelson, route 6, to Miss Marjorie
Phyllis Cooke, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Paul F. Cooke of Holly
, wood, reached Salem on Christ
mas day when Lt. Manning
telephoned the home of his par
ents and introduced his fiancee
over the telephone to his parents,
four brothers, an aunt, and oth
er members of the Nelson fam-
ay. 7; .
Miss Cooke is doing profes
sional tinging and studio work
in Hollywood. Lt Manning has
just been commissioned in the
medical administration corps
and is now stationed at Hamilton
Field, Calif.
Chemeketa chapter, Daughters
of the American Revolution will
meet today at the home of Mrs.
S. A. Baldwin, 480 North 24th
street at 2 o'clock.
"Conservation" is the subject
of the talk by Mr. Lynn F.
Cronemfller. Hostesses will be
Mrs. Carey Martin, Mrs. C. C.
Clark, Miss Ola Clark, Mrs. I.
M. Schannep, Mrs. D. H. White
and Mrs. Frarfft Cramer.
WOODBURN The Woodburn
Woman's club will meet Wednes-
day at 2 p. m. Mrs. Gerock will
speak on her trip to Hawaii.
Members of the rural club have
been invited to attend. Hostesses
will be Mrs. H. F. Butterfield,
Mrs. A. E. Austin, Mrs. Joe Rich
ards and Mrs. E. J. Allen.
Veal Recipe
One of the many meats that
people are now beginning to ful
ly appreciate is veal breast,
stuffed. This' recipe has an un
epected ingredient that may-add
to your family's interest:
4-5 pond veal breast
Salt and pepper
44 cups uncooked vegetables
1 .'cup water
a cup smoked jowl square
2 cups bread cubes
Hi teaspoons salt
Va teaspoon pepper
1 egg
Have retailer remove breast
bone and cut a .pocket from the
end of the breast of veal Sea
son inside and out Cook the
chopped vegetables in water for
10 minutes Potatoes, onions, car
rots and cauliflower make -a
good combination Dice half the
smoked jowl and brown in a
large skillet Add remaining, in
gredients including water" on
vegetables Mi well and fill the
pocket in the veal breast Sew or
skewer opening Place on a rack
in baking pan. Arrange re
maining smoked jowl over top
of meat. Bake in a moderate ov
en (350 degrees) for 1 hour.
Cover ' and continue cooking
about lis hours or until meat "
Is tender. Serves t to 10.
: New Each ;
Week ; . :
;j Start, your try-sometli-nw
campaign today. Here are a few
" meat recipes that are realjinoney
savers and that have a plus value
of satisfaction and appetite ap-
J3lL, " T - v ...
-i i pound ground scalded pork
: liver' ' ' "
. tj .8 slices bacon , . -,
' -.4 cooked potatoes . '. '
i teaspoon salt f '' J'Z
'.- ; Grind the bacon "and combine
with the ground, liveri " Dice po
" tatoes and combine with the liver
, and . bacon. Brown' jand. cook
slowly about 10 minutes. Season
; and serve, . ; ...
-r 2 tablespoons butter or. mar-
. garine - t-t :i
2 tablespoons chopped onioti
i 3 veal kidneys - j
. . Salt- ' . , - .
Flour -,....!".- .'
1 cup tomato juice ?r -
: Cut kidneys in half lengthwise.
Remove white membrane. Soak
in cold water 15 minutes. fDry
- on paper. Cut into 1 inch pieces.
Season and dredge with flour.
Brown onion in fat. Add kid
neys and cook with onions for
about 5 minutes or until well
browned. Dredge with flour, add
tomato juice. Cover and simmer
10 to 15 minutes or until kidneys
are tender and sauce thickened
1 four-ounce package dried
1 can cream of mushroom $oup
V cup fat
3 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
a cup (about) milk
2 cups flour
Shred dried beef and mix with
half a can of mushroom soup.
Make baking powder biscuit
dough with remaining ingredi
ents. Roll dough in sheet about
inch thick. Spread with beef
mixture, roll up as for a jelly
roll. Slire and place slices on
baking sheet. Bake in a mod
erate oven (400) for about 20
minutes or until well browned.
Serve with remaining mushroom
soup made into gravy.
Brown one shank for each per
son in a little hot fat Season,
add one cup of water and cover,
Cook in a moderate oven or in
a heavy frying pan on top of the
range for 1M hours. Add more
water, diced carrots, celery, po
tatoes and onions. Cook 30 min
utes or until vegetables are done
and meat is tender. Serve hot.
Today's Menu
Menus for the weekend will
include a wide variety of dishes,
and will feature some of the
dozens of vegetables found in
local markets.
Celery sticks and pickles
Speghetti loaf
Fresh green beans
Baked squash
Orange biscuits
Fresh chocolate cake, fruit
Grated carrot and cottage
cheese salad
Roast lamb
Baked .potatoes, gravy .
Corn muffins and marmalade
Lemon cornstarch pudding
Vegetable soup pot
Cold roast
Baked onions, tomato souee
Stuffed peaches
2 cups cooked spaghetti "
cup bread crumbs
cup diced celery
Ya cup diced onions
Va cup chopped green pepper
or pimentos
1 teaspoon salt
Ya teaspoon paprika
cup grated or finely shaved
2 eggs beaten
Yt cup hot milk
Yt cup caned condensed toma
to soup.
Mix ingredients and pour into
buttered, loaf pan. Bake 50 min-1
Baked Apple Toaaato Oacktall Prance - Orange Jnice Grapefruit Juice Apple 8aoe f Grapefruit
Sacoii and Kgti Oetanesl Milk Toast " Scotch rmnemktt French Toast Cooked . j Fried Mush
Toast Whole Wheat CoOm Ueft-ever meatt Syrup Cereal . Sjmip
Coe Milk Toast Toast Beverage MOkj ; Beverage
Jelly ' Beverage Toast j
Coffee CoSee
.PersRosst Toasted Peanut- Faeefeole Egg 8andwtehes Welsh Rarebit Petete Sesp Omelet
Baked Sweet batter Sand- ocs with Celery staffed Wilted Lettuce Die : SeaUoped
rotators wiches- wtt , w ith Raw Fruit ; Ssaed Jeerf iTesaatoas
- Caulinover Spiced Apples Whole Wheat Carrota Milk Carrot Strips . Bread Rurter
Waldorf Salad Milk Toast Cookies Rye Bread .! Cop Cakes
" Bread Better Olngerbread Cocoa ; Batter , Milk
XceCreaaa ' Apple Sauce . Fruit iH...,;.
Beverage MUk Milk j
Toasted Cheeos Fof JoajT Left-soar Teafs Urn Sttm Ult -r Pof Rossi Wsorieaj" BroOS Co
Saaawieass Brown Potatoes Pork Fruit Salad ' r . Creep - Raked , i -rmttitm
Mhnd FruH OreeoBeaaa aHcsd cold Whole Wheat RoBs Koodlea Potatoes : Broiler Fried : .
. Cookies . Celery Hearts Rot rotate Browa Betty Kataaagaa. Beet Dreens Potatoas .
Milk Bisad Batter; Salad: ' MUk Battered - Cranberry Buttered Pom
v CherryTarts. 7-adBUu Appio-Kut Salad . Salad ! Mhnd Oroo ,
Beverage - - Ca hears CboeoUU Padding Bread Batter Salad . -
! Bread Butter Beverage Pato Puooing Bread Butter .
. .. Peach Cobbler " - Brrkrage , . .; Baked Costard (
' ' ' ' Beverage -! Beversga
j MEAT PURCHASED -Meat Allotment 1H pounds Pr porsoh
-S 4ka HR. ! 1H R '' :'! . 1
OHBjo.Pork fPotBoastaf Beetaoup . Breast of Lamb) 1 lb. Hver (Orouad Beef
Roast BotO kone-oa. . !.- ; . Hlb. smoked !'-'.-:.
ms.RaeM) ' i ' mtrktod) , Jovrtasoaro f
ITert's jast ae plan for a week's TShare-ilie-Meat" BMBs.T1tes means far a famDy af four F ather,
i Mother, Dtaihter, 16, tad Son, 14 Include 10 pott ads of the restricted meat, and additional amounts
f the unrestricted meats; far example, liver, and smoked jawl. Other unrestricted meats which may
added ta this 10 pound "share are toncne, heart, kidnexs, Brains, sweetbreads, tripe, and .stalls.,
Left, matching pepli
One of the faahionfiits of the season la the Mainbocher dress that lends Itself to several Interesting
interpretations by means of changeable accessories. Illustrated above are three versions of the aame
black crepe dress with short sleeves, V neckline and front fullness in the skirt. At the leftit to meta
morphosed with a pink and green Urn peplum and matching gloves. At center the dress w
dramatically transformed by using a filmy black net skirt which la tied around the waist.
broidered with gold pailettes that descend in uneven lines to below the hipline. making it much more
formal. Right shows the original frock with its only touch f color a narrow belt which is embroidered
in a leaf design in pink, green and gold thread. '
Church Services in Salem
Ferry and 13th streets. Eric M. John
son, nastcr. sunaav scnooi :a a. m,
Morning service at 11. Sermon sub
ject, "Convicted by the Greatest Tri
bunal on Earth." Evening service 7:43,
Evangelistic service. Sermon subject.
"Is the Baptism of the Holy Ghost
for us Today?" ruesaay t:w p. m.
Quarterly business meeting. Wednes
day 2:30 p. m. prayer meeting. T:30
p. m. fellow-ship service.
North Cottage at D street. J. J
Olthoff, DO. pastor. Sunday school at
:4S a. m. Morning service at 11. Ser
mon subject. "Christ Our PUot." Lunch
at noon. Annual church meeting at
3 a. m Evenine service at 7:30. Ser
mon subject, "The Lord Hath Need
of Us." Prayer meeting Wednesday
at 7:45 p. m.
South Liberty at East Miller street.
Edward L. Allen, pastor, sunaay
school S:45 a. m. Morning service at li
Sermon subject. "The Blood of Christ.
Communion. 6:30 p. m. juniors, pio
neers and senior young people. 7:15
p. m. adult prayer. Eevening service
at 7:30. Sermon subject. "Jamer in
structions." Wednesdday 7:30 p. m.
prayer service.
Corner of Marion and Liberty streets.
Irving A. Fox. DD. pastor. Sunday
rhool 9:45 a m. Morning service at
11. Sermon subject. "Bread from Heav
en." Communion. Evening service at
7:30. Sermon subject, "The Genius of
True Love." 6:30 p. m. young people's
meetings. 6:30 p. m. adult Bible class
in the cottage. Rev. Earl Baker, leader
Cornet of Hazel and Academy streets.
Warren C. Hale, pastor. Sunday school
10 a. m. Morning service at 11. Even
ing service at 7:30. Midweek service
Wednesday at 7:30 p. m.
17th and Court streets. W. H. Lyman.
Dastor. Sundav school at 8 45 a. m.
Morning service at 10:50. Communion.
Sermon subject, "Turn on the Light."
Christian Endeavor meetings at 6:30
p. m. Evening service at 7:30. Sermon
subject. "Scriptural Doors." Midweek
service Thursday t JJO p. m.
Center and High streets. Dudley
Strain,' paster. Sunday school 9:45 a.
m. Morning service at 11. Sermon sub
ject, "Days of Grace." Evening ser
vice at 7:30. sermon suDjeci. a e-
utes in moderate oven. Let stand
5 minutes in hot place and un
mold. Cover and surround with
creamed peas or green beans.
4 peach halves
Vt cup mincemeat
1 tablespoon butter, melted
4 teaspoon cinnamon
Yt cup peach juice
Place peaches in shallow but
tered pan, add rest of ingredi
ents and bake 15 minutes in
moderate oven.
Oregon. Satarday Marnlnfr Tcmagry 1. IS 13
Transform Basic Black Dress
a4 gloves change Mack dress; act veiraklrt wttk. embroidered gold paJtettes;
right, leal deslga belt fas piak, greea ad gold thread. r
lirion That Gets Us Into Trouble.
:30 p. m. Christian Endeavor, four
f roups. Midweek service Thursday at
:30 p. m. "Definite Rules for Telling
Right from Wrong."
Fifth and Gaines streets. C. H. Stcin-
mann. pastor. Sunday school at 10
a. m. Mornina- service at 11. Commun
ion service. Evening service at 7:45.
Evangelistic service.
Marion at Cottage street. Dr. Walter
C. Giersbach, guest speaker, feunoay
school at 9:45 a. m. Morning service
at 11 o clock.
19th and Ferry streets. Howard C.
Stover, pastor. Sunday school at 10
a. m. Morning service at 11. Sermon
subject, "Facing the New Year at Our
Best." Communion. Dinner, annual
meeting follow service. Young people
at 7 p. m.
Cottaee and Shipping streets. H. R.
Thornhiil, pastor. Sunday school at 10
a. m. Morning service at II. Sermon
subject. "Thing Essential to the
Growth of the Church." Young peo
Die's meet in e S:45 D. m. Evening ser'
vice at 7:3V. Sermon subject. ' After
These Things."
. 12th and Leslie streets. L." L. Free
man. Sunday school 10 a. m. Morning
service at 11: Communion at 11:45
Evening service at 6:30. Public Bible
discussion to be held at the Moose
hall, 12th and Leslie streets, begin
ning January S through January 6,
at 7:30 p. m.
Chemeketa and Liberty streets. Sun
day school at 11 a. m. Morning serv
ice at 11. Sermon subject, "God."
Evening : service at S. Sermon sub
ject, "God." ;
Highland avenue at Church street.
Herman H. Macy, pastor. Sunday
school at 10 a. m. Morning service at
11. Sermon subject, "The Ten Stringed
Testimony." Youth groups at :30 p. m.
Evening service at 7 JO.
service, prayer meeting lnursaay ai
7 JO p. m.
Hood and Cotage streets. Rev. T. T.
Lawson. pastor. Sunday' school 9:45
a.- m Morning service at 11. Sermon
subject, "Battle of Armageddon."
Evening Service at 7 JO. Prayer meet
ing Wednesday 7 JO p. m.
Church and Chemeketa streets. Rev.
George Herbert Swift, pastor. Sunday
school 9:45 a. m Morning service at
7 JO. Holy communion (in the chapel).
11 a. m. holy : Eucharist and sermon.
Wednesday communion at 10 a. m.
Capitol and Marion streets. K. A.
Kielsmeier. pastor. Sunday school 10
a. m. Morning service ai li. ermon
subject. "God s Presence."
. I .!
Marlon ; and : Summer streets. Rev.
3. Kenneth Wishart, pastor. Sunday
school 9:43 a. m. Morning service at
11. Junior church at 11. Sermon sub
ject. "Why ; Do You Go to Church?'
Youth groups JO n. in. Evening aerv
ice at 7:30. Sermon subject. Youth
on the March to Victory. Prayer and
Bible hour Thursday 7;
p. m.
1090 Highland street. Clarence Corf
man, pastor. Sabbath school 1 p. m
Service 1pm. ;
19th and Brermtn streets. Rev. T.
W. Henderson. ThB. pastor. Sunday
school 9:45 a. m. Morning service at
11. Evening service at 7 JO. Evange
listic service. Sunday 6:30 p. m. young
people. Tueadady 7: p. m. inspira
tional service
85 North High street. Sunday school
9:43 a. m. Morning service at li
"Lord's Supper." Evening service at
7:45; Saturday night. Januaryi 2, at
7:30, film slides of the Biblical story
of "Ruth, the Moabitess" and the
parable of the "Wise and Foolish
44S Ferry street. G. M. Eads. pas
tor. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Morn
ing aervice at 11. Evening service
at 7 JO at the Moose' hall at South
12th and Leslie streets. L. L. Free
man and Wilbur King, entering Into
puDiic aeoate, continuing ntgn try from
Sunday to : Wednesday. The subject
for debate will be to prove or deny
the teaching of three persons la the
Godhead. ,
State and 18th streets. F. H. Theuer,
BD. pastor. Sunday school 10 a. m.
Morning aervice at 11. Sermon sub
ject, "With the Wise Men We Adore
Him." Church council Monday at
7J0 p. m.
16th and A streets. H. W. Gross, pas
tor. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Morn
ing aervice at 11 o'clock.
Church and State streets. Dr. J. C.
Harrison, pastor. Sunday school at
9:45 a. m. Morning aervice at 10:50.
Sermon subject, "Where To?" Evening
service at 7:45. Dr. John Herrick. lec
ture, pictures of Bolivia. Intermediate
fellowship at 5 p. m. Youth fellow
ship at 6:30 p. m. -
Market and North Winter streets.
J. R. Stewart, pastor. Sunday school
9.45 a. m. Morning service' at II. Even
ing service at 7 JO. Evangelist A. S.
Beatty will preach at both services.
Y. P. Bible study 1:45 p. m. Evangelis
tic services by Rev. Beatty each night
next week.
North Winter and Jefferson streets.
S. Raynor Smith, pastor. Sunday school
9:45 a. m. Morning service at 11. Ser
mon subject, "They that Heard Won
dered." Evening aervice at 7 JO. Led
by the Jason Lee Messengers, in the
chapel. Intermediate league at S JO
p. m. Youth, fellowship CJ0 p. m.
South Commercial and Myers streets.
Joseph Knotta, pastor. Sunday school
at 9:45 a. m. Morning aervice at. 11.
Sermon subject. The Fine ArV of
Living." Evening service at 7 JO. Ser
mon subject, "The Law of Sacrifice.?
Prayer meeting Thursday at 7 JO p. m.
15th and Mill streets. Lowell Gilger.
pastor. Sunday school at 10 a. m.
Morning service at 11. WYPS at 6:45
p. m. Evening service st 7 JO. Mid
week prayer service Wednesday S pjii.
S15a North Commercial street. Rev.
J. C. JVilson. pastor. Sunday school at
2 p. m. Devotional service at a p. m.
Evening service at 1 JO. Evangelistic
Tuesday prayer meeting. Thursday and
Saturday, i p. m, meetings.
Center street at 13th. Weaver W.
Hess, pastor. Sunday school 9:43 a. m.
Morning service at 1L Sermon sub
ject, "The Only Way Through.' S JO
D. rn - youths hour. Evening service
at 7 JO. Evangelistic message. Sermon
subject. Time the Great Revealor."
Wednesday lag m. prayer service.
Chemeketa and Winter" streets. W.
Irvin Williams, pastor. Sunday school
9.U a. m. Mormngserviee at 19 M.
Sermon sub ject. - "The Lure- J the
Unknown Dr. James Millar, field
representative for Christian education
Oregon and wasnmgteei ay boos, soy
Scouts Monday 7 JO p. an. Midweek
service Thursday 7J0 p. m. .
17th atreet and Nebraska avenue.
Rev. Chester O. Good nun. pastor. Sun
day school at 9:45 a. m. Mornmg
service at 1L Communion, cnnstian
Endeavor S JO p. m. Loader,M-isa Lola
Evening sac vice at T JO.
24S - North Commercial street. Rev,
Maxine Robert.1 paotor. Service at 2 JO
av m. arvenmg oervico at l am, .
TRCTH ClNTTJl : r n;' ; "
33S State street; Olive Stevens, Mi,
pastor. Mormng aerviee at 10:49. Ser-'
mon subject, ?Jesus aad . the Para-
Jti.- ... ,
Vw. H. Wright, Soloist,
VF Award of Pin8'S5t
' i By Presbyleriant ., .
i' Dr. James Millar of Portland,
field representative lor ""f"
..Mitnn m Oregon . and . wasn-
mv will" occuDy ' tne
pulpit of the first Presbyterian
.K..nn siina-v. morninC He, will
speak on the topic "The Lure ;of
the Unknown." L)r. JViuiar iuu Ap
peared " frewehtly at the church.
The vested choir will sine, and
William H. Wright, former direc
k imiiio rr: will sin an of-
feratory solo, : 7 -jji
f Award pins lor- church school
pupils who havelhad perfect V
in' thi rKTrhin' church
service f op the last three months
will be presented. Names wui do
read and awards made; by J. J.
Fitzsimons, superintendent ol the
church; school, and Gertrude
Hynev director of (lristian eau
cation.' Pupils who will receive
pinsr are JDale Bates,-Laura Jean
Bates, Betty Zo AneniLils Bar
rick, Donna DeWitt;t:arxline Hel
ton, J ane Huston, Pat. Sears,
Grace Sheilds, Phyllis, Wilson, Pa
tricia 'Wolcottif Charlotte . Alexan
der, Barbara Bates, Paul Benner,
Dorothy Bergsvik, Nancy, Buren,
Carol Fallin, Harriet Huston, .Vir
ginia Huston, . Elsie , Johns, Joan
Lochead. Carol i Miller, Shirley
Nash. Peggy Sears, - B a r b a r a
Smith, Nancy Anne . Snyder, John
Williams, Virginia Benner, Gladys
Bobck, JbAnn DeWitt, Marlene
DeWitt,Pasy Fitzsimons, Alcetta
Gilbert, Ann Gnbert," ; Xlizabeth
Gilbert, Robert Gordon, , Ronald;
Little, Dorothy "Pearce, .Gloria
Spencer, Muriel Stensloff, Glenn
Benner, Beverly Johns, Peter Res,
Janice Williams, sMary 'Margaret
Williams, Larry White and Mar
caret Ann White.' "
Pupils - who have already re
ceived pins for a year's perfect at
tendance t church and who are
working for - their second year
pins are Evelyn f Reams, Ruby
Kearns, Beulah Ann Kearns, Al
bert Kearns, - Lois Kearns, Jane
Gardner and Bernice Kliehege.
!i At 830 p. m. the Westminster
church of "the air will present th
dramatization, "Night Call,- the
story of an old time country doc
tor. . ..; ; :
Prof. Wright
To Be Soloist
For Evangelicals
First Evangelical church will
present two special features for
the Sunday evangelistic hour at
7:30 p. m. Rev. J,j Kenneth Wish-
art, pastor, announced. Prof. Wil
liam j Wright is . to be the guest
soloist, singing two numbers. The
Lord's Prayer byl AV H. Mallotte.
and "The r King's- Highway- by
Jeffry O'Hara, Prof, Wright is
head ; of the voice department of
wmttier college in California.
The pastor is preaching the first
of : a series of . sermons to young
people. His subject will be "Youth
on the March to Victory. i
s ' ; .
Baptists Appoint
New Musici Heads
wenaeu Johnson, student at
Willamette university, has been
appointed choirmaster at Calvary
jaapusi cnurcn. miss Gladys V.
Edgar j is the organist Both will
begin their work Sunday morn in
At the Christmas ' program of
me cajvary Baptist Sunday school
December 2, the music committee
announced that E. D. 'Lindburg
wa lermuiaung nis work as choir
master; Mrs, Di B."Kleiheff-
member of the First Presbyterian
cnurcn, nas been serving the Cal
vary church as interim organist
Rev. V U Mofienbeier. pastor. Sun-
Fr! Amj masses
awi'fS1 li church
at ii, Lessons- from a Good Watch
Morn tne aervic . ,i iSSiTr Iv"1?-
Cbapter. Junior Christian 'ZZaZZZI"
p. rn. Evening aervice at T:4J,
iaoolf u:.rt l"'
atHaS-.,li,5! aohool
m. -. Unhllna . . .f rZ'
S n. m , nikiJ
study 7:45
p. m.
7h ru k,M Sunday
11 -Mill. -H -TJ.Morn'ns aervice at
a- vl.,i."" Valleys.- Communion.
serWcesS TOUi"1Vn- vento
ThoV" God.- ' Evn,ell,Uc' ; "Trust
a-trst and Arthur streets. Lora ar.
"5. Lrtor Sund7 fhooiVf 10.
m. Morning aervice Tat iln!iu,JL?:
5"""? JjlS p. m.. Evening aervice ai
people's irvteeT ' T. '
Sundav school is . . .
vice at 11. DirVu'.m' Zr-
D. Lester TTUUr' . :
achool at lt a. roTornVT'oervw".!
IL Sermoa an b ject. -Taku?e Rlaa?
God.- -Secret StrenrtlT-VT" ZS
lowshlp SJa p. m. Monday i p
board meetine, Timh.. F' '
rWSCS busineas aneetina. , p
Younc and Gatch tttr.. -
If. Abbott, pastor. Sunday school S es
o. m. Mertimg service at 11. VeuWS
people M p. m. Evening iervleot
J. EvanKelistie aervice .rSSSrS
prayer f JO p. aa. Wedneaday.
. I-. B' "Ji1?' uperintendit
I9:i a m. Sabbath iehti i
aerviee at It o'clock. L -
,,d-yS0lj , ' Moratag
service at 1L Cbrhrtjan Xndeaverat
7 p. m. Evening service at 7:4S December-
SI to January T week .
prayer, nightly aervice except Satur-
Valloy Churclic:
sneaker.' Sunday .scnonr i m.
lng service at 11. " ne
Bequest. '.'
Ham Both home for iU w .ew .
oacw""-"- . ,,in. -t a f hurcri
Morpuia , " ...Ktj
Tbe Greatest Memorial Vj.ns'
World. Communion -Tice'vta
Aiken Smith, visiting- pastor. Monday
1 p. ' m. church dinner and congre-f
gaUonal meeting, r- , ,'
"Brush CoUege. school. .itev. Es"
Baker, pastor. Sunday school 9.
Urk Burll. superintendent. Morn-
2hr lErvice at It:4i7 Devotional hour.
oon Vrv:ce at JO. Young. peo-j
L pie's meeting. ". ' -..
fRoberTD- Bennett.- pastor Sunday
choof Vt 10 a. nu ChrUOan deavor
7 p. m. Evening service at Xlecuon,
prayer meeting Thursday t p. m. .
' East SUte and Elm. treeU. . Sun
day school at t:45 a. m. Leon Lam-,
bert, superintendent
: HaycsvUle achooL Sunday school at
d-44 mJDewey1 Davis, ouperinten
4eat - .. -
Baxter Announces-
MetHodists' Plan
For Rededication :
Methodists of Oregon, .Washing
ton and Idaho will join with those
in all of the denomination's 42,000
churches Sunday In a nation-wide
pledging to pray for spiritual re
dedication in these times of world
wide emergency and crisis, ac
cording to an announcement made
TJVMair Th RcThnn TAmc R. Rfl V-
ter, head of the church in the
Portland area. . . .
. Covenant Sunday will be used
by Methodism as the opening of a
period of preparation for the de
nomination's w&k of dedication,
February 28 to March 7, when
members will be asked to dedi
cate "sen, service ana sudsuuicc
as an answer to emergency needs
throughout the world in wartime.
? Members will be asked to sign
covenant cards pledging "to read
my Bible and tor pray daily for
the blessings of God upon the
Week of Dedication llie plan
has been under the- direction of
the Methodist ' commission en
evangelism, with headquarters In
Nashville, Tenn.
f In commenting about the ob
servance of covenant Sunday,
Bishop Baxter stated; fThe ob
servance of ; a covenant Sunday-
takes us back ta John ..WesleyV
day and a custom that was most
significant "and ' far-reaching' In
Methodism's early history. The
Portland area heartily Joins with
the rest of the Methodists in the'
Lt, Leon to Sirig '.
At Baptist Service -
Calvary Baptist church will pre
sent Lt v Leon of Camp Adair,
Vocal soloist, Sunday at 7:30 p. m.
Background , specialties will be
furnished by the choir. .- :
Reception of new members and
the observance of Jthe ordnance'
of the Lord's Supper are the topicf
for the service at 11 a. rn. Rev.
Edward L. Allen will speak on
"The Blood of Christ" . At the
7:30 p. m. service he will con-:
dude, the series of studies from
the book of James on practical
Christianity. His final topic is
egational Qiurch
Lists Speaker, Meets '
Dr. ' Walter C." Giersbach 'avafr.
will be guest speaker at First
Congregational church at thej 11
a. m. service Sundav Mr.
lea RodakokskJ wfll be soloist
Activities of this
for the coming f week include
meetings of the two sections of
toe Woman's union on Wednes- '
aay arternoonr the south sec
tion with Mrs. Mav rrhrtt,- i
son and the north st!r. k
Mrs. W. I. Stalev. 1
Rev. Beatty to Lead
Methodist Revival
Rev. A. X Beaffw t
Pa, will open a two-wee V-
S ",111 rree Methodist
church Sundav mnrnt.
o'clock. Rev." r'ty
- -vt nuu lias
evariL J'n m ccessful
before an Oregon dfaST SeH S
Students Go to brooks
seidlS eethodi,t -urch-is
crraing a groun of norm
hip servlM 7 1 . ",ornm wor-
nMt at wth(. -
rtnUndent B'
IU SermorT .ubi'I.'r? f? "
4"i Church u t
-W?1 r R1""' Worn.
words of Admonition 2" tJet. r
North .
Pastor " reet.
Sundi?: UrtoWent.