The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 30, 1942, Page 10, Image 10

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Last Photos
Taken ten days prior to his assassination, these photos of Adm. Jean
Darian show he and his wife In the garden of their palace in Algiers
where he ruled as high commissioner of French North Africa, Bot
tom photo Is an excellent character study of the former Vichy ad
herent whose collaboration with allied forces was termed " mili-
tary expediency by President Roosevelt. UN Badiephotos.
Entertain Over Holidays
AMITY Miss Solveig Jensen, teacher in the Redmond
schools, spent several days here last week: at the home of her
brother and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Sverra Jensen and left Thursday
- for Seattle to visit her brother, Harold Jensen, and family before
. returning to Redmond.
Roy Rosenbalm spent Christ
mas day and the weekend with
his - brother and sister, Mr. and
Mrs. C. W. Van Buskirk, at Port
' Mrs.' Emma Durant has re
turned from Portland where she
visited all of Christmas week
at the homes of her children,
Mr. and Mrs. John Durant,
Mr. and Airs, carl Aiken and
- Mr. and Mrs. Victor Nixon and
; family. . :
Mrs. Martha E. Brown spent
. Christmas day and Saturday in
Salem at the home of her son, F.
Ivan Brown, and family.
Dr. Harley Shields of Portland
was a recent caller here at the
borne of his mother, Mrs. Hettie
'. Mrs. Roy S trout of Portland
spent Thursday here at the home
oi ner roomer, ivirs. jc rea oiroui
and Mrs. Dolly Moore of Nels
cott was a Christmas day and
weekend visitor at the Strout
home. She is a sister of Mrs.
Guests Christmas day at the
v home of Mr. 1 and Mrs. Lloyd
E. Whitney, east of town, were
their children, Mr. and Mrs.
Ezra Kilmer, and family of
Sheridan. Mr. and Mrs. Rey
nolds Henrtckson of Seattle,
- Marvin - and - Donald Whitney
and their uncle ; and aunt, Mr.
and Mrs. . Geo. E. Clark, of
Amity. .
I Mr. and Mrs. William Milne of
Portland and Mrs. Margaret Mor
rison of Amity were Christmas
day guests at the' home of their
nephew; and niece, Mr. and , Mrs.
Robert Callander, south 6f Amity,
t Mrs. Ella S. Thomas of the Am
. ity grade school faculty, spent the
Christmas weekend with relatives
in Portland. - - - -
4 Miss Eleanor Grable spent the
Christmas holidays and weekend
U n.-1-.J ... .1 V. ' . t
brother and sister, Mr. and Mrs.
S. Willeit and family.
Christmas day guests at the
borne f Mr. and Mrs. Guy Nott
were; their son and, daughter.
. or. no nn. jvoia . jucvieiian
' f Salem j and Mr. and Mrs.
Earl Nott of McMinnvDIe. V
. x-ari nenaerson, wno is em
ployed in war work in Portland,
' spent Christmas day 1 here: at the
home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
M. F. Henderson. w " . . v .
Baptist Classes Give . J
Christmas Program '
- .v .
Christmas program of the' Baptist
Sunday ' school ' ' was presented
Tuesday night Mrs. Elmer Busby
had charge of the program.' , "
i Included . were a i n a 1 n it trf
, America and salute of the . flag J
prayer led by B. F Swopc; wel
come Keith Laytonj read! n g,
Franklin Walker; responsive
...... i-t .
W, M.. . W IB J BHAi
leading, Romelle Wilson; "Keep
ing Christmas by a group of pri
mary .children; "Share - Your
Blessings" by' primary and Junior
children; play by a group of the
li-h school students; "Three
WUemen" by junior, boysj duet,
Pcr.ieHe and Marleen Wilson;
ristmss Tree. funior cirls:
playlet, "Jcy to the World," jun
i;r and tlh school group; pan-t-:'e, scene; benedic-t:-!, E-Iccr.
"7 end nuts were distribu
'. : -1 . j C::2 cf tie prcrca. i
of Darlan Before Assassination
Deyoes Are Hosts
At Family Reunion
. UNIONVALE Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Deyoe entertained at
their home with a Christmas din
ner at the first reunion of the
family in more than a year. Mr.
and Mrs. Owen i Holliday and
family of Pleasantdale, Mr. and
Mrs. Donald Kuhn and family of
Salem and Mr. and Mrs. Russell
Jones and family of Broadmead,
were present.
Mr. and Mrs. Marlon Boulden
entertained1 at their home Christ
mas day for Mrs. J. E. Finnicum
of McMinnville; Mrs. Tom Boul
den of Dayton; Mr. and . Mrs.
Fred Finnicum and family of
Grand Island.
Mr. and Mrs. . D. Childs of
Arlington, were Christmas eve
guests of the tatter's grandmoth
er, Mrs. Marie E. Shellburne.
Mr. and j Mrs. Arnold Brown
and son, Donald, Mrs. John Ran
dolph, Mrs. I. B. Carter and
granddaughter, Betty Rose, all of
Portland, were Christmas day
dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs.
C. J. Countiss.
Baughmans Visit
Youngs During Trip
Mrs. B. C. Baughman, the former
Miss Reeves, art teacher from Sa
lem, visited with Mr. and Mrs.
Scott Young December 23 on their
way to visit her mother, at Brooks.
I Mr. (and Mrs Lew Jacobs and
daughters spent Christmas with
Mrs. Jacob's . parents "at Ocean
Lake.?-! r ;J . r . r; '
' Hugh Matthews and crew of the
forest ? service, . who are working
at Marion Forks forest park, spent
Christmas at thelfc homes in the
valley. . '
I Mr. 'and Mrs. '.Roland Hopper
enjoyed Christmas dinner at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Hansen in
Detroit. 1 t . ;
Mrs. Charles Clester , and Elsie,
Arthur and Earl of Detroit, spent
Christmas day with Mr. Clester at
Marion Forks.1 "
12,000 Silk Stockings
Sent for' Explosives '
y WOODBURN Wallace Jones;
employe of the 'A. E. Austin dry
goods store, shipped a large box
containing silk and nylon stock
ings to the defense supply corpor
ation at Green Island, New York,
Tuesday.' .
' The box I weighed: almost 100
pounds, and hy comparing this
with ; the : weight of one pair of
stockings Jones estimated there
must be about 1200 pairs of stock
ings in the shipment.
"We Want to thank' all .the peo
ple who have cooperated, by con
tributing their old stockings for
this vital defense purpose," Jones
said. The silk and nylon in the
stockings is used in making 'x4
plosives.-'.: f T-. ?
Hospitalization. Needed
MT. ANGEL Brother Leonard
Niederpruem, cashier ' at the
Benedictine Press for many -years,
left for St: Vincent's hospital ; in
Portland Tuesday morning for ob-
servation, and medical treatment.
Conrad Schmaltz, pressman at
the, Benedictine Press, underwent
a major operation Monday at the
Silverton hospitaL He has been ill
for more than a month.
Bathtub :: GifisjA
SILVERT6Nf-3itinas ' was
different ; at Silverton this year
gift, recipients are1 beginning to
note ; as the rush dies away' and
there is time to go over the
presents and take inventory. 1
The old reliable silk .stocking
gift was missing. , No employers
at Silverton, as far as could be
learned by. midweek following
(jnristmas, bad made a gift of
stockings to stenographers or bth
er help. Frequently over 100 such
gifts have been ' counted among
Silverton feminine employes in
former years, it was reported. ,
One local girl employe re
marked that where last year she
had received a dozen pairs of
silk hose from as many differ
ent sources, this year she received
that same number of soaps and
bath salts.
Local merchants report that
never in the history of their bus
iness, has so much bath material
been sold to customers. They also
report that business has been un
usually brisk even appearing
brisker than it was, because of
the shortage of help.
Valley Births
SILVERTON Mr. and Mrs.
Luther Hatteberg of Silverton re
port the birth of a son at the Sil
verton hospital, December 26. No
babies were born on Christmas
day and only the one on the three
days following.
Family Reunion
Held by Stauffers
SWEGLE At the counter hnm
of Mrs. Josephine Stauffer on
Christmas day a hapDT family re
union was held. Only one son who
lives in Chicago could not be
home. Those present were Mr.
and Mrs. Joe Stauffer and familv
from Albany, Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Hersch, Mr. ajid Mrs. Gilbert
Haury and children. Mr. and Mr.
Dan Stauffer, Mr. and Mrs.; Adam
tiofstetter and Miss Alma Stauf
fer, all from home an nearby dis
Mr. and Mrs. L. Q. Bulla' and
daughters, Bethine and Jeanette.
drove to orvallis Christmas day
to be guests of Mr. Bulla's sister
and family. , Bethine remained for
a few days visit. ;
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Blanchard had
has their guests on Christmas day,
Mrs. Blancherd's parents. Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Zobel and Mrs. R.
Badger of Salem. ,
Guests of Mr. and Mrs.: Raton
Becker on Christmas day were
Mr. and Mrs. William Thomas and
daughter, Joan, and Mr. Becker's
father, Robert Becker of Salem.
: Mr. and Mrs.' Eskel E. Brandt
accompanied their son-in-law and
daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Mild Grace
of Toledo to Portland Friday to
visit the small son r of Mr. and
Mrs. Grace who is a patient in
Doernbecher hospitaL . :
Mr. and Mrs. -Melvin Burdick
and two children came down from
Vancouver Christmas day to look
after their home on East Turner
road and attend a family dinner
in Salem. , ; -s
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Van Loh
and two children came over from
Redmond Thursday to, spend a
few days at their home.
Churches Give Yule
New Year's Parties
UNIONVALE The - Unionvale
Evangelical Christmas observance
program v was held Thursday
night The sacred ; cantata entit
led The Christmas Music," was
presented. It consisted of a quar
tet . number, a duet - and two vo
cal, solos by the girls chorus. ac
companied' at the piano by Miss
Ellen Rutschman. S i n g i n g of
Christmas carols - preceded the
opening prayer by Rev. V. A. Bal
lantyne. Rev. Harold ' K. Jaffe
pronounced the benediction.
A communUy gathering of the
Unionvale church and . ; friends
will be held at 7 p. m. tonight
when a no-host dinner followed
by a social hour for the closing
of the old year will be the annu
al election of church and Sunday
school officers will : take T place.
The second cuarterlV conference
and Installation of officers of the
church wCl be held Wednesday,
January . v J -
t: t
Relief Burden; Board Warned
' PORTLAND, Dec ZS-CS-The state public welfare cotnmis
sion war -warned Tuesday, not to depend upon liquor taxes to
carry the relief burden. -
- . A H. Aaron, of the federal social security board advised
the commission to seek future
welfare , appropriations from the
state general fund because declin
ing -liquor : stocks may mean less
tax money which could be divert
ed ,for Jthe, commission's use.
j; Miss Loa Howard, state, wel
fare administrator, said however
no ..attempt . would be , made to
change present welfare laws at the
January session of the state leg
Islature. ; Commissioner David B.
Simpson proposed revision of the
laws so all commission appropria
tions could come from the gen
eral fund.
Miss Howard said the more than
$8,500,000 of the total $10,301,428
welfare appropriation for the bi
ennium ending next July 1 i de
rived from - liquor .taxes. She
pointed . out, however, .that the
commission as of October 31 still
had 48 per cent of the allocation
unspent' '. . : . :." ; ' ; -j
The commission appointed An
drew Juras, one of its child wel
fare - consultants, ; to work -'with
federal state and county agencies
in providing , nursery , school fa
cilities for children' whose "moth
ers are working' in war plants.
This problem it confined largely
to the Portland industrial area.
' General assistance for novem
ber was almost 50 per cent lower
than for the same month last year
with only. 7643 on the rolls com
pared to 14,779, the commission
reported. ,' ? -. , ? --
This reduction in number, how
ever, did not materially affect
expenditures, . it was pointed out
because the bulk of assistance
goes for, the aged who still re
quire assistance. -':':-
Discussion of the recent clos
ing of WPA -projects disclosed
that only 115 workers were taken
from the rolls. These presumably
will be routed to war jobs by
the US employment service.
It is expected that most of WPA
administrative staff will be taken
by other federal agencies.
Draftee Gives
Sheila to Zoo
..PORTLAND, Dec 29-(ff-Vir-gil
H. Mulkey of Coburg, self
styled "greatest living magician,"
wouldn't mind going into the
army so much if it weren't for
; He's afraid it's going to be the
end of a beautiful friendship, de
veloped over a lot of trouping.
And she's been a hit on every cir
cuit that booked his act
Sheila is a 35-pound ocelot, very
gentle, he said, except for an oc
casional fit of temper ' during
which she is best handled with
leather gloves on her paws.
Tuesday, he turned Sheila, with
gloves, over to the Portland zoo.
Daniel Boshart Dies
Sunday in Lebanon
LEBANON Daniel R. Bos
hart born in Nebraska 44 years
ago, died Sunday after a short ill
ness and will be buried in the
Masonic cemetery in Lebanon
Wednesday afternoon after serv
ices in the Fairview Mennonite
church, Reverend Birkey of Al
bany officiating, the Lowe Mortu
ary in charge.
Mr. Boshart who had lived in
the vicinity of Albany and' Leb
anon for the last 24 years is sur
vived by four brothers and five
sisters: Mary Stutzman of Leban
on; Harry Boshart Lydia Gehrig,
Bertha Gehrig and Ida Gehrig of
Albany; Catherine Reil of Mil
ford, Nebr.; Emma Roth of Cha
pel, Nebr.; Daniel Boshart Scio;
Elmer E. Boshart, Camp Haan,
Calif.; and 'Joseph of Nebraska.
Private Remembers
His Draft Board
Anthony P. Sheridan, first class
army private now somewhere,
in the Pacific, remembered at
Christmas the Portland selective
service board that drafted him.
His greeting, which arrived
by V-mail:
"Merry Christmas, having a
wonderful time. Wish you were
; here (instead of me)."
Gates Has Visitors
GATES Mr. and Mrs. Ed Col
lins are spending the holiday week
at the - home of their daughter,
Mrs. Dan Dinsmore. and familv
in Portland. : J "
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil "Schaer and
family were at the Clarence John
son borne for the Christmas holi
day. ; -. -: ,; y-'- -'jr: r:l
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Kanoff of
Redmond are spending a couple
of weeks In Gates and Mill dtv
on a combined business and plea
sure trip.- - ' '
Mr. and Mrs. Elton Brown are
making a two-day visit at Gates.
They - were accompanied by Bud
Geshex. Brown and Gesher now
are employed driving gravel
trucks at the Madras airnort and
will return to work Wednesday.
Homes Approved '
PORTLAND. Dec 23 . I S
Fred A. Cuthbert, Oregon repre
sentative for the national hou?n9
agency, said Tuesday that con
struction of 39 homes at Bend by
private interests has been s n-
proved by Washirston.
iT1 TTr r-
PORTLAND, Dec 28-flVrhe
1942 state legislature interim com
mittee has recommended to Gov
ernor Sprague that another Inter
im committee be , appointed to
work out uniform' procedure for
hearings of state boards i .
- The committee found that - the
growth of administrative agencies
state liquor, industrial 'accident,
unemployment - compensation and
ether commissions . necessitate
uniform hearing procedure. - : ' I
' " The committee said, however,
that the problem was so compli
cated that another committee
should be created to draft, legisla
tion for presentation to the legist
lature in 1945. ' . --:: :
Slab Wood
CORVALLIS, Dec. 29.P)-H. J.
Cox; Eugene lumberman, suggest
ed Tuesday a wider use of slab
wood to avert the threat of a
feul shortage. 1 j
"The member 'of the forestry.' re
search and advisor council, . said
that fir slabs have a higher heat
content 4nan any' other native
wood except oak. What's more,
there is enough slab wood avail
able to supply the state's entire
need. :
Fir slabs, he said, possess 23.90
British thermal units - while fir
body woods, planner ends and
plywood cores have 21.90 BTUS,
second-growth cordwoods 20.90;
maple, sawdust and hogged fuel,
20.00; alder, 16.40. Oak is rated
at 28.71 BTUS.
Fire Destroys
Bend RR House
BEND, Dec. 29-(fl3)-Fire Tues
day destroyed the Great Northern
engine house - three miles . south
of Bend. ,
One locomotive was ruined and
a second damaged. Two others in
the building were saved.
The fire apparently started in
the cab of a locomotive. ' No dam
age estimate was made.
Medford to Have
Housing Project
MEDFORD, Dec. 29 (P)
Housing officials disclosed plans
Tuesday for a $400,000 federal
housing administration project
here. .
It would consist of 125 family
units on a-15-acre site, on which
playgrounds and parks also would
be constructed.' The facilities
would be for war workers and
soldiers with families.
, Plans are being drawn by arch
itects Francis C Jacobberger and
Frank C Clark. , : . ,,J
The project is to . be. let in r a
lump contract, 50 per cent of the
work to be completed in 60 work
ing days and the balance in an ad
ditional 30 working days.
Cooley Gashes Knee ;
Hunting Alistletoe
JEFFERSON Junior Cooley
suffered a badly injured knee one
day last week, when he went to
the cemetery hill to get some
mistletoe. He was carrying a hand
axe and leading a dog , when he
became entangled in the rope, and
fell on the axe, cutting a gash in
his knee. He was taken to Albany
where the Wound was dressed. :
Mrs. L. H. Knight suffered , a
paralytic stroke Saturday at 1
p. mflt affected her speech and
also - her-movements. Because1 -of
ner advanced age, little hope Is
held for er recovery. Her daugh
ter, Mrs. Armstrong, is expected
to arrive from Livingston, Mont
to be with her mother. -
Tenth Family Man ' '
Joins Service .
BOSTON, Dec. 29.-(irV The
tenth member of the Fredette
family -on East Brain tree has
joined the armed services.. Bob;
17, applied for enlistment at the
marine corps recruiting station
Monday, and revealed that the
family of 14 brothers and ten sis
ters already has one brother in
the marine corps, seven in ' the
army and one in the navy. ;
Food Rationer Named
PORTLAND, Dec 29-WPr-Ap4
pointment of Wallace Case, Port-
land, to the state food rationing
division was announced .Tuesday
by the office of price administra
tion. He will assist Denny Mis
ner. food rationing chief, who an
nounced Tuesday he would leave
January 2 to attend a conference
ox state rationing - officials
RIcLaglen Too Tall
LOS ANGELES, Dec. 29 -(A)
Movie actor. Victor McLaglen's
son, Andrew Victor McLaglen, 22,
was rejected i for army service
Tuesday. Not,' however, for any
physical shortcoming; in fact. Just
the reverse. lie stood 6 feet 7 in
ches tall one Inch over the anr.y
Roosevcliz nt
:l ii "' r-n r -. - ...
Christmas of 1142 found the Eoosevelt family attending church services withoot the four Eooserelt bejt,
all af whom are mw fixating with US farces. Seen left to right at Washington's Church at tha EpU
yhaar are Kev. Hewaxd AnderiM; Kev. Charles Sheerm: . PresWeat Koosevelt wtth his aaval: aide
Capt MeCrae; Mrs. Franklia D. Beosevelt Jr and Mrs. Koosevelt UN Pbonephato.
The body of Chris Larson, Chicago, engineer of a fast Chicago and Northwestern .mail train, hangs from
the twisted engine cab after it crashed into the rear of the railroad's San Francisco Challenger at
Dixon, HL Larson's body was removed by rescue workers wha cut away the ; metal with acetylene
torches. Charles Volts, Chicago, flagman on the Challenger,' also died Is the wreck, and more than. 29
other persons were reported inJureL--Assoclated Press Telemat, - : .. ' '
LUCKY MISSOURI AN-Miss Emfle Hensel ' (above) of
, St Lovla Mo winters in. the sunshine hy a Los Angeles pool.
-L - -. , .f
t ' 4 " "'$ ' '
4 : us
":.-''' , , .
'i , -
.' T ' 1
i , - - - . - i i ....
Crashed in a street car accijsr.t Just when she was ready to depart
from Pueblo, Colo., f;r Was Mr -ten, D. C, to marry Pvt Georgt
Drown cf Fort lies.-.?, II j, ClaJys Cornschein was taken to a boa
jltal instead of a rallrrai et&tlcn. It appeared the weddlxg was c2T.
I"riend3 crjrr-8 to ter t' 1, ir. 1 j.;sl Array cheers to grant Drown a fur
lor-yh ar.i te ru'l - PucV.o frr tho wediln. With most cl her
hody It a cast, i: rr.;--l.cla wes allowed to leave her hos?!!
fcei Xlzr wed Jlr - i i v as sewa ca Lcr and the xnarrlr was per
tZ3 XL .
i t-'i
Christmas Services
at Controls of Wrecked Train
- '
c i- t-"t y'l t?rxr
Without Sons
It was Capt.' Jerauld Wright of "
uie u. o. jskwj, aDove, wno car
ried ' out the daring submarine
rescue of GenV Henri Honore Gi- .
raud, aging. Grench general who
escaped from the Germans in this V
war and also during World War,
L Wright picked up Giraud, his
son and several other French of-!
fleers at night somewhere .off the
French coast and took him to Al-
rlera the dav of the Amfrimn oc
cupation Of the French North
African coast. The sub in which
. Giraud escaped rj the same one'
that carried Lieut, Gen. Mark
Clark, second . in command to
Lieut. Gen. Dwight Elsenhower in
North Africa, on his spectacular
secret meeting with French of
ficials West of Algiero in adrance
of the American invasion. Cap-,
tain Wright also was present la
,J that operation, . , ,
Described as an international ad
venturess, XUsa CarquevWe, above,
also known as Countess , von
Ctahremberg, has been arrested In
Los Angeles and brought to Mi
ami, Fli, to face trial on a fed
eral charge of violating the ira
personation statute, according to
tha F. It L 2a a complaint filed
in Miami tha wctnan was charged
With cttalring1 J J from a Hun
garian rtfue , ty pos'.r.g as a
tereeritittv cf t-h f overnment
f's'. Ths r. 1U I. taiJ she
l.a4 c' trt J ttr services to various
rvtrr.rner.t ;tnd, c'
.t 11 c?r.r,eft:.-r.s W.U