If Tire Allotment Mark High SilTCrtoir Rationing Board Allows Maximum - SIIATERTON--The biggest Issue ef tire certificates since tire ra tioning went into effect was sign ed by war rationing board mem bers at Suverton this week. . i Certificates went to John Zolo toff, two truck tires; Cecil Miller, two new tires, two grade II tires; Howard Madec one tire, grade III; Xerner Kellerhals, one tire, grade HI and one tube; S and M truck line, two truck tires and one tube; Otto Schwab, one new tire end iie recap i Xt J. Unruh, one tire, grade III and one ,tube; .Hu go Kraemer, tttree tires Grade III and two recaps; H. Sanerud, lour ! passenger tubes; Silverton Coop Transportation ! dub. One truck tire; . scar Jackson, two ' tires, Trade IL and, one passenger tube; , L. I Jory. one truck tire; Harold Barsch, 1 truck tire, one tube; A. H. Saeher. l track tire and I tube. C . DeSart. one grade IH tire; Virgil Maser, four grade II tires; 1 recap;! James Schields, 2 passenger recaps; Dizie Black . stock, two recaos. two tubes; C L. Bonney, l -passenger recap; W, Harmon. I, passenger recap; Andrew R. Nelson, three passen- er recEDs: Ruben Klopfenstein, 1 passenger recay; Albert Marin, 1 rade II tire; , Bert' Hubbard, 1 passenger recap; Percy Dunn, 2 grade HI tires;! Mary, Schielder, 1 grade H tire; Arnold Kirck, S grade II tires; Kenneth Cook, 3 passecf er recaps; 'Marie Mullett, 4 oassezurer recaps: Noah Hunt, 3 feasemearMCpiCarl Schulke, 1 grade III tire, j 1 , f Silverton canning company, 3 truck tires and 2 truck tubes: Ealph Herr.-t tUe and three uoes, x. ju. iuuu, uut uuc, I Barcld Toft, I truck tire and 1 tube; 3ustPaulsoa. 1 grade nil tfre; Thomas Seeley, 1 grade mi , fire; ' John JDemezas, 4 passenger ' recaps; R. B. WinsiAW. 1 grade. n tire and 1 tabe; Aloy Humbert, 2 truck tires and lrecap; W. L. Fry, 2 passenger recaps; George ToWe,2 passenger,, recaps; C. Srntson, 2 passenger recaps; Ar thur Mulkey, 1 - track tire; Paul I Fueling. 1 truck tire and 1 tube; Roy Williams.- L truck tire, 1 truck tube and four truck recaps. Kenneth So lb e r g, Silverton liews carrier was Issued a bicycle tire certificate. .. Sunnyside to See Yule Pageant SUNNYSTDE - The annual the Sttnnystde school Monday iighV December 21, t 8 o'clock, nrwanas pgeant. nrisimas in we uean. wiu oe given oy the pupils of the primary and up-1 per grades. Mrs. Esther Ferguson Is the primary teacher and Mrs. luargaret r eiier is tne upper grade I teacher. - The Friendly -Hour club met Wednesday at Miss Katie Turner's I Iiome. Member sewed on Red Cross lap robes and convalescent robes. The club plans on sponsor- Ing a drive .for .furniture and lng games' to help furnish day rooms t Camp Adair. Those ' present were: Mrs. Dudley Taylor, Mrs. Charles Taylor, Mrs. Thomas Bar ry, Mrs. Roy Bagedorn, Mrs. War ren McNeiL Mrs. E. V. Larson, Xrs. H. M. Carey, Mrs. C. L. Pool, 'Ifrs. D. S. DicksotCMrs. Frank Barnett, Mrs. R. F. Ahren. and the hostess,. Miss Katie Turner, The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. E. V. Larson on January 8. J , E. 0. Beckiey, who underwent! n appendectomy last week, is re-1 ported Improving satisfactorily. The Warren McNeil family re cently purchased a 15-acre tract nd house in the Sunnyside dis trict Program Cancelled Because of Measles . TJNIONVALE Because of the prevalence of colds, measles and whooping cough reported in the district, the Christmas Community club . and school program sched uled for Tuesday has been can celled. - In the upper grades eight stu dents were absent Monday be cause of funess. Having measles were Joyce Crawley, Arlona Gub- ser, Jack Noble and Bonnie Shel- fcurne. Norris Jones, primary stu - dent, has whooping cough. Carol Sue . Launer, pre-school age, also has whoonfntf couch. Four other primary grade students in f ami-IS . r I 1 . v. I f5 lies w litre upper sraues atuaenis have measles are out of school be cause of having been exposed to thenv . . ; . Martin Braat, 78, is under the care of a doctor because of a fall received while in his barn. No bones! were broken. " , Donald Brown of Portland was weekead guest of his grand par ents, Mr. and, Mrs. C J. Countiss, Friday was Mr. Countiss 69th birthday. . v , Free Showing! See the "Biblical Cities of Greece.1 a film by Prof. Carl Henry of Wheat on college shewing modern Athens, Mars 11SI where Paul preached, the prison of Socrates, and the ruins of Fhily?pi, etc Also TIlshiishts in the Life Of Paul, do Apostle," in color film stiies. rius mzc talk drawing. " Grsce Gospel Hall , C:3 Na, 2H;h Street V MM - Willamette Vail Reports From PAGE SIX A Cappella Choir. at OCE Presents MONMOUTH The a cappella choir of Oregon College of Education which presented a Christmas Ves per service Sunday afternoon, December 13, In Campbell hall auditorium. Mrs. Florence Hutchinson Is director. Front row: Marjorle Stringer, Lebanon; Cleo Embree, LHy Waggoner, both of Ontario; Genevieve Loveik, Salem; Bevery Bobbins, Tachats; Shirley Seeley, Woodbunu Middle row. Neva Hett. Ontario; Betty Lou Shelley, Redmond; Loss Barker, Salem; Virginia Garretson. Monmouth; Virginia Johnsonr Gladstone; Alice Thompson, Portland. Back row: Wilmur Nance, Vancouver, Wn.; Stephen Mosher, Walton; Dick Taylor, Independence; Charles Wilbur, Portland; Melvin Irving, In- Stanley White, Detroit; Lyle Duncan, Boise, Idaho; Knight ft Plan AVU40UlS X 1U1 1 Valentine DailCC fnr .SprviPPtllPll Ur OC1 VACCII1CI1 STAYTON With the exception j of one new member, all of the 20 initiates last Sunday were present at the regular monthly meeting and "Smoker" of the Sublimity Knights of Columbus Tuesday, in eluding Pat EteJardin of Gervais, initiated for St Paul council. Over 125 attended this meeting with visiting members from St. Paul. At ; the. business session . the membership voted to cooperate with the' Catholic Daughters in the annual . Valentine dance at Stayton for the boys in the ser vice and also to entertain the boys from Camp Adair for Christ mas dinner. ' The state i deputy traveling al bum was presented at this meet L,!', th.'9nni n. yath.P Crriderhon ; of 5?tavtnn talked to ie etoud. New members commented on the Sunday exem niification of the decrees. Mike Mauer entertained and furnished a hot-stew feed, being assisted by Santa. This was one of the largest meetings of the Knights of Col umhns. this council rlaiming the distinction of having the highest percentage attendance of any In the state. Ofiarvntinn Vf& VPDSerif ailOIl MT OSl Clears Profit DALLAS With the comple tion of certain needed improve ments at the Dallas observation post, the county coordinator, W Blackiey, has turned over to Ed C Dunn, chief observer for the post, the money which remained in the fund collected in July when plans were mad to operate the post on a paid Observer basis. The improvements effected at tne post Include the conversion from a tent ; nouse, wmcn served for some seven or eight months. to a double constructed frame building, the installation of elec trie- lights and sanitary facilities. In addition to the lumber used in building, other donations to the post Include a stove from Hollis Smith, a wash basin from Lloyd Soehren and wood from the Wil lamette Valley Lumber company. The post started with a balance of $35.73 in July and reached $369.25 by August 3L Expendi tures for . improvements and ope rating expenses totaled $286.80, leaving the post with a credit of $82.45. : ; 3: Toms & Hans -Prime Birds Oiinook Salmon. S ta el bead Salmon. ling Cod. Kack Cod- Fillet of Sola and Sable, Par ch. Prawn'a Pacific Eaztem. and Olympic. - Ovsters. Salt and Smoked Fish. Lobsters and Crabs. ' r . . Monarch Canned Goods 2 It N. Commercial Phone 4421 Y7foJ . g oononmsMBW V m 1 Toms & Hans S s Mi 1 The Statesman's Community Correspondents Salem. Oregon, Friday i i. Legion Honors Fennimores For Seven Sons in Service MT. ANGEL Seven sons in the armed forces is a record even for Mt. Angel, home of large families, so the American Le gio.i honored Mr. and Mrs. Sam Fennimore in recognition of this distinction Tuesday night, December 15. They were guests at the Christmas program and the lun cheon that followed. - 'Before the assembled Legion naires and auxiliary members and their children, the Fennimores were presented with a red and white silk service flag with seven blue stars arranged in the form of a V. Commander Tony Traeger made the presentation and told briefly of the Fennimore . boys' record, which is not matched by any other family west of the Minnesota. Father Hildebrand, guardian of the service men, spoke of the sa crifice and honor of Mr. and Mrs. Fennimore. Mt Angel now has 163 men In the service, a high ratio. The Fennimores, who have 11 children living, ' eight ' sons and three daughters, have only one son left at home. He is married and the father of several children. Those In the armed forces are Sam, jr and Earl at Fort Lewis, Jack in Alaska, and George In an unnamed foreign front. These four are In the army. Jim and Paul are marines and on doty somewhere in the Pacific. And Edmund is with the army air corps In South Carolina. The program given was arrang ed by the children of the legion and auxiliary and consisted of recitations by Mary Louise Faul habe and Gladys Miller, Martha Erwert, Jimmy Butsch, Juanita Drysdale, Geraldine Traeger, Jim my Heggie, Fred Lucht and Don na Sibley; songs by June Ann and Flodine Lucht, Betty Norton, and Mary Louise- Faulhaber and Gladys Miller, and a piano solo cigaii: Carton of 200 $21. aj Dondnoa e. Marvels " a Fan! 4im m Ben Hon Crand for Cltot . EBIJB3I "Mi::: Morning, December 18, 1942 Vesper Service Archie Dunsmoor, Portland. by Mary Louis Faulhaber. - After the program Santa Clans appeared and presented all the children with bags of candy and nuts. For a touch of humor, there was a great to-do of a gift -of a mysterious "Ignatz" for Mr, and Mrs. Fennimore. Ignatz proved to be a big white rooster enhanced with a big red bow. The post and unit held sep arate business meetings. At each the question of inviting Camp Adair men into the homes to share the Christmas dinner was brought up. The response was enthusiastic. At least 51 men are to be cared for In this man ner In Mt. AngeL Mrs. Frank Walker, president of the auxiliary, told unit mem bers of the trip to Camp Adair the day before for the purpose of putting the finishing touches to the Mt. Angel room at the camp. Mrs. Walker, Mrs. Fred Gooley and two girls from the Normal school arranged the draperies and furniture. Since Mrs. E. J. Corcoran is leaving, Mrs. Peter Gores was ap pointed chaplain jn her place. Eight hundred poppies will be or dered for next year's poppy sale. Children to Carol ZENA A Christmas program of carols, . plays, pantomimes and readings will be presented by the Zena school children under the direction of the teacher, Mrs. Lloyd Allen, at the local school house, Wednesday, December 23, at 8 p. m. 2 Fresh Cigarettes in Qay Christmas Wrappers 2 e Old OoMi o Pan Malla o Balelghs Vioeroys o Old Mlns O Hcajuat : 0 Sweet Caponls . Twenty Grand Buy Fresh Cigarettes at Fred Meyer Tobacco Sections! Deochnut or Win gt, ctn.200. $1.04 Parliaments, ctn. of Helmars. carton of 1 English Oval, ctn. New Vintage Spccla's $2.55 Salisburys, carton 200, $1.70 One Elevens, ctn. 288, $1.73 Metachrinos, m $2.70 Strikes, of Chesterfields. 500 to chest fhfklp Morris Deluxe Cheit, 500 Cijarettes, $4.75 Marlboro Cite Chest, 400 Cgarettet, $4.C0 ? - -TITX lQCALLYGVJMEDiQ?7nflTFrt Tobacco Section .Mew Truck Owners' Gas Rationing To Be DALLAS Farm truck operat ors who have not received ade quate allowances of gasoline or mileage on their certificate of war necessity for c their trucks need not be alarmed as provision Is be ing made ; for supplying every farm truck owner with an ade quate allotment. ' : ' Word has been received by W C Leth, Polk county agent, that plans are being made for adjust ments so that all fanners will have sufficient gasoline for their complete essential farming opera tions. Those whose certificates are now inadequate can receive as sistance in filing appeals through the county farm transportation has agreed to accept recommenda tions of such local county com mittees in detennining the needs for farmers in that county. ' '. , Until the full procedure is known, or until the proper blanks are received, this ajrnrnittee will not be able to function. Farmers whose December and first quar ter allowances of gasoline are in sufficient for operating the next month, should contact their local rationing boards for the addition al necessary gasoline, Publicity will be given In the newspapers of the county when the Polk county farm transporta tion committee will be able to be gin working on appeals. The county agent's office will be able to give information, to anyone in this connection in' the' meantime. Farmers should not. return their certificates for correction until proper appeal forms are filled out It will be possible for farmers to fill out the appeal forms them selves, however those forms hav ing the indorsement of the county transportation committee - will probably be more likely to receive their full requirements, states Mr. Leth. S. Adair Room Furnished STAYTON The trucks from Camp Adair Tuesday hauled away the second load of furnish- Adjusted . 'A Gala Brick for the Holiday m CEirisimds '-SpbcicaF 25e An attractive gren Christ mas troo cantor in a eroamy vaniUa brick. A grand dossort for holiday parties and ratals. Bright, ens tip tho table! Servo tea eroam aa a doaMit often boeauso it's full of health ful food elements, and so delicious. Candy Section ver20 fopulciir Brands Carton of 200 Corts av. Clippers -e Fleetwoods O) CameJa Philip Bforria e pod Im ipenals Maplea Bum t King j, Imperials. Johnny Walkers Marlboros, Regents, or Lis tcrines, ctn. 200, $1.19 Obaks. carton of 288, $2.18 200. $2.19 00, 09c 1(K), $1.18 r 10c Fectory Brand 79' .Ies of tS. K2.99 . Bos of to, S3.05 Threo India ? Drcj Esildlaj West; Salem Women Give FoodtoUSO WEST SALEM Saturday, West Salem women will send contribu tions of food to the USO. The pies, cakes,; cookies, sandwiches and coffee are served to service men when they visit the USO .cen ter in Salem.. The food is to be left at the city hall Saturday from 10 am. to pjn. Fillings for sandwiches may be taken in glass jars or paper cartons, sandwiches being made up as needed at the center. : All West Salem Women are asked to participate. '. Macleay Club Elects Officers MACLEAY - Husbands of the grange Home Economics club members were guests at the an nual Christmas dinner held at the grange hall Tuesday. " ; In the morning the men put the wood in the shed and the wom en held their business meeting, electing officers for the coming year. - :vf : .,-;.: v.r -V-.- Of fleers elected were: President, Mrs. J. I Amort; vice president, Mrs. Edith Wilson; secretary, Mrs. Thomas Burton. At noon, dinner was served at a long table centered with red ta pers ; flanked with holly. s In the afternoon, Christmas contests were held with Mrs. Tom Burton and Harry Martin, jr., winning first prizes. Glad ladies for the last year were revealed. Present were Mr. and Mrs. W. A. - Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Keen, Mr. ' and Mrs. Clarence Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Martin, sr., Mr. and Mrs. Harry Martin, jr., and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. W. IL: Humphreys, Marvin Wells and children Montie and Sharon, Mrs. C, A. Lynds, Mrs. Albert Mader, Mrs. ML M. Ma- gee, mis. Edith wnson, Mrs. d ward Tooker, Mrs. Cecila Perry and grandson, Jerry Halfman, Mrs. William Dunigan and chil dren Rose and Bill, .Mrs. . Tom Burton and ' children, Mrs. ' Ed Denham, and Mrs. Clara Con dit. : X ings for their day room sponsored by Stayton organizations and townspeople.; Chairs, a table, vie trola, drapes, card tables, piano, ping pong table and ash trays were among the Items. - Drug' Building A Danhm Majors lacky Strike CbeatarrioMa SPledmonto Taxeytons Imperials - i eSealll 12B Choice Tobaccos for Pipe Smokers Christmas of 10, TOe Sonlrea. Iftac, tin, M1.CO tin, fla BUY HER - FROM . . give Her truly frilly, fu$sy and beautiful - lingerie this Yuletide! She'll exclaim with de- light over the exquisite gowns so lavishly trim- med with lace or the pert, beribhoned pajamas e . or the daintily trimmed hostess g gowns. that are ' tlintinrlitfill VA11 ? s $1.33 u $2.C3 But cher boy paja mas with satin r i b bon, drawn t h rough Itei it neck and yoke.. filillYf Brassiere and VjJdr fAUm il panty Set in aU V ' t It llllll it 111 in-'Bota Plece I : ill P! " yr--LrMi PSfC JlltM ' : K r 1 ' 1) Xy v g Laee Yoke and llem JVif I, I f WZW S Utterly feminine. iVt.'lil 1 fi completely lovely slip , g-M. .,11 , g with tinted laca la Ajr - ' 8 bodice end at hem- ; m., i S2.C3 'Just Received Neitf- f COLIDnY DHES523 $7X3 to C2IC3 - - TT7 1 hers for ;the gittm by t - ' ! ' Monotone chenille robe in wine, rose, aqua, copen, green, plum, or white. A preferred gift! ; $2.03 . $22.50 2 lace yoke and waist on satin gown .with side-fullness in skirt. 2 for Traveling ' TREE sznrr All Wool SWEATERS S230 - For Mother -COAT SWEATER3 S2.C3 to $1X3 $10X3 to , m Mil " "" I : - -- ----- ..--,-. .. , - i iZO Cis&s'Zi, s2, Crtsw