Patriotic MM Vil 1 affieMe "Valley." 'News Tiirner Guests Entertained TURNER, ROUTE ONE - Mr. you HAVE v TO :? Hair1 Once upon a time, the Deacon, pet crow at the Bronx zoo in New York, would snitch bright objects, such as pennies, and hide them under a tree. But now, with the war on, the Deacon has reformed and all pennies he gets go into a box. What does ho do with 'em ? Purchases War Stamps, of course. School Time Is Adjusted Waldo Hills Opening Late to Get Daylight Opening Hour WALDO HILLS Evergreen school is opening one-half hour later each school morning owing to the dark mornings. This gives some of the smaller children who live some distance from the school an opportunity to start after day light J J. Mrs. Sherman Harmon, who has been ill. is reported as much improved. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hubley and baby of Molalla were recent guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Perkins. Holiday Plan Made SILVERTON First report cards of the year are being pre pared at the high school this week, containing coverage for the first nine weeks of school. Under , the, direction of Miss Mary Failing, a high school play will be presented December 18 at the high school auditorium. Plans are also going ahead for a Christmas program, probably to be given on the night of Decmber '21, and open to the public. School will dose lor-the holidays on De cember 23. 1 Homecoming is planned to be held December 24, with an in termittent program arranged for the day. . i Lewis Family In Oklahoma - HAZEL GREEN Mr. and Mrs. Raymond . Lewis and daughter Maryetta and Mrvand Mrs. Orin Phillips have gone to McAlester, Okla., to visit relatives. Mrs. Gust Phillips and child ren have gone to San Diego to live with a son. " Mrs. Joseph Henny of, Brooks has been staying at the home of her parents, Mr. land Mrs. C A. Zielinski, until her husband is able to leave the Woodburn bos pital where he underwent an ope ration last week. - Orville Dungian, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dungian, ! is home on leave from the merchant marine, Charlotte Zielinksi, at student at Oregon State college at Corvallis, spent the Thanksgiving holidays with her .'parents, Mr. and Mrs, C A. ZielinskL Jefferson PTA Meets" Thursday - ; JEFFERSON The December meeting of the Parent Teachers association will be held Thursday i night at 8 o'clock in ' the high school assembly room. Miss Fran- ' ces Clinton, Marion county home demonstration .' agent, " will be guest speaxer. .mere will also be music consisting of an instru mental trio, and a trombone solo by Jack Knight . tji r ' tvt xeu Across. uorK UNION HILL Mrs. Verny Scott will be hostess to an all-day meeting of the Union Hill Wom an's club at her home on Thurs day. Red Cross sewing will be done by the members, A covered dish dinner will be served at noon. . SUNNYSIDE Roy Hagedorn, who recently, fell from the roof of his home, is recovering from in juries to his Bead and side. WIrnrt cniMfa at (h hrm eif hirs. Judy " Elliott were Mr. and Mrs. Waltex-Coonse of Clear Lake and Mr. and Mrs. George Hudson of Portland. Mrs. Coonse and Mrs. Hudson ' are sisters of .Mrs. Elli ott. - P. F. Ahreu lef t -5 u n d a y for Portland where he expects to work in the shipyards.' Reports From Many Guests Entertained UNIONVALE Mrs. Mary E. Shelburne entertained with a Thanksgiving dinner for Mr. and Mrs. Claude Shelburne and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. John Clow and family. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hogue of Portland were Tuesday guests of Mrv and Mrs. Ersel Gubser. Mr, Hogue did some remodeling car pentry work in the dining room. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Church and Merle Church .were Thanksgiving guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Church at McMinnville. Mr. and Mrs John Church of Portland were other guests. Ernest Shelburne of High Hea ven district was a guest of his mo ther here Saturday. He came for a truckload of gravel but found it under water. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Holt, Mr Neal Stoutenburg and D. C. Miller of this district were Thanksgiv ing guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bert McFarlane in Pleasantdale. Mr. and Mrs. Orval Stoutenburg and Ralph of Carlton, Mr. and Mrs, J. A. McFarlane were other guests, FAIRVIEW Mr. and Mrs. Pe ter Parvin entertained with a Thanksgiving dinner. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Nels Sipola of Sa lem; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ojala, Mr. and Mrs. Philmore Suva of Carlton;, Mr. and Mrs. William Neimi, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Si pola, Mrs. Richard Crannel and son of Fairview. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Taskinen and family were Thanksgiving guests of Mr. Taskinen's mother at Portland. Mrs. L. E. McKinney and son Dale, were Thanksgiving guests of Mr. and Mrs. Toivo Bantsari. L. E. McKinney . is home after several weeks spent with his brother, Dr. M. W. McKinney at Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Andrews entertained the Dayton Townsend club at their home Monday. Twen ty five members were present. An 8 o'clock chili supper was served. Names were drawn for exchange of gifts at the Christmas party to be held December 14, at the home of Mrs. J. W. Lorett near Dayton. Family Parties Held Thursday CENTRAL HOWELL Thanks giving day was observed in this community with a number of family dinners. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Roth were hosts to Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Roth and Will Roth, sr. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Janz and children of Portland spent the day with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Janz. Thanksgiving day guests at the D. A. Steffen home were Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Stefen from Grand Ronde. Mr. and Mrs. M. O. Hatteberg had dinner with his mother, Mrs. O. L. Hatteberg, near Silverton. i Mrs. Aileen Westphal and John, Salem, entertained . her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Tweed, for the day. Parents Entertain With Dinner Party -i BROOKS Honoring their daughter, Mrs. Royal Cochrane, who .is leaving soon. for Santa Ana, Calif., to make her home, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Singleterry entertained with a dinner party. Guests present were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dunmire and Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Dunmire of Gladstone, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Cochrane of Am ity Mr. and MrsJ Walter Hodge kinson and sons, Glenn, Ralph and Jimmie, all of Oregon City Miss Anne Bouhight, Mrs. Leo Zuber and the honor guest, Mrs. Royal Cochrane, all of Portland, and the hosts, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Single terry. Tires Rolling In ' WOODBURN The express of fice -estimates nearly 2000 old tires have been turned in at Wood- burn under the requirement that five tires per car is . the " allot ment. ''". ; "" if . jTlie Statesman's Community Correspbndents ' . Salem. Oregon. Thursday Morning. December 3, 1942 ;tAMMY MtNOP and SOUTH ERN EUftOPE. ri6HT1N6-FRENCH TERWTORV MlttD-FRENCH TtRRTTORV TCftRITOROCCUPICD BY AXIS POWERS TOtftlTOOVOOKTOOUED uNrrtp fncm hok eutecscHTS 1 fCj I I I ?. ,rf art .-mJX. ' " J SOMAUUW40 . ' I Here is the lineup in Africa (see key) following the announcement by Admiral Jean Darlan, now arrayed with the Allies, that the vast territory of French West Africa, with Its important base at Dakar, had come under his command by its own free will. The French West African move left the Axis controlling only a comparatively small area in Libya and Tunisia, as shown on the map. The West Africa coup brought 15,000,000 people, 1,815,768 square Rules and 50,000 to 60,000 troops with considerable planes and tanks under the Allied banner. Territories include Senegal, French Guinea, French Sudan, the Ivory Coast, Dahomey, Mauretania and Niger. Hahey Praises Yank Fighters JUMP . .j.uu.'.'jiw wiwww.f qiji.iLi.4w-ier4F ywwg'wwy'?w.'iiwp,si.w.y'- '''rv'ff'mrJ!jmKKtpH C I Thirteen heroes lined up underneath rain-sodden trees on Guadal canal recently to receive medals from the hands of Vice A dm. Wil liam F. Halsey, jr., in recognition of their exploits daring reeent action in the rain-ridden Solomon islands "I've never been more proud in all my life," Halsey said as he pinned navy and flying crosses on 12 tunics and affixed a geld star to a navy cross prev iously won by MaJ. Gen. Roy S. Geiger, US marine corps. "Ton are very courageous, splendid men," the energetic "Slugging Ad miral Halsey declared. The commander of the south Pacific force is pictured above as he conferred on shipboard with his flag sec retary, Lt. Comm. H. D. Monlter, US navy. UN Photo. Buena Vista Woman Visits BUENA VISTA-r-Mrs. Mayme Taylor, who has Visiter the past week at Forest Grove with her son, Bud, and family, returned home Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lester Taylor. - - ; Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Perry Wells and sons were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. O. K. Paulus in Salem. . ; Betty Lou Long of Hillsboro spent Thanksgiving with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Long. J Mr. and Mrs. Gail Prather en tertained at dinner Wednesday for Mr. and Mrs. Ed Prather, Mr. and Mrs. Leland Prather and children and. Mr. and Mrs. Gark Sullivan. Brooks News j BROOKS Mrs. Georgia Ramp and three children of, Stayton were dinner guests at.the home of Mrs. Doll ie Ramp and daughter, Cleo, Friday. - J Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Conn enter tained with a dinner Sunday for Mr. and Mrs. William' Conn and Mrs. Bertha Streeter, all of Salem. Mrs. Weaver Dies After Prolonged Illness WEST SALEM Mrs. Gertrude Weaver died last week after a long illness. She was the mother of Mrs. Frank Weaver, 1350 Ruge street- The names of mother and daughter were inadvertently transposed in a news story Wed nesday morning." ; j .. 01 Salon': 8 lnUn Fr ... New York Trip Is Completed WACONDA Mrs. Nina Mur- dick returned last week from Ro chester, NY, where she spent the past few months with her daugh ter, Mrs. Leslie Roll. Miss Nelta Brundidge of Roch ester is visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Brun didge. - ? Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Goffin, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Ditmars and Mrs. Brady were1 guests Thanks giving at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brooke in Salem. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Becker were hosts at a Thanksgiving ' dinner. Guests were: Mrs. A..W. Nusom, sr, Mr. and Mrs. AUyn Nusom and sons, Don and Dale; Mrs. Or land Becker of . P o f 1 1 a ii d,' Mrs. L. D. Brooke of Hayward, Calif., and Norris Becker. HE Club Elects 1943 Officers ' TURNER4 Members of the Home Economics club of Surprise grange were entertained at the courtlry home of Mrs. Ulwin E. Denyer, with Mrs Bert Peebles, assistant hostess.' A club dinner was served at noon, and plans were made for the annual Christ mas party and gift exchange on December 17 at the grange hau. The election of officers was held. Miss Alice ' Titus was reelected president for the third year. Oth er officers named are Mrs. Fred Denhem, -vice president; ' Mrs. Bert Peebles, secretary; and 'tofts. Ulwin Denyer, treasurer. s AmO OCCUPIED IANOS it . f 'PAGE THESE Sodalities Elect : Leaders ; 1 MT. ANGEL Angell us Skone tzni was chosen president of the Xoung Men's sodality at the an nual elections held in St. Mary's school 1 November 30. He" succeeds Aelred Berning.. T . Other .officers" tor the coming year are: vice-president, Gerald Dardis; secretary, Leonard Sko netzni; treasurer, Flavius Ann en. ' The officers , will be Installed December 8, "when new members will be received into the sodality. The Young Ladies sodality, meeting the same night, voted to donate $2540 to Father Hilde- brand for his work of coresrpond ence with the service men. Five dollars were .also contributed to Camp Adair.. After the meetings, boys and girls joined for a hamburger feed in the school clubroom. This sub stituted the dances formerly held after the meetings. Service Flag Has 60 Stars SILVERTON A service flag, bearing 60 stars, has "been pre sented to the Christian Bible school at the local Church of Christ by the members of the' Loyal Berean class. Each star represents a ser vice man who was formerly con nected with the church or Bible school. Listed are Ted Adylott, Rufus Boyd, John Bennett, Rodger Ba ker, Cecil Bailie, Vemon Bark- hurst, Wilbur Copple, Howard Chandler, Allison Conrad, Ken neth Donnell,- Sammie Donnell, Darrel Davis, Everett Dickman, Harold Davis, Chester Davis, Mil ford Dickson, Norman Dinison, Parrel Egan, Robert Egan, Lloyd English, Pat Grogart, Marion Hob litt, .. Kenneth ; Huddleston, Perry Hayes, Harold Houck, Donald Hawes, Michael Hannani Nels Johnson, Clare Jarvis, Harvey Kennedy, Joe Kirk, Joe Lytle, Athol Libby, Clifford Maulding, John Morley, Frank Pettyjohn, Lyle Pettyjohn, - Olaf Paulson, Richard Pickell, Francis Scott, Os car Specht, -Xyle Specht, Marvin Sen ter, Carl Schuster. j Paul Spencer, George Smith, Richard Swanson, Bill- Shilds, James Stapleton, Cuyler Thomp son, Robert Webb, Earl Williams, Fred West, Melvin Zahler and Ed win Zahler. Gold Star Mother Honored by Legion MT. ANGEL Rev j Father Hil- debrand was celebrant - at the requiem high mass and officiated at the graveside services of Mrs. Anna Schnider Tuesday morning. i Members of- the American Le gion auxiliary, of which she was a member, formed a . guard of honor for the casket as: it was borne to" the church. , Mrs FrankJ Walker, president," and "Mrs. - Jo seph Faulhaber carried the colors. Mrs. Schnider was a gold star mother. Her son Ernest died in France during the World war. She lived in Mt. Angel since 1915, and came here from New Vienna, Iowa. The last months- were spent in Portland, where she died last Saturday. Young Folk Form Church League BUENA VISTA Intermediate league was organized Sunday at the church. Officer elected are: Ruby Carpenter,' president; Elaine Wells, vice president; Lillian Hall, secretary; Juanita Carpenter, trea surer. ' Regular meetings will be held each Sunday afternoon at 4. Those below high school age are urged to attend. Rev.' and Mrs. K. F. Abbott will entertain this : group Saturday at 3 o'clock at the hall. Farmers Union News ; V f BUENA VISTA Farmers union will meet Friday night Election of officers will be held, . Donuts and coffee will be served. . ruLLia BIISTLECOUB For information on FULLER BRUSH complete line of prod ucts ... call er write . . . 1745 Grant St, Salem -Phene 5391 and Mrs. O. P. - Given had for Thanksgiving dinner guests, Mr. and Mrs. I A. Edwards and three children. Turner; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Savage and granddaughter of Victor Point. ,-i Ronald Givens who makes his home with his grandparents, left Wednesday : for Portland ta visit his parents, -Mr. and Mrs.- Albert Given; With him they spent Thurs day with! his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Barber at Long' view, Wash.. ? " , " . , Mr.' and Mrs. Earl Pearcy of Sa lem, who are speaking most of the winter at Vancouver, BC, where Mr. Pearcy is in business, yisited Turner- friends Saturday. . Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bear .and E. C. Bear and family spent Thurs day with Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Stew art in Dayton. Mrs. Agnes Bear did substitute work in' Aumsville high school Friday. , Abiqua Ranch Property Sold SILVERTON The exchange of homes and property in the Silver- ton area, which began so briskly last autumn, continues, with sales reported this week including ran ches, business property and home. Perhaps the largest sale , was that of the 640-acre Eunice CamD- bell ranch on the Abiqua sold by the George W. Hubbs company to Lloyd Flickinger. Other sales reported this week. by the same company include the Carrie King property on Newly- wed avenue to Mr. and Mrs. Glenn McKinney,- the Torvend - Iverson property on Grant street to Mrs. Ollie J, Solberg; the War Terry home in Cowings addition to Mr, and Mrs. Gerald O. Smedsted, the Miller estate property on Grant street , to Emidio L. DeSantis, the Schlador property on Charles ave nue to Mae C. Hill. The P. H.' Tucker property in Cowings addition to Wylis English, the two acre tract in Monsons ad dition to J. Winterstein, the A. C. Barber, dwelling and apartments to Mr. and Mrs. S A. Peterson. , J. C. Morley reports recent sales to include the Hatteberg property on Cherry street to B. A. Mohler of Portland; the Reta Pelettacre- age on the Holsard Road ta Wil liam H. BelL The J Honieseekers' agency re ports the sale of the Martin - Han- nan home in the Geiser addition to Mr. and Mrs. Willis Kelly of Sweet Home. Red Cross Roll Call Postponed SILVERTON Red Cross roll call at Silverton, usually held in November, will not be held until March of next year, according to information given out .this week by the local district chairman. Mrs. Martin Hannan. Mrs. Hannan also announced her yearly appointments of the chair men , for the district to include Dr.'.P.xA. Loar,. first aid; Mrs. R. J. Van Cleave, home nursing; Mrs. Leonard Hudson, nutrition; Mrs. C. W. Keene,. production, - which includes -sewing and knitting; Mrs. Helena WhiUock, knitting chair man under Mrs. Keene. - The local district includes Sil verton, Silverton. Hills,- Hullt Bethany; Brush Creeks Evens Val ley, including McLoughlin. . : . Mrs. Keene as production chair man reports that Mrs. Vhitlock will be at the Red Cross sewing room . at the corner of ' First and Qak streets each . Wednesday, af ternoon to assist in knitting or in giving out materials, Mrs. Keene also reports , there is now plenty of sewing on hand. The. Ctore 8o : K r ' ,: i """ f V Presenting Klena Orozco, crowned queen at the Black and White Ball, stellar social event of the year In Mexico City. Miss Oroxco thus reigns over Mexican social life during the coming year. The ball and beauty contest this year, at first declared off because of the war, was held with all proceeds, some 100,000, going to the Mexican and TJ. S. Red Cross. Miss Oroxco represented Guadalajara golf club. Holiday Is. Party Time ! JEFFERSON Mr. and Mrs. Karl Kins, Miss Helen Kins, Mr. and Mrs. John Kins, Mr. and Mrs. George Kins and daughter Carmen Ruth, Walter Kins of Jefferson, and Mr, and Mrs. Lauren Stettler and two children of Chemawa' at tended the family dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Hoffstetter. near P r a t u m on Thanksgiving. i' Miss " Helen Kihs returned; to La comb to resume her work; as principal of the school there after the Thanksgiving holidays spent at her home here. '., ' Mrs. Glen Cobb and infant son. Glen Leroy,' returned Saturday from the Salem General hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lynes will leave this week for Merrill, where they will visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Denson. The Den- sons are former Jefferson resi dents, and Lynes is a brother of Mrs. Denson. " -. ' Julian J. Balitsky, son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Holt, with; the army stationed at Yakima,' Wash., has .been transferred to Camp Adair. Mrs. Balitsky (Juanita Holt) is staying with her parents here, while her husband is sta tioned at Camp Adair. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Pasteris, who accompa nied Mr. and Mrs. Balitsky here for a few days visit, left for New. Bedford, . Mass., . last week, Turner Business i Houses Are Closed ., TURNER After" 20 years In the grocery , and confectionery business in Turner, D. S.' Riches has closed .his store here for the duration. He sold, his tockj of merchandise i and plans , to enter defense work. The store was built 30 years ago by the late Tom Mil ler, and was used, as a barber shop and confectionery until purchased by the Riches brothers, Leland and Don. . ' Some -.weeks ago Mr. and Mrs. Chester , Stewart also closed their restaurant here, Myrna's Inn,' and are both employed in Portland in defense work. 0 -5 .at ol Ele',lirV 4? ' r , ' -. .. Annual Bazaar Will Be Held SILVERTON The .annual ba zaar of the Loyal Wpmen's class of the First Church of Christ will be held Saturday at the church, beginning at 1 o'clock. A program, under the direction of Mr. Rus sell Myers will be given at 3 o'clock. .; V. . - . . , .-' . The bazaar plans this year in clude a silver tea and a white el ephant table. Mrs. C. VL Wray. is in charge of the latter. Mrs. E. T. Preston, president of JQub Elects Turnidge Head ' JEFFERSON Gordon Turnidge has been elected president of the Varsity " J, of the Jefferson high school. He is a letterman in bas- scnooi victory corps is now Deing organized. Applications are being filled . out for approval by the faculty-student committee. This organization is being set up to give the students an opportunity to take part in a nationwide patriotic W 1 , , movement ; - . I UNIFORM Ulljr payments: rBwal iimdu: lacreas ta Interest rate. K PrvdcitUl t-Tar MorttM tb ute wt tm liaaaee r Ink Available ! selected McUmriA fiBabis ptlouti AWKDXS aV KOBKKTS. INC Authorized Mortgage Loam Solieitat for Tb Prudential Insurance Co. -.--of Ajrwirlca , . Ouardlaa .BuUdW Satem Orgtm i5)'!lfl'Mn(i .i