Tho OREGON STATESMAN. Salem . Oregon, Thursday Mornlag Norember 19, ISIS Methodist Home Open for Tea ; Members of WSCS of Salem (Methodist churches will be hos tesses Friday afternoon : for 'the annual Harvest Home tea at the Methodist Old People's home, 1625 Center street. The j home will be open to guests between the hours of 2 and 4:30 o'clock, when contributions of food or money will be welcomed. : In the receiving line will be Mrs. Beatrice Blatchford, matron of the j home. Mrs. C A. Geis, chairman of the board of direct ors, Mrs. Fred Zimmerman, Mrs. C. G. Perkins, and j Mrsr M. C. Findley. Mrs. H. G. Carl is in general charge of the affair. Pouring at the tea hour will . be Mrs. J. C Harrison,. Mrs. Raynor Smith, Mrs. J. E. Purdy and Mrs. Ted Ulako. On the program will be a piano - solo by Miss Faith Idso, a reading by Miss Barbara, Hathaway and a duet by Mr. Victor Burlson and Mrs. L. Mason. Rev. . Dudley Strain, pastor of the First Chris tian church will speak. ' AMITY At a candlelight cer emony in the Baptist church of Amity Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock, Miss Dolores Elaine Lor enzen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John L. Lorenzen of Amity be came the bride' of Elvin Harold Aiher, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Asher of Grand Island. Preceding the ceremony, Mrs. H. W. Torbet sang, accompanied by Mrs. Edna Strout. , Rev. T. H. Temple, pastor of the Amity Methodist church of ficiated. The double ring cere mony was used. The bride, giv en in marriage by her father, wore a floor length dress of white taffeta with finger tip veil which was held in place with a coronet of orange blossoms. She wore a necklace' of pearls, a gift of the groom and carried an arm bouquet of white flowers. Miss Marie Lorenzen of Day ton, cousin of the bride was hon or attendant and wore a dress of aqua blue m a r q u i s e 1 1 e. The bridesmaids, Miss Irjnalee Lind rof f of Amity and Miss Lois Ash er, sister of the groom, wore dresses of blue georgette and pink crepe respectively. Leonard Will of Grand Island was best man lor Mr. Asher. The ushers were Edwin Heinonen of Hopewell and Victor Scoggan of s Grand Island. For her daughter's wedding, Mrs. Lorenzen chose a dress of wine colored crepe and Mrs. Asher wore a gown of blue crepe. . Immediately follow ing the ceremony a reception was held in the dining room of the church. Mrs. LT S. Lorenzen of Dayton, aunt of the bride, cut the cakes and Mrs. Edna Strout of Amity poured. .The Misses Betty Kil patrick of Corvallis and Betty Rosenbalm of Amity were In charge of the gift table and Miss Jeanne Remme of Dayton had charge of the guest book. As sisting about the rooms were the Misses Ruth and Esther Abra ham,' Katherine Reed and Violet McKee. Mrs. Asher is a graduate of the Amity high school and at tended business school in Salem. For the last six months she has been bookkeeper at the Amity Co-operative warehou se. Mr. Asher also a graduate of Amity high school attended the Lock heed Aircraft school in Burbank, Calif. After a "short honeymoon, they will make their home near Amity. Bluebird Linens These bluebird surrounded by wreaths of flowers are lovely embroidered on your tea cloths or your bedroom linens and towels. "Use them on your gift linens! Pattern 245 contains a transfer pattern of 8 motifs ran ging from 3x3 to SVixlS In ches; illustrations of stitches; materials required. Send ELEVEN CENTS for Cis pattern to The Oregon Statesman, Needlecraft DcpW 215 S. CommerciaL .Write plain ' ly PATTERN NUMBER, your "NAME and ADDRESS. ... Sr- .O. , n I v . i .Chicken Pie, Traditional Ghureh Supper Dish, Still Popular 1 f The good old standby, chicken pie, has returned again as a pop ular dish for church dinners and large parties. Chicken -pie is the traditional harvest time! fare, and because fowl is not included on the nation's voluntary meat ra tion list, it becomes a' doubly good food to serve. j j But even chicken pie can go modern, so if you've a en to be different, try a variation of crust for your. pie. j i Bran breakfast food, ! added to 1 MONMOUTH Miss El vie Hi! ma Bond, daughter of j Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Bond, became the bride of Mr. Howard B- Crook at a home wedding Saturday zugni at ner parents Dome i Rev. W. A. Elkins read the service at 8' o'clock before group of 40 friends and relatives. The bride was given in marriage by Mr. Carl McMahonl a close family friend. - Her floorlength gown was of white brocaded satin in princess style - with leg-o'mutton sleeves , and square neckline. Her finger tip length veil was held in place with gardenias and her arm bou quet was of white carnations She wore a gold locket, gift of her two brothers, Carl and Rich ard who are now stationed with the navy at Norfolk, Va. Mrs. Hershel Bond, sister-in law Of the bride was matron of honor. Mr. Robert Crook, neph ew of the groom was best man At the reception following the - ceremony. Miss Helen Marks served the wedding cake; Mrs Carl Bond and Miss Shirley See- ley cut the ices, at a lace-covered table. For going away the bride wore a soldier blue suit with " black accessories and corsage of ' white carnations. Mrs. Crook is a graduate of Monmouth high school, : and Mr : Crook of Airlie high. Both at tended Oregon College of Edu cation. They will make their home , on a farm purchased by t Mr. Crook north of Dallas, after the Crook lands were taken by the government for the Camp Adair cantonment. SILVERTON' MLu RnthNel son, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alf O. Nelson became the bride of Mr. James A. Brana man of Salt Lake city, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Branaman of Waynesboro, Virginia, at Tri nity church at 8 o'clock Wed nesday night. Nelson gave his daughter in marriage. Rev. M. J. K. Fuhr read the cer emony before the candlelit al tar. Mrs. Tom Anderson sang Grieg's "I Love Thee," and Miss Cornelia Goplerud played. , The bride wore a white . satin dress, fashioned; with a marquisette yoke set with heavy lace forming a drop -I shoulder effect, a low waistline and a train. The full-length !veil was held in place with a coronet of seed pearls. The bride car ried a white prayer book and a spray of white orchids, Mrs. Don Burch in a powder blue floor length marquisette dress was matron of honor for her sister. Miss Jean Tomi- son of Portland and Miss Ellen Lerfald of Vancouver, in dusty rose taffeta were bridesmaids. They wore identical I lockets, gifts from the bride. I Dr. H. L. Armentroui of Port land was best man, and asked to serve as ushers were Robert Nelson of the coast guard and James Nelson. Silverton, brothers of the bride, ' Harold Nelson and Merlin Nelson, cou sins ot the bride. i A reception at the b r 1 d e's home followed the ceremony. Miss Shirley Struble of Portland and Miss Anna belle Jensen of Silverton poured. Mrs. ; L. H. Jacobsen, Seattle, an aunt of the bride,' cut . the bride's cake, while . Mrs. Eldon - McIntosh served the bridegroom's cake. Mrs. Elmer Johnson! assisted about the rooms, and Mrs. Arland Schwab presided at the gift table. For her daughter's weddinx, Mrs. Nelson wore a pale rose jersey and harmonizing flowers. The young couple 'plan to make their home at Salt Lake City where ' Mr. Branaman Is with the Dupont company. rjscal VTaY $2.81 Complete " . -Perm OH f , TtPnsh Wave a c sCl Complete ( J t " J Optn Thurs. Eve. T ' by Appointment V. rraeae 36S3 $53 First Natlenal Bank Bids. CASTLE PE22X. WAVE2S white flour in the biscuit crust will make a nut-like topping for the chicken pie. , ; . i i i. , 4 ' BRAN-CHICKEN TIE 1 4-5 pound chicken 4 tablespoons butter or chicken ' at 2 tablespoons flour H teaspoon salt, dash of pepper 2 cups chicken stock 1 recipe biscuits Cut chicken in pieces; place in kettle in about 1 quart of salted water, cover tightly and simmer until tender (1H-3 hours). Re move meat from bones in as large pieces as possible; arrange in 2 -quart casserole. Melt butter or fat, stir in flour and season-' ings, and when well blended, add chicken stock slowly, stirring constantly over low heat until mixture thickens and boils. Add more salt to sauce if necessary. Pour over chicken in casserole. Cover with bran biscuits and bake in moderately hot oven (425 degrees) about 20 minutes or until biscuits are done. BRAN BISCUITS Vt cup bran cereal 4 cup milk lVi cups flour 3 teaspoons baking powder 1 teaspoon salt .; cup shortening. Soak bran in milk. Sift flour, baking powder and salt together. Cut in shortening until mixture is like coarse s cornmeaL Add "soaked bran; stir until dough fol lows fork around bowL Turn on to floured board, knead lightly a few seconds; roll or pat to Vi inch thickness and cut with floured cutter. To add to the tradition, serve cabbage slaw with sour cream dressing, and lots of whipped po tatoes, and to top off the meal, pumpkin and apple pie. You'll I Find- 3v i - - . 7 mil. sk isj m mm mm m m .mr r m m m m m m m m . w w i " S2 I Hit MUi -tOi Yon. will find Urge selection of slamoroas errainj footwear at the PARA5I0UNT. Your Selection Includes the 0atest in silver, gold, satin . . hla;h heels, medium heels or low heels. 'Set for yourself the real values that you are consistently offered at PARAMOUNT . today! ; ' . ..;' . j 13 QUALITY AND ") 1 ' - STORE . ; ' U ; ' ; Corner Court and Liberty1 j ; Apple, Ideals for Family Use The apple, Oregonians" favor ite fruit, has unlimited possibil ities; in recipes. Here are ideas: DIXIE STUFFED APPLES v : 6 apples - U 1 cup boiled rice Vm teaspoon salt . ' ; cup peanuts or pecans - Vt cup maple syrup 1 tablespoon butter Va teaspoon cinnamon cup 'water; Wash and core apples. Fit into shallow baking pan. Stuff with rice, salt, nuts, syrup, butter and cinnamon. Add ! water. Bake an hour in moderate oven. (350). " " 1 i GLAZED APPLE RING j 2 cups flour t j 4 teaspoons baking powder ' V teaspoon salt 5 tablespoons: 'shortening 2 cups chopped appjes -Va cup sugar ! Va teaspoon cinnamon cup milk i Mix together flour, baking powder and salt. Cut in shorten ing and add apples, mixed with sugar and cinnamon. Slowly add milk; when soft dough forms, shape into ring and place in greased ring mold. Spread with glaze. GLAZE cup corn syrup Vk cup sugar i 2 tablespoons butter . 1 tablespoon lemon Juice cup witer j V teaspoon cinnamon Boil ingredients 8 minutes. Brush top of ring with mixture and bake 30 minutes in moder ate oven. Baste; ring every , 15 minutes. Today's Menu Ham and egg sandwiches sound rather simple, but on to night's menu there will be a variation (with ' a bit of style added.) ' Cottage cheese-pineapple salad Ham and egg sandwiches Scalloped ; potatoes Buttered celery Frozen youngberry pie HAM and EGG SANDWICHES . 2 slices bacon, chopped 1 tablespoon chopped celery 2 tablespoons chopped olives or pickles Va cup milk Vi cup chopped cooked ham (or other meat) eggs, beaten Hot buttered bread slices toast or white Heat bacon, celery and olives in frying pan. Simmer min utes, add ham and cook several minutes. Combine eggs and milk and pour into the cooking blend. Cook slowly, stirring constantly, until thick and creamy. Do not j overcook or the mixture will toughen. Serve hot between the toast slices. riwatjce vfarear t! r- , ' At Paramount PRICE AT Raisins Go in ; Good Pie ; Sugar gives way to raisins "in this pie recipe, which is practic Check A. CLASDAKB CUSTARD CUPS Four-ounce size, wUh fi. OC wire rack. Quick heating. wforiwOC B. FLAMSX COVERED SAUCEPAN Hcat-rMisting ! lock-en lid. Quart slse. "''l'l''J"'" 2-QT. SI2D MAID OP. HONOR t - - ) n : wax j y - fn$ r : i V sHor AT,THa f 1?Z Z3$H, y CATALOG ORDER DESK I 1 jffijftm. QtO-":, y 1 in thr ' retail sToaEi LIGHTMASTER Bathroom ! Fixture Lumilme wall bracket with push switch .. ' ' . . 131. inches long. All brast with chromium plated finieh. Desinsd to glvo maximum amount of light. Efficient and economical! F. LIGHTMASTER H BY , and will r""" Kl(r te as watt slxti. ; tea:, a" ) I JC ' -- - - x "RI - s )u?"-y , . -,f . ci I :;;'.' &Jr Store . . . your order will be fil : r-fe.- - j . , promptly , ; pay on delivery. 4 '''Ji. h. warn ' I , stoue nouns 'ftS3 IL IL la C P. II .S:23"iL"IL.i3 O'P.I!. . m . ITS PATRIOTIC TO SAVE ally sweetless except for the fruit. VICTORY RAISIN PIE . 1 cup raisins w : 1 cup water :; - ; -: Vk cup orange juice , . i: 1 1 tablespoon lemon juice . J- ,- f iU II .. -V T". ll vu ,i. these Buys i H. H39 ELECTRIC BULBS Ixslds frested, 1000 hour bulbs. Im 1t te tS watt slate. HAIL ' Make your selection, mail to Sears. Merchandise r be sent promptly, nay on ar- J1 V .v v i v--.. ' : ri r ' ts rivaL (Add 3 sales tax in Wash ington.) J BY PHONE the armchair way. Just phone your nearest Sears filled X At Year Sears KETAHj ETOU 7 touH find courteatu wrvira plus Sears guaranteed quality and savings. Shop at Sears! .- At the CATALOG OKDEE DESK in your neighborhood - Sears Re tail Store. Over 100,000 items can be purchased this convenient way. Cleee eut ef last yearns eteekl f treno, flexIMe toath . tine rer leavea. a rase Hflht- Jaiii? wrjM... Hun tow cup sugar 1 tablespoons flout 1 egg, - beaten. ' Va teaspoon salt Va teaspoon mace Vt teaspoon grated lemon rind . ingredients and cook a minute. I tablespoon butter 1 ! Practical Va!u9t for Honemalcerl .... - TV : T-J I : ll il l if tmthus... C. CHALLENGE FOOD CHOPPER Capacity, S Ibe. par min ute. 4 euttlng platea, V D. MAID OP HONOR PASTE WAX Hlflhly pithAd finish fee U fi -wooowerk, furniture i III. y C MAID OP HONOR DUST MOP, Extra Large . . 12x1f-lnch ' eHy 4-ir (OIL rr teMtf , fctM. II Ifl " II IMI ' MnS. Rvrkl . t i SiMt with kh a it 1' il 1 -Rtgld-Lok- -i.n'i ii -r -r, 7 1 ,,i.- - v jr ' I- Btst for closely wovtrt fabrlct. Automatic aelMqutr. Ing aornerhlngea . rutt-rtaiatina metal fitting Frama adiuata from doillea to eurtsjna. Rust-resist J Ing pint aat V Inchta ftRtrU 6x8 faati Xll Items at Sears arm potted end celling prices indicated at per Government, TC ,'quirementii Mix raisins and water. ,EIm mer, covered, IS minutes, ad J juices and i sugar,- blended with flour. Cook slowly, stirring until thick and creamy. Add rest of Pour into baked pie shell. k BUY vAn , SAVir.'GS STAMP3 AND '2 DONDS NOVI 'W::',::: : , - . j i STRETCHED ' Ts - ' J. - il f 1 M