Tli CCLCCN CTATC2-IK2X, Calea Oregon. Wadaasday tlonix Iloreenber 13, ltU TO CD AIT 5 . ''.' : : f ' ' ; v. ' : r - '. " ..." I ' ' J J 3 V A - vV - 1 "pi , v- . s t.. V , v'" ' :- y; 7;f -V- w '-It - ' " v 1- . a Vv J, - - 4- ? -V 'i 4 vih lvL7 "V, ? ' i - .A - ill -J!' I i 1 i s Vs Hi XT 1 m am?'- r' THEY FACE YANKS IN FRENCH AFRIC AThe ElcKfh Zoiuves. crack French rerfmenl to French North Africa. parade la Pari. Now these troops faco aa Americaa Expeditionary Force landm la Vchy-entrouea colonies. - , iiwiuw;i-rf" v k" ' - t OVER THE BOUNDING MAI N A HJrrtns fauuUnr craft carries Marines over rolliiur ea toward a bch for' : practice. It's part of manesTen at U. S. Marine Adranced School of Combat Technlqoes at New Kirer, N. C, base. ult r .. , .. , . .-1. ....;-...Li.t..:l--- 5s' '.'-( i-r- mniinliuiii iiiMtiMi"Tiii'.'Ui'uii'i.'Ui'i'Ji'Ji.M'l"' imunnili ui.ijijihi in w nin umiiwrm i .i iw1g ii i.i iii i inn u im imim ivnnrvvvnwvmuwm 1 ill nil vw.'-'rvv'-M'J mwmmmmmmrmui ililliln, nww f -ysLmj " i , . s.- s , . - ; ? , , . - - I 'f '. , - - l: : ' ' - ' ' ir7 . - " " ... , , - ' , t 1 I ' " "' - " ' ' ' . . f' - V1 IJ r-'v- - ---' .-i, si"' ,.'rYr-' " " - ; A 1 mrT-Sff-r- . "-;. -, 1 "'.-v-.- " ' ,.. wmumvM. im mi -v Mv,v.r.fc;-gJt:S3S..-.-S.i7rf..JV "i r mi, i.v:.iJ: ''"i -nir-- .TTT v.....lf ... F ) ( AIR CIANT AND HER BUILDERS The It-ton Mars, largest aircraft of her type in the world, "poses" for this plctere amid workmen who built her ai Baltimore1: Md. Thirty-fire men. spaced six feet apart, stand on her 200 foot wins; and 215 other Glenn F. Martin workers stand en the vroond. - j I r 4 J 1 1 NX VACATIONS Movie Actress Jinx Falkenbnrr. trm trtlnlng soldiers In ranama. froiics at Miami Beach. ROUTS ROMMEL Lt. Gen. Bernard U Montromery (aboTe) commands British Eighth Army routine TTf a-- 5, - I- Sh 4k-A : V K I ' " ' - . ' , - ;,-f.--y:? v : . . ' -.CI ENVOY Myron C. Taylor (abore). President i RooseveK's earsr to The Vatican la Kerne ea a trip to London. (ERSEYITE Jeannette Feldman (above) of Newark N. J Ukes advantage of South era California's sun durlnr a winter sojourn in Los Ancelee watertsx place, i WHILE MAMA DOES WAR WORK -. Community centers handllnr children while mothers del war work eaeearare wholesome fames like "sup jack" bctof puyed here. mAii niir!'t!lN TO D UC ICET II ELM ETEvo!mUon of American firbtiar men's FRO M D Uv Van arms slant pareant at Clon. N. Y. Left to rlrht: Frontiersman, Mexican rlathisr was shown at an arias pwn iw w.. .vt w.. mmu.. mj & .X .War rUcman. CivUintr SSI HI Y HOSE S Women workers in a Lour Eeach. Calif, aircraft pUat tackle a 3 aa U proUem aUny noses. They peusa airpiane noses. new aspect si FLYING DLIMD Cadet Samuel CretaSeU of New Tor City takes a Jump blindfolded and with hands free of reins at Val ley Ferse fc:.:.Ury Acaggmy at WayaclTa, where he is a s'.uicct. - I, ' i