The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 18, 1942, Page 5, Image 5

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    The OnEGOU STATZCI-IA1T. Salem Orecor. vVedaesdaT Morning, Nbrenier IS. 1S12
pags nvn
News Briefs
. Tires Turned In Salem motor
ists thronged into the Railway Ex
press agency Tuesday to give up
their extra tires in order to meet
the federal regulations; which or
der car wners to sacrifice all
ires oiner wan inose in use plus
spare for" each i car. The three
employes engaged in " handling
these casings were" somewhat de
- layed when a shortage, of neces
sary blanks for records became ev
- ident. After this shortage was
eliminated, i the agency1 continued
Urreceive rubber for salvage.
Luta florist. Ph. 9592. 1278 N. Lib.
Cost Statements Filed Three
candidates in the November 3 el
ections Tuesday filed with Coun
ty Clerk Lee Ohmart statements
of campaign expenditures. , Coun
ty Recorder . Herman Lanke's
showed ; $22.15 expended L on 1 the
campaign; those of W. C. Miller,
Woodburn . constable, r and A. M.
Amo, Silverton constable, reveal-
-t ed a costless election for the two
' candidates.
Lost Tan female Irish terrier.
Deaf. Ph. 8872. r M
Men in Fair Condition Atten
dants at Salem Deaconess hospital
reported Tuesday that James E.
Gale, Ed Noah and Leonard Ryan,
all of Salem, who were severely
.burned by a stove explosion at
1 the air base on Armistice day, are
"doing as well as might be ex
pected" although none is permit-
tea to receive visitors. -
For home loans see Salem Fed
eral, 130 South" Liberty. f
Clark to Discuss "Science and
Religion, will be the topic dis
cussed by Prof Herman Clark of
Willamette university at the
meeting of the Salem Geological
society Thursday at 8 p. m., in
Collins hall, Willamette. Profes
sor Clark is peculiarly competent
to discuss this topic, for he has
' studied and taught in both fields.
You can still buy a Johns-Man-
ville roof, nothing down, 12 mo. to
pay. Mathis Bros., 164 S. ComT.
Dick Given Hearlnr Elmer
Dick, charged with assault and
battery, entered a plea of irino
cent Tuesday afternoon when he
was arraigned before Justice of
the Peace Alf O. Nelson in Sil
"Verton. He was released under
$1000 bail, and hearins was set
' for Friday.
Dance tonight, Veteran's Hall, 840
Hood St.
Return Rtqnestcf-Gov.
Charles A. Sprague Tuesday
asked for the return of William
Albert Horn, who is wanted in
Portland on a charge of burglary
not in a dwelling, Horn is under
rarest at Oakland, Calif. Officers
left for Oakland late Tuesday in
quest of the prisoner.
Top prices for eggs and poultry.
Marion Creamery & Poultry Co.,
515 S. Commercial.
Textbook Group Meets T h e
state textbook commission opened
its meeting in Salem Tuesday for
the purpose of adopting textbooks
to be "used in the public schools
oi uregon aurmg c uie . next two
years. It is not likely that the ad
options will be released before
Friday. '
Marriage Licenses Inn e d-
Marriage licenses were recently
- A " r T TT V. .
issueu at vwtvuvcr, tvtsii.,: w
Richard Singleton, , Camp Adair,
and June Van Sickle, Albany;
Edward ' Janeway . and Frances
Wall, both of Dallas; and to Or-
t tille Morris and Leona Stouten
lurg, both of Dayton.
Old Papers, 10c bundle. Paper
shortage is licked so you may
have them now for those mimer
ous household uses. ' Statesman
bffice. '
J u s t Ice Appelnte d Gov.
Charles A. Sprague Tuesday ap
pointed Allan A. Hall, Marsh
field, as Justice of the peace of
the Marshfield district to succeed
George Bolt, who died recently,
Night school rate $6.00 mo. Cap
itol Bus. college Ph. 5987.
Collision Reporte d Junior
l Newman, 1393 South Commer
' cial street, reported to p o-l i c e
Tuesday his car had been tut and
badly damaged by a hit-and-run
driver early Monday." . -
rinii F a'ai r i. Meets Townsend
club four is to meet: at Highland
school at 7:30 o'clock tonight. .
Kehaen . . , - '
Mn. Martha Schoen. late of
1289 . North Commercial street,
Monday, November' 18. 1 Survived
by one on; Elmer "Schoen, Los
Angeles;' California;!- Announce
ment of services will be made li
ter. by."the-.dough-Barrick com
pany. '''' j ' - - -. ' ; - - ;"
-. .--. - . -"...' : .
Chaffee.-. ; :"
Mrs. Carrie May Chaffee, late
resident' of RL 1, at a Portland
hospital,1 Monday, November ,16.
Survived -by husband,. Charles C,
of Salem; two sons," Cliff of Sa
lem and Ralph of Cayley, Alberta,
Canada; three grandchildren, Mrs.
William Hansen, Mrs. Lela. Arnold
and Harvey Chaffee, all of Cayley.
Also survived ;'by':- three great
grandchildren and several nieces
and nephews, including Mrs. Vina
R. Plane ef Salem. -Servkes-Vill
be held Friday, November 20 at
2 o'clock from the Clough-Barrick
chapel. Rev. Riddell Kelsey will
officiate. .Concluding services r by
T?KoVah at this Cftv" View' ceme-.
Will Eat at Cherry City The
Salem Rotary dub will have its
weekly luncheon " today at the
Cherry City bakery. Grover Hill
man,' manager of the bakery, is
providing the luncheon and mem
bers -will pay the same price as
they would at the regular lunch
eon, proceeds to be turned over
to the milk fund for grade school
children. James W. Palmer, asso
ciate general, secretary of the
Portland YMCA, will be the
speaker. ;
For sale Weaner ' pigs. Robert
Lane. 180 Garden Road.
Bill Smith Arrested Bill Smith,
Hullt woodcutter, who was re
leased a few weeks ago from . a
charge of assault with a danger
ous weapon, was arrested Tues
day by a Marion county deputy
sheriff on a warrant charging that
he had contributed to -the delin
quency of a minor. Smith is said
to have given liquor to a person
under 21.
Legion dance Salem armory, Sat-
Powell Elected Keith Powell,
presindent of the Salem Federal
Savings and Loan association, was
elected Monday by She United
States Savings and Loan league
meeting in Chicago, jto serve a
two-year term as national exec
utive councilman from Oregon to
that organization. He succeeds Guy
Jaques of Portland.
Salem Couple to Wed A mar
riage license was issued Tuesday
at Reno, Nev., to Donald Cutler,
18. and Bonita O. Young, 18, both
of Salem. -
Beginners' short hand.
class Cap-
itol Bus. college, Ph. 5987.
, Permit Issued Office of the
city building inspector issued a
permit to George E. Tomkins, to
build a garage at 1890 State
street, $125. !
Apply for L 1 e e n s e Gene J.
Brown, 28, Seattle, ! and Junia
White, 25, Albany, applied for a
marriage license in Seattle Tues
day. '
South America
To Be Studied
In ; his regular Thursday night
mid-week, services, Rev. W. Ir
vin Williams will this week begin
a study of six key countries of
South America. Countries to be
considered are Chile, Colombia,
Argentina, Guatemala, Mexico and
Venezuela in that order.
Chile, the first to be studied, has
a history of its own, a culture, a
national .consciousness, quite sep
arate from the rest of South Amer
ica. With war in the Pacific, with
over 2000 miles of almost unpro
tected coastline in Chile, the deep,
narrow Strait of Magellan so im
portant in world conflict, at its
southern tip, it may be that all
merica will think much of Chile
ii these tragic days.
A 15-minute motion picture en
tilted "Chile Between and Andes
and the Sea" will be shown in ad
dition to discussion of the polit
ical and social conditions of the
country. Mr. Williams will stress
the important work carried on by
the Presbyterian church in the ed
ucational, medical and evangelis
tic field.
-Gertrude Hynes, director of
Christian education, will also con
duct a short series on six pror'
phets of Israel by means of felf-o-graph
visual' aid and will begin
the series with the study of the
prophet Amos.
OPA Officer
Talks Control
Price control is not pleasant but
it is not un American, and was
first tried in 1779during the Rev
olutronary war, Richard Mont
gomery, state OPA chief, told the
Salem Kiwanis club Tuesday noon.
"If prices could have been fro
zen as of September 1, 1939, $35,-
000,000,000 would have been saved
in the cost of the war, Montgom
ery said.
"We ; have . heard much talk
about a second front and now it
seems maybe, this is it. But there
is a third front, the inflation front
We can win the war and yet lose
if we lose the battle against in
flation." .
Induction Set
For January
The first teen age selectees in
Oregon' may; expect to be called
fer induction next January, Col.
Elmer V.Wooton, slate selective;
service director, indicated there
Tuesday. t ; . . .
Wpoton said questionnaires were
being sent to the 18- and 19-year-old
registrants by draft boards but
because of the work incident to
processing the papers, the formal
notices would not get in the mails
until sometime in December. !
Neither Wooton nor other; se
lective service officials would es
timate the number of teen age
registrants in Oregon available
for military service. -
3ti oacsoi?
M..V .I.LJ.
Civil Defense
Drills Urged
'-..V-' ! O
December 7 "
Letters have been sent out by
the state defense council urging
all county defense units to arrange
for incident tests or drills .of the
civilian defense corps on Decern
ber 7, the first anniversary of the
Japanese attack on Pearl Har
bor. - , ! f : - i '.' :
December 8 has been designat
ed as "mobilization day," when all
citizens now enrolled in civilian
defense will be asked to do so.
State defense council' officials
also, have instructed county de
fense councils to send orders pr
civilian defense insignias direct to
the stale headquarters for ap
proval. Some counties were re
ported to have sent orders for in
signias direct -4o the manufactur
ers which. has resulted in delays.
Notice of siren air raid tests
must be issued at least three
weeks in advance, it was stressed
in another state defense , council
Still another order calls atten
tion to a recent order of the board
of war communications relating to
priorities on essential telephone
calls. ,
Civilian defense calls come un
der priority No. 3 and may be
used only on calls which require
prompt completion for the na
tional defense and; security, suc
cessful conduct of the war or to
safeguard life or property.
Officials in civilian defense
should indicate at the time the
call is placed which priority is
being requested.
Attempts to obtain priority for
a toll call by fraudulently desig
nating such call as a priority or
furnishing false information to
any telephone carriers for the
purpose of obtaining a priority,
shall be subject to closure, re
moval of telephone facilities, or
other appropriate government ac
tion, state defense council at
taches said.
File Costs
Charles W. Redding, Portland,
for judge of the circuit court, de
partment No. 6, Multnomah coun
ty, expended $545.69 in conduct
ing his general election campaign,
an expense statement filed in the
state department here Tuesday
W. E. Kimsey, : Portland, re
publican, for state' labor com
missioner, expended $173.89. .
1 Other expense statements, in
excess of $50, filed here Tuesday:
Walter J. Gearin, Portland, re
publican, for state representative,
5th district, Multnomah county,
Cyrus A. Dolph, i Portland, re
publican, for state representative,
5th district, Multnomah county,
Lee Savely, Haines, democrat,
for state representative, 27th dis
trict, Baker county,; $67.20. -
The time for candidates " at the
general election to file their ex
pense statements expires at 5
p.m. today. ;
Auto Stamps
Now Essential
Holders ' of mileage rationing
gasoline books will not be able to
buy, gasoline: after .December 1,
when rationing becomes effective.
unless they have the federal use
tax stamp, it was announced Tues
day by the office of price admin
istration. , i
Car owners will be able to ob
tain their mileage rationing books
on November 18, 19 and 20, but
the books will not be valid until
the owner's tax stamp number
has been placed on them.
Rationing registrars have been
instructed to inform mileage book
applicants that the stamp number
must be on the coupon book be
fore service stations: will sell them
gasoline after the effective date
of rationing. : .
The federal use tax stamp,
which costs $5 and which is good
for a yearmust be carried in ev
ery, passenger automobile In ser
vice, , according to i federal regu
lations, i jj - f -
I : ' - - '-
tamuus to foktiand.
nUY Vf A
..... ...
.--- . ----- -
r Madeline Cook vs. , James A.
Cook; decree of divorce to plaintiff.-
- :,'"-s.'--; , ."1 . - -:r v,'vVh
Roy E. Boatwright vs. Lena
Anna ; Boatwright; I decree of di
vorce to plaintiff, j ..
Irma J. Bacon ys. Rollancr E,
Bacon; decree of divorce to plain
tiff." ,. - . , I "
Mamel Allerf vs. J. Chester Al
len; decree of divorce and custody
of minor child to plaintiff. -!
Dae Jackson vs. Elvin E. Jack
son; decree of divorce and restora
tion of name Dae Stafford 'to
plaintiff. ' Vr'A.
Mildred Herberer vs. Joseph
Herberger J order overruling de
murrer. I
Adolph Greenbaum vs. Anna L.'
Greenbaum; decree of divorce
without costs. j
Vivleane Toury vs. Carl R. Tou-
ry; motion to modify decree de
nied by Judge E. M. Page as to
one child, while petition as to
support for another child was al
lowed in the sum of $15 a month.
Theresa Bayer jvs. Ferdinand
Bayer; order allows $50 a month
for support of one child, $50 on
attorney's fee and $27.50 suit
money, ' J.
Mildred A. Strunk vs. Howard
M. S trunk; order of dismissal on
motion of plaintiff .j ,
P. M, Gregory vs. Salem Gen
eral hospital; Judge E. M. Page
declares himself disqualified to
sit on case.
Hansen & Liljequist vs. Lafky;
case to be heard today by Judge
Page without a jury, "
Meyer vs. Fuller; scheduled, for
trial Thursday before a jury.
Florence Johnson vs. H. E. John
son; answer and cross complaint
ask decree and custody of minor
children for defendant.
Parsegian vs. Patsegian; set for
trial December 16.
Jensen vs. Probert; set for trial
December 17. j
John L. Jones estate; Sterl Goin,
Ezra Hart and T. J. Jones named
appraisers. 1
Nina E. Taylorl guardianship;
petition of Bertha L. Emmons,
daughter, for appointment as
guardian set for hearing Novem
ber 28 j
Charles Beck estate; final ac
count by Urlin S. JPage, adminis
trator, shows receipts of $2,839.25
and disbursement of $953.72;
hearing set for December 21.
Clara J. Miller estate; final- ac
count of Urlin S. Page, adminis
trator, shows receipts of $1170 and
disbursements of $203.58; hearing
set for December 21.
- - i '
Joseph P. Hurley, 66, retired,
and Zita Belle Slelcher, legal,
nurse, both of Chehalis, Wash.
Bruce Van Wyngarden,' ensign
in USNR, 945 North Church street.
and Maxine Holt,' ' 22, salesgirl,
both of Salem. j
Carson Vehrs, 3 farmer, Con
don, and Mildred J Rickman, 23
teacher, Salem.
Myron Dean Cornelius, 32, sol
dier, Camp Adair and LaVelle
Sledge, 21, nurse, Clovis,'NM.
i -
Robert R. Morgan, Portland; vi
olation basic rule, $10 bail.
The case of Ollilo against the
Clatskanie peoples utility district
in Columbia county, involving
three important legal questions,
will be heard by the state supreme
court here Thursday.
Outstanding among these is
whether or not a peoples utility
district can acquire a distribution
system located outside its bound
aries. Another question involves
the definition of the. word utility
as used in the act authorizing the
creation of-peoples utility districts.
The third question ' relates . to
the -validity of the $750,000 bond
issue for the purchase of the coast
properties of the West Coast Pow
er company. J
The lower court held for the
peoples utility district whereupon
the plaintiff appealed to the su
preme court. i '
- ----- ' ... - i - . - "
sam hancisco. 10$ anilms,
-. -.w.
- r
Court Slates
PUD Case
County Not Under
Rent Control Yet
The Salem and Marion county
area Is not included in an official
defense area, and as a result, rent
control is a matter of voluntary
acceptance on the part of land
Mill II
4 Jk
CrTf Mom WmuH m "
Schick Shaver
A Schick gives a quick, laa
ShST. Carrying case included.
i V-
Inclndei 5'
bow. Tonr 25"
elect cedar ar-
"f -
"Triple-no" eore asraref
greater heat radiation. If
f pretie
;; RsMlUtorj;
; flawh .1
Tsa heforo
t patting la
til ' " .1
Ilaeflal.r f : -
i" "C !E...jfH :
Seals leaks J
la cofrliag
: systaia. -- '
I v I 1 ' l : - err - warm.
, l J
lords and tenants, D. D. Gage, area
rent director for the Portland-
Vancouver defense ; rental area.
declared in a letter received here
-: Tie; letter' mentioned that on
October 5 an announcement from
Washington said all areas in the
state might be brought under rent
control within 60 , days, but no
t !!
V-' :
with foil.
V; key eentroL
Ceilme A
De powerfsl toma. Valranal .S??er
awnatisg fixture ..... . JJPJCe
Price 59 US Mt.1tJ
,r ... .
Witness Sentenced v
To Prison Term ":.
. PORTLAND, Nov. 17P)
Harold Claude Hill, a member of
the Jehovah's . Witnesses religious
official information had been re
ceived regarding- the Salem area
since that time.;! ,' V '
enddlleit, sofUit
llttla darlings yes
ever sw. Baby win
love thta an day
: ) ' irOl sleep with then
an might.
Xrmy D W
ku 1.98
Includes rtetheacope, toy
Biicrwop, wilfona. ana
bd,ant-idkit,ot. r
A droam of
voice. Organdy, '
OeeUe Deer
. v. little sister . t -
lata twin
- -
". Thrtnotati
control.. tNr
t ahata off
earrent.: Ad
J if
ipet Corn '.'Lmlmim rVefxW
I t
Aft ElrMtaaa'
0 m'bI ;-r
ti n r-
"ty Vl i liiaragt
- n
C;:n 0;21.:
sect, was sentenced Tuesdayr-"by
Federal Judge Claude McCclloch
to , three and .one half years in
federal prison for failure to re
port to a conscientious objectors'
camp. -,
Hill, arrested In Lane county,
contended ,he was an ordained
minister? ' , i
Uok lik Moth,, Tray,
I glasses ;. dishes an Pr.
tation toaster.
- r M r -
Housocten!n9 Se ....2.3 jS L
U. S. Army Truck. ... . P
Do Hous . r. -4,5 - fh
w:! Dea . . . ....
Ufa Army r4ursa KHi.l.W .
3.79 AnlmaUtock..'...:;..! H
ttuo sitter, ewtor SaH ..... 5.50 up - '
I, ii . 'J -
C7 t7G2C
hi j
JLoehlag Gns Cnjt
: . - 11.29
' ' With gaaoliao rationing
nunHiM ' la ml irtit nnnna
Keep years safe from thieves.
- Locks wtth key. Dnstproof and
- Kp Y HmmJi Wmrm
A WA -fS
PrUe U &b Oti
Soft aaohair elothla eoiora. L
ZAuf: ,-'" K-"-
gittlta Cap
-v r?
ILfo.7 P. II.
tery. " i :' ' V .
i m 6 Vms ra