" - i :.---- - rrn : n 77 - 77 wrhXnXX JiX-. : oT7 - ViMn uwu i i(. . 77' "4: avotites 'H:XSiiyXh 1-n rr uhie; m XX:- 7TT: 77 77-f f ' 77 : 77 L d FT IV 7 rrrr n t A: r O ..'...!- i , m - - t7 ' . r , - it . . r, 1 .... . - ,r f r 4 I r rr ; . " tit X 'V .v t t ! I ' 4 i ii I r n t Horrell Sez Won't Stop ilisQTs' L EUGENE, Nov, MWatchin g his leae-leacling UCLA Bru ins Jimber tip in preparation for Saturday's Pacific Coast confer ence football game against the University of Oregon, Coach Ed win - "Babe?! Horrell was optimistic regarding the condition of Hayward field scene of the 15th annual meeting between the Uclans and the Webfoots. . Game time is set for Z. -00 o' clock. -Horrell said that the field looked in far better condition than It was for the IJruins last appear ance here. Oregon scored an 18- 0 triumph in the rain and mud then. He mtimated that the inev itable slow footing Saturday will 1 not slow down his QT ) offense and. the star of the formatiori J quarterback Bob Waterfiei'dV ' A homecoming . crowd of (bet tu-een 8000 and 10,000 is expected f p r the lone northwest appearance of the high-flying Uclans who have won four straight games in tali fornia after dropping the two opening games to Texas Christian and the St Mary's preflighters. ' Oreron Leads Series Ore f on holds an edge in the series with eight wins as against six for UCLA, and the Webfoots hope the Hayward field Jinx will hold the Bruins have never won a game here. But the invaders will go into the contest as 2 to 1 fav orites against a badly battered Oregon eleven that has won but one game his season against Idaho. While the Oregon line Is sturdy enough to match UCLA, Coach John Warren is hard pressed for backfield power and 'has been forced to move Tcnmy Roblin( ex-halfback and blocking quarter,! to the fullback berth because all1 three regular men for hat posi tion are out with injuries. Under loose footing, " however, i Roblin moy be just what the doctor or dered for an upset Oregon victory. The Bruins are in excellent con dition, on the other hand. ; The Uoups: I'CLA - M. Smith Tinla Oregon Shephard Moshofsky Rhea LE .LT. LG WoeUl Armstronc C Bodner Srrlii - Culwell Asttcom .Kowlinc ; Wetner W atr field Q Surle .-xri LH Rcyrtolds f iddle RH .. Dyer nelling FB.j Hoblin Officials: Jack Friel (WSC, referee: Twn Loutlit PSO. umpire; Ralph Colemaa (OSO. head Uneamair: Jim Scarbuck (California . tteld judge. Dudley Pulling Away From Pro Grid Gainers - CHICAGO, Nov. -(Special) Bill Dudley, th taciturn air corps reservist, regularly trails, five felt, lowr-batka when Pittsburgh Steel era hold wind sprint, but he isn't haying much trouble out-distancing challengers in the race for the National Football league ground gaining championship. the Bluefield Bullet atepped off 135, yards against the New York Giants last Sunday, including a 66 yard touchdown run, t take an overlapping grist en first place. Merlyn ; Condit f Brooklyn, added M yards te hi season totaj while the Dodgers were losing to Cleveland, but could d bk better than hold second Uce. The best individual effort of the week was turned in by Andy Farkas of Washington, who ' baited up ' to third place with lCf yards in 24 : attempts against Philadelphia. Although Cecil Isbell went on a . record breaking spree against the Chicago Cardinal., Sassmy Baugh, his quid- triggered contemporary from Washington, retained first ' place arfwng passers. Baugh com pleted 12 of 26 aUecnpta, but lost . ground to Isbell in the touchdown department when the wiryj Pack er pitcher five passes for scores, ' ranging front 36 to 7 yard. Al- though be . completed only; 10 of ti attempt!, IsbeH beat iDavey O'Brien's fame record of S18 yards gained on passes by averaging ti yards per completion. - Don Hutson, IsbeUk running mate. Beared another acering rec- ord by tj't't three of the six touchdown' passes Girwn by the Packers, and broke an old mark shared by, three p-yers when he kicked six extra poiaat. r Hutson, with 82 points, : Is only f IS ' points off his -esgue .mark, irf;;. Gervaiii HewDowniy Sherwood- 74K 5 GEBYAIS GenraU high threatened She'rweodV football team all afternoix Jnere Friday, but could ' find the- kest. to the end zone only once for. a 7-0 victory. The GerVais; eleven drove within tte, Sherwood 10-yard stripe four- times fcefore finally , hitting pay dirt LleCaU. scored the touchdown cn a line 'tmck and XIatlock ecnverUi ,wi2t another plunks. t.rs-oodi threatened only oncer t"t lert G-2rvat forwards 'Veiled He drive eira It be- RE Oregon Sod Uranffet-XDects O I Little Trouble OREGON STATE COIJ-EGE, Corvallis (Special Only Coach Lon Stiner was . jittery Friday night as the Oregon State, college Beavers prepared to meet the Mon tana Grizzlies Saturday, on Bell Field in Coast conference football game. Stiner insists his charges are far too overconfident for their date with the conference basement occupants, but the general feeling around Corvallis is, "Wonder how many points State will tally 30, 40 or 507" Washington State scored 68 against the hapless Griz zlies, Washington 35," Oregon 28 and Idaho 21. . . - At least the " Beavers are lop sided favorites- to win their first game : in five starts regardless of the matter of points. ' . Stiner still threatens to start his first eleven against Montana, taking no chances. He also inti mates, however, that Oranga re serves will probably see much ac tion. " Kickoff time is slated for 2:00 p. m. . Ghemawa Halts Woodburn 13-0 CHEMAWA The Chemawa Redskins virtually clinched the Blg-9 league football . title .here Friday afternoon with a crushing 13-0 upset victory over the strong Woodburn Bulldogs. The Bulldogs were . undefeated in league , play prior to the ganMLand Chemawa has yet to taste a win-less week end in ' loop' competition, Coach Lefty Wilder Redskins dominated play on the sloppy gridiion, rolling up 19 first downs to six for Woodburn. After betas; held on the Wood bara four with second to ge in the first half, Chemawa came back stronger than ever and in the third period shot Qaarter hack Lh Yoau-ga-aa taU the end soae froaa the five yard stripe. A loaf pass. Don WA IL ms to Herb Beauaett, good far ZS yards, set p the searins; chance. Sweeping end runs by Edgar Saluskin and Lou Boudrey and powerful thrusts through the line by Wmiams and Pete George .brought the Redskins to the Woodburn three with a minute left in the , game. Youngman lunged over center for the touch down and Williams followed with another plunge for the point after. -! WeedbuTH threatened only once daring the entire contest, that eoa-lar after Chemawa kicked off; foUewtBt; the final : taachdawm. On the first seriaa xaage play Carl Gastafsan brake lata the open, reversed his field and gall aped 6 yards before he iax.lufced oat of beanda on the Xadiaa IS. The xm halted' Caaeh LeKoy Plerson's - aaea there. X ' W - ; ' Cktiwi BeUanr 1 g McMeei Grimm 'T Whitford Nrboa , -.G . A. Dvi Austa -C ddea Seed K6 Walters Morvhr RT F. Da via PeKz HuSill . Casta taen Halter BenHy Yauntman Williama Beaudry . Coorg LJL. t ; ."t' " " , " " . ' "" Cougar Babes Win MOSCOW, IDAHO, Nov. 6 JP) The Washington State college, taking advantage of two weak Idaho punts;' defeated the Univer sity of Idaho Frosh, IS to 0, in their annual football battle Fri day.! Halfback Hal Akins and fullback Bub Sloan got, the touch downs, the former going 22 yards and the latter" 15 on the scoring plays. . i Football .Scores High School , 7 . Chemawa 12, Woodburn 0. Junction City 14, Sweet Home 0. Forest Grove 12, Beaverton 7. Independence iS, Willamina 0. ' Parkrose 7. St Mary's Beaver ton ft.'-! J :".-': ' ; Portland Schools Grant 7, Lincoln Benson IS. Commerce 0. Franklin IS, Roosevelt 0. Jeffersoti 15, Washington College r - . i - ' J T Iowa State 7, VLOanova 22. Hillsdale College IS, Michigan Normal -It. Austin 12, North Texas 32. Ohio U-T, TTestem Reserve 20. Catawba 22, High Point . Kearney 12, Wayne 6. Nl C-ft 24, CapiUl 1 Grizzly X . X, i - ) a i s -V - , , . . , i,X. - ' i AL SOLAKI (left) and Tommy Kabila (right), searing threats of the UCLA Brains and University of Oregon Hacks respectively, will be at fallback when the two Coast conference clubs anderiuo W It's a Cinch, Claims Aypee; IViMtaryMiim PASADENA, Calif-, Nov.) B-Jf) The guessing can start, i talks. They're going to play the Rose Bowl game here again next New Year's day, all things being jequaL The Associated Press learned from an unimpeachable Source Friday that while formal appli cation for permission to play has not yet been acted on by the army, there is no objection to the 29th renewal of the 1 classic, old est and most famous of the post season bowl games. : . -The source cannot be named, and there was no comment from the army. - j ; Last year's contest, ; coming in the midst of huge military prepa rations on the west coast: was moved to Durham, NC, where Oregon State defeated Duke 20-16. This year's game, as in (every other civilian activity,: is subject of course to immediate cancella tion at the army's discretion. Who's Gonna Play? i. Although tentative preparations for the event have been going, on for weeks, the. general uncertain ty has held back a usual rush of speculation as to who'll oppose who that Friday afternoon. j The coast representative at the moment is UCLA, unbeaten in conference play. Next choice is Washington State, once beaten. - Transportation is an important factor. It might cause the selec tion of west coast team 4 St Mary's Pre-Hight or March Field although UCLA lost to the former, 18-7, in its second game of the season. The Brums : also Only Georgia Status as Top Teams Gird for More Saturday Sessions NEW YORK, Nov, aPH-The nation's football fans, by now im mune to the shock of astounding upsets, wondered vaguely , Friday just which favored teams' would take It on the chin in Saturday's schedule matching rugged elevens in rnajor secUonal, intersectional and conference games. K- trl-l There was "no chance that-! the downfall of major undefeated 'and untied elevens , would match f that of last Saturday,- when ' Ohio State." Alabama, Army, Syracuse, TCU.: and Detroit: fell, by the wayside. Chief reason for this is that the list of such top teams had dwindled to virtual insignificance, and the fact that the 'survivors in that list -face opponents which, for the most part, figure to cause little trouble.V tX X'- Few Tap Unbeatens f i Of four octstandrng undefeated and untied teams Georgia, Geor gia Tech, -Boston College and Tul- sa only GeorrJa Tech mi?M pos- Chiei Offenshe ThreaminB - f- t 1 -V''r- 1. - 4 : 4am Kabtia tea off Satan, Oregon. Saturday dropped one to Texas Christian, 7-6. In any event the west's op ponent won't come from any far ther away than necessary.; Bearing the transportation sit uation in mind, these are the best college bets at the moment: Geor gia, Georgia Tech, Boston college, Pennsylvania, Texas, Baylor and last but definitely not least Tulsa. i Husky Favored Over Stanford SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. '4Uf) The University of Washington Huskies, still eyeing the f coast conference title despite one set back,' turn their ground', gaining football talents against Stanford's unpredictable Indians here Sat urday. : J, Washington's chances of finish ing on top of the league standings are considered slim and the In dians are flopping far behind. but the game will mean the re newal of an old and colorful ri valry. It is expected to attract 25,000 fans who will see th 1942 engagement played on a San Francisco field for thefirst time, Transportation problem shifted , - - -u. f "- 4. ? -v. N i t - - "XlT-' ' . r ( - f r .Rose Tech Faces Serious Threat to Undefeated sibly- have its trouble. The ram bling wrecks meet Kentucky, an in-and-out . eleven which, i when in, is plenty' tough. It- lost to Georgia by a. lone point In. the opener. . . ' ; I Georgia meet Florida,- Boston College takes on Temple. . and Tulsa plays the Oklahoma Aggies in games that see ther unbeaten elevens, as heavy favorites. -X Araay-Irish ;Gaaaa Tapsr zl f ; V 1 From a national standpoint the Army-Notpv Dame game at the Tankee "stadium probably holds the spotlight, although a' slight edge Was removed from the con test when Army was drubbed by Penn last week. It was the Ca dets first setback. , Other intersections! battles In clude Michigan StaterWashingtan State, Michigan-Harvard, Louisi ana ;. State-Fordham -( in4 St Marys-Duquesne. "X - The midwest schedule : is pep pered ; with major conts.-: "Wis ruiri-Webfoot Scrap If 4 I ' ill their annnal football argument speedr left halfback af - the leame-leadinx l Brain eleven. The wuui mtv ucavj ifvi ik Bowl AL UGHTNER StaUsmaa Sparta Editor Morning, Novwmber 7, 1942 TV-ural Grid Commandos Topple Spitfires, 20-0 The Commandos invaded Spit fire pay dirt soil three times Fri day to score a 20-0 victory in B league intramural football play at the high school, Captain BUI Jasa's charges seared first la the initial aar ter when they took advantage of apposing Captain Loreai helaa hoat's fasBhla, then gathered far a 22-yard sawtaiael drive to the Spitfire goal. Dong Teaier went over froaa the one-foot line and Harold Saabe convert ed threagh center. In the second -period Richard Prince boomed through center for 41 yards and another Commando tally. Jack-Shattuc added ,the con version point ' . ?:-, ;, ': j It was Prince once again who scored for, the Commando eleven as he circled right end for SI yards. Shattuc's try for conversion faded. the i- contest : . from , Palo . Alto. Washington is favored. consin's- fin teard may be due for trouble against Iowa's heavy Hawkeyes. --Indiana meets Min nesota In 'another " big ten argu ment, and Illinois takes oh the always-dangerous' Northwestern team. Nebraska tackles Missouri in a game which goes a long way toward deciding the big. six title. Texas Most Castle ; ; ' Mississippi State and Tulane tangle in one of the highlights of the stKithern ' program, with MIs sissippl and Vanderbilt meeting in another tough contest X "'.X' Texas, a' leader in r the : south west win have to play Its game to dispose . of the ; once-defeated Baylor I eleven. tJCXS deflated last week, hopes to bounce back against Texas Tech, and Texas Aggies meet 2LM.U. In another southwest contest Rice takes on Arfnfaff."J.'-';';;';' X-rf'X' 2 .' " ' U.CL.A-, riding high right now on the coast meets Oregon in one Of t' ' f1""1"- attTprf?-M-lf at Eugene f .4. ii.- ...f- Tts. 1 today at Earene. Solari Is the. Refarns 'Sugar' Challis Win No. 127 i By SID FEDER : i ; NEW YORK, Nov. 6 Ray Robinson ran his - all-victorious string to 127; fights In a row Fri- t ' i day night j by j making his second invasion of the middleweight di vision and outpointing Vic Del lecurti, a willing but inept work man from! the sidewalks of New York, easily j in ten , rounds at Madison Square garden. Robinson weighed 144H, Dellicurfi 153. Wins Every Reond Welterweight Robinson had no more trouble- with the rugged up town tussler jthan he has button ing up his vest each morning. In fact the ipsugar man so com pletely outclassed Dellicurti the Associated! Press score card gave him everyj round of the bout And in three of these heats, af ter he had Vic 'cut and bleeding from a deeply gashed left eye that grew progressively worse through the last six rounds, Rob inson was apparently easing up and "carrying his rival along. In these three heat the fifth, sixth and seventh the Harlem hammer did nothing bit dance all around the ring, spearing Vic with long, but largely, harmless, left jabs. Occasionally he moved in to cuff Dellicurti 6nl phe- head and body with blows - that were about as solid as a dish of egg custard. Fight Results See Page Basalts jaf 4he Laa Neva vs. bexiBjr eonteat in ParUaad Frl- dr sdght! wtn be- foaoad XaU Sports est page 22. 4 tnere. other; i contests of .. varied importance! on1 the PadTic slope include Washington and Stan ford, Montana; and Oregon State and California and U5.C Good Games .in East " : The eastern schedule I crowded with good games. In addition to the spotlighted! Army-Notre Dame encounter, ithe strong Penn team meets Nary ( CorneU plays the improving Yale team, Dartmouth meets Princeton, ' Colgate plavs Columbia, Holy Cross takes on Brown and :f Syracuse tackles Penn -. State.'' 1 1 ,M r,--.: - Other games that win hold a share of attention over the nation include Great Lakes vs. Purdue, Kansas SUte vjt Oklahoma, Mary land vs. Duke, Pittsburgh vs. Ohio State, Eouth Carolina - vs. Alabama, Georgia Pre-GIght " vs. Auburn, Iowa Pre-fiIght vs. Fort Ilnox,; North : Carolina Pre-fllght vs. Georgetown and Tennessee vs. CifnfM. : ' . V i '- il'"' -' SalelinlllStill-Pursue Sea son's JPR0BA3LE TAimNd Lm X Merritt MckeeL Coach ' No. Name 40 29 .Parker!; LTR. 21; Feldmen . 34.,. Knllander .C 30. 33. 39. 41. 26. 20 iBart --.J-Renard ..Ecklund ; Cress .Hicks -Owen j:. RGL .RTLu .RELl. -Q- XHR rhl.; 25. .Obcrstaller F -2:00 P. . . Mil waukie reserves: Johnson 27, Downs 38, Lakin Perry 10, Brigham 2S, Foltz 35, Powell 37, Bleanr 24, Staler 25, Sethman 9, Winters 22, Heater 11, itanaau b. ;-v-.t 1 ' Y. r - I - Salem reserves riPriem 7, Barlow ;10, Hongh 13, Anlt i 16, Wehrli 18, Hover 19, Payne 20, Brandle 23, Getzendaiier 25, Widdowa 29, Al Miller 31, Tompkins 33, Farlow 20, War ren 388,' Bineiar 37, CJoons 4,1, -Ernie . Miller, Mc3Iorrls, Les PurcelL : XU-v rU:j,V:'-:" i ' , : Salem high4s football. Viks, denied a win in five attempts this season, try again today at 2:00 p. rn. on Sweetland field- this time against the, Milwaukie Maroons. The j Red and Blacks were cheered early; this. week, when they learned that for the firfct time ;.-,:f.-.:r.. artan ... - - - .' : i.'.i". -.: Set for Tilt ith Cougars X SPOI-ANE, iNovi ; e.-rVThe Michigan State college , Spartans shook the travel kinks out of their legs Friday in 5 a secret football workout at Gonzaga j "stadium. where they, tangle -Saturday with the Washington State college Cou gars, currently the' -second place team in the Pacific Coast confer ence. ; .'"' s' It was the. club's , only practice since It left East Lansing Tuesday and Coach Charley Bachmah said his players were eager! and ser ious in getting ready for the clash, due to start atz PJW; -; Holliaaberr TJnhaBD " ' 1 The field was heavy, but Bach man said it was in prime condi tion for good footbalL Punting, passing ana sucK-ori work were emphasized in the two-hour drill. the coach reported. From Pullman, home ! -4. the Cougars, came a reiterated com plaint from Coach Babe Holling bery that his team , was refusing to take .the game, seriously. "This is a big game, for Michi gan SUte," he said, "whereas our boys keep their eyes, centered on the conference "standings,' West Pointers 3-1 UnBerilogs Against Irish NEW YORK Nov; ftP)- The Army and Notre Dame ! football teams, which played ' a scoreless tie a year ago, meet again Satur day before a sell-out crowd of more than 75,000 in Yankee stad ium. And this time the Irish are determined to do something about coring. - . ' , j. I ,,--:t:X : Rated ; one of thej best college teams In the country- at this stage despite ! early-season i setbacks, Notre Dame baa been made a 1-1 favorite by local betting men. Af ter a. tie with Wisconsin and a de feat by Georgia Tech, the Irish knocked off Stanford, Iowa Pre Flight Illinois and Navy" decisive ly. Meanwhile army's record was spoiled last week when the Cadets took lf-t drubbing from Penn sylvania X''T? ?T'?--f jl ''jt;,-J-:2 aaaav May Be Oat - X ' ' - Coach Frank Leahy,' who seems to be the only pessimist in the Notre Dame camp, points out that theCadets may be dangerous oh the rebound, but the i "Subway Alumni argue that Vrmy won't have much to rebound with unless Hank Maxur and Ralph Hill are in better shape than reports from West Point indicate. Mazur and Hill, regular halfbacks, and Ar my' chief scoring threats, were too battered to practice all week and Coach Earl Blaik said he did not expect them to start the game. Army-Irislt, Navy-Penn Tilts to Draw Throngs NEW IOEK. Nt. MPFThe biggest crowds for Satarday's. fastball games wiif pack Yankee stadiam In Nevf York for the Army-Notre r:axM game and Franklin field In Philadelphia far the annnal clash between .Navy and Penn. - f A sell-ant crawd af 75C: or more is predicted far the arxuy Natre Dame i eneaonter' whUe 7M39 fans are expected to see enee-beaten Quakers tangle' with tla TJ-lJIes. who held No tre Dame ta a t-0 score Ust Ext-artfar. SP Victory st XTMj t)ryn CoAeh nine s i lAnganj21 ti. Bisbee J24 j EI wood 130' Iowe 39 WilsonJ35 SIater27 IU WengerJ40 Strausbanghl 5 riIamiItonjll L. Ransom J8 Garland 34 SWEETTLAND FIELD 5. ZU Blayfleld 7,! Farr 23. Ris this season they would be; meet ing a foe which wouldn't outweigh them too -badly, but what hopes Salem had kindled for a win to-' day were jolted badly Thursday when left half Bob Warren suf fered a badly sprained ankle, re sults of which might keep j the ace Vik bait packer and scorer con fined strictly to the bench against the Jdaroorts.. j " : ; ; Ij,; Coach Tommy Ddynan said Fri day night that Warren may start today's game, but it depended En tirely how the injured ankle has responded just before kickoff time. In the event Warren is forired out Bill Ransom will take overFhv the left half slot ! f ' Drynan also announced, that the rest of his squad was in fair si-ipe with the ! possible exception j of Center -f Eugene Lowe. He ha missed practice all week but In dicated Friday he would be ready to-start today, iv: '-' M'.' ; ;j : The Maroons have won one and lost "one in No-Name league play thus far while the Vikings have dropped three ! loop i encounters. Coach Merrit McKeel's cnargea will be In top shape for the clash. J Last season" the Red and Blacks thumped out a S3-0 job over the northerners. 1 ! 1 . on $250 for Beef CHICAGO, Nov. 6P) Frank Crosetti, New York Yankee 1n fielder. was fined) $250 and siis-i ponded for 20, days starting next oh for pushing Umpire Wil liam Summers In the third game of the world series. Commissioner K. M. Iandis announced Friday. Joe Gorden of Ithe Yanks was fined $250 "for language addres sed to f Umpire George Mager kurth' In the same game, Landis flr:;,-,!-::-:.-' X ; The , commissioner declared . both players Would, have been put out of the ( game except for his instructions to umpires not jto weaken contending r teams " in world aeries competition. ) tndls also announced the 25t Louis Browns; had drafted pitch- era Nelson Potter from Louisville. and Woodrow Rich from Indian apolis. lit ii HiisKy Yearlings EUGENE, OREJ Nov. eWiPW- Anse Cornell and 25 University of Oregon freshmen football players ( entrained here, Friday for a Satur- . day game against the University of; Washington Babes In Seatae. .The Babes will be favored in i view of a 1S-0 victory over the J' Port Angeles Coast Guard Com- ' manooa, while the Oregons were dropping a -2 decision to tha Oregon State Kooke, j . j.-'.- -il'1 Cornell announced the follbw- ! Ing starters: Ralph. Barnewolt left end? Pete MlUer, left tackle; Bill Murphy, right guard;. Don Stanton, right tackle; Hal Abel- , sen, right, end; Jim Porter, Oauar- J terbatek;, Benny Holcomb, left halfback; BiU Bodner, right half- back; Vern Yheeler, fullback. Try -as f OhteM TatSiM AaxiBf scccasa - . !7ars la CHINA. M aaattrr wtta what ailatea yva ara ArrlJCT : Elft erarv aasltts, acart. I laag, Uvr. kMmeys, atMara. tat, tMMUpallM, mtcrs, etta. tmwmr. atu famala Clin m mm A Ah mf .Chinese Herb Ca, rtmea Baars ' Oalr I Toe. aa4 Sal, . ta p.m. aaa ta ll :2J IS Tf. Catal Ht, Raima. Ore. Gord - Ca- I X