4 Valley Oubsl Hold Meetings County Federation Tsj - Reported ; Many Plan Red Cross Sewing j TALBOT Mrs. Jack. Morton entertained the Talbot .Woman's club Wednesday! Nine "members were present, and Mrs. Lydia Woof ten of Salem wasa guestw The president and vice-president, Mrs. D. E. Blinstbri and Mrs. Nelson Gilmour, were, absent, and Mrs. Gilbert Belknap 'presided.-: ' t Roll call was answered by each member displaying an antique and giving "the history of it. The mem bers of the club decided to do Red Cross sewing and knittings" Mrs. Gilbert Belknap read a re port prepared by Mrs. Lawrence Finley, on the, Marion county Wo man's club federation meeting in Salem. Mrs. Delmer Davidson fur nished a contest, - prize won by Martha Smith.: I The hostess was assisted by Mrs. Robert Johnson. . STAYTON--Past matrons and patrons of Acacia chapter!, Eastern Star, were honored at the meet ing Tuesday night, present offi cers presenting a degree in their honor. -Guest from Independence Turner, Silverton ana miu uiiy were also present to give the oc 1 casion added importance. Escorted and receiving gifts from the presiding worthy matron, Muriel Pintler, were Past Matrons Sue Tuel, Grace Niebert, Edna Sloper, Ruth Wood, Bertha Trey; Past Patrons Walter Frey, Robert Waddell, W. N. PinUer, Three other past matrons, now members here but who served other chap ters as matrons, were also pre sented with a gift, Mae Spraker, Bea Johnson and Flora Shuck. Refreshments were served fol lowing the meeting and humorous or embarrassing incidents of their year in office were, told by several of the honor guests. Will Sew far Re Cress SUNNYSIDE The Friendly Hour Club" met with Mrs. Charles L. Taylors to sew for the Red Cross. They sewed on convalescent robes and lap robes. They also packed two boxes for the boys who are overseas. Those present were Mrs. D. B. Taylor, Miss Katie Turner, Mrs. Frank Barnett, Mrs. W. S. Chand ler, Mrs. R. G. Foat, Mrs. E. V. Larson and . the hostess Mrs. Charles Taylor. Others contribut ing for the boxes were Mrs. Ear nest Neuenschwander, Mrs. John Neuenschwander, Mrs. Jacob Con boy, Mrs. C. L. Pool and Mrs. H. M. Carey. i Mill City Club Meets . MILL CITY The Woman's club met Wednesday at the home of , Mrs. Curtis Cline with Mrs. Rich ard Saucier as assistant hostess..) The program included reports of the delegates to the Marion Coun ty Federation meeting in Salem. Special mention j was made of the clever, original report, in rhyme, given by Mrs. Charles Kel ly of the local club, who was speaker for "Homemaking" at the Federation. Mrs. Kelly's report was read to the club by Mabel f Needham, Mrs. Kelly being ill at - her home and unable to be pre sent " The meeting closed with .roll call which was answered by a quo- ' tation of an Oregon author. r The next meeting will be held at ! the ' home of MrsJ Charley Kelly on November 17, meeting to open at 7:45 p. m. ' Meeting Planned i ' DETROIT The Woman's club - will hold its regular meeting Nq- - ember II, Francis Clinton, home demonstration agent, 'will meet ; with the club and plan a course - of lessons for the regular club meetings. r A carnival will be held at the : dub rooms November 11. A sale of - apronsdish towels and pot holders, as well . as games and ' other entertainment will be pro . - vided. A plate- luncheon . will be , sold also,- any - donations toward - the sale will be welcome. The car- ; nival is sponsored by the Improve- ' menta club. Cleanup is Held. UNION HILL Wednesday was clean-up day at the Union Hill Grange hall. A covered dish din ner was served. A business meeting was held in the afternoon with the- following officers elected for' the coming yean vice chairman, Mrs. O. W Humphreys; secretary, Mrs. Henry Peters: treasurer, v Mrs. Marian .. Fischer. -':-r-.':.v .'" , The next meeting will be an all day meeting and when Red Cross - sewing will be done, -i v The committee to arrange for the sewing includes Mrs. Verny Scott, Mrs. O. W. Humphreys, Mrs. Marian Fischer. . Present for the afternoon were Mrs. 'W.- M. Tate, Mrs. H. H." Pe4 iers, Mrs. Edwin Peters, Mrs. Mar ian Fischer, Mrs. M. M. Gilmour, Mrs; O W. Humphreys, Mrs. VjuS By Scott, Keith Scott. Silverton,; Official w Enlists in US Army . V SILVERTON The city lost one of its valuable, employes this' week to the army when 'Xewia . Yates passed his medical examination at Portland Wednesday returning Thursday for his two weeks fur lough. Yates, wiH leave on Nov ember: 17.:'; j --r- ir'-::;s'' "S - - :-U;. For the past few yeara . Yates Las served both as streets 'com missioner and special . police. ! MiA-.Willaiaettite Reports From PAGE TWO Hot Lunches Are Planned Silverton PTA Will Have Charge; Mehama -Raises Money for work SILVERTON "PTA Communi ty Service For Victory" is the theme selected by the Silverton Parent-Teacher association execu tive committee for the winter's program. The first of the meet ings under the new theme subject was . held Thursday night at the Eugene Field auditorium. The, mothers of the seniors In high school were the tea commit tee and invited as their special guests the mothers of all freshmen and first graders. Plans were announced Thurs day night for the one large money-making PTA affair of the year. This will be in the form of a "Fes tival of the Holidays Stunt Night." The various rooms of the Eugene Field , building . will be brought Into use for the festival. It was -also decided to open the lunch room without any WPA as sistance -as no cook is available under the present county set-up. The first hot dish will be served Monday, November 9. Four cents a day will be charged, it was an nounced. As the. PTA will have to pay the wages of the cook, con siderable help will be needed from mothers throughout the commun ity. Those who have planted rows of vegetables for the use of the lunch-room committee are being asked to keep the vegetables in the garden until they are called for unless the produce is perish able and should be canned. Recreation needs at Silverton formed Ihe topic of discussion at the Thursday night meeting, with 20 panel members taking part un der the supervision of Mrs. Charles Davis. Money Raised MEHAMA At a pie social and short program given at the school house Friday, $75 was cleared and is to be used for hot lunches for the school children. The Woman's club sponsored the program. Census .Completed GRAND ISLAND The school census has been completed by the clerk, Mrs. Louis Will, with a to tol of 68 on the roll, 38 boys and 30 girls. JThis is nine less than was on last year's census report. 42 New Enrolled UNIONVALE The Unionvale school enrollment has reached 42 with Marion Hamilton in the sec ond grade and Mildred Hamilton in the eighth grade. f - There are now five students in the eighth grade. Runkles Visit In Nebraska HAZEL GREEN Mr. and Mrs. D. Runkle have gone to Nebraska to visit her mother who is I1L They plan to be gone a month. Mr. and Mrs.C. A. Van Cleave and Ronald spent last weekend at Tillamook ' i , i Mrs. Duane Sears left Tuesday for Seattle after visiting her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Tony Kasper and family, for a week. Charles Olson has rented the 'G. L Morris place. Morris will still live on the place. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Zielin ski and Alvin drove to Eugene last Sunday to visit her sister, Mrs. Herman . Schultz and hus band. Mrs. Schultz returned with them and the women visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Kalbof Gladstone, and grand mother,! Mrs. Bertha Kalb of Moesburg on Monday and Tues day. Mrs. Schultz returned Wed nesday. - Mr. and Mrs. George A. Kalb and daughter Jean of Clackamas visited her parents, Mr." and Mrs. Henry Dunigan, this week. Mrs. Weir's Famil Called to Bedside LIBERTY The family of Mrs. George Weir; who has been cri tically ill for several weeks, has been called to her . bedside. Here now are her daughter, Mrs. Ber tha -Barn of: Council. Bluffs. Iowa: Mrs. ; Gladys Kelly of Holyoke, Col a son Delbert Weir of Los Angeles: Three daughters, Mrs. John Van Loh, :Mrs. Vernon De catur Mrs, Ramona Dykes, live in Liberty. ; Another son, ; George. . Is here from Medford. , : : Julieta and Mona - Dykes, - who working ! in ; Tacoma, came to see their grandmother. Julfttta has returned and Mona - is .staying a tew days. s ;t-:';'. ' :' " ; Kenneth Decatur Mrav? Weir's grandson, has been- home nearly two. weeks and will return to his work in aircraft plant in Sah Di ego Thursday. Delbert Weir wut go back to California with him. Mrs. Weir is 72 years old and her condition is no better. She and Mr. Weir celebrated - their golden wedding her three years ago. . . The Statesman Salem, Oregon. Saturday Morning. November 7 1942 Rationing Rep Silverton Board H -; vl SILVERTON Sflverton's War Ration board has : issued certifi cates for rubber boots this-week to ; Fred Klein, Roy, Au i Parker, Marvin Tgland and Albert Dun ifer of Silverton and to Martin Westendorf of Mount AngeL Tire certificates went to W. H. Stevens, farmer f Brooks,' i one passenger tube; Paul Stadeli, Sil verton farmer, one passenger re cap; Robert Wenger, Silverton Meier Funeral Held Tuesday 'Life ..Long Resident -' Of Sidney Commanity Dies at Hospital TALBOT Funeral services were held Tuesday for Charles F. Meier, 49, who died at the Deacon ess hospital October 31 after sev eral weeks illness. ! - Rev. W. Irvin Williams officiat ed, Miss Ruth Bedford was or ganist ' ; ' Mr. Meier was born December 3, 1893 aC Sidney, Oregon, and spent his -entire life in that com munity. He was a member of the Elks lodge or Salem. '.j Survivors are bis mother, Mrs. Maggie Meier; sisters, Mrs. George Marlatt, Mrs. D. Pettyjohn and a- nephew, , Lloyd Marlatt, all of Sidney. ' ; Pall bearers were George Patts, jr., C. A. Myers, Albert Gurgur ich, Ernest Freeman, Albert Wie derkehr, and Forest Evans. Bur ial was made at the Cox cemetery near Sidney. ; Church Group Plans Meeting SILVERTON Trinity Ladies Aid society completed a quilt at its Wednesday meeting and voted to donate it to Red Cross work. The young adult group of the Methodist church will attend a district meeting at Albany Sunday. Monday night at 7 o'clock the Scouts will meet in the Methodist church basement. This group is a community meeting and open to all boys who can quality as scouts, leaders announce. Mrs. Lucille Libby, formerly a missionary in China, will be guest speaker for the Woman's Society for Christian Service Tuesday at 2 pjn. at the church. Mrs. R. F. Larson and Mrs. L. C. McDonald will be j hostesses Tuesday night for both the after noon and night groups of Trinity Dorcas society. Winter plans will be discussed at this time. :The Lutheran Daughters of the Reformation will ; meet Thursday night at the home of Miss Doro thy Bloch. Card Club Entertained WOODBURN Mrs. Henry Mil ler entertained members of the Benefit Card club of St. Mary's Episcopal guild at her home on Boones Ferry road Monday. Prizes were won by Mrs.1 Blaine McCord and Mrs. Burton Willeford. Those attending, were Mrs. Har old Austin, Mrs. Marshall Hicks, Mrs. Burton Willeford Mrs. George Miller, Mrs. S. R. Kallak, Mrs. Ben Miller, Mrs.! Harold Ticknor, Mrs. Gerald Smith, Mrs. Tom De Armand, Mrs; Ivan De Armand, Mrs, John Burlingham, Mrs. Ray Glatt, Mrs. Kenneth Mc- Gratb, Mrs. Blaine McCord and Mrs. Clair ' Nibler. After several hours of play refreshments were served by the hostess;. Mrs. Miller. Eh WaTVirt; a I .... ;.:'.? j Pitta T LASl Times Today l 5 P.M. SiOIPRT SiTttIT Sunday - Monday - Tuesday r r Two Big Features hi "s tuns irt Cr 3 News - Cartoon - ; ierial Plus 2ad i Hit ;a!lley News 4r r! . ;? . Community Correspondents orter farm, one obsolete and one tube; Christian Peterson, Silverton log ger, five truck recaps;;R. T. Rich es, Silverton fanner, two passen ger recaps; Lee Hobart, Silverton farmer, one obsolete; Henry Spies; Silverton farmer, one obsolete, one tube; L. Kappel, Wopdburn far mer,' one obsolete and one tube; W. C Cooke,. ScottS Mills minis 4er, one passenger : tire replace ment; Ralph Herr, Silverton fax mer, three passenger recaps; Har vey Hallett, Silverton transport, two truck tires, two j tubes; Leo Volker, Scotts Mills transport, two obsolete tires; William; C Welton, Mount Angel transport, one pas senger recap;. Harold Bartsch, Sil verton logger, two truck tires; Joe Schiedler, Silverton farmer, on obsolete tire. ' Tout applicants for tire certifi cates were refused. One automo bile was allowed to O. L. WeDman, Mount AngeL farmer. ' ! C Ration Board GivesWag 5iiVKTUN suvertons war ration board is issuing a warning- this week that all merchants must establish maximum' prices of fall and winter seasonal commodities under the Office of Price Admin istration maximum regulation No. 210 before these commodities may be sold. ' Pricing under this regulation is necessary, board members stated Thursday morning, because these commodities were - not generally sold in March when the general maximum price regulations' base price period was designated. The Silverton OPA board has a supply of digests of MPR No. 210 and advises local merchants to call at the board quarters at De fense headquarters fori copies. The regulation, says Walter Ger- en, chief ' clerk of the Silverton district board, covers a wide va riety of commodities from winter clothing to andirons; footballs and Christmas tree lights. 1 Moves to Portland SUNNYSIDE Mr. (and Mrs. Ray Heckart and son. Larry moved to Bonneville last Sunday. They have closed their1 home here and will reside in Bonneville as long as Mr. Heckart- is employed there. Horry! I.! Times Mickey Moose Matinee At 1 P. M. tV) ykr e many tereV pietare '.lltlfKperK' EIH10YBl...eiTAIIAm G11IB tEDEI I ll."'IM I II I U l VI V, rcryicxcqf j fH BUY V r arave Dallas Mayor Is Defeated i Finseth Retired After jLSeyen Terms bnt GeU . - Seat in Legislature DALLAS The vote In Polk county was 5054 or about 50 per cent of total registration. In Dal las, 1312 or about 60 per cent of registered voters went to the polls. The local option measure was oted down with 356 yes, and 730 no. The county vote for Snell was 399, with 932 for Wallace. ; In the race for mayor, I. E. Kersey won over Lief Finseth by 57 votes. Finseth had been in the office for seven terms, a- However, Finseth who also ran on the republican ticket for, Polk county representative, wons over his democratic opponent, 2824 to Mrs. Rachel Hawkins is be lieved to be the first woman to be elected to a eouty etflee m Folk eoanty. After serving eat the unexpired term of her lato hvsbaad, George L. Hawkins; aba catered the race for the of flea af eoanty treasurer and won by a wide margin aver Tray Turner, denMerai. Judge Herman Van Well won over U. S. Loughary republican, for county judge. Fred Gibson, democrat incumbent, defeated W. E. Knower by 679 votes. Dean Walker, who ran for both Polk and Benton counties easily ! won over Harry . Stone. 1 Incumbent Loses . i JEFFERSON T. O. Kester Was elected mayor, over the incumbent mayor, Irvine Wright, at the Tus- day election. Kester ; received 74 votes and Wright, 39. The two councilmen elected were R. W. Curl who received 68 votes and W. C. Chilton, with 55 votes. Serving on' the board were Mrs. Harold Knight, Mrs. Irvine Wright, Mrs. W. D. Barnes, judges; and Mrs. R. W. Curl and Mrs. Jake Meng, clerks. MeKinney re-elected TURNER With only 51 votes cast in the uncontested Turner city election, J. S. MeKinney was re-elected mayor; Mrs. Mary Ball, treasurer; Charlie Standley, city recorder; Bert Peebles, Martin Showers and Fa rest Bouchie, coun cilmen. The other hold over coun cilman is Henry Bower. The Big Langh Sensation! 'TIY SISTEB EH PLUS BAUB A Thriller! "SPY SHIP- ' Pin. i Tp?1avCal?r"F JOTrllHGerman Film "DIVIDE and SALEM'S LEADING THEATRE 'f;': .M . i,. W1NCHCIJU - ,.e!;;50iriBis.,.i:oiFo;i m mm. mum : USQ Approved For! Monmouth " !i : Allotment of 03870 - Assures Operation " For Coming Year MON1JOUTK An appropria tion of ; 13780 has been approved by the ' National USO headquar ters for jone year's ' operation of the Monmouth center, it is an nounced ;by the local USO com mittee! The grant may be used for employing a hostess, for jani tor service, in providing programs, and for Other operative expenses of ! !enter.'- : . -. JI meeting, was called Tharsoay night to plan for continued oper ation through volunteer assistance until the : USO . grant is actually received land a hostess employed. Other ! business included passing of a I resolution, expressing the committee's appreciation for the splendid support given the project by Monmouth people. In making the quarters into their present fine, usable condition. ; Civilian citizens should he en couraged ! to visit the center to make i Monmouth's r friendliness known' to the soldier boys, the committee believes. However, these visits should be brief. Cen ters 14 some localities have be come civilian gathering places to such an extent that service men have not felt free to use the facil ities provided. . ,r h ?The USO belong to the citi zens arid they should feel welcome to make short visits to chat with the soldiers,! M. R. Thompson, vice-chairman of the committee and chairman, of the Defense Re creation; board, stated in support of a motion to give publicity to the fact that civilian visitors are welcome. ! ; ; Mrs. :C3tambers, chairman of the USO committee here, is in Califor nia visiting her daughter. In her absence j the committee has; as sumed i responsibilities of leader ship, and wiH carry on. Oregon Coast Tripj Taken CLOVERDALE Mr. and Mrs. Henry Feller and son, Robert, and her sister Carolyn Kroehn, and their mother, Mrs. Caroline Dra ger, drov4 to Yernonia last week to spend the day with Mrs. Dra- gers daughter, Mrs. Willard In germanson. V Mrs. I Florence Booth has .been substitute i teacher this week lor Mrs. Gayette Barnett, who is tak ing care of her mother. - , James i Davenport and his sis ter, Mrsl i Betty Drager, and two daughtersj Karleen and Margie-Jo;' visited i relatives, at the coast last Coniinaeus ' Today From 1 P. M. Exposed In CONQUER," STARTS I SUN IDA V! in Prices -i- - Jf iiiic;i... t PLCS - Chinas "y Guerrillas ! Commandos ! ef the East! T . . slash ina a trail of terror for daring "Yanks! j : - - , r . . . -- - - . : : : ---- . - h . "DESTINATION . UNKNO!TNw TVCUam Garraa Irene Herrey ' . Tnrhaa Bey - ' S y urn- v I week. ', Davenport left TuesdA i T- VATrisn fva rVl a TTQ n&VV Mr. and Mrs. : Albert Hennles left Wednesday for - a few days vacationing at Hood River, i While there ' they ' plan to pick" apples. Mrs. Hennies father, Ed !. Schil I ling, who has : been ' picking for the past six ' weeks, will accom pany them home. I r . I Jack Schifferer. son of Mr. and Mrs. John Schifferer, is expected home from' Seattle! where he has been , employed; for some time. Schifferer has joined i the army air corps "and is , going to leave soon.1 i''i':tAr':'ri.,' j Former Silverton' Chief Of Police s Lire In Portland i I SILVERTON Mrs. Henry Stor- lie left Thursday'; for Portland where she wm make her ; home. Mr. Storlie has been ' employed there lor a number of months and they have taken- apartments. He was at 4e time chief of police in Sflvertoli.-:;:.;X":-:'"--1i.:::S4r : Mrs. ' Oscar Weldner has been called to Michigan because of the death of her, brother. She plans to return in a month's time. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn MeKinney have aold their Bethony- road home and axel moving to Charles street j Miss Vera Zollrier has accepted work In the office of the r Ames Furniture and . Hardware store. Miss Barbara Zahler, has ac cepted employment ; at the Inter urban telephone company this week.: Esther -Jenkins who has been on the switchboard will be employed in the office. v j Mrs..-A. L. V. Smith will be home 'hostess to the Bethany Neighborhood club on November 12. i I ' ' ' - ' Mr. and Mrs. Pedro Quamen of Garretsoh, SD, were1 recent lunch eon guests of the E. Jay McCalls. The McCalls and Quamens were former neighbors lri the midwest. "Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Adams have moved : to Hedmond where Mr. Adams, will be employed In de fense work. , His sister, Mrs. Mil ton Thostrud, Is moving into the. Adams home for the present. ' Meeting Is Postponed ' I SILVERTON The regular meeting of . the school board to have been held Wednesday night was postponed because of illness CONTINCOUS EVERY lLiV PLUS SERIAL OYERLAND . MAIL- ; mi COMPANION cc:nr K "V V. I CL I rv Plans Made - Monmouth Program, to Include Talk by Capt. Jackson, Camp Chaplain MONMOUTH Armistice day will be observed with a special program in Campbell hall of Ore gon College of Education, at the regular 'assembly hour, 11 a. m Wednesday. The college holds ses- ion on Armistice day because of meeting the schedule of holidays I outlined in the' state school program.' '':-:v- A. feature of Wednesday's ex ercises will be a patriotic address1 by Capt. .Virgil W. Jackson chap lain at Camp Adair, who resides here. There will be special music. The. public, is Invited to the pro gram and a special invitation is extended to the American Legion and veterans of the Spanish Amer- , lean warj and the auxiliaries. ? Mass Schedaled . -j..-.',: --;- ...... !.-. , i ! ' t ' 1 MT. - ANGEL A. C Traeger. 1 commander of the local American , X trrr hie annnunrtv) that a mi ' for the fallen soldiers will be . cueoniwa m ou , juxj cnurca , -1 1 If. l ! on Armistice day, November 11, i at !l5 ra- Memhera will attorw in a body. :":' Ar- I , l, Following the mass, an indoor TnrMnnimm innnl will rut i a! 4 at Memorial halL Activities wiU conunua au uay ana usnv uuca !) -. f-. i, ... . 1 ...m k. i The shoot Is open to the general public. ' '. ,; . Speakers i On Fragraaa . DAYTON The Dayton post American Legion Tuesday planned for the observance of Armistice day. Several special speakers will be ' present. Company A state guard members and their jWives will be guests and dinner will be served. : , ' 1 '. Flan Football . Game : "' DALLAS Armistice day is to be a holiday in the store and business district of . Dallas. Most people look forward to the annual football event between Independ ence and ' Dallas to be held on Kreason field in Dallas that day. of members. It was set for Wed nesday but may be changed again because of the Armistice Day holi day. . ....;.-; t- - ;.'" ;-! 1 DAY FROM 1 :00 P. M. . TcJay -'j jlt fanny as its funs ten! Breath-taking as ibs beauties! Smart as its story! 1 Sensational as its spectacles! avian . ccsixa wxiCHT.it. FEATURE . DAfAIAIl 0'iLYuiH.HEHt PAnnKM.nifff PUnCELL i:oaks 1 Barraia I i Matinee Today; Fls Tax na s pjbl : t - : I - I I i