Farm'- FiesiinKciaL j. i-sw :- Th OS2XSON STATESMAN,. Salam Oregon, Friday MorrJng, November 6. lS-tf PAG2 TZHHTEZT7 Few Stocks, i Make. Gains t - . ' Leaders Show Little Response to News; Average Holds NEW YORK, Nov. 5 ffr-lSe-Iected stocks moved up- in Thurs day's market but leaders general ly failed to respond to the much brighter news picture. " . t - The apparent rout of the axis forces in Egypt, hopeful .bulletins om the Solomons and Russia, together with Wall street cheer over the elections, were viewed as definitely bullish items. There was the beginning : of year-end tax selling, however, and worries over the likelihood of the treas ury pressing for. more onerous revenue law served to chill many buyers. , - , , , The Associated Press average of 60 stocks was unchanged at 40.2. Of 789 individual issues traded, 282 were up, 262 down and 245 at Wednesday's final lev els. Transfers totalled ' 598,160 shares against 771,830 Wednesday, Homes take mining dipped; 1 when Directors and Eoews end ed unchanged at 44. ; Among stocks getting into new high ground for ' the year were Yellow Truck, Continental Motors and Sears Roebuck. Douglas Air craft, ex-dividend, $5, regained IV of its loss in the previous' ses sion up a point or so were Mack Truck and Allied Chemical. ; Genera Motors and Chrysler each finished higher. US Steel advanced , and Bethlehem . Modest improvement was! retained by American Telephone, Pennsyl vania, Southern Pacific, North American, Goodyear, US Rubber, Texas Co., International Harvest er, Philip Morris, Johns-Manville, Standard Brands,- General Elec tric and American Can. On the offside were Santa Fe, NY Central, Standard Oil (NJ) Kennecott, American Smelting, Wool worth, t Westinghouse, - D u Pont, Eastman . . Kodak, Deere, Boeing, Glenn Martin and Inter national Nickel. Visits From Tacoma AURORA Mr and Mrs. Guy Ogle of Tacoma were weekend guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs, James Ogle; - "Random Harvest" And I told heir how bed hal re acted to the recent return of memory his first, excitement. then his calmer determination and bitter regret for the - years between. Finally I told her that though it seemed to me highly unlikely that after two decades he would succeed 5 In tracing someone who hadn't apparently succeeded in the much easier task of tracing him during the same interval, and - though the gap of years gave legal as well as every other kind of sanction to what had happened since; she must be prepared for the faint possibility; and that If it hap-. pened .the publicity, would be neither pleasant ; for ner nor helpful to his position. j "He must know that too.!'- "Yes, but in his present mood he doesnt care." "Oh. be doesnt care?" She said that so softly, so gently. still smiling. I tried to think of something to express the wave of sympathy that, overcame me in the end I could, only give her jny silence. Presently she touch ed my hand and said: Thank you for tellim? me all this.". I must say you take it very well." . . 1 "Did yon expect me to make a scene?" " - 1 "No. but . . - when I try to .imagine your feelings . . ."( . "I don't feel anything yet, at least not much, but I keep on thinking -of what you said that he doesnt care!" ! "I know it's terrible but 1 "Oh, no, it's wonderful! He'd throw over everything bis fu hire his ambitionseverything if heeould find her!" 1 "In his present mood ! he thinks so" ' .-I- - "Dont keen saying 'in j his present mood. Maybe his pres ent mood is himself, and all the other moods were false, . . How do we- know? - j E-. -.-' 1 r .-' There's one.' thing we! do know that people are remem bered as they were last seen and twenty Tears Is ; a . 1 tong time." j; ,;;': .. V V '- L --:,- ' :. She turned to me with bright ly shining eyes. '-.i "How sad that is," and how true." :-"r':--'.Vrv I v; "And irom your" point of view how fortunate. ' , i r (To be continued) llizhtzt Ch Price i Awu' i -a. - - -I;. - -" " - . m 5 Strictly'-Private1 Sfer. III ! - war- . TD3 AflJCH TIMS. W WWD to fG TU- 5 WW WhM ttmtmm Quotations at Produce Exchange PORTLAND. Nov. 5 (AP) (XJSDA) Butter: Extrss 49; standards 4&s; prime firsts 47; firsts 45b. Butterfat: Mk at S4. Eggs: Large extras 48; standards 42; medium extras 42; standards 38; small extras 30; standards 28. Cheese; Triplets 33 ',i; lost 3714. Portland Grain PORTLAND, Ore, Nov. 9 (AP) Grain: Wheat: Ooen Huth Low Close Dec. " - - 1A9 1J0 1J0 1.10 Casn crain: Oats No. 2-38 lb. white. 36.25; barley No. 2-43 lb. B.W. 29.00; com un auo ted. No. 1 flax 2.40. ' Cash wheat .bid) : Soft white .KVtr soft .white excluding Hex i.n; wrrne club 1J8; western red 1.16',i. Hard red winter: Ordinary 1.11; 10 per cent, 1.15; ir per cent 1.17; 12 per cent 1J9. Hard white Baart: 10 per cent 1.18'i; 11 per cent lOi: U per cent l-22a. Today's car receipts: Wheat 70. bar ley 6. flour 2. corn 3. oaU 2. hay 1, mlllf eed 2, flaxseed 1. A Portland Produce PORTLAND. Ore.. Nov. 5 (AP) Butter Prints, A (rade, 52-52',ic lb., parchment wrappers. 53-53 ,ic In can tons; a sTaae i-ivac in parcament wrappers. 52-52 'ic In cartons. Butterfat First quality, maximum ofj .8 of 1 per cent acidity, delivered in Portland. 530. lb.,- preaaiiim qual ity, maximum of .35 of 1 per cent acidity. 54',i-55c lb.; valley routes and country points 2c less than first or 52c: v second qualitly, at Portland. 2c under first or 51',i-52c. Cheese Selling prices to Port land retailers: Tillamook triplets 31c lb.; loaf 32c lb. Triplets to whole salers. 29c lb.; loaf 30c lb. F.O.B. Tillamook. - Eggs Prices to producers: A large 406c: B large 40c; A medium 40c; B medium 36c dozen. Resale to retailers 3-4c higher for cases; cartons 5c higher. Live poultry Buying prices: No. 1 grade Leghorn broilers. lli to 2 lbs. 27c. colored fryers 2 to 4 lbs. 27c; colored hens 29c; colored roasters over 4 lbs. 29c; Leghorn hens under 2a lbs. 19c; over 3', lbs. 21c; colored hens 23c; No. 2 grade hens 5c less; No. 3 grade 10c less; roosters 10-12c lb. Dressed turkeys Selling prices: New crop SS-40c: old crop 37 -39c lb. Babbits Average country killed 34c lb. Country meats Selling prices to retailers; Country killed bogs, best butchers, 129 to 149 lbs. 20c; vealers. fancy 23c lb.; good heavy 15-lSc lb.; rough heavy. 15c lb.: canner cows 13c lb.: cutters 14-lSe lb.; bulls 18c lb.; spring lambs 20c lb.; ew-s 9-10c lb. Wool 1942 contracts. Oregon ranch, nominal 34-37C lb.; crossbreds 40-42c. Mohair 1942 12-month 46c lb. Hops Seed stock. 1942 crops 1.18 Faces Revenge . ...j .i j v r 7z - i - - - - , r This aaapsiMt mt Orp. Jaeeb D. Deshaaer af Oregn was fur nished bjhlt Brother. Corporal Deshaxer Tasbed lokye In April aa a member af General . Doolittle'a adron and re cently the 39 radia announced that he and aevea athera were captured. Taky radio said that ' airmen cmptared after the raid had been convicted of tnhaman aeta and tt was farther sUted , that . they Mweoii be severely punished ia accardaace with in- . terns tional I a w.m President noosevelt haa asserted Japan woIX be vltlatlax the Geneva eonvesla It aha earriii 'act Uie'tbreata. XTT Fbataw 1 By Quinn Hall 1 C OMOaKTHB SA THE WOEO SHU. 1ET US UE CR S"SO tATHE AJlfJ VtJOR SON! Portland Onions Green. C0-65e dox. bunches: Oregon dry 1.40-1.45; Idaho US; Ya kima lJ25-50-Ib. bag; ; pickling 15c lb. Potatoes Klamath 3 25 cental: Ya kima 3.25; Deschutes 3Jt5 cental; local X50-es cental. Hay Selling prices on trucks: Al falfa No. 1 23.00-23.50 ton; oats-vetch 18.00 ton. valley points; i timothy 16.00; eastern Oregon 23.00 'on; clover 16.00 ton. . :i - Portland Livestock PORTLAND. Ore.. Nov. S (AP) (USDA1 Cattle: Salable 150. total 200: calves 25 and SO: all classes fairly 1 active, steady; few common-medium grass steers 9.00-12.00; one short fed lot 13.00; few common-medium heif ers 8.00-11.00; good beef cows 9.25-75 others- grading common-medium 6.50- 9.00; canner -cutter cows fergely 5.00 75; few bulls 9.00-11.25; good-choice veaiers Hogs: Salable 425. total 500; market very active late, mostly 15-25 higher than Wednesday's average: good choice 170-220 lbs. 14.00-25; few 14.35: extreme top 14.35: jnost heavy lots 13.50-14.00: weights under- 170 lbs. 13.00-73; good sows 12.00-50; few light weights 12.75 Sheep: Salable 300, total "400; supply small, marxet active, xuuy sxeaay: good-choice fat i wooled lambs largely 12.25; few common-medium lots 8.00- 11.00; common-medium slaughter ewes 1.50-3.75: few good 4.oov Wool in Boston BOSTON. Nov. 8 i ( AP) OJSDA) Interest in medium wools was some what keener on the Boston market today due to recent release of 8,000,000 pounds for civilian use. lnese wools will be used mostly for sweaters and scarfs. Ohio three-eighths and one quarter blood wool was sold at 53 'x cents snd choice graded Michigan three-eighths and one-quarter blood wool was sold; st 54 cents, grease Dasis. aenverea ! mill. ; Farm Trucks Are Being Listed Applications for certificates of 'war necessity are being' re ceived by Robert E. Relder, secretary of the farm transpor tation committee, at the f Haw ing' places: Stayton city hall, Saturday, 9 ajB. ta 9 p-m. Sllvertan chamber of eom- meree, Saturday, 1 ta 9 pjn. Woodbvrn,! Fred Heekers, Saturday, 9 a.m. to 9 pjn. Salem, every day, 9 ajn. to 9 pja, nntil November 14. Community Clubs Cemmonlty Clab News '" GRAND ISLAND The first meeting of the fall season of the Improvement club will be held at the school house Saturday night. Rex Warren, Yamhill county agri cultural agentj will be present to show pictures and talk on current Issues of the day. - The school give a portion children will also of the program, Stocks and Bonds ' November 5 ! Compiled by the Assoostsd TOCK AVERAGES IB IS Bsrtls CtU : 1J 2S.T 19 as.t : 19 J 25.7 14 BOJ i.t rtJt 14.4 xia Indni " .! t-1 '- Thursday . ,, , IX Previous day 57 J Month ago -..MJ Year ago , , 'Sa.1 1942 high I 57.4 104S low : .4SA 03 40 JX sa.4 40 ass BOND AVEKAGES - i aa - : it : - Bails tndus- Otfl is rgn 'MS SOS S0.4 4SS SIS 4U Thursday ; ' Previous day . Month ago Year ago 1942 high 1943 low .Mi 103.4 St 1 .6J 103.9 , vta ioxs. m 3 X i 103.9 101.1 .Mi i J03.T ' 100.S ja iiezs saa OcY.TXaav N D. DrS.Caam. NJ DZ3. CI1A11-UUX ' CSI1MESE lerbattsts . -SU North Liberty Cak. ftttkf aoeav Tweseay i srway mmy as. ia I svas-s as (1 sua. CansnlUOea, &iam4 pre-1 ! sera and arine tecui are Ctee ef j enarget Praeuced ajsc nil. j pi si Many Holiday Parlies Held Halloween Is Occasion For Community and ' School Frolics ; UNION HHJL Mr. and Mrs. Dolph Heater entertained with a Hallowe'en partyj Saturday for the young people of the commun ity. Prizes went! to Ann Louise Heater, Maxine Scott and Guy Scptt for the prettiest, funniest and the costume of the most work. Larry Carpenter of Silverton showed pictures of the Sky Line trail, Oregon beaches. Crater Lake and the Portland rose festiv al. . Games were played until a late hour, when lunch was served to Wilbur j and Leonard Seeley, Charles and , Edna Morley, , Guy and Keith Scott, Elvera and War ren Henry, Maxine Scott, Max Hafner, Betty Mollet, R. V. Hitch cock. Rollin, Patricia and Ann Louise Heater, Mr. and Mrs. Car penter and Lucille, Mr. and Mrs. Verny Scott and I Mr. and Mrs. Heater. Bos Riders Frolic GRAND ISLAND High school students in the district, who ride on the Amity bus, entertained the other students riding on the same bus at a Hallowe'en party at the MICKST MOUSE fmis'AMNru: SuJALLEREO k 5PJMACH, ' i . 1 jj 1 ' ' " ' OUCH! J- f&7' 1 WELL . ONE THIN I Tpoa I T M i'ms mas -run A I I I I (If) I ' HOP rlfAlF rl 1 1 - i- - -; 'i j - - - - ' j 1 ' I iCXNT LEAVE HCi POStTN I C7r iHAVEil 1 C'' .' 1 HlTh" ' p fs ND VOU CANT GO INTO ) pi X. ? VtODO '..V VvEN- "t P68-- 3 r- '" Z f (3'P 3 y AM riEVSTTHeXTH tPs CAN- OPtMER IM 1PUXEW& V THSCASfc? SLE THEATES- r 1 TELL YOU LITTLE AMsSE MR. AMD ACS. 5M0DGE HAT&Trt&GKXMD TJITLE AKIIIS EOOKEY 1 r Salem Market Quotations The prices below supplied by a lo cal grocer ar tedicativs of the dair set prices paid to rr ewers bv Sa- lent buyers bat ar sat nunntMil by The Statesman.: - - . . VCGKTABLJCS -Potatoes, loa lbs. No. 1 sww 1M . Turnips, beets JM CBA1N. BAT AMD SKBDS fBsyaig rrtssst Oats. No. 1 SS00O30.M 34.000 M 1IM01IM UJOdUN feed barley, toa Clover hay. ton - Oat and vetch hay worn Ml SUTTER. SOOS AND POCL.TKY ami esen-s Bnymg mee (Subject to change without aodcal' BUTTEKTAT - , . . Premium -. No. 1 - , . ; - jnb No. a Burm raiNTe A - 2i . J3Vs B Quarters EGGS Extra large Medium . Standards Pullets Cracks AS AO t ,., , 2 " at: - Al rOCT-TET Colored fry , Colored , White Leshora) White Leghorn hens Bfanoa creasnerys Bajtag Prices. . (Subject to Chang without notice) , EGGS t- Laree A A& Medium A AO Large B AO . Pullets Checks, undeigiadea JtQ school house Saturday. Twenty young people attended. Games were played under the direction of Phyllis Mandigo. Pumpkin pie and cider were served by the local girls. Mrs. Worth Wiley and daughter, Mrs. James Worthington, chaperoned the group. HO.PME PU30PEWE ff'r IS U DANGER- V7 AU2S. GANCETRUSTS THEM- 6HETHJNK5 THEVREA RNE 1 HOnESl TEKr4EA I fcU JT COUPLE WHO VOULDMTHASM A rXy-TrSEVVEBEEM FTXXWa HER FDRi Atf)CTrUMrrK37ty a 1 v " f - 1- 'W larre dirty j PObLTax -Colored frys nrtlnrxt tuna an at . Ieghora fryers Lienors hem.- aw SiL, thm "" IS Iinorn bens, under Xik lbs, JT Oid toosteis jfts No S ipoultry hm less. UVKSTOCK Buying prices for Ne. 1 stock, bass on coadiuana and sales repotted. Spring, lambs . 11.00110 Ewes 1M so-Sja Hoes, top 160-S2S n. , 1VM sows Top j veal S1S-40S lbs. . 1330 - lias X2a-&ia ins.' oe to I N 7 0S to S.00 SOS to 10J0O 1M to SjM Corn Starts Grain Rise , CHICAGO," Nov. S (A An advance of 2 cents a bushel in coral Prices to best quotations In a month Thursday touched off enough buying to lift other cereals fractions to a cent. Brisk shipping business in corn, a letup in the country movement in some localities, and reports of good demand in rural areas, with truckers active, inspired buying. Many orders represented purchas ers itoj cover previous short sales. Demand from industries and dis tiller remained good. Wheat closed -l up, De cember $1.25 May S1J27 -L28. l noAi it i rD Dairy i type cows Beet type cows - Bulls -j - Rotten Dressed veal M MusioESeur6cr: J 4 1 ! .x 1 I 1 OFDAW6EBCX13 rfiP0aaTE5 WHO KAVE ALW&5 EM ICTMG A UE-BUTD0MT . i woggy, xnjsncE whloveb. 4 MTU. FWD DON TOKTU VC CAfl ABOUT THE &AN6. if : i 'V-" f IM ... Alfalfa Seed ; Said Scarce ' The alfalfa seed crop In Oregon is drastically reduced this year, reports K R. Jackman. extension crop specialist at OSC, who 'cau tions against any delay in pur j ...... t chasinsT seetT 1 needed 'for next spring's planting. While this state normally produces - million pounds or more . of alfalfa seed, this year's production will be no more than one-fourth of that; he says. . - j; -S: '; : Inroads of grasshoppers and the high price of hay were chiefly re sponsible for the small seed crop. Early fall; rains In 1340 and 1941 caused heavy losses to alfalfa seed growers, so that this year, with hay prices prevailing, many grow ers chose to cut their crops for hay rather than: gamble on a seed harvest. . " j "' Wild Geese Hold Election,' Then Aumsville Rests ' AUMSVTLLE Residents were disturbed and kept from slumber several hours Monday night by a sm all flock of wild geese, which ha I apparently j become lost from th main flock and come down In ot XQ -A -IF TO TAKE THwM IN 5PITt OP OCAR$0 AT THAT RE5TK, A5K HIM W5W K LOOK IIP gW'-MFFS J i W IS i 1 ; r r ll 1 " ' V i loreccp TlfHMTII S - ' I 4 " t UOH' J I the Melvin Gildow field. For hours Monday night they honked- and honked unceasingly,' circling round and round just above house, tops, unable to choose a leader. J" ' Tuesday, election day, they evi dently got a majority vote on one of their number, rose from the , field and vanished in V formation. in fen Get The Cash You Need Through A Personal Loan . No red tape J ; . no de ' lay .. . 4 when you need . money, call 9281 for in formation on bow to get dignified personal loan !" -..V-1 Tenll be snrprbed at hew easy It Is ta get a loan how simple to repay It. - Stale Finance Co. 2Lt-m Goardlaa Bide. . Corner Liberty State Telepbone S1CS Ue, 8-tlJ M-222 a. ITGt'iTIl St t it VI ' r MDe.TEAOt HESZE COMES H0B4Cd KE EES USrHEU. COMEAWTRy ACT FVZZZZVSCAUSZ AAOTHER TOiO HIA HT5 eOTTA PSSTCO TD C MICE TO US f f Ala "srV" "Sbx VCST COM2 TOWAK? C3k TK."5 c ) r