Market Month Biggest in 15 ; Sleek, Rails Lead ; ; i Extension of .2 On Day Average . ; NEW YORK, Oct 31-(ff)-The stock market Saturday emerged from Uts biggest recovery month since July,-1841, with steels, rails and specialties leading an exten sion of the advance. The -Associated x Press -average f CO stocks was Up JZ of a point at 40, but for the week showed a :' net decline of X For October tha - composite "was Tip 2.2 p o 1 n t s , transfers - totaled " 850,210 - shares ' against 290,180 a week ago. The . month's - volume of 13,932,598 ' shares was the largest since last December." , t . . . . - - ' Touching new highs for the year were Crucible common and preferred, Pennsylvania Railroad, Northern 1 Pacific, . - Consolidated Edison, and Phillips Petroleum. In front were I US Steel, Bethle hem, Santa Fe, NY Central, Amer ican Telephone, North American, Anaconda, J Sears Roebuck, East man Kodak, Westifighouse, Stand ard Oil of NJ, Pullman, Eastern Air lanes and American Airlines. Negro Who Towed Raft Identified HOLLYWOOD, Oct 31-(ff)-A Negro mess attendant who swam through ; shark-infested waters for six hours, towing a raft load of wounded seamen from a US destroyer sunk by the Japanese off the Solomons, was identified Friday night as Charles Jackson French of Foreman, Ark.' r i Ensign Robert N. Adrian of Ontario, Ore., told of the Inci dent last week In an NBC radio broadcast. The NBC announced It had learned . French's identity from the navy bureau of person nel In Washington. Stocks and Bonds October 31 (Compiled br the Associated Press) STOCK AVERAGES i SO - 19 Indus Rails Net Changs A4 A.l IS UtD A J 2.S H:i S0J S7.3 11.1 60 Etks AJ 40.0 39.8 38.7 40.5 40J 32.0 Saturday oe.a ! is Previous day 56. 1 18.3 Month ago 53.4 9.1 Year ugo 1942 high 1941 low 13 S7.4 f 19.5 46.0 ! 14.4 BOND AVERAGES ! 20 I 10 . tO ; . tj.i . Rails Indus Util Net change A.2 Unch Unch Saturday .6.l 103.5 87.51 Previous day S5.9 103.5 97.5 Month ago 63.1 1034 97J Year ago . .j 62.5. 103.0 102.1 10 Ten D.1 50.7 sos 50.7 48.9 1J 41.5 1942 hlgn 7 i- ivu.9 iOW lUi.O , Pilots to Take 'Escape Training i Pilots will begin soon to .take the new course in "escape training as demonstrated here by Chief Specialist Deaglas Jackson. Strapped In, wearinsT flyinx suit and "parachute, Jackson Is lowered fat the Csx&my airplane cockpit Into the swimming peel at the Sand Point, ITash naval air station and turned upside down. Breaking; a way from the sinking ship (loaded wlth"rallroad iron), Jackson does se by nnsnappina the safety belt, braces his feet in tha seat, kicks l izzstU out and swims away from the sinking; plane. (Lower phote) " ll37 ts float: PuUinr off bis pints, Jsckson knots the bottom of tich trscser lex firmly, snaps the pair ef pints over his head and Z' Vi Cs cpca eaJ under watcr-rmakinr water winra. iTheyll i - rt f 3zt men la the water and wCl hold air indefinitely Jack- . r u. :z-itl ti.a tralzLsy eiraezU-IIN TLoU. .-.'.. a "Strictly .Private" i a . - ar aw . m-m m -sr 1 OJ& .TO POSH Quotations at Produce Exchange fortuand, ore- UCX. 91 Produce exchange: butter: extras 49; standard 48,il prime firsts 4?l first liutterfat: 53Va-54. Vcto- larM extras 48: standards 42: medium extras 41; standards 38; small extras 30; standards za. Cheese: triplets 25 Vi; loaf I74. Portland Grain PORTLAND. Wheat: Ore., Oct. 31 (AP) Open High Low Close 110 1.10 1.10 1.10 Dec r-n.K mln Data No. 2-28 lb. White 3600; barley No. 2-45 lbr B.W. 29.25; corn unquoted: No. 1 fia 2.40. Cash wheat (bid): Soft white lJ3i: soft white excluding Rex 1.16; white club 1.17; western red 1.15a. .Hard red winter ordinary 1.10; 10 per cent 1.14; 11 per cent 1.16; 12 per cent 1J8. Hard white Baart: 10 per cent 1.17; 11 per cent 1.20; 12 per cent 1.22. Today's car receipts: Wheat 9, bar ley 4, flour 2, oats 1. ahy S, milUeed X flaxseed 2. Portland Livestock PORTLAND. Ore, Oct. SI (AP) (USDA) Cattle for week, salable 3010; calves 510; week's general mar ket steady with late last week but closing trend unevenly lower with many buyers out on slaughter quotas; early sales medium to good short few steers 13.50-75; two loads 14.00 and lnad i-hniM 14 M- rasa fat steers 12.00- 13.50; common steers 9.00-10.00; good fed nelfera 13MV, meaium xxjw; Krass , , : By uinri Hall uTbpu sa-iv. smcw Portland beef heifers 10.00-11.00; good beef cows 9.00-50; odd head 9.75; canners ana cutters cioaea 40-9.79; meaium to good bulls 9.50-11.00; few 1125; good to choice 4.50-5.73; medium to good bulls 9.50-11.00; few 1125; good to choice vealers 14.00-15.00;; medium grass calves 10.00-11.00. ! Hoks: For week.- salable 3900: mar' ket uneven, closed 75 to 1.00 below week ago after opening about steady: late sales good to choice around 170 215 lbs. 14.00-25; early top 15.00; over ana unaerweignts discounted .50-1.00; good sows late 11. 50-12.50 r early to 13.50; early sales feeder nigs up to 16.00. ( Sheep: For week, salable 4050; fat lambs active, steady; ewes closing un der pressure: good to choice wooled lambs 11.75-12.00; early top 1225: com mon grades 8.00-0.50; culls down to 525; good feeders 9.00-50; few to 10.00; good ewes 4.00; one lot good to choice , ewes early 4.50; common down to 1.00. j Portland Produce PORTLAND. Ore. Oct. 1 AP) Butter prints: A grade in parchment wrappers, 53-53&e in car tons; B grade 5l-51lic in parchment wrappers, sz-aze m canons. - Butterfat First quality, baxlmum of M of 1 per cent acidity, delivered in Portland, 63i-54c lb.: ; premium quality, maximum of 25 of 1 per cent acidity , 54 -55c lb4 valley routes and country points Se less than first or 52c; second quality, at Portland, 2c under first of 5H4-52C. - i .. - . Cheese Selling prices to Portland rexauers: i wamooa triplets . iie id. loaf 32c lb.; triplets to wholesalers 29c lb .; loaf 30c lb. FOB TUlamook. Eggs prices to producers: A large 46c; B large 40c; A medium 39c: B medium 36c dor. Resale to retailers S-4e higher for cases, cartons 5c Higher. Live poultry buying prices: Ko. I grade Leghorn broilers, - 1U to 2 lbs. 27c; colored fryers, 21 to 4 lbs. 27c: colored bens 29c: colored roast' ers over 4 lbs. 29c; Leghorn hens un der lbs. ibc: over 3i lbs. sic: colored hens 23c: No. 2 grade hens 5c less: No. 3 grade 10c less;, roosters 10-12c lb. i Dress turkeys selling prices; New crop 38-40C lb.; old crop 37 -33c lb. Rabbits average country killed S2-34C lb. " " . i . r Hay selling prices on trucks: Al falfa No. 1 23.00-23.5 ton: oats-vetch li.OO ton, valley points; clover 16.00 ton. - s- - L . Onions Green, SO-SSc doz. bunches; Oregon dry. S1J5-1JW: Idaho. SI J5 Yakima S125 50-lb. bag; pickling 15c PoUtoes Klamath $3.13 cental; Ya kima $225: Deschutes $325-320 cen tal: local S2.50-2.63 cental. ! Country meats selling prices to retailer: .Country killed hogs,' best butchers. 129 to 140 lbs.. 20c: vealers. fancy, Z3C ID.; good neavy 15-18C id.: rough heavy 15c lb.; canner cows 13c id.: - cutters le jd.; - duus ibo id.; sarins' lambs 22c lb : awes S-lOe lb. -Wool 1942 contracts. Ore son nom inal. 34-I7C id.: crossoreas eo-tsc id. Mohair; 1942. 12-month. 45c lb. xtofM seea siock, uru crop, ui iD4 seeaiesa. im id. . r . LIoydReed Accepts New Silverton Post t SILVERTON- Lloyd Reed has accepted the chairmanship of the decontamination unit at Saver ton,vSccording ta announcement made this week by Mayor Roger Allen and -City Manager E, K. Burton. . -i-rit .f. - A '. Assisting hinar on the unit will be Wesley Williams, tjrlin Page, Rholin Cooler! Harold; Larsen, Mrs. T. T. Blust, Mrs. Milton Tbostrud and Mrs. i Williani Dav enport. ' i ' I" " ; v - Uanlcd! V7alnii!s, FilLsiis and IIcl Ilczis Highest Cash Price Ilcrris Klcrfcia 4C9 North Front Street Telephone 733 Try sue mt minese reamed les. Amazing - SUCCESS fee seot years In CHINA. Ne saatter with what ailment yea are AjriXlCT- EO--diserers, snuKitis, : heart. rang, uver, - aioaeys, stesaaca. gas. . . eansopaaoa, ' e-eds, lever, akin, plaiats ; Chinese ; Herb , Ce, Office Bears Only Xaes.- aa - Sat-- S , a.m. te p.m. i Suv and -VeeU te ii:3 pjn its n. cdim rt, ra!-i. rm uivri aw --. si lal fesaale ceaa- f GrainPrice Is Narrow .? 'CHICAGO, 'Oct, JlPhGraln price fluctuations Saturday were the narrowest In months, but the market had a firm undertone that indicated, traders said,! recent liquidation bad spent itself, at least for the tunc beingl. ! Wheat closed unchanged to 4 higher compared with Friday, December $1 May '$1.28 December ; May Silverton Business -T.;. Houses Are Qiknged ' SILVERTON A new; change In Silverton's downtown 1 .business district will be the moving of the George Anderson barber shop; for a number of years in the Warden bundins; on Oak street; " to the Steelhammer building on Main street. The new' location for the barber shop was the old location of the Vogue beauty shop, recently closed. The place is being redeco rated, r - - v ;-;r-'-'-: : - J - Residents are endeavoring; without success, to recall a bar bershop on East Main j street It Is. thought this is the first time the barbershop has held a position oh that street. ' f . HOP Mt COMIAJ& IN tO LAMD ' AFTER A FUCWT VVTM TMfeT C.O. WHEN ANCXTHEU. CADET . TAJCIN& OFT FBOA THE WRONG ZONE OSES 7 BENEATH HIM. HOP HABB2GA1I BABNEY GOOGLE MICKEY MOUSE THIMSLE THEATEE- ' PIJtECTLy BENEATH NIM. ' wvuL- i mm- LvroMt) FrWlTM ME AM? THE BOMB tLlpe7nj!mO l- J )sll. UKS AN WHOCEHT tJOG WjOKTt40 DOWN M'UCh- - Mrr-rr to the vikXjut UELuaaw c poem, rrteowac bj HERErJ GEE. ZERO-. X'M GLAD ITS DdVUGHTAGVUMYCSTFJ?CUP AW. SMUDGE TOOK ME RIDE OVER TO POISOf KOltOV-. urns amis noo:arr TALK FAST. Wm CV YOU . i. SAM UtllUMlt.' , , STT ar V 1 Salem Market The prices below supphed by a lo cal grocer . are indicative of the daily market prices paid to growers by -Salem buyers but are. not guaranteed ay xnc wiifMBt ' VKGKTABUSS " - " ' - v - -Potatoes. 100 Oba. No. 1 new SM Turnips, beets ...i " M GRAIN. BAT AND SKEDS ' Bay lag races j . Oata. No. 1 98.00 O30.00 26 00 27 00 16 00 011 00 U2CO1I20 XI reed barley, ton Clover nay. ton Oat and vetch bay Wheat BVTTEK, COGS AND POCLTBS Aadf esen's Baytns rrtee- -t Subject to change without notlcej BurrcKTAX - v- Premium No. 1 No. S 24',i jSlls rjii 231 BUTTEB raUNXS A - B Quarters ' mm. EGGS Extra large Medium Standards Pullets AO 24 Cracks- Colored try . Colored bens ' White Leghorn xrys -White Leghorn bene i Hiriaa fmiMU'l Bta-m 2S-2S 21 21 2f (Subject to cnange sntnoux noncei EGGS -,. A w.-,- . . i Medm A- ; - Large B .. f..Umm. 24 Checks, undergrades ' . 2? Large dirty i 22 POULTBX Colored frys . Colored hens 21 : a Leghorn fryers Leghorn hens, over S',4 lbs. T2J Irhorn hens, undas S'-i lbs. JT Old roosters ,. XS No. S poultry Se leas. - . -LTVESTOCal ' Buying prices for No. i stack, based on conditions and sales reported. Spring lambs ll.ao1120 Ewes i ; . M to-320 Hogs, top 160-225 lbs. 1420 .TCfOPEU. SPtlNTCRS ITML SMEARS OFF OWE sVHeEtV OF HOP'S -a I - - Ca mi Kiat i rk " s.- ..aif i aszr fir t ; I I K THAT55 WHERE THEXXDWrrCII WOMAN LIVES MR. FDR A TOLD ME SHE HASTWE EVE"-. IF SHE GETS AUD AT VOU5HE JUST GIVES VtXI v. ar f , ?fer -t fTMtmm SmtM. lmT EALPV ttt&f THE TARMTTJLA CANS VA AFTER MM AM He WMfru? TO x CTOR TKEy OT MIM 'Qudtaubns SOWS : - i ii i ... Veal top ! Dairy type i cows Beef type j cows - 12.00 to 1X20, .13.00 , S.OO to 9.00 . 7.00 to S.OO S.OO to 10.00 .1X0 to S.OO buus Heifers-, , i t. Dressed veal - - WOOL AND ItOHAIX Wool ., . .,( j Sfobalr , , Bicycle Court ; J ; To Be Resumed. 1 i: t- - V SILVl3tTON The" Silverton Bicycle 'club and court, under the sponaorsnip ci tne silverton Lions cluhof hlcVlter Standard M nresident. land 1 the '' direction of Night Officer Victor : Grossnickle wiUaTwinsj into i action again -in November 2 when a meeting has been called. ' " ; 1 - Jack McCullough who served as judge last year js now in the coast guard and a new Judge will be chosen to take his place. Jac quelin wis, who served as clerk, has moved to Portland and , her place will also have to be filled.' Wool in j Boston BOSTON1. Oct. 30 (AP) (USDA) Sales of joiginal bag Wyoming wool, running bulk to fine rrencb. comb ing, were mad today on the-Boston wool market at increased prices -of 44 cents, which figures clean price of $1.16. Colorado fine wool was sold at 47 cents for original bag lots shrink ing 60 per cent. Some Texas wool was sold at a I grease price of 41 cents. fine wools continued quiet. ' AWAY. a tHE. CER -VUei CC0(T - - - uyTAjj- fill? hnw SyttsssCMI). asss WflvW tsfMt HMTts) WELL IP WISH ME - y : ... .. .ax - .1 I' CU AJJENTGOrN' TO i&GO AHEAX?! TIA BOMS VOVA6E, OUESS ) GOHHK WKN& r" i" Til. BE .GOING ! Y. AJ20UNC r? k. i in i Nassau- i 2w mW JtvxaT QJELi-.,THc?yS if j m mi -AM THEM.MX1 SMUDGE Atf DlE-iTUST FAIUN; OTFA TERRIBLE SCARED-; I MID Ifl THE BOTTOM OP THE WAGON WHERE , SHE COUIDNTSEE ME- "sBsssBBsmaasasBSssssssseBBsaassasBBassssaBBBsiBBB,,) V LAT g2fAT HAV lsit r . Jl rw-l Kiv I KE VWiT f t aFs, ss a If I i.y - YamMll PJan Picks Spiids -.UNIONVALEN e a 1 3 Stouten burg, almost 77 years of age, while not very rugged has been , doing his best; to rrelieve shortage of farm labor and each clay accom panies his" daughter, "Mrs. Lester Holt of Carlton, arid, his son Wil bur . to. near - independence and picks potatoes for Ui Alderman! - - - - ' ' "zv , r ' iv " HOPEWEUMrs! jGeorge Sai- geaht wasvhosterg to. the Seventh Day - Adventist' Dorcas s o c I e t y Tuesday.' Six members were pre entrwhomale: bandages' for Bed Cross and' embroidery ', work f6r the bazaar to "be held In Novem ber or December. " WHEATLAND--A; w. Doken of Montana was a weekend guest ot his daughterMrs, Lester Scog gan- and- family. .. ,.-1 ? .. -V .' - f ; Patsy " King, Wheatland' pUpiL has returned to ' school " after three weeks' absence. UNIONVALE-i-Rev. 7 and Mrs. Gerald K." Jaffe have moved into the newly remodeled j parsonage after: having kept- house in the Ladies Aid rooms several months'. Prdtum News P R A T U M The PTA enroll- ment . , contest at Pratum ' closed - ET CAOET WALKS AIM IM rUlL . . , g I . . . TAKE OVEB-ywe C4Ui'!:; sea.' rzri?" rVI , A IpYrowai to learn) L. fr- zj , ISVI THS ZX4MA04T TO J ' rTI J NUT fKNOT THAN fc- r THINK HE 1 1 ALL I GOT ROOM R3RJS WTTHEC LIKE A LEAF upI -v. "If TREE - I W545 SEZ, OF TKS MMER5! VOU EVER KARI Cf F.H3HTEP !5A 1 II 1 A;; ' " . . j recently with over a AO per cent gain over lsst year's membership. Three children, Jerry Lynds, Helen and Evelyn Fisher, tied for high score and each received de fense stamps as prizes. Miss Helen Christianson's ; : . room T won the Halloween treats ; for the , room having -the most points In school. 1: . Cash; In A ; Harry . ,Wilh A Personal : : Loan . -: When you need money quickly,- come to us for - a- personal loan. We will be happy to . extend a loan to you without de lay . . . a loan you can repay easily over ; period of time. ; For Money la a Ilnrry ,8ee Stale Finance Co. 2 12-222 Gaardlan Bids. Corner Liberty State ' - - .Telephone . ' S16S. Lie. 8-213 -Bl-222 - BUT NOT POO LONS m r , ax r rrv- 111 I UNLESS THAT. T1EC? ABETTEI? 1 rtkJlk aT. - 1 . m sv . : mi 11 . . n " I - T1T2AL1 4 . . . . i r Ars'AJLLNUfTLONGIKEPT J THE WITCH LAOWAS OU5iM'ME,CAU5E Mf?. 5MUDGE 5HE DOMT LIKE LITTLE GIkLS 5PtCIALlV IP TrEVRE ORPHANS.' a PON RCAR0O Vb THE 6REATE6T CJLL- W HSXlCa CCWT TELL ME MtMBtRf pMKsaSM gassssSeMaBwaSS "jj ' vt.