The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 31, 1942, Page 3, Image 3

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    Valley Clubs
Hold Sessions
Clothing in War Time
Topic for Jefferson
Women's Group
JEFFERSON Mrs. Fred Wied,
Miss Myrtle Myers and Mrs. W. H.
Sherman were hostesses for the
Jefferson Woman's club meeting
Wednesday afternoon in the lib
rary room. Bouquets of fall flow
ers decorated the room. Miss
Frances Clinton, home demonstra
tion agent, spoke on "Clothing in
War Time." She told about cloth
tag that was off the market and
materials that are being used as
substitutes. .
The club voted to buy material
for one layette lor the casualty
station. Refreshments were served
by the hostesses durirfg the social
hour. . - '
Bin. Heater Hostess
UNION HILL Mrs. Maurice
Heater was hostess to the mem
bers of the Union Hill Woman's
club at her home on Wednesday.
Mrs. DoJph Heater, Mrs-JVerny
Scott and Mrs. Harley Scott were
appointed - a committee, to. see
about hot lunches for the school
children.' . "
Mrs. Dolph Heater, Mrs. Verny
. Scott and Mrs. W. M. Tate were
the committee appointed to , ar
range for Bed Cross work for the
dub.- -. - -. : . ! . ; .
The next meeting will be anall
day meeting on November 12 at
the home of Mrs. Dolph Heater. A
covered dish dinner will be serv
ed at the noon hour. Red Cross
sewing will commence at the
meeting. '., v ?"!- ; '
Present for the afternoon were
Mrs. Douglas - Heater, Mary ,and
Margaret,' Mrs." Harley Scott and
Lynn; . Mrs. Henry f Peters,'11 Mrs.
Dolph Heater, Mrs. Verney 'Scott,
Mrs.- W H. Rabens," Mrs."- W. M.
: Tate, -Mrs. Adolph Heater Mrs.
C .E. Heater, Miss Florence-Pot-torff,
and the hostess,' Mrs. Heater
"'and sons' Jimmie and Johnnie. .
Party Takes
Midwest Trip
Pettys of Brush College and Hazel
Price, Salem, are making an ex
. tended pleasure trip to Wisconsin
and South Dakota.' Mrs.' Pettys
will visit, Charles Noyea,
at'Erwin,' SD, while Miss . Prie
will be the guest, of her aunts at
Sioux Falls SD, and Sparta, Wis.
ZENA Mr , a h d Mrs.i W.- Wt
Mendenhall and Neil, Raymond
and Noreen of Brooks are living
at the R. A. Looney farm at Zena,
Mrs. W. E.: Weinberg and family
of Yamhill are moving to the S. D
Crawford farm which they have
leased. The Crawforda are mov
ing to Portland. v:vj
Woman Visits
AUMSVTLLE . Archie War-
: thin Is in the Salem Deaconess
. hospital where he underwent a
' major operation this week. '.
Mrs. Olive Snyder visited her
daughter, Mrs. Betty Frank at
' Mill City this week.
Mrs. Doris Wallings Wood of
Vallejo, Calit, visited at the home
- of- Mr. and -Mrs. A. E. Bradley
N this week. She is well known here,
having graduated from the Aums
eille high school.
John Snyder, employed on gov
ernment work at Kodiak, Alaska,
' : plans to enlist in the army soon,
he reports. He enjoys the climate
. and scenery at Kodiak island. At
present he is with the navy as a
civilian worker.
. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Hilton and
. small son of Grants Pass visited
their parents and attended the
wedding of Merrill Van Cleve and
- Alice Tucker Sunday. ;
Alaskan Workers
Expected Home
Mrs. R. A. Campman and two
children, Charles and David and
Capt and Mrs. Robert Willis have
rented the W. A. Rentschler home
. on Salem Heights avenue. '
The Campmans are from New
Jersey and the Willis from Okla
homa. Both men are stationed on
the Alcan road to Alaska and
now that it Is completed they are
expected home ' on furlough.
Charles is in the first grade at
the Salem Heights school.
,. Jack Craig, son of Dr. and Mrs.
D. D. Craig, returned to Fort
-Lewis Friday after a 14-day fur
- lough spent at home " arranging
his civilian affairs. ,
Scio Club Scheduled
" . SCIO The Garden club
scheduled to meet November 10
"with Mrs. Herbert Winter.
EIj '
: nuns
tonight rrr..-
AT , f
Rowland's Dand
2 Miles North on
River Road
Mid-Willamette ValSe-v
Reports From
County Scrap
Pile Mounting
Designate Election
Day in Jefferson as
For General Pickup
JEFFERSON Miss Frances
Clinton, county home demonstra
tion agent was the speaker at the
community and neighborhood lea
ders meeting Wednesday night in
the school building. It was called
to complete the scrap metal har
vest in Jefferson and local com
munity. It was decided to use the
proceeds from the sale to furnish
a recreation room at Camp Adair,
Election day, November 3, has
been designated as Jefferson
Scrap day, and trucks will calr at
the homes and pick up the scrap
.metal; or if people have' a way to
deliver the scrap they may do so
on election day, Nov. 3. The scrap
is to be brought to the Eades lot
near the blacksmith shop. A sign
with the name Camp Adair, will
mark the spot where the salvage
is to be piled. Anyone wishing to
donate their scrap to other causes
may place it on the Casualty pile.
Miss Clinton also spoke of the
need for waste fat collection; farm
transportation, and on enriched
health through enriched flour and
bread. - ' " 1 "'''..":"'
. Those present were Mrs. Marvin
Hutchings, Mrs.' Robert Terhune,
John Terhune, D. M. Burnett, Miss
Ulyrtle Myers,- Mrs.' Herbert Loo
ney, Mrs. Nettle Reeves, Mrs. Del
mon Buchnef, A. L; Page, Joe Va
sek, Edwin Swart,' and M. D.
Looney. . '
Macleay Plans Drive
MACLEAY Community lead
ers and neighborhood leaders of
Macleay and Shaw ' met - at the
Macleay school house to discuss
plans for the scrap-drive and oth
er future work. '. ; ' ,';
: The' . Macleay" .community . will
turn the swap proceeds in for dis
trict school needs. -The commun
ity leaders .Are M. "A.-Wells .'and
Mrs. Harry Martin, sr. Macleay
neighborhood leaders are Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Coffin, Arthur John
son, Mrs. Arthur Spelbrink, Ed
Tooker and Mrs. Theodore Olson.
Silverton Club Donates
SILVERTON The Silverton
Lion's club, after donating $115
from the sale of its scrap heap to
the Silverton defense- headquar
ters finances, Wednesday - night
voted to -discontinue its scrap heap
at the Palace theatre, lot and af
ter this place the metals jointly
with the city scrap lot. All funds
which the Lions club has received
or its scrap collections have gone
to the defense work. The Lions
club was pioneer in starting the
collection of scrap metal here at
Elmer? Church, Salem, president
of the Oregon Wild Life associa
tion, was guest speaker at the
Wednesday night meeting. Follow
ing the business and program of
the evening, the president, Dale
Lamar, was given a surprise birth
day party by his fellow members.
Lebanon School
Starts Campaign
LEBANON The Lebanon high
school is; beginning the organiza
tion of the high school victory
corps as proposed by the national
office of education, the purpose
being to' have even those of high
school age doing all they can to I
L.I J . 'mm 4 - 4
ui uic war ciiuru
Students are signing up for
service in any one of five 'divi
sions air, land, sea, production
or community services. Insignia
for each division will be given
out later.;
This is one of the first high
schools in the state to begin this
program which has the endorse
ment of the secretaries of war' and
navy as well as of ther high rank
ing officials.
23 Pounds Keys
Taken in Drive
assembly held Friday morning
rewards were given to the chil
dren In the recent key drive. "The
child bringing the most was Rod
ney Watheson of the third grade
with 104 keys; Jodell Peterson of
the sixth grade was next with
SO keys. The boy and rlrl in
each room bringing the greatest
number received a prize in war
stamps. Twenty three pounds of
keys were turned in. Tb teachers
paid out in war stamps prizes to
the amount of 13.70. ,
Valley Birth Reports
Mrs. Jake Tompkins,' jr., October
20, son, Dennis Gerald, at Port
Jand Sanitarium. The boy weighed,
eight pounds and is the fifth grand
child of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Tomp-'
kins, sr.' -
SILVERTON To Mr. and Mrs.
Theodore Kohlmdr of Marquam,
a daughter, October 28 at Silver
ton hospital.
To Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Schnei
der, a son, October 23 at Silver-
ton hospital. "v
The Statesman9 s
Salem, Oregon. Saturday
10,000 Arizonians
! ; - - - '
1 5
Mayer Newell Stewart (right) ef
a double handful of long staple cotton from, one stalk,' as Police
Chief Don Stewart (left) looks en.. Phoenix officials recently led
la.OOO citizens into the cotton fields to salvage vitally needed staple
cotton, when labor shortage endangered the harvest. The fine tex
tared staple cotton ef the Salt river valley la particularly needed
for parachute rigging, gunners'
UN Photo.
HE Club News
TURNER Mrs. 'Anna Farris
entertained the Surprise grange
home economics club Thursday,
asisted by. Mrs. William Spiers.
A luncheon was served and the
afternoon - spent in - needlework;
In November Mrs.' Birdie Denyer
will - entertain' ; the club at ' her
country home.
Present -were Mrs.; Fred Den
hem, Mrs. Raymond Titus and
Alice, Mrs.. Bert Peebles and
grandson, Gordon, Morris, Mrs.
Carrie Mitchell, Mrs. -Frances
Coleman and Dorothy, Mrs. Ar
thur Edwards, Miss Mabel Walk
er, Mrs. Birdie : Denyer, Mr& L.
M. Small, - Mrs.' Spiers and Mrs.
Farris.. ' . . '.' . ; - " - .
Workers Leave
For New Jobs
SILVERTON '.' Trainees who
have completed the welding
course at Allen brothers garage
during the past few days and have
gone to work in the Portland ship
yards are Margaret Johnson, Jack
Williams, Francis Thompson, Nes4
ter Kohln, Alex Bartsoff, Arnold
Brokke, Adeline Rice, Evelyn Wili
liamson. Pearl Dickenson, Dora
Cooper and Roman Amort.
- Phyllis Jean Haberly, who has
been attending business school at
Salem, has accepted employment
with the US employment service
at Salem. ' -
Mrs. Dorothea Webb, who has
been with Steelhamer's Drug store
during the summer months,' has
accepted a position at the state
accident commission at Salem. She
still makes her home with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Range
at Silverton, and "uses the bus for
Jean Tomison, daughter of the
W. JL Tomisons of Silverton, now
has a secretarial position . with
Consolidated Freightways in Port
land. Her brother, Bill Tomison,
Is employed with the same firnt
Lebanon Women
Send Men Gifts
The Lebanon unit of the Wo
men's Relief Corps sent a box of
goodies to Shepperd Field in Tex
as for distribution among the
Oregon men stationed there. This
week they received " a letter of
thanks from ' a young : man in
training there whose home is in
Oregon though not in this part
of -the state. '
Mrs. Mary Fern of Grants Pass
will inspect the work of this past
at their next meeting, November
13. The business session will be
preceded by a covered dish din
ner at the. home of Mrs. Perry
Ginther. " " . -
At the last meeting the mem
bers made a layette which they
plan to donate to a Portland baby
Jefferson Hunters : -Return
From Trip
JEFFERSON ' W. R. Terhune
and son Bob and Clair Haight re
turned home Monday from a
hunting trip in Central Oregon,
each bagging a fine deer.
Other successful deer hunters,
who returned home Wednesday
were W. L. Jones, C C Miller and
Elmer Knight
J. T. Jones and Karl Steiwer at
tended the republican rally at the
Marion hotel in Salem Wednesday.
Community Correspondents
Morning, October 31, 1942
Salvage Cotton
' '
Phoenix, Aria is pictured shewing
belta and ether war materials
Visitors Go
To California
ELDRIDGE Mr! and Mrs. J. E.
Williams and Phillip Williams of
Carthage, HI, left last week for
California ' where they will": visit
relatives before returning home.
The Williams spent a week here
at the A. W. Nusom home. Mrs.
Nusom and Mrs. Williams are
The joint birthdays of Mr! Wil
liams and E. J. Becker were ob
served , Sunday when Mrs. Beck
er entertained at her home .here
with a family " dinner. Present
were Mr! and' Mrs. Williams,
Phillip Williams of Carthage, Mr.
and Mrs. . Hollis - Becker of Val
lejo, Calif., Norris Becker, Mr.
and Mrs. E. J. Becker.
Mr. and Mrs. Hollis Becker re
turned to their home in Vallejo
after spending time with Becker's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Beck
Mr. and Mrs. Don DuRette, jr..
have rented the Roach place. By
ron . Roach is in the service and
Mr. Roach, sr, will travel. , "
. . Mrs. John Klenski V who has
been ill the past few weeks is
staying at the home of her daugh
ter, Mrs. Floyd . Johnson.
Lee Cobarn and Ed Janeicke
left last week for Newberg where
they will work' in the walnut or
chards. Transferred
RTVERDALE Enthusiasm in
creases as the scrap pile grows.
The school has lost seven, pupils
recently. They were--Louise
Thompson, Joyce Thomson, Hazel
Strawn, who will attend Auburn;
Doris Vance and Raymond Vance,
and Betty Jean Vahce, who have
transferred - to Lake Labish, and
Howard Nairn, who enrolled : in
Seattle. ' , . J-: Z,
Those pupils having, perfect at
tendance records for the first
month of school are the following;
Gloria Newman, Vern Klein, The-
rona Macklin,' Calvin Pearsall,
Shirley Pearsall, Charles Smull,
Betty Alice Kihs, Robert PearsalL
Ruth Newton, Jane Nichols, Ger
maine Eyerly and Lily Peterson.
David Dunne and Mr. and Mrs.
John Zielinski and family were
dinner guests at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Nowak October
25. .v:yv?..-
Labisli Center
Aid Group Meets
Aid met Wednesday at the Noble
Raglahd home. The annual La
dies' Aid dinner will be held on
November 18 with Mrs. Joe-Burr,
Mrs. Pete Russ and Mrs. W. B.
Aker acting on the dinner commit
tee and Mrs.' Harlan PearsalL
Mrs. Nathan Kurth and Mrs. Hor
ace Bibby arranging the program.
Those attending were, Mrs. W.
R. Daugherty, Mrs. Arlo Pugh and
Shirley, Mrs. Westergaard, Mrs.
Ernest Dunn, Mrs. Art Rasmussen,
Mrs. Pete Russ and Barbara Jean,
Mrs. Harry Boehm, Mrs. Horace
Bibby and Irene, Mrs. W. A. SUr
ker, Mrs. Harlan Pearsall and Ja
net, - Mrs- Frank Bell, Mrs. Joe
Burr and Jaunita and the hostess,
Mrs. Noble Ragland.
i EiUiIDT ''
'. ' tot
. Cily.Il:::ri:r 7
Deputy City Recorder for the
Past Eighteen Years -Honest
Experienced-: Capable
Qualified by .Experience
; , Paid Adv.
Many Pupils
Miiir Funeral
To Be Saturday
Street Commissioner
OWoodburn 13 Years
Dies on Thursday
- WOODBURN John Muir. 62!
died -a this home, 434 Cleveland
street, Thursday. He had lived
in Woodburn for the past 18
years, coming here : from ?- The
Dalles. He has been in Oregon
for 85 years. He was born in
Union Town, Penn, April 7, 1880.
Mr. Muir was street commissioin
er for. Woodburn for 13 years. .
- Survivers included his widow,
Nellie, a daughter, Grace Muir
luipatnck of Honolulu; ; two
brothers, Albert and Jacob of
Kan."- . - - '
.' Jmeral services Twill be held
Saturday at 2 o'clock from the
Ringo chapel with burial in ML
jesx ADoey, Salem. Ringo of
Woodburn, is In charge of ar
rangements. Riinnesota Man on
Trip to West Coast -
MT. ANGEL Walter Welton
og Tacoma, Wash, and Donald
Courchane of Maple Lake, Minn.,
were guests at the home of Mr,
and Mrs. Robert J. Welton .Wed
nesday. ;.; ,,. .
;The - visitors returned. toATaco-'
ma Thursday. Courchane is on an
extended vacation before , enlist
ing in the navy. ; . -. i w
Ilednccd Yonr Properly Tax
Support Yonr Schools:
On' the IUsis of the Estimated J14,000,
. income Tax Kevenue . ; ;
I fctcbne Tax Diversion Dill Ucidd:
1. Reduce School Property Levies, for example:'-"'
Salem , . approx. . 0.1 mills ' Keizer . . approx. 12.4 mills
Duvown, approx. io.
Woodburn " 17.0 ?
i V , , 2. Leave The State of Oregon
Approximately $700,000.00 MORE Than They Had from the
- ' . Same Source Last Year
For Farther Facts Tune Radio Station KOIN '
rt - ' Monday 5:15 T. VL
Paid Adv. by Marion
fea Ml
.. By IM
Gif t Shower
Given Friend
Turner Women Honor
"Guests on Sunday; 1 '
Entertain Visitors
TURNER Mrs. W. R. Hog
sed and daughter, Mrs.' Gene Poi
tras entertained a group of "guests
Sunday at the Hogsed home, with
a gift shower honoring Mrs.' Leo
Klokstad. .
Mr.' and Mrs. Robert Hatfield
of Spokane, ;Wash, lef t, for their
hohme Monday after a week's
visit in Turner with his parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hatfield. The
wedding oi Mrs. Leona Walsh and
Robert Hatfield was an event of
September 21 at Couer'dAlene,
Idaho, They are residing in Spo
kane where Hatfield is employed
in the creamery, j - -
- Mrs. Frances Ball is slowly re
covering from a, severe fair suf
fered, several weeks ago near her
Turner home. She was taken to
a Salem hospital for several days
before being removed to the home
of her son and wife, Mr. and Mrs.
CordeJ Ball in Salem, She received
a hip injury and bruises, and is
now. much improved and hopes to
return to ner home here soon.
.." After a four-day visit in' Mc
Minnville, her former home, with
her son-in-law and daughter, Mr,
and Mrs. Raymond Payne, Mrs. N.
W. Hutchens returned to her Tin
ner home on Tuesday. While in
McMinnvule Mrs.' Hutchens vis
Ited Rev. and Mrs. Willis Douglas
of Siletx Methodist church, form
erly of the Turner pastorate, who
had stopped over there enroute to
Mrs. M. B. Madden is enjoying
several weeks , trip. . in . Seattle,
Wash4 where she is the guest of
her 'children ' and ' families. Rev.
Madden is still y on -his several
months' tour in the east; in the
interest of the Mission; board. The
Stayton . approx. 16.7 n
Salem Heights " 22.8 "
County, Division OJ5.TA.
Few Days Remain
Take I'Advantege cl the Anneal
(Postal iWnhtions Prohibit Delivery by Mail ia Salea Qty Mail
Over 11:3 Lz-dzx, IZciiLly Ildl Hz!:
The paper that brings to yon news of the world and cf yonr community
each day. Send In your subscription now. - Have your1 favorite paper
. delivered by mail - each . day. - Bargain offer ends in a few days.
' . - '.
EM .?C3 Sd::": .ft day
Maddens are missionaries who
have spent 45 years in Japan.
Following a 13-month rest, the
Turner fire department responded
promptly Tuesday noon to a fire
alarm when Mrs. C A. Bones'
Cue was burning out No damage
was done, and the flames were
quickly extinguished. Former Fire
Chief' Albert Jensen, 'home on
furlough from the army air corps
at , Las Vegas, Navv was at the
uwheel of the fire truck when it
T 1 . ' V ... . .1
onswcrcu uic can. u spue VI uie
extremely dry summer, with fire
hazards great, the volunteer de
partment had its first call-in 13
months Tuesday in a ' drizzling
rain. . ; .,- .:; ';; -'"'jyxJ
Stolen north of Turner ik last
week while Kenneth Barber was
out pheasant hunting, the pick-up
belonging to Lee Barter, Turner
merchant, has been returned here.
When found near Parkdale where
the" two escaping convicts, had, the car was minus two
wheels with practically new tires.'
Otherwise the faithful delivery
truck seems . none the worse for
wear.", . :
.' The' . Victoria chapter of East
ern Star held initiation Wednes
day in the Masonic hall with Mrs.
Carrie Thoma, worthy patron pre
siding. Refreshments were served
the members with Mrs. Hildred
Roberts, . chairman of that com
mittee.' A second, initiation meet
ing is planned for November.
Election Dinner toj
Be Served by Women
, TURNER The- women of ' the
Methodist church will, serve an
election day dinner: November 3
at the home of Mrs. W. R. Hog
sed. 'A committee meeting was
held to outline plans and decide
on. the menu.
" A plate dinner will be served.
' state . .
Charles ' L. McNary for United SUtes Senator
James W. Mott for Representative in Congress
Earl Snell for Governor " - -Robert
S. FarrelV Jrfor Secretary of State
W. E. Kimsey for Labor Commissioner
Allan G. Carson for State Senator -Douglasr
McKay for State Senator I ;
W. W. Chadwick for State Representative
H. R. (Fanner) Jonesfor State Representative
L." M. Ramage for State Representative '".
John- F.' Steelhammer f or State Representative :
Graat Murphy tw Ccantr Jodce
Jim E. Smith for County Commissioner ;
Herman Wm. Lanke for County Recorder
Joseph B. Felten for Justice ef the Peace. Salem District
Frank W. Megan for Constable, Salem District
This ad, sponsored by
Marion County Republican Central, Committee
.C A. Lewis, Chairman
(Paid Advertisement)
in addition to hamburgers 5
chill. Mrs. Hogsed is chairman
of the committee, and assisting
her are Mrs. Fred Dierks, Mrs.
Mollie Spiers, Mrs. Stella Miller,
Mrs. Ellison Whiteaker.
Geo. IL Duncan
Nonisee for
Y'f II
BaUd IIo. 15 .
- . . - '-' .
rnnst and ImpjtrtUI consid
eration ef all eeprt matters.
Uablased and Courteous treat
ment ef ail persons. Strict At
tenUoa te Beslness.
Pd. Adv.
. s &