life IMbm) s S ran on itd n ira pn aau H' :': t. "';;n'r'-- n. n: l mmm on mm tar evera . .: . . - ' ' v ' - '777 ; .-7:7 7; 7 Ml HE 15 30 -7 Dir Wfeltfii 0 m li Mi eiII m sfel 1 to .pxuiir t tyra ion THINK about it as revenge a way to get bade at the scum who have attacked us. Or thinlc about it as a little more protection for our fighting men something you, yourself , can do to bring as many as possible horns alive. But think about itiow f or the scrap in hemes, Wishing for just one more clip of cartridges. Or to see the enemy rolling through your lines be cause you didn't have just a few more tanks. - Or maybe you don't care! farms and factories has got to be moving to stock piles within the next few weeks or if may be too late! : Rlaybe you don't Imov what it means to have production fall off. Maybe you can't imagine how it feels to bs hunkered down in a foxhole it, 3G S5c We think 3rou do. We feel that your whole com munity is ready to rise up and bring in the scrap as soon as you get a chance. So you're going to get that chance! . Right Now the newspapers of Oregon are get ting behind the biggest drive you've ever seen, to get in this precious material. And you're going to pitch in, too; because this situation b serious. Start looking around your place for scrap today. If you've got a son in the service, do it for ftirm Do it for the neighbor's boy for those fine young chaps you just passed, out on the street . v". .. '' , w , 7" 777 ' - 7' . - '. : '. - -. ';. : .. ; ;7" ' -;, -ry "': '77 r' 1 ' "; 0 ' ? 1 ' ' - a : ; s. : . , ; ... ;.. - ' ' - ... - -. . - , . 1 , Above all do it for your country ; and do it now! ' " ' I J-.; ..rTl'.-'.M ' '7 4 ' i-' -I.: ft. ft. J ' .' 1 TTEiiiG Spcco ConCrcu God Isy . . i r :f'7 n PCUMCSD JCSI