The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 28, 1942, Page 6, Image 6

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TLa OZTGOn STATCMAIL Ccdest Orjon, V7dnday Morning, October 3. 1S12
At Show.
Around SO tablet of auction,
contract and pinnochle were ' in
play at the clubhouse, when
members of the Salem Junior !
Woman's club entertained with,
their annual fashion bridge on
Monday night Proceeds from
the successful affair will go to
assist in equipping the Salem
Woman's Ambulance cotpi
Mrs. S. H. Boardman took1 first
place in contract. Miss Hazel
Payne in auction and Miss B.
Taylor in pinnochle,;
Models for the show of vie-'
tory styles were Mrs. John Kolb,
Mrs. Talbot Bennett, Mrs. L. M.
Falkenhaeen. Mrs. ? Kenneth
Dalton, Mrs, Carmelita Peterson,
Miss Ann Holmes, Miss Margaret . ,
Trommlitz and Miss Hazel Shutt
' Mrs. James T. Brand was
commentator for the style show,
which preceded the evening of
1 cards. .. . :
Regents ' Attend
Past Regents of Chemeketa
i chapter. Daughters of the Amer
ican Revolution, will drive to
Dallas on Saturday to attend a
no-host luncheon at the home
of Mrs. ' Oscar Hayter. Lunch-
eon ww oe served at i o ciock.
, "Steer will be the subject
for the program, which is un
der the direction of the Dallas
UKIUUUI VI wte ciuuf. 1VUS.
Herbert Ostlind Is" president of
the Past Regent's club.
Shrubs, Bulbs to
Be Featured '., .
Ladies circle of the night Me
morial church will hold its an
- nual shrub and bulb tea at the "
church this afternoon at 2
: o'clock.
The committee Includes Mrs.
0. r. xayior, ran. alexia JUits,
Mrs. A. Morgan, Mrs. G. Rob
ertson, 'Miss Florence Hicks and
Aiiss Anarea ipsen. ,
Mrs. Martin Llzberg (Velleda
Ohmart) and her small son, Carl'
John, leave today to return to
j their home in Portland after a
three-day stay in Salem with
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ohmart and
Mrs. Velleda Ohmart Little
Miss Elinor Lou Lizberg. has
been visiting, meanwhile, with
grandparents in Oregon City.
hi o
h ft tv
Join the Fall and Winter "dress parade with this'
new Pattern Book by Anne Adams. It't stirring :
loll call of American Fashion. Each. easy-to-use
pattern conforms with the War Production Board
rulings to save material; yet each is new and smart.5 v
YouTl find "just-right"styTei for every taste. For'
fnine o'clock scholars dateline specials as well as'
classroom classics. For the miss with a wartime job
pa. whole "L-85" wardrobe. And for on-f urlougV
wear the new slim hut softly draped afternoon :
fand evening styles. Special selections for average -jtall
or short stouts; action-free kiddie 'clothes;
imilitary wedding. Order your Anne Adana Pattern ,
XookOODAYl - ' ... . ,
Te ltai tW ASJbtm$
Tatteni Department, til TVest
Party Plans
: AreMade
Mrs. Gustav Erickson was in
stalled right supporter to the
'noble grand on Monday at Sa
lem Rebekah lodge. Under good
of the order, Mrs. Vera Suko
held a songfest
Plans were made for Three
Link - club sewing Tuesday In
addition to the regular Wednes
day afternoon sewing. Drapes
for Camp Adair are to be made.
The report on the USO for
last Sunday stated that 550 sol
diers were served. Plans were
made to have a card party No
vember 9 and it was suggested
that soldiers be invited.
A no-host dinner will be giv
en at the Golden Pheasant the
evening of November 30, when
the state president makes her
official visit to the lodge.
Mi. and Mrs. Howard Blankly;
(Irene Grice) were surprised
Tuesday night by a large group
of friends who came to serenade
them. : Halloween refreshments
were served after an informal
hour. The young couple are liv
Ing temporarily at the home of
the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Amnion Grice.
Mrs. George McCluskey, the
former Dorene Davis who was
bookkeeper at a local doctors'
office, hat been visiting friends
in Salem and her father, Charles
Davis, in Sflverton. She left
Monday for Washington, DC, to
Join her . husband, Lieut Mc
, Cluskey, who is in the postal di
vision of the US army.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wood
burn of Seattle, Mrs. A. D.
Craig of Napa, Calif., and Ma.
I. R. SaUaday'of Camp Adair
were "weekend guests at the
home of Mr. and , Mrs. John
Woodburn, route seven Salem.
Prttr Book ami TEtf
cor c milm&
17tk Eireet, New York, N.
Captain Ruth
(Cut courtesy , Camp Adair Sentry)
Will Talk on
The home hospitality commit
tee of the Hostess league will
hold a meeting at the chamber
of commerce in the Cherry room
at 7:30 o'clock tonight. Joining
with representatives from the
churches. '
Captain Alex F. Ruth will dis
cuss with the group what the
soldiers want lit the way of
home hospitality. Captain Ruth
Is. special service officer at Camp
, Adair, and is responsible for rec
reational activities of soldiers
stationed there. Mrs. W. L. Phil
lips, chairman of the hospitality
committee will preside at the
Mr. and Mrs. Breyman Boise
and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hug
gins entertained a group of
friends at a buffet supper at the
Boise home on Saturday night
in honor of Mr. Kenneth Bailey,
who left this week for Ft Lew
la to enter the army.
Delta Phi sererlty la to enter
tain Its alumnae at a 12:30
luncheon Saturday as a feature
of homecoming at' Willamette
ZENA Mr. and Mrs. S. D.
Crawford and ' daughter, Miss
Gladys Crawford were compll
men ted with a farewell party at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy
E. Barker Saturday night, when
members of the Spring Valley
Home missionary society - were
hostesses. A gift was presented
by Mrs. Elwood Cooper, presi
dent, and Mrs. Wayne D; Henry
made the presentation.
Mr. and Mrs. Crawford have
. leased -their farmland are mov
ing to Portland In November.
Miss Gladys will attend Willam
ette university.
A social evening preceded re
freshments which were -served
to Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Crawford
and Miss Gladys, Mr. and Mrs.
Elwood Cooper and Dickie, Mr.
and Mrs. Hugh Craig and Mich
ael, Mr. and Mrs. Roy X. Barker
and Sammy, Mr. and Mrs.
Wayne . D. Henry. Mr. and Mrs.
W. W. Henry Mr. and Mrs. W.
Frank Crawford, Mr. and Mrs.
C. F. Merrick and Audrey, Miss
Koneta Nowdweijski, Miss Bar
( bara Douglas, Mr. and Mrs. John
' Cnflders, Mrs. Osmer Cooper,
- Mr. and Mrs. Ben McKinneyand
Macyle and Phyllis, Mr. and
Mrs. L. J. Mickey, Mr. and Mrs.,:
A. L. Kinton, Mr. and Mrs. E.
Atkinson, Mr. and Mrs. Ralphs
H. Scott, Mrs. V. A. Stratton,
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Stephens,:
Mr. S." H. Barker, Mrs. Lois
Crawford, Mrs. Walker Pur
vine, Mrs. Greta Hlatt. Mrs.
Lloyd Allen, Miss Elizabeth At
kinson.'' '
AUMSVILLE Wednes a y.
Mrs. Gertrude McKee was sur
prised on her ; birthday, when
friends and relatives gathered at
her home. Mrs. McKee ; has
been, confined to her room for
the past two 'months from the
effects of a light stroke. Guests
surmising Mrs. McKee were Mr.
and Mrs. "L M. Doughton, Mr.
and Mrs. Don Douchton and son
Jacky of Salem, Mrsv). E. "Rob
erts and Betty Jo Roberts, Mrs.
Lee Highbereer, Mr. : and Mrs. :
William Pickell.
Georte Dickinson." Klamath
Falls, brother ' of Mrs. McKee,
visited her Friday. - '
JEFFERSON -I Mrs. C r a e a
Thurston has returned from To
ledo, where she has been visit
ing at the home of her son-in-law
and daughter, Mr., and Mrs.
T. F. Skelton, and family. She
attended - the wedding of her
granddaughter. Miss Carol Skel
ton and Glen Verdon, of Port
land, solemnized October .18.
The Skelton family are former
residents of this community.
They wm make their home In
- Portland. . . :
Meets at
Young's. .
Mrs. James .Young was host
ess on Tuesday afternoon at her
: Summer street home to mem
bers of the senior hostess com-
mittee of ' the Hostess league,
. of which she is co-chairman
. with Mrs. Waldo Zeller. Follow
i ing the ; meeting,: Mrs. Young
served tea to her guests.
- Present . as members of the
. committee were Mrs. Phillip E.
Barrett, Mrs. E. A. Brown, Mrs.
'Carl Emmons, Mrs. Byron B
' Herrick, Mrs. .? Edward Majek,
Miss Vivian Chandler, Mrs. Her
bert Rahe, Mrs. George 1L Rho
ten, Mrs. Mona 'Yoder and the
chairmen. : " '
Au Revoir
Party .
Mr. and , Mrs. Holly. Jackson
were honored by members of
the Oregon Mounted posse and
their wives at the Lee U. Eyer
ly ranch last week. Mr. and Mrs.
Jackson left this weekend, she
will live with her family in San
"Francisco, while Mr. Jackson
enters officers' training in Chi-
cago. --v-'t -
Present were: Mr. and Mrs.
Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. N. C
Hubbs, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Zo
sel, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Perry,
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rmnnt
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Heater,
Mr. and Mrs. Van Wieder, Mr.
and Mrs.' Vic Kelly, Dr. and
Mrs. Fred Ellis, Mr. and -Mrs.
Lee Eyerly, Mrs. Forest Ed
y wards, Mr. Andy Burk and Mr.
Ray Garlic.
Jason Lee
Meetings , "
Jason Lee Methodist WSCS
circle meetings for today are:
January-July, Mrs. C TL Stin-
nette, 460 North Winter street, 1
pjn. - ; ':t
February-August, Mrs." W. P.
MiUer,. 378 North 23rd street,
laO p.m. J: ,.
March-September, Mrs. M. W.
Ready, . 155S Madison street, S
p.m. ' :. .-
April-October, no meeting.
May-November, Mrs. Robert
Klempel, 3215 Center street, 1:30
June-December, Mrs. Mark
WUbur, 1405 North Church
street, 1:30 pjn.
dinner party honored the birth
day of Rosanna Alexander Fri
day. On her return home from
a week of school at Oregon Col
lege of Education, Miss Alex
ander found a group of friends
ready to wish her birthday
At the party were Rosanna
Alexander, Rev. and Mrs. Loyal
Vickers, Rosalie Vickers, Jessie
Jones, Mildred Goresline, Betty
Mae Peyree, Lillian Paulson,
Geraldine Paulson, Don Dickin
son, Mrs. W. N. Alexander, and"
Mr. and Mrs. Gail Alexander.
A Well-Fitting Slip
A hand-made slip Is an Inex
: pensive luxury when you sew
your own! Pattern 4945 by Anne
Adams has well-shaped bodice
. sections and smooth panels. The
embroidery is done from trans
fer pattern.
Pattern ' 4943 is available ' hi
misses' and women's sizes 14, 16,
18, 20, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40 and 42.
, Size 18 takes 2V. yards 39 inch.
y:j r;:iT3 r.:3 surra tzzz
ri nnnm
V you ruffer tram hot Cashes. 61txU
Beaa, distress or "lrregulanues", an
vsk, nerrous C u to tin tuncuoaal
nidJ:e-!re" period la a woman's
Ufa try Lydla E. PtaUchams Vegw.
tabla Compound. It's beiped thoa
sands epoa tiWtisaortB cl womea to
rettere such annoying mntwna.
Follow label direction. t-iaam's
Cuocipouad la sMjrtA tryUiji
Flying Mothers - . -
Hands That Rock Cradle, Wield Stick
' ' - " Wide World Features Writer
"AN EASTERN ARMY AIR BASE Now eight American
boys and girls can brag: "My mama flies army planes too.
She's ferrying Pt-19-A's and L4-BV
I just spent aMay at a ferrying division of the air transport
command to watch these first feminine ferry fliers fit their
civilian .flight experience Into the precision of the army -air
They are . inspiring pioneers,
, including their director, Mrs.
Nancy Harkness Love, of Boston,
28-year-old prematurely-g r a y
halred beauty with big blue eyes
and 1200 hours flying time.
Mothers taking the four-week
. ferry - (which can end
whenever, the army says they're
in tune) are: Mrs. Betty Hurler
Gillies, of Long Island, president
of the :fl9ers," an organization
of women pilots ' founded by
Amelia Earhart in ; 1929; Mrs,
.Helen Mary Clark, of ikigle
wood, NJ, each with two chil
dren, and Mrs. Catherine Slo
cum, of Bryn" Mawr, Pa, who
has four. '
- ' These are not the first, women
fliers In civilian war work. Al-,
; ready, there are several squad
' rons of women pilots patrolling
this t country. Many women
teach flying now, and ' women
test pilots akay planes at factory
. " But the sight of a slight five
foot modern matron lugging a
parachute toward an army trainer-plan
Inspires serious think
ing. Typical applicant fer the
ferry service is about 3t years
Id, married, with an child,
13 years af flying with aboat
1411 hears in various types of
planes. Be says the office ef
the director of women pilots, -Second
Ferrying Group, Fer
rytar Dlvtelen - Air:, Transport
Cemmasd, War Departzaent,
Washingtan, Da That's' tha
.place t send applications. .
Although only experienced pi
lots, with at least SO hours in
the air in the past year and at
least 500 altogether can be con
sidered for ferrying, about 40
letters come to Washington daily
from women who want to learn"
how to fly.
The schedule at the ferrying
school Is stiff. The women have
Winners ef the bridge tourna
ment Monday night, field t the
EksV temple, were: North and
south, Mrs. George D. Hender
son and Mrs. C. C. Gabriel, first
and Mrs. Paul Burns and Mrs.
Earl Fisher, second; east and
west, Mrs. Arthur Binegar and
Mrs. L. D. Howell; first, Mrs.
Arthur. Rogers and Mrs. Fred
Stump, second, v This is a reg
ular weekly eveni at the Elks'
temple. -! '
Oregon Women's Ambulance
corps of Salem has announced
plans for a benefit dance and
card party to be held at the Elks
club Friday, November 6. Funds
from the party are to be used in
equipping the organization's new
ambulance. The Elks lodge has
donated us of its facilities, for
the benefit event
shower honoring Miss. Mildred
Goresline was given by Mrs;
Loyal .Vickers, Mrs. Gail Alex
ander, and Mis Rosanna Alex
ander the social rooms of the
Baptist church Thursday night
Following the making of Indi
vidual bride's books, Miss Gores
line opened the gifts.
Present were Mildred Gores--line,
Mrs. Hersel Peyree, Mrs.
Lyle Ruch of Salem, Mrs. Roy
Yung and daughter of i Salem,
Mrs. Dean Wattenbarger and
Jerry, Mrs. Felix Wattenbarger,
Mrs. Eunice Werline, Mrs. Lloyd
Goresline, Ruby Goresline Mrs.
Etta Welch, Mrs. J. M. Crabtree,
Audrey Crabtree, Mrs. , A. W.
Foster, O. E. Martin, Mrs. Carl
Preisler and Joyce, Jessie Jones,
Mrs. Byron Ruddell, Mrs. Chap
pell, Esther Chappell, Mrs. A.
A. Sylvester, Mrs. Viola Simon
ton, Mrs. B. F. Swope, Mrs. ,T.
P. Sharp, Mrs. Ray Howard,
Marguerite Foster, Mrs. Jake
Jones, Rosalie Vickers, and the
South Circle. 1st Chrictlaa
church, with Mrs. D. A. Whita,
aU day meeting. ' "
AAUW literary section B. 1:11
p .m. with Mrs. George Ross
man. S10 North Capitol street.
. Women's association of First
Presbyterian church, at S p. -m
with executive board at li:30.
Ntkriaka- auiriUary, 1 J :30
. luncheon with Mrs. Ben Ran
dall. 1840 Nob Hill.
South Salem WCTCT, wlfli Mrs.
' O K. Roas. 234 East MiUer
' street, t p. m.
Neighbors of Woodcraft, with '
Irene Hensel, Route seven, box
485. covered Usa dinner after
wards. THU&SDAY
Book and Thimble club, with
Mrs. . Charles Adams, Kincwood
ctrlve. ,
FRtOAT ' ' ' - ' ' " ...
- . Yotnarco class, t Tlrst Metho
disn church, covered dlsr din
ner. SO p. m. 1 .
Methodist WSCS groups, day of
prayer meetings, 10 a. m.
GZ1E3 Un-; '
Put a few drops of Va-tro-nc4 rp
each ncstrll at the very f.rst snLI
or sneeze. Its quick action
. aUs f iature's defenses
c!iinst cr,m'. Follow , .
directions fmt
their own alert room, where a
record is kept of where they are
all the time. It's a seven-day-a-week
program starting at 8:30
ajn. daily. Roll call comes at S
am. And they have drill, too.
During . part of their approxi
mately 25 hours of flying here
the trainees of ten have definite
directions to follow, Including
forced landings.. :
: The barracks are bare as only
military barracks can be. The
girls get no frills for their rooms,
but some add curtains and a few
conveniences. They pay 73 cents
a night for a room. Lunch at the
officers mess Is 50 cents,' and it's
good and hearty food. ' f
A woman reports her at her
own expense after an Interview
and physical examination by an
army flight surgeon. ; Her she
gets an interview, flight check
and a check of creditlals, also
by the army. - - - . . . .
The girl flying candidate takes
exactly the same test a male pilot
takes for the ferrying. Finally
she appears before board of
three army officers who review
her records and flight check to
prononunce her a WAF (mem
ber of Women's Auxiliary Fer
rying Squadron).
After her four-week training
' period ends she probably will
spend only ten per cent of her
time at this base.
Her pay is $3000 a year $250
the month.
She wears a GI flight suit for
flying but other times wears a
gray-green - gabardine- jacket
with skirt or slacks which is reg
ulation but is not called a uni
form. The WAACs are the only
women with the army authorized
to wear uniforms. Director Love
calls these flight suits "teddy
. bear suits." k , : ?y
Already the WAFs have 1m
- pressed the soldiers who've
seen them drill r fly. Their
resvaltions are fewer than the!
WAACs. every sln seems t
say "Women Working."
Today's Menu
liver will be mad Into the
day's meat special, dessert will
b fresh fruit, ,
: Avocado salad
Buttered broccoli '
; Savory liver
4 5 Baked potatoes '
Grape cobbler"
1 pound beef liver
1 cup water '
1 tablespoons vinegar j
4 tablespoons flour
4 tablespoons bacon fat
v V cup chopped onions
cup diced celery ,
1 tablespoon chopped parsley
1 cup boiling water
Vt teaspoon salt
Cut liver into inch pieces.
Cover for It minutes with water
t new
trsr Wli :
Extra Bras I
' $12$ to j
Buena Crest
School Elects
BUENA CREST Officers of
the Buena' Crest School club for
the second "month of school are
Helen Ritchey, president; Buddy
DeGeer, vice president; Charles
Beckner and Alfred Meithof, play
ground inspectors; Bobby DeGeer,
, The softball team has played
two games, both with the Pratum
team. Buena Crest won both, the
first one 12 to 8 and the second
one 17 to C v
Various" committees are at work
-planning a Halloween party to be
held following the afternoon. re
cess on Friday.;.. -i-'- .
The spelling honor roll for the
past twp weeks has Included Glenn
Robertson, Donald Meithof, Helen
Ritchey, Betty Diem, Alta Hadley,
Elaie Field, Jack Hall, Beverly
Meithof, Mildred Meithof, Cedle
Kemp, Arlene Cook, Donna Hall
and Glenn Janes.
UNIONVALK The Union vale
school enrollment has reached 40
by the Hilton-Moss family moving
Into the district Paul Moss and
A. F. Moss both beginners, and
Emily Hilton in the Cftb, grade
and Lila Hilton In the sixth grade.
The family moved to the James
Putnam cottage.
Gils traps Home
From Long Trip
TURNER Rev. and Mrs. LJ.
Gilstrap returned Sunday from
three weeks trip with Rev. and
Mrs. Alton Brostrom pastors of
the EnglewOod Christian church
in Portland, to the North Ameri
can Christian convention held at
Indianapolis. En route the party
stopped over at Enid, Okla- to
visit Margaret Gilstrap, senior at
Phillips university, and daughter
of Rev. and Mrs. Gilstrap.
In Mutual, Okla., they were
truest of Mr. and Mrs. Gene
ELUngton, Mrs. Gilstrap's sister
and her husband. At Chicago, EL,
the party visited with Dr. and
Mrs. Barnett Blakemore, Jr. Mrs.
Blakemore was formerly Jose
phine Gilstrap, and her husband
is an Instructor in the University
of Chicago. During the absence
of the Gilstrap's, Henry Leep and
Mrs. O. A. Warren were acting
superintendent and matron of the
Turner Memorial home.
Many Enrolled
For Bible Class
Brokke, Bible school Instructor,
reports that " 145 pupils are now
enrolled . In the week-day Bible
school which is held at the Eugene
Field school building. The classes
are open to third, fourth and
fifth grade pupils and are nonde
nominational. Six classes of 45 minutes, dura-
and vinegar. Drain, wip off
with sof paper. Sprinkle liver
with flour and brown in fat, add
onions and celery. Cook slowly
S minutes. Add rest of Ingredi
ents. Cover and simmer 20
principle oco
nni::s mi VML '.DLViNSIOIl
At skees mast be fttod by width aad aortia, U
oddities t leagtk. to cestoaa-Ct sewr foet . . . m
year fewMUUea skeuld be Stted to Hir DEVELOP
MENT aad proportiea to eastoavCt m Ifsre.
fition , . UU aital iimtmritmt" i
new effers'as Way'varlaiueu ef tas viUl dimtnsioa
; as tLen art widtks ia shoes, to gits yoa eustem-;! f
like fit as a other foaadaUoa caa. Actually, taie1!
diffsreat creatioa is two separate garateata, a emue1 1
. aad brassier. Four pateated Ubs secure tam iat 1
a auperUy smooth aU-ia-oaa. Artist Model gives'
yoa & combioed benefiU of tae exact girdl type;
proportioned t your Vital dimension, vita U ' i W .
exact braaaier type that does all the right thiags
foe yew bust Br wkiib of U a jiffy for dail
Jaaaderfttg. . . .
, 'Also . ,
DETACHABLE BXA Lacing down the
" a. ... . . f
mure xroni suppianu precious elastic, out,
this is no 'ersatz' corset It is masterly
. " designed to give you more comfort, more i
control, more all-over smoothness than '
you've ever known In any garment See
It today!
A epedd ARTIST MODEL animated window display -depicts
ths new Artist Model foundations in miniature. At
Miller's all this week. M.
ivizller $
tion are held each Wednesday
with Bibles, from the Gideon so
clety used as textbooks.
. The week-day Bible school wai
started at the Silverton publle
school three years ago through
the efforts of the late Miss Clar
issa Brager, a former Sflverton
high school teacher1, and the Sil
verton Ministerial association. "
Coffe Given Run
PORTLAND, Oct 27.-iP)-An-nouncement
. of coffee rationing
brought a run on - local stores
Tuesday- with the result . that
many 1 rm 1 1 ed buyers to one
pound while others displayed
signs: ;"Sorry,our. quota is sold."
fhos tiredf Not . X
Just got a pair of
Itaglo Stride valk'
log shoes.
They're flexi
lbl as ay Own f oot-
and blissfully cosfort.
ablt Fl that
butter-soft calf? Feel
. i
that soft paddd cushion
at th ball of th foot?
No wonder I can walk
for hdnrs without
fltng tired! 4 -
155 N. Liberty Phone 1114
'rdet fitting, .
2JID v