- "V"" . V VjT?i.!er ifi?Ft'".--5iri TIi OZZGCIf STATZZMAX& Salsa Oregon, T2mzsdoj Homing. October IS. 1312 Tested and improved lot :-"Results !l That's : Classified idegtising Classifies Advertising Statesman Classified Ads ' Call 9101 Three Insertions per Un 25c Six Insertions per One One month per 41ns $1.25 Minimum chars 25c; X VL mln- Imum 35c; 8- tL mia. 45c No refunds. CjPl S tCMPted on tU M tbe evening before publics tioo for riwiicattw Cm r eeivd after this tun wUl b run under the- beedUag "Toe Lata to Classify." - -.-..t . . Tbe SUtesrosa assumes ee.nnan eial respunstbiUiy for errors which may appear n Ktwtwemcnta pub lished In Its columns sad to esses where this psper ; st tsult will reprint that psrt or an advertise sneol tat wUcb the typographical kMtAst occunL . Th Statesman eesea-vea the right to reject queanoebie advertising U furtbes ruarv tkr Ttgfct to pises all advarusug under tb oropei classification A "Blind ' Ad ad containing s Stall ansa box auaaber tor sat ad dressis tor th protoctioo of tbs advertiser ltd must therefor be answered fey Isttsr. Ths Statesman Is oe at liberty a divulge infor anattoa ss to tb Identity el as advertiser using s Biiod sd. Help 7anlcd 1 LAUNDRY workers, a nurso help ers, a met-Kixcnsa mstas. l kitchen helper, janitor. 1 laundry-washer (male). Good wags. Permanent posi tions. Oregon Stat Tubercuioai Hos- pttai. . Help Wanted Male Worbors svs sesplaad ha war prs gsctlsa sboeld not apply and wlU not s considered lor soapisysssat by snr- pwysrs soverusiag s WANTED LUBRICATION MAN W, L Anderson, Inc. Phona 7103 ' Marion St ATTENDANTS AT Oregon State Bospitsl. Salem, PBS per month, and Doard, room ana is unary. MIDDLE AGED man for Real Estate Or Insurance. Abrams oc Ellis. Inc. 411 Masonic Temple. - - BUS BOY. experience not necessary. I jssnon novel. ' MAN at track wanted for wmters work. Northwest Poultry . dt Dairy rroouets co. ea. toot. DAIRYMAN GRADE A dairy, good Wares, house lights, water, m ius fur- ntsned. sc. b. nnatey. i of RickreaU. East WANTED, YOUNG man for service Station and delivery work. 2320 Fair grounds itoao. . MECHANIC WANTED Top wsces A poly In person. STATE MOTORS. inu S40 N. High St. WANTED '- ' ' CONSTRUCTION LABORERS ' - 85e PER HOUR SOUND CONSTRUCTION AND ENGINEERING CO. X TILLAMOOK, OREGON - - -i ... Contact your local U. S. EMPLOY- . MXNT . OFFICE for detaUa.. Persona now employed tn an essen tial wsr industry or tn the lumbering, louring or non-ferrous metal industry Will I not- be considered.. Young man. over IS. to learn bak ery trade. See Mr. MeMackeo, Scfaoen's Bakery. Help Wanted-Female WANTED EXPERIENCED - YOUNG LADY IN GENERAL INSURANCE FUSE. CASUALTY AND AUTOMO BILE LINES. SHOULD HAVE STEN OGRAPHIC QUALIFICATIONS AND ; CAPABLE OF HANDLING DEPART MENT IN LARGE - ESTABLISHED PORTLAND OFFICE. MIN. SALARY $125.00. DIRECT REPLY TO P. O. BOX 230. PORTLAND, OREGON. PART TIME POSITION open after noons er Est. mornines. General office j 'work. Knowledge of shorthand pre- fexred. Write Box 2338. Stotesmsn.- r. Christmas Cards. Complete, easy- selling line. 50 for SI. 0 personsis. Box Assortments. De Luxe Person ate. Stationery. Big profits. Send name for SAMPLES. Wallace Brown, 225 rtfth Ave, Dept 133115. New York. TURKEY PICKING Thursday. North west Poultry & Dairy proaueta- t-o. - trNENCTTMBERED middle SKd man to be 'Companion snd car for elderly lady living sione. pb. SERVICE STATION saleswomen to work in Portland. 1 to 30. No. ex p. necessary. Attractive earnings. Call at Union Service Station. 580 State St, Salem.''.': n n i m n i i WAITRESS. Wash dtsnes. Chinese Tea Garden -i:. ' HSXR4 mWL, a, good wsges. can after 2pm 1465 Mission. - Situations .Wanted S1 ...... ' ' srrrmENT i -IN - Vefruwrstlon at sir . eonditioaing wishes position. Wsntex- tterience. salary bchhbiiw""". exempt. Write Box 2340 co Stotesrnan. MAN WITH ton and half truck wants k E. M. Kay v IMS . nunw. Painting and .Decorating . Phone TaSS. For Sale Rliscrllancons Rlaytag whing Machines For Rent ' . AT HOGG BROS. atxdustve Dealers tor Maytag Washers I ae siato ow - , ADVERTlSINa . ' . .V'gstcro Advertisina, RepresenUUves - 1-, m mm r Pliiaa LAB nww Katem AQvertuaDE RepresenUUves . Ward-Grtfmn Company tac. - Cbaage New York Detroit - c Boston Atlanta . . Bsriscss ejftos 21 Sow Comsseretel otrsst, " sticccrjrTioN rates . Vail Subsertp Cat t Within Ore-..". La ad.&l?f ? cta 99 cents; "S r. Vt m Usewhere f J r- -f tor I yr 1 1 - i rory -eerifs Py y Co'. e s month, tl oo a year in tamuM m Uarton and Honey to Loan : QUICK CASH LOANS CALL. . ' WRITS OS BftOM laiKBI In Salorn s okkat tarsest boms owned sad bunt: snanaaed finance Inattto two. Your financial affairs will be discussed sod tosns mads ta strtctest privacy You will bs given every eon stderaUoo la tbs tepeytn of rout I or sTanan of extensions -1 to U MONTHS TO REPAY You eaa pay to full soy . tiraa to reduce the .cost ONLY BORROWER SIGNS Ms endorsers Loans made oa rural- tors or noto - ROY H SIMMONS, UGE . Uc No H U1 GENERAL FINANCE CORPORATION Us No SUt 134 So. Commercial St Phono ties' First door south of 'Ladd ft Bush bank Convenient ground fJoot tocsUon PRIVATE MONEY AUTO AND TRUCK LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED to re duce payments Money for new or asm asrs No deary s rod up you will retain possession of the vehicle I to IS MONTHS TO PAY ROY H. SIMMONS 138 South Cornmarrtil Street isa us No M-152 vTR" LOAw so) tstm resMontlsl Jk tasss proerty Wta way snortcsees eosurscts. hawiuio sr rxbekts. INC. Realtors. Cuarduu) Building. BBWsaSaBSWaSBBSBSNBBBSBBSSBSBBBSBBBBB Financial WANTED -To boy for cash Real sststo BMrtgages rest estate contTscta. marrnsiiaias enscount osoer Btsto riasace Co. ns Guardian BUg. For S-if4!i-tlIaneoiit Used pc liviag room suite S24J0 lilVUKTZ FURNITURE CD. S7S N. Liberty Phone 46IS 1 GAUGE saota-un SS. Msrshsll Teter. 1 mi. south of RickreaU. FOR SALE or will trade Is ft. Btr in H mi - with elan ttfSSrJttASS. ore. PURK APPLE CIDER, fresh dailv ! Puritan Ckter Works. W. Salem. Used davenport .JL $190 GEVUXTZ FURNITURE CO. 375 N. Liberty Phone 4815 DUMP BODY, 1248 N. Winter. E M. Ray. . FOR. BELCREST PROPERTIES see W. G. Grueger, 147 N. ConVL WHITE MUSCATEL era pes. 500 Vista Ave. Phone 5025. DRY POULTRY fertiliser. Summer special, is cents per ssck. Brtnc sacks Pn. zzasi. bee aatebery. Used FroeU Oil Circulating Hest- t, 4 to S rm. capacity , $69.50 GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. X75 N. Liberty Phone 461S SALWAY CANNING peaches. Rt. Box C4. River Road. ' TWO WHEEL trailer. good tires. IT95 McCoy Ave. WOOD CIRCULATOR. good cond 1140 N. 15th. Used full enamel wood range $49.50 GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 275 N. Liberty Phone 4815 GOOD MEAT for locker. Half 18c lb. B rtndley. 1 mi. East of Rick reaU. .-. ; - 3 Fall apples delivered. Ph. J -2804. Tomatoes St U pick. Ph. 578. MAN'S BICYCLE. good condition. Inq. 285 S. Cottage. Used 2 hole gss rsnge $19J5 GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 275 N. Liberty Phone 4615 SEE HOGG BROS. 280 Stat St for liberal trade to on your old furniture Aprons greet, cos, gifts 879 N High Wanted Fnrnif ure r. N at GLENN WOODRY. Auc sweers aV funuture dealers will psy you more cash or trade for furniture at bousebold goods, We buy or sell very thing Ph alia WOOD "CIRCULATOR, medium to small, rood . shape. Call evenings or Saturday st zob n. cnurcn. NEED 2 Carloads of Furniture. Spe eisl order for out of town shipment. Furniture, rugs, washers, refrtgerstors. sewtnc machines, wood circulators. Bonus prices lor good davenports. What have you? Write Box 2338 co statesman. CASH FOR used furniture Si hold goods a Forgey Ph 1441. Wanled Miscellxneoua WANT S-wheel trailer. ' SUte size snd condition of tires. - Box 2337, Statesman. , , WANT - TO BUT Setter bird dog Must be trained. Write or call E. A. Roy croft. Statesman office. LARGE circulator. Ph. 2-2S78. ctotafnsv tBTBiture t tools The. Baby Elephant Second Hand Store Pb. 4821. 26 N. High. WANT TO Buy. Used cameras tenses. McKwsn Photo Shop. 433 SUte. nLBEXT AND w limit drytaur. now oparatBsg. Pb. s-'sssi. L s Bstcnery used ruRNrrusE p, iits Iis)Ilainrxns SYOTKG Alterations men's end ladies' eosto and sults Phone 5425. Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST - CASES Brtnc or Mail Your Pistes for Repair DR HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adoiph BMg State ConiX Ph - 9311 For Rent Rooms WELL PURN. St Rm. H at C wst. fn SLEEPING room at T23 Court St. 2 lovely sleeping mas. 8C8 Center, Attracttve ptae for girhv Ph. 7041. Room and Board "BOARD St room ta private home for S business women or employed cou ple. sn. aoos. .. Eloney to Loan RELIABLE Personal Loans . It's Just ss Important to know WHERE to borrow as WHEN to borrow. Our personal loan service bs ths choice of careful bui rowel s. Our Ions exper ience sad our record for fair dealing sssurss sn sll-sround -satisfactory transactkn. MONEY FOR FUEt. TOR OLD BILLS rOB ' EDUCATIONAL EXPENSES FOR TAXES OR INSURANCE FOR MEDICAL OR DENTAL SERVICES OR FOB OTHER PURPOSES. - Whenever you need money, we Invite yow toauiry and will be pleated to .! any ot your questions. PERSONAL AND AUTO LOANS UP TO $3004)0. Calkins Finance )any SIS Court St' - Salem. (Ground Floor) Phone 4444. stats UC. M-X7S. LOANS-C25 to $300 Atmoot any credit worthy aerson wh really needs cash to pay oft old debts for medical ot - dental work or for some atner worthy purpose i etisttfy fot e toaa -si Personal John C Beeren. Manager PERSONAL FINANCE CO -Cnwas Fir. New Bltrh Bide tU STATE STREET fAt High Street) Telephone Jill State Ltctnoas) S 122. M-163 MONEY TO LOAN Wanted, real estate mortraxes. loans. city or farm properties: leans made as smaU as $300. See us about refinan cing your present contract or mort gage. - . LEO N. CHIT .PS. INa 244 State St. Phone 8381 espaasssesaasase MONEY TO LOAN FOB Buying. building .building property: You can now refinance your rnonui- lv navment contract, with a 2 or 5 year Iowa, without monthly payment requirements, however you may psy on the principal each 6 months If desired. STATE FINANCE CO. 212-222 Guardian Bids'. Lie SMS Anto Loans Willamette Credit Co. ITS FLOOR GUARDIAN BUHJ5INO LICENSE N. M ISP Loans Wanted WANTED PRIVATE MONEY TO LOAN on good Salem real ea Will pay 6 Interest. s H GRABZNHORST ft CO. REALTORS Room and Board Accommodate 2 bust glrla ' Ph TIM BETTER BRD rm 245 S Coml St For Rent Apartments S R. front apt. Llhts ft water $14.50 1935 Center. 2 RM. FURN. 1397 N. ComL 2 ROOM Apt. 260 Center St. MOD. Furn. Apt. 780 N. Church. Oozy Pullman apt. 248 "D" St. For Rent Houses m-mmmm ' W 1 4 ROOMS. North Salem. S35.00. 7 rooms, basement. - automatic oil furnace. $50 00. New 3 rm. furn. apt. adults only sso R. A. FORKNER 1853 N. Capitol MOD. 4 RM ft bath for $30.00. 2495 N Front St. S RM. house. E. V, Ferguson. 217 MUL FURNISHED bedrm. modern home 4 mi South on Pacific highway. Ststes- nan XUvr W 5 RM. modern nouse. furrnshed or unfurnished. S329 after OJOpjn, VERY FINE 14 room home and rrounds. completely furnished. Well located in . Dallas. Owner. 601 uciow Ave., Dallas. SUBURBAN 5 rm. furn. house. Ire? land. Phone $444. For Rent. TRUCKS for rent You drive Mc Cune ft LovsJl phone 600 MODERN COTTAGES. $4 ft Up I unction Auto Court So Commercial Business Cknb la tbi sTIrecUry raa as fawatat? , b molt aly. Kate: SLZS per llao per monUi. . """ Anto Brakes tn Batterii sn types ML D 294 Church. Phono - Bicycles BJCYCLaS. New andT Teeeewttkmed r Scott. 141 S Caaa'ci. Pv4516 Brushes ri43 Grant. Ph. S391. Chimney Sweep -Cblmaey Sweep, P. 4450 Florists Bretthawars, est CMurL' 81M F$uieral Direct orr rrwtmgr rtmeral Heme. Ph. 0928 lUttresses CAPTTOL, - BEDOtNQ CO: PainlLus & Papwlxanging rcWM 'p- rfX Wanted to Rent RELIABLE adults wish to rent for duration a 4 or 9 room house around $25.00, near bus. Stove desired. Phone 2-2585. - -;: 2 BDRM. house with basement, close in. SUtesman, Box Z34L OCT. 18th by man ft wife, furnished apt. or small bouse. Must bs nest, dean, modern, with phone In. Write Box 2334. SUtesman, ,-- For Sale Real Estate DfMEDIATE POSSESSION: Nest 4 room house in Engiewooa uistnct. priced for quick sste st $2950. See it todav. See: LEO N. CHILDS. INC. REALTORS. -'244 State St. Phono 846L 2 BEDRM. modern house, fine loca tion $4500. Terms. A. J. Flint. P. 3920. 81700.00 2 room house. Hollywood district. $3250.003 bedrooms, basement, ft furnace Hollywood district. S42O0.0O Close in, basement, furaaoe ft fireplace Large lot with shrubs. Terms.' - R. A FORKNER . 1253 N. Capitol $2750. furnished T room house on Statesman St, ta good condition, creek lot. severs! trees, nice law. 8500 down. 830005 rm. English style home oa Edma Ave. Comb, living ft dining no oak firs, fireplace, fir. furnace, ga rs, wash trays. 83M down. laELVTN JOHNSON. 725 Court. P. 2722 4 B R. home East, nice lot. only $2100. 5 rm. house, valuable lot. 2 blks. from High School, only $1500.00. Call Mr. Larsen. RICH, L. RE3MANN 187 Sb. High St. Ph. 9202 2 BDRM. hsc fu-eplace. nice comer lot. North $2108. 8 r. hse. south. $1100. Terms, $150 dn, 820 per mo. Call Mr. Larsen. RICH L. REQ1ANN. REALTOR 187 S High Phone 9203 EXTRA NICE A-l MODERN DWELLING With CREEK frontage $2000 will handle. H. P. GRANT, Realtor 829 Court St Ph. 8744 ONE OF the best new S-room. strict- Yr modem homes, fiieplaee in baas mmt, oil furnace. Sickness forot Prtce $5500. C H. SANDEKS-Ol W. Ulgnr-MM nirpt.rDf HOICK loeated at S4S S. 17th St.. V cash; bsL like rent. Price $2750. For real values in Salem prop erties see W. U. Kxueger. m s. uonu. 3 BED room modern, partly furn. home, oil beet, electric range water heater. 243 S. Winter. S room house. Owner. Ph. 8274. . FOR SALE- 7 room house practically nnr. 4 br 2 baths, full basement, oil furnace, douoje Saras, as ftose ot. Phone 21565. BEAUTIFUL new home. 9 rms. snd unfinished attic, automatic beat, view nssoo. Rumous rm. WINNIE PETTYJOHN. Tel. 6408 YJEAVTNG SALEM I $3950 $700 down. 3 B R. strictly mod. borne. 3 Diocss to r. sugn. anown oj appointment. C. H SANDERS 231 N. High 583$ x ACRES. S rm. modern home, oak firs, thruout. basement, very fine soil, on bus line. $3500. Good, terms. Hi a, $ rm. modern, furnace, fire place. Cape Cod architecture, bus line. elee. sna gas. Close in. avuu. , WTNNTE PETTYJOHN. REALTOR 145 N. 14th, TeL 6408 For Salts Farms GOOD BUY IN SMALL FARM: 20 acres In famous Santiam district, close to naved road. V. mil to Brads and high school. 14 acres cultivation, $ acres ins timber, estimated enough to pay for place. Well water. Bides, poor and need repair. Price "nly 81400: cash 8600: balance easy, or will take s mortgage ss part payment. See LEO N. CHILDS. INC.. REALTORS. 344 State St . Phone 9261. 40 A.. 10 cleared: 10 mi. south. Plenty fir timber, some bldgs. $1850. Your own terms. C H. SANDERS 231 N. High 5832 Suburban EDGE OF CITY 1 acre 6 room house. 2 bed rooms, bath, gas & elec. Priced to sell $3000. See Louis Bechtel or Mrs. Needhsm. 341 SUte St. Room 4. Acreage 1 A. one mi. East. 8 rm. furnished house, bath, lights, electric pump, poultry house, tots of fruit. $3500. A. close to Kelier school. 4 rm. house. 2 bed rms, bath, electric pump, drilled well, on creek. $2250. $250 den. MELVTN JOHNSON, 723 Court P. 2723 Directory Paints and Lacquers Compart Hno NASON paints terms. R D Woodrow 2M N Ubersl Church PHnting FOR 8TA rrWEKY cards pamphlets, oragrams. baoae or any kind of print inr. call The SUteama Printing De partment, zu a. i lainwroii. leie- Schools SALEM SECRET ARaAL IKHOXaV STREAMLINED COURSES Wrue, Phono or Call 60 M Uapttot Store Oil BAJfDLK OIL.' Phone 8052. Transfer V-DRIVB TRVCKS FOB REN1 Btonkats runs 1ST S liberty Pb 9062 OB LOCAL OB DISIANI tranaler storage, buraer oU. briuMsts. rmcfcs to Portland . dairy Agent Ptorce Ante rrenriu aaeJudiag cane co. m. xua. : Vacuum Cleaner Serriee Ad ttSeatrtaseJ fl0099T HrVW$3 Weeeretre sM Ph. 9149 Well Drilling a A. West Rt a B 442 2-3290. Acreage 30 ACRES all fenced. rm. nouns. garsge. $3500.00. room home, garage, barn ft some ther butldlnn Located at 4 nm S4500JM. . . P. H. BELL -212. Guardian Bklg. Phone 16 Exchange Real Estate 4 KM. moiL. 2 fad. m. fiTniM furnace, pavement, garage. Well loca ted. To trade for larger modern place. Owner. Box 2338. SUtesman. Wanted Real Estate WANT TO faenr m a a mm. for cash. No objection to run down condition. Must be Bargain. O. K. Dora. Bos 420, Route 4, Salem. Business Opportunities FOR SALE: SmaU stocmv star with stock and fixtures, doing good wiaineas. well located. Rent reason able. Living rooms In rear. Priced right It In teres ted see: LEO N. CHILDS. INC, REALTORS, 344 SUte St, Phone 926L , RESTAURANT for sal. Dolna eonrf business. Must sell before Nov. 1st Wimpy' Corner, 311 Church St. Dal- , wegon. APARTMENT bouse. Income $170.00 per month. Priced to sell. $7500.00. $3000.00 down R. A. FORKNER 1853 N. Capitol For Salo Wood DRY SLAB 4 ft $2.75. Dry mill wood 4 ft. $8.75. Green mill wood 4 ft. $7. Mill ends by the toad. Phone 9545. DRY WOOD. Ph. 6663. Lost and Found STRAYED Bur red Jersey cow. hornless. Mon. Rt 6. Bx lis. 3. A. Rorex STRAYED 2 -Yearling Gi belters from Fred McCail's pasture. Notify J. C. Wells. Rt . Box 470G. Ph. 2-2862 or 2-2356. Reward. LOST pair brown ft tan saddle oxfordg, down town Sat night P. 6811 LOST PINK Matfriiaa btw. 14th Church Sta. en Court Pleas call 6815. LOST; Black Cocker Spaniel, male. 3 no. old. White strtpo on Breast. Jte- m ss. urn noes, to, a, eo aoos. C. cannon, -T. For Sale Used Cars 1940 MERCURY sedan. ExceSent condition Radio, neater, good tires. Cheap ix taken -at once. M serry. FOR SALE- "35 Ford V-a. tor. new brakes, spare tire, sell. 1444 8. 12th. Pb, 8079. . 34 CHEV. Sedan, good condition. Call 82M 7 to 7 JO p m. 1937 V8 COACH 60. good tires. 494 University St 39 MASTER De Luxe Chevrolet Good tires. Call 5 'O 7 pjn. Ph. 3797. 39 BUICK 4 door sedan. A-l tires. 352 N High. i 1940 OldsmobU- 4 door sedan. 1st class cond. gool rubT. Ph. 9414 or 5638 Cheaa trsnsaortatlon 1930 DeSotO aed, rood rbr. St htr. 2337 W. Nob Hill Wanted Used Cars ORVAL PAYS TOP. CASH PRICES For Used Cars ALL MAKES ft MODELS. ORVAUS USED CARS Center at Church. , Ph. 4702 WE PAY TOPS! Get every dime your ear at worth Cash on the Barrel-Head W(T SHR0CK knd loendent used cat dealer. Cbarcb ft Chem Ph. 1922 Nl Motoreyeli 21 Barley Davidson 74. L. M. Starnes. Rt 7. Box 229E, Portland Hlway ito Kickback SU. ! Personal REV. OPAL M. EG AN snnounces op- eg Snirtbial Psychology Stud; dio. Help as all problems. 829 Belmont Why B f ans soma Have Priends. Inform. 1 eta. P. O. Box 1730, San nanclsco, Cattt; J ..- , Legal Notice -A NOTICS OF ArTOrNTMENT! Notice, is hereby .given -that I have been duly appointed by the Circuit Court of Marion County, Oregon, Probate Department, as Executor of the Estate of William May, deceased, and have- quali fied as such Executor; all persons having claims against said estate are notified to present the same, duly verified, to me at 205 Ore gon Building, Salem, . Oregon, within six' months- from the date of this notice. Dated at Salem. Oregon, this 17th day ot September, 1942. ' ELBER E., MAY , Executor., of Estate of William May, Deceased. " 3 Ronald C Glover, Attorney, Salem, Oregon. S. 17-24. O IrS-15 CEMeeting Is Scheduled Session Will Be Held At Salem Church; Program Announced The twenty-eighth annual con vention of the Marion County CSiristian Endeavor union will be held October 16-18 in the Engle wood United Brethren- church. 17th and Nebraska, in Salem. The first session Friday night, Octo ber IS, will open with a regis tration period at 7:15 pun, fol lowed by a pre-prayer service in charge of Mrs. Gordon BandallJ at 70. The mala lesslon will con st 7:15 fer a sonx grviea led by sUv. Dadley Siraia C Salem with Ferael Gustrap ef Salem as pianist The address sf welcome will be riven by Doris Bradbury of Sales, and the rtipaame by v Mrav Key Katachmaa ef pratum. The eotiTention theme is to be Tor' Sseh a Time as This." This theme will be iatredaeed Fri day eveaiac la a talk by Mrs. Dadley Strain, a former presi dent af the Oregoa Christlaa Eadearar anion. Friday even IntfS main address will be given by the Northwest Field Secre tary of Christian Endeavor, Rev. Howard C Cole, who wUl use as his topic "Christian Endeav or For Saeh a Time as This." Mr. Howard Cole wfl hdag- a avccial aomber. Worship services throughout the convention will be . in charge of Pauline Neal of Silverton. A special Junior and Junior- high session will take place Sat urday afternoon, October 17, at 2 o'clock. Alger Fitch of Eugene will be the sons leader for the rest of the convention. Special features of this session will be an illustrated story by Alma Stauf fer of Pratum, a Quiz contest con ducted by Rev. James Aiken Smith, and special musical num bers by Pratum Mennonite Jun iors, Gervais Presbyterian socie ty, and Miss Carol Standley of Turner. The banquet Saturday evening will be at 6:30 with Rev. Gene Robinson of Turner as master of ceremonies. Miss Marjory Boon, state president, of Portland, will have a part in Saturday evening's program and will install the new ly elected officers in the Sunday afternoon session. A special missionary address will be given Saturday by Mary Quiring of '.Dallas, who recently returned from China. Special mu sic will be by Mary and Martha Weller of Salem. Sunday afternoon, awards will be made to the winners in the registration, attendance, poster, and quiz contests. Geraldine Schrnoker of Salem will play a violin sola The closing address will be by Rev. C. O. Good man, pastor of the host church. All sessions of the convention are open to the public Ruth Terhune of Jefferson, is registrar for the convention. The program has been arranged by Delvon Long, Rev. Gene Robin son, Joanne Unruh and Grace Klampe. The nominating commit- tee includes Mrs. Roy Rutschman, Doris Kruger, Myron Harper and Mrs. Vernon Frentz. Mrs. John Finlay, Helen Darling and Geneva Jordan are on the budget commit tee. Grace Klampe of Labish Center is president of the Marion CE union. Evsingelical Body Favors Uniting NAPERVILLE, UL, Oct. 14-W5) The general conference, of the Evangelical church voted '226 to 6 Tuesday in favor of union with the church of the United Brethren in Christ V The proposal is still to be acted on by the next' general conference of the church of the United Breth ren in Christ Used Construction Itlachinery Listed PORTLAND, Oct 14-(ffH All used construction equipment must be registered by owners by Oc tober 31, J. Fred Bergesch, Ore gon district manager for the war rjroducUon board, announced Wednesday. . The order is designed to give WPB' an inventory of idle con' structlon machinery and applies to all equipment purchased or leased prior to October L PaciS Lodge No.. 90. AJT. ft a M stated meeting Trl, Oct 16th. 7 JO pjn. By order W. M. Idanha Nov IDANHA Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Ruggles have returned from Ocean Beach, Calif., and are liv ing in their new home. The logging camps and mills are operating on regular hours now, due to the change in the weather. Ned Smith of the Town Tavern, is working on his new house, across the river from Idanha. -. . Mrs. Herbert Smith is' cooking in the restaurant at Detroit Quite a number of the men of Idanha have gone deer hunting since the season opened Saturday. Mrs. W. T. Chesnut has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Sam Palmerton at White Salmon, Wit, for the past week. Lewis Rites Held Tuesday Funeral or Molalla : Woman Who Died on Sunday Conducted Mathilda Jane Lewis WOODBURN - Funeral services were held Tuesday at the Ringo chapel for Matilda Jane Lewis, 77, who died at the home of her grandson, Jennings Norman of Molalla Route 3. October 11. She was born in McDowell county, WY, April 15, 1865 and has lived at the home of her grandson for the past 10 years, corning from here from Washing ton. Her husband, Levi Lewis, died 11 .years ago. Survivors in clude daughters Lydia O. Quinn of Tiogo, WV; Martha Norman of Paso Robles and IS grandchildren. Rev. H. S. Fulton of the Church of God officiated. Music was by Mrs. Jimmy Chappelle, Mrs. Paul Wimer and Mrs. N. C. Thompson. Pallbearers were C. W. Lyle, Charles Palmer, E. S. Norman, Oscar Franklin, Vernon Heyerly and Wayne Livingston. Earl Brown PIONEER Archie Brown re ceived word that his brother, Earl, passed away at the Veterans hos pital in Portland Monday, He had been ill for some .time at his home in Wntamina and was taken to the Portland hospital. , Injured in Fall COQUTLLE, Oct 14 -JPf- Elvin O. Hasel, 32, Johnson's Mill farm er, was in a hospital. Wednesday with critical injuries suffered in a 30-foot fall to the concrete floor of a silo on a neighboring . farm. Cross Word lAstrakisa is at tie meatk wasf great faxssiam nverf --PorUeo. - . i i,. 10 Symbol for tellurium i. J2Whi tOttteJIitloa is at ea fer . . its taree bright stn im a . : , liatf - .v: JjWat nytlicaf miidea let "troubles" into the wortdf 13 Ebb , IS Simple " ' "- 17 Word expressing negalloa 18 Catches sight of r- - - -Tft PnTTbatf t ' 21 Mlaersi spring 23 Ancient : 241tecore 25 Torrid 28 Fashioned 28 Southern state (ahbr.) 30 Employ . 31 Therefore 32 Cyptinoid fish 33 Salt , . " 34 Symbol for niton 33 Signify 37 Wrath I 33 Ancient copper cola 29 Dry. as wine' " 40 Organ of vlsloa ". , . 41 Competently Who was a eoted Am erics a Vaitariaa cietgymsa ami Abolitionist f .. 45-Allow :; 48 Loiters ,f- '.'i4.v.r-..-:.i. 47 Persia t& Storing space 62 Declaim S3 Bone ; 'vVvjf- 64 Lyric poems . - 65 A replant : -; i.-.---. VESTXCAL t -1 Solemn pledge 2 Anglo-Saxon money of account 3 Marked with narrow streaks 4 Leaves 6 IndeinlU article 6 Quick . , ;7-Coi:ors .' H 'A 1 7 13 14 lllimi II 1 Ii W " 1 llIlZIlII m- a H - W1 4d 49 51 TT sx " East Marion Men Called V Stay-ton Board Namef V v Men to Leave Friday For Army Induction . . ; . STAYTON To leave Stayton at 8 a m. on October 18 for their physical examinations at the Port- i land induction station are the fol lowing ' selectees from Marion County Selective Service board 1 J:4.LFr4;K---'V William D. Dotson, Sherwood; Robert Pickerell, Hood River; Gerald T. Pittam, Clay Center, Neb.; Karl L. Neuenschwander, Newherg; Leonard D. Wells, Port land; Millard K. Allen, Portland (enlisted) ; George " W. Cooper, Portland (enlisted); Irvia W. . Hatteberg, Portland (enlisted); Emery J. Rivard, Portland; John. H. Lincoln, Portland; Clifford L. Maulding, Seattle (enlisted); John L. Craig, SeatUe; Robert W. BeaL Seattle; William A. Hager, Ore gon City (enlisted); "Adrahl T. Hendrickson, Raub, ND; Joseph A Eichekberger, Webb City, Mo.; Frank Lewis, Bakersfield, Calif.; Phillip P. Pfeufer, Portland; Del bert R. Downey, Glendale, Calil; ' Brian A. Boyer, Scio; Kenneth M. Wolf, Xenophan F. Dunn, Henry B. Unruh, Arend Wirth, John Z. Zunstein, Ernest M. But- , ler, Robert J. Gould, Edmond A, Talbot, Frank Vlasic, Floyd Bos ley, Melville Lambert, Milbert F. : Baker, Robert L. Green, Dale E. Hagedorn, Nilo R.,Kliewer, Fred C Jaeger, all of Salem; Chester W. Archer, James' O. Darby, both Silverton; Herbert Stuhr, Cecil C Morris, Walter J. Murphy, Earl J. Harvey, all of Turner; Edwin I Godahl, Robert M. Stuckart, both Turner; David S. Chance, Mill City 1 James Winfrey, Jefferson; DeLoss V. Lane, Lebanon; Gale M. Carey, Lyons (enlisted); Ivan L. Quick, Stayton, -.V..l - - . Aumsviile Guests Are Entertained AUMSVILLE Guests Sunday at the home of Mrs. George Mc Manman , were her mother, Mrs. ' Olive Snyder, her. sister, Mrs. Betty Frank and three small chil dren of Mill City. i f Charles Malone has gone to Portland where he will work in the shipyards. He will live with George McManman of Aumsviile who is also employed there. ' - Puzzle t Paid notice ' ' t0 Wast aacieat Asia Mian citj is ta scene of .Homers..,- ."Iliaff i ; ,i ",i M- lit .' -Consumes t . , . .M 1 : 14 Burden , to What laatoas English poet wrote a soaatt to us , -Uiadaessr IS Armed baads ,r ,i - 20 Command ... n Avoid k - . 22 Who was Witt Rogers com psaioa oa their lateral ' - airplaao trip? " 24, Ornament . 27 Liquid measures ' '- m 28 Town la Indiana 1 2 Toward the sheltered side v 33 Mountain ranges ., .,, 1 35 Algerian governor ' ' . . 38 Tree pU M Singing voice 41 And -i r 42 Wagers '- 43 Book part ' 44 Ireland 48 Touth 43 Goddess ef malicious mischief 49 Clear profit' . 51 International language- 52 Correlative of either . Answer to yesterday's puzz2e4 10-13 Aserage thee ot aalstUat SI auaatea, PUt ay atisj TUtuxts Eradicate, lac , clfN oyllllPAsI STjOpLtl "tQEjl a ttP E ST Rt, , . STvV ARtT ifjE ? T AlTlE R ETeMetT A B At. ilfyElD A'l. ARM o'thmT sf . TToIy cfoT'THlilfTgl ITota otw'9m ? l I OjN 7jOQ AlATlT; iflRlOIT adjacent