Fimainicial Comics Markets Farm PAGE EIGHT Phosphate Orders Due 0 . : - , Tate Warns Farmers No Assurance Any Available Later - Marion county farmers who want to obtain phosphate" under ' the 1943 AAA program lot use thU fall should place their order " immediately with the c o u n t jr AAA office, W. M. Tate, chairman r of the county AAA committee,' an nounced yesterday. One thousand tons of 18 per cent suDerDhosnhate have .been . allocated to Oregon for distribu- .tlon this falL One-hundred fifty '.tons have been ordered for this ' county, and delivery is expected .within the next few days. .. Cost of -the phosphate will be v deducted from 1843 AAA produc tion practice payments earned by the ; grower, ; the - chairman - ex plained. ; Deduction rates will be $25.00 ton. Payment rates for application of . phosphate under the 1943 program have been iri , creased to compensate for the in creased cost of the material, Tate said. Application of p h o p h ate in . connection with the fall seeding of legumes or anual ryegrass, or to permanent pastures can be of rear assistance in meeting - war "Strictly Private" By Quinn Hall r A -.f- 1HV0'N3Bccy TO HA - W50M Me.!. cm - T7.S. WTH ILL THESE. WBfcS rTJR CUD 9MnALOGE I GUESS DJEWKtV SKX HOWE t& BUS HUH llU0Oa BPBTBm " : ' VbuR, Sew MACe HER. A I IMU. .. "J . . a l I A a production goals zor uvesxocK i m . products and cover crop eeds, galei-l MaTKet QUOiatlOIlS 1941, there were 504 tons of phos- Price Boosts Approved for Logging Firms Authorization for overtime ad ditions to the established maxi mum prices for 19 west coast log' ging companies which have quali fied as over producers have been announced by the. office of price administration, according to the Portland bureau of the office of war information. -, Increases in the companies' maximum prices are in accord' ance with amendment No. 2 to maximum price regulation No. 161 (west coast logs), which pro vides that logging companies main taining regular .overtime output may add certain specified amounts to their ceiling prices. . .The following operators being on a 48-hour, week are among those " permitted , to add. to : the maximum prices of all logs pro ducts by them $1 per,; 1000 feet. log scale: . Hutchins & Hutchins, Faster; Elk Creek Logging company, Fos ter; Simonson Logging company, Cascadia; Mist Logging company. Grand Ronde; Pacific Logging company, Taft; Sharp Logging company, Molalla. The following persons, being on a 54-hour week have been auth orized to add to the maximum prices of all , logs produced by Tho nrteea below auonlied bv a lo- phate distributed to Marion COUn-1 cal grocer arc indicaUve of the daily ty farmers for application on soil building props. . While the county committee is hopeful of obtaining additional shipments for distribution next spring, there is no assurance that phosphate wm be available after O. the first of the year, because of clover hay. ton h uTtrcmn shnrtaffe of commer-? I Oat and vetch hay dal fertilizer materials. ' market price paid to growers by Sa lem buyers dui are not guaranteed by The Statesman: VEGETABLES Potatoes. 100 lbs No. 1 new 100 Turnips, beets ? Lettuce SJ0 GRAIN, BAY AND SEEDS (Baying Prices) 28.00 030.00 26 00 27 00 18 00 18 00 16 00(218 00 Wheat : VI BUTTER. EGGS AND POULTRY Aadicsea's Baytng Price (Subject to change without notice ). BUTTERFAT Premium No. 1 No. S -.. : BUTTER PRINTS A B Cracks POULTRY Colored frys Colored nens Wall Street Sees Turning - I Quarters NEW YORK, Oct- 2-VP- A eggs . turning point in the 1942 history Medium of Wall Street's reaction to war standards i i v l-: i u I r uum few days, financial men said Mon day as they waited resumption of securities and commodities mar kets after the long weekend holi day. ' ' "For the stock market last week most active similar trading period Produce Lxcbange since the weeks just following ..Pearl Harbor. -. Not even the prospect of a two day suspension of activity occa sioned by .Columbus Day brought on the customary cautious selling and evening off. While even experts expected no -SVi 31i White Leghorn try 1 SI White Leghorn hens Yi Marion Creamery's Bn)tng Prices. (Subject to change without notice) EGGS Large A . .4! Medium A . ,. M Large B M Pullets 2' Checks, undergrade! - 3i Large dirty , - X POULTRY Colored frys , Si Colored fryers ., X Colored hens RAF Blasts Gestapo in Oslo This photograph, taken from a British warplaae daring raid on gestapo headquarters In Oslo, I Norwegian capital, shows, accord ing to British caption (a) direct hit on the gestapo headquaters; (b) the central cupola of the building from which the nasi flag was flying; (e) Oslo university. The raid was made by low-flying mosquito bombers. Dust and debris rising from the gestapo head quarters was caused by the Impact of the bombs which were of delayed-action typo-Associated Press Telemai, ilver Creek Greamery Sold SILVERTON The Silver Creek Creamery, which has been closed the past ten days . because of lack of anyone to run it, was sold this week by J. H. Grills, owner, to L. J. Simonsen of : Woodburn and Scio. : Grills has been employed f at Portland for several months and the creamery was managed hefe by Carl Gover, who left in ; 1 a t e September for other w brk In Montana. : , - ' ' : ' s Mr. Simonsen is associated , with Joe .Withers, mayor of Scio, who was formerly; In business at Sil verton. :Ira Rich: wijl be. local manager of the creamery. ' . ; Fred G. Bryant of Napa, CaliL, has purchased the Black & White restaurant at Suverton and op ened it to the : public- Saturday,' Lyle Hughes,, former owner, plans to go into the army. . ; -J ' - Victor FJvestrom has leased the Green building on North Water street to house . his . flax plant Elves trom lost his machinery and considerable raw flax in the fire that destroyed the city warehouse on South Water street in August them $1.50 per 1000 feet, log scale: . C&H Logging Scompany,-Elsie; C&H Logging company, Mehama. Child Is Burned . SILVERTON Eighteen months old Delores Schmidt was treated for bums Sunday sustained when a jar burst while her mother was canning. ' ' ' Trucks Are Hard On Few Cows Left SHELBURN A large freight truck collided with two of R. R. Margarell's cows as they1 wer crossing ( them over the county road Thursday. One of the cows was killed and the, other injured. nnnr0 -T?i r .. Cope With; The : Unexpected ; . ; With ; A Personal : Loan. - Come to us for cish. . to meet - those un- -: foreseen bills. Wo will extend a loan , to you promptly, j Find out about ear dignified credit terms ... For money In a hurry seo - Stale Finance Co. 212-222 Guardian Bldg. ' Corner Liberty ; A State : ' . Telephone J 8168 Lie. 8-213 H-222 n Leghorn fryers - , JT Leghorn hens, over 314 lbs , . J7 Leghorn hens, under 3k lbs. J Old roosters . , ... .08 No S poultry 5c less LIVESTOCK Buying prices for No t stock, based on conditions and sales reported. Spring lambs . , , , 11 00 Fwes . -.... -. -;.. :,. 3.50 Hogs, top 160-225 lbs. 14.00 Sows" i 1100012 00" Veal top , 13.50 Dairy type cows Beef type cows. Bulls L. Heifers Dressed veal WOOL AND MOBAIB Wool .Mohair 6.00 to 7.00 . 7 00 to S 50 . 8 00 to 10 50 7.00 to 8 00 . 1 Quotations at Portland PORTLAND. Ore.. Oct. IS (API Produce exchange Butter, extras 49; standards 48 prime firsts 47; firsts 4514. . ' Butterfat: 5314-54. , Eggs: Large extras 47; standards 43; medium extras 43: standards 38; small extras 30; standards 28. Cheese: Triplets 254: loal 2714. speculative splurge in the offing, Portland Produce It was many months indeed since traders had failed to insure them selves , against unexpected war news by stepping aside as long weekends approached. PORTLAND; Ore., Oct.1 12 AP) Butter Prints, A grade 52-52',4c in parchment wrappers, 53-53',2C in car tons; B grade 51-51 4c in parchment wrappers, 52-52 'ic in cartons. Butterfat First quality, maximum of .6 of 1 per cent acidity, delivered in Portland, 53' i -54c lb.; premium quality, maximum of .35 of 1 per cent acidity, 54 'i -55c lb.: valley routes and country points 2c less than first or 52c; second quality at Portland zc under first or 51 4 -52c. Cheese Selling prices to Portland retailers; Tillamook triplets 31c lb.; loaf 32c lb.; triplets to wholesalers Labor Lack Stops Tomato Harvest LEBANON Tomatoes are still llnff tnlcpTi at th ranrwrv snri If I 29e lb loaf 30c lb. FOB Tillamook. there is-not a killing frost will last 46? Ur7e aVTb lor another two Weeks. The Only medium 36c doien. Resale to retailers difficulty now is getting pickers. Many students , left this work when they went back to school. The employment office suggests that many who are employed in local mills can come to the fields for a few hours when' regular work is done and in that way help to save the remainder of this ; valuable crop. s4r hirhvr for cases, cartons 5c higher Live poultry Buying prices No. 1 grade Leghorn broilers l' to 114 lbs. 26c; over 114 lbs. 2r; colored frvars 2.i to 4 lbs. 26c: VM to 4 lbs. 28c; colored hens 23c; colored roosters over 4 lbs. 26c; Leghorn hens under J',4 lbs. 17c; over 3fc lbs. 19c; colored bens 21c; No. 2 grade hens 5c less; o. 1 grade 10c less; roosters 10c lb. nrH-i turkevs Sellins price: New crop 31 -38c lb.; old crop 36c lb. Country meats selling price to retailer: Country killed hogs, best butchers. 129 to 149 lbs. 20-21c; vealers. i.iut xae lb.: cood neavr l-iac id.; rough heavy 15c lb.; canner cows 11- 12c in.: cutters l.'i-ijc id.; duib Ih mrinf lambs Z2c: ewes S-IOC lo -Wool 1843 contracts. Oregon ranch, nominal 34-37c lb.; crossbreds 40-42c lb. Mohair 1942. 12-month. 45c lb. Hops Seed stock. 1942 crop U0 Silverton Club Pushes Fish Bill SILVERTON The forming of campaign to push locally toward " scc d. bunches uie success pi tne coastal streams Oreeon dry 1.40: 'daho 1.15; Yakima referendum, commonly called the 80b- J,lckUn? steelhead bill, will ; be one of the t7v.i BSij CI!Ue?.? fOT! thet-Ui;JocpCeui.on -av tvtl Al oats-vetch 18X0 Walton leasue at its nn-ntn.lton. valley points; timothy 15.00 ton; chapter of the Izaak I faixa No. l 24o ton; clover 15.00 ton. meeting Monday night, according1 -to T--tark ,Ba,chman: .iiMt Portland Livestock -wuuiiwi , uuusus uus is tne I most important conservation mea sure to come before the state in PORTLAND Ore- Oct tt AP) (USD A) Cattle, salable and total rt. !- 4rs- Mvaetlifw Wn4lv fntslin Tear Md Will mean much to the I inrtarket uneven; steers and medium cause of organized sportsmen. I thfr rr.oVoTuT.tyrbulu r-ians will also De arawn Up lor I and vealers steady; medium crass the winter's program. Fanners Union News AUMSVTtiJS The Farmers Union will hold their next meet ing at thej:ity hall Tuesday night PEDEE The Farmers Union was well attended -October 9. Speakers were Mrs. J. A. Ingles, Polk county chairman. George McCracken, WPB Polk county sal vage commission from Dallas. ; Discussion on the cantonment was given by S. Howard. Lunch was . served by Mrs,' Lacey and the program was given by Mrs. Ralph King. ; JV;., . steers mostly 11.0-12.75; no good fed steers offered. Quotable above 13.50 common steers , down to 9.00; few medium heifers 10.00-50; part load heifers 12.00, light fed heifers held higher; common grades S.00-S.50: cut' ters down to 7.00: canners and cut' ter cows 4.50-5.75; fat dairy type cows to M; medium to good beef cows 7.75-85; medium to good bulla 9S- 11.00; common down to 8.00; good to choice vealers 14.00-15.00; heavy calves mosuy u.50 oown. Hoes, salable 2400. total SOOO: mar. ket 60 below week ago; good to choice drive-ins 170-215 lbs. 14.50 to mostly 14.65: sorted carloads 14.65; 230-270 lbs. 13 90-14 15: liht Hehts 13.75-14.00 good sows 300-600 lbs. 125-13.00; choice leeoer Diss 109 lbs. 15-5. Sheen, salable 1300. total SOOO: mar ket acti-e, strong on best lambs; few good to choice lambs Including heavies common grades 7.50-8.50: medium to good feeders 8.50-9.50; good ewes strong, others slow; part deck Rood ewes 126 lbs. 4.00: odd bead 4.50: common oown to 1.00. Dallas Women Enter Service DALLASMary Ellen . Dalton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Dalton, of Dallas, is the first Dal las girl to be accepted for enlist ment in the Women's Auviliary Voluntary Enlisted Service of the US navy. Miss Dalton reported in Seattle, passed the examinations and left last week for Madison, Wis. to enter training in radio and communications. She was a member of the 1942 graduation class of Oregon State college and has been employed in Meier and Frank store in Port land since graduation. Miss Dal ton was given the rating of an apprentice seaman in the WAVES and will attend scnool lor a per iod of four months. After - six months in the service she win be eligible for officers training. Mrs. Violette Hawk Watt, daugh ter of Mrs. Belle Hawk of Falls City has" already spent four weeks in training in the Women's Army Auxiliary Corps at Fort Des Moines, Iowa. She has finished her four weeks basic training and will be transferred to the Cham berlaln hotel in Des Moines to take motor ' transport specialist training for eight weeks. Mrs. Watt was employed in Dal las last fall in the Ben Franklin store. She was formerly an operat or at the Hollywood Beauty Salon in Portland. For the last year Mrs, Watt has been a member of the Women's Ambulance Corps of Sa lem. The experience there enabled her to qualify for the type of work she will do in the women's army. 1 ; . 1 V k- . v . - Or.X.T.Lam. N.D. Dr.GXhaa. NJ. DRS. CHAN LAM ' CHINKS- oterbaHsts C4J Nartfc Liberty Upstairs PwUaaS General Electric Co. Office spea Taesday aad Sat--rday aaly 16 au to I p-a.: 6 to 7 pjm. CeasaltaUe . Blood pres tare aa4 win tests are tree of char 1 a. Practiced Slace 1917. To relieve Ilisery Try J Llqald TableU " . Salve Nost Drops ""Cough Drops "Rak-My-TUrn"- Wocderfal I Inimynt e!b3s3 miff Uo!nn3 Highest price cash on delivery for orchard rua.v See os before von selL Elorris Klorfsin Pcc!r.i Co. V fT ST a a- a - - 4S0 N. Front Street, Salew TeL 7S33 rr, hop.' ue asp 7 &C1PPER. v SWftV ri HOP HAKRIGAN s .r L ANlMMELMANNf AND' rfc AlADc IT C'MOtf.fPUD. LEAN OM ME. WE'LL NEAD ran -rue . vrve skipper TRIED HARD 1TO TEACH ME. I BUT I JUST CANT y- AND I NEARLY KILLED , HIM' NOW m A AOGD A WASHED OUT irtlJ L- JB-UMMER tVELL. TM ALAD A A WAY. I HAP SQUEEZED HB, Mt&HT HAV&K&iCl? rr back to v 7KAC7VS& --&T Mr&fU. DfD 0 WANT ME N THE AJWiAlZ FORCES' NUOKS 'you can nu. PLEASE HEX "AND WITHOUT BEING A . Oil TT" - urni SaVICTORY BUY VMITBO ST AT BS WAR rBONDS ' ana L STAMPS - VOW ,.V4 fcVJ-S3 r BARNEY GOOGLE T7 0AJvt C5 IV: HS W5NSS wow GOOD GOSHl POINT A n m ma f 1 i 1 POLE m vvaolt! J I s TO MICKEY MOUSE AWAY DOGGONE ITlX HE5 GETTIM' J? AWAY!lsO w USE CHASOST FfCicTz- wa in Unrinj there! ) ; fs rx. j i-!".'ii DONT WORRY.. X AlNT D THAT CRfTrCR: Si U THANK GOT IT THE FIRS COULDNT csoooNEssrT boss f yuh oNiy I our! we saw A caw Tuw nan J I SET HERE VTSEEM vr-r- - I iDOS'cVTtHJNK I UKXJLO D0U81 KROSS A LITTLE KO? GET OUT STORE I FOR&BT'S HER. HOOMINJ I ft fN the my isa LLWONtXXLAll A UPAD IM I I 6tveMouooe1 HOURTOTHlMK IT OVER A V THIMBLE THEATRE- HEdLrSTTHEMAMFOR PRIME rvKJHSTER-JJDE iiccrv in- sk t r-i - -i . i- t two UNc-rroi a PttLOMAfyHELX)Me .V TO OUR ITHE HOUR. 16 UR nL BET Stfa VOU OAMT MlMISTER ? TITl-L TAKE TH3 OUjrr Cft. K- Bacam Sf-iaM, la, VtU ngaa r- m m - m I DO Wl&i-I .TUERE WAS SOME WAV Or CONVlNaNO MCSL PANCE. TUAT IT'S DANGEROUS ALWAYS TO KEEP THCaJSANDS AND THOUSANDS Or DOLLARS IN A DRAVfER r '4y IT'S ONLY THE MERCY OF U&XSEM THAT KEEPS ROBBERS FROM COM1M6 IN AND HELPING- THEM' SELVES TO A FORTUNES- Xxvatvs-vSsCvMiai:- LITTLE ANNIE BOONEY - ISO I NEVER SAW MUCH MONEY IN ALL MY vWHOLE LIFEt v f 1 Hv 1 I I THOUGHT FOLKS ALWAYS PUT THEIR MONEY IM TU' BANK WHERE NOBODY COULD STEAL IT- MOST "PEOPUE DO CUT MRS. I VANCE OFFEBED 'SIQOOO REWARD FOR THE 'RETURN OF WER LOST BAJJY- 1 AND LONG SHE'S TJ KEEPINQ NEY R1 FOR THE LUCKY UAY HcK TJLABY IS ITURfsELVj THIRTY ) YEARS KrTfl I J ' ( V 1 If vV V ' TZStattLi- 1 Mia 1 mi 1 ft- OCT THE MAP Of- THAT GOLD MINE. rr, Pt?JMM -x-tT.:. amy - m ar . m. t a A VI C T 1 I " 3i NOT SO FfST. FINDLEY vaje va-i vn; LEMKE tE rr .IS5i. iTv SO DO I AND THE REDSKDC AlNT EVEN STAkED TT. COME ON, BOYS, z --rTirr -"V WK WI JUH t iklkl 9 r- y WAIT ! FIN CLE Y HOLD ON ft ' KNOW UHESS j My CM 71 S cv V ins lo:3 HAirGza KX3 tra J: