sTUlnols Vpset Highly lllnnesdla Gophers lOearcafe Seek No Uoto ol This Writers Rate r Game; Face 2 Weekends Off Ohio State 11 Nation's Best v. Salem. Oregon, Tuesday i Nice Job of fisticuffing our home town heawweiaht Keller Wagner turned in at Portland Friday night Wagner didn't need cut 1:51 at the first round in his slated six-round semi-windup go I i : - 7 j .A. KELLER WAGNER C. Wimer, special service officers at Camp Adair, brve selected a real veteran for their borino instructor at the cost Pvt First! Class Pete DeGrasse, one of the therweight ranks, is the warrior 'Adair soldiers interested. DeGrasse, you'll remember, actually lasted 10 rounds with when he was at the peak of his three titles all at once. DeGrasse and Armstrong tangled in Hol lywood In 1938. And staying 10 heats with Henry durincr those years was equal to conquering Stiner Called Saturday's Don t say you weren't warned plenty about Saturday's ECLA-Oregon State upset .and right from the guy who should low. Coach Lon Stiner of the Beavers. Stiner has the reputa tion of "telling the truth" about his football team if they're good he says so and if they're lousy he still says so. All last week Stiner staled he Ket was upcoming, Saturday at Los Angeles. And it upcame tend howl Before last season even began and the wise guys were selecting all those champions and teams to beat, Stiner . warned. I ve cot a great outfit tricks Oregon State." No one did, foe transplanted Rose Bowl So from now on when Mr. Stiner ferecrwts. nV hA W. -take heed. As for this comer's weekly indulgence in the field of 1 11 u i U 1 aosuguuon, twotmia i c st Lon eacn weer. unances are Somewhat closer the .200 mark. O Vic Hangs 'Em Up for Duration Even if there is a Western rhich for the hundredth time, it will do without the services of acker who performed so well fiiough Vic is under the present draft age limit he claims he's through playing ball for the duration and 13 contemplating Joining up. So along with. Jack Richards, I'D men me six-yearoia wtu can Back to the "if there's a WI minor league czar, recently Issued a statement to the effect that there certainly would be minor league call in 4 J it tne war and its demands allowed. Speaking strictly from a WIL standpoint we wonder just how the Judge figures this loop will set sail next season. All four teams lost money Baying goes, that folding habit doesn't grow on trees despite the wumKor rnnlfemiia rmd daHdiinns barmtiea in th nnrlhwef I But then Bornum had a pet Louis9 Manager Says Joe Won9t Renounce Title DETROIT, Oct 12-P-John TTeawweieht Champion Joe Louis, said Monday night Louis had I no notion of renouncing his title "Joe feels his remarks in College Station To Be Dedicated CORVALLIS, Oct 12. -("-Oregon. State college's new 6000 watt radio station will be dedica ted by 18-hour program Friday, the 20th anniversary of the sta tion's licensing. .'; - , Program, Director Allen Miller aid all five schools in the state system of higher education will participate in the program. 7000 Vancouver Houses Okehed VANCOUVER, Wash, Oct 12 (P)-SecTetary D. El wood Caples of the Vancouver housing author ity said Monday constuction of T00O housing units for Vancouver Shipyard workers has been autn ArlzfKL" .: '",.--r';' . This brought the total of .units constructed, or authorized In this area to 18,000. nccic! Sorcnoss Get ttl'rJ lv fasy Vsy .-. ' m-t'.t lit Comfort FnfeinKm lUeUl to fJjl rmptotM hKi c0 b4 brmorrboiOi. Bang ooUilM MM oi romloH npea eoBU fonrtM r. toctmc film crrr or rr. J imka W - Tf!5JSi clo thine. 6oi4 ck L Ct nodra teiirf today . . . " low pncLAn:.:c:: r.-STAL; FUED I.ISYER DRUG SECTIONS AL IJGIITNER Statesman Sports Editor Morning, October 13. 1942 with Irish Johnny Kelly to slap the Portlander silly. Even at that the 3000-odd fans got coa- siaerabie action during the I abbreviated go as Wa g n e r j i seni xweuy uown ior counts oi four, six, eight and seven be fore putting him to sleep for the night And the Manual Ortiz vs. Nat Corura headlined show did so well at the gate that all beliefs that boxing was as ex tinct in Portland as it is in Sa lem were shattered in a hur ry. Too bad some of the local boys can't cook up a few Sa lem matches for the long win ter months ahead. Spealdng , of boxing. Cap tains Alex D. Ruth and Frank topnotchers for years in the fea-1 who'll do the teaching to those , I is one of only two fighters who Hammerin Henry Armstrong prime and was flourishing those a buzz-saw barehanded. Upset feared and forecasted an up- and can't figure out why no one and of course you remember I T 1 I J I ui a uwiuj. vj consult nuu- our catting average wouia be Intemational league next year, very certainly .seems not likely,' Vic Buccola, string-bean first with Spokane this summer. Al- there goes two of the finest I coasi. Judge W. G. Bramham. the plenty of it and as the old scrying also.. Roxborough, co-manager of I for the present. Omaha were entirely misinter- preted," Roxborough declared aft er a telephone conversation with Louis, now a cavalry sergeant at Fort Riley. . "He " meant he was retiring only temporarily, . while he was . In the army, and would not fight during that time unless the army asked him to." Roxborough said the . Brown Bomber told him he wanted to de fend his title fat least once more after the war Is over." He pointed out that Louis,' who said Sunday a fighter in his 30's was too old to be a champion, was only 28 and added; "Dempsey won his title at 27, and was still defending it at 34. Both Baer and Braddock were over 28 when they became cham pions and all the old-timers were over SO." Coastal Fishermen Are Given Warning ASTORIA, Oct 12-rVFisher-men along the Oregon coast and the lower, Columbia river . must keep 100 yards from bridges over navigable streams. ; Vessels must not anchor, hover or fish near bridges west of 123 degrees west longitude, Lt Cmdr. M. P. Jensen, captain of the port here, announced. Ouisley Art 7ins PORTLAND, Oct 12. (AP) E. B. Quigley, Portland artist won first place in the Oregon So ciety of Artists 16th annual fall show Monday with bis "Rain on the Ranee." , portraying In oils I three cowboys riding In the rain. 5 i DON GRIFFIN, speedy Illinois left ing their game at Champaign, HL, Saturday, in which the mini turned In the vpset of upsets, beat lnr the Gophers 20-13. Players shown are: Minnesota Bill Banmgartner (87), John Billman (53), Herb Heln (49), Paul Mitchell (75), Dick Wildung (94). No. 27 Is Elmer Encel of Illinois. Hunters and Hold Important Session The presence of some already successful deer hunters at Wednesdays meeting of the Salem Hunters and anglers club Is expected to spur into action those who are planning hunting trips and who with thousands of the woods by the hunting ban now lifted since general rains throughout the state, In spite of the opening of the hunting season for big game and the approach of the open ing of the pheasant season, the principal subject at the meeting will still be fish. Next month at the polls the people of Ore gon are going to decide the Is sue of protection for the steel head in coastal streams and an summer sports clnbs through out the state have been busy raising funds and formulating plans for the presentation of the Issue to the voters. Chris Kowitz who is In charge of the campaign committee of the Anglers club will outline final P1 weonesoay s meeting ana IUU nxaamacm- Wi e , J women.f auxiliary of the ciut, taking an active part in the steelhead protection Issue and will join the men's group for the general meeting and entertain ment, President James Loder will present a showing of colored slides covering his travels and these have not been shown at the club before and promise some real interest A Dutch lunch will follow at va lAC- nf h $0 Little Hurt . As JBllSSeS Hit PORTLAND, Oct 12.-P-An Oregon Motor Stages bus and a Portland Traction company bus JYZl ST hides suffered more than minor injuries. The Oregon Stages bus, carry ing about 50 'persons, collided with the city bus, with about 30 passengers aboard, at a stop on steep Canyon road. Several of the passengers were bruised, but only one required nospitauzauon. STATE STAR SOPH ml &t& Wm tern halfback, shown above sneaking Anglers To others have been kept out of Big Nick Was Not so Nuts After All PULLMAN, Oct 12-P)-Sus- picions harbored by the Montana State university football team that the "Mad Russian of Wash ington State" is really mad may be put to rest. The Russian Nick Susoeff, Washington State, college end, dubbed "mad" for his driving gridiron tactics gave the Mon tana boys a shining example of seeming "nuttinesa" late In the first half of their game last Sat urday, which WSC won to the tune of 8818. - It happened this way: Nick, galloping along In the clear, reached up one of his bear like hands and pulled in a pass and then jumping and shouting trotted across the goal line as if he had put across the winning score in the Rose BowL instead of just boosting a lop-sided mar gin still further in basketball fig ures. - Nobody was near enough to hear what was said, but the head shakes and sorrowful looks of the Montanans plainly said, "The poor guy really is nuts. after alL . But that wasn't it Nick knew his touchdown didn't mean any thing to the game but it did to Nick. In three years (counting this one) on the WSC squad, and two of them catching passes from the dead-eyed Billy SewelL Nick had never scored a touchdown. He was often a bridesmaid but never quite a bride. Got the ball right up to the line, but it always turned out tov fall in someone else's arms across the goal. So, when afterward in the dres sing room when Nick said, "Boy, ain't It a grand and glorious feel tag,! that was what he meant By Sords OAio STAf V 17 Ol throat the Minnesota line dur Vikings Return To Work; Face Corvallis Next Back to work on Olinger field Monday after dropping their sec ond, straight close football game, the Salem high Vikings now point to Friday night's battle With Cor vallis in the southern city. The Red and Blacks came through I the Albany fray unscathed physi-1 caDy, but Coach Tommy Drynan I reoorted that second string auard I Herb Ray had quit the team. Drynan also reported that. he was net at all disappointed tn Friday's loss at Albany and that ' he was particularly Im pressed by the outstanding play ef his guards, Howard Elwood and Don Wilson. "New if my tackles can Improve as mnch this week as the guards did last, we're coin to nave a pretty fair football team after all," said the VIk mentor. The mid dle of the Vlk lino has beem the sore spot ef the crab since the seasen begin. -Corvallis awaits Salem with two straight victory pelts dang- ling from Its belt the, Spartans having turned in Wins over Che- mawa ana uamas, wasnu, mgns already this season. Last season the Spartans pulled the big upset 111 lOCai DreD Circles Oy aOWZllIlK a favored Salem team on Sweet' " - land field. This Friday the Spar tans will be the favorites, and Salem well, well see1 Friday night , : Hunting Goingl Full Blast , PORTLAND, Oct 12 Oregon deer hunters were eat In force Monday, . making . up for time lost daring the twe week forest closure.,: I , With the season to close Oc tober SI as originally schedul ed, hunters took to the hills tn record number as soon las the baa was lifted Saturday, state police reported. ' y 't . Nlmrods ears made veritable , caravans bite central and east-; ern Oregon. Mere than 2000 ' went through Bend, ! almost cleaning out the city's gasoline supply. ' -:.:::(-p ' The duck and goose season will open Thursday and ran through December 23. Elk hant Ing starts tn WaUowa county October 2S and closes Novem ber 15, while lt runs from Oe tober IS U November XI in Umatilla county. i Clubwomen Pledge '''-; Less Phone Talk T t " ; : PORTLAND. Oct UHfO- tending that less talk will win the war, 10,000 Portland "club women pledged Monday to cut down on telephone conversations. "More' shooting and less talk ing" is the need, said the Portland Federation of Women's organiza tions. " I 01d Professor (He's a Bum Picker, Too) Addresses Monday Morning Coaching Class : - By WHITNEY MARTIN : NEW YORK ,Od 12 The old' professor brushed , the cobwebs from his chair and his brain with one deft motion. He wore a glis tening blue serge suit, a bow tie and a worried expression ; as he turned to address the first fall session of his Monday morning class of football coaches.' Old professor well, gentlemen, here we are: again, and I note some strange faces in our midst But dont fret about; that Tve been, told that my own is : rather strange. , Terrible, in fact; ! ' Lieut . CoL Bernie r Bierman, Iowa navy pre-Cight that's Just the way my seahawks were for 20 minutes Saturday terrible. Dick Fisher and May Kutner put us Next Tilt 7ith CPS On 30th; StraesserY Condition Unchanged j Wanted One football game with any college team who's ready, : willing and able for the coming weekend or the one after. See R. S. "Spec Keene, director of athletics, Willamette univer sity. .: Keene's "Cats, fresh frem their 33-7 Job over Llnfleld last week, retorned 4e the Sweet land practice field Monday bat face couple ef weekends eff If ne game can be arranged for next Friday or Saturday or the following. A game with the Fert Doaglas service team was ortsinxfly scheduled for this week bat the Deoglas boys have decided net te have a team af ter alt Another effort to slate a game with whatever Camp Adair had to offer was made Monday, but the Adair boys, although well acv quainted ; with the what-fors of the gridiron have been issued no football equipment and are In no position to play anything outside "intramural' touch football at the present time. .' ..-., The Bearcats emerged from the Llnfleld game with only one major casualty, that befaumg second-string Fullback Hubert Straesser. Straesser was wear ing a "bird cage' mask which slipped as he made a tackle Friday, and which inflicted vere head and nose injuries. He ts stUI confined to the hospital and his condition Is reported as "unchanged although he Is rest ing easily." Blocking and tackling practice Wu stressed by JCeene all this week as the 'Cats showed a dis- tinct need for more of those es- sentlals despite their one-sided win over Llnfleld. Should no game i be arranged in the meantime the next engagement for the Meth odists will be against College of I Puget Sound here on October 30. Huskies' Lose Regular Guard SEATTLE, Oct 12 V Thel University of Washington football team lost a first string guard to the army Monday. Johnnv Clark, hard-hitting line- man from Honolulu, turned in his I ,st a Caaeh Ralnh "Pest" Welch. made ready to enter the army October 19. Clark moved tame- lately into a starting assignment year after having performed I nitU oAniKe ha. aAA vrw wM.m v a a tu m w - mc of inrfirihilitv. Dtnftrf fad. ich, a sophomore from East Chi cago, probably win move into Clark's Job for the Montana game here Saturday. Leahy 111 FRANK. LEAHY (above). Notre Dame football . coach, his face . drawn and pale, changes trains at Chkaae enroute to Koches- ten Bfhuw where he was to enter the Mayo clinic for physi cal examination. Leahy said he was going to the clink because be had reached a point where he was ef ne value to the team. back In the game. Someone asked me if this team Is as good or bet ter than some of my great Minne sota teams. Why, my goodness, there would be no way to measure that ' - P - . : T r 1 1 a C3irlsler,-Michlgan-We were butmanned and outplayed by one of the greatest football teams ever assembled. We dont feet too badly about losing to CoL Bier man's team if now we can beat some Big Ten schools. Fm proud of the way our team played. " Old professor W e 1 1 spoken, gentlemen, and a neat bit of broken field running on that ques tion. Cot Bierman, if T may say so. Mr. HorrelL you seem hap py? Babe HorrelL UCLA I am, pro ,. ; : . . : .. '-.'' --.;;: . IVH . SGT. JOE LOUIS, heavyweight champion of the world, who Sunday announced that his fighting' days are ever. Tm In the army now," said Joe, "and they're taking care ef my plans. By the time this war Is ever 111 be In my 30s and that's toe old for a fighter, rn too eld for It new." Thus with Louis sadden announcement passes one of the most colorful and respected champions In fit- tie history. Irish Hope to Trip Seahawks Rely on Bertelli's Passing Ability to Do the Job Saturday SOUTH BEND, Ind, Oct 12.- (AVThe idea of an upset victory Saturday over the unbeaten Iowa Seahawks was in the mind of every Notre Dame football play er Monday, because with gridiron form players in a dither this sea son the Irish think anything can happen. At least Notre Dame is willing 1 to trr. The Irish played: a 7 to 7 tie with Wisconsin and lost to Georgia Tech, 13 to 6, before fl- nally Dulling out their season's 1 first victory last Saturday, 27 to 1 0. over Stanford. All this has been going on while tne seanawas .-oi -oemi werami were rolling ruthlessly over f our opponents, three of them as tough U tUC iwiwnwu, i . . I unncsui, uuo. The factor that arouses the Irish hopes Is Angelo Bertelli's return to the passing again. The accurate Italian, who had a major hand in Notre Dame's undefeated seasen last year, didnt find himself this season, la a revamped aetnp that had him calling signals from the quarterback's berth In the T formation, until he was - relieved of these responsibilities for the Stanford game. Then the junior range-finder regained his old talent With Harry Wright recalled from the line to shout the signals, Bertelli pitched 20 times, connected on 14, and included a string of nine straight as 233 yards were gained via the aerial route. It was a performance that must have brought 5 smiles to Head bach . Frank Leahy, undergoing treatments at the Mayo clinic, in Rochester, Minn, and perhaps it was a display Inspired by the illness-enforced absence of the man who directed Bertelli to national fame last year. - Se it's - Notre Dame against the Seahawks Saturday Notre Dame with- lta Bertelli ante again on the Coasf Conference Football Standings wltpccWpa a loot 81 16 l l ljoee is T 1 0 looo so : 1 Jll j667 SS3S i joo i e 0 1 J)00 9 33 0 1 I jOM I 13 Wubisstoa UCLA Oregon SUte Stanford ' Idaho California Montana -on jtm it s oa jOOO 7 22 OnB use 091 M0 9 Gatnes next Saturday: Montana at seatue. Washington Stat at USG Idaho at Stanford. UCLA at California. fessor. We had that one coming to us, but it's going to be awful hard getting the boys back .to earth" for the California game. Lon Stiner, Oregon State We Were punchless" and driveless, but that : doesnl . detract, from - the Bruins' play.' If they play.. that way from now on who's going to beat em? Old professor m bite. . Remember i Every Tuesday & Thursday 73 Court e1 Washington State Is Tenth According to 91 Sports Writers By HAROLD CLASSEN NEW YORK, Oct 12.-(ff)-OhIo State, coached again by Paul Brown who is only two years away from tutoring a high school 7 eleven, has the best college foot ball team in the opinion of 91 sports writers throughout the United States. -:Tb i Buckeyes, undefeated in three starts, top second place Georgia by 142 votes "In ' the As sociated Press first weekly rating ; of the present season. Although Minnesota, which wen first place In the final polls of both 1949 and 1941. yielded Its lofty position and skidded te 14th place, the Big Ten confer ence dominates with the Ohio ana and three : ether . entries among the first ten. ; - 1 ' 1 Michigan, which has lost only to the Iowa Seahawks of Lieut CoL Bernie Bierman, is third with . the surprising Illinois club fifth and Wisconsin seventh. : Bierman coached Minnesota during its reign but his Seahawks and the football teams represent ing the .other various military camps are not eligible to partici pate in this ranking, which is restricted to 'collegiate elevens only. . ' -;-, ,,- ; ' The servlee aggregations, with former pros and all-Americas, have1 mastered .a major portion ef their coUegiate ri vals, the four pre-filght schools ef the navy setup having yet te -lose an encounter to a school entfit The standings of the I teams (first place votes in parentheses. points figured on f 10-9-8-7 etc. basis): :! H . ;; First ten: , Ohio State (25). Geortia (12) Michigan (12) . Alabama (10) Illinois (S) -4S4 41S -22S Jt9l Geortia Tech . (5) Tllsconsln (5) Pennsylvania (5) . JSS9 Colgate (12) .171 .ICS. Washington State (3) Second ten:- J 11,. Boston college (1), 15; 12, Vanderbilt 151: 13, Duquesne (2), 150; 14 Minnesota (1), 148; tie for IS and 15, Santa Clan (1) and Tennessee (1), 140; 17, Texas Christian, 120; 18, Army, 85; 19, Iowa, 51; 20, Texas, 48. p Also rans Tulane (1), 44; Notre Dame, 37; Washington, 18; Louisiana State and North Caro lina, 14; William & Mary and UCLA, 12 each; Northwestern, llr Virginia Military and Brown, 9 each; Holy Cross, 8; Syracuse and Baylor, 7 each; Missouri and In diana, 6 each; Georgetown. 5; Tulsa and Williams 4 each; Ore gon State, 2; Maryland, Colorado and Auburn each. Bates Names WU Student Union "Bearcat Cavern" is the official name of the student union at Wil lamette , university as a result of a contest held on the campus Jast week. Dale . Bates, , a freshman from Salem, won the competition sponsored by the student body and the Willamette Collegian, campus newspaper., .r; ' The announcement concerning the new union was made . Monday with the naming of Keith and Kent Markee as co-managers. Both are juniors from Canby ara are active in student activities. ' Waskowilz, Former ! Husky Star, KiUcd SEATTLE, Oct! 12-0)- LieuV Frank "Fritr Waskowitz, Univer sity of, Washington football cap tain in the mid-30's. has lost his life in the southest Pacific battle rone.- FrierSds of the one-time aharp&hooting halfback learned from his mother in Chicago that Waskowitx went down fighting two weeks ago. Previous accounts of the fighting across the Pacific had told of. his being the pilot of a heavy bomber. " - , - Kaiser DiulcU Town Larger Than Salem; ' PORTLAND, Oct , 12-ff)-By next year Salem no longer will be the second largest community in Oregon. ', -...- Henry, J. Kaiser, west coast shipbuilding wizard is building a housing project north- of Portland mat - will house some 40,000 ship yard workers upon completion ajrourid'JanuaJ7,L"";-:,'v"----''-. The project costing $25,102,000, Will cover '650 acres. - Salem's population' (1949 cen sus) is 3008. 1; , ; V , Try ef Ctoe ttatdieti Aaustas success . tot sooa years to CBINa. Munn wHk what sumeBt roe sre AffXICT aS Statordera, tansiua, heart , tons, ttvar. fcidneya. atMnarhv gat, coaaUpattoa, ucera, ian beds, fever, aala, ItaauOa -eoaa Utnts Chinese Gerb. Co. 1 ; OnVe Bows Only Taaa. r aa Sat I , aja. to e m, and j x - ta - V e4- t te 19X3 pjn.' 122 N. ComX tl, Zalzza. Cr. fl )