The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 13, 1942, Page 6, Image 6

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Day Told
Today .-
Mr. and Mrs.' Bryan Good en
ough are today .announcing the -'
marriage of their daughter, Miss
Maxine Goodenough, to Private
. Merle - C Hayes; son of Mrs.
Clarence Hayes of Wenatchee,
Washington. . -
The wedding ceremony was
. performed at 11 o'clock on Sun-.
r day, uctooer , oy uiapiara ,
iwl . m- il .
x nomas aacxvenna at ue xre
. sidio chapel in San Francisco. f
The bride wore a dressmaker i
suit of beige, with brown ac-:
. cessories, and a corsage . of am-.
aranth. Mr. and Mrs. Gooden
. -ough and Mrs. Harlan Sheldon
(Eileen Goodenough) went
. south for the wedding.
' The bride is a graduate of Sa
lem high school and Willamette
university. She is well known
in musical circles in Salem as an
accomplished violinist. She has
; returned to Salem and will con
tinue her duties with the Mar
lon county welfare. . . 1 .
The groom also attended Wil-
lamette university and is now in
the medical corps attached to
. the army air corps at Victorville,
California. J
Vows, Said .
- On Thursrday at the rectory
of the St. Vincent de Paul church
Miss Bettv J. Heine, daughter of
Mr. and ' Mrs. R. Heine, and
" Thomas C. Fisher, son-of Mr, and
Mrs. Chester Fisher, were mar
" ried.' ' ,
The rites were said by Rev.
Robert Neugebauer.
The bride wore blue crepe and
' a matching hat She wore a cor
sage of gardenias and roses.
Mrs. W. P. Ohmart was her
sister's honor attendant' William f
Fisher was best man for his 1
brother. . -
A wedding"-dinner followed
! the ceremony at the home of ;
the bride's parents. ; ;
The bride is a graduate of Sa-.
- lem high school and is now em
ployed at the Deaconess hospital.
Mr. Fisher is attending Willam-
- ette university. He is affiliated !
with Sigma Tau fraternity.
Wedding Rites
On October 4
, '
The wedding of Miss Thelma
Bruce, daughter of Mr. and. Mrs.
L. K. Bruce of Salem, and Mr.
, Ducas Blackburn, son of Mr. and
Mrs. H. B. Blackburn of Ridge-
. -1 J IT l , 1 ,
iieiu, vyasn., was soiemnizea Oc
tober 4 at Meadow Glade Sev
, enth Day Adventist church near
Battle Ground, Wash. Elder HQ.''
W. Chambers officiated. -"(
Mrs. Jacob G. Mehling of'Au- ,
burn; Wash., was matron of hon
; or. Bridesmaids were Mrs. Ken
neth Hitchman and Miss Helen
Waddle. : " '
Lois Ann Blackburn was flow
er girl and Nytta Joan Pyke was
j train bearer. ?. ,i . . p
Andrew B. Blackburn was best
man for his brother and Jacob
- G. Merlins, Kenneth J. Hitch--man,
Wendell Fleck and Herman
Schutzel were ushers. - j.
Miss Sally MeLeUan spent the
weekend as a guest of her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. D. J. McLel
lan. Miss McLellan is on the
high school faculty in Redmond,.
Making Own
'',s ; ..'.Uj -"
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fi5 i
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' i '
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: : "'..v.-..i. . . J .
jjUtt, velvet bodice, plaU skirt; tester, wool 4ress with peplnmed skirt; right, chocolate brew phu.
fere treck, plakl :'
; ?. 4. blp of their Uncle' Sam and make their own
.clothes, helping to conserve materUla. The youthful style. dress, left above, consist of a velvet
Jjacket with gold buttons, and slit at the jacket's bottom edge, and a plaid seml-taJttU fabric skirl
rlch combines the brown of the top with blue, red and beige.. The second dress la a figure flatterer'
- St t.:s nerfect CUf tasqut to&Krna 'rcWtfully designed ceplumed skirt. - Buttons and belt art
f t Uather and sleeves are long and fitted. The dress is wooL A minimum of fabric is used for the
.tUrd, simple pinafore type of dress. It Is made of plain material In rich chocolate brown. The blouse
.vera with It is plaid; but any number of Cgmnt combinations could be usad to gtva tht costuwe a
- ...... CiXTtrcnt air. ,
Honored .
Mr. and Mrs. John Harper
were entertained by members of
- their family at their home at
1363 Court street at dinner on
Sunday. Both Mr. and Mrs.
, Harper have birthdays this
month and the dinner was in
celebration " of both anniversar
ies. Mrs. Potter Lockwood, Mrs.
Harper's sister, who is living
here while her husband is in
government work in the islands,
,.. acted as hostess. She used yel
' low chrysanthemums to decor
. ate the table.
Present at the dinner were
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harper
and son Bob of Gervais, Mr.
;.. and Mrs. Edwin Harper and
son Howard, of Scappoose, Mr.
and Mrs. - Ralph Harper and
children, Myron, Rena, Sidney
and Martha, Mr. and Mrs. Escar
Evans, all of Brooks, Mr. and
Mrs. Mark Siddall of Astoria,
Miss Ruth Harper of Tacoma,
Mr. and Mrs. John Harper and
, Mrs. Lockwood.
;;..- .
Wedding Told
At Dinner
- The marriage of Miss June
Dimond to Mr. Tinkham Haight
was announced Sunday at dinner
, at the Delta Phi sorority house.
; The event took place Saturday
in Seattle.
, Miss Dimond, the daughter of
Mr. Chester Dimond, is a soph
omore at Willamette university
and a member of Delta Phi. She
attended Newberg schools. Mr.
Haight is the son of Dr. and Mrs.
Lloyd R. Haight of Ritzville, '
Wash., and a nephew of Mr. and
Mrs. Tinkham Gilbert of Salem.
He attended Willamette and was
affiliated with Alpha Psi Delta.
He attended Wheaton college in
; Illinois before coming to Willam
ette. Miss Dimond left Friday to
meet her fiance in Seattle; he is
a second class seaman with the
coast guard, and is stationed at
port Townsend, Wash. The an
nouncement was, made Sunday
at dinner by Miss Betty Sackett
president of the sorority, follow
ing her receipt of' a telegram tel
ling the news.
The WSCS of the First Me
thodist church will meet on
"Wednesday at the church. The
business session will begin at
, 10:30 o'clock and at 11:30 Miss
Edna Holden, returned mission
ary from China, will speak. A
no-host luncheon will be served
at noon, v
Frock One Way to Aid Uncle Sam
The 0C15E
Make this trim-and-slim Anne
Adams frock, Pattern 4217, in
both a wool street version and a
cotton house style. Easy-to-do
waistline darts which run into
the soft skirt pleats give smooth
flattering lines.
. Pattern 4217 is available in
women's sizes 36, 38, 40, 42, 44,
46, 48 and 50. Size 36 takes 2ft
yards 54 inch fabric.
Send SIXTEEN CENTS for thia
Anne Adam pattern. White plainly
Go All Out for Fashion with our
Tall and Winter Pattern Book. Just
off the press! Smart. easy-to-maka
styles for work. 'play, dress-parade.
"Salvage specials. ' School outfits.
Bridal wear. Pattern Book. 10 cents.
Send your order to The Oregon
Statesman. Pattern department.
Chinese Speaker -At
Luncheon ,
The War Chest luncheon sche
duled this noon for .the Marion
hotel will be "ladies day." All
solicitors and -captains :: of , the
women's teams are invited to
attend by Miss Dorathea Steus
loff, heading the woman's divL-
sion of the United War Chest.
- Mrs. Stanley Chin of Portland,"
will speak on China Relief. The
luncheon is scheduled for 12
t. fT"r!rn CTiTTfMHtt ftrftrrn-Tneadcnr MoroinOt October 13, IS12 ' ,
W4UiVIWi Wiik M14 M MWVMI w.w -y m .
Steiners at
Dr. and Mrs. R. E. Lee Stelner
celebrated their golden wedding'
on Sunday at their home on
South High street Members of
their family were here for the
occasion. -
The table was centered by. a
large gold cake, and decorated
with gold colored .flowers.
Around the dinner table were
members of the family:' Mrs.
Milton Myers and Mrs Walter -Denton,
Dr. Stein er's sisters,
and Mr. Milton Myers, he cou
pie's children and their famil
ies, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Fry,
Marylee and Dan, Mrs. -Earl C
Flegel of Fort Wolters, Texas,
Dr. and Mrs. Milton Steiner, ,
Jean, Ann and Milton Jr., : of
Portland and Mr. and Mrs. T. A.
Golden.'- :.-,
Mrs. Walter Denton played
the same wedding march that
she played at the wedding, 50
years ago.
Dr. Steiner was born in Ohio,
the son of Mr. and Mrs. Gideon
Steiner. He came to Oregon in
1888 and graduated from Wil
lamette university. He became
a practicing physician in 1897
and was superintendent of the
Oregon State hospital from 1908
until his resignation in 1938.
He served in the Oregon state
Mrs. Steiner was born Belle
Golden, in Salem, the daughter
of Dr. and Mrs. T. A. Golden.
She and Dr. Steiner were mar
ried irt Salem on October 12,
1892, at the home of her par-
Besides the g r a n d c h ildren
present, at the dinner, they are
the grandparents of Lee and
Earl Flegel jr.
Girls Tell of
Several Salem girls announced
their engagements this weekend.
Among them were the follow
ing: , ,
Miss Vera Coward, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer J. Cow
ard, and Staff Sergeant Walter
Mosher of Middleton, NY, son of
Mrs. John Mosher of Middle
; town, will be married in late
October at the American Lu
theran church.
Miss Coward, graduate of Sa
lem high school, is now with the
Portland Gas and Coke com
pany. She is a member of the
Young Business Women's club of
the YWCA, Salem Junior Host
ess league and is corresponding
secretary for the Columbia dis
trict of the Luther League of
America. Sergeant Mosher is
stationed at Fort Lewis." i
Mrs. Lola Dragoo has an
nounced the betrothal of her
daughter, Miss LaVerne Dumas,
to Mr. Fred J. Nicholls.
. The bride-elect attended Mil
waukie schools. Mr. Nicholls at- 1
tended Salem schools and Wil
lamette university and Is sta
tioned in Hawaii.
Another betrothal is that of
Miss Ruth Emmons and Mr. Pat
rick Maier of ' Yakima. The
bride-elect is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. De Emmons and
Mr. Maier is the" son of Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Maier of Yakima. "
The wedding will be this month.
The bride-elect is a graduate
of . Salem schools. Mr. Maier,
who attended schools in Yakima,
is now in defense work in Port
land. '
The engagement of Miss Mary .
; Copley , and - William D. Turner ;
was revealed this weekend. JMiss
Copley is the daughter .of Mrs. '.
Ada Copley and Mr. Turner i "
the -son of Mrr-and Mrs. Henry r
u. Turner, No date has been set
for the marriage, i. . -j - i ! -'.7
MissJ Copley is a graduate of ' t
Salem schools.' Mr.Turher grad
uated from' Salem schools and is ; i
now .with the United States" ma
rines, 'stationed in San DiegoT" I
V3arderi Glub "i ! -;
At .Meeting "--. ::
Mrs. AT A.Taylor entertained,
- members - of the- Little Garden
club of Salem Heights Thursday ;
- with a 1:00 o'clock dessert lunch--
' Mrs. TavlOT MVS a iwnnrtnn
' the Santiam .district meeting I in
Salem' recently i' f"." t
- Mr;ii;E:McWain reported'
' Tv - X 11
- on the- Garden ' Harvest , show,'
Airs., raui Acxon naa . cnarge or
the' ; study program. Her topic"
was "Structure - of 'the . Plant." "
Word has been. received la Sa-'
lemof the weddine of Miss Eth-
, yl "Mae " Williams,-: daughter of
vua it jLimiiimr . siuu .-Air.
Clyde Gilman; son 1 of Mrs, Wil-'
liam' Gilman in San "Diego, Oc
tober J." The couple was attend
. ed by Mr. and Mrs. Charles E.
L Warren. They - will live in San
uiego wnere jsot. uiunan is at
the naval training station!? Both
Mr. and Mrs.' Gilman are grad
uates of Salem'schools.
The Women's Union ef Tint
Congregational church will hold
a business session in the church
parlors at;. p. m. Wednesday.
This will be followed at 2:30 by
the regular missionary meeting,
led by Miss Eula McCully and
Mrs. R. A. Carr. Topic, "Build
ing a Faith for This Day." De
votions led by Miss Constance
Kantner. Music by Mrs. Gordon
McGilchrist. Hostess chairman,
Mrs. X J. DonnelL
Tines DAT t
Sons of Union Veterans auxil
iary, at Woman's clubhouse, S
County Parent-Teacher asso- :
eUUon. at YWCA 10 a. m. to
I -3A o. jn. " ' ' '"
Junior Guild of St. Paul's
church, pariah hU I ' p.
luncheon. . 14W .
Chi Omego alumnae with Miss
Xdith LJbby. . '
Cbadwick; assembly. Order
" Rainbow for Girls, - business
.. meeting; at TOO p. :
- Social afternoon club of East
ern Star, 1 . m. for aU day
sewing tor Red Cross, ftte-bost
luncn at noon. . '
Missouri auxiliary with Mrs.
Del K. Neiderhiser.jrt S P- m.'
' McConnicK class. First Metho
dist church, covered dish din
ner, 1:30 o'clock.
rF&lJt Firrt Method
'church, 10 JO business meeting. -
Chapter O of lEO, with Mrs.
A. TV Woolpert. 1187 South High
street. 1 P. m. dessert luncheon.
FRIDAY r. At , .
VFW sewing, JU South High
Street 1 p. m. .
Council of Church Women all
day at First Christian church.
Mrs, Hoffnell
Announcements were received
by Salem friends Monday, telling
of the marriage of Mrs Ruby
Norton Hoffnell, to Mr. Robert
Earle Feck, on October 3 in Win-
sted, Connecticut. The couple
will be at home at 1440 Holabira
Avenue, Wins ted, after Novem
ber 1. "
Mrs. Peck, as Mrs. David Hoff
nell, lived for many years In
Salem. Wmsted. Connecticut, is
her former home, and she has
been visiting her people there
for some tune.
Announce Their
The engagement of Miss Hel
en Ann Huggins, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. George C. Huggins
of Marshfield,- to Sidney Boise,
son of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Boise
of Salem was announced last
Miss Huggins is a senior at
the University of Oregon where
she is affiliated with Chi Omega
Mr. Boise attended, the uni
versity and is now an air cadet
in the army air corps at Santa
.'Ana.1 t i
The Beta Chi Mothers meet
ing which was scheduled for to
day has been postponed.
Easy Accessorie
Here's a pattern brimful of a
variety of accessories . many
sewn, some pasted,- others car
pentered and painted the whole
family;; will- find . something to
intrigue Jhem. A solution to gift
problems not so far off! Pattern
451 contains, detailed, directions
materials required - for - 24 dif
ferent items. -
Send ELEVEN CENTS for this
pattern to The' Oregon States
man, rieecuecrart Dept.; balem,
Write .plainly PATTERN NUM
NUMBER,' your NAME and AD
-, -A
Key - to the Scriptures
. ' by
Ifcry Bjiicr Eddy;
The original, standard . and
only . textbook on. Christian
Science, published in 13
different editions, including
Braille for -the blind, may
be read, borrowed or pur
chased at the ..
141 Sa. High St
Open daily, except Sundays
and holidays from 11 a. m.
to 9 p. m.
1 I r
Markets in
Salem Are
! Military secret or not, this Is
getting to be autumn, ' and no
mistake, for the markets are col
orful with; winter varieties of
apples, squash and all the other
fresh foods that herald "a few
frosty nights.
Among the fruits are pears and
peaches, both of which have been
in market for some time.. Then
there are grapes In a variety of
colors green seedless,, green
with seeds. Concords and purple
ribiera. Citrus fruits have taken
a back seat to apples which make
up a large display in the shops.
Varieties are all the winter spe
cialsRome - Beauties, - Winter
Bananas, Jonathans, - Delicious
and Kings. --
Huckleberries have been in
market for some time, but now
they . are joined by cranberries
from the bogs along the Oregon
coast. -
Melons take another paragraph-
in explanation. Spears,
casabas and cantaloupes are in
market '- S; y vl 7 -
v 't Pomegranites have appeared In
some markets, figs in others.' '
Vegetables are not to be over
shadowed by the colorful fruit
displays, for there are many
bright green and highly colored
red vegetables to be seen. There
are greens galore spinach, mus
tard greens, broccoli and cauli
flower and curley kale. There is
celery, red and white cabbage
and little cousins, ; brussels
sprouts. Celery root has appeared
in some markets, to be peeled
and popped into soup kettles by
those who know and appreciate
delicacy of flavor. Tomatoes
come in bushel lots. .
Corn remains in market snd
is seen alongside rutabagas, tur
nips, beets and carrots.
Sweet potatoes and yams Join
the displays of Irish potatoes on
the grocers' shelves. Shellbeans,
green beans and spotted Oregon
Giants will appear on Salem
menus this week. '
Then there's a final, note to
make on the day's market offer
ings, squash makes a comeback.
The last of the summer varieties
are still in market but featured
now are peanut squash, Danish
or acorn squash and the hard
shelled winter ones, Hubbard and
Todays Menu
Braised pork chops will be the
good flavored main dish for to
day's dinner.
Carrot and beet salad with
Braised pork chops
1 Baked potatoes,
.. . Buttered curly kale
Fresh huckleberry pic
- '
4 thick rib pork chops
. teaspoon salt
y teaspoon pepper
Yi teaspoon poultry seasoning
ft cup boiling water
Heat a frying pan, add chops
and brown quickly on both sides.
Add. rest of ingredients. Cover
and simmer SO minutes or un
til very tender.
Gates Couple Visits
Portland With Guests s
GATES Mr. and Mrs. J.
Wright accompanied their son and
daughter-in-law. Mr. and Mrs.
Ronald Wright to Portland Satur
day. Tne young folks are from
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Stride
have moved into the R. E. Lee
h:me. " "
4 ------ ...
J. ruhrer
. " -1 DO IT NOWI
- f Tkaw rrr a is
" v ironniiJD usAimn UAnzoTiAm hat-jit
Needle in Heart
WaSa playinr. Eleanor Baghes, S,
fell en a needle. It entered her
chest and heart before the small end
that protruded could be extracted.
She It shown in a Pittsburgh hospi
tal where she is about to undergo a
second delicate operation to save
her life. When doctors operated the
first time they conldnt locate the
needle because ft had moved. The
second operation will take place as
soon as Eleanor regains strength.
Season's Record
In Forest Fires
Puts Oregon High
An all-time low In forest fires
for the season puts Oregon at the
forefront of all states in fire pre
vention prograss, according to
State Forester N. S. Rogers, who
has just issued a report showing
311 man-made fires in protected!
areas up to October . 1. This is a
drop of almost 1000 from the 20
year average of 1300 fires each
Lseason. - .
"Credit for this outstanding re
cord is shared by loggers and the
general public," Rogers stated.
"Both, cooperated whole-heartedly
in prevention work and exer
cising care in the forests."
Although danger in logging
woods was exceptionally great be
cause' of an accumulation of two
year's slashing, operator fires
numbered just 37. Of 'these, the
only one causing material dam
age was at' a log deck at Tilla
mook where a fire got away from
a donkey crew and destroyed one
million feet of logs. Only 100 acres
of good standing timber - was
burned in the state. The other
5027 acres burned were in slash
ing and grass lands.
Of the fire total, ez were
caused by smokers, 48 were from
incendiary origin and 28 were
from unattended campfires.
Property Sales
Are Reported
WOODBURN -Earl Dunn, local
realtor, reports the following real
estate sales: H. M. Cutler of Sil-
verton has purchased 68 acres of
Edith Haller, just west of town.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Marks have
bought the Melvin Schlecht place
in the Hall addition. Mr. and Mrs.
Theodore R. Anderson of Rich
mond, Calif., have purchased Mrs.
Henry Hall's residence on Wall
lale avenue.
Scriber Family Moves
To Twin Rocks Home
WALDO HILLS Mr. and Mrs.
Max Scribner and children have
moved to Twin Rocks where he
is working on a government pro
ject The children will attend
school at Rockaway.
Mr. -, Scribner was formerly
president of the Waldo Hills "cmb
and both Mr. and Mrs. Scribnir
have been active in' local com
munity life. '
- ay ecu - ay v.iy v imtzm
V. S1 cxmvenience ofcjnx BanLbyliail system is that you"
dock. Just whenever you havVa'
spare moment you endorse your checks place la one el
our specia'already addiessed nvelc--stsmp-ancl maiK
TouH appreciate the saving in time('eiSort and transporUtionl
"i r ; , Calf er writ f eeatjOsle stsfeiZsv . 4
D, W. Eyre W. S. Walton- '
Roy Nelson Geo. H, Riches L,' C Smith
Air.rnam Gilbert Leo G. Pare
ct PcritzxJ.
fidler Taken
To Hospital
.Salem Heights Group
To Determine About
Future of Meetings
Lovik, daughter of Mr. and Mrav
A. W. Lovik la attending school
at Monmouth. She returns home
Saturday morning to give music
lessons. - - . '
Alphonse Edler was taken to a4
hospital in' Portland last Sunday
where he underwent another op
eration. He' was injured about iv
year ago when he was struck by
a . falling snag while working in
the woodsHe has been unable to
walk since that time. ; '
A PTA meeting wul be held at
the school house Monday at, S
o'clock. This will either be the'
first meeting of the year or the"
last all depending on the results'
from the questions sent out on :
Friday. . - : 1; ' '. ...
Donald Davis, president ; has
moved out of the district Dr,
Fred Burger is vice-president
Owing to the shortage of doctors -
and dentists in town at present he
says he will be unable to attend
many of the. meetings and that if
the people wish to continue with
PTA, a new president should be
elected on Monday to fill Mr. Da
vis place.
Farewell Party ?
Honors Couple
UNIONVALE Complimenting
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Patel, Mar
garet; and Jeanne who will move
soon to their recently purchased
home near Tigard a farewell party
was given at their home by close
neighbors Thursday. ,
Those' present were Mr. and
Mrs. August Auer, Mr. and. Mrs.
Charles Andrews and Russell, Mr.
and Mrs. John S. Coomler, I Mr.
and Mrs. J .C. Church, Mr: 1 and
Mrs. Clarence L. Fowler, Mr. and
Mrs. ' Waldo Maker . and family,
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Marley and
Donald, Mrs. Edwin Rutchmann,
Margaretha and , Ellen, Fred
Withee, sr, and Fred Withee, jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Horace Edwards
have rented the Paetel 90 acre
farm.''- .;v-'k : , :i ;
Want the Horn folks
To "Know You're
Thinking of Them?
- TT Thnmn-n
r 1 l : i
MTTTOir'fiiiin f.m-i m .,., u1L iir,s TSTS ,