The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 13, 1942, Page 3, Image 3

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    pejardkjuysiMid-Willamette -all
Mayton More
Iff! f
15 Acre Tract Sold
; Adjoining Town;
Iteserjes Meet
STAYTON Julian DeJardin, ltl"- C
who has managed the Lyons iflally J llCSIS X
service station and garage for the .
last 15 months, has purchased H.rif'Piini'norl
ton Hardware and Furniture com
pany from Alton Kilian. The sale
is effective as of October 1, al
though both seller and buyer are
remaining in their present posi
tions until October 15.
. Kilian is expecting to be called
Into the army before . December
vand 'will devote some of the in
. tervening time to the Snell for
. governor campaign. He came to
Stayton in 1938.
Reports From The Statesman's Community Correspondents
Salem, Oregon, Tuesday Morning October 13. 1942
78 Enrolled
At Rickreall
Grade School Has 50,
28 in Upper Grades;
Faculty Is Listed
Son's Friends Comfort Joe E. Brown
Jefferson Family Are
Back From Grants Pass
To Live Here Again
JEFFERSON Mr. and Mrs.
A. C. Epperly, who have, been liv
ing at Grants Pass for the - past
two years are moving oaoc to
their home here. Mr. Epperly ar
rived here Friday . and Ms. Ep-
? Mr. and Mrs. Claude Woods of perly and her mother, Mrs. A. M.
Montana this week purchased a
15-acre tract and modern house
from Mrs. Roxie Forrette. Woods
will farm the place and also his
truck at the Salem air base.
At a special meeting of Stay-
ton police reserves last Tuesday
night, Lyton Rice. John Nightin
gale and George Schlies were el
ected captain, assistant and sec
retary respectively.
Morrison plan to come later.:
Word has been - received that
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Jones and
two children, have located in Se
attle, Wash.,; for the winter. They
have leased their house here.
.Mrs. J. A. Etzelhas returned
from a two weeks visit with her
mother, Mrs. N. Ritzinger at Ash
land. -
Harold Wright, who is em-
Another special meeting to be I ployed as a welding instructor at
attended by the reserves, fire de
partment and 'air raid wardens is
to be called October 22 for dis
cussion of their mutual problems.
San Funeral
Is Wednesday
Native of Germany
Dies in Silverton
Hospital Saturday
i cent 49 pupils, 23 in each room.
I The new students included Carl,
I Bernice, Bessie and Nelson Davis.
: Pupils had the first vacation
Monday when the 'Yamhill county
teachers institute was held in Mc-
.Young people in the district at
tending high school include: Ver-
na May, Doris and Harold Culp,
Myrtle RockhiU, Phyllis Mandi
RICKREALL Grade school at-1 Muriel Ferguson, Leslie Doug
I tendance has reached 50 so far las Russell Sargeant, Harold
with the beginning of the second I Chandler and Vern Vert Doris
week. The enrollment of the first Culp and Leslie Douglas entered
grade was nine, the same as last freshmen at the Amity high
year. Beginners are Joan Smith, scnool this year.
Mary Joyce Rosenauv Joyce Marie
Simms, Ann Butler. Delmar Esau. J uuuate Freshmen
Mary Elizabeth Belt Terry Staat I AUMSVUXE -A jolly party and
Patricia Dewey. Ruth Coburn. entertainment with stunts was held
New students this week were the school house Friday night.
David, Helen and Mary ' Benson I when the freshman class of the
and Garry Smith. 28 are enrolled mSa scnool was initiated in the
In nigh school, seven coming from tk high school activities by the
other districts. , ; sophomore class. This affair is an
The high school faculty include I annual event
Mrs. Jamie Whitworth of Dallas.
Mrs. Dorothy Anderson, Portland. I Twenty-Three Enrolled
Prof. F. S. Crawley. Grade school SHELBIJRN Twenty-three
and upper grades: Mrs. Ruby children have enrolled in the She!
Cooke, principal, and Mrs Edna I DUrn school to date,
Grand, primary department
Joe Rogers
Is Injui-ed
rucxreaii ana community are
very proud of its lovely lawn and
StiruDs, wnicn is equay to ; any
SILVERTON, Oct 12 Funeral
services for William San, 88, who
died late Saturday night, will beWoodburn and Independence.
held at 2 o'clock Wednesday from Because of conditions, it was de-
the Oregon shipyards, visited' his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E.
Wright, this week.
Ivan Jones has returned from
San Francisco where lie has been
receiving treatment in the South
ern Pacific hospital. Mrs. Jones
closed her beauty shop three days
this week for a few days vaca
tion. " ?
Mr. and Mrs. Paul McKee are
enjoying several days fishing at
Waldport .
The Willamette Valley associ
a tion of Matrons and Patrons
held its meeting in the lodge
rooms of the Masonic hall Thurs
day night. Representatives werelCJa. W7 1
present from Salem, Silverton, otartlllfif W OrK
Brush Creek
BRUSH CREEK Twenty-four
i pupils are now enrolled in the
school with all eight grades being
taught This is the largest num
ber enrolled for a number of years.
Actor Joe E. Brown meets three army pilots who were members of the same flight squadron a his
son. Don. 25. when In Chicago enronte by plane from Detroit to California, where Don. an army
ferry inr command captain, was killed In a bomber crash. Left to right are: First Llents. R. D. Neeld
and Robert Dwell, Brown and First Lieut Robert Ulmer. Capt Brown, who was piloting; the plane
near Palm Springs, Calif- at the time of the crash, was a football player at the University of
California at Los Angeles in 1938 and 1939. Associated Press Telemat .
Many 4H Clubs
Pedee News
Larson and Son chapel. Burial
will be in Bethany cemetery.
Mr. San was born in Germany
December 26, 1854. He came to
this part of the country in 1910
and he lived in the North Howell
community since that time! He
died in the hospital in Silverton.
Survivors are the, widow. Mat-
tie San, and a niece, Mrs. Pete
Ditchen, both of Silverton.
dubs have been organized among
the children in the four upper
grades with their teacher, Mrs.
cided to not meet again until no
tified. At the close of the meet
ing, refreshments were served in
the dining room.
Bernard Whelan, son-in-law of Grace rjuren, as leader.
u. cum xuia. irea xiusiea, nas
recently returned from Alaska,
where he was employed in a can
nery at Cordova,
Albert N, Shelton
SCIO, Oct. 12-Albert N. Shel
ton, 74, died at his home in West
Scio, Sunday morning. Funeral
services will be held at 2 o'clock
Tuesday from the Christian
church In Scio. Burial will be in
the " Miller ; cemetery near Scio;
Rev. V: L. Loucks will officiate
and Lowe's! mortuary will be in
charge. '"' " . '.
Mr. Shelton was born March 7,
1868, near Scia and had . spent all
of his life near here. Survivors
are his widow, Sarah E. Shelton;
one sister, Mrs. Laura Knauf, and
one brother, Clifford, both of
Camas; two brothers, Art and
John of Albany, and .Monroe of
Bellfountain. '
Start Seasons
The Little Actors Dramatic club
elected the following officers:
Larry Hilt president; Donny Wi
ley, vice-president; Nellie Fergu
son, secretary.
Officers elected in the Happy
Sunshine Health club were, Jva
Rockhill, president; Vada Rora
baugh, vice-president; Lois Rock-
PEDEE Dan Bump of Forest
Grove was a business visitor at
Ralph King's Thursday.
Mrs. Dick Siddall and sister,
Iris, A. White of Grants Pass, ar
rived at Ritner Friday evening.
Mrs. Siddall has work at Spaul-
ding camp and Mrs. White will
stay with Mrs. Rittie Kerber.
The enrollment In both clubs
include all of the children in the
SILVERTON Members of the hilt secretary.
Neighbors or Woodcraft and then-
families held a get-together din
ner Sunday at the halt This was I four upper grades.
tne nrst meeting of the order In
some, months. ft . - ,,.
The Pythian Sister Home tem-j
pie will meet Thursday night in
the regular monthly social night
A get-together no-host supper
will be served at 6:30.
The Altruistic club of the Py
thian Sisters will meet October!
28 in an all day session at the
home of Mrs. Charles Hartman.
Red Cross work will be done and
a no-host luncheon served at
Service Men's
Club Painted
LEBANON The Past Noble
Grand's club has for its special
project the care of the clothing
donated for the civilian defense.
This week the committee in
charge -began a catalogue of the
apparel on hand in order to see
that ail sorts of clothing are in
Dallas Pastor
DALLAS Rev. Charles Whel
chel, pastor of the Dallas Evan- here
eelical church the cast two . .'
months, has been commissioned a 1 Mr. and Mrs. Merle Jones of St
chaplain in the United - States Helens have moved back to Aums
army and is scheduled to leave ville and will be temporarily at
October 15 for Camn Roberts, the home of, his parents, Mr. and
Calif., for four weeks basic train- Mrs. F. A. Gar be. Jones is a US
ing. Rev. Whelchel came to Dal-Ival reserve and expects to be
las to replace Rev. J. Kenneth called up soon.
Whishart who is now pastor of
men's center is taking on a new
appearance. Under the direction
' af Mrs. M. C. .Williams, chairman
hi . the buildin? committee, the
game room beinc redcoratH
The theme of the decoration will
be an old barn. An actual bid barn
has been dismantled . and recon-
l Structed , in the . center. Halley
Johnson 1 of Salem is painting a
large mural on the wall, with
Don't Sit Under the AoDle Tree
with Anyone Else but Me" as the
Stalls for pool. ping, pone and
table games will be installed. Two
Sid plows form an interesting dec
orative note. One of the plows,
fashioned from wood, came across
the plains.. It was donated by a
farmer in the cantonment area
who is moving from his farm.
The front room of the Center
will be made into a lounge and
: dancing room. Completion of the
. work should be in about two
-Weeks. Plans are bin for-.ti-
. for several interesting entertain
ments for the service men 'this
SILVERTON To Mr." and Mrs.
Lawrence Ernest a daughter Sat
urday. This is the first grandchild
to Mr. and Mrs- Rholin Cooley.
To Mr. and Mrs. John Strawn
f Hubbard a sOnOctober 10.
To Mr! and Mrs. William Blem SSSSSSf Jf
cf Mt Angel a daughter October arel(V o SetUa wdl address
" - ' . the fur farmers was inadvertantiv
; 11. AH at ouverron nospiiai.
BUENAo CREST The Victory
4H Health club has been organ
ized with the 17 pupils in grades
four to eight, inclusive, as mem
bers. The teacher, Grace Klampe,
will serve as local leader.
The of f icers are: presiden
Buddy DeGeer; vice-president
Helen Ritchey; secretary, Donald
Meithof; song leader, Alta Had-
ley. ::"':.r'
Sell Ranch
AUMSVILLE Mrs. Sweetland
who has owned a ranch two miles
west of Aumsville for a number
of years has sold the property and
is moving to Salem. Her daughter,
Margaret will attend school there.
Emily Sweetland is employed in
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace of Turner
have purchased the Sweetland
ranch and will make their home
Jesse Nichols
Paints House
SHELBURN Jesse Nichols has
about completed painting the out
side of the former Fred Gooch
home. The interior will also get
new coat of paint
Ed Zink is building a residence
for Jim Trollinger on the ground
where the former barber shop Was
The D. M. Churchills are again
on their Shelburn farm after a
year s absence. He is a section
foreman and has a large van
which they are using in taking
the men into Albany when called
to work there. The Shelburn sec
tion has been hard hit by losing
men into US service.
Silo filling in this section is
now completed. '" '
Jason Burdick has moved from
the Fred Grimes farm into Shel
burn in the Charles Bates, jr.,
house. The Burdick boys, Sam
and Ed, have been called into
Justice Parker, who ) is em
ployed in the woods, is at home
on crutches. He has injured a
the Salem Evangelical church.
Mrs.' Whelchel and -sons Charles
and James will move to Albany
where they have purchased
A farewell gathering was held high school principal, T. C Moun
in honor of the departing pastor I tain, last Friday. Merrill Is visit-
Alice Tucker, Salem, a former
high school student here visited
friends last Friday.
Merrill Van CI eve, US navy on
submarine duty, visited his former
and his family, on Wednesday
evening in the church basement
Those who were in charge of the
program were: Rev. Carl Wack-
erbarth, Mrs. Howard Fleming,
Miss Mary Payne, William A.
Boy dston and H. E. Abet The
congregation presented Rev.
WT 1 . . m.m , . . - .
wneicnei ana Mrs. wneichel a !
bedspread and a traveling kit
Fur Farmers Will
Meet in Jefferson
LIBERTY The meeting date
the fur farmers was inadvertantly
ing his parents at Stayton.
H. A. Warthen has gone to Salt
Lake City to visit his son, Mer
Elvis Warthen is here from Bak
ersfield, Calif for a visit with his
mother, - Mrs. H. A. . Warthen.
guest also at' the home of Mrs,
Warthen is her sister-in-law, Mrs.
Juhls of Salem.
" Lou Wheeler who is employed
at the C.&H. logging camp, has
been 111 at his home here for
week, and unable to be at his
place of work.
Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Mountain
of Portland were here Sunday to
BETHANY To Mr. and Mrs.
Raymond Higgins at . Astoria, a
" daughter, Julie Marie, October 4.
Mrs. niggins was formerly Sylvia
'' Overlund and Staff Sgt Higgins
- is stationed at Astoria. , '.
To Mr. and Mrs. Oiler Hall, a
son, October 3 . at Seattle. Mrs.
Hall was the former Marietta
Scharback, a daughter of Mr. and
' Mrs. L. B. Scharback,
Vt attsyttXE -t- To Mr. and
Mrs. Harvey Christenson, a daugh
ter Linda Arlene, October P, at
'the Deaconess hospital in Salem,
'taff Christenson is with the
"U3 arrfy in Australia. Mrs. Chris
tenson is the former -Marcelle
given wrong in the published no-J get supplies from, their property
bee. Instead of October 21 the date I here, to assist in building their
will be next Tuesday, October 13, small home in Portland so that
at 7:30 p. m. The place, In the
city hall in Jefferson.
they may be able to house them
selves before winter.
insnEST czisn phicss pmd
Frcrl cd:II:n7S7
ZENA Mrs. Lloyd Allen of Lin
coln is local teacher succeeding
Mrs. Roy Hammer, with 14 pu
pils enrolled, a slight Increase
over last year.
The first graders are Neil Men-
denhalL Irene and Geneva San-
ford and Gay Blackman; second:
Beverly Mott; third, Norma Kime
and Beverly Sanford; fourth, Ar-
don Banner; fifth, . David Kime
and Raymond Mendenhall; sixth.
Jimmy Blackman; eighth," Audrey
Merrick, Alfreda Kimley and Mary
McConneH. 5
The school started an enthus-
SILVERTON Real estate has p and teacher planning
shown considerably liveliness at on combining members with Lin-
Silverton in recent days.
Among , those reported are:
Real Estate
Moves Fast
Bethany Farm
hold Toryends
Auction Sale to Be
Held October 24; :
3Iany Visitors " ,
BETHANY Mr. and Mrs. John
Tschantz sold their 47-acre farm
here to Silas Torvend, Jr. The
Tschantz plan to move to Silver-
ton to make their home, and have
scheduled a farm sale for Octo
ber 24. .
Orlando Dahl, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Anton Dahl left this week
for army service.
Mr. and Mrs, Iver Jorgenson,
who have been making their
home at Portland, have returned
here to live. Mr. Jorgenson will
assist his father, C E. Jorgenson
In his farm work.
Mrs.' Olaf Ordal is spending
some weeks with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Jorgenson.
She has been visiting her husband
at Urbana, HI. ,
From the Homeseekers' agency,
the sale of the Martin Larson es
tate over East Hill to Edgar Ho-
coin school to form 4H sewing
and cooking clubs as was done Pence in Oregon Gty
3 PRATUM Due to difficulty in
securing a teacher for the Oak-j,nv
rvr.m tt,,w. nage scnooi, tne pupus are Deing
From the Hubbs company, the f r.,,, .i
Roy Pence and family moved (to
Oregon City Monday where
is in government construction
Independence Slan Is -1
Hurt When Doubletree . '
Breaks, Striking Him
sr, is .reported in lair conaiuon
at the' Salem General - hospital
.i a
after sustaining painful Injuries
when the double tree"iroke and
struck him In the abdomen. An
operation was necessary. . '
Dan Schrieber, formerly man
ager of the J. C Penney store, Is
reported to be on recruiting duty
with the. US navy at San Diego.
E.-A. Dickinson of Puylalup, Wn,
has taken Schrieber's place in the
local store, 1 assisted by Jack Jones
of St Helens. Mrs. Schrieber plans ;
to go to Portland. i
Mr. and , Mrs.- Donald Newton
and Mr. and 'Mrs. Dorman New
ton have been vacationing at Taft ,
Thursday night a group of ;peo- '!.
pie frOm theBaptist church will
provide the service" at post chapel
number one at Camp Adair. Rev.
Loyal Vickers will givethe mes
sage, and, Mildred Goresline - will -
sing several solos, accompanied by
Mrs. Vickers. The little Wilson
girls' will sing several numbers,
accompanied by Mrs. Charles Wil-.
son. "
Rev. Ralph i Walker, pastor of. 1
the First Baptist church of Port-
land, and vice president of the
Northern Baptist conference, was
a guest Tuesday of Rev. and Mrs. ""
Loyal Vikers, Rev.fWalker was
one of the speakers at the Baptist" .
convention at Monmouth Monday
and Tuesday. : '
Mrs. Carrie Smiley returned
home Wednesday night after
after spending a week at the home
of her daughter, Mrs. Lewis S co
field at North Santiam.
Mrs. John Gelineau and son
of Duluth, Minn., visited last week
with MsDon Barnum. Mr. Geli
neau and Mr. Barnum have been
good friends during their navy
service, i Mr. Gelineau escaped to
Australia from Corregidor' just
a few days before it fell. .Mrs.
Gelineau went from here to As
toria to visit with her parents.
Mr! and Mrs. Paul Robinson and
Bobby and Jimmy are spending
this weekend in Mapleton visiting .
with Mr. Robinson's parents, Mr.
.and Mrs. T. A. Robinson. li "
Woodburn Bus ;
Depot Is Moved
.WOODBURN The Woodburn
bus depot is now located . at the
Highway drug store on the east
side , of -i the highway, south of
Young street and operated by
Kenneth McGrath. . .
sale of the Alta Undholnt lare """. .
, r "I Those enrolled from Oakndge are
w mi auu jui s. ju. vjr. oiuu ui
Scotts Mills; the Letitie Burch I
home to Mr. and Mrs. George Ma
nolis; the Mrs. Andrev Pederson
property on South Water street
to Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Hage; the
Harve Smith home to Alma Sav
age jdI Portland and the Blanche
Ekman home to Mrs. I Layannah
Leed of Portland. ;
From the P. E. Sylvester agen
cy ; the Mrs. Gertrude Cameron
home on East Hill to Adolph Al
rick, the sale of the Oscar Myer
home to Grace Groshong and the
sale of the Groshong ranch near
Scotts Mills to Oscar Myers.
Deckards Sell
Texas House
UNION ( HILL Mr. and Mrs.
P. T. Deckard and two sons,
Johnnie and Maurice, have re
turned from Texas where they
spent three weeks. . While there
they sold their house and expect
to make" their home hi ..Oregon.
Deckard is in the wood business
here. Their daughter, j Mrs. Har
die Phillips and her small daugh
ter accompanied them.
Miss ; Etta Bower of Tipton,
Iowa, was called nere by the
death of her sister-in-law, Mrs.
E. E. Bower. . -
Mrs. Sylvia Gupton of North
Hollywood, Calit, was! called here
by the death of her brother, Clif
ford Carter. While here she is vis
iting her sisters, Mrs. Belle Heat
er and Mrs. Edithe Geer of Her-
miston, who is here.
Zelma Williams and Philip Jantze.
Four others are expected to en
roll. I .. '
Baena Crest Enrolls More
BUENA CREST The enroll
ment in Buena Crest school has
grown from 14 on the first day
to 20 at the end of the third week.
All. eight grades are represented.
Pupils entering recently are Ce-
cile Kemp, The Dalles, fourth
grade; Jackie , Coop, Brooks, sev
enth gradej Stanley Stevens,
Brooke, second grade, and Jesse
Stevens in the first grade. It is
expected that at least three ad
ditional pupils will be entering
A Softball team has been or
ganized with Glenn Robertson as
captain. No outside games have
been played yet ; ;
t The spelling honor roll for the
second and third weeks , has in
cluded the following names: Glenn
Robertson, Donald Meithof, Glen
Janes, -' Charles Asbury, Betty
Diem, Charles Beckner, Bobby De
Geer, Buddy DeGeer, Doris Mei
thof, Arlene Halt MUdred Mei
thof, Beverly Meithof and Oleta
Hall. .
First Vacation
students entered the local grade
school after the opening day last
Monday making the total enroll-
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