The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 11, 1942, Page 11, Image 11

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    PAC2 nxvzl I
. -1
other Topsy-Turvy Saturday
For ;PigsM Experts
Splashing Along As Chicago's Fall Racing Season Opens Up
Undefeated Field Narrows but
SI CIZCCH CTATE2tt& Cca Ortta. Zz2zj llczz Oda II, 1SU
Freshman Coaches Doing Okeh
mmmn n iiiim u .111.1 in .n,., . " . ' . .
. -.-a-: !: :
:".i'.vS:v ' . .
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' 4 a 1
BAY ELIOT (left), and JIMMY
St Martin's college head football coaches respectively, who la their
first year ai headmen art tarnln In fine Jobs. Eliot's Ulini created
the blgiest Bpset fat Saturday's football frays by beatln Minne
sota's Golden Gophers. Ennls' Saints are undefeated. Ho coached
Everett, Wash hlch school last
Coast Conference
UCLA 30, Oregon State 7. 1
Washington 15, Oregon 7.
Washington State 68, Montana
18. :' . - -:
Pacifie Coast
St. Mary's Navy Preflight 40,
Coast Guard 0.
St Martin's 33, Pacific Uni
versity 8, ,
Pacific jutheran 7, Central
Washington 8.
Portland University 28, Western
Washington College 0. , .
- Santa Clara 7, California 8.
rACDlC COAST (High school)
Bremerton 0, Everett 7. -,
Roky Mountain '
Brigham Young 12. Utah 7.
Wyoming 33, Greeley State 0. "
Illinois 20, Minesota
Ohio State
fornia 12.
Purdue 7, Northwestern
Wisconsin 17, Missouri 9.
Great Lakes 7 Pittsburgh 6.
Iowa Cadets 26, Michigan 14.
Michigan State 46, Wayne 6.
Ohio University 6, Butler 0.
Iowa 33, Camp Grant 16.
Notre Dame 27, Stanford 0.
Indiana 12, Nebraska 0.
.. Vanderbilt 7, Kentucky 6.
Georgia Pre-Flight 26, Duke 12
Maryland 27, Rutgers 13.
VMI 36, Virginia 18.
Tennessee 34, Dayton 6.
Virginia Tech 16, Davidson 0.
Tulane 18, Rice 7.
Georgia 48, Mississippi 13.
Alabama 27, Pensacola Fliers 0
Georgia Tech 30, Chattanooga 12
v. The Citadel 14, George Wash
ington 2.
: Mississippi State 6, .Louisiana
State 16.
Hardin Simmons 7, SMU 6.
Arizona 23, Arizona State 0.
Baylor 20, Arkansas 7.
Texas 7, Oklahoma 0.
Texas Christian .'41, Kansas 6.
Cornus Christ! 18. Texas A 8c
tT FRANHIS X. EIirZLDS- (left),
(Stasczzr as ,
ersoai::ty aai Loriaa a
ENNIS. University of Illinois and
East .
Amherst 2), Bowdoin 0.
West Maryland 7, Boston U 0.
Boston college 14, Clemson 7.
Wesleyan 20, Connecticut 7.
Brown 28, Columbia 21.
Case 24, Carnegie Tech 8.
Colgate 27,' Dartmouth 19.
Fordham 0, North Carolina 0.
Harvard 7, William & Mary 7.
Penn State 19, LeHigh S .
Princeton 10. Navy 0.
West Virginia 13, S. Carolina 0.
Vermont IS, Massachussetts
State 8. -'
Penn" 35, Yale 8.
Holy Cross 60, Fort Totten 0.
Army 28, Cornell 8.
Coast Guard 14. Colby 12. . ,
Deputy DA
' T. Harold Tomlinson, Salem at
torney with the Willamette Cre
dit company, was Saturday named
Marion county deputy district at'
torney to succeed Talbot Bennett,
who has submitted his resignation
to become effective Tuesday.
- Bennett, appointed by District
Attorney Hayden when he en
tered the office In January, 1941,
has been assigned to the marine
base at Quantico, Va.. to train in
officers' candidate school there
for 20 weeks. He Is a graduate of
Willamette university college 6:
law and returned to Salem from
Hillsboro, where he had served
as deputy district attorney in
Washington county. '
'Mrs. Bennett plans to remain
in Salem at least temporarily.
Tomlinson, also a Willamette
graduate, was a Salem high school
debater with the team that met
Salem, Mass., high school speak
ers in the famous cross-continent
contest in 1926. He has practiced
his profession in Salem since
completion of his college work In
1930, became attorney for the cre
dit company in 1933 but contin
ued his private practice in add!
lion to that work. His wife Is the
Former Athletic Stars Now In Country's Service
H -
thm farmer a wcu-Bnowa sennts
reiirti. undefeated Uiht-besvyweiilit
Rapidly as Top
YORK, Oct. 10-(flVAnother, stunning series of up
sets left the nation's football
and the -experts merely limp.
"Topping the list by all odds
Gophers, supreme in the big ten
rated Illinois outfit, operating un
der a new head coach, Ray Eliot
Given absolutely no chance against
the big men from the north, the
Illini, paced by the brilliant play
of guard Alex Agase, fought their
way to a sensational 20-13 vic
tory that turned the big ten con
ference race upside down.' --
Purdue and Princeton ac
counted for two more big sur
prises. Princeton, Itself the vic
tim of an upset at the hands of
Williams a week ago, uncovered
unexpected strength In a 10-6
rent of Navy, at New York.
Pnrdue, beaten by Fordham and
trounced by Vanderbilt, pulled
Itself t together and nipped
Northwes tern's Wildcats, con
querors of Texas, 7-8. ; : i
Much of the day's most spec
tacular - action was concentrated
in the middle west where Notre
Dame and Ohio State successful
ly repelled far western Invasions.
Notre Dame, with Angelo Bertel-
11 In rare passing form, crushed
Stanford, 27-0. Ohio State, a pow
erful team on the basis of results
thus far, handed Southern Cali
fornia a 28-12 beating.
Michigan's Wolverines
grabbed a 14-0 lead in the first
20 minutes against Bernle Bier
man's Iowa pre-FUrht outfit
but could not fight off the Ca
det's superior reserves and
bowed 26-14. It was Michigan's
first defeat and Iowa pre
Fllght's fouth successive - tri
umph Including a 7-6 decision
over Minnesota. .-
Wisconsin, with Elroy Hirsch
in the starring role, i, whipped Mis
souri s big six champions Handily,
17-9. Pitt's Panthers put up a fine
stand against Great Lakes Naval
Station but went down 7-8. Iowa
trounced Camp Grant, 33-16, and
Marquette ran' up a 34-12 count
on Iowa State.
In the southwest, Texas A.
ad M, obviously only a shad
ow of Its former potent self,
- fell before Corpus Christ!, 18-7,
as Texas barely made the grade
against Oklahoma, 7-0; Baylor
stopped Arkansas, 20-7, and
Texas Christian routed Kansas,
41-8. . :
In the east Boston college
chalked up a hard-fought inter
sectional victory of Clemson, 14
7 as Fordham and North Carolina
played a scoreless tie; Harvard
battled William & Mary on even
terms, 7-7, and West Virginia
scored over South Carolina 13-0
Penn trounced Yale, 35-8, in
an ivy league fray; Brown led
by Hank Margarita, halted Colum
bia, 2Z-Z1; Army with Hank Ma
zur in the leading role, easily
handled Cornell, 28-8, and Col
gate, taking advantage of pass in
terceptions, whipped Dartmouth,
Georgia, with Frankle Sink
wich operating in high gear,
burled Mississippi under a 48
13 count while Vanderbilt eked
out a 7-6 verdict over Kentucky,
the second such ' one-point loss
the Wildcats have suffered In
southeastern conference play.
Tulane easily defeated Rice of
the southwest conference, 18-7,
and Georgia's p re-Flight squad,
thus far unbeaten, decisively
trounced Duke, 26-12. Alabama
.and Tennessee won-easily over
eomparitively minor opposition.
former 'Frances Sande; they have
two children. N
i champion, ; who are. now doing
i bmeios is siauonea at ue xresno,
ran Is stationed .at the marine baiie
H.H,JS W-I-'"?'KIJ WIH U.LIHUJ JVXl J. v.,JWJ.VW.i'lHilllJMilllL I I.iIJII.P.i.HW.iiIL...iI.'.IjW.H . Hill III. .'
- .-- i
"v;f" 1
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'I ,-,. - l
Elevens Taken .
fans limp but happy Saturday
, ' ' -
was the defeat of Minnesota's
for two years, by a vastly under
Klamath Lead
State Prep lis
By the Associated Press ,
Vaunted Marshfield ' remained
undefeated In weekend ' Oregon
high school football play, but the
Pirates' reputation Is marred by
a tie.
While Grants Pass was check
ing the hitherto rampaging Pi
rates 7-7 Friday, Klamath
Falls 'rode high on its unbroken
victory march, thumping Ash
land, 26-0. ,
' Meanwhile, in the Willamette
valley, Albany took the spotlight
with a 13-6 victory over Salem,
Eugene powered to a 13-0 win
over its cross-town rival. Uni
versity high, and West Linn
trounced Oregon City, 20-0. .
The eastern Oregon theater was
marked by Pendleton's 6-0 tri
umph over Walla Walla and Ba
ker's defeat of Milton-Freewater,
12-0. Bend and The Dalles tied,
7-7. ; ..
Tillamook protected its un
defeated status, drubbing Sea
side, 40-6, and Corvallls
chalked up Its second straight
win, 13-6 over Camas, Wash.
Roseburg defeated Cottage
Grove, 12-7, and St Helens nosed
out Columbia Prep, 6-0. Astoria
gained all the yards, but Milwau
kee recovered a last-quarter fum
ble behind the Fishermen's goal-
lino to tie, 7-7.
Huskies Hand
Webfoots 3rd
(Continued from Page 10)
line but succumbed to the fourth.
principally as a result of a 24-yard
break-away by Walters, he car
ried the ball to the 2-yard line
from where fullback Mark Mc-
Corkle scored.
Washington made six first
downs to 10 for the Webfoots and
lost only 20 yards on penalties to
50 for Oregon.
Punting was spotty on' both
sides but a 148-yard aggregate
In kick returns by the Huskies
actually gave them a tremea
dons margin in the too work.
Welnmeister LE Shephard
Riggs LT Moshofsky
Clark v LC Davis
Harrison- C Bodner
Saksa RG- ' Rhea
Friedman ' RT Kufferman
Olson RE Howling
Wedhe QB , Dyer
Erickson LH Roblin
Susick RH Reynold
McCorkle FB Davis
Score by periods:
.0 7 1
Washington scoring:
McCorkle, Robinson
or Susick)
Safety Reynolds. Point after touch'
down: Olson (Dlacement).
Oregon scorinc: Touchdowns Shep
hard; point after touchdown: Rhea
Miss Meyer on Job
Meyer, city treasurer at Silver-
ton, was able to return to her
work' Saturday morning after
several ' days spent at ' her home
here suffering from Influenza.
respective chores for Uncle Sam.
uui. air rare center ana AjOszu-
at rarris Island, E& ,
A big opening day crowd at Chicago's Hawthorne race track watches
the ponies splash homo through
German Children
Leave Bomb Areas I
BERN, Switzerland, Oct 10-yP)
The Basler Arbeiter Zeitung: said
Friday that more than 1,000,000
German children have been evac
uated from areas subjected to In
tense bombing in anticipation of
heavy attacks this winter. !
Visits in Eugene
went to Cottage Grove Thursday
to spend the weekend with Mary
Pynch. The Pynches moved from
here early in September. j
Do as
KNO7 Before You Go!
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the mud. Pacific Maid (5) won this
j NEW YORK, Oct." 10-(P)-Alsab ' beat Whirlaway the hard
way Saturday coming around the lightning stretch runner in
the stretch to take the "rubber" match of their turf world series.
Whirly tried to confuse the folks by running right to the
front in tne long new York han
dicap instead of trailing by a city
block,' as usual, but he succeeded
in confusing himself most of all.
For, he not only lost to Alsab,
but was, also beaten to the wire
by J. G. Douglas, jr.'s, Obash, an
overlooked four - year - old, who
ran in claiming company as re
cently as mid-September. : ; i
thousainds of housewivea
are doing! Make a complete list
of your needs from The States
man advertisements and you will
find ; that you too, are making
one iBhopping trip do the work of
By Carefully Shopping
heat with Rex-Avis second and Tip
The sensation of Belmont's clos
ing program, however, was nei
ther Alsab in victory nor Whirly
in defeat This role went to Count
Fleet, from Mrs. John D. Hertz's
bam, who fairly flew to victory
in the' Champagne stakes to set
a world one-mile record for a
two-year-old in 1:34 45. 4
ten! -Each - morning this i news
paper brings you the only pan
orama of the-
choicest of
ferings of Sa
lem business
firms! -
Tour Hat taking third.
Income Tax Moneys
Being Tabulated 1 '
' State tax commission officials
announced Saturday that the :
work of tabulating state Income
tax payments for the year 1942 ' :
was' now In progress but it prob
ably would be two weeks before .
The time for paying second half -installments
expired October 1.
First payments were due April .
1, based on Incomes for the year'1 '
1941. ! i-
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