Clervatiori Post Reopens Polk County Group Is - Operating After Shut Down for Month DALLAS The Dallas aircraft observation post resumed opera tions Tuesday morning after a shutdown t iftce August 26, when plan for regular paid observers was put aside by army orders. At a meeting held recently at the city hall with the civilian de fense - coordinator representative leered services of their . groups for set days of the week. Tuesday, a group from the Xvangelical ' Mennonite Brethren church under the direction of J. XI. Quiring took charge for the day. .The groups and , their lieuten ants to take charge In the post are: : ' v y . '., : lionday, Evangelical church, James Leitch; Tuesday, Evangeli cal Mennonite Brethren, J. H. Quiring; Wednesday, Apostolic Faith, Bert Penner; Thursday, IXennonite Brethren, Frank Neu- - 4mA- TYiHav Rfhltah Indffd. Win- eaa Hooker; Saturday, auxiliary f V.F.W., Althea Robinson; Sun- day, Pythian Sisters, Alta Car -penter. ". f ' A number of individuals and ene or two other groups are held ia reserve for possible duty. - V: Durina the shutdown of the . pest the tent has been replaced by .a wooden structure. The materials . were furnished by Willamette Val- ley Lumber company. A. M. Smith did the carpenter work. A stove was donated by Hollis Smith. Wiring the post was do nated by Fred West and Dick Os- Mid Ed C Dunn continues as chief observer and under him each lieu tenant has the responsibility see ing: that the men and women un der him serve during the day alloted to his group. At present each group serves once a week. ' Group leaders are requested to .tarn in the names of persons in .their groups so that they may be given identification cards to car ry while on duty. - ... Coffins Visit In Corvallis ELDRIEDGE Mr. and Mrs. Arthur . Coffin were guests the first of the week at the home of Mr., and Mrs. Charles Becker of Corvallis. n Recent guests at the Coffin home were Mr. and Mrs. Richard Saucier of Mill City. ., Keith Brooks and Charles Pat terson are refreshing the roof of the Patterson home.. " , Mrs. Patterson and sons Charles and Norman have completed the harvest of an abundant peach erp Berries of many varieties : wee also harvested this year from their fruit farm. fellv: News Reports From The Statesman's Community Correspondents PAGE TWELVE Salem. Oregon, Sunday Morning, September 27, IS 12 Polk County Venire Called DALLAS An October term ury venire of nine "women and 22 men ' was drawn this week by Sheriff Thomas Hooker and County Clerk Graves. ; Circuit court was scheduled to open Oc tober 5, but will convene Tues day, October 13. October 12 is a holiday, Columbus day. The Jury venire includes Aud rey A n d e r s o n, Independence; Vern B. Alsip, Monmouth;- John R. Allred, Salem; Lena Anderson, Independence; George W. Arn hart, Dallas; Roy Bailie, Grand Ronde; -Julia BarteL Dallas; Cora Beery, ; Independence; Lloyd Bat- tenberg, Dallas; John Henry Cady, Monmouth; William - Campbell, Indepen dence; George W. Carroll, Rick- reall; Arthur M. Christianson, McCoy; Comfort Condron, Mon mouth; Emma H. Conner, Dallas; Joseph Dauenhauer, Amity? Hen ry W. Domes, McCoy; Glen T. Dent,, Amity; Lillian Donohue, Margaret Erickson, Judson J. Fos ter, Dallas; Myrtle Gof frier, West Salem; George H. Graver, Independence; Howard M. Hale, William "R. Woman, 81 Years Old, Daily Hop Picker BRUSH CREE K -ICIrs. J. E, Stay lays some claim to being one of the oldest hop- pickers in this locality. Mrs. Stay, who is 81 years of age, has been picking hops each - morning. She reports that she enjoys, being out in the open and again helping with the harvest of crops.' Both Harvey Lincoln and his son, Jack, are now employed in the Portland shipyards. Lincoln owns a farm in this community, and the family maintains its home here. ' Many Visitors Entertained - LYONS Donald and Helen Gibb of Portland spent several days this week . at the home of their grandparents,' Mr. and Mrs. William Fetherston. - Mr. and . Mrs. Ben Thompson and her sister, Mrs. Anna Keaton of Empire visited Mrs. Keaton's daughter, Mrs. Ed Spa. Thomp son is in the US navy end has re cently been transferred to Seattle. . Mrs. Jim Bass of Roseburg has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bass and also at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Blum in Mehama. Howe, Andrew J. Irwin, jr.. War- Pne auenaea xne weaamg oi ner ren P. Laniir." Dallas; Frank S. i nepnew, wuDur xium. Mahood, Amity; Otella Mardis, I Dallas; Theodore Schindler, Sa lem; George I. Shields, RickrealL The Jefferson family,; who have been living on the Smith farm formerly known as the James Curran farm west of town, have moved to a farm near Corvallis. Word was received here that Mrs.. Floyd 3 as sett is in the Emanuel hospital in Portland fol-j lowing an appendectomy, Monday. Miss Betty Jean Bodeker, with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Garrison, Gerald Garrison and Miss Gladys Blum of Mehama,' left Friday for Lakeview - where they will spend the weekend ', , .. ' . New Leaders Are Elected DALLAS Polk county chapter of the National Foundation of In fantile Paralysis, - Inc., met Tues day. Oscar Groves of Monmouth was elected to succeed Dr. A. B. Starbuck as president Others named are Mrs Bruce Spaulding, Dallas, vice-president; Mrs. Ralph Howe of Dallas was re-elected secretary-treasurer. The executive committee in dudes Dr. Starbuck, Rawson Cha pin, Perrydale; Mrs. H. A. Peter son, Dallas, and A. E. Utley, Brush College. Funds received from the Pres ident's ball and march of dimes were tabulated and a gift of $25 each was made to Shriners hos pital ' and lso to Doernbecher. Five children from Polk county have been sent to the two hos pitals for treatment and brace ad justments during the last month. Board Three To Send Men STAYTON A group ol selec-j tees Js. to leave Stayton from the selective service board No. 3 on September 30 for their Portland physical examinations. . .. The group , includes Albin G. EtzeL Stayton; Harold E, RusT sell, Marion; Arthur A. Wolf, Sublimity; Francis S. Martin, Jef fersonr Orvall Landers,4 Mehama; Roy. L. Brown, Silverton;. Leo L. Baton, Cottage Grove; Fred G. Robinson a transfer from South Dakota,. J Dale T. Bennett, Lloyd W. Side- well, Henry J. Hatfield, Orval F, McManman, James B. Fleming, all of Turner; Robert A. Banks ton, James: W. BethelL jr., Ray mond J. Sherman, . Aumsville; Robert C. Johnson, Detroit; Berk ley A. Tolbert, Mill City; Carrell R. Hammand, Everett, Wash. Howard Woodburn, Jr, Alfred R. Bogosian, : James A. . Chandler, Merlin E. Nelson, Rex A. Graben horst, William E. Sizemore, Fred O. Baker, Craig Z. Randall, Phil lip E. Hammon, Victor L. DeLapp, Robert C. Parrent, Norman L. De Vries, Richard J. Ringwald,' Don ald C. Burton, Elvon C Holman, Donald R. Judson, Chester A. Nichols, Logan A. Forester, Ray mond Hershfelt, Melyin W. Cir cle, all of Salem. Silverton - To Sell Bonds SILVERTON Silverton will take to the air Tuesday night, Oc tober 6, when the KOEN Victory Harvest gang comes to town with a combination ' stage -. show and broadcast, for one of their bond selling series in the Willamette valley. Quota for Silverton on the occasion is $50,000. , Eueene Field auditorium will be the setting for the radio-starred show. Curtain time for the first footlteht act is 8:45 pjn. The on- the-air portion of the program will be heard over KOLN . from 9:30 to 10 pm. - '. .. - ... ., Art Kirkham will head the show.. -.:'-:J i . Besides dving impetus to the sale ; of war bonds, the program will call attention of the Pacific northwest to what the smaller communities of the Willamette valley have done in , backing up the victory program. Silverton is one of 10 towns in the valley on the KOHL circuit Valley View Has Old Teacher Back VALLEY VIEW Mrs. Daphna Hunt is teaching in the Union Hill school this year. She had -planned to retire this year but due to the teacher shortage has resumed her teaching. Mrs. Maybelle Towe of Eilvertcn Is I,Irs. Hunt's successor in Valley-View school. - Ruth Moon, who graduated from Valley View last year has entered the freshman class cf Aumsville high school. The ' condition of Mrs. Martin Lorence, who has been critically ill for some time In the Silverton hospital, is unchanged. Her daugh ter, Mrs. Noel Turner of Klamath . - Falls, .who was with her mother earlier, is expected to return this week. 83rd Birthday Is Observed .ELDRIEDGE A. W. Nusom, sr was well-remembered by. rel atives, friends and neighbors Wednesday on the occasion of his 83rd ' birthday. Mr.- Nusom who has- been in - ill health the past few months is a patient at the Deaconess "hospitaL ' ' :: The attendants presented him one of the . two birthday: caxes which were cut and served to his visitors. He also enjoyed a show er of cards and messages sent from those unable to see him. The 57th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Nusom was ob served last month,; , - Since coming, here from Kan sas shortly after their marriage they have lived in this vicinity. 73113 School Term DETROIT Schools cpened September 21. Maxine Downing, Mill City, is primary teacher; Mrs. Irene Castle, West Salem, Intermediate grade; Vf.1 L. Krause returned for the second year as teacher of the Junior high schooL Otis J. White Is principal; Al vin Pohle, Salem, is high school Instructor. Mrs. Gorsline who was to have taught tendered her res ignation a short time beiore . school started. i Enrolled in the (first grade are Richard James,' Ernestine Morris, Kay Emery, Dickie Ficker, Har old Ebenden, Cammella .Harris,1 Joyce Keller, Richard llausen, Duane Beard and Arnold Webb. Stanley White, a . graduate of the 1942 tigh school class, has enrolled, in Oregon College cf Education, Monmouth, t Lyons Groups Start ( New -Year's Program LYONS A meeting was held at the church Tuesday evening by members and friends for the purpose of planning a program for the coming months. Various committees -were appointed, by Rev. Roork. er ; Members of Faith '" Rebekah lodge met Wednesday. Plans were . completed for the district con vention to be held at Lyons Sep tember 30. , Seattle Woman Visiting Brother , " VICTOR POINT Mrs. Ther sia Keating of Seattle, who has ' been the house guest of her broth er, Phillip Fischer, and other rel atives and friends here, has re- ' turned home. ' ' Several local people have assis- J ted in the hop harvest in the south Silverton area this year. Picking In several yards was completed this week. - - , Vivienne Jaquet, sophomore, Is attending Aumsville high school. Miss Alice Jaquet is teaching in the Aumsville school this term. High Scout Honor Given The north Marion county area of Boy Scouts will hold its first court of honor October 13 .to award Bruce Nelson the highest honor in scouting. The Eagle Scout emblem will be . presented by scout executive Ronald R. Ruddi- man at an impressive ceremony; Members of the local troup with its sponsoring group, the Mothers club, will be present. As is cus tomary, the Lincoln grade school auditorium wtll be used and a I large assemblage of friends is ex pected. ; "Bruce Nelson has advanced rapidly in scouting," says the scoutmaster, Dr. R. . Innis Rich, "and. his ' interest has . made the advancement of other scouts eas ier. At present he is junior assis tant scout master and much of the credit for a successful year of scouting just completed goes to his leadership, and planning. His record will encourage other scouts to attain this greatest of scouting awards." X IvS' Tomorrow ' V s Former Students Visit Grand Island Family GRAND ISLAND Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Walmsley of Kent, WaslL, were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Worth Wiley this week. The couple were school friends of Mary Evelyn Wiley and her cousin, Betty Kilpa trick while all were attending Oregon State last year. They were enroute to Reedley, Calif., where he holds a position on the high school faculty. TP I Yczr Hans c!I the 'IrccryLisi' c . --" -. i',f .J - -i Sickness ia t'lnnrr. It's a luxury the Nation cannot af ford in these very Important times. , ; If we are going "all ant en onr war effort, as every pa triotic citizen desires, then we need the foil measure of ef fort and enerry. In such a situation, disease becomes a drar. And good health to a primary need. So, as a patriotic doty as well as for your own self interest make up your mind here and now that yoa are roin to GET WELL AND . KELP WELL. Go see your Physician at once. Deed his experienced counsel and, if he prescribes, ' bring the .script here for careful compounding. VrTJcit's Cor. Elate & Liberty - Thone 311$ 11 V nftGN AW 5 tst On Scde Tomorrow 9:30 A. VL lot cis' .ou' cft" AT PENNEY'S LOW PRICE! p i - i t 0 Body pur Walt -Rayon Sole and: toe . ci rayen end eH2c. Wit. !J8jIjjDG1j fio - ; o n giruosGo UUUUcJ u DR. HARRY SEMLER, Drntlst Thanks to dental science and its ad vanced methods in denture technique, you who ; are , about to wear dental plates need not endure the embarrass ment and inconvenience of toothless ness for ? even ONE SINGLE DAY. Ask your dentist to explain the many , advantages of IMMEDIATE RESTO RATION which- enables you to start wearing your dentures IMMEDIATELY following the final extractions .'. . or ..; if you prefer, come j ond.let us explain this astounding service tto ' you. Far all persons ta whom "Personal Appearance" i especially important, IMMEDIATE' RESTORATION is both convenient and beneficial, because it enables , them to carry on regular "social and business activities without embarrassment or discomfort. Particularly Recozamen&ed for Teachers, lecturers, Sales Persons and All WTio Zleet the Pcblie LiJ L5uu , xp5. icvjaci r i BUY I VNITtO V ? ITAT1 . f (AVinct 'iff 1 AMD Youa QIGHT VORCt COMPLETES r NOW . . . PAIiATEl A " De" lot lock of Matfosdb ooHu. Con m om oral rim. wUck nU )n to mmmUM KISIfT NOW. moorlLrf Moors. Sowed too loootli of hoo i toko oa i IM www wv MiVN MmWi of D. timiirs I ifcsiol Cnitt oK of row it work VVntBo-ajf-fS fTff flolT looeooS. 10 Pt m. 3 r MAtG . YOUR -OWN Taoto are oo set crmdlt forms ia this offico. Yn taO so whet Is too Most coavoftiont woy yoa coa of for. to pay fov yoav OvaCHtrv, mmd I vCl " 1 1 a d I troase tao terms OCCOTiT.AsV. 1 I a q UL-ULJU TLUullljLvJ U PAC.A"G . w w ' . . ThT ore ooclaiBnJ oy wooiors for taotr close tosoaAlaaco to lUtim's Owa Toatli oas! Cams, a4 wbl fc!? yoa ovorcoaio oioto coasciooaacss aa4 etborrassaMat. Tho oxccptioaol iigkt wiht of those- ae-tylo aoatal olotos aaoklos yoa to woor t Stoat wfta oia4 ooso wt coaifort, yat lacy oro ouraoia oaovafc-ta sanra too aarJsat I kitors. Tacy oro stylesl oae f:tto4 to Mp restore the "Flaosiag I J Cxpiosstoa of Yoata.. . i YJU. c 0 J i . , CD Lj J ' t-J XJ ii Li LJ t . J C3