ni irr e w'h':Y6u Alie Most "ir.oz Hie Jkaast a Classified ' Advertising Statesmen Classified Ads Cell 9101 rhree Insertions per line 25c Six insertions per tine 43c One month per line . $1.23 Minimum charge 25c; 3 tL min imum 35c; 8 tt. min, 45c. No refunds.'' - Copy tor this page seceoted an HI 6:30 the -evening before frahtiea tton fur rJassiiiraUoa Copy, re ceived after this time will be -run under the -Beading "Tee Laie- to Classify.' . Tha Statesman aosunses ao ftaan- eni mpimsiloilUy toe errore -which. may appear Ji tdverusements pun lished i tts columns and la eases where thw paper m at fault will reprint' that part of an advertise Bient - la atnicn the typographical mistake occur. :- The Statesmen reserves the right to reject questionable advertising It further reaevv. the right, ta place ail advertising . under the orupet elaastficatiuet A "Blind Ad an ad containing a Stateaenea boat number Mat aa ad dress bi for the protection, at the advertiser aid meet therefore; be answered by letter. The Gtaeeaaiasr la not at ooerty m euvuige juror maUon as te the Identity of an sdrsrtiser using BUnd" ad Livestock and Poultry HORSES MARES MULES - LARGE ASSORTMENT e4 gentle. Chunky, well broke horses and mules - en hand at -all tiroes. Lots of mated Mm. nracoU3fT for . caa. CREDIT fiven. No carrying charge. ALL TOCK PRICED to SELL. Guaran teed aa represented. Free- delivery. Ber K Stock Raneb. Harry Kuenne, tan nn or., a mi. E- of Carlton. 7 mL W, of Newberg tot West Chehalem valley. FOR SALE: 2 calves. Phone 12281. Ilelp Wanted TMib or woman with ear for col lections on bonaiide monthly payment accounts. Earnings will approximate $100.00 and will not require your full time. Apply Box 2303 co Statesman. ; irPHOI-STXREHS. : refrigerator see. eicemen at linoleum Asyers. H. L. Stiff. IS YEAR or ud for service station At garage. 80S Edgewater SC. W. Salem. ONION WORKERS rranted. 30c per hour. . Som . men et see per nr. s miles east of Brooks, Hayes-Labisb Farm. ., - Wanted Experienced milker. S1J3.00 house per ma scnindier Bros uairy 40 West Myers St, satom, ure. Help Wanted Female Sal eswomen ; POSITIONS AVAILABLE AS 7 SERVICE STATION SALESWOMEN V Previous experience not sssentisT. Opportunity for valuable- training. .APPLY . Shell Oil Con ine. 2989 Portland-- Hoed WANTED, EXPERIENCED - : office elrl. antomotive tmlia, State ex perience aitsV qualifications. Box 2311, ana teaman. CAPABLE PERSON- far how at work, small country home. Bex 1313, . co Statesman. Christmas Cards I "Suaer-Talue" 21 Card 41 00 Assortmestt -seeait 0cl i ethers. DcLuxe Personals. Stationery LOWEST PRICE Personals front SO for $1.00 up. Send name ser SAHTLE. Wallace Brown, zza Firm An, uepr. lists. Mew yore Elderly lady to take complete charge Of home Children. Sift wk. 359 S. 16th. TOR HOUSEWORK. Good wages. One day, evenings At pert of every afternoon off. Ph. 71$1. Downs, 2121 S. High. - ELDERLY WOMAN tor housework tn motherless heme. 2 school children. 183. rear of N. 18th. work in Portland. Nice room, board ana wsges. ra. mub. EXPERIENCED WINDOW ' trimmer, Montgomery Ward. dren at 2293 Lee SU Salem. Before 3 p. m. STRONG) GIRL over 29 to work In tire retread shop. Firestone Stores, Center & Lib. stev-- i WOMAN KITCHEN helper. Perma nent position. Blue Birq. -.j Wanted, .woman for general house work Phone WW. . Help Wanted Male TRAINED RADIO repair man. Ex - perienc not neceasary. Write Box xjU7. co oiatenoan. Help Wanted tSale RETAIL Montgomery Ward, a national retail department store organisation, ope rating more than 60S stores. Is in need eg men capable of taking over duties of Department Managers, iuaunea men wui nave en excellent opportunity to advance to Store Mansger's positions. s , "If you are now sge 23 to 45 married ' to take over the duties of Department you should investigate mis oppOTTumiy; HEN'S CLOTH fNO AND FURNISHINGS SMOES TIRES AND AUTO ACCESSORIES HARDWARE . SPORTING GOODS W. G. Wood, Personnel Representative, will he Salem, all day Tuesday, for interviews. : .. All applications will be held strictly confidential. ADVERTISING " - Vestem Advertlsina Representatives George O Cluee. Inc. Can Prsnctsco Los Angelas Seattle . Eastern AoverUsing ' Representatives ' 7ard-Gr!fl:th Company Ine Chiea- New Yore Uetroit t-oston AUanta . 5 Entered et ? Ptoffice et gstcnt. Oregon es Second Cms 4.' otter. Pub 1 hsd srerv sotr;rj STCt Moitday. I usiiuts c;ice fls outa Conimerciul afreet, ' urzcr.iPTic:i ratt3 T'sH F:ihi'r!pttn Rate In Advance: T'i ,im i La ' iJ( i-arvtiay. t'o i c-:i. v i tCi. 1 rear ft ft -neie ti tris rr saa. ot tl3 i r 1 y- r l" :nc- -e dscy 4 cents. C. i C. .r. r, ii ewau a monia. j a y- "T i-i aace la kUrioa and l cer.l tc :x- Money to Loan QUICK CASH LOANS CAM. WRITS or "phone i9l68l to Salem's oldest largest borne owned ana Dome managed onsnce msrtiu Hon Your financial affairs will be discussed and loans made in strictest privacy You will be given every eon -stdersUon in the tepaytng of row loan or gramme of extensions 1 to U MONTHS TO REPAY You can pay la full any time to reduce the cost ONLY BORBOWEB SIGNS -No endorsers Loans made on turn! hire or note - SEX' ' . ROY H SIMMONS. MGR Uc No M 151 GENERAL FINANCE r. CORPORATION . Lie No S-139 134 So. Commercial St Phono 9168 rint door south of Ladd At Bosh bank Convenient (round Boot location PRIVATE MONEY AUTO ANT TRUCK LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED Ur raw duee nsvanenta Money -for nest or used cars No. delay er red tape Yea win retain posnaaion nae veaieie 1 to 13 MONTHS TO rat ; ROY H. SIMMONS : us CUgSBBBttBSsTetSftJ- StTflttC tlsa Ue No. M-132 MONTY TO LOAN ON - ..- ' REAL ESTATE ' STATE FINANCE CO. 212-222 Guardian Bldg Lie. S21f M222 . MONET TO LOAN Wanted, real estate nortaaree. loans. city or farm proeerties; leemv. made as small aa 3300 See ue about rettnaa- etng your present contract or man., LEO m rmtm rNC 344 State St. Phone t2U bob muk m r.rt i.miTi nMal A MMfMflA II. Will Ml- VTMkT 1 W or eoe tracts bawjuhs wwuua INC- nesiiors. uueraten Huitoing. Financial WANTED -Te. buy for cash-Real estate mortgagee, reat estate contracts, merchandise discount eaoer State Finance Co. 212 Guardian Bldg. Help Wanted fllale Workers aew employed la war pre- aocnon saoaia not appiy ase wtu aot be considered for employment ay m ploy era sdvertistag ia this seeUoa. MAN. MIDDLE a red or older for hotel clerk. Box 230s, Statesman. -BUS BOY wanted. The Spa. MEAT CUTTERS wanted. Finest working conditions. Top salaries paid. Applicants up to 60 years welcomed. Apply Sefeway office, 20C McGUehrist PERMANENT POSITION for elderly man as hotel clerk, -six . day week. State age, etc 2314, statesman. WANTED BY old established 'firm, assistant manager. Salary te ear al lowance Steady- position with excel lent opportunity for . advancement. Box 2904, statesman. WANTED IMMEDIATELY, school boy to -milk cows, ckobs bam -aad chicken house in exchamre for ream and board S Curtis at Statesman or phone 2-2952. .. . FIRST CLASS cleaner aV potter, Good salary, steady yob for right man. Write Troy Model Cleaners, Pendle ton, Oregon. -. CLERK FOR fruit and veeetable de- partiwent. leo backaroom mam. -Year around Job, Saving , Center, Portland Salesmen Wanted SALESMAN FOR distributing busi ness to operate in Willamette Valley. Headquarters Salam-. Reliable firm aad good salary. Permanent for right man. Box 2300, Statesman. Situations Wanted STENOGRAPHER,- y years esper lence. Phone 632 ana move mease EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER, Ste nographer Sr cashier want position. eruier run or part dim. ears, asary Jones. Prione 4331. STENOGRAPHER, 2,fc years exper. shorthand, typing, gen. office work. Pnv Z-3Z1S, eves. . Experienced watchmen wants work. References , Box zzs statesman. For Sale Rliscellaneons Maytag Washing Machines For Rent AT HOGG BROS. Exclusive Dealers for Msytaff Washers 200 State St. Phone 14 NEARLY NEW Mafic Chief Gas Rsnge . . $59.00 Used small site Baldwin piano and bench , . $110.00 Used S DC walnut drnine set S59.50 Used davenport chair $29.60 Nearly new Montag circulator $49.50 used westinenouse eiec range m ; A-l condition . $39 JO Used S pe. breakfast act SS.73 BRIGHT FURNITURE STOBZ 453 Court . Phone 7511 Help Wanieti SXale MEN" and have the experience accessary Manager in one of the following lines : . . PLUMBING FARM EQUIPMENT STOVES PAINT V FURNITURE ! FLOOR COVERINGS at the Hotel Senator, CARETAKER FOR building. Wood furnace smtu lawn, ..uooa ; salary. ttox zzs, statesman. ' WOODCUTTERS S0O Cdsv Extra tine timber. Ph. 1333. wood. Young man, over IS. to learn bak ery trade. See Mr. mc Mac ken, bchoen Bakery. ... GOOP Wia?WtM6.MJ? SUMSTEAD, UM3?tLLA TO TM3 PUSSTOP A kT''V i L' Vv Money to Loan SCHOOL BELLS will soon be ringing. Prepare NOW for schoolttme expenses and tall needs. The Calkins Finance Co. can loan up to $300 00 for clothes, tuition, books and other scbooitime needs as well as for fuel, repairs for the home, taxes. In surance and other fail expenses. No - embarrassing Investigations or long drawn out procedure- The entire transaction U handled quickly and con fidentially. Stop tn or phone us toaay Calkins Finance Company 313 Court St. Phone 4444 Ground floor Salem LOANS-C25 lo C300 Almost sny credit -worthy person who reauy needs easn to pay en eia ta , ror meaicu or oeniai wars or for som otner worthy purpose caa qualify fee a lose at Personal jonn is ueeren. Manager PERSONAL FINANCE CO C round Fir . New Btirh Bide Slt'STAlS STREEl 'At High Street) Telephone 3il State Licenses: S 12X It-Its Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. STB IXOOrt tTOARDTA-ia- BUtTJOOfO UCZNSal 14. as ue - Loans Wanted. WANTED PRIVATE MONEY TO LOAN en good Salem real as WUl pay mtares. ? B GRABINKORST eVCOw' REALTORS For Sale Miscellaneons ETJECTROLUX CLEANER OWNERS ATTENTION. For service, parte and supplies com municate with the- Electrolux Cerp 402 Couch Bldg Portland. Ore. Phone AT. 1307. THE ONLY FACTORY AU THORIZED SERVTCX IN OREGON. SEX HOGG BEOS. 260 State St for liberal trade la .on tout eld furniture 2 good used cameras. '116 size. Priced et X7.00 ana ss ov MCKwan rnoio &nop 433 State St FRUIT JARS. 10 do, quarts. $ doe. pints, use n. umaje. - Practically new eight piece oek dining set with felt end washable fabric table pads. Caa be seen st Ml Thompson ava. Sunday or eve after six Milk gost 172 S. Liberty. Ph. 7113. FINE ITALIAN prunes for canning. 30 cents . per bushel, you pick. mi.- south of Turner, 2nd house on left on summit read. C r. Bootn, RUG. txl2 Alexander Smith, seam less Wilton, Excellent condition. Neu tral colors. $42 M or $45 with pad 1560 Jefferson after 4 p. m. BOY -SCOUT - uulfmiu. reasonable. Phone 2-1237. : tSM CASH win ' buv almost new eminttoa llvine rm. bed rm. and kitchen famiture. also refrigerator for $100. Ph. 85. ? -HADDORFF VXRTICHORD Grand Piano. CaU after 6 p. m. week days. 1070 center bt. BOUSE TRAILER. Riverside Auto Court. See Mr. Crowdus. PIANO. DINING Room furniture. 270 N. Itth. Ph. tVOB. NEW-1042 Gibson refrigerator, never used. 1240 Hoyt St . LADY'S DeLuxe hike. $10 Parxlsb. FURNITURE.- $4T Stalesmsn. 24" CRAFTSMAN llg-eaw. Best offer takes. 165 W. Myers. KZLVTNATOft refrigerator. Ph. 5851. miet.Y Merer .whit aunwl wood range with coils. Ph. 23m. C. K. Bak er. Car. Of Dallas Hey at Kingwoed unrs, tt. aaiem. .. , - 4t MODERN horse trailer. 2020 X. ttth. SALWAY FEACHTS now ready Aepinwall Orchards at Brooks. RETRIGERATOR. range, mattress. etc. Phone 21721 evenings. SPEAR MELONS, Vine- ripened fresh picked 4 blks. S. paper mill anvBTrnro atviw Vnnri tiiim and otoer zurniiure. itaa wwier. rn. mi . - , . . . ... 1 1 vm- jm -TWEED COAT, brown- ptakt suit. wool Jersey dress, ail size is. vza n. Cspitol. -i - . -Xj-i--Ljsjer'eraJ'"ia v air r1 ni " DRY POULTRY fertilizer Summer special. 23 cents per sack. Brsng sacas Pn. 22S61. Lee Hatcnery. DINING TABLE. $ chairs (Dunn make). 050 Belmont v Cards la this gUreetory rta b a monlhiy b s $ 1 1 only. Rate: $LzS per Has per tnonth. . .. Anto Drakes Mike Panek. 27$ South Coounerclga Batteries WTLLA&O bsttPTies, ail types a D Woodrow. 294 Church, Phone 9600 Bicycles BICYCLS3, Mew and reeenwltioned Barry W SeoO. M7 S Coao cl P 41 Brashes Fuller Brushes 1143 Grant Ph. $381. Chimney Sweep Morthness Chlrenay Sweep. P. 44S0 Florists Bretthaupra 4T lwt. Phone- 919$ Funeral Directors rerwiQiget Funeral Heme -. Pb $92$ Mattresses CAPTTOL BEDDING CO Phone 4069 Painting & Paperhanging Experienced Reasonable Ph 432$ For Sale Miscellaneous . Rt-tTE LAKE beans for canning. 2 cents lb. You pick. 1 mi. South, 1 mL East Brooks Ph. 2-ZU0. BOTH new at used pianos sacrificed for quick sale. Tallman's quit tor the duration. 460 State St. Aprons greet cdk gifts. 67$ N High Tomatoes, cucumbers, beets. P. 2-2651 DEPENDABLE WRINGER service all makes of washers. Better get your rolls while available. See Ed Ellis, your washer man. Nelson Bros. P. 4149. Trade Miscellaneons HUNTERS I have 1 box .303 rifle shells Ac 1 box JO Remington auto, loading shells to trade for -30-30 rifle shells. P. E, Collins, 1009 Front St, woodburn, Wanted Furniture F. N. GLENN WOODRY. Auc tioneers Jb furniture dealers will pay you more cash or trade for furniture A household goods' . We- buy or sell evaryuung n. .aim . CASH FOR used Twiuituie Or Hold goods -R rorgey Pb, $44$. Wamed Rliscellaneons' WOOD FOR turn, up to S ft. 1280 N. 16th. after 1 a. nt. WANTED. GOOD folding baby bug gy. Phone 4800 mornings, - WANT TO Buy, Used cameras at MCEwan ruoto Shop. 433 state. WANTED. 2 greener pigs. State price and location. Write 3303 care Statesman WANTED. BICYCLE, cheap truck. wood circulator, else, refrig- piano. Write Frye. 20 Klma Ave.SaJem. Good used clothing, furniture at tools. The Baby Elephant Second Hand Stoic Ph. 4627260 N. High. WANTED. Royal portable typewriter, good condition. Mrs. Hain, Rt. 0, Bx 191 USED TYPEWRITER. Ph. 7229. WANTED, for cash, eirrs bicycle In good condition. Ph. $730. FILBERT AND walnut drying, .now operating. Ph. 2-2861. Lee's Hatchery. USED FURNITURE Pb $183 USED FURNITURE St household spp. Bought and SokL 2360 Fairgrounds Rd. Miscellaneous Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST -" CASES ' - Brtnr or Mall Your Plates for ftepatr - DR. HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST -Adolph BWa . State ComJL Ph.33JI 2 LICENSED WATCHMAKERS r SALEM WATCH SHOP . 341 N, ComX St. 2 day service (in most eases) with year guarantee. - For Rent Rooms Room and acage Ph. 2-1433 eves. WELL furn SL, H at C water each room near St nags.- wt tjenier, Sleeping room. T98 N. Whiter. P. 3339. Room -and Board 3 MEALS daily, i on Sunday. Front room, pri. entrance, hot.., cold tester. laos court. . t f-. - . BOARD at room. 181 Hf UOt ir'St Accommodate S beat gtrst- Pet YUs BETTER BRD ftm1$ CaaVI St For Oent Apmrtmeats FURN. 2 rm. Apts. $28.00. AdulU oniy. isse tanttot v. LOVELY FURN. apt, pri. bath, re- frig. Suitable, tor x. : u sl For Rent Houses '4 RM. furn. FJec. hot water htr. refrig, range. Avail. Oct. 4. $33. 2103 S. winter arter is noon. - FUR. rhod. sub. Adults. Ph. 21221. aswweMBsavMeaej FOR RENT: Double Flat: ratly fur nished; 9 rooms ia all; newly deco rated; adults only, reasonable rent. See Leo N. Child. Inc, Realtors, 344 State St, Ph. 92&L 8 ROOMS, modern, hw, floors, fur nace piped, dec. water htr, cement basement garage. 1130 Fir St Ph. 962$. 9 ROOM furn. $60. 1930 if. 17th. Paints and Lacquers Complete line NASON oamts Uberal terms, ft O wooarow we t wnurcn Printing rOR STATIONERY cards fampnJett ing, call The Statesman Printing Do portment 315 S Oiwmorcial. lele- Schools SALEM SECRETARIAL fcCHOCL STREAMLINED COURSES Write. Phone or Call tor BoofcJet See tl Capttol Signs Showcards . ELDON SCOTT. Phons m Transfer D-.tSOVR TRUCKS FOR RENT Blankets eurm 197 S Liberty Pb $C62 "OH IjOCAL" OR DIS1 AN! transfer storage, bttnmr oil, briquets I Tucks to Portland' daily Areni Pierce Auto Freght "rciuomg cam womta womw rranafe ca a im T Vacuum Cleaner Senrice r-RES imroectioo in' vouT noese Au thnrized Hoover service We eei mi all makes cleaners- Hogg , Bros: Ph. 9148 Well Drlllir-; & A Wast & Sons. Rt $. B' 44$ 1-230 iTELER r ; IsOCAJ VkX For Rent Houses ROOM furnished house. Can be had. until Dec. 15th. $53.00. P. H. BELL, 212 Guardian Bldg. Ph. $16$ S ROOM FURNISHED house. Fair- mount HilL Phone $465. NEW 6 ROOM houaa with hivnun! 573 Willow St Phone 4332. - Beautiful furn. home Ph. eves 21721. Attractive completely furn. home on Fairmount Hill tor 60 days. Ph. 3816. For Rent TRUCKS for rent You drive. Me Cune-St Lovell- phone 600 MODERN COTTAGES. $4 A UD (unction Auto Court So Commercial Wanted to Rent WANTED. 8 or $ rm. mooL. unfur nished house. Best of references. 1038 N. 22nd. . - 2 or 2 rm. furn. apt. Private bath. Box 2301, Statesman. For Sale Real Estate fTW TWWH? ' BaL $23 per mo, will buy this t r. home in good: location east. Price $3250. - W, O. CKABENHUKST t CU. -REALTORS . 134 S. Liberty St Ph. 4131 4 RM. plastered. S bdrms. mod. ex cept bsmt On same lot, 3 rm, ceiled, furn. Income $50 mo. Inq. 1365 N. 4th. $630- $259 down, small house, built- ins, city, water, elect, now rented for $10. C U. ANO8S -Sl, Wgn 5S3S 2273 FAIRGROUNDS ' ROAD: Business lot with small late dwell ing on rear of lot not fully complet ed. Price $2500. $1800 cash. baL terms. A GOOD INVESTMENT. W. H, GHABENHORST 4k CO. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St . Ph. 4131 HOME and INCOME: Choice corner with neat 4 room cottage and garage. Store building with - living rooms, stock, fixtures, ' and going business. Price $4200. part terms. - CITY CONVENIENCES end COUN TRY PRIVILEGES: Attractive subur ban home short distance out on paved road, best of sou; a room nouse witn plumbing, basement furnace, electric water system, poultry house for 200 capacity, amau earn witn cement floor. At garage. Price asooo-part terms. see (n n. cruras, inc, realtors, m -sum st, pn. yzei. CLOSE IN HOME: $9900. Good modem 8 r. home 9 blks. out double plumbing, oak Crs, base ment, furnace, llreplace, paved auey and street szooo down, eat s per mo. W. H. GHABENHOnai a .CvJ. : REALTORS - 134 S. Liberty St Ph. 4131 tnsiW-KTM itnrnit . 1 B l' atrlctlv mad. home 3 blacks to S. High. r 1 1 ii ,i 1,, ,nfMlRhMftl C. H. SANDERS 231 N. High 5839 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION On 4 hees. 8 R. (3 BJL). Englewood DuT $3673. $600 dn. A, 5 R. Fum. $2350, 50 Dn. tinfurn. if desired. 4 R. -at nk. W. Salem. Late built. 2 lots $2350. $400 dn. Mew- s k - hw. zirs -nrevi, wipea furnace, about . lt A. North.- Sen. - at city bus. at door. $3500. Some terms. WOlamette seal xstate,- m s. uoerty 92000 HOME: -' 1 r. house on S. Hieh st near Les4 lie school, large lot. i cash. baL terms. W. H. CRABKNHOluT , 4k CU. REALTORS '. ' ' 13 S. Liberty St. Ph. .4131 lunj-unen. r.sin-ei"iiarar- sa-sjrTiaiirarJTi,i--sr"sa'-1 sf " m "" 10 A. near Salem. Good T rm. house 48x40 barn, paved -road. $6400. -WUI take house in Salem. R. A. FORKNER, JRealtor - w : 1953 N, CapitoL 9 R. hse (I B. Rms.) 2100. -$30S Do. SI O -a. .11 ISA Mdl , Willamette Real Ectate, 112 S. Liberty. M SIIMIIS ST HOWT J91SA - r. BlaeaMd hoana with meat furnaee. -oak firs.. -cor. lot, pav ed sta,wear-echoel. A GOOD INVEST- MINT, rented for 030. W. H, CRAecNHuur at tu, . KKAI.TORS 134 & Liberty SL Ph. 4131 - GOOD HOMES 3 rm. Nice home, North $2850 cash 9 rms. Modern. S. 12th. $4100. $ rms. Modern. S. 19th. $3500. 11 rms. S. Com L Board Ac rm. $6000 H. P. GRANT, Realtor 52$ Court St ' .. Ph, $T44 $330 $200 DOWNl $1400. balance $15 month, inc interest $1800 i cash. 5 room ptast house. Xond condition. 2 garages, paved st. esna Anmin n month. II 11 . i.iii..t. v-M- w v . . ' C H. SANDERS 231 N. High 583$ mil CATV. a wmma r4tH ..r,. attached. Price $3600.00 Including all furnishings except linen, uisnes, suvcr. P. H. BELL. 212 Guardian Bldg. Ph. $16$ a nu unn mmm nuriM rsilnca dist. Hollow tile construction. Owner. 1999 W. Nob HilL a R. modern home. DractlcallT new. On pavement. $3800. m - f (north) in bearing fruit and nut trees, and SR. modern house, basement furnace. fireplace and hardwood floors. $3800.. . . , In Keizer District: 4 R. house in good condition, with 2 bed rooms, double garage and garden ground. S H. moaern nore. nooacniu tow. O. E. VOSBUROH Phone 259$ 1049 Cascade Drive FURNISHED HOUSE Nice new home, new -house and new furniture, good location, $2650 .00,. seme terms. . - $1800.00 buys this nice 4-R. house. S bedrooms, basement nice lawn. A JAS. D. SEARS. REALTOR 501 Center Ph. $442 ARRANGED FOR FAMILIES Duplex. 9 rooms for each family, wired for elee. range, basement, fur nace. Can be shown only by appoint- UICIII. I1VW flMOT . ... - .1 ...i. . Kyment BaL monthly payrnents. See uis Bechtel or Mrs. . Needham, 341 State. -St oora--e.-- $1750.00, 2 bed rooms At bath, nook, fireplace, garage,, comer- tot; $600.00 down - -'- ' ttvM no Ttn RMS Oil : Furnace. Firepiaeel Nook. Garage. Trees$1000JM oown. vacant w.-in.-'- - $5300.00. 3 Bed rooms Ac attic, din In groom, .fireplace, furnace, attach mt tmrmrm r attractive home: $1500.00 down. See Mr. Potter, 477 Court st pn. ease. . savui a mam Tnixl . xtra.larra Ked rooms, hwd. floors, fplsce, basement garage, fruit At shade. North. C. H. SANDERS 231 N. High 583$ iJ - For Sale Real Estate $ RM. HOUSE with dbl. gsr. Urge lot with fruit on N, Liberty St A good buy for $2250. 1 A. with a good 9 rm. house, gar- barn. All kinds of fruit About 1, ml. East - of Salem on : paved : road. Priced to sell for S4000. BEST BUY IN MARION COUNTY: $',a A. of. fine land with good 9 rm. nouse. woodstiea at weu bouse. Darn At chick. . house, fruit c berries. A nice home place for only $2450, Lo cated N. of Salem on paved hwy. i A witn a good a rm. nouse gar, fruit At berries. About 4','t mi. N. of Salem. A good buy for $3000. Trade 'for home in Salem. - 48 A. of good black sou, all can be Irrigated. 1 A. of oak grove, bal. in eultv, smau set or bidgs, eiec, paved road. A REAL BUY FOR $3500. 39 A, an m cuitv, good set of bidgs. fruit tt berries, -some stock dc equip. ALL GOES TOR $3300. Km A. with good 4 rm. house, chic. house, gsr, paved street at bus line, mL North of city limits. Price $2750. WiU trade clear as down - pay ment on farm. - .ROSTEIN a ADOLPH, INC. llOta N. Commercial St - i SUBURBAN HOMES Dandv 9 R. new Ensllsh tme home strictly modern with la "A. ground $3250.00. 9 Acres, nice home, oam, poultry house, hog house, nice, income in ber ries. Price for quick sale $3500. A snap. 10 Acres, good unfinished bouse, livable ac new. Barn, poultry, house, garage. All material to finish house. 9 A. cherries, tractor, disc, wagon at some tools, alt for $3000.00. Better see this before you buy. 160 A, Nice improvements tt good location. Price S11JW0.00, or will trade for Salem, Or, Auto Court This is a gooa rencn. JAS. D. SEARS, REALTOR ' $07 Center Ph. 9442 NEWLY DECORATED house located at 1173 S. 13th St Immed. noes. Cash price $1800. - Yl. tt. lUWUiEB, BEAblVK M7 N. ' Commercial Pb. 472$ 2190 N. 4th St $2500. Immed. Poss. 2 bedrms, liv tm, kitchen, nook. fireplace, betn. garage, sruit room. Not for sale-after Monday noon. Call Mr. Larsen RICH U REIMANN ' 181 S. High St v Ph. 9203 nunc LOT with 5 room home. Large attic Basement " Wood Fur nace. Garage. $3800.00. -Nearly New 3 Room Home with Oil Furnace, Attic and possession .. soon. at $3400. . . - -' 9 Room Home, excellent location. Double PLUMBING, has ' 2 Room Apartment on a corner and witn beau-. Mful sturuopery. S4au. O. E. BA lzas atave.-fn. iox A STAT. tnifMtmMlt Jllt-nnu tn today. Good property, ideally located. One S rm has. in good ehape. One new 4 rm. hse.. completely furnished. Garage Ac 2 lots. Good income prop erty. Owner not sble to carry on. Full price $4150. $1250 cash. BaL terms. F. H. WEIR 465 Center Realtor Ph. 9411 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION WEST SALEM HOME, 2 B.R, large LR. and no flnnluo eiill tia mnt. 2-eae gar. rdce tot $3400.- Terms $400 dn. Ml. S3B per mo. uu asr. vmrmm. , ntr-H t. MUM ANN. REALTOR 161 S. High St Ph. 920$ 4 LOTS old 9 rm. furn. hse, bath. Nuts, fruit barn, .-windmill. $2509. 2209 North Front St. INCOME PROPERTY . ' Consisting of 2 houses, gsr,' large lot. Excellent . investment Lacs tod 1369 No. 4th St Only $3500.00. Income $50 per month Call Mr. Lassen. RICH L. REIMANN, 161 So. High St. Ph. 9202 $1000-4 rm, garage. $4100 Liv. rm, . din. . rm, kitchen, 1 tjedroom. v ' :' J-T j. t ' -i $35003 hedrm, Tssmt, , turn. . sum s rm eiillv madl -auto. heat. miwuww "M-p - t. I trees, beautiful view. Terms. R. A. Forkner, Realtor :;r -v- 189$ Nf CapitoL : acreage, farms, large selection EOWNSON REALTY. Independence For Sale Farms- ai A-W!S na Mr.i enlllsalaal 90 acres timber. 158 acres pasture, -dwelling, large ham, electricity, $22,000.00. $3000 down. ' ling, two bernav electrie water system ana a streams. " ; , 151 acres loo acres cuiuvatea, es acres pasture. $ rm. house, barn, ga rage, ample water supply, stream thru pasture. $450000 $120040 down. so acres os acres ciuunm, guwu buildings, pved road, electricity, river frontage. $124)00 00. $2000.00 down. 25 acres near Salem, all cultivatable. Chehalis sandy loam, electric water system, nuts and fruit '4 room house, wired for range, out buildings, $6500.00, assort m ilawa. R. A. Forkner, Realtor 1$53 N. Capitol N. PACIFIC HIGHWAY FARM: ta with nlH fv1, farm hullo. lngs. 170 a. cultivated. baL timber At pasture, price sis.uuu. oee W. M. liHADLflnunai REALTORS , 134 S. Liberty St Ph- 1M ia arwe nrvwfutlv land, eood K.iil4inM Wattr Bvatm. S mL north, 1 mL east Keizer school. Rt X Box ler. . - a a inrinimiiMl Favtl rnnd soiL eood read, elect, close to schooL Price $3150. - C. H. SANDERS S31 . nign wa NEW SUBURBAN HOME: T.n ,mu with rrekL timber. 114 r. young fnoerts, 4 r. house, modem plumome, nrepiace. oouun z Price $4000. essh. bsL, terms. IM MEDIATE POSSESSION, v 1 W. H. GRABENHORST At CO. REALTORS- 134 8. Liberty St - Ph. 4131 READ THIS 100 A, 2i. mL from .Dallas. Oreg. Just off Hwy, with J houses. 60 A. in crop. 8 A in prunes. 2 A. te family orchard. 3 good, spriags. Cow barn Ac ether bldgs. A place for cows, plenty n mvi snrlne water. Vt mL to school. price -$8000. $300 dn, BaL 9 years to pay -at 5 int. - . . F. H. WEIR 46$ Center Realtor Ph. 9411 as A. all under cultivation. . Good buildings. 11 mi N. of Salem. C. A. Hoover, 1520 N. CapitoL Ph. $784. ; Acrea it a .um a itm, A vm av ma! 2 bedrms, bath, drilled well, electric pump, creek. $2350; furnished. $400 now a. . . AA A a Ml M. T!,ta KV.(.a 0AAl barn. 13 A. farm land, 23 A. pasture, a , . . . AO, AA A r-lsMA Ia tluhhsnl y rn-l inivl em house, large barn, 95 A. under cult, all year stream. A FINE FARM. $105 per acre. Melvin Johnson, 125 Court Ph. 3723 Z V V J . . . . I. . . tl I 1 .1. Acreage $1250 CASH: l1', seres with some nice large bear ing walnut trees, 3 r. house, 4 miles out near P. Highway. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. W. H. GRABENHOR5T At CO. . REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St Ph. 4131 1 110 A. Latebuilt "cottage. Fruit West aide. $3000. 4 -A, $ R. Ac bath. Very close In. City water, schls. A bus. 172 S. Liberty. .. - ; 116 Acres, close in. Horth. with nice 9 Room Home, Hardwood floors; barn and chicken house, fruit ' and shade. $3500. $1000 down. : t see suixiVAN, izao ute. . sioi FOR SALE 150 acres, $0 a. under plow. 2 ml. N. of Salem on Wallace Rd.. l'i mL S. of HopewelL J. D. Dunn. Rt 1, Box 291 - - $500 ' DOWN: - " S acres with bearing fruit 3 room. house, drilled well. lar?e chicken nouse. Price szooo. Bal. su per mo. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. W. H, GRABENHORST At CO. i REALTORS 134 8. Liberty St Ph. 4121 4 31 A. East, good soil, good road, elect, close to Salem. Price- $900. 4100 down, $10 mo. Buy now I Build later. Never be priced leas. - 8,i A. oa Pudding river, fir timber, dose to Salem. Price $950, VI cash or take auto in trade. C. Hi SANDERS 231 N. High 583$ 14 A. 1 ml. S.W. of Salem. 4 R has. eiec lights, water piped into nouse; creex. price szuo. W. G. KRUEGER. REALTOR 141 N. ComX Ph. 472$ LOOK THIS OVER. 12 acre garden, Irrlsation svstem. 5 mL N. Salem. Keiser district You can see It as a money maker. Only reasonable down payment and balance crop payment basis. Investieata now. TeL 9903 H C. SHIELDS Oreg.Bldg. Suburban 1 ACRE. Modern, 8 rooms, exc base, hwd. throughout, fplsce. garage, wood shed, eiec, fruit, shade, on bus. Price $4000. ' C H. SANDERS 231 N. High $83$ Wanted Real Estate WANTED. 1 to 9 A, Mod. house, near 4-Comers. Around . $2500. $500 down. Ph., 6217 St Box. BEST SMALL, house up to $2000. cash. Box 2312, Statesman.- : .- - Wanted at once, city and suburban homes to selL Hawkins and. Roberts. Inc,.. Realtors s., ' '-y. Business Opportunities SPECIAL I " APT. house, completely furnished, consisting 4 apta. ana store equipped with electric ranges and re-frie-aratara. oil heat with steam radia tors, excellent construction and in vestment ; Located 839 No. Liberty. Full price $10,750.00. Terms $5000.00 cash. BaL arranged. Call Mr. Larsen. RICH L. REIMANN -181 S. High St ; : Ph. 920$ Lostand Found FOUND - Sum of money. Mrs. F, Meier. 130 SUverton Road. LOST BILLFOLD containing $40 currency, neat Woolworth's Thurs. Liberal reward. W.U. student Ph. 4434 LOST PHI DeHa Theta 1ewe4ed fra ternity pin, Thurs. night at Henry Busse dance- at Salem' armory. Re ward. Return to -Mrs. Bower. Model Food Iskt . Schools EMPLOYMENT INSTRUCTION WELDING Fundamentals of- Me- tallurT -Blue-Print reading and draw ing-- Also,-the- Electric Hefrigesation and-Ahr Condi tiootne industries, need skilled technicians. . Train In snare time. Shop, and lab practice included. Free- piece service. - - - Representative Henry Thompeoai of TJtrhtiea- Engineering Institute, is here m Salem to interview applicants ana make selections. For interview, write Box Mo. t3io. t. Statesman, or go ta 725 Court St Sent 29-C9-30 Oct. 1-3 and 3rd. You may phone 3121 for appointment. For Sale Used Cars 1939 PLYMOUTH Coupe. Good tires. Going to navy. 730 N. Front Cross Word s 'S i 17 v 23 15 2jo 18 30 31 35 So 39 41 41 23 44 45 4d noaxzoNTAi. 1 long- seat T aea '- brigand 13 checkered . materlala 14 ascends 15 Uw 15 -compact IS near 19 Americaa humorist 20 membevs of 1 ancient race 21 eucharlstie j vessel 22 symbol for , neon -. 23 more ' sormal 24 assist 5 more impressive 27 unrefined 25 extinct New .. Zealand . 1 tiris ' ; " 23 pedal extremity 23 talisman 22 orchestra section . S3 endure JJ Mediter-' gaaeaa - -- ili--.J 37 symbol f or sodium 33 half aa em f pL) 29 atrips at wood 40 fourth caliph 41 like 42 discourage ' 43 Russian Inland sea 44 grieve 43 lure 48 hurls . 49 annoyed v. n Answer to jresterday'a puzzle. 9 25 - 5H 0 VjiA'N J! Aij. G LlOO 1 r.JTT Avertxt time sf sc':'.:,s: 12',' t.iESs. tut. ty IZz$ Fcttures rB-.-.-.te, L-o, Wanted Used Cars . . ORVAL PAYS 1 TOP CASH . PRICES For Used Cars ALL MAKES & MODELS. . ORVAL'S USED CARS f Center at Oiur$1u Ph. 4702 awasssaaysaaseBeiai w pay tops r : Get every dime your car la worth. Cash on the Barrel-Head C SHR0CK SALEM! oldest tnd 3oendent used ear dealer. NJt Corner-CburcSi As Chess, Fh. Y922 WANTED, 'ii or 3$ rnoeL good rubber, cash. Phone 932$. : 7 ') Transportation Wsnt t riders to Willamette Shin, yards, day shift. R. H, Beers, 279. N. 24th St WANTED, ride for S men to South Dakota. 850 Plymouth Drive, Salem, WANT Riders to Corvallis campus. 880 Marion. WANT $ passencers 8wan Island. Gravy'o shift R. A. S pence, 1700 N. 20th IFiS Will Wear nelmet aad E9Csies ta sad her j parschate imk tyvtr ber BAtesilder, Mrs. Kajtcr TJL Leve, eommandVr el ibei Wom- en's Auxiliary Fenr Mstaairea ef Use axnsy air t erces, wears toe nwl7 adopted tamdsrd - bed aUtre' : for ttw; wtnaea pUots. Beeanse they retaia el YtUaa statna, the army does aot designate the outfit a tinifarto, - Ass eclated Prcsa Teleamst, Puzzle 9 j . 2 'A 'SI 4 'A v 34 37 4 4 49 VE3TICAX, 1 arose from 2 4remder- - 3 narrativa -4r cravat 6 diminutive . for Edward members of an ascetio sect "7 whiter 4 8 flower ' ' free - -10 like It paired - 12 landed , , property . ' 17 river in : . Germany - 20 title of address 21 adjoins ! 23 nasal aonnd 24- got'up 26 accumulate 27 outer garment 23 worrier . .30 clartaes 31 character la j a Humpeiv I I . dinck opera! 32 outer creaT coating . 33 enmesh - " 34 navigated -33 leads for s - solution 33 warbled 43 accessory .- i , seed 1 1 lTaIv it; - v . " .... - c . 42 contlnuoug loud nei3$ 43 mountsia aborigine -v S Jumtisj i 47 ce live - I