Th 02EG0H STATESMAN. Soleza Oregon, Saturday Morning. September H. 1912 Whese You Gat The Most For Least. . .Statesman- ClassiSe'd ' Ji sage The Classified Advertising ' Statesman ! Classified Ads Call 9101 '- . ' . .... . Three Insertions per Una 25c Six Insertions per line. 40c One month per lint $1.23 Minimum chars 23c; S tt. min imum 35er tt mm, 45c. No refunds. , Copy for this pace accepted on til JO the eventns before public Uon for elassitcaUoa Copy re ceived -after this tint wttl be run under the Beading . "Toe- I to to Classify. The Statesman assumes oe fman cut responsibility for errors -which Mr appeal a MJverttseinents pub lished ta tt columns and ta eaaee where this paper at fault will reprint that part ef as edvertiae snent in wnich the typographical saistase occure The Statesman fsosrvca the right M reject questionable advertising ft lurthei resew the right to place alt advertising under the oropet classification A "SUnd" Ad as ad containing n Stateemeowbo o unbar for en od - dress is fer the protection of the advertiser aid must thsr casts be answered by letter. The Statesman bi not at liberty te- divulge 4nfor nation m to the identity of an advertiser csdng "BUnT od. . Livestock end Poultry roa SALE: 2 carves. Phone 22281. Ildp 7amted "Man -or woman with ear for col lections -on -hnriafifte swonthhy payment accounts, xunisrt -will ajjoi Intate 1100.00 end will not require .-year full Appty Box ce statesman. UPHOLSTERERS, refrigerator etcemen at linoleum jayers. H. L. Stiff. It YEAR -or up for service station t garage, -809 Edgewster SL, W. Salem. - Wanted afeseengers. 4oy o girls. is yrs. 01a. Apply western union. ONION WORKERS -rented. 40c per hour. - Sons men at see per 'nr. S miles east of Brooks, fiayes-Labisb Farm Wanted Experienced milker 9123.06 at nouse per mo scntnejer twof uairy. aw west Myers et- naiass. urn. - Help V7xnltdFtcxle Sal eswomen .. POSITIONS AVAILABLE : AS SERVICE STATION SALESWOMEN Previous experience net Opportunity for valuable APPLY Shell Oil Co., Inc. Elderbr lady to take complete charge ' pf home Children. 113 wk. S30 S. ISth. FORHOTjSEWORK. . Good wages. One day, -evenings de part of every ' afternoon off. Ph. 7M1. . Downs, 1121 ELDERLY WOMAN 1st housework fn motherless home. 1 school children. IBS. rear of 1. ism. , ' SCHOOL GIRL for genesal house Work in Porusnd. Nice room, board and wages. Ph. i3IS. EXPERIENCED WINDOW trimmer. Montgomery r Ward. ' WOMAN to care for school -see chil dren -at 2263 Lee St. Salem. Before 3 pum. - STRONG GIRL over 24 to wock in fire retread -shop. Firestone 8 tores. Center at LH. Sts. WOMAN KITCHEN Perms- t position. Blue Bird. WOMAJf FOR general -work boarding house. -215 S. Winter. In EXPER. WAITRESS. Morton HoteL Wsnted, woman for general house work Phone 74SS, s - Help Wanted-3!ale Workers sts imaliiyse to spot pre ftoctlsn taeole net apply and wtU not be censidered fer amfliiysisnt by em- pleytrs sdverustag to thai secuea. CARETAKER FOR building. -Wood I furnace Small lawn. Good salary. Box 2224, SUtasman. s. WANTED BY old established firm. assistant manager. Salary at car al , lowance. Steady position with exeeU lent opportunity tor savsnccment. ,Box 2304. SUtesmsn. WANTED ! IMMEDIATELY, school nov to milk cows, clean barn snd chicken house in exchange for room and board See Curtis at Statesman or phone2952 J-.r..-.-j-.-j-,r. TRAINED ! RADIO repair man. Ex perience not necessary. Write Box 1307 co Statesman. i - Help Wantetl Male "RETAIL MEN" "Montgomery Ward, a national, retail department store organization, ope rating more than 400 stores, hi In need of men capable of taking over duties of Department Managers. -Qualified men will have an excellent opportunity to advance to Store Manager's positions. . "If you sre now sge 25 to 5 aiarrted and have the experience necessary to take over the duties of Deportment Manager in one of the following lutes you should Investigate this opportunity: MEN'S CLOTHING AND ! .FURNISHINGS ' ' SHOES ' -. i- ' TIRES AND AUTO ACCESSORIES HARDWARE . SPORTING GOODS. - - Mr. W. Gv Wood. Personnel Representative, will be st the Hotel Senator. Salem, all day Tuesday, for interviews. - "AB sppUeaUoni wUl be held strkrUy confidential'' cjf Ortjaon0tatesnan . . ADVERTISING Vestern 'Advertislnf Representatives George D Close. Ine. Can Frsncisco Los Angeles Sesttla Eastern Advertising v .Representatives , Wsrd-Gruntb Company Ine. Chicago ! New York Detroit Boston Atlanta Entered at the Postofftee st Solent. Oreffon SI Second Clau Matter. Pub lished every morntna except . Monday. pssixess oios Hi South Commercial Strft. ' ' SUCSCHIPTION RATE3 Mail Subscription Rates In Advance: Within Oregon: Daily and Sunday. Mo r 1 cents. 4 Moa $3 00. 1 vesr $9 00 1 sewhere 80 cents per mo or $720 tor 1 year In advance Per copy 9 cents I 1 Ci v Carrier, 79 cents s month, pi 1. j a year in advance as biarton and adjacent counties. Money to Loan QUICK CASH LOANS CALL. WRITI or ' phone (91481 to Salem's oldtst largest home owned Mid home managed finance tnititu lion Your financial affairs will be discussed and loans made in strictest privacy You will be given every eon stderstton In the epaytn of voui loan or crantln of extensions 1 to. 12 MONTHS TO REPAY r You can- Day la full any time to reduce the cost ONLY BORROWER SIGNS Ne endorsers Loans mads on turn! ture or note v ' SEE ' ' ROY B SIMMONS MGR. lie. No at -153. GENERAL FINANCE CORPORATION Lie No S13I 134 So. Commercial St Phone 168 first door south of Lsdd At Bush bank Convenient ground Boot location PRIVATE MONEY AUTO AND TRUCK LOANS CONTRACTS RETINANCTD to re duce payments Money for new or oseo cars no aeisy -nr red tape roc rill retain possession of the vehicle 1 to M MONTHS TO PAY ROY H. SIMMONS 138 Sooth Commercial Street Phone list Lie No. MU3 MONTY TO LOAN ..... . ON REAL ESTATE STATE FINANCE CO. 212-422 Guardian 8Jag Lie. S211 11222 MOKEY TO LOAN Wanted, real estate n-ortgesea. loans. city or farm aaupatUaa. aosns made as small asfjos see us aooui refinan cing your prisent eontraet or mort We -f. 1 . LSD f-WTTJT mc. 244 SUte St. Phone S2l WaT LOAM OS) ostnoas piuotitj WU1 owe. nwrtgsgea r eon tracts HAWKINS , ROBERTS D4C, Realtor. Guardian Building, FinAneial WANTED T- 4nrv- for cash Real estate mortgagee, real estate con tracts. merchandise discount oaner State Finance Co. 212 Guardian Bldg- . Help Wanted Male TTRST CLASS cleaner at spotter, Good salary, steady fob for right man. write Troy stooet l leaner, reaoje- ton, Oregon. CLERK rOR fruit -and vegetable de partment, also beck roam man. Year around joe. flowing . uenter. s-oruano Koaa. Salesmen Wanted SALESMAN FOR distributing bust I ness to operate in .Willamette Valley. I Headquarters Salem. Reliable firm-end rood salary, rei namem ror ngni man. ! Box ' 2906, Statesman. Situations Wanted EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER, ste- noeraoher at cashier want position. either full or part time. Mrs. Mary Jones, none w. STENOGRAPHER. 2H years exper- shorthand. typing, gen. office work. fti. z-xzis. Experienced watchman want work. References .sox zzw t talesman. For Sale MiscellaiieoDS Maytag Washing Machines For Rent at nonn BROS. Exclusive Dealers for Maytag Washers see state si mono aies NEARLY NEW Made Chief Gas Range $59.00 Used small size Baldwin piano and bench $119.00 Used pc. walnut dining set.458.50 Used davenport Ac Chair $29.50 Nearly new M on tag circulator $49.50 used wesuncnouse eiec. ranee m A-l condition $39 JO Used i pc. breakfast oet $9.79 BRIGHT FURNITURE STORE 452 Court ' . Phono Till ELECTROLUX CLKANEB OWNERS 'ATTENTION. ' For eerrtco. sorts end supplies com municate with the Electrolux Cocp 402 Couch Bldg Portland. Ore. Phone AT. 1307. THE ONLY FACTORY AU THORIZED SERVICE IN OREGON. X good used earns rar. lis -siss. Pilusd at $7.00 and 48 00 McEwaa Photo Shop 439 State 81 FRUIT JARS. 18 dos. quarts, S dot. pints. 1144 N. Cottage. Practically new eight piece oak dining set- with felt snd washable fabric table pads. Can be seen st 861 Thompson sve. Sunday or eve after six Milk goat 172 S. Liberty. Ph. 7113. FINE ITALIAN prunes for canning, 50 cents per bushel, you pick. 5',i ml. south of Turner, 2nd house on left on Summit road. G. F. Booth. RUG. 9x12 Alexander Smith, rim lea Wilton. Excellent condition. Neu tral colors. $42.50 or $49 with pad. 1560 Jefferson after 4 p. m. BOY SCOUT ' uniform, reasonable. Phone 2-1257. J Help Wanted M-le PLUMBING FARM EQUIPMENT STOVES PAINT FURNITURE FLOOR COVERINGS TT YOU want to operate a wood ssw on shares or buy it. Phone 4253 at noon. - - WOODCUTTERS 200 cds. Extra fine timber. Ph. 1339. Young man. over IS, to learn 'bak ery trade. See Mr. McMscken, Schoen's Bakery. rS2N N TROUBLE IA jOO Jpoa S,J WEZ' Ul SSrJ 'J ( &?iM6lM6ABOOK J I S f 113 2 rwin..M LX- ; : 1 : ... . . .. ' - Kloney to Loan SCHOOL BELLS wiH Boon be ringing. Prepare NOW "for schooltime expenses snd fsll needs. The Calkins Finance Co. can loan up to $300 00 for clothes, tuition, books and other schooltime needs as well ss for fueL reosirs for the home, taxes, in surance and other fail expenses. No embarrassing investigations or long drawn oat procedure The entire transaction b handled quickly and con fidentially. Stop in or phone us today Calkins Finance Company SIS Court St. Phone 444C Ground Floor Salem L0ANS-S25 to 0300 Almost sny credit -worthy person who really needs cash to pey oft old debts for medical or dental work or for some ntner worthy purpose ran quaHfy tot a loan at Personal.- - jonn c neeren. Msnsger PERSONAL FINANCE CO. Ground Fir: New Btirh Bldg S12 STATE STREE1 At High Street) Telephone -2191 State Licenses: S I2t M-142 Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. tTH FLOOR CUARD1AN .ButLDOfO UCENSE Utl lS Loans Wanted WANTED PRIVATE MONEY TO LOAN -on good SUem real se wui pay w tnteresx. 'H.'ClBABENHOHSl e CO. REALTORS For Sale Miscellaneous SPEAR MELONS. -Vine ripened. fresh picked 4 blks. 8. paper REFRIGERATOR. WOOD range -end other furniture. 1289 Walter. Ph. 4SSJ TWEED COAT, brown plaid suit. wool jersey dress, -au sue is. to it, CapitoL J:y -)- DRY POULTRY fertiOser. Sununer special. 3S cents per seek. Bring sacks Ph. 2288L Le Hatchery. - Good used piano S0. 1244 Chesnekets DINING TABLE. 4 chairs (Dunn mskel. 950 Belmont. . BLUE. LAKE beans for canning. cents lb. You pick. 1 mi. South, 1 mi. Fast Brooks Fb. -S-Z530. : Irrigated corn. L. H.Zlelhe. Pi 27 BOTH new av used pianos , sa 01 meed tor quiok sale. Tollman's quit for the owsation. w state nt. SEE HOGO BROS, 280 "Stele SL for Vbasna tvsdo- an on your eld furniture greet ed. gifts 7t N High Tomstoes, cucumbers, beets. P. 2-2867 TYPEWRITER Pr sc. new BoysL 49 -4S4 University St. . DAVENO-. RRASONABIiE. 990 tt. IS. DEPENDABLE "WRINGER all makes of washers. Better -jet y w rail, while available. See Sd Ell: ypur washer man. Nelson Bros. P. 4149 Trade -Miscellaneous HUNTERS I have 1 box. J03 rifle hells Sc 1 box JO Reminston auto. loadins shells to trade for 30-30 rifle vneus. f. UDiuni, inos-rroni s. Weodburn. Wanted F urniture F. N. 4 GLENN WOODRY. Auc tkmeess 4t furniture dealers will pey yon eaoro cash or -trade for furniture at household xoods We buy or sell everything rk.tur ri CASH TOR Mold goods R Fergey- Pn T44B. Wanted- MisUanoxis WANTED. 2 wesner pigs. State price and location. Write 2309 care Statesman WANTED, BICYCLE; cheap truck, wood circulator, elec. refrig., piano. Write Fry C; 20 Z3ma Ave, Salem. Good used clothing, furniture tools. The Babv Elephant Second Band Store Ph. 4427-260 N. High. WANTED. Roval oortsble typewriter, good condition. Mrs. Hain. Rt. s, Bx 151 USED TYPEWRITER. "Ph. 7238. WANTED, tor essh, rtrls in good condition. Ph. 4730. batyde rrLHnrr and walnut drrtawr. now operating. Ph. 2-2941. Lee's Hatchery. used FURNmma vn toas. Business CMift ta this tUreetery ran m a aBonthly basis enly. Ksiet SUBS per I la per aeath. Auto Brakes 279 uta Commercial Batteries WILLARD batteries, all tyfea R. O Woodrow. 294 Church Phone S600 Bicycles BlCYCLkS. New and reconditioned Harry W Soott 147 S Coro'd P 4514 Brushes ruBer Brushes 1749 Grant. Ph. 9391: Chimney Sweep Morthwsas Chhnaey Sweep P. 4450 FlorisU Brotthauprs 447 Unurt. Phono 9199 Funeral Directors rarorfJUger funeral Mem Ph 6928 Mattresses CAPITOL BEDDING CO Phono 4069 Painting & Pa per banging I - . Dk SS9A ins Wanted---Miscellaneoas USED FURNITURE & household spp. Bought snd Sold. 2360 Fairgrounds Rd. Miscellaneous Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST , - CASES Bring or MsU Your Pistes for Repati DR. HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolpn Bids State Cotnl Ph 2311 2 LICENSED WATCHMAKERS SALEM -WATCH SHOP 341 N. ComX St. 3 day service tin most cases) with year guarantee. ' For Rent-Rooms WELL turn SL. H ft C water each room near St. - Bidgs. 737 center. LIGHT Housekeeping rra. Water. lights, heat turn. 898 N. Cottage. Sleeping room. 795 J. Winter. P. 9939. LARGE tBASEMENT slpg. no. Men. 2 beds, shower. 990 N. summer. Ph. m mmm ,-.! Room and Board BOARD 4k room. 168, N. 12th SL Accommodate 3 bust, gtrls Ph. Tie BRD-gt rm 74S S OsesTBt For Rent Apartments LOVELY FURN. sot. pri. bath, re mg. suiubie tor a. ss o St. For Ilent---Hoasea. f ROOM furn. $60. 1930 N. 17th. MODERN HOME ... Adults only. . . . St 228 Judson St. . . . PSSM. W. G. KRUEGER 147 N Commercial -A: Ph. 472 . TO -RENT. Modern turn. rm. sub urban home with unfinished sttic, basement, fire place and .garden. Im mediate possession. $50. Vick or Earle, SOS N. High. fn. SSTB. Beautiful furn. home. Ph. eves 21721, Attractive completely furn. home on Tairmount Hill for 60 days. Ph. 8814. 4 BMS new, 9 mi. S.W. of Salem. No electricity. $10.00. Inquire 1410 b, 12th SL Ph. 2210. For Rent TRUCKS for rent Too drive. Me- Cune ov.Lovea phone SSOa MODERN COTTAGES, $4 A ap lower an Ante Court, so Commercial Wanted to Rent FURNISHED APT. or small house elooa in. Connie slth -five vear old girl. -Steady reneess. n. uzs. WANTED. 9 -or 8 rm. mod, unfur- - house. Best C reseronces. hos N. 3 or-1 rm. furn. e. Private berth. Box Z301. statesman. Tor Sale-Real Estate ' GOOD HOMES 9 rm. Nice home. NORTH. 8M50 cash i rm. Modern. S. lltn S4100. 8rms. Modern. "S. 19th-43S00. 11 rms. S. ComX Board strm. 98000. H. P. GRANT. Realtor 929 Court SL T744 8330 82979, NEW 9 rm. house on Edtns Ave comb, living tt dining rm. hard wood tlrs, floor 'furnace, fireplace, wash trove, earase. .$400 down. 82979. 1 rm. house st 809 N. 17th SL Fireplace, laundry rm -wired "for elec trie stove, to -good condition, close to -school at nns. sous sown. . SSSX.VTM JOHNSOK 729 Court SL ' T ??? A REAL investment.' Just came hi todav. Good muueitv. Ideally located. One 9 rm hse. in .good -shspe. One new 4 rm. hse, completely furnished. Garage at 2 lots. Good Income prop erty. Owner not sdic to carry on, Full price $4750. $1250 cash. BaL. terms F. H. WEIR 469 Center Realtor Ph. 9411 IMMEDIATE -POSSESSION , ess these 1 -hsos. S R. IS B.R.I. Englewood Dlst. -S2STS. $S00 dn. H "A., 8 R. Farn.350. -850B Dn. 4inrurn. ix wanreo. n. at sk. W. Satan. Late built, 9 lots $2350. 9400 Dn. Willamette Real Estate, 172 . Liberty. aienn sax snow Hoars Located tn Englewood Dtst. $500 down. baL like rent. See this today. Call Louis BecMell or Mrs. Neednsm, 341 State -St. Room 4. Directory Paints and Lsicqners Complete line NASON painU mts Liberal K u wooarow ay n Church Printing FOR -STATIONERY, cares pampojeta wpgisma, boohs or any KM or print tag. call The SUtesmsn Printing De nartment. 214 8 Commercial, lele nhone 9101 Schools SALEM SECRETARIAL SCHOOL STREAMLINED COURSES Write. Phono or Call for Booklet 280 N Cspitot Signs Showcards ELDON SCOTT. Phone 2429. Transfer n.nRtvi trucks roa RErn Blankets funs 197 8 Uberty Ph 902 OB LOCAL OR DISTAN1 transfer tfftriM hnrnr olL In mi lets . 1 Tucks, to Portland dailr Asent Pierce Auto Freight, ociuding Calif points . Lormet rrsnsfs Co PH . st Vacuum Qeaner Service runt insneetion m vour nome Au ihnriwl Hoowr vnm We eervn-e a makes cleaners. Hogg Bros. Ph. 9149 WeU Drilling West & Sons. Rt 4. B 443 2-2290 For SaleReal Estate IMMEDIATE : POSSESSION WEST SALEM HOME. 2 B.R., large LJt. and urepiace, tuu basement, 2-car gar, nice lot 43400. Terms $400 dn.. bal. $30 per mo. Call Mr. Larsen. - UWH U RaviMANN, aEALTOK 197 S. High St. Ph. 8203 8 RM. BSE.. 1 acre, cnlcken house. fine soiL 11600. $1000 dn baL easy terms. H. X. Willis, Falls City. . r $200 DOWN! S Bed rooms, paved st. at bus. Price $1400, balance $13 month, inc. interest. $1800 M cash, 8 room plast. house. good cocjauion.1 garages, pavea st. $3100 St $35009 room houses, base ment, furnace. 9500 down, 925 month. C H. SANDERS 231 N. High 9838 LOTS, old 9 rm. turn, has- bath. Nuts, rruit bsrn, wuuuntu. . gzaoo. 2309 North Front St. . - INCOME PROPERTY Consisting of 2 houses, gar, large lot. Excellent Investment Locsted 1369 No. 4th St Only $3500.00. Income $5 per month. Call- Mr. Larsen. - . RICH lf RETMANN. - 187 So. High SL Ph. 9203 81008 4 ra. ssrase. $2100 Llv. rm, din. rax. kitchen. bedroom. StMOft a bednn bamt.. turn. kSOOO rm, fully mod, auto. heat. trees, beautiful view. Terms, R. A. Forkner, Realtor , - 1853 N. CapitoL THREE ATTRACTIVE HOME BUYS 9 room house. 4 blocks from Cspitsl buildiass. basement and furnace. To close an estate, -rnce "onry sawo.w. Immediate possession a room nouss tn East Salem, basement, chotee lot oaved street and bua line, some beautiful shade trees. Price $2100w Part terms 9 room house with basement. Needs so reoairs. Choice lot. with -three lam nak trees and one apple. Locat ed on paved street and bus line, rnce onhr SISSO. nart terms. See Leo N. Childs. Inc, Realtors. 34- State- Btreet Phono 861. Modern bedroom homo. Inq. ACREAGE, farms, ' large setoetioa ROBINSON REALTY. Independi For Sale Farms 421 ACRES 239 acres cultivated. 90 acres timber. 158 seres pasture, dwel ling. Urge-barn, electricity. $2200.44. 3000 doom. - 284 acres 191 seres cultivated, dwel ling, two ooma.' electric water system and 2 ill earns 151 acres 100 seres cultivated. 43 acres pasture. 6 rm. house, born, ga rage, ample -water supply, stream wn pasture. -88500.00 : 91200 J down. 90 acres 6 scrss cultivated, good buildings, paved road, electricity, river frontage. $11,008.08. $3006.00 down. SS weres near saiem. u curaTataoto. Chehalis sandy loam, electric water avstem. nuts and fruit -4 room hoose. wired for range, out buildings. $6500.00, $2500JM down. R. A; Forkner, Realtor 1899 N. CapitoL .HEAD TUB 100 A. ii mi. from Dallas. Oreg. Just off Hwy, -orrth 2 houses. 40 A. in evop. S A ra prunes. 2 A. ia family orchard. 3 rood serines. Cow barn t other bMgs. A pfeice for -cows, plenty of sood sorinx water. Vt mi. to -school. Price 86000. $500 dn. BaL years to pay. at 8 wt F. H. WEIR 449 Center Realtor Ph. 9411 at a all snider cultivation. Good iiiMiw 11 ml K. of Salem. C. A. Hoover, iszo . vapttoi. m. eie. Acreage LOOK THIS OVER. 12 acre garden. Irrigation system. 9 ml N. Salem. Keiser district. You can see tt ss a money maker. Only reaaonsble down payment and Balance crop payment basis. Investiawte now. TeL 8802 H C.HIXLDS Oreg. Bldg. Wanled Real Estate Wanted si once, city and suburban Mnes to sell. Hawkins ana iiooens Inc, Realtors - , Business Opportunities SPECIAL I APT. house, completely furnished, eonatatiax 4 -aots. snd store auiDBod with -electric ranres and re frigerators, oil host -with steam radia tors, excellent -construction -mna w Loesteo 'SOS' mo. uoeity. FuU Price 410.750.00. Terms 95000JI8 cash.' BsL srranged. Call Mr. Larsen, RU H 1 KE1HAHH 187 S. High St - Ph. 203 RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT. Neon sign, refrigerator. Belmlck Park rruit Farm. 4s mL 8. of Monmouth. Boy stiller. For Sale Wood FOB SALE: Dry woo. Ph, Lost and Found - LOST BrLLFOLD eonUliunfT $40 currency, neat, Woolworth's Thurs. Liberal reward, W.U7 student Ph. 4634 ULMT-ra Deln Theta iesreled fra ternity pin. Thurs. night at Henry Busse dance at Salem armory. Re ward. Return to Mrs. Bower, Model Food Mkt Transportation WANTED, ride for men to South Dakota. 850 Plymouth Drive, Salem. WANT Riders to ConrslUs campus. 980 Marion, , . v WANT S nasaensers Swan . Island Cravy'o ahift R. A. S pence. 1700 N. 20th For Sale Used Cars leal rrrcv- eadan. 6 rood tires, ra dio. heater, good condition, 1620 N. , 20th 40 Chev. Special Deluxe. Sed. Nearly new tires 260 uooo sreer jju. -LIGHT "34 V8 Ford, runs good, fair rubber, $150. Box Z3U0. statesman. Wanted Used Cars WE PAY TOPS! Oct every dime your car Is worth Cash on the Barrel-Head MCM SHR0CK SALEM'S oldest bid oendent used car Corner Church A Cham Ph. 922 Program G (Continued from Pas 4) 5 30 Stars of odsy 4 JO Inevitable Mr. Sand. 9:00 Song Shop Romance. 5:15 Gibbs and Finney. 9 .30 -Edward Tomlinson. 8:4S Drew Pearson. 6 M Remember. 4 JO Inner Sanctum afyiteries- 70 Good Will Hour. ' S.-OO Earl Godwin. News. " 8:15 Jimmie Fidier. - " , 8 30 Quis Kids 9 0 Grandpa ppy and His Pals. 930 News lleaalines and Highlights 95 Edgewster Hotel Orchestra. 955 News. : 10 K)0 University Explorer. 10 a$ Music Graphs. 10 30 The Quiet Hour 11 0 Melodies for Uncle Sam. 1130 War News Roundup, , KOD4 CBS SUNDAY 87 Ks 0 News of the World. . 6:15 E. Power Biggs. 6:45 Gypsy Carsvsa 70 Church of the Air. - - 730 Wings Over Jordan. AO Jackson Wheeler. 65 West Coast Church, 8 30 4nviUUon to Learnlngv 0 News.. 9:15 Woman Power. . 930 Salt Lake TaberaacJei 100 Church of the Air. 1030 Air-Flo. 1035 Bobby Tucker and Voices. 11-00 Spirit of 1130 Our Secret Weapon, - 1135 Melody Time. U0 Cotumbta Sympboay. 1 30 The Pause That ReflsshoS. 20 The -Family Hour. - 25 Mews. 30 Edward R. Murrow. 2:19 Dear John. 330 Sgt Gene Autry. 40 Motion Picture Belief,. 4:15 Tune Out for Laughs.' 430 News - - . - 4:45 Gas Lite Hsrmonies. ' 4 World News .Tonight sao Portland School Of Musta, 9.-45 Dick Joy, News. 935 Eric Severrtd 6 .-OS Radio Reader's Digest -630 Star Theatre - 70 Take It or Leave ft 730 They Live Forever. 80 Crime Doctor. 835 Dick Joy. News. - 830 Baker Theatre Players 80 William Winter, News. 9:19 The Whistler. 30 Leon F Drews. 100 Five Star Final 10:15 Wartime Women. 1030 Marine Corps. 1030 What's It All About 11:00 Manny -Strand Prehear a. 1130 Les Hits Orchestra, i 1139-Newa. ' ' " afldnigbt to 60-a. asyMusle 4c News 9U2WMBC SUNDAY 429 Ka. 40 Dawn Patrol 'S.OO iJunrlse -"Serenade. . 7 .00 Bible. 130 Stories of America. TH5 Vt and Vlhwa, S0 The Church in Your Homo. S 30 News. 8.M comnaanrto sfery. .0 Sunday Down Scuth. NBC 930 Emma Otero, ainger, NBC 14.-00 People. Robert 8t. John. NBC 16:19 Ted Steele's Novichord. : 1038 Fact Finder. 11. -OS Stars o Today. ' jL ' 1130 Chicago -Round Table. NBC 130 Music for Neighbors. 12-19 Upton - Close. Commentator. 1230 The Army Hour. NBC 130 We Believe. 20 Music of the -Amerleas. . 330 Britain to America. 30 Musc tor You 998 Charles Dant Orchestra., " 40 How Do. You Do tr -4-JS-Nsws - ' . 430 Band Wagon. NBC ' 50 Charlie McCarthy. . -930 One Man's -amuy. NBC a 4MtSlanhattan Manv-Go-Round. 830 American Album Familiar-, Musk. NBC 70 Hour of Charm. NBC 730 Waltet Wincnell. NBC Tr5 The Parker SemUv. NBC 80 The Greet Gildci steers. j30 Msyor of the Town.- -0 Musical tnterlnde. -Seo Orchestra Solo . 930 Log Cabin Farms Orchestra. -6:54 Musical Interluda- 180 News Flashes 18:19 Betty Msrtin Singer. ' 1630 When Evening Comes. 18.-4S When Evening Comes. 110 St Francis lotel Orchestra. 1130 War News Roundup.. 12-2 a. m. Swing Shia Wanted Used Can ORVAL PAYS TOP CASH PRICES For Used Cars ALL MAKES t MODELS. ORVAL'S USED CARS Center at Church. - ' Ph. 4702 WANTED. U or "3 model, good rubber, cash. Phone 9328. Legal Notice NOTICE OF HEARING OF FINAL ACCOUNT i Number S3ZT Notice is hereby given that the undersigned executor of the Estate of Charles H. '.Murray, Deceased, has filed with the Clerk of the Cir cuit Court for Marion County, Oregon, his Final Account in said estate, that the Court has fixed the time for hearing the same for Monday, October 12, at the hour of 10 o'cock A. M. in . the Circuit Court rooms in Marion Countyrl Oregon. All persong having ob jections to said account are re quired to appear at said time and place and present the same or an ... order will be made and entered approving such account and dis charging the executor. MARION CURRY, Executor. William H. Trindle Attorney for Estate, S 12-19-25-0 3-10 Deadline for ; : Copy Given . Clab and church groups are beginning their winter meetings, and ; It is' nfessary that an nouncements of these events be , ta the SUtesman office ia plenty of time U be written vp for the Sunday paper. Publicity commit ter mast telephone or write their calendar notices and stories of coming- meetings so that they are ia the off ice by Friday noon.. Otherwise the material win be held over for the Tuesday paper. v Many chairmen write their calendar notices est postcards and . see that they are In, the mail by Thursday night, .- which proves aa additional assistance to the . woman's editor who appreciate them la this legible form, ready to hand to the typesetters. - Students Tell . Marriages ! Several Willamette university students who have returned to Salem following vacation an nounced their engagements and " weddings in their home towns during the summer. In most cases the women have married mto the armed - forces and return to finish school, but one student, Mr. Kenneth Ja cobsen of Vancouver, -will bring. hU wife with him. She is the former Velda Fettig of Vancou ver. They were married at a candle light ceremony at the home of her parents on Sep tern ber 11 in Vancouver. Mrs. -Ja-eobsen's attendant was - Mis . Bernadine Indike and Richard Jacobsen acted a his brother's best man. The couple will be at home in Salem after October 1.. . Mr. Jacobsen is a quarterback on the Willamette football team. Miss Helen Leslie, the univer sity nurse, became the bride of Mr. Lester McCullough, US ar my, this, summer. Mrs. McCul lough was formerly of Twisp, WaslL, and met her husband at a Lausanne hall dance tor sol diers last year. His home is Lar amie, Wyo, but he is now at Fort Riley, Kazw, in , officers' candidate school. The ceremony was read In the Episcopal church in Twisp with Miss Madge Leslie as her sister's attendant and Mr. Frank Gumpata as best man. - From Vancouver, Miss Isabel Rawson returns as Mrs. Hugh Gabertson Holte, following her marriage there June 8. Rev. Paul Kunzman performed the cere mony. Mr. Holte is stationed at San Diego as a third class petty officer In the navy. a-a ;:'' On August r 13 Mis Marion Fisher announced her engage- Cross Word a- 5 6 19 21 24 25 2o 47 3i 31 34 35 av 40 1 4 1 41- 47 4e SO 51 SJ 54 HORIZONTAL 1 Hurt " ' 1 , . 1 5 Units of work ' S Public vehicle - iZWhst was fAe former name of the If. Y.StMte Bar gt Cans.' 13 Brave - 14 Southern constellation 15 Guide - - . IS Modern name for Persia TT Sailor , 1 Tkt toad to what Burmese , town is tkt thtmt of a poem ay Kipling? 20 Ifaaf Italian tapitat-titf burned during Nero' a reignf -Zt What American general wag- mtknamtd "Lighthouse Harry"? 22 Pronoun ; 24 Pens 27 Barrel-makers 31 Assists 32 Adult male J J Under what name did Charles Lamb write bis essays? ' 34 Frowned 4 3 Inset . , 37 Mingle 38 Decay 39 Narrow streak 42 Grecian Christian Falh;r 47 Silkworm 48 Scrutinize - 49 Wheel bub " . 50 Continuous loud noise 51 Comfort ' 52 Algonquin Indian 53 Peer Gynt's mother . 54 Again 55 Dash VERTICAL , - , 1 Tiller " 2 Space , " 3 Masculine tuuue ' 4 Officiously intrusive , 5 Roman magistrate 6 Rare iSp.l - What American author wrote "Adrentutes in Content ' ment"? - , i 1 Today s Menu . The weekend menus will fea ture some extra good dishes, for early falL - 1 - "TODAY Tomatoes may be. stuff ed for the dinner tonight. , Stuffed tomato salad - Lamb en brouchet " i Buttered turnips . . Peanut butter &Toham cracker pie v e e .o -.. SUNDAY Red cabbage slaw Baked heart - Brbwned potatoes - .. Green lima Plum cobbler- r Spiced cream o o o I MONDAY Minted cantaloupe . Pork apple casserole Buttered cabbage Steamed potatoes Lemon pie : - o o o rOUC AND APPLE CASSEROLE 4 thick rib chop , Va cup flour i i." V teaspoon salt f Vi teaspoon pepper . , Vt teaspoon celery seed 2 cups sliced apples - : - , Vi cup sugar . 1 - f- 1 tablespoon lemon Juice 3 tablespoon butter ' cup water -Sprinkle chops with flour, salt, - pepepr and celery seed. Fit into shallow baking pan. Mixapples, sugar, juce and butter and place on chops. Add butter and water Place on lid sad bake an hour in moderate oven. Uncover last 10 minutes to brown top. PEANUT BUTTE. GKAHAII ckackek ra: . 1 cup finely ,- rolled graham cracker crumbs (about 14) - 3 tablespoons sugar - teaspoon salt Va cup peanut butter Vs cup butter i . ' 2 tablespoons light corn syrup , Mix graham ' cracker crumbs, sugar, and salt in bowl, cut in peanut butter and butter with pastry blender or 2 knives until ! thoroughly blended. . Add corn syrup and mix well. Press firm ly to -inch thickness over bot ' torn and sides of pie plate. Bake . In moderate slow oven (325 de grees F.) 20 minutes.. Cool before adding filling; use for lemon, banana or chocolate filling. Makes pastry for one 9-inch pie. Try this pastry with peanut but ter chiffon pie. ment to Royce Tillett who is now stationed at Fort Lewis. ' Puzzle a 7 zo 30 4 40 4D 5X: SS 8 Japanese coia r u 0 Roman patriot r 10 What English schoolmaster was subject of a novel by Bulwer-Lytton? - t , . 11 Nude , - . .. 1 IS Aacient copper coia " 'V' ! 20 Remorse . . ' 23 Call to excite attention 24wDroop , , Z5 Sesame 2S Artificial lanruara 27 DespicaWe person zs House addition 29 Narrow Inlet 30 Speak. 32 Inhabitant of Centra AmerV ' lean country - 35 Note in the aeoto ' 38 Electrified partlclf , . as Regenerate 39 wife of Tyndareu 40 a Greet religion; who is the goddess the rainbow? -, ' 41 Number 43 Devastate 44 Nobleman ' 45 Layer of the Iris 40 observed 48 Ocean Answer to yesterday's puszle. 9-24 1 ' PAD' "DlRjEISISi "vvTaTo AN.! llE L . Ill s t r tW T si Ta l i en HT EST Ts n OR IE S c Tl s 'dITdoIsI A T EIS HARE M'RIA GlAjR iTfTt E Pf .bffi FK uTn ein cJa Se 'L A N D ma Gj t C iMlHH gaTn ' Vf Alp sEn s a Tie R. R RIhTT n E otT t MAIS. jSlAlTIE si Or a Aerare flaw of flelloa; 31 asiaefee. Dist by King Fraturts S ndirnfc. Inc.