The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 26, 1942, Page 5, Image 5

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    Local Wevs Briefs
Bus llearlng Held State -utill
ties department rtffiriala IrutioatoH
ZolJowing a hearing here Friday
that, a common carrier permit for
Hamman Stages to haul Salem
men to Portland war industries
probably, would be granted lor
the duration of the war. The
Portland service, already operat
ing under a club system, would be
permitted to function under
temporary common carrier permit
. ---1 Al 11 . . .
wiia uic understanding that only
war industry workers would be
accepted as passengers, statements
' at the hearing suggested.
Lutx florist Phi 9592..127S N. Lib.
Mnrphjr In McMlnnvllle As
grand-master of the Oregon. Odd
Fellows, County Judge Grant
Murphy ra speaker at a county-
wide meeting of the lodge in Mc-
Minnville on Friday night .This
afternoon he and his family are
to go to Bay City, where he is to
peak to another county IOOF
meetlnsv Th vr11 -' mml : t.
' weekend, at Rockaway, and on
Monday noon the judge is to ad
dress theilverton Rotary club's
, luncheon meeting at Tony's.
Four Die In Industry There
were four fatalities due to Indus
trial accidents in Oregon during
the week ended September 24, the
state industrial accident commis
ion reported Friday, The victims
were Menlo B. Thompson, Port
land, crane oiler; Harry Stevens,
Cutler City, choker setter; Arch
ibald McCord, Mitchell, sawyer,
and William M. Golden, - Salem,
log checker. There were 1144 in
dustrial accidents reported to the
commission during: the week.
It costs no more to use the -best
Reroof now with Pabco Roofing.
No down 'payment, 12 months to
pay; Ph. 922L R. L. EUstrom Coc,
173 Chemeketa EL
Officers lnstracted City police
fficers were instructed by Chief
f Police Frank A. Minto Friday
to ascertain when investigating
accidents whether they occurred
in turning at intersections -against
traffic lights after first eominc to
a stop, and also if pedestrians
were injured in such accidents.
The city council had requested
Monday night that police check on
. J A MA. 1
tier recently legalized such turns.
For home loans sea Salem Fed
eral. 130 South Liberty.
ady t lakWe CULned Earl
' Bassett of Bishop, Calif, arrived
here-Friday to claim the body of
his wife, who died by suicide in a
hotel room on September 19. She
registered et tbe hotel under the
name of ftosella Irwin. Bassett
said his wife had suffered from a
mental disorder.- She left her
: hmMt Santa Marine, Calif, Feb
ruary t, and worked in the -hop
yards here for several days.
Assembly Slated Parriah jun-lor-hign
will hold its first pay as
sembly of the year Tuesday af-
iciiiuuu hi uic oainu acuiur iu(u
school auditorium. .
Apply "now tor paper Routes. Boys
who wish carrier routes for. this
111.. see Mr. Clark at Statesman.
Roy Burton,' at his home on
Xwald avenue, Thursday, Septem
ber 24, at the - age of 64 years.
Survived by widow, Mrs. Caroline
Burton; son, Alvin. A. "Burton of
Berkeley, Calif.; brother, Dr. D.
C. Burton of Salem; two grand
children. Marilyn and Elinor Bur
ton of Berkeley. Services will be
held Monday, September 28, . at
1:30 p. m. from the Clough-Bar-rick
chapel. -Interment in City
View cemetery. Rev. W. G. Eliot
will officiate.
Paul Gerald Freeman, at the
' residence near Rickreall, Friday,
September 25, at the age of 67
years. Survived by widow, Maud
J., Freeman of Rickreall; , five
daughters, Mrs. Grace -Herzberg
of -Willamina, Betty Willetta and
Barbara Jean Freeman of Rick
reall and Mrs. Mary Davis of Wil
lamina; three sons, Gerald Free
man of Willamina, Harold and
Douglas Freeman of Rickreall:
eight grandchildren; three sisters,
Mrs. Grace E. Dickey of Ashland,
Mrs. Mable Baylea- of Rosebucg,
Mrs. Mary Fullington of Kansas
City, MoAnnouncements later
by Clough-BarricK company.
8 pro ale . v.: . ; ..,-- -
In this city, on September 25.
Rose Irene -Sproule, late resident
of 243( South. HUh street, t the
arge of 38 years. Survived by her
mother and - father, Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Fukelsan of Salem; five
children, Mary Joe William D
Frederick - Jamn, Phillip . Joseph,
and Joseph Eskelson Sproule, all
of Salem; five sisters, Mrs. Kath
erine Daniel of Salem, Mrs. Nellie
Palmer and Mrs. Cleo Van Winkle
of Lexington, Ore Mrs.. Ethel
Wilcox of Hermiston. Ore., Mrs.
Josie" Frederickson: of Salem; two
brothers, James Iskelson of Sa
lem and Earl Eskelson of Port
land. Funeral announcements lat
er by the W. T. Rigdon company.
.this city September -24, in
son f Mr. and Mrs. William
lant son f Mr. and Mrs. William
W. Meech "of MoJ alia. . Brother of
Kay I leech; grandson of JlrT and
Mrs. G. rienss of Liberty and
Mr. end llri. Wiiliam Meech of
Sunivskle. Funeral ser-ices were
held Friday, September 25, at -4
p. m. in Eosedale under the direc-
tion of the W, T. Rigdon com-
pany. ' '
Launching Significant Mr. and
C W. Logan, who reside at
Oxford and High streets, had a
pedal interest in the recent
launching of the 110-day ship at
the yards of the Oregon Ship
building corporation In Portland,
because their son-in-law, Carl
Strutz, was foreman on the job.
Strutz, a former Salem man, at
tended high school her and mar
ried Miss Nina Logan in Salem in
Would like to buy good, used bed
room set Phone 5862 after 5:30.
Prepare far ' Art Exhibit Sa
lem members of the Oregon So
ciety of Artists are preparing for
an art exhibit sponsored by that
organization , that will open in
t-OTuand October $. A popular
vote of the guests win decide
upon the best work of art under
the classifications of: landscapes,
marines, sun uie, portraits, flow
era and sculpture.
- Party Teday Army privates,
inducted two weeks ago but held
in the reserve and leaving today
ior orc Lewis reception center
and active duty, are to be guests
at a civic "farewell party shortly
aner noon today at Legion halL
Among, the speakers for today's
party is to be Gov. Charles A.
bprague. .
Rummage Frl.-Sat 433 Fer
ry St
Mease sold Ingvald J. Gun-
derson has been granted a deed
by Marion county court to
house,. severely. damaged by fire
approximately a year ago, and the
lot on which It -stands on Koons
street in Silverton for the sum of
Fomaer raster Dies Dr. Frank
L. Lehman, 55, former pastor of
the Stayton Baptist church, and
recently at the West Linn Baptist
church, died Wednesday at the
Oregon City hospital. Funeral ser
vices will be held this afternoon
at 3:30.
Spring fryers. Phone 5103.
Mete metumeSheriif A. C
Burk Friday brought Victor Wal
lace Mote-back; to -Salem from Al
bany to answer tea warrant out of
City Recorded Hannah Martin
Hanzen's court charging him with
threatening to commit a felony.
Kekena Vajrrant Ketnrns
Hank Roberts, perennial vagrant,
was back In the dry jail Thursday
after being .frequently picked up
by police and warned to leave
town. Roberts lists his home ad
dress as Kokomo, Ind.
Rummage -aale, 1st Methodist
church. Friday nd Saturday.
Extradition As4hrbe4 Gov.
Charles A. Spragae Friday auth
orized the extradition of Douglas
Spencer; who Unwanted in San
Francisco on a .-statutory charge.
He is under arrest in Klamath
Wristwatch Missing Mrs. Flor
ence Enckson reoorted to citv
police Friday that she discovered
her wristwatch was. missing from
her home at 110 Division street
Tomatoes Come and get them.
The best is the cheapest -Shields
garden, Vt. mile N. Keizer school
Leave orders.. Tel.: 6979 evenings.
U pick beans and cukes.
Sophs Meet . Thursday Salem
senior ' high school- sophomore
class will meet next Thursday for
the election of officers.
Boys, get your Statesman route
now. Rave spending money this
fall. See Circ Mgr. of The States
man. . .-
Permit Granted C C. Keller
has been granted a permit by the
county court to move a steam en
gine over specified county roads.
Rummage sale,- 1st Methodist
church. Friday and Saturday.
Watch lifted W. H. Moore no
tified city police that a watch had
been stolen Thursday from his
room in a local hoteL
Some Job Changes
Allowed Without
S Deferment
Many "men now deferred be
cause their occupations are vital
to the war -effort will lose their
deferment if they change- jobs,
while others will be permitted to
change-, Col Elmer v. Wooton,
shite- selective service director,
declared here Friday.
: Asked whether Oregon would
-adopt the policy of ; Washington
state in connection with men leav
ing one-war industry job for a
higher paying job. In another war
industry, Woeton akl:
We have- been more - r less
foUowuyL thai policy for .some
time, -except that -we decide each
individual ence- separately." "
- Wooton added that the defer
ment is not granted to -the man
hlmelf but really is , granted to
his job.
Los Angeles Man
To Speak Sunday
Rev. Charles L Spellman of Los
Anjeles will be theuest speaker
at the Christian -and Missionary
Alliance, 5th and Gaines, at the
morning service.
Mr Spellman, who is director
of the Jewish Evangelistic WnrV
and .Tract society, will bring -a
message that will be of interest
to alt His subject will be "The
Jew in the light of prophecy.
i . i
Qiest to MA
Navy ReKef
t Those the Sailors
Leave Behind to
Benefit in Drive
Many a brave lad who has gone
off to sea in the uniform of the
United States navy has not come
back from battles in the Pacific
and in the Atlantic.
; The wives, children and moth
ers of these men must not be for
gotten and for that reason the
Navy Relief society has been or
ganized. The Salem" United War
Chest drive, October 6-15. has in
eluded the Navy Ttelief society
in allocating the funds raised by
the campaign. ". -i &
The business of the society is
to see that little children whose
fathers have been officers or en
listed men in the regular navy and
marine corps are educated, and
to secure suitable employment for
the wives and. mothers who have
been left alone.
V Adm. H. R. Stark, USN, is pre
sident of the society and Frank
Knox, secretary of the navy,
honorary vice-president.
George J. Greenwood of Port
land, state chairman for Oregon,
states that in several Oregon com
munities Navy Relief campaigns
have been held with good results.
Salem, too, will show that she
has not forgotten the herois stand
put up by . our navy and marine
corps when solicited for subscrip
tions tor the United War chest
House Bureau
Is Considered
Working methods of ; the hous
ing, Information bureau in the
chamber of commerce are to be
discussed by the Salem Realty
board housing committee in con
ference with Clay C. Cochran.
cnam&er business manager, offi
cers of the board, agreed at the
Friday luncheon meeting.
If the bureau has -exceeded its
authority by recommendiiur one
broker before another, by assist
ing -with the-aale as well as the
renting-of property, that action
has been through- a -xnisunerstand-ing.
members rof the b.-ard said
they believed as they instruced
the committee to seek a. confer
Discussing, particularly the war
relief -agencie appearing . for the
first time in the city's United War
Chest budget, Walter S. Lamkin,
Salem attorney, told of plansnd
methods to b used in conductixtff
ine campaign for 185,000 - ached
uled to open October 9.
76th Ship Launched
PORTLAND, Sept 25-VOre
gon bnipouuding . c o r p o r a t ion
launched, the liberty freighter
nenry George Friday. It was its
76ta and the first since its record
oreaxing .snip went down the
ways Wednesday.
Mary L. Handler vs. Wayne R.
Handley; motion by defense for
indefinite continuance of case be
cause defendant Is enlisting in the
air corps.
rrudenee M. Bouffleur estate:
unai oraer to w. c Winslow. ex
Oral E. Scott estate: Jessie .
Scott named administratrix of -es
tate of estimated 41000 value:
Roy. Burton, Nelle Williams and
Charles Zerxan appointed apprais
ers. 'f. -v.,:
Cora M. Whitlock esUte: Charles
R. Coffin of Silverton, named ad
ministrator; F. N. Burch, Ernest
Starr and Narris Ames, all of Sil
vertoiv appointed 'appraisers.
Lena Bidders estatcstate in
heritance tax determination places
lax at $1207.53.
Victor Wallace Mote; threaten-
tog commission of-'-, a felony;
waived preliminary hearing; held
to answer to grand jury; commit
ted to jail on'failure to post $300
bail. ; ;
Loren A. Irving; no clearance
lights; $i and costs. ' .
Morris -A. Vanderwilt; failure
to stop; 41 -end costs.
. Leonard Bud" Lawrence: two
morals charges; waived prelimin
ary hearinx.and held to -answer
to grand jury -on -both; committed
to jail on Sailure to post bail to
talling 43000.
W. E. Raymocals charge: 4tiv
en time; committed to jail in lieu
of 425W twril.
George D. Newell; driving while
under the influence -f intoxicating
Uquar;r30-brys in Jail, suspended
on one yearns probation;4I00 and
costs and operator's license to be
revoked for one year. -
M.-S. Thwmg, Seattie; violation
of basic speed rule; $15 bait
Walter Eugene Fulton, La
Grande; driving -without muffler;
$10 baiL
Eugene A Fettis, Longiiew;
violation f basic ruh;-$70 bail.
William Krtn?rer, Portland; vio
lation of basic rule;-$13 bail.
Gaul T. Cretan, Portland; vio
lation, of basic rule; $10 baiL
- i
dae to colds., .eased
; wiawufdosing. "
ma- .'1 v " '
i 1-
. wo :
Yr v ;rV
u Riga spiriu wiuie training la
tana; iigniers. new Helping the
ing oeside ulr unk is 8gt
kneeling is Corp. William O'Kern, BelleviHe, nt Sitting n the
front .r the tank are Pvts. Jess W. Griffith, dnrkaswg, W. Va,
(left), and Donald A. Ballard, GranadeBUnn. Atop the tank (rear)
-an 8gt Francis, a Neasler (left). Dyxart Iawa, and -Walter W.
uun, vewirnt, suin AssocUted
Service Men
SILVERTON Parry Rose. jr.
joined the navy Tuesday as -petty
oincer third class, radio techni
dan. Rose will be stationed at
Bremerton, Wash,- for one month
and will then be transferred to
Chicago to the US navy radio
material school for eight months.
Rose is the oldest son of Mr. and
Mrs S P. Rose.
Emil Rhyne, son of Mr. and Mrs.
E. Rhyne, 1552 Salem road, is
visiting, here whHe - on a . short
leave front duty with the- US navy
In Washington. ,
marine- corps, is 'spending swahort
leave in Forest Grove where his
parents, Mr. and , Mrs. L V. Mc
f-Adoo, visited him this , week
CLEAR LAKE Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Coonse have receired a
letter from their on, BUly Coonse,
US navy. It was written "Septem
ber and was the first word they
bad had from him since ' May 4.
aXPKTTnGE Orland Baker
has -eadtsteaT In the eeast gaarl
and wUl jgm to Tartland next
week. .-..-p;,. ?-'L.-yr :
Keith Greeks win. aba leave
f cr tndnetlen Into the US army.
ROBERTS Mrs. L. D. Johnson
has received, word from her son.
Paul Johnson, in Apstralia. He
was recently promoted to radio
comunicator for his section. He
reported he was well and having
a good time but short on cigarettes
and candy. i f-
Mrs. . Nora Engelhorn - has . re
turned from Sunny side, Wash,
where she went to get her bro
ther, Donald Johnson't car. He
is in the US navy and has been
recently transferred toSan Diego.
GATES Mrs. Rosa Rot en has
earned that her son, Amos Roten.
has been promoted to staff ser
geant He Is stationed at "Blythe.
Calif. A younger son, Hugh Roten.
has been advanced to corporal
and is at Fort Douglas, Utah.
Enlisted as -a flytag cadet
Taesday was Hubert C "Hah"
Saalfeld, whe has been , secre
tary' af Marlon county selective
service board Ne, three sinee
Its orranisatien In Nevember,
1149. He bvawaUiag his call fer
training. Before beeenalng ee-v
retary ef the- aeJective service
beard, Saalfeld was reporter
and advertising solicitor for the
Stayton Mail.
Mr.. and Mrs. A.1 E. Wickert re
ceived a telegram from their son.
Albeit, jr, which told of his grad
uation from antiaircraft officers'
training .school at Camp Davis,
NC, Friday. He received -a com
mission -as -second lieutenant The
telegram, further -stated that he
will be home on a ten-day fur-
ough and will then report for a
station at Seattle, Lt Wickert is
graduate of Salem high school
and attended Willgmette univer
sity, where he was on the football
team. , -
Lt Grorer Kr Betaer is on -a
five-day furlough. Visiting- his fa
ther, Capt Ray Betzer at 522
North 23rd street Lt. Better has
just completed his . training at
Corpus Christ!, Tex, -and received
Ids commission mad wings in the
marine corps. Lt Betzer is a for
mer Willamette , university-. stu
dent '
Dr. -Bnbert M. Cff eav-who has
been cirnnHilaacd a captain 4n
the- assay - - snedleal oarpa. left
Friday Tae San' Fsandsee, where ,
bts wlll take coarse at Letfer-
ft nSava distress a! sjrar
nnp kid c? r.3 clc::i
Crdla t. Plaknam's Compeund
T ABUTS Jwlth added lron hare
hehwd th&manit to niler pertodie
Pala ettb-veaX. narrous. blue feel
lngs aua to functional monthly
ibturbanc. Also, tiaeir iron makes
them a Oa hematic tonic to tieip
baud up red blood. Ptnkiutm's Tab
Jfa arc mad eapeetaUf tor wemem
olUrw iabel tUrediooa. - . -.
Oregon, Saturday llbxala'i September 23. 1312
Fight in Desert
, $
. . .-x
the Egyptian desert are these US
British against the Gemaans. Stand
Oscar E. Reaves. Clearwater. Fix
Presa TelentaC
WhtrtTnar Art
What They're Doing
General hospital at the
TTesldle preparatory to an as--alxnntent
Mrs. Coffee will Join
him after her carreat vbit la
New Verk.
Pvt Melvin L. Brown, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Karl M. Brown,
Gervais, who recently completed
his -six weeks training -with the
infantry at Camp Roberts, Calif,
informed his parents that he has
been transferred to the army air
corps and will be-stationed at Da
vis-Monthan Field, Tucson, Ariz.
Pvt. E. Dale Fuller, with the en
gineers-at Camp Edwards, Mass,
notified friends in Gervais that
he has been promoted to rank xf
corporaL t .
Mrs. Mary 'Adams -of Rickreall
left Thursday night for San Diego
to visit her -son, Charles- Adams,
gunner -aeeond daac US marines.
Mr. Adams had been notified that
her-son was in the naval hospital
at San Diego. . - ; -----
Leland D. Adams, -another son
of Mrs. Adams, has been jnradu
ted from special air corps classes
at Boeing field in Seattle and has
Lgone to Jefferson, Mo, to -await
assignment ' - - f. -. '
The navy anneaneed foUawiag
enlistments Friday:
Frank E. Legan, Jr, Hubert
E. Cox, Barsaa G. Ireland,
Floyd A. Arnold, Wttlard Lanav
don G. Macnab. -an editor of The
Associated Press bureau here will
report for-active-duty next week
as a second lieutenant in the-army
air forces..
Charles N. Phillips, son of Mr.
and Mrs. . W. C. Phillips of Ala
meaa,- caui, is stationed near
Spokane as an army air corps in
structor. He visited Mrs. Isabelle
Eberhard of . Salem, - his grand
mother, on his way north.
Sunday Rally Day
Plans Announced
Sunday will be observed as Ral
ly day in all departments of the
Jason Lee Methodist church. Rev.
Ray E. Short -will -assume his du
ties as minister of youth. For the
past two years Short has been
the pastor of the Methodist church
at Donald. He is a junior sit Wil
lamette university -and will con
duct the evening worship -at 7:30
with Paul Jacquith-and Doris Lee
Anderson featured as .soloists. -
At the Youth Fellowship at C30
Dr. C Herbert -Smith, president
of Willamette -university, will
speak, to young .people of high
school ad college Ages. In the
church school promotion day and
sally 4ay activities will be ob
served. . . .
The pastor, r Rev. S. Raynor
Smith, wHI pratch- tbe rally day
sermon at 11 -e'clbck on "The
Child in Our Midst" .
Sslm Junior Class
Schedules Meeting -
The junior class -of Salem high
school will gather October 12 in
their - first . class meeting- of . the
present school year. They are
expected to discuss a possible suc
cessor to August Mahrt president
elect "who is -absent from school
this -year. -
' I- -v.
7 !' -
' '
'nszssi ensn pmcss vm.
IIc!I:7-i?criI:-ir .& Co.
i Frcz! zzl I'zTvsy irc:Ij
Victory Corp3
Created for
High Schools
war manpower chairman Paul V.
McNutt -said Friday, night that
"the tide f war is -still running
agamst us" and that students now
in high -school may yet have to
win the victory.
The-statement was made in
broadcast prepared for the blue
network explaining the creation
of a "high school victory corps'
to. give America's 8,500.000 hieh
school students an opportunity to
-taxe a definite place in the na
tional war- effort through a vol
untary enrollment plan to train
for the . service they may have
to give..,-.-.;.:-"..-; x -
"We -are beginning, to under
stand how close we cam to being
too late," McNutt aald. "We are
beginning to understand that we
can still lose. Most of all we are
beginning to understand that this
will be a long, hard war." He
emphasized that he was "not pre
dieting the length of the war."
it w for the, mastery of the
future that the victory corps is
being organized," McNutt said.
C He warned teachers and
school officials ' that It weald
mean "nnschedallng eonnes In
mid-semester" and - "offertng
new eoarses fer which It may
even be dtfflcalt to fmd the
teaeherm." . .
Army, and civ-
II aeronautics representatives
joined with McNutt in endorsing
the program.
The - corps offers hieh school
students a war organization of
their own and a promise that those
who Join may wear service cans
ana arm insignia. ; ; .
Object of the corps, McNutt
said, will be "immediate, acceler
ated and special training of youth
for, that war service they will be
expected to perform after leaving
scftoot" and -active - participation
school days.
A group of prominent-educators
here Friday approved orxaniza
tion of a victory corps in the Ore
gon high schools which will give
every high -school boy -and girl
in the state - a "definite place in
(he national war -effort through
a- voluntary-enrollment plan.
Suggested plans ' for the ocxan
Iration will be issued from the
state department of -education
here,- "Rex Putnam, -slate -super
intondent - -of -public Instruction,
Every ;stadent onreiled in an
Oregea , Ugh sebaat pnUle -or
private, wlU be ettglble to jatn
the Mfh-ickaal victory enrpa.
To- bold . general membeishio in
the victory corps a, high .school
student must , participate ia the
school physical fitness program.
study . courses of immediate -and
future usefulness to the war ef
fort, 'and take part in at least one
wartime -activity or service.
New York Man
To Be Speaker
Dr. Stanley North, representing
tne national board of Congrega
tional churches, will be -the speak
er Sunday -morning in the First
Congregational church. -
Dr. North is former pastor of
BriarcUffe church in the suburbs
of New York City and is a prom
inent church leader 'and an ex
cellent speaker and First church
considers itself fortunate in being
able to present him to a Salem
audience, well remembering his
strong personality and valuable
counsel when he visited Salem
last January.
Music at theservice will be a
vocal trio by Monica. Rodakow-
ski, Gretchen Rinehart and Lois
Anderson. . ,
Returned Jap
Prisoner Will-
Speak Sunday
' Rev. Ralph D. Bullock, one time
Salem minister -and Teeently re
turned from nine years as a mis
sionary in Hong, Kong, will speak
at the Salem armory Sunday af-
ternoon at 20. He will relate his
experiences -during . the aeige of
Hong Kong -and later when a
prisoner in -a Japanese concentra
tion camp.
Rev. -Bullock will .also, speak at
o'clock. Sunday night on the
missionary- work in the far east
No admission charge will be made,
and the public is invited to at
tend. 1 '
At SSS State street Dr. Olire Stev
is. M0. -vastar. lioratnx service at
1:43- Sermon mbicct BtrU of Ma
the Baptirt" . .
'At t7S Mackct atreet itemr Capitol.
r. WUUam- L MeGliin. eastor.
Sunday .school -at r4 a. m. Xiomias
aervice-st 11. pastor -speaking. Even
lag service -at 73. Evanfetistte me.
MC. Priends ara invited t-'lenar-alup.
with tfaw people. -nd thaw htv
tea n cnuFcn nam ara utvitea to
make this theit borne.
Church Ssrvices in Salem
North Cottage at D street: J. T
Olthoff, DD, pastor. Sunday school at
19 a. m. Kali y and proniot too day nro-
grm; The Bible school and mornina'
woranip wm M combined lit one
service YouUt fellowship noun at (20:
Evening service at Sermon sub
ject VTha Little Oogs." Prayer aneet-
tng Wednesday evenins at
CALVAJIT BAFTtST' ' 'f 0--f -' '"
- South Liberty at Miller street. X4-
wara u. AHea. pastor. Sunday school
at :4S a. m. Morning service at 11.
acrmott suDject -e wno." Young
peopw a groups at sua p. m. Evening
service ttiuu. sermon aubiect Faw,
Midweek prayer meeting Wednesday
Corner of Marlon and Liberty
sveeis. irvuig A. fox, on. pastor,
aiunday school at S:43.a. m. Iretao-
ooa . aay exercises in main auditor
torn. Morning service 'at 11. Sermon
subiect "Marching FeeC" Senior and
mgn scnoot hypu at :i0 p. m. Even
ing service at 10. Sermon subject
"f b' Prodigal. Son.", Prayer me una
Wednesday at -T-JS p.- m. ;
At the Auburn school. Sunday school
at 8:ts a. m. ' ..........
At the HayesviUe school,
school at t:4 a. m.
corner of Hazel and Academy 4
imu. warren i naie. Daator. Sun
day school at 10 a. m. Morning ser
vice at 11. Sermon subject "What
Think Ye of Christ?" Evenm servio
at 7:45. Midweek service on Wednes
day at S p. m.. i--K-.-'
At 17th and Court streets W ' H
Tyman. pastor, Sunday school at S:4S
a. m. Mornina service-at 1S:5B Pnm.
munion. Sermon subject "The Hidden
RirrW1, f-li.t i. I.' . :
- wuwuwi uwnm meeiinKS
$M p. m. Evenms service -at 1-Jia
Sermon subject "Paul's Definition of
the Kfngdoin of Heaven." Midweek
service Thursday at 7p0 p. ra..
Center -and Htcn streets. ' iiuti
Strain, pastor. Sunday school at 8:46
a. m. Morning service at 11. Children's
church at II. Senium -subject "To
morrow's -Building Materials. Chris
tian Endeavor at T. Evening service
at S. Sermon subject New Ways ef
Being Lost" : , .
At lZth and Leslie . atrMtx. Ua.
halL L. L. Freeman, minister. Sun
day school. at lt a. m. Morning aer
vice at 11. gvenhut service at S-JO.
Baaket lunch at noon. Afternoon de-
voieo io sinftns.
Cottafc and -Shitmise -streets: -K. R
Thornhill. pastor. .Sunday school at IS
a. m. Morning service at 11. Vounc
people's meeting at fas p. m. Even
ing service at t. ,
Chemeketa ' and Libertv streets. Sun
day school a ll aw sn. Mormac-aarvioa
at 11. Sermon subject -Reality.- Eve
ning service at a. Sermon subject
-Reality." - - ,
Cottar -and Marion .streets.. Sunday
school at 10 a. m. Morning. service at
ii. -sermoa -ny or. bumev North.
Briarcliff church, New York Qty.
At ISth and Perry. Howard C. Stev
er. pastor. Sunday -acboat- at It -a. m.
Morning .service -at 11. Communion
rviee. sermon -suMect Oooains
Heaven's Windows." Anthem "Before
Thy Cross" Adams. Young people at
j p. m.
Ctnireh end Chemeketa streets. Rev.
C eerie Herbert Swift, rector. Sunday
school ntrS:S sv an. Opening service
in the church: rlatiea in pariah house.
enapet ana enarcn. i tioiy com
munion in the -chapel. Morning wer-
vice tat 11. Morning '-prayer service
ana sermon py ute rector. The cbotr
under -the - direction of "Prof . E. W
Hobson. will -si "Seek Ye the Lord
by Koberts, All classes under -eighth
see. supervision of Mrs. Thomas
Dry nan tin church school).
Capitol and Marion streets- E. A
Kielsmeier. . pastor. -Sunday- school at
la a. m. Mornina? service-at 11. ermon
subject "Spiritual Growth."
Corner- Marion and Summer streets.
Rev. J. Kenneth Whthart. nastor. 8un
day school at M - m. ra. Morning
service at 11.' Sermon subiect "The
Anointed God. Youth .groups will
meet at S M p. tn. Evening -service
at i :ae. - sermon auoiect 'Watt
Unbelief." Praver meeting "Thursday
evening, at iau.
South Commercial -at Washington
street. Dillon W Mills, pastor. Sunday
school at la a. m Morning servtce - at
1L Evening service at 7 JO. Praver
meeung at las p. m. Thursday.
At -9 North Church -street. Rev.
M. A. Getzendaner. DD, pastor. Sun
day school -at-tits' a. tn Morning ser
vice et lt. Sermon subject "Jesus as
A. Friend." -. .
State and ISth streets. F. H. TheueT.
BD. pastor. Sunday school at le a jm.
Morning service-at 11, Parish educa
tion Sunday. Sermon subject "The
Need nf Christian Education." Church
couocil Monday at TJft p. m.
At ISth and A afcreets. ,H; W. Grow,
tstor. Sunday ichool and Bible
classes at S a. m. Morning service at 10.
Pratum. Ore. Daniel 3. Vnruh. pas
tor. Sunday school at IS a, m. Morn
ing service at 11. Sermon subiect "By
One Man." 1M Christian Etxteavor.
Junior, voung peoole's and arfult pro
grams, Kveniog service at s. song and
p r aching - service. Sermon topic
Prosperity in Prison" Praver meet
ing Wednesday at S p. m. , . ,
State and Church streets. Dr. J. C
Harrison, pastor. Sunday school at
S-S - . m Morning- service at It -jot.
Special musie by TJean Melvin " H.
Geist and Corydon Blodgett. Sermon
subiect "The- Quenchless Ught," bv.
the pastor. Evening service at. T 45.
Music bv Miss Mary Margaret Liveay
and Melvin GUson. Sermon suMeet
Which Your. AnswerT" 8:30 Tim.
versitv Vesoers and Youth PelknrshlB
meetmes Mir-reek service Thursday
evening -at las. , ,
Mm anil Narfll - Wlntp ml rmmkm
J. It Stewart. - pastor. - Smid ay .sehoal
at85 a. m. Emory Good. SupL Morn
ing service at 11. Sermon subiect
Have- Faith tn God." Evening rrvW
at . YPMS t 1 P. m. Prayer meet
ing Wednesedav at T:S p. m.
North Winter -at Jefferson street
S. Raynor Smith, pastor. Stay E. Short.
f a W W a
Per Pocnd....L
216 No. Commercial
minister of .lyouth. Sunday school at
S:4 a. m. Baity day. Morning servic
at II. Sermon subject "The Child in
Our Midst." Evening service -at -7:30.
Ray . Short will be the speaker, wittt
Paul Jacqujth and Doris Lee Ander
son singing solos. ' Youth Fellowship
at S30. Dr. G. Herbert Smith, presi
dent of Willamette, the speaker.
South Commercial at Myers, atreet.
Joseph Knotta, mlnnter. Sunday school
at 8:43 a. m. with RaUy day program.
Morning worship at 11. Sermon them
"Our Spoken ' Words. Anthem. Soto
by Miss Faith Idso. Youth Fellowship'
meetings at S39 p. ra. Evening wor
ship at 7:30. The guest preacher. Rev.
Herrick. will show pictures . of work
in , Bolivia. Prayer . meeting Thursday
at 13& -p. m.
Corner of ISth and Mil! streets.
Lowell GUger, pastor. Sunday school
at 18 a , m Sunday school Rally day.
Morning service at ii. wins at 1:19
O. m Evening servica at 8. Midweek
prayer service . Wednesday at S p. so.
Salem Womsn t ciiib. 4S8 North Cot
tage street Don Wall, bishop. Sunday
school at 10 a. m. Belief society and
priesthood meeting at 11:29, Sacra
ment meeting tat 7 p. an. , . .
At 17th and Chemeketa streets. Sun
day school at 18 a. m. Morning sea
vice at 11. Evening service at 7.-44.
Adult study class and Zions Leagua
Sunday evening at 8:45. Prayer meet
ing Wednesday at 7:44 p. m.
North Wintei and Chemeketa. W.
Irvin WOliams. pastor. Donald Douris.
director relucious education. Sundav .
school at 8:43 a. m. Annual . Bally :
day service tn church auditorium with
church school promotion hv depart
ments. Morning service at 18:38. Sup
ervised church nursery. Sermon aub-
jeci ruantei s conviciions for 1 oaay a -Needs."
Anthem. "Build Thee Morn
SUtety Mansions' (Andrews). Offer
tory anthem. "Even Me" Warren, by
r choir Evening service at 7:38. .
Sermon subject "Daniel's Prophecy
and Tomorrow's World." Duet. "Great
ia Thy Love" (Bohml, Agues Drum
mond and Vivian Garrison. Bible study
class Thursday at 7 -JO.
At 315'i North Commercial street.
Rev. J. C. and Daisy WiHon. pastors.
Sunday school at S p. m. Service at s.
Devotional. Eventng service at IMS.
Evangelistic. Prayer meetings Tues
day. Thursday and Saturday at -1:4a. .
, At 17th and Nebraska avenue. Rev.
C. O. Goodman, pastor. Sunday school
at 8i48 a- m. Morning service at 1W '
Sermon, aixttr sermon in the series on f
qualities necessary for an understand- ;
ing of Jesus. "Add Piety." Christian ,
Endeavor at 7 p. m. Evening service -. 1
at 8. Studies in Mark's Gospel, "Thei
Transfiguration." .-. 1
North Sth and Gaines streets. C H.
Steinmaan. pastor. Sunday school at
89 -a.-in. Morning service- at 11. Spe-
cial speaker. Rev. Charles L Spellman.
Sermon subject "The Jew ia the Light -of
Prophecy." Evening service at 1:tS.
The pastor will preach. Sermon sub- '
Ject "Peace and the Winning Side."
FIRST CHURCH OF GOD r, "'-"-. . '
Hood and Cottage streets. Rev. J.
M . uawvvu. imibiwi. unu Knan a t '
8:45 a. m. Momrng service at 11. Ser
man -subiect "Threefold Effect of.
Sin." Eventng service at 1-J8. Prayer
meeting Wednesday at 7 OS p. ra.
first spmrruALisT :
At S4S - North Commercial street.
ai. asary ucrain. pasvor. ejunoay
school at S3O p m. Evening service t
at 738. No host supper-at S30. . -
- ; -j . -- .
"At 18th rd Brevraan streets. Rev.
T. W Henderson. ThB. pastor. Sun-,
'day school at 8:43 a xn. Morning wor
ship service at 11. Sermon -subject '
"Working Christians." Evening -evasv-geustic
BerrieeASA 1:48. Special musieat
urogram Sermon subiect "Why Did -Cod
Create the Devil?" "Can Cod t
Destroy toe Devil; if so. Whv Hasn't .
He Don So?" Sunday at SJ8 p. m.
Cnrasders. young neoole. - Wednesaav
hat 7:43 p. m. insnfrational aervtce.
-At J8 State street. G. M. Kd. oaa
tor. Sunday -school at 10 a. m. Morn
ing service at 11. Special afternoon .
service -at 1:18 at Salem asmorv -with .
Missionary Ralph BuUock telling, of
his -experiences during the sail eg
Hong Kong -and -also while tn Jap
concentration - eamp. Evening service .
at 8 at the -Saiem. armory. Mlislonoi r
-Ralph Bollock speaking on mission
ary work in the Far East. - Midweek
service Wednesday at S p. m.
Ferryn 13th streets. Erie M. John
son, bos tor. Sunday school at 8:43 a.
Morning service st II. Worship.
Christ's -ainbsisiailiii service. Evening
service at 7:43. OM fashioned revival.-
Sermon by the pastor. Sermon auk-'
ect "Tired of Life?" Wednesday mt
1M P. m. ChrisUaa fellowship and
prayer meeting. i-1-. ..j
Corner of Madrona avenue and Lib
erty road. Enoch Zimmerman, pastor.
Sun aay ochool -at 18 a. m. Morning
service at 11. Missionary Mary Quir
lng telling her experience mis-1
COTmntraUoo camp and voyacc horn.
"sswassMs w as 1 aairu f ics si a tin v ran
sPAiVV A Box
' (4 pomnds)
111 Saginaw Street
Call 6182
For Reservations
; Bayer mast famish
eontaincrs. -
1 Sondy 10:30 A. M. '
HflLE: - .
' Sundays 4:33 P. M. :
- KSLI11
World ReYlftl Comlxtf
. Phone 4124