The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 26, 1942, Page 3, Image 3

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USO Opening
ice Men's club will be opened here
ices. Dr. C. A. Howard, president
of Oregon College of Education
will be master of ceremonies. Gov,
Charles. A.. Sprague will 1 be -. the
principal speaker; others sched-
- i a S P ? appearance m-
elude Mayor F. It. Bowersox, Bob
Boardman, Salem, USO director;
Col. Gordon HMcCoy, comman-
der of Camp Adair; Captain Frank I
Camp Adair; M. R. Thompson, I
chairman of the local defense rec-
reation board; Mrs. F. E. Cham-
bers, chairman of the service cen-J
ter organization here. Captain
Virgil w. Jackson, a camp chap-
lain who lives in Monmouth will I
rive the invocation. An enlisted I
man frnm famn Afair Pvt TTar I
old Ge-Bauer, will speak, and 1
music will be furnished by Pvt
John Walsh, baritone, of Camp
Adair. Betty Lou Shelley of Red-
mond, OCE student, will be solo-1
i a i w m I
ui, accompaniea oy ivira. xiorence
Hutchinson, staff music Instruc-
tor here.
vuenuiK ui uus service ccmeri
. ... . I
represents completion ,oi .inree
months of constant drive on the
and their helpers, which include
racticallv vrv famDv or its I
wwesentatives in the town and
urrramninff Motors.
. ti.. on k en i I
centrally located on ' corner of
Knox and Main streets, had been
unoccupied for abojut nine years.
Cleaning and renovating present-
Knox and Main streets, had been
ed a major problem, and the com
mittee left no effort untried to do
a top-notch job in every phase of
"redecorating. The work accom
plished meritedecognition from
the FSA, and it wiU henwiortn De
a USO unit
Woman Invades
Linn Paper Mill
, LEBANON The first woman
to be employed in the local paper
mill of the Crowri-Zellerbach cor
poration went to work in the test-
' tnti rvim !? vreclr Kh in Mra.
Glen Tucker. She ii not taking
, ther position of. any particular
man but a reassigning of workers
man but a reassigning of workers
has been made necessary- by the
drafting for the arnjed forces of
go many employes. ,
' Some complaint is heard among
the. men who feel thai the most
-desirable job will be taken from volunteers for the air raid warn
them ahd given to women which, ing service at the observation post
may. to a degree, be true,. but it in this section is reported. This
is likely that the number of observation post is one in the sys
vromen will increase even so, be- tem operating directly under the
cause of the emergency. 7 army for the protection "of Salem
Women have if or a number of
ytars been hired for the clerical
si aff but this is the , first time J
la the mill proper. " I
Lebanon Schools
Have Increase
LEB ANON The school enroll-
Bfent on the opening day last
year was 916. This year it was
last season there were 541 students
r-hen school opened. This year
181. In the first six grades the
increase has been from 370 10
422 children. i
The teaching staff Is complete
except for a teacher of vocal mu-
tic. Several local xormer leacner
have been hired to take the places
of teachers who have gone to otn
tr schools or who have entered
other lines of work, r
PortlandCouple Visit
Sunnyside Family , r
? SUNNYSIDE Mr. and Mrs.
Harold M. Carey ' (June Larson)
: Jacob Conboy has returned to
Sunnyside after working in the
shipyards for some time, v "
Mickey Mouse
Club Note!
- nrA Mnrntfi Mice:
uwu -
School days, school ' days; yes
mice, that is what, we are now
enjoying but that isn't going to
atop Mickey Mouse, no sui - we
... nn tn Vwn ripht on with
It but remember Mickey Mouse is
going to be neia over i we wpi-
tol theatre this week.
You Mice who have any talent,
... here is your chance to show It
If you sing, flown, dance, eepe
on down at 10 o'clock Saturday
- " "
. . 7T t. -.,v
We had a grand show last vk.
WC WCm ?iS!??lS"SS
year-old Eddie
sang eur tuuuuumv ...
t w v rost snot anrl namnna
Ujr vw iiauwu "
EDence and we all had a contest
. which proved run i.t au. He
r: ffoin to have a swell one this
, Saturday also. ; . " ' J V
' MMC . '
W had a new community song
' -u;hirh is coin to be sung every
Saturday at the end 01 every
show. The song is, "When You're!
Smiling." I am " going to get a
song that all you Mice will enjoy
and that is, "ThejOld Tom Cat'
So until 1 o'clock,
'Mid - Willamette Valley- News
Reports From
Stadeilts - Get -
ryfygl JlflVS
ntrXTnr-TTnTr ir ..tu vt I
Khool students are havine another
Wfik f t due tQ
appeal farmers for help. Ev-
rt fa beinsf made t et all
whn n cv.rA tmnennrtatinn to
job to cdntmue working this
eettinff to work are coming to 1
school where L. R. Moore, manual
arta instructor, is utilizing their
help in building benches for"thewith the booster night program
USO dub opening here next Sun- at St
day. .
Girls coming to school this week J
are beine initiated bv their teach-
Ifwt t3vVira
getting the new domestic science
unit in order, where they will I
make cookies and sandwiches Sat-
dwiches Sat-
urday for the USO
hour; Sunday.
1(.J.. ! .. .
uumcsuw uhx equip-
mem nas been installed lor the
high school. Formerly the unit
vi ov.iw v i
1 J 4U Lt.k 1 J-
Funera! seTvices wm be Mondav
ue reingeraior, iour new ranges,
sinks, and kitchen supplies in-
UUUU1 umu mtve ueen pur-1
chased and have been delivered.
A modern, complete unit will be
ready for use by the end of this
- T;I
VjrUll JJISCIiargetl,
T T.i.-1
GATES Herbert Romey, 6
jcai uiu i ui uus, xjuutsa no
OJ .escape I serious hijury when
- . T . J 6 -V 7 ,. cwith a severe shoulder burn
charged. It cut a deep gash across
his cheek making necessary sev
eral stitches.
Mr. and Mrs. Bernie Wells and
Mrs. Bud French, all of Portland,
spent Wednesday with their
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed
Carl Bock, employe of the Boe
ing Aircraft in Seattle, visited his
parents and family at Gates re-
41 it '
For Warning Post
LIBERTY An urgent need for
and vicinity.
Volunteers are asked to get fal
touch with Mrs. Guy Williams,
chief observer, Mrs. L. D. Walker,
Mrs. C. W. Stacey, Mrs. L. C.
Fredrickson or Mrs. Albert Blan-
i kenship, assistant observers.
These women live in the sur-
l rounding communities Volunteers
from any of the Red Hills dis-
trkts, Salem and surrounding
countryside are sought
COWS Sell Well
At FllbllC bale
FAIR VIEW A fair crowd at-
tended the George Dissmore sale
Tuesday. One milk cow brought
106 another $112 and a two-year
0jd heifejr to freshen soon sold for
65 other catUe sold accordinc-
Farm machinery, which was of
horse-drawn type sold well.
- Dissmore recently sold his farm
to Ferdinand Reutschmann of
Camp Adair to give possession
October, 1.
Silverton Conple Goe.
To Gresham Residence
SILVERTON Mr. and Mrs.
Lawrence Edwards moved this
last week from Silverton . to
Gresham where Edwards will
teach economics and sociology in
the high school there. The Ed
wards formerly lived in the Cra
mer apartments on South Water
street and
Mr. - Edwards ; taught
tin the music department of the
f Silverton high school last year.
Skyline Trail Trip
Taken hv EdwartU
iHKen oy wwaras
I n,Rl,PTl'KTf omf Mh V,.
Edwards have returned from
a weekend trip to Big Meadows,
up above Detroit where they took
& fr horses and rode from Big
A Meadows to Skyline Trau, cover-1
hi the trails and lakes from San-
lake Marioii iakp.
Mrs Edwards finger, injured
while working at California Pack-
ing company, Is improving rap-
1 iAy 1
1 iv"rf
C!l-JnI1 T7nrilw it
Silverton family to
Move to Springfield
h - SILVERTON F 1 o y d Ellefson
and daughter Judy have moved to
I - r.u ti. j ; . n A
aprmpicra, ne wjh uusvi mu.
in the high school there. Mrs. El
lefson will join the family as soon
as her cannery work Is completed.
She-accompanied them to Eugene
to assist in establishing the home,
but returned at once to her work
here. .
The Statesman-s
Salem, Oregon, Saturday Morning, September 28, 1942
grangers News
GERVAIS The 'fall and winter
series of meetings to be held by
! the Fairfield grange Home Econo-
mia club will dart - October 1
t the home of Mrs. F. M. -Hill.
A covered dish luncheon will be
served at noon. ' '
ROBERTS The grange is sold-
ing their annual grange fair Sat
urday, October 3, at two o'clock.
store there will be a rummage sale
811(1 8 cooked food sale.
A cafeteria supper will be served
.Mrs Koy J- Rlce 18 "J me hps-
Pita? 1 Portland with head in-
lecxion, 11 was reponea.
U Iv-m
rp T 11 1 : J
XO le itlOllday
AUMSVILLE Edward Bonker.
65 died unexpectedly of a heart
, . at . . "
-u 1 1 -
li n. u.
LMn t,-k-i v v.
Rey of Portland wiu xf.
Emma Henrietta Olson
SILVERTON Funeral services
for, Emma Henrietta Olson, who
died at the home of her daughter,
Mrs. Lester Geer, will be held
Monday afternoon at 2 p. m. at
the Trinity church. Larson and
Son in charge.
Injured in Mint Still
nett returned to saverto;
which he sustained while em
ployed in a mint still near Jef
is? sa
fa wml i wA km, w n
m M gGfl fflii teS
1 hmi
te Mf ms- &
Go down into yonr basement your store-'
room. Climb up to the attic too. Look at the un
used stuff you're sure to find, and realize how
important these odds and ends can be. .
Important to a kid half-way around the world.
Important to a blue-clad gob to a flyer, racing
to reach the target before some knifing Zero
can find its mark. '
That old metal means steel for these men. And
steel means armor plate for safety weapons i
and1 ships for Victory.
Without it they'll die. They're not afraid of that
but it's better to give a life for a' cause than to
be sacrificed by thoughtlessness. And it's better :
yet to live, knowing that the folks back home
didn't let them down. .
And tee won't let them down! Our big scrap col
lection drive is now on and you're going to
.help make it a good one. Don't let up because
you see a full junkyard or a brimmnig salvage
depot. That's the way they've got to be to make
sure the mills won't run out.
Community Correspondents
Red Cross Has
Many Workers
club met Friday afternoon at the
home of Mrs. John Molenaar,
after , a short busines meeting
a social time was . spent on hand
work. Those present were . Mrs.
H.:J. Elliott, Mrs. Gertrude El
liott, Mrs. H. G. Keyt, Mrs. D. L.
Keyt, Mrs Lorenzo Gilson, Mrs.
Van Staavem; Mrs. Minerva Jen
nings, Mrs. John Wood, Mrs. Jake
De Jong, Mrs. Dan Elliott and
Mrs. Bob , Mitchell. Mrs. Roger
McKinney asisted Mrs. Molinaar
at the lunch hour.
The next meeting will be held
at the home of Mrs. H. J. El
liott r , ;.
Red Cross work has gone ahead
this summer despite the busy sea
son. Mrs. - Mitchell returned to
headquarters in Dallas last week
12 army and three navy sweaters,
three pairs of gloves, five helmets,
six scarfs, three cap mufflers, one
child's cap, three womens dresses,
two Womens blouses, four chil
drens bathrobes, and six pillows.
This knitting has been done this
summer by the Bethel and Perry
dale women.
The knitting club Is gaining
much interest It meets Tuesday
at homes of those interested in
the work. Mrs. Fay Gilson is vol
unteer instructor and attends each
meeting. Anyone Interested in
learning to knit or attend these
gatherings is most welcome. There
is still much knitting to be done
and some sewing also. Material
can be had at the home of Mrs.
Bob Mitchell.
ferson. He will remain at the
home of his parents, the Earl Ben
netts until school Starts,
Valley Birth Reports
: ; Ball A daughter, Sandra FJ
len, was born September , 22 at
Salem Deaconess hospital, to Mr.
and Mrs. Granville Ball of Salem
Heights. This is their fourth child
and first daughter.
! Devine A son was bora Sept
ember 24 to Mr. and Mrs. Merle
Devine at Gates.-
; Rutherford To Mr. and Mrs,
Carl Rutherford, a son, Septem
ber 21 at Silverton hospital. -
; GaffeyTo Mr. and Mrs! B. E.
Gaffey, a daughter, September 19,
at Silverton hospital. , -
i FolU To Mr. and Mrs. Ed
Foltz, Scio, a daughter, Septem
ber 21 at Silverton hospital. 5
1 Koehler To Mr. and Mrs. C.
Koehler, a daughter, September
22, at Silverton hospital.
i Francis To Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Francis, September 22, at Silver
ton hospital.
Berry To Mr. and Mrs. John
Berry, Monmouth, a daughter,
September 21 at Albany. Berry,
US army, is stationed in Texas.
Return Home
Mrs. Jesse Campbell returned
Thursday from California where
they had been for three weeks for
his health. They spent most of
the time in San Jose visiting their
son, James, and family. They also
visited in Santa Cruz and Carmel.
Capt and Mrs. Thomas B. Saw
yer who lived in Miss A. M. Chap
man's house on Liberty road have
moved to Corvallis.
UdcH IBs p:p:r f:r
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Many Guests
Former Turner Teacher
Takes Portland Job,
Family Moves There
TURNER Guests during the
week at the home of Mrs. Vina
Moore include Mrs. Claude Loop
and children of Springfield, Ches
ter Moore of Portland, Mr. and
Mrs. Archie Powell, r Darlene and
Jennie of Sweet Home, and Geor
gie Moore of Albany.
' Following a 15-day furlough at
the homes ; of their parents, Mr.
and Mrs. A. E. Spencer, and the
Gillispie's at AumsvUle, Sgt and
Mrs. Ray Gillispie (Iris Spencer)
have returned to Olympia, Wash.
Sgt Gillispie Is stationed, at Fort
Lewis. Two weeks of his vacation
here were spent working nights in
a Salem cannery. :: .
Mrs. John Williams, wife of the
Turner Methodist pastor, has been
confined in the : Salem General
hospital suffering from a severe,
heart attack. - She . has not been
well for several months. '
. Among the Turner teachers as
suming their positions . in , other
schools are Mrs. Ruth Riches,
commercial instructor in the
Aumsville high school pMrs. Ger
trude Hennies, fifth grade teach
er at Stayton; Mrs. V. S. Sawyer,
Intermediate teacher in the West
Stayton school.
. Mrs. Macel Farrell and children
of Salem were visiting in Turner
this week, prior . to moving to
near Los Angeles, for the winter
months, where Mrs. Farrell will
care for' her aged mother. Mrs.
Robert Parrent (Emogene Far
rell), whose husband is enlisting
in the navy this week, will ac
company her mother to Los An
geles. The families formerly made
Turner their home, moving to Sa
lem a few months ago.
' Mrs. Carl Williams has accept
ed a teaching position in the Port
land schools. The family will
move to Portland. After eight
years as upper grades teacher in
Turner, Mrs. Williams resigned
this spring because of Mr. Wil
liams health, and they only re-
dddls cf lis t!rj cwap driyo izi vizi
Farmers Union
GERVAIS Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam Alright were given the ob
ligation by the president D. L. St
John at the meeting Monday.
Mrs. St John gave the current
events and also information on
dimout regulations for poultry
houses and preparations for black
out orders. She also told of the
use of carbon dioxide : to keep
fruit fresh. . Mrs. A. D.. Folker
gave a chapter on Farmers Union
history which she is doin from
time to time. Folker and the jun
iors conducted a round-table on
Parity." ' ; - , ., . -
W. E. Barnett gave President
Roosevelt and: the . secretary of
agriculture, views and informa
tion on the rubber Question; J.
B. Brown reported on the coop
erative stores. Mrs. Barnett spoke
on the insurance problem,- The
union - expressed its appreciation
to J. ' A. Hauptman, 'the grade
school Janitor, for a desk he had
just made for their use.
Dayton Staffs
DAYTON T h e Dayton Union
high and grades and also majority
of the outlying rural schools are
scheduled to open -Monday, Sep
tember 23, Grand Island Monday,
October 5.
The high school faculty is com
plete except a science.
Rex Caseberg is .principal;
Louie Gross, agriculture; Ted
Hippi, coach; Lucille Robbins,
home economics; Alfreda Martin,
commerce and Zedythe Rumgay.
The grades teachers are Ken
neth A. Stuart, principal; Mrs.
Clete Gell, Mrs. Helen Manning,
Mrs. Ama Havevernick, Mrs. Earl
The Waddell rural school . is
sending its pupils to Dayton.
The Unity rural school eighth
grade class will also come in be
cause only one teacher ' could be
obtained there.
cently returned from six- months
at Palm Springs, Calif.
gBeijp HfiaSc ill
North Bend
Folk Visit
OSC Student Comes
To Register ; Blany.
Farmers Moving
PERRYDALE Mr." and Mrs.
Carl Morrison of North Bend spent
the week here at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Alden Brown and other
relatives. They brought Bob Mor
rison to Corvallis where he will
enter college. .. yi'X'i'-:U'v:'i -
Mr; and Mrs. Fred Edson who
haye : lived near the Enterprise
school on the Dick Clanfield place
for a number of -years moved to
Ballston last week. He will not
farm much acreage but will keep
his herd of cows. ..' .
Mr, and Mrs. Robert Mitchell
spent Sunday In Portland at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Norris Jen
sen. - - " 1 f V'
Mrs. Alden Brown andiPeggy
Houk returned Friday from south
ern California where they visited
the past two weeks at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Schmidt
at Balboa, Calif.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert McKinney
entertained recently with din
ner in honor of her parents 25 th
wedding anniversary. "? K
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Andrews
spent the past week at the home
of her mother, Mrs. Henry Gillam,
and helped with the prune harvest
Mr. and Mrs. A, P. Jensen of
Portland ' spent Thursday, after
noon at the Robert Mitchell home.
' School will start Monday, the
28th, harvesting of the prunes will
have been finished by that time.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Chapin and
sons spent the past week at Nes
kowin beach.
Aurora'School Staff
Announced for, Year
AURORA The Aurora ' grade
school opened Monday with Mrs.
Ruby Schantz, ! principal; Mn.
Dorothy Wampol, lower grades;
Mrs. Bonita DiUer, music; L. L.
I Gribble, Janitor. , . 1 ' - -
yea nr:I la Hp
t n r-i